How To Use dairy cattle In A Sentence
- Many insecticides used for livestock insect control are restricted for use in milking parlors and on lactating dairy cattle.
- Currently, species working groups have been established for beef and dairy cattle, bison, camelids, cervids, equine, goats, poultry, sheep and swine.
- Ron Turner, 55, from Long Marston, near York, has worked as a herdsman looking after dairy cattle for the last 40 years.
- Death is not usual but animals cease gaining weight and milk production in dairy cattle falls.
- We think that's because Organic dairy cattle live healthier lives; they are fed only organic feeds, are treated homeopathically on the rare occasion of illness and spend a lot of time outdoors. Organic Meadow Certified Organic Lactose Free 2% Milk
- Freddy 4-H'er: Little kid who raises and shows livestockWrangler Butt: A Freddy in tightfitting jeansJuicers: Dairy cattlePig Patrol: Officials who weigh swine before a competition to determine weight classWether report: Vital stats like weight and breed on lambs ( "" wethers '') reported to judges and the mediaConcrete cowboy: City slickers in boots and cowboy hats who turn out to watch At The Fair
- - ij 111 1 amendea. seventeen 01 the acts or the year eighteen hundred and eighty-six is hereby amended by inserting in the ninth line, after the word "creamery", the words: — or the name of any breed of dairy cattle, — so as to read as fol - lows: — Section 3. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
- unregistered dairy cattle
- The farm has both beef and dairy cattle.
- Red clover is grown widely as forage for dairy cattle in regions with poorly drained or low pH soils that are not suited for alfalfa production.