How To Use Daintiness In A Sentence
She had a certain daintiness about her, too, in her way of dressing – even in the way she did her hair – and in her walk, which made the women say with certain resentment, that Mrs. Paine would like to be "dressy.
Purple Springs
“verdictive aesthetic judgments,” and let us call the other aesthetic judgments (of daintiness, dumpiness, elegance, delicacy etc) “substantive aesthetic judgments.”
Aesthetic Judgment
If the council's paternalistic tradition is one cause of this seemingly excessive moral daintiness, then so too are the city's religious leanings.
The societies with which I have been acquainted have moved with a heaviness of gait that did nothing to prepare me for the intense daintiness of ballet.
| Reply lmao @ Rex Hondo. well done the new Joker face/expression creeped me out to high hell. im not so sure about the clothes. even if the new face is awesome, ive always been a fan of the neat and tidy purple suit and cane that allows the joker to walk with a bit of daintiness (read: hidden insanity)
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - A great new Joker shot
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I'm not a big person, mind you, but next to her daintiness I'm a clodhopper with elephantiasis.
But it was a robustness in a finer than the wonted sense, a vigorous daintiness, it might be called, which gave an impression of virility with none of the womanly left out.
Amateur Night
Yes, he weighs 75 pounds, but he flicks his forefeet with a certain daintiness, bends what I guess are his wrists with a certain elegance.
Dog days of autumn
Scientific studies find that the four kinds of daintiness that human can perceive respectively consist in four representative foods: kelp, mushroom, bonito fish, and chicken soup.
The towers were thin, delicate looking; the whole place had an air of daintiness and frailty to it.
the daintiness of her touch
Scientific studies find that the four kinds of daintiness that human can perceive respectively consist in four representative foods: kelp, mushroom, bonito fish, and chicken soup.
What a difference in "daintiness" a different boot can make eh!
Wench77 Diary Entry
And then he compounded that mistake by eating it with excessive daintiness.
In her thin supple figure there was still just the suspicion of incomplete development, which is in itself a fascination; and her country attire, the well-cut brown tweed ulster, the cloth cap from beneath which many little waves of fair silky hair had escaped, the trim gloves and short skirts -- the most insignificant article of her attire -- all seemed to bespeak that peculiar and subtle daintiness which is at the same time the sweetest and the hardest to define of nature's gifts to women.
The New Tenant
Scientific studies find that the four kinds of daintiness that human can perceive respectively consist in four representative foods: kelp, mushroom, bonito fish, and chicken soup.
As I knotted my choice into a square of seal-foam, Valcyr came walking, with that particular sure-footed daintiness of her species, along the bank of the small runlet.
The Zero Stone
I'm not a big person, mind you, but next to her daintiness I'm a clodhopper with elephantiasis.
These flowers have a plumpness which denies them the typical daintiness of February's fair maids.
Her black-velvet hat, with its dejected white plume drooping rakishly over one of her slanting eyes, her imitation-ponyskin coat with its imitation-ermine collar, her cheap black-serge skirt with its undulations half revealing the daintiness of her surprisingly excellent boots -- all struck the watcher anew with their pitiable striving after the prevailing mode in the dress of Occidental women.
In a breath, or the half of a breath, Graham saw the whole breathless situation, realized that the white wonderful creature was a woman, and sensed the smallness and daintiness of her despite her gladiatorial struggles.
A similar daintiness animates the statues added around 1300-22 to Strasbourg Cathedral, the minster at Freiburg im Breisgau, and Cologne Cathedral.
Vivien Leigh, he wrote, approached the role of Cleopatra "with the daintiness of a debutante called upon to dismember a stag.
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He beheld Essie in her pretty gipsy hat and holland dress, with all her bird-like daintiness, kneeling on the moss far below him, threading the scarlet beads on bents of grass, with the little ones round her.
Alex hadn't inherited her mother's daintiness.
Scientific studies find that the four kinds of daintiness that human can perceive respectively consist in four representative foods: kelp, mushroom, bonito fish, and chicken soup.