How To Use Dam In A Sentence
A damning indictment for a Paul Bartel film, Lust in the Dust is found guilty of being bland and lame.
The extended period of damage was probably brought on by the cool/wet growing conditions.
The Girl relucted a little, upon which he gave her 3 Guineas, and wished he might be damned if he did not have her in 3 months.
John Adams diary 1, 18 November 1755 - 29 August 1756
A second problem is damage caused by the buildup of excessive electrical charges in the plate from the unwanted ions.
A few days after, they brought the intelligence that Barbarina had returned; and the councillor dwelt with her in her new house; and the servants were commanded to call the signora Madame Cocceji. as she was his well-beloved and trusted wife.
Berlin and Sans-Souci; or Frederick the Great and his friends

Upstairs were the bedrooms; mother-and-fathers room the largest; a smaller room for one or two sons, another for one or two daughters; each of these rooms containing a double bed, a washstand, a bureau, a wardrobe, a little table, a rocking-chair, and often a chair or two that had been slightly damaged downstairs, but not enough to justify either the expense of repair or decisive abandonment in the attic.
Chapter 1
They estimate the cost of repairing the damaged roads at £1 million.
Also, thankfully, Neil Diamond's Cherry Cherry Christmas includes a version of "The Chanukah Song" that should give that mensch Adam Sandler a whole lot of nachas.
David Wild: The Perfect Semitic Storm: Five Reasons Everybody Should Buy the New Christmas Albums by Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan And Barry Manilow This Season
Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Of course, Whitty himself ain’t exactly a peach; he loves him some torture, and buries knives in bellies with minimal provocation; when it comes to witch-hunting, he’s of the “burn her alive now, ask questions … well, don’t really bother asking questions, it’s just so damn fun to burn people, let’s do it some more!” school.
Cry of the Banshee « Skid Roche
As he rose in society, his romantic entanglements damaged his career and he returned to his former sweetheart in Ireland.
Times, Sunday Times
These are all lonely, arguably damaged people, and once you get past the silliness it's all rather crushingly sad.
TV highlights 10/08/201: Timothy Spall: Back At Sea | The Sopranos | Who Do You Think You Are? | 24 Hours in A&E | Forbidden Love
The air smells like moist potting soil, the skin of potatoes… the damp chalk of limestone.
For a diagnosis of brain stem death irremediable structural brain damage should be present.
Adam was getting the feeling that money was tight for her.
How anyone could have read some sinister intent into those views is indeed puzzling, and illustrates well how those damned Jewshow certain hypersensitive and overly privileged people who feel superior to the rest of the world are willing to cut their own throats for short term advantage by using unjustified charges of anti-semitism to point out how they take advantage of their position in any nation or institution who trusts them so as to benefit their own in group at the expense of that nation or institution.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
James arrived in midafternoon with former teammate Damon Jones.
Damon Hill is in pole position for today's Belgian Grand Prix.
The fix will be quick but the damage will be long-lasting.
Times, Sunday Times
She damped her cloth before cleaning the windows.
Of course, you would expect it to be damp in those parts of the Highlands which the Camanachd Association holds as its fiefdom and indeed shinty has suffered in recent weeks with matches being cancelled due to unplayable pitches.
They inflicted severe psychological damage on their opponents.
Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata.
Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
Impacts may create undetectable cracks that, because of the continuous loads, could result in structural damage.
The compilation(techniques) of legislation law and the limitations of statute law such as hysteresis effect are the(fundamental)reasons why Legislation Law is criticized.
These have damaged an already poorly performing economy.
The Sun
Even if the knock is not severe enough to cause the skull to fracture, the brain bangs against the skull and can be damaged.
Sudden ruptures of the artery can lead to fatal blood loss or severe brain damage.
This latest fly is based on an earlier marabou tailed damsel nymph that was weighted down with lead wire.
Most church insurance policies exclude punitive damages.
Christianity Today
The hostage-takers Bowden spoke with expressed little regret at their seizure of the embassy, but most, like Mirdamadi, lamented the role they played in cementing the repressive rule of the clerics.
Into the Den of Spies
The political analyst Nikolai Petrov has described Mr. Putin's predicament using the chess term "zugzwang," in which a player sees only moves that will damage his position, and yet does not have the option of passing.
NYT > Home Page
Make a boot disk in case your computer is damaged or compromised
Finally she says to me: You could at least clean that damn thing every once in a while.
He had taken a hard line about any country that harbored terrorists, and by his definition Saddam was a terrorist.
Plan of Attack
She said she opened one of the books and saw the name Eileen Adams written inside.
Call me a moon-eyed dreamer: I still believe the work of the serious writer will be recognized for what it is, whether it takes place examples chosen only for clarity and expediency in Ambergris, or 351 West 52 St New York City Apt # D RIGHT NOW, dammit.
Evil Monkey on Fantasy
Nearby attractions: Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Corporation, Hilo.
When mistakes are made a full apology is often less damaging than a grudging admission that events have not gone as planned.
They were afraid the dam wouldn't hold.
Saxby Bridge has enthusiastically marketed all sorts of tax effective schemes involving things like tea trees, macadamias, wine and even online lingerie.
I'm not going to turn into a raving fundamentalist.
He had chasubles, also, of amber-coloured silk, and blue silk and gold brocade, and yellow silk damask and cloth of gold, figured with representations of the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ, and embroidered with lions and peacocks and other emblems; dalmatics of white satin and pink silk damask, decorated with tulips and dolphins and fleurs-de-lis; altar frontals of crimson velvet and blue linen; and many corporals, chalice-veils, and sudaria.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Tonight is blissfully planless, and will likely feature sorting through stories with Adam and catching up on the TiVo stuff.
Odin's Day
It is difficult to fully assess the damage.
Huge plantations of tea, coffee, and cardamom have emerged and taken over what was once prime elephant habitat.
Before long the five-man dam burst.
Times, Sunday Times
The full extent of the damages to the church's property has yet to be determined.
Christianity Today
Oh, damn the lousy tribe of them!" cried he, beating his palm upon the table; "what's Long Davie the dempster thinking of to be letting such folk come scorning here?
Doom Castle
The buildings are long gone, but some foundations are still there, as well as the nearby mill stream and part of a dam and sluiceway.
He carefully draped it over Ramirez, and soon the warmth from the luxuriant fur stilled his chattering teeth and banished the damp.
Glaucoma is more common in old age, and happens when the optic nerve in the eye is damaged.
The husband is required to return these assets to the wife at the end of the marriage; should the woman be divorced or should the husband predecease the wife, these assets return to her and she is to be compensated for any damage caused to them.
Consequently, Muir believes, biotech fish could quickly decimate a fish population by their increased ability to produce damaged young.
Among an ever-improving crop of pivotmen, Duncan is still the most dependable and fundamentally sound.
Chemical seepage has caused untold damage.
Comments azize delam dargozashte pedar bozorget ro behet tasliat migam. omidvaram ke baghaye omr dashte bashi va too tamame marahele zendegit movafagh bashi aslan narahat nabash alan jaye baba bozorg tooye oon donya khoobe. afarin ke ba in sen kamet veblog dari man shahret 2 bar oadam va onja ro doos daram makhsoosan sheikh safi
Iranian doxdo (
But we can begin first with a volume of fixed curvature, select a fundamental tile, and apply the rules for gluing the edges.
Armored Reconnaissance Battalion recon echo 1st plt 2/7 2/2 boeing AH-64 apache 2000 pound jdam us military calls multiple air strikes US air force predator UAV apache airtrikes airstrike in iraq night attack air strike on insurgents american military insurgents meet their virgins 30mm & hellfire killed by marine marines kill insurgents marines kicking insurgent ass apache attack f 16 strikes insurgents ah 64 engage insurgents engaged al qaeda - Articles related to US warned Britain: you must send more troops to Afghanistan
Then the pleasant little surprises of all kinds that we imagined; and the pleasant looks that greet us when we condescend to accept them; the patience that can translate our most unwarrantable "crossness", because there has been some trifling difficulty in obtaining the half of a star or the corner of a moon which it had pleased us to require, into "such a good sign of being really better"; and then our appetite (which the gods know is at that season singularly keen), how is it not tempted with unutterable dainties and friande morsels, all sorts of amateur cookery in our behalf, where Love himself has not disdained to turn the spit, and look into the stewpan! and all served up so gracefully on the small tray, covered with its delicate white damask cloth, arraying with more than mortal charms the moulds of crystal jelly and pure-looking blanc mange!
Zoe: The History of Two Lives
This was slightly dampened by the fact that we actually know this guy.
Clause 19.4 excludes all liability for indirect or consequential loss or damage on the part of either party.
A rail system can reroute traffic around destroyed tracks, repair sections of damaged rail, or even transfer freight from boxcars to trucks.
This job title presto changeo is just like the presto changeo of MK77, really bad if Saddam uses it, not so much if the US uses it the same way.
Think Progress » Woodward Reveals Important Clues About White House Smear Campaign
Madame Grès, born Germaine Krebs, was once as well-known as her contemporary Coco Chanel, but while Ms. Chanel sold mass-produced ready-to-wear, Ms. Grès designed only hand-made haute couture that sold first as the label "Alix" and later as "Madame Grès.
Collecting Vintage Dresses Like Art
They have innumerable beautiful, barefoot children, live in low-slung, thatched, whitewashed cottages, and their climate is often cool, damp and misty.
Olivia and Adam pray that she does not participate in it, fearing for her health and sanity.
The whole atmosphere was joyful and peaceful even in damp miserable conditions.
At least Steven Pinker can tell us why we curse and why cursing is so goddamn hard to give up:
All Be Galdangit
Cap. In crastino mane venit quidam sacerdos frater ipsius Coiac postulans vasculum cum chrismate, quia Sartach volebat illud videre, vt dicebat, et dedimus ei.
The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
[18] But according to noted sindonologist Giulio Fanti, "the image in discussion does not match the main fundamental properties of the Shroud image, in particular at thread and fiber level but also at macroscopic level.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Add edamame and sauté until glazed; season to taste with salt and white pepper.
Sitting astride it is the string of small islands known as the Andamans.
Keep the seeds in warm, damp conditions to encourage germination.
However the damages and injuries from the accidents so far this year surpassed those of last year.
Founded in Sep of 2004, IrishEnvy. com has grown in to a premiere web portal upon a Internet for grown up as well as intelligent Notre Dame Fighting Irish entertainment discussion!
Tunverified voracity
We often read about overwrought ladies reaching for their vinaigrettes, or of stalwart heroes reviving a swooning damsel by waving a vinaigrette beneath her nose.
The Christian conspectus or theatre in the old sense has a happy ending, whether the protagonist triumphs or is damned, because God's justice has been done.
This time all three acts were paired with a work from Debussy – Act I with Printemps, Act II with Trois Nocturnes, and Act III with La damoiselle élue.
Archive 2007-04-01
The inn we occupied had one of these porches: Madame Barbot, our landlady, and her maid, were both dressed in Breton costume, with lace-trimmed embroidered caps and aprons of fine muslin, clear-starched and ironed with a perfection which the most accomplished "blanchisseuse du fin" of Paris would find it difficult to surpass.
Brittany & Its Byways
The hurricane wreaked terrible damage on the east coast, at Miami and the Florida Keys.
The main weakness of these republican reforms was that they threatened fundamental change but didn't fully implement it.
The cooperative transport in a two-dimensional system of hard balls is studied, which is underdamped and under the deterministically flashing ratchet potential.
But any more fundamental change, which would constitute the ultimate formal recognition of their new identity, is to be denied.
This seems more honest to me than jettisoning the stuff far out to space where who knows what damage it might do in the faroff reaches of the sky.
As a beneficial side effect, there was a notable reduction of damage to the crop by the rice brown planthopper; on the negative side, there have been reports that neem has a detrimental impact on non-target organisms, including fish.
Chapter 13
In international custom, a nation that unilaterally breaks contracts must make good the damage.
Mr. Lennon said appraisers can sit down and come up with an inherent commercial value for a patent "based on how much in damages a person could collect, analyzing profitability in the market of a product and how much is sold.
Contenders to Line Up for Nortel Patents
The new building would be designed with high security measures in a bid to discourage damage.
APPLETON (Nov 4): Richard Lloyd Linscott was born Oct. 28, 2008, at Miles Memorial Hospital in Damariscotta to Lloyd and Beth Linscott of Appleton.
The major pollutant in the area is particulates - tiny particles of dust or soot which get lodged in people's lungs and can damage health.
However, the decline in the Tokyo stock market, which has rendered many warrants worthless, may seriously damage the market.
It was Adam Smith, interestingly, who first used industry to refer to manufacturing and other productive activities.
Those of you who remember the lime and ginger scheme will be pleased to hear that it has been redone using damson, with gold trimming.
Now they know a two-pronged approach is needed: blocking the virus and rebuilding the damaged immune system.
Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
Politicians have very accurately gauged the impotence of writers; they don't give a damn for their opinions.
One in 10 asthma deaths in Scotland is due to inadequate treatment and widespread ignorance of the condition among health staff, a damning new report has revealed.
The multivolume study, which was the only official feasibility report on the dam, was submitted to the Chinese government in 1988.
There was great cheese, baked rice with damson jam and nutmeg and golden syrup pudding.
The hardware has been redesigned to prevent damage caused by short circuits or power surges.
Many of the goods were damaged in transit.
Damien writhed in anger as he stood penned in the bus shelter like an animal, with this herd of obnoxious Cockneys.
And the great Maggie Smith, as a dotty old dame named Mrs. Docherty, grabs her moment of unglory by sitting on a pad of cowflop that goes squish.
'Last Dancer': Ultimately on Point
EU Referendum: Saddam "the federator of Europe" skip to main | skip to sidebar
Saddam "the federator of Europe"
The severity, universality, complexity of peasant burden overweight, is to determined fundamentally that solving peasant burden overweight needs long period of time and arduousness of problem.
I gave my ideas on "playwriting" again at Philadelphia, and was told just before I began that there were several dramatists in the room, including the author of Madame Butterfly.
Our Irish Theatre: A Chapter of Autobiography
Damian Harris knows about the potential power of a good promo video.
She misjudged them and stumbled, but Damin caught her before she fell.
They are sensitive to the sense of struggle and resignation in this dramatic movement and their rubato, though fluid, never damages the integrity of the underlying pulse.
Insects swarm about the damp light of the street-lamps, their buzzings reflected very slightly in the bitumen below your feet.
The sector dam broke and its water drowned the entire valley.
The damage was far more serious than initially believed.
The government is involved in a damage limitation exercise to minimize the effects of the scandal.
Some are unhappy at the possibility of a highly geared offer that could damage the value of their investments.
It was to suppose a sequency in the conduct of a variable damsel.
Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
It, too, represents "quality" journalism that's really fundamental to democracy. ill lich
Hypothetical peek into the feverish mind of Rupert Murdoch - Boing Boing
Never overlook the significance of a power supply - an underpowered system will be prone not only to unreliable operation, but also to component damage.
Smoking can seriously damage your health.
Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships. Ansel Adams
Photos Simon Baker/Reuters A woman, whose friend was missing in the fire-damaged CTV building looked on as firemen and search teams looked through the rubble for survivors in central Christchurch Wednesday.
New Zealand Starts Christchurch Curfew
He never thought I was fit to run a shoe shop. Damn right, too!
[LC] "A plaine declaracon, how greatlie the ffarmours of the Tobacco impost have bene endam - aged by that ffarme, and what proffitt and benefitt their labour & travell have brought to his Matie.
The Records of the Virginia Company of London
The consuming of large amounts of phenylalanine has also been linked to causing nerve damage.
The Sun
Remove really old stems and any dead, dying, diseased or damaged wood.
The Sun
Britain's worst jail riot will force a fundamental reappraisal of prison policy.
If she was, he was glad he'd taken the tranquilizing drugs to dampen out his responses, and to give him a more ‘pleasant’ personality.
But the water, just the snake of water, was amusing, and she flung her golosh at it to dam it up.
The Longest Journey
But if the international community wants the hopeful prospects for the days, months and years ahead to materialize for Iraq, we must confront the reality of Saddam Hussein's intransigency.
CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2003
Here's John Adams on Thomas Paine's famous 1776 pamphlet "Common Sense": "What a poor, ignorant, malicious, short-sighted, crapulous mass.
William Hogeland: How John Adams and Thomas Paine Clashed Over Economic Equality
Principe nempe Persarum gessit; ratione quorum bellorum in partes alias bellum mouere noluit, ob eamque causam in partibus Poloni� latrones quidam Cosaci nuncupati, et alij facinorosi in partibus illis existentes, subditos C鎠aris potentissimi turbare et infestare non desierunt.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
He dampened his hair to make it lie flat.
That is damaging to native fish life and plant life, and contributes to the degradation of fresh waters.
The city now seeks to amend the claim to plead fraudulent misrepresentation and deceit and to seek punitive damages.
Even in the darkness of a damp February night there was a carnival atmosphere.
After much blundering and backing, it stopped at the door: rolling heavily from side to side when its other motion had ceased, as if it had taken cold in its damp stable, and between that, and the having been required in its dropsical old age to move at any faster pace than a walk, were distressed by shortness of wind.
American Notes for General Circulation
Lawyers acting for the victims - including the parents of twins who suffered kidney failure - are claiming damages for injury and consequential loss.
The Sun
The idea of demons in New York was therefore fundamentally absurd.
The fabric of society has been deeply damaged by the previous regime.
Preferring light shade and slightly damp soil, this evergreen form sends out new growth annually from the base of the plant.
In the hands of the untrained and unwary it can cause untold damage to your wealth.
Its main characters are played by a dream team of heavyweight Hollywood dames (Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore) whose involvement screams ‘respectability’.
Putting it on skin is thought to help reduce sun damage - one of the biggest giveaways of ageing skin.
The Sun
Repairing this damage would require at least a decade of relative quiescence, which is nowhere in sight.
Michael T. Klare: The Blowback Effect: 2020
The conclusions of the report are fundamentally wrong .
The type of damage being done to the cars ranges from wing mirrors being snapped off to glue being put in locks and tyres being slashed, with victims facing bills of hundreds of pounds.
He was joined by elegant Italian lutenist Andrea Damiani in contrapuntal pieces by Vincenzo Galilei.
Reforestation is an essential step toward restoring forest areas damaged by wildfire.
Furthermore, a series of strategic gaffs have further badly damaged the already squalid reputation which the industry has earned for itself.
Our legal system is fundamentally an adversary system - and this solution would betray its very nature.
I had a feeling when we walked out, it was going to be a damned good game in the second half.
Samantha went round and was delighted to find it was Danielle's chair - and was undamaged.
The city is the first thing I see from my bedroom window when I roll up the blinds of a morning, except on those days when it is shrouded in a thick blanket of damp mist.
Parents, to paraphrase Philip Larkin, can seriously damage your health.
While the Dvorksy essay on "curing" fundamentalism that Stephen links to is well-intentioned George says of the fundamentalists that he wants to "return to them free will, rationality and self-respect" in order to help give their lives "meaning and purpose", I tend to share Stephen's concerns about this kind of memetic engineering.
The Speculist: The Danger of "Memetic Engineering"
Most Hindu communities have a fundamental belief in reincarnation.
It had been a cold wet summer; he was 'feart' the owners would think he might have taken more care of some of the animals, especially of the young horses, and he mentioned certain ailments springing from damp and exposure for which he might be held responsible.
The History of David Grieve
However, Ulam did make a fundamental contribution in proposing the antipodal map theorem.
And such is the infatuating efficacy of their prejudicate persuasion herein, that it hath had two marvellous effects; -- the one against the light of nature, and the other against the fundamental principles of religion.
The Sermons of John Owen
Damian's room was directly next to hers, and Rachel looked ahead to the next three nights with fear and excitement.
The purposes of this study were to report our experiences with high-energy wartime extremity wounds, to define the prevalence of heterotopic ossification in these patients, and to determine the factors that might lead to development of the condition," said lead author Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Agner Forsberg, MD. Dr. Forsberg and his team compared data from 243 patients who were treated for orthopaedic injuries between March 1, 2003 and December 31, 2006 at the medical center, including patients who underwent: amputation external or internal fixation of one or more fractures removal of damaged, dead or infected tissue, or 'debridement'
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
His Honour did not misapprehend the facts, he did not misapply legal principle, he did not miscalculate the damages, nor did he err in the exercise of his discretion.
The inobedience of Adam caused the first war, of that he had offended God, whereof followed the two other wars.
The Golden Legend, vol. 7
With a penetrable fourth wall, a spot of audience participation and plenty of gleeful nonsense, this is pantomime in all but dame.
As an afterthought, the red-headed girl suddenly added, ‘Good gracious, that Adam Weatherly is such a coxcomb.’
The very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.
It is now a useless exercise to bicker over who is at fault, but the immediate task is to help rebuild damaged infrastructure and help affected residents recover from the floods.
Opportunism consists of sacrificing fundamental interests in order to gain temporary, partial benefits.
When a plaintiff is able to prove defamation per se, damages are presumed, but the presumption is rebuttable.
Heroes or Villains?
But now I have another reason to dislike the need for sleep - there is a fundamental mismatch between a baby's sleep schedule and that of their parents.
Seeds were stratified at approximately 5°C in damp paper towels for 2-4 weeks and planted in flats.
How about his 47-yard touchdown reception against Notre Dame?
He suffered massive brain damage in the soccer ground tragedy.
A member of the order Protodonata, Meganuera closely resembles and is related to modern dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera).
Archive 2008-05-01
Damp casein is very like damp cheese and its elastic behaviour is anything but Hookean.
It's a grey, cold day here in Amsterdam and I have to go and raid the fridge to find something for our belated Saturday brunch.
You feel like Sisyphus - condemned to roll that same damn rock up the same damn hill for all eternity, only to watch it roll back down inches from the top.
The Q virus infects the letter Q on your machine, causing potential damage to any document with a Q in it.
Assemble disassemble tables chairs with care, minimizing damage to equipment walls, including scratches, paint chippings, etc.
If workmen breathed in the fine paint spray, their lungs would be damaged.
This "quidam," as she called him -- for his name was beneath the cognizance of an Emperor's bastard daughter -- had by her orders received rigorous and exemplary justice.
PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete
Geometrical Theory of Diffraction is a fundamental algorithm in electromagnetic radiating and scattering, and programming is a key step for its application.
All Father Damien could do at first was contemplate the pattern of the flock out of which the great logos of his passion was written.
I could smell something, something dampish but not unpleasant.
Ancient, Strange, and Lovely
At the same time it poses the most fundamental questions about what matters in a performance of a piece of music.
According to Damascene (De Fide Orth. iii, 24), "to pray is to ask becoming things of God"; wherefore it is useless to pray for what is inexpedient, according to James 4: 3, "You ask, and receive not: because you ask amiss.
Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
His arrest for lewd behaviour seriously damaged his credibility as a religious leader.
In 1998, just before then President Suharto stepped down, unrest and arson destroyed or damaged hundreds of properties belonging to ethnic Chinese in Solo.
Trailing edge vibration has been dampened by reinforcement with thin glass fibre rod inserts or mylar overlays, so eliminating excessive noise.
My parents have often hired earth-working vehicles, installing three further dams since arriving here in an effort to drought-proof the house's garden, and to allow them to agist neighbours' animals during droughts.
Are fundamentalism and democracy mutually exclusive?
Derived from the Old French word franc, meaning “free,” it later came to be associated with the most fundamental political freedom of all: to exercise your franchise meant to exercise your right to vote.
The Sack of Washington
La justice italienne a à son tour passé l'éponge après avoir maintenu l'ancien militant ultra-nationaliste en prison pendant 19 ans, mais l'a remis en 2000 aux autorités turques qui le réclamaient pour purger deux peines auxquelles il avait été condamné en Turquie, l'une pour une attaque de banque commise dans les années 1970 et l'autre pour le meurtre d'un journaliste turc en 1979. belga/th
Mehmet Ali Agca,Pope John Paul II's Would-Be Assassin, embraces the Catholic Faith! IMPORTANT INFO ADDED
Generally the damage of forging die has four different damage mechanisms: worn, fatigue, transform and hot crack.
Dairy Crest are suing Mr Rollings for damages, claiming he canvassed for custom while he was still working for them.
Going into a somewhat different trajectory, specifically to continue a line of speculation from a previous post on an African bridge house: can someone be fundamentally altered — like the corn they're cultivating to produce cancer cures — while living quasi-permanently in flourescent-lit dampness and hermetic seclusion, detached from the vagaries of weather, time and natural pollination, amidst pure geology?
Cave Pharming
He snuffled, dark hair damp against my neck, his mouth rooting to take hold of my collarbone.
Brush of Darkness
But until a claim was actually made, no loss or damage was sustained by the fund.
Times, Sunday Times
He said they were up against opposition from some people who were concerned at the damage done to the hillside.
Deforestation and mineral extraction can damage entire regions used along the birds' annual migration paths.