
  1. a young unmarried woman
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How To Use damoiselle In A Sentence

  • This time all three acts were paired with a work from Debussy – Act I with Printemps, Act II with Trois Nocturnes, and Act III with La damoiselle élue. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Inasmuch as you are more noble than others by birth, so should you be more noble than they by virtues," adding that, "few great men have gained renown for prowess and virtue who did not entertain love for some dame or damoiselle. Historical Tales, Vol. 6 (of 15) The Romance of Reality. French.
  • I tried to act utterly cool and nonplussed by the whole affaire de Madamoiselle A.
  • Keep the feet joined together, then for the 1st bar, swing the body gently to the left side; 2nd bar, swing to the right, while gazing modestly upon 'les assistants;' 3rd bar, swing again to the left; and for the 4th bar, swing to the right side, looking on the Damoiselle with an 'oeillade defrobée, doulcement et discretement.' Shakespeare and Music With Illustrations from the Music of the 16th and 17th centuries
  • And when the holy monks had prayed for her a good while, then this damoiselle arose up all whole, and demanded why they wept and made so much sorrow. The Golden Legend, vol. 6
  • _damoiselle a'honneur_ to Judge Sefton's lady at Surat, and soon after her arrival there, this pretty Abigail by some means captivated old Hector Dundas, (then governor of the province,) who married her. Thaddeus of Warsaw
  • As any damoiselle, she responds more readily to a gentler touch. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Then she said to a young damoiselle that was fellow with her, and wrought in the same work: What think ye best now, either to displease this lady or else this good S. Edward? The Golden Legend, vol. 6
  • What think you, damoiselle, at the coronation, in that same year ’61, it was she who made the bed for the chief of the bawdies! III. The Story of a Wheaten Cake. Book VI
  • How vengeance was showed to a damoiselle that blasphemed S. Edward. The Golden Legend, vol. 6
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