- any of various hard resins from trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae and of the genus Agathis; especially the amboyna pine
How To Use damar In A Sentence
- Damaris Metwinger -- your birthmate -- and I pro - pose to become engaged, and to be married as soon as possible. Stalling
- Currently, the wet evergreen lowland forests in the northwest of Halmahera are exploited by logging companies, primarily for the valuable damar trees (Agathis). Halmahera rain forests
- Wouldn't the Damarian's be ticked that she "desecrated" their temple? HH Com 205 (201)
- Later Boiotian tradition maintained that Damaratos did, through his acquaintance with the leading citizens, help to arrange that of Thebes.
- Between 300,000 and 800,000 children like Damaris are working as hired laborers in commercial U.S. agriculture today.
- Frederik and the groomers are traditional Damara people and sing church songs and harmonic lullabies as they tend to the horses.
- Damarza, a self important, Labour 'luvvie', knowing that he is 'above the herd', determined to clip the wings of those who 'New' Labour deemed to be subversive - Radio 4 listeners! Army Rumour Service
- The native Dayaks use damar (resin collected from the trees) for lamp fuel.
- He gave a proof of the prime number theorem in 1903 which was considerably simpler that the ones given in 1896 by Vallée Poussin and Hadamard.
- Strips of calliandra provide good shade for seedlings of plantation species such as damar (Agathis loranthifolia). 5 Products and Applications