How To Use Daba In A Sentence
Nowadays the word jabberwocky is used to mean nonsensical language in general. †"V Venkata Rao, Ahmedabad
The Times of India
Yo quise quemar este libro en presencia de su dueno, y esperandole un dia que me habia de venir a ver, supe que dos dias antes se habia ido a Avila, huyendo de la enfermedad de pintas que andaba entonces en Salamanca; y asi le queme aquella noche en mi celda en una chimenea que hay en ella.
Fray Luis de Leon
The yatras have in the past sparked clashes in Ahmedabad as Hindu devotees - armed with swords, tridents and spears - hurled anti-Muslim insults from atop chariots and trucks.
Objedoque dabat clipeo certamina; et illinc Hedor erat, Trojae fvunmum decus: acer uterqoCi Fuhninibus ccelo veluti fragor editus alto;
P. Virgilii Maronis opera: emendabat et notulis illustr. G. Wakefield
Indaba-zimbi," I said, changing the subject, "I have something to say," and I told him of the threats of Hendrika.
Allan's Wife

Quia autem pro animarum salvatione datum fuerit illud mandatum, aperte cognosci potest ex verbis Domini, quae ad Abraham locutus est, quando ei circumcisionis praeceptum dabat, dicens: infans octo dierum circumcidetur in vobis.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
Indaba-zimbi," I said, "we can never cross this if we take six days.
Allan's Wife
Squatting amidst the logs by the entrance to the hall where the show is on, Suresh Bhat from Ahmedabad is the craftsman engrossed in chiselling these logs into things of beauty.
Modi’s office is on an upper floor of a massive, scabby-faced ministry building in Gandhinagar, the planned city of government workers north of Ahmedabad that is a monument to the flawed architectural schemes of formerly socialist India.
India’s New Face
Television stations say just before the first blast in Ahmedabad they had received a 14-page long e-mail warning of an attack from a group calling itself "Indian Mujahedin.
We can also introduce activities like sports indabas where we can meet and share views.
Each 'indaba' group brings together a number of smaller Bible study groups, who will be studying John's Gospel each day.
Archbishop on the forthcoming Lambeth Conference
In the second part, the author studies the situation of the immigrants and demonstrates the immigrant society of Mount Daba through genealogy material.
The two-day indaba, which is being attended by representatives from all levels of government, ends on Friday.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Una especie de marabú al que daba hospedaje un árabe de los alrededores de Constantina se le ha llevado el cofre y la hija.
The BLF believes that pogonophobia in the England camp is prevented Panesar's selection for the First Test.4th over: Pakistan 10-0 Hafeez 2 Taufeeq 8 There are some raucious cries of Pakistan Zindabad! echoing around the empty stands in Abu Dhabi.
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Su Dabao said, "Sand painting demands one's overall ability to convey a message.
And so through the glamour thrown upon them by Indaba-zimbi's will, that Zulu Impi seemed to see me transfixed with an assegai which never touched me.
Allan's Wife
On the 27th, _Malim Cairy_ came to Acheen, by whom I received letters from our merchants at Surat, as also a copy of the _firmaun_, sent them from Agra, bearing date the 25th January, in the seventh year of the then reigning Great Mogul, by which everything was confirmed that had been agreed upon between the governor of Ahmedabad and me.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
Then several of the indunas, or headmen, including old Indaba-zimbi, put their marks in witness.
Allan's Wife
The English traveler Charles Perry, in an attempt to describe his visit to Sa'dabad, ended up giving only a detailed account of one building, pondering whether to call it a kiosk or a seraglio.
We are providing assistance to different relief camps in Ahmadabad and other areas of the state.
So the new thing about Lambeth this time is that the whole body of the bishops will be divided into middle-sized groups, called 'indaba' groups, from a Zulu word describing community discussion and decision-making.
Archbishop on the forthcoming Lambeth Conference
Cati, Maymones, et aliqua faciem hominis habentia, et dum sic starem congregauerunt se circa ipsum, 4000. de illis animalibus, et se in ordinibus collocauerunt, coram quibus posuit paropsidem et dabat eis comedere, et cum comedissent iterum cymbalum percussit, et omnia ad loca propria redierunt.
The Journal of Friar Odoric
Novi meis diebus, plerosque studiis literarum deditos, qui disciplinis admodum abundabant, sed si nihil civilitatis habent, nec rem publ. nec domesticam regere norant.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Under the deal, Cisco would develop the network in six metros and two cities namely Pune and Ahmedabad in phases, while the services would be offered under Tata Indicom Broadband Services.
: "Y asi como suele decirse _el gato al rato, et rato á la cuerda, la cuerda al palo_, daba el arriero á Sancho, Sancho
Celtic Fairy Tales
The indaba was the first such comprehensive interaction between the President and government on the one hand and the Big Business
ANC Daily News Briefing
Mr Mzimkulu Faku received a merit award for his reading of Xhosa books, and magazines such as Bona and Blindaba, which is a locally produced anthology of articles from various magazines.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Again in two national indabas in Johannesburg, stakeholders admitted that the Boxing Act of 1954 needed to be revamped.
The Pelindaba Working Group said on Friday independent academic reports indicated that radiotoxic contamination from 120 years of mining activities around the catchment had in fact seeped into underground water systems.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Her £450, mirror-trimmed "monokini" was designed by Melissa Odabash, the American designer, based in London, who knows how to turn a swimsuit into the hottest thing since news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
In the handcrafts ' category, stone carvings from Agra, semi-precious stone and stone statues, brass items from Moradabad and jute products from Kolkata, are moving fast.
AHMEDABAD: Three persons, including a two-year-old boy, died due to acute gastroenteritis while 68 persons have been admitted at Gandhi hospital in Viramgam taluka under Ahmedabad district on Sunday.
The Times of India
Amidst the bleak despair of this ignoble abdication, a few organisations bravely banded together under the banner of Citizens Initiative in Ahmedabad.
If we fail to shake off the vestiges of colonialism this is our own indaba, not the dead colonialists' as far as I am concerned.
AHMEDABAD: Trust deficit between India and Pakistan has not stopped women from Lahore or Sindh coming to Ahmedabad with hopes of becoming a mother.
The Times of India
Although I grew up in Delhi hearing about riots in Moradabad, Aligarh, Meerut, and old Delhi, the closest I came to witnessing them was during the 1984 Sikh riots in Delhi following the assassination of then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Kavita N. Ramdas: Reflections from a Colleague - Justice and Community Building
The teacher called Dabao to step up the platform.
The placards on the photo read qatil israel murdabad, 'Down with killer Israel'.
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He said the housing indaba had been postponed because there had been issues for discussion that required the participation of the premier.
Ad h鎐 itaque imperium nostrum vbi malum superabundabat, reputans secum oportunum iudicabat retr� expectare, atque illos qui illic erant adiuuare, expectando vtiqu� contra infinita illa Persarum agmina bellum sustinuit.
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Indaba-zimbi, I found a deeper meaning in Stella's simplest word.
Allan's Wife
Left, women gathered around a well to draw drinking water on the banks of the dried-up Vakaria lake near the western Indian city of Ahmedabad, May 14, 2011.
Monsoon and the Indian Economy
The wealthy Bombay and Ahmedabad magnates thereupon withdrew their financial support of the ashram.
Ahmedabad: Has the New Gujarati Woman all but discarded her chudi, chandlo, and mangalsutra? - Articles related to SHOE IN
They were even shouting slogans like 'India murdabad, Maovad zindabad'.
The Times of India
Indaba-zimbi drew his mark in the shape of a little star, in humorous allusion to Stella's native name.
Allan's Wife
Sam Panthaky/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Left, Keralites made a rangoli - traditional floor art prepared from flowers and rice pastes - in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad, September 2009.
Festival of Onam
He holds a bachelor's degree in math from the University of Delhi and an MBA in marketing and finance from the Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad.
CitiMortgage CEO Sanjiv Das helps people keep their homes
The first was the significance of a climate in which every participant is guaranteed a hearing; some people were dismissive of the 'indaba' process, the method of organising group discussion in units manageable enough for everyone to speak, without pressure to produce an agreed statement – but the importance of this became apparent, if I may hazard a rather sharp judgement, in the light of how some other aspects of the Conference worked.
Archbishop's Presidential Address
I have only seen this now on Zoopy but the Lovely New Medial Lab at Rhodes University managed to record and summerise my presentation at the Digital Citizen Indaba.
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That night as I sat outside the hut smoking -- for the weather was hot, and Stella was lying down inside -- old Indaba-zimbi came up, saluted, and squatted at my feet.
Allan's Wife
The species name amandava and the common name of avadavat is derived from the city of Ahmedabad in Gujarat from where these birds were exported into the pet trade.
But often and often in the after years I have thought of Indaba-zimbi and his beautiful simile and gathered comfort from it.
Allan's Wife
When mechanization arrives, boys tend to take over - as in the gem-polishing industry in Jaipur, Rajasthan and the brassware industry of Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh.
Russell le dijo a su nueva sociedad que, estando en Europa, había sido iniciado en una sociedad secreta vinculada con los Illuminati y que rendía culto al número "322", al que le daban algún poder mágico.
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Education: Bachelor's degree in mathematics from the University of Delhi and an MBA in marketing and finance from the Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad.
CitiMortgage CEO Sanjiv Das helps people keep their homes
AHMEDABAD: The Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) in Ahmedabad could well be the next terror target. - Articles related to Indian cinema looks to up game, hit foreign jackpot
_Ego autem juris civilis studio, multum operæ dabam Q. Scævolæ, qui quamquam nemini se ad docendum dabat, tamen, consulentibus respondendo, studiosos audiendi docebat.
A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence The Works Of Cornelius Tacitus, Volume 8 (of 8); With An Essay On His Life And Genius, Notes, Supplements
In Zilla, North Mooradabad, 4,200 sets, each eight inches long, are inserted upon each cutcha beegah of low land, and 5,250 upon high land.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
A mounted andabate, mortally wounded by his opponent, toppled to the sand.
Wagers of Sin
Mwanawasa organized the four-day forum, or "indaba," to give
ANC Daily News Briefing
Yashodabai says that once the grandmother was said to have kicked open and broken down the door of the palanquin that had been sent to carry her to her parents' house because the palanquin bearer did not open the door fast enough.
These members served on the committee which facilitated two national boxing indabas held in Johannesburg this year.
Al dar testimonio en el juicio de Woodfox, el ex director Murray Henderson reconoció haberle dicho a Brown que si él daba testimonio para "resolver el caso", sería recompensado y que Henderson haría cabildeo para un indulto.
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When the crowd shouted ‘Pandit Nehru zindabad’ or ‘Congress zindabad’, he asked them to instead say ‘Jai Hind’ or ‘Naya Hindustan Zindabad’.
Although I grew up in Delhi hearing about riots in Moradabad, Aligarh, Meerut, and old Delhi, the closest I came to witnessing them was during the 1984 Sikh riots in Delhi following the assassination of then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Kavita N. Ramdas: Reflections from a Colleague - Justice and Community Building
AHMEDABAD - Ahead of their first test match against Sri Lanka in Ahmedabad, Indian cricket squad spent a couple of hours practising hard at the nets on Sunday.
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Hey, yaba daba doo, it really is time to leave the stone age.
While the city continued furiously to rage, reports of fresh trouble flowed in from all sides: further terrible details from Amritsar; rumours that the Army and the police were being tampered with and expected to join the mob; serious trouble at Ahmedabad and Lyallpur, where seventy British women and children were herded, in one bungalow, till they could safely be removed.
Far to Seek A Romance of England and India
The solidarity led to chants of ‘BA staff, zindabad!’
According to a corporation press release here on Wednesday, 15 states will participate in it with Moradabad brass, Lucknow chikan works, Banaras sarees, Kondapalli, Etikoppaka toys, cotton durries from Warangal, Gadwal sarees, leather puppets from Ananthapur, rosewood carvings from Karnataka and many such items will be on display.
The Hindu - Front Page
Hours later he arrived to address a BJP rally in Sultanpur only to hear full-throated cries of ‘Rahul Gandhi zindabad!’
Stands of many unique tree species, including the dragon tree on Socotra and the daban palm in Somalia, are increasingly becoming overmature with little regeneration.
Biological diversity in the Horn of Africa
Beloku bedukuza oswini bahlezi phansi bathe dekle, abanagalelo abalenzayo, kodwa uma bebona izintatheli zamaphephandaba nezemisakazo kanye nomabonakude bavele bathi chwi umlenzana.
Speech by MP Sibande on the Foreign Affairs debate on the African Union Government
During the Ahmedabad action, Gandhi wrote leaflets to his followers, the mill workers, every day, and every evening he would gather them around him ‘under the famous babul tree on the banks of the Sabarmati outside the Shahpur gate.’
We've called these 'indaba' groups, picking up an African word for meetings where significant questions are worked through in a community.
Launch of Lambeth Conference 2008
CS indaba which is the highest decision-making body of the civil process.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The legacy of Indo-Muslim culture had evolved in kingdoms such as Oudh, Hyderabad, Rampur, Bhopal, Murshidabad, Golconda and Bijapur.
Aparna Pande: Is Pakistan Part of South Asia? Yes!
AHMEDABAD: Finally, after a long gap, Ahmedabad will have a green map.
The Times of India
Photo: Veteran Indian social activist Hazare gestures as he sits in front of a portrait of Mahatma Gandhi on the eighth day of his fasting at Ramlila grounds in New Delhi Photo: Police remove supporters of social activist Anna Hazare, who were protesting outside residence of India's FM Mukherjee in New Delhi Photo: A student signs her support for India's veteran social activist Anna Hazare with her blood from the tip of her thumb during a rally against corruption in Ahmedabad Story: India PM calls all-party meet on anti-graft protests NEW DELHI Reuters - India's government Tuesday stepped up efforts to end national anti-corruption protests led by an ailing 74-year-old social activist as he entered a second week of fasting.
News -
PATNA: Slogans of "Raj Thackeray murdabad" and "Rahul Raj amar rahe" rent the eerie midnight air at Patna's Gulbighat burning ground on the bank of Ganga on Tuesday as Kundan Prasad Singh lit the pyre of his son Rahul Raj.
The Times of India
The long-haired and bearded yogi is under 24-hour observation by a team of 30 specialists during three weeks of tests at a hospital in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad.
Man Claims He Has Lived Without Food and Water for 70 Years | Impact Lab
The teacher called Dabao to step up the platform.
Yo quise quemar este libro en presencia de su dueno, y esperandole un dia que me habia de venir a ver, supe que dos dias antes se habia ido a Avila, huyendo de la enfermedad de pintas que andaba entonces en Salamanca; y asi le queme aquella noche en mi celda en una chimenea que hay en ella.
Fray Luis de Leon
Avijit Narjinary, the pradhan of the Mendabari gram panchayat, said:
The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
We need to find ways in which we engage the hoi polloi, the so-called masses, in public discourse through indabas, town hall forums, so that no one feels marginalised… their point of view matters, it counts.
Ahmedabad Narendra Modi, popularly called as 'CEO of Gujarat', has attempted an image makeover for being 'pro-poor', by organising 'Garib Kalyan Melas' across the state even as the Opposition dubbed it as a facade and "tamasha".
Latest News Online - Express Indian
Amit Dave/Reuters Relatives of the victims scatted rose petals Tuesday at one of the sites of the July 26, 2008 serial bomb blasts during a prayer ceremony in Ahmedabad, India .
Asia in Pictures
GANDHINAGAR: After the lush green state capital of Gandhinagar, Gujarat is set to get another planned city at Dholera, about 100 km south of Ahmedabad. - Business News
The Atdabanian epoch saw the emergence of the calcareous shelled Nisusiidae, the earliest and most primitive of the articulate brachiopods.
On this day in the morning another place that has earned a lot of fame for its Aathvi and Moharram is the estate of the Raja of Mehmoodabad near Sitapur Road.
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I was getting a little too comfy with the wide roads, uninterrupted power and active phone lines of Ahmedabad.
AHMEDABAD: The annual Rath Yatra of Lord Jagannath, which had sparked off communal disturbances in Ahmedabad and other parts of Gujarat in the past, ended peacefully on Tuesday under a strict security cover.
The Hindu - Front Page
Unlike a man, though, it's generally best to stick to one tried-and-tested brand; mine is Melissa Odabash and has been for many years.
Becoming a Bathing Beauty
AHMEDABAD: India's civil aviation sector will be among the top five in the world in the next five years, Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel said in Ahmedabad on
The Times of India
Which is why I am venturing to write this column on last week's encounter in Ahmedabad.
Más de 20 efectivos de la Policía Nacional de Seguridad Personal, mas escoltas, cuidaban al reo Alemán.
Nicaraguan Protesters Pay Visit to Former President
At his feet lay the senseless form of little Tota, to my left squatted Indaba-zimbi, nodding his white lock and muttering something -- probably spells; while in front was my giant antagonist, his spear aloft and his plumes wavering in the gentle wind.
Allan's Wife
‘Sonia Gandhi zindabad,’ they shout as security men form a ring round her.
Mwanawasa organized the forum, or "indaba," which ended late
ANC Daily News Briefing
Roll over, Macumazahn," Indaba-zimbi hissed in my ear, "roll over and pretend to die -- quick! quick!
Allan's Wife
The government will hold an "indaba" on the 2010 Soccer World Cup to iron out difficulties which could affect its success, it was announced on Tuesday.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Interleaved 2 of 5, Postnet, Code 2 of 5, and Codabar. Releases
Guardabarranco, or Turquoise browed motmot, is the name of the official bird of Nicaragua.
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“Naihah” more generally “Naddábah” Lat. præfica or carina, a hired mourner, the Irish “Keener” at the conclamatio or coronach, where the Hullabaloo, Hulululu or
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