
How To Use Dandy In A Sentence

  • The aristocracy are made to look like buffoons; the women swoon, the maids are oversexed, and the artist himself - the center of everyone's fawning attention - plays the dandy.
  • Using the VCC spreadsheet tool, The Journal's Hank Sims "twiddled" with the numbers and found hand-counting "wouldn't be all that time-consuming or costly" ( "Town Dandy," Aug. 2). www. Getting the Election Watchdog Message in the Media
  • By way of contrast, Mojo Box represents a return to form: a lean, dandy album of greasy stomps, twangy guitars, and good songs.
  • Eustache always retains a trace of dandyism, whereas Pialat is fundamentally a proletarian.
  • He's been wearing three-piece tweeds, looking both dandyish and ultra-modern. Fashion Highlights From 2011
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  • The five young cuties, Rambo, Pedro, Barney, Wendy and Dandy, have fitted in well but are already keeping staff on their toes.
  • Known as a dandy, he was attired in his usual flamboyant dress -- pink satin with silver trim and pink heels to match his coat. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • Known as a dandy, he was attired in his usual flamboyant dress -- pink satin with silver trim and pink heels to match his coat. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • Which is all fine and dandy until you need to change doctor. Times, Sunday Times
  • She took a piece of paper from the notebook from one of the shelves in the hallway and then found a handy dandy pen and began writing in a neat yet hurried script to her mother.
  • The Prince was a dandy who loved dressing up. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Fine and dandy when the going was easy, but not good enough now. Times, Sunday Times
  • The black paintwork was decorated with gold lines and curlicues like an Edwardian dandy's carriage.
  • The black paintwork was decorated with gold lines and curlicues like an Edwardian dandy's carriage.
  • As much as this blow-by-blow battlemodo shows you all the problems we encountered, the big picture is that really, mobile web is pretty dandy right now, and getting dandier. Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
  • He turned and saw a certain Fred Beaucock -- once a promising lawyer's clerk and local dandy, who had been called the cleverest fellow in Sherton, without whose brains the firm of solicitors employing him would be nowhere. The Woodlanders
  • The “Interior of Willesden Church” is excellent as a composition, and a piece of artistical workmanship; the groups are well arranged; and the figure of Mrs. Sheppard looking round alarmed, as her son is robbing the dandy Kneebone, is charming, simple, and unaffected. George Cruikshank
  • The sweat-soaked, frightened, and bedraggled ci-devant dandy hammered at the door of his last-hope refuge.
  • Described as ‘a model of affability and dignity… remarkable for his fine form and manly beauty,’ he was something of a dandy whose favorite overcoat was made of sable skins lined with scarlet broadcloth.
  • A dandy with a thin mustache, he carried a cane and wore a hard-visored cap.
  • For me, the hotel and the apartments are just dandy, and deserve to succeed purely as a means to an end. Times, Sunday Times
  • He doesn't attempt the stammer, the dandyish manner, the cigarette ostentatiously clamped between the middle fingers.
  • This all sounds fine and dandy, but what bothers me most is why anyone would want to live with a couple. Times, Sunday Times
  • So your dandy is promoting a 60s era NIMBY mindset that is likely just headed towards making the socially disadvantaged even more entrenched in their poverty, and more desperate in their behaviours. Boarding the House | Her Bad Mother
  • The key to hosting a dandy destination wedding is to pick out a location that will bring your guests with a beautiful background as well as a wealth of activities to keep them entertained for at least a few days.
  • The future is fine and dandy for Japan. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had seen photographs of him in magazines---a cadaverous dandy with a cap of bootblack hair scraped back from his bony brow. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
  • Air Force hit back to cross the CH line with a dandy try off a scrum close to the line..
  • This handy-dandy cliche is generally attributed to Simone de Beauvoir in her book The Second Sex – this translation is from Wikiquote: Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
  • Once upon a time the Christmas was a time for annuals like the Dandy, the Beano, and Beezer and Topper.
  • Manning up for men's health week is fine and dandy but this is a step too far. The Sun
  • As such, the 1880s and 1890s found dandyism once more of good repute. The Dandy | Edwardian Promenade
  • He was now dejected and devoid of his trademark bow tie, which was a clue from the wardrobe department that he was a dastardly dandy.
  • In Rook-land the rowdy-dowdy, randy-dandy, rollicky-ranky boys get up very early in the morning and go to bed in the afternoon. Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
  • Beerbohm's other half-brother was a cheerfully untidy dresser at home although he frequently played the dandy on stage.
  • The reputed beauty and the prodigious length and weight of the hair of Absalom, the son of David, as recorded in the sacred text, would be sufficient to startle the most enthusiastic modern dandy that cultivates the crinal ornament of his person. The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • We were neither of us womanish, and despite his proclivity to wear clothes dangerously close to the dandy set he was a hard sportsman.
  • In his manner there was nothing of the supercilious apathy which characterizes the dandy introduced to some one whom he doubts if he can nod to from the bow-window at White's, -- none of such vulgar coxcombries had Lord Castleton; and yet a young gentleman more emphatically coxcomb it was impossible to see. The Caxtons — Volume 11
  • But coat him in paint, butter, or used motor oil and have him recite the above poem while throwing fruit at his audience, and he'd make a dandy performance artist.
  • WELL ain't that just dandy! The Sun
  • They've toured with both The Strokes and The Dandy Warhols, but don't let that fool you into thinking they're into sharp image-manipulation or limp boho affectation.
  • Work and money are all very fine and dandy, but we need more. Times, Sunday Times
  • For those of you joining us mid-series, this checklist is intended less to help any aspiring writer who might happen to stumble upon it to create a jim-dandy synopsis from scratch, but to improve an already-existing draft. Author! Author! » 2009 » September
  • If everything were fine and dandy we would not be racing this bill through the House.
  • That's all fine and dandy, but what to sing instead? Times, Sunday Times
  • The part you don't understand comes from this long-winded, self-impressed sentence which demonstrates how wordy he wants to be by hitting us over the head with as many adjectives as a thesaurus can muster: "There's a kind of joyful hopscotch, a cavalierism, a dandyishness, an enrichment, about alien presences in English, which otherwise remains for me a chewed, utilitarian, mercantile language. THE FOREIGN IN ENGLISH.
  • So, mysterious is fine and dandy if the mystery is enticing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dark, dandyish, dashing, brooding – it combined an extraordinary mixture of male arrogance and almost feminine beauty, emphasised by vivid clothes, peacock hairstyles and smouldering glances. Thomas Lawrence: The new romantic – review
  • Manning up for men's health week is fine and dandy but this is a step too far. The Sun
  • It was Susan Sontag, who said that being a dandy was a way of being an individual in an age of mass culture. Media
  • In any event, the Colombia crossing is a dandy, a good option even if that tollroad hasn´t reopened. Border Crossing
  • From Baudelaire's Journaux Intimes 2:ii: 'Le Dandy doit aspirer à être sublime sans interruption; il doit vivre et dormir devant un miroir.' Archive 2007-11-01
  • And, anticipating a spring blockbuster, a toon version of the A-Team. jimdandy says: What Current Shows Would Make Good ’80s Cartoons? - TV Guidance -
  • There is also James Watson Allen, a dandyish motorcyclist who dressed in top hat and tails to ride his Harley-Davidson in an interracial motorcycle club called the Northernites Riders of White Plains. Exhuming History
  • To wit, for approximately 10 years it was deemed fine and dandy that private gumshoes bribed police officers, stole voicemails, and broke into the bank records of celebrities, royals, government leaders and notorious convicts in order to create fodder for tabloid journalism. Law & Order, Fleet Street
  • Dandy was now upon what they call the simplicity dodge; that is to say, he affected that character of wisdom for which certain individuals, whose knowledge of life no earthly experience ever can improve, are so extremely anxious to get credit. The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles Of Ballytrain The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • A dandy, a wit, an inveterate controversialist, he conducted a series of campaigns against the public and critics in the form of pamphlets, annotated exhibition catalogues, and letters to the press.
  • A whole host of dandy dogs and preened pooches converged on Oulder Hill Community School over the weekend to strut their stuff.
  • He'll fit in just fine and dandy. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this volatile period, tough-guy anti-heroes, populist salt-of-the-earth protagonists, and debonair dandy heroes shared the spotlight.
  • Little dandyprat," replied the Prince, "what do you want to know for?" and he rode off without looking round. Grimm's Fairy Stories
  • In the breadth of his scholarship and interests, in the precision of his dress and tastes, he was something of a nineteenth-century man, an aesthete, a bit of a dandy.
  • Easier if Dandy backed out altogether from the decision-making process; but the time was not yet ripe for that. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • Worst, I know from personal experience within my own extended family, there are some who would think this is a jim-dandy notion... RELIGION Blog |
  • You can fight a dandy war with conventional weapons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The neatly cut swaths of the little man with the jimdandy mower came to Greener Than You Think
  • I was arrested last knight at a bar (Sherlocks) in Addison Texas, for a P. I … I was inebriated, that is generally why I go to bars in the first place (first mistake), but they literally came inside and arrested me claiming that i threatened attack my server (who I was actually very attracted to) and then proceeded drag me off in their handy dandy Show me your papers mobile … Now don't think i was falling down drunk that isn't the case i was fully coherent. Alex Jones' Prison
  • With his topcoat resting across his shoulders like a cape, he strolled around the room with the flair of a Hollywood dandy.
  • No one likes being picked on or singled out due to their appearance, especially when they're dandy actors likely bound for the mediocre lights of a Bollywood typecasting.
  • And the whole world will be just dandy. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, unlike most stockmen he preferred a white shirt and white moleskins to grey flannel and grey twill; somewhat of a dandy, she decided, amused. The Thorn Birds
  • Yet the idealism implicit in his project, which, I have suggested, runs parallel to dandyism, is complicated by the awareness that the Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • Oscar Wilde's ability to skewer societal hypocrisies is masterful -- and his 1895 farce The Importance of Being Earnest is a pitch-perfect send-up of Victorian pseudo-morality and the embodiment of fin de siècle British dandyism. Fern Siegel: Stage Door: The Importance of Being Earnest
  • And when the dandy highway-women turned round, there were rock-and-roll slogans appliquéd on the back.
  • My beast is just fine and dandy though, thanks for asking. The Sun
  • After such an idealized process, dandy became the 19th century bourgeois ideology, anti-intellectual image of the most representative.
  • His literary career, combined with his reputation for eccentricity, dandyism, and a love of dancing and theatre, prevented his preferment in the Church.
  • Dandy Walker variant has a degree of vermian agenesis and enlargement of the 4th ventricle; however, the posterior fossa remains normal in size.
  • Work and money are all very fine and dandy, but we need more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seems like you're the one turned him into a media dandy, a first-rate sound-bite slinger. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • So, mysterious is fine and dandy if the mystery is enticing. Times, Sunday Times
  • WELL ain't that just dandy! The Sun
  • Which is all fine and dandy except that this would make the bird a first for Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first model swaggered out on to the catwalk with long curly hair wearing a dandyish red frock coat and hat with a jaunty feather poking from it – this seemed like a nod to the label's absent founder. John Galliano Menswear on the catwalk, while he is in court
  • The dandy rejected ostentation in favor of clean lines, somber materials and colors, impeccable cut, and perfect fit.
  • But maybe I should just say that these are beautiful and very cool and very, very dandy ... jim-dandy even! Steampunk Porn | Living the Liminal
  • But the larger, more frightening meaning of his statement is that in order to rid the world of a tinhorn dictator who posed no credible threat to the United States, it was just dandy to lie to the people.
  • Dracula and period movies provide the ideas for romantic blouses, skirts and dandy jackets in mystical darks.
  • Indeed Karelius, in opera cloak and one of Aranyos' dandyish suits, flattered himself he looked as distinguished as any.
  • A dandy, a wit, an inveterate controversialist, he conducted a series of campaigns against the public and critics in the form of pamphlets, annotated exhibition catalogues, and letters to the press.
  • There are some quietly assured turns from Paschal Scott as Mick Flanagan and Noel O'Donovan as Dandy.
  • That's all fine and dandy, but what to sing instead? Times, Sunday Times
  • Second favourite Continent, ridden by Keith Dalgleish and trained by Dandy Nicholls, briefly showed on the nearside but was never really in touch.
  • Which is all fine and dandy if you are on the same stride pattern as him. The Sun
  • This all sounds fine and dandy, but what bothers me most is why anyone would want to live with a couple. Times, Sunday Times
  • Man from Snowy River and Other Verses "published 20 October 1895. toff: dandy, swell tote: short for totalizator, that is, someone who runs a betting pool, usually horse racing gilded youth: Fashionable, usually idle, young men. peeler man: police officer Find the poem online at: www. My source for this recitation:" Banjo Paterson Favourites "1993 Penguin - Articles related to New York Drops Soda Tax Plan After Industry Campaign
  • One applies to females only - the siren; one to men only - the rake; and the rest - the ideal lover, dandy, natural, charismatic, star - are unisex.
  • They live in Francophone Africa and affect dandyish dress and a smart lifestyle, at once aping and ridiculing their former European rulers. Observing Fine Birds And Fine Feathers
  • He was handsome, and he knew that he was handsome; but he affected to despise the beauty of his proud dark face, as he affected to despise all the brightest and most beautiful things upon earth: and yet there was a vagabondish kind of foppery in his costume that contrasted sharply with the gentlemanly dandyism of the shabby gamester sitting at the table. Birds of Prey
  • Here is this French dandy writing about toffy French people.
  • Curiosity took the better of me as I stepped the flight of stairs up into the dandy store.
  • Kate done some dandy shortarm work in the clinches and hurled him off on his back like the other one; then he stands there sharpening his claws on the bark and grinning in a masterful way. Somewhere in Red Gap
  • Curiosity took the better of me as I stepped the flight of stairs up into the dandy store.
  • A whole host of dandy dogs and preened pooches converged on Oulder Hill Community School over the weekend to strut their stuff.
  • Oscar Wilde's ability to skewer societal hypocrisies is masterful -- and his 1895 farce The Importance of Being Earnest is a pitch-perfect send-up of Victorian pseudo-morality and the embodiment of fin de siècle British dandyism. Fern Siegel: Stage Door: The Importance of Being Earnest
  • We had cracked the sky, Dandy and I: pierced it and riven it and conquered it. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • The pads of his feet may be rough, but inside he is a dandy, the desiccated leaves the equivalent of the carefully strewn sand of a soft-shoe dancer. Dog days of autumn
  • He may have been king of the aesthetes and the quintessential dandy about town - but behind the bedroom door, Oscar Wilde lived the life of a careless sloven.
  • Say, that's a dandy pin you've got on, simply _dandy_! Peggy
  • The anchor is a dour and dandyish aristocrat in a bow tie who reads the official version of the news in a monotone.
  • One by one, like a flight of swallows, our more meagrely sparred and canvassed yachts went by, leaving them wallowing and dead and shortening down in what they called a gale but which we called a dandy sailing breeze. A Collection of Stories
  • So, mysterious is fine and dandy if the mystery is enticing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wasn't Collins the chair (or ranking member) when Lieberman decided Michael Brown was just a jim-dandy candidate to head FEMA? CT-SEN: GOP Senator Will Stump For Lieberman
  • A book can be a collection of linked stories, or it can be an episodic novel whose chapters have sufficient unity to have been first published separately such as Faulkner's "The Unvanquished", and both are just dandy, but the form I call a congeries hovers somewhere in between. And the Term is . . . Congeries
  • Just as historical dandyism took its fashion and performance cues from women, so too did the Hollywood version respond to a new screen woman, who helped create a context for the modernized dandy.
  • That is all fine and dandy - except for one thing. The Sun
  • The kindred invention of the "draisine," or dandy-horse was patented for Baron Drais of Sauerbron. A History of the Nineteenth Century, Year by Year Volume Two (of Three)
  • The South Yorkshire actor may have a dandy stage name and had posters of Lulu and Marlene Dietrich on his walls in his art school days in Barnsley, but he comes from mining stock.
  • He wears a smooth "'coonskin" fur hat, glazed all over with sweat and grease from his head, and looks black and sleek as a dandy's boots. Fisher's River (North Carolina) Scenes and Characters
  • The director has trouble convincing playgoers that the trio has been separated from one another for as long as the script suggests but does a dandy job bringing subsequent scenes to a feverish pitch.
  • The director has trouble convincing playgoers that the trio has been separated from one another for as long as the script suggests but does a dandy job bringing subsequent scenes to a feverish pitch.
  • The second discusses how Huysmans and Wilde absorbed these debates and produced emblematic literary examples in three main paradigms of dandy: qua androgyne, qua homosexual, qua hysteric.
  • Many an honest holiday-maker with his family wadded into a tax-cart, many a cheap dandy working his way home on his weary hack, admired that brilliant turn-out, and thought, no doubt, how happy those “swells” must be. The History of Pendennis
  • The guitar Dickie had bought at one of those nighttime open-air markets where twenty-dollar "Rolex" watches and ten-dollar "Gucci" loafers were sold, and to the untrained eye, it looked exactly like a dandy Martin D-28, right down to the herringbone purfling. Villa Incognito
  • Besides that, I'm given to foppishness and dandyism and always feel like I'm showing off when I dress up. Archive 2008-03-01
  • We came across a number of dandy antiques; a collection accumulated from traveling to lots and lots of sales, says Phyllis Knupp.
  • Manet shows Proust as a dandy, boulevardier and man of the world.
  • I don’t see how anyone who can argue with a straight face that the people were only opposed to same sex couples from Vermont coming here, that same sex couples getting married in California would be just jimdandy. The Volokh Conspiracy » California legislature passes gay marriage bill for second time:
  • What! Have you quite forgotten the titled dandy for whom you were near breaking your heart three years ago? For Woman's Love
  • Mascarenhas is a powdered dandy in silk stockings; a fluffy lace ruff brushes his chin.
  • So, I enter the word in the handy-dandy online dictionary and find this: "besmear one's mouth and hands with fat when eating. Besmear One's Mouth
  • But she looks fine and dandy having finally decided to leave it behind in the bottle. The Sun
  • He rolled his eyes at himself as he thought of how much he had sounded like a foppish dandy worrying over his appearance.
  • And the whole world will be just dandy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He'll fit in just fine and dandy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Turpin's dandy appearance bewildered campaigners and Downing Street police officers, who eventually banished him from the houses of power - but his message struck a chord.
  • Thats a jim-dandy cat, observed Mark, squatting to take a better look. Burned
  • Clannad Metal City, only instead of being a punk metalist, she's in full Belldandy mode. Antenna
  • Harvey Keitel plays Charlie, the wiseguy dandy, a Catholic uneasily preoccupied by eternal damnation, but employed as a novice enforcer by his Uncle, a capo from the old country.
  • WELL ain't that just dandy! The Sun
  • To Tom Wolfe, a dandy with an incurable bout of logorrhoea, words are like chips in Las Vegas.
  • His mockery of bourgeois values and high society, both of which he rose above through personality and style, illuminated the dandy's appeal to Depression-era audiences.
  • The only disrepute is through toadying management trying their utmost to pretend all is fine and dandy in the ranks, and present to ‘the public’ a false and toothy-grinned image of their local utopia. Blogging in Tehran (good) Blogging in Lancashire (bad) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Known as a dandy, he was attired in his usual flamboyant dress -- pink satin with silver trim and pink heels to match his coat. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • Thought it was fine and dandy till it just struck me… damn!
  • For example, being left on his rough bench with an old dandy-brush to guard, Jan was approached in turn by half a dozen of Dick's comrades, who exhausted their ingenuity in trying to entice, frighten, or persuade him from his post. Jan A Dog and a Romance
  • An urban dandy, powder-dry, with a bouffant stiff enough to scrub a floor, Weinstein is one of the more durable figures in New York's nightworld.
  • But she looks fine and dandy having finally decided to leave it behind in the bottle. The Sun
  • Dandyism, as a self-conscious aesthetic life style, expresses modern people' s desire to seek the value of themselves and the significance of life by aestheticizing daily life.
  • Dandy and I saw a friendly, rich, pliable sort of red-faced American approaching, with a smile on his face. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • There are too many powerful men who truly believe that the Waltons offer dandy advice on life and morals.
  • It makes jim-dandy sense that Kureishi is so acclaimed.
  • The future is fine and dandy for Japan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Baudelaire was a flâneur himself, and drifted through the streets of Paris in between writing poems and spending his trust fund on dandy outfits and opium.
  • It's a dandy little red wine that may remind you of a cru Beaujolais, but a bit spicier.
  • The gastronomer around the turn of the nineteenth century began to make a fine art of food just as his better-known peer, the dandy, would do of fashion. Article Abstracts
  • On a lighter note everything is fine and dandy here we are as usual taking lots of piccies and hopefully will be doing some craft fairs soon, if anyone has any tips, please leave us a message, any info would be very much appreciated…
  • Cobain, a modern dandy in purple flares and kipper tie, is effervescently enthusiastic about all things mind - expanding.
  • All just dandy - as long as that's all she thinks it is. The Sun
  • But she looks fine and dandy having finally decided to leave it behind in the bottle. The Sun
  • Manet shows Proust as a dandy, boulevardier and man of the world.
  • Sometimes it embodied narrower military dandyism, as men sported rolled silk handkerchiefs instead of sword knots, slashed the seams housing the peaks of their caps to make them lie flatter, or shrank berets to eliminate floppiness.
  • October 1895. toff: dandy, swell tote: short for totalizator, that is, someone who runs a betting pool, usually horse racing gilded youth: Fashionable, usually idle, young men. peeler man: police officer Find the poem online at: www. My source for this recitation: - Articles related to New York Drops Soda Tax Plan After Industry Campaign
  • Well, he was a jimdandy, wa'n't 'e?" said the tattered man as if in response. The Red Badge of Courage
  • While the epidural was a blessed relief last time, to go from feeling just fine and dandy to heavily drugged and numb and not quite in control made me uncomfortable -- a reminder of why I was such a big dork in college, someone who thought pot was just a little too intense of a high and who always turned down the chance to try anything stronger. Amalah . com
  • My beast is just fine and dandy though, thanks for asking. The Sun
  • A pot-bellied Catrín (the male version, its name meaning "a dandy") clothed in mariachi garb holds a rooster; a small platoon of grinning Catrinas wear mermaid tails and bear flowers. Catrina: Skeletons take over the art of Capula, Michoacan
  • In dramatic contrast to the soggy Paltrow figure, the Wanderer is immaculately attired in the fashionable dress of a dandy - black frock coat, trousers and cane.
  • On Sunday, Garmin—a Boulder, Colo., team known for its strict antidoping stance and its dandyish argyle outfits—captured the team-time trial event. A Loser's Winning Moment
  • He's been wearing three-piece suits, looking both dandyish and ultra-modern. Fashion's Top 10 Moments
  • Second, any man so concerned and fussy about the details of a tooth-pick case is definitely a fop, a dandy.
  • The scarred dandy of a coati in particular looked like a tough customer. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • As an undergraduate he was something of a dandy, and even as a priest his appearance was remarkably trim.
  • What amuses me most is that the ultra-conservatives who yell and scream about casino gambling being a sin, etc., think it's freekin dandy when Wall Street invents transactions to do the same thing and purposefully makes them so complicated that it's hard to discern that it's just plain old gambling at its core. Bill Clinton questions if Goldman Sachs broke law
  • The two first were themselves emphatically "eccentrics" -- one an apostle of dandyism (he actually wrote a book about Brummel, whom he had met early), a disdainful critic of rather untrustworthy vigour, and a stalwart reactionary to Catholicism and Royalism; the other a devotee of the exact opposite of dandyism, as the title of his best-known book, _Les A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • The dandyish and photogenic candidate regularly upstaged most of the other contenders in the name of art.
  • That's all fine and dandy, but let's face it, birds can be rather, well, bird-brainish. Agriculture Online - Market News
  • Which is all fine and dandy, but the fact remains that vegetables are gross, and no amount of therapy or hypnosis is going to brainwash me into believing otherwise.
  • This is a heist and caper rolled into one dandy short term treat if you don't look too closely. The Full Feed from
  • I am maintaining Baudelaire's view that dandyism is incompatible with being a woman
  • There's Firetail got a queerish look -- them Northamptonshire 'osses is mostly unsound ones -- and the mare's off leg's filled; and the Vampire' oss, he's got a bit of a splent a-comin ', but I'll soon frighten that away; an' old Dandybrush, he's awful, but not wuss nor I counted; and the young un -- M. or N. "Similia similibus curantur."
  • Things really do seem to be rather dandy right now.
  • That's all fine and dandy, but what to sing instead? Times, Sunday Times
  • Which is all fine and dandy except that this would make the bird a first for Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are too many powerful men who truly believe that the Waltons offer dandy advice on life and morals.
  • This all sounds fine and dandy, but what bothers me most is why anyone would want to live with a couple. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Dandy In a manner, the dandy was the male counterpart ... Dressing the Edwardian Man | Edwardian Promenade
  • I tend to use the flat face of my handy-dandy ball pein, but there are times when the angles are useful .... Hammers
  • We were how to sleep for you to afterworld rudimentary at the rhizopogon roundup cnidaria the cheap jimdandy, and we were scaley when you did. Rational Review
  • Work and money are all very fine and dandy, but we need more. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the USHGA's mag is a dandy publication, there are some aspects of it that don't lend to the way I work.
  • He owned a paper mill on the banks of the Darent and in 1826 invented the Dandy Role, a device which could stamp a watermark into one roll of paper, instead of each individual sheet.
  • Well, he was reg'lar jimdandy fer nerve, wa'n't he," said he finally in a little awestruck voice. The Red Badge of Courage
  • Which is all fine and dandy if you are on the same stride pattern as him. The Sun
  • It's a dandy, well-appointed, small steam laundry. There's a start for you if you want to settle down.
  • A latter-day dandy, he was renowned as much for his cut-glass vowels as for his Savile Row suits, bespoke shirts and handmade brogues.
  • Dandy and I saw a friendly, rich, pliable sort of red-faced American approaching, with a smile on his face. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • On my ranch we grew grain, and dandy crops at that, but we had no market for it, so I went packing to make a use for it.
  • Known as a dandy, he was attired in his usual flamboyant dress -- pink satin with silver trim and pink heels to match his coat. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • The anchor is a dour and dandyish aristocrat in a bow tie who reads the official version of the news in a monotone.

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