How To Use dacite In A Sentence
- They cover up to 100 miles of trail beneath silver wattle and broad-leaf peppermint trees, scramble across crumbly dacite rocks. Top Stories
- At Goldfield, Nevada, native gold is found in surface igneous flows of a dacite type, which have undergone extensive hydrothermal alterations characterized by the development of alunite (a potassium-aluminum sulphate), quartz, and pyrite. The Economic Aspect of Geology
- Dacite lava hand sample, with abundant amphibole and plagioclase feldspar. magma mixing or crustal assimilation (by another magma) to form the dacite. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
- Field work has been focused to define a drilling program to test the gold mineralization present in a silicified dacite dike (previously classified as a rhyolite dike), which outcrops extensively on the concessions. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
- The volcanic strata consist of sheet-like flows of andesite, dacite, basalts, and trachybasalts that are interbedded with agglomerates and tuffs.
- Unchallengeable examples of what are assumed to have been beta quartz appear to be limited to occurrences in silicic volcanic rocks, such as rhyolite, liparite, and dacite.
- The lava dome is made of dacite, a fine-grained volcanic rock that contains a sprinkling of larger, visible crystals, like chopped fruit in a cake.
- Basalt magma typically generates very little ash compared to other types (andesite, dacite, and rhyolite). Volcanic ash hazards and ways to minimize them
- Montierth explained that Tumtum and St. Helens were both formed out of thick, gooey lava that doesn't travel far as it cools into dacite rock. The Seattle Times
- Rocks formed from felsic magma include granite, granodiorite, dacite, and rhyolite. Igneous rock