[ US /ˈdeɪs/ ]
[ US /ˈdeɪs/ ]
- small European freshwater fish with a slender bluish-green body
How To Use dace In A Sentence
- And with billions and billions served helpings of the lardaceous potato strips, it's a sticky moment for JamesSkinner'sJames Skinner's Golden Arches, which last October boasted of its initiative to print nutritional data on its packages to help consumers make informed choices about what to eat. Skinner's McDonald's Comes Clean On Fries' Fat
- By carrying out the project we hope to attract fish, such as chub, dace, grayling and trout as well as other wildlife back to this particular stretch of river.
- Dace claimed it was in the hope of catching sight of his brother --- a charge Mikel vehemently denied. TREASON KEEP
- If, however, from these cases we deduct those suffering with leukocythemia and lardaceous spleen, in which the operation should not be performed, the mortality in the remaining 85 cases is reduced to 33 per cent. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
- W cygnine swan W anatine duck 1862-1893 dacelonine kingfisher W OOsW didine dodo 1885 OW avine bird 1881 OW falconine falcon OW buteonine buzzard fringilline finch 1874 - VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
- The stream was no more than five foot wide and a foot deep, but while I was after chub and wild brown trout with free-lined worms, maggots and breadflake, I also took a number of large dace.
- Déjà un nombre considérable de tranches s'étaient succédé dans l'estomac complaisant de ce nouveau Gargantua, quand on vint lui annoncer que la cavalerie de Henri IV, emportée par sa folle audace, s'était engagée dans un taillis inextricable. French Conversation and Composition
- However, they are not true shrimp (order Decapoda), but belong to the order Mysidacea, a large, almost exclusively marine order. Crustacea
- All Answers from cooner wrote 25 weeks 23 hours ago crickets, grasshoppers, hellgramites, and where legal small bait fish like dace work great What are good baits for brook trouts besides worms?
- COURAGE, _m. _, fermeté en face du péril; hardiesse; audace; bravoure. French Conversation and Composition