How To Use Cyclone In A Sentence
It seemed impossible that anyone could come alive through that cyclone of destruction.
The Sun
It seemed impossible that anyone could come alive through that cyclone of destruction.
The Sun
There has been no trend in tropical cyclone intensity or frequency worldwide.
Times, Sunday Times
An objective analogue prediction model of tropical cyclone track is brought forward that considers the synthetical evaluation environment.
The World Is Flat" & Co. were cyclones of breeziness, mixing metaphors by the dozens and whipping up slang and clichés and jokey catchphrases of the author's own invention.
Shovel-Ready Shibboleths

This can lead to reduced coral growth, inability to recover from hazards like cyclones, smothering of coral by sediment, fish poisoning and unusually high growth rates for organisms that overgrow coral or support its rivals.
A multi-cyclone dust separator according to an embodiment of the present invention comprises at least three dust separation units for separating dust stepwise from relatively larger size.
Elsewhere, residents complained the country's leaders were slow to help cyclone victims.
The Sun
Then old Tarwater's heart uprose again as the air was rent by a cyclone of profanity, from the midst of which crackled sentences like: - Dirty skunks! ...
IAI and Cyclone Aviation Products Ltd in Carmiel manufacture the ventral fins, rudders, horizontal stabilisers and engine access doors.
Cyclone detection doppler radars are replacing the conventional analogue radars in important locations along the east coast.
After we had lost all steerage way we were swept bodily southwards by the inblowing winds towards the cyclone's centre.
Clouds gather, sometimes developing into a cyclone but will a water-starved Chennai see its tanks, lakes, wells and reservoirs full this year?
MAKA is the 7 th name in the third column central Pacific tropical cyclone name list.
Various different temperatures and wind interactions at different altitudes can cause a rotating updraft called a mesocyclone.
The area west of the trough line lies under the control of the anticyclone away to the west.
Design of the structural of the cyclone collector with double outlet for dust is based on the traditional cyclone collector .
This is true even though some recent observations found that the mesocyclone gust front structures are not strictly low-level phenomena, but instead, extend through a considerable depth of the storm.
This systemic aquatic herbicide is easily applied using a cyclone-type spreader.
The total annual operating budget of the Cyclone Preparedness Programme was under US$136,000.
The "massive" rainstorms were brought about by Tropical Cyclone Iggy in the Indian Ocean, south of Bali and the nearby Nusa Tenggara islands, he added. | Top Stories
The thin-framed, moveable glass walls were engineered to be resistant to tropical storms and cyclones.
In 1990 the tree on which they grow was blown over by a cyclone - or the fringes of one - but we managed to raise it up again.
We are all used to cyclones and storms lashing Florida and the surroundings.
He was very excited and animated when he was brought to the new Keyspan Park in Brooklyn to throw out a first ball at the Mets minor league home of the Brooklyn Cyclones.
One of the major differences of super cells compared to that of single-cell and multi-cells storms is that, the super cell contains a viscous rotating updraft, this rotational updraft is known as a mesocyclone.
I have had a fortnight of perfect weather here -- the meteorologists call it by the horrible and ugly name of "anticyclone," which suggests, even more than the word "cyclone" suggests, the strange weather said by the
The Silent Isle
Beyond the monster human cyclone of a moshpit, audience member stood frozen like rabbits in the glare of juggernaut halogens.
The tail end of a cyclone hit Gisborne just as the ship was leaving the harbour and instead of sailing out beyond the reef it finished up aground alongside it.
Hurricanes, other tropical cyclones and associated extreme weather events are increasing in severity and frequency;
Think Progress » Avatar director wants to ‘shoot it out’ with ‘asshole’ Glenn Beck and climate-denier ‘boneheads.’
More than half the rain falls in the wet season from June through September and is associated with thundershowers, squalls, and tropical cyclones.
For instance, there is no evidence that a rise in temperature causes more tropical cyclones.
Hundreds fled to storm shelters in the remote northern Cook Islands yesterday as the fourth cyclone in a month lashed the South Pacific nation.
An exceptionally violent cyclone hit the town last night.
We also wanted to make it cyclone proof, so John came up with a unique fixing system to bolt the panel to the slab.
You have a lot of coastal dwellers particularly in the north, where cyclones and even typhoons, hurricanes are a problem, and we warmer waters are going to generate more intense cyclones.
A cyclone in Bangladesh during 1991 caused 150,000 deaths.
In the Pacific they are known as typhoons, in the Indian Ocean as cyclones.
Griffin output fell because of maintenance and downtime associated with cyclone Gertie.
Representation of the wind system and precipitation area stippled in a middle - latitude cyclone.
The Cook Islands has helped Niue in other ways since the devastating cyclone struck the island early in January.
The world record for the lowest tropical cyclone pressure is 870 millibars in Typhoon Tip in the northwest Pacific Ocean on Oct. 12, 1979.
Winter anticyclones usually build westwards from Scandinavia and Eastern Europe.
An exceptionally violent cyclone hit the town last night.
Today we are basking in the hot, spring sun in the South Pacific, with a light breeze and stuns'ls set; tomorrow we could be in a full-blown gale and 35-foot seas, and cyclone season isn't far off.
Compared with hot cyclone-type CFB designs, the IR-CFB has significantly lower furnace exit gas velocity and requires significantly less building volume.
To do so, it will first be necessary to examine to what extent mesocyclones appear in high
When his government proved unequal to the challenges of post-cyclone relief and rehabilitation, the public demanded his replacement and Sonia had to relent.
Wreck exposed by Cyclone Yasi identified A SHIPWRECK exposed when Cyclone Yasi hit north Queensland has been identified as the brigantine Belle, lost in 1880. | Top Stories
This weak cyclone can develop substantially and become a typical extratropical cyclone only when air from the lower stratosphere flows downslope along isentropic surfaces into the region of interest.
The south-eastern cyclone moved eastward.
Beyond the monster human cyclone of a moshpit, audience member stood frozen like rabbits in the glare of juggernaut halogens.
Country people will recall the mini-cyclones lifting cocks of hay into the air and carrying them for a distance before dropping them back to ground again.
Nathan has several ‘souvenirs’ - Cyclone players' wrist sweatbands and game gloves - received during post-game high-fives on the field this fall.
Severe tropical cyclones correspond to the hurricanes or typhoons of other parts of the world.
Severe tropical cyclones correspond to the hurricanes or typhoons of other parts of the world.
Visitors were told how weather data which flow in continuously from around 500 weather stations all over the country are analysed, plotted on maps and then low pressure zones determined to forecast depressions and cyclones.
The GHC Reid building, which houses offices for the private sector in the Fagatogo village town area in American Samoa is all boarded up as the territory prepares for Tropical Cyclone Rene, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. - News
This model comprises of a radial, centrifugal fan cyclone with surround inlet Of high efficiency, expansion cone , and rotary valve air lock.
In many cases winds flow around the curved isobars of a high (anticyclone) or low (cyclone) pressure center.
Mesolow should not be confused with mesocyclone, which is a storm-scale phenomenon.
He believes climate change is also increasing the severity of cyclones and hurricanes, which are now appearing in areas never seen before, and outside their normal weather pattern.
The South African Weather Service told The Star on Monday that the heat is due to an anticyclone or high pressure system in the upper air.
A cyclone tore into India's southeastern coast yesterday, killing 11 people, officials said.
Proshutinsky and Johnson [26] show that the pattern of arctic sea ice drift has historically varied between two regimes, characterized by relatively strong and weak phases of the Beaufort anticyclone.
Sea ice in the Arctic
All sorts of weather systems can have an impact, dependent on the location, such as mid-latitude cyclones, subtropical anticyclones, monsoon systems, and tropical cyclones.
The response to the cyclone is just the most recent example of the junta's failure to meet its people's basic needs," Mrs. Bush said.
First Lady holds first mini-news conference
An inner spiral has also been added to deflect swirling grain from the cyclone's inlet pipe, minimising wear.
The Cyclone Yasi hit the Queensland coast at midnight local time, with winds of 290 km/h - a potentially fatal force.
The left and right cyclone and anticyclone rotation of the bow echo on its forward way decides the direction of developing or decreasing of the future strong convection weather.
This collision results in frontal uplift and the creation of the subpolar lows or mid-latitude cyclones.
Global-scale circulation of the atmosphere
A large anticyclone over western Russia helped to move a plume of hot air across eastern Europe last week.
Weatherwatch: Warmth dominates Europe
The new two-storey reinforced concrete building will double as a cyclone shelter for 300 people.
Times, Sunday Times
This change resulted, in turn, in the northward displacement of midlatitude cyclones over Argentina, southern Africa, southern Australia, and Tasmania.
Perhaps it may not be a matter of knowledge to all readers that for these hurricanes, as for many other heavy gales, the term cyclone is exact; that the wind does actually blow round a circle, but one of so great circumference that at each several point it seems to follow a straight line.
From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life
To add a supernatural element to the mix is to risk the whole thing disappearing up its own cyclone.
Times, Sunday Times
An F4 landspout hit Colorado a few years back, and landspouts are are caused by significantly different phenomena by definition, they have no mesocyclone.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Pathogens in Harm’s Way:
Many of the famous blizzards and northeasters that battered the East Coast and sank ships in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean throughout history were bomb cyclones.
The south-eastern cyclone moved eastward.
The cyclones and monsoons that already bring such damage to the area could become even more frequent and intense.
Due to the intensive rainfall and high temperatures, disastrous weather such as thunder storms and cyclones are likely to occur.
Well, there have been strong hurricanes and cyclones and typhoons in other parts of the world this year.
Tucked down in boho Stockbridge, this crimson-walled diner twinkles with candlelight and feels as cosy as a New Orleans bar in a cyclone.
Each year, the tropics are battered by up to 40 hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones, while floods and landslides occur everywhere in numbers too great to keep track of.
In the end, the key components such as cyclone separator , circulating ash returning equipment, air distributor, firing device, observing window, gate for digging up the dreg are designed.
Frequencies of tropical cyclones, heat-waves, bushfires and frosts are also linked to the Southern Oscillation.
A similar weather system occurred at the start of the anticyclone last week and as well as acting as a cooling agent it was a joy to watch.
mesocyclone," the core rotational structure of a thunderstorm, which can produce a tornado.
The New Yorker
The most significant features of the wet season are thunderstorms, tropical cyclones and rain depressions.
The frequency shift is then converted to wind velocity, yielding a small region of rapidly changing wind direction, a characteristic rotational wind shear signature of the mesocyclone indicating a tornadic circulation.
The coastal areas of Asia face future challenges: cyclones and their attendant surges will take an increasing toll as global warming disturbs weather systems.
The country has a warm climate and often experiences devastating cyclones and hurricanes.
Huaqing applied this technique to radar data of five mesocyclones, three of which spawned tornadoes.
Permanent examples of anticyclones exist in the subtropics, where a belt of anticyclones girdles the world at latitudes between about 20 and 40 degrees.
A second supply ship only reached Lau on February 18, more than one month after the cyclone hit.
Intensified upwelling would enhance aridity along the west coast of South America by preventing moist air masses of the Pacific anticyclone from encroaching landwards.
Suddenly, the cyclone rose up off the ground and tilted sideways toward them, looking like a long snake.
A tropical cyclone brought heavy rain to the country last week.
The strong anticyclone drifts slowly across the sub-continent during the weekend.
The best view of a mesocyclone is normally from a location east of the updraft, looking west.
This paper introduces MGX cyclone dust collector, including the structure characteristics, the design calculation, and the selection of the parameters and its application.
Thunderstorms containing mesocyclones are known as supercells, and sometimes produce destructive tornadoes.
Institute scientist Jim Salinger said the fine, settled winter weather was caused by more anticyclones than usual across northern New Zealand.
The same type of storm is known as a typhoon in the western Pacific Ocean or cyclone in the Indian Ocean.
Fierce forecast: Feds predict up to 10 hurricanes in 2011
The Andes form a barrier to the eastern margin of the South Pacific anticyclone.
The difference between precipitation of evapotranspiration has a clear equatorial peak that is associated with convective cloud systems, whereas the secondary maxima (near 50°N and °S) are the result of extratropical cyclones and midlatitude convection.
Global material cycles
The first American plane loaded with aid for cyclone victims touches down overnight in Myanmar.
In other parts of the world, the same types of storms are called typhoons or cyclones.
It is the super-cells within the tropical cyclones, such as hurricanes or typhoons that produce very heavy downpours as these storms start to move inland.
Why don't we try to destroy tropical cyclones by nuking them?
This was not the first time Darwin had been severely damaged by a cyclone: it was badly mauled in both January 1897 and March 1937.
He created the term anticyclone and pointed out its importance in weather forecasting.
As cyclones move inland, they form rain depressions and are an important source of rain.
And it points out that the cyclones and monsoons that already bring such damage to the area could become even more frequent and intense.
Figure 2 shows the trend of average lowest altitude diameter of the mesocyclone from T - 5 to T + 1.
An exceptionally violent cyclone hit the town last night.
The Andes form a barrier to the eastern margin of the South Pacific anticyclone.
, bomb cyclogenesis is the formation of an over-land cyclone ("cyclogenesis") in a dramatically short period of time ("kablooey").
Boing Boing
[[Cyclone furnace | cyclone]] burners, a specific kind of combustor that can efficiently burn larger pieces of coal.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Aid agencies are now warning that the destruction of the cyclone could only be the beginning of a long line of humanitarian disasters for the island nation.
Christianity Today
By international agreement, the term tropical cyclone is used by most nations to describe hurricane-like storms that originated over tropical oceans.
Tropical weather and hurricanes
• LOWER RICHLAND 77, CHESTER 68 -- In Chester, all Cyclone coach Jason Smith could do was simple math in analyzing a home loss to Lower Richland.
The Herald | - Front
The government said the cyclone and floods had damaged more than 300,000 homes in almost 17,000 villages.
Times, Sunday Times
The Kansas cyclone that whisks Dorothy into a dreamworld is evoked through vorticist projections the work of Jon Driscoll that betoken chaos in the cosmos.
The Wizard of Oz - review
But we can only wonder whether the dark shapes below our dinghy are marine life or the ghostly remains of pearling luggers and guano sailing ships wrecked by cyclones around the turn of last century.
This conducts a high volume of air through many small cyclones simultaneously, giving it enhanced constant suction power to pick up even more dirt and debris.
In the Erasama block, which was the worst hit by the cyclone, sweet water is not available even at a depth of 1,500 feet.
The horizontally rotating mass, called a mesocyclone, is the first clue to radar observers that a thunderstorm could produce a tornado.
Storm Warning
If the thunderstorm is moving rapidly toward or away from you, the mesocyclone may be harder to detect.
Then reports of a massive cyclone start coming in; the boats are trapped at sea, the pilots are forced to ditch the plane in the drink.
Already we are witnessing numerous irregularities and disturbances in the climatic system - heat waves, floods, squalls, storms, cyclones and thunderstorms.
The design of high-temperature flue gas dust collector is discussed, and the structure of high-temperature ceramic multi-cyclone dust collector is introduced.
By using tropical cyclone parameterinitial and final environmental fields, an objective resemble criterion is built up.
An exceptionally violent cyclone hit the town last night.
An increase in floods, droughts, tropical cyclones, and sea levels are also expected to bring a host of health problems in their wake.
The three - dimension gas - particle flow in a spiral cyclone is simulated numerically.
Each year, the tropics are battered by up to 40 hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones, while floods and landslides occur everywhere in numbers too great to keep track of.
The conditions required for tropical cyclones are also suitable conditions for thunderstorms, deep convective clouds with strong updraughts.
Fig .5.13. Representation of the wind system and precipitation area ( stippled ) in a middle - latitude cyclone.
The resident anticyclone continues in its fixed abode.
Extratropical Southern Hemisphere Cyclones: Harbingers of Climate Change?
In summer, the weather associated with anticyclones is usually fine and cloud-free.
Four years ago back-to-back cyclones whiplashed Madagascar over a two-month span.
The anticyclones are spinning in different directions, such that they keep a delicate balance with one another.
As well as facing a severe economic crisis, over the past two years the island has been hit by serious flooding due to tropical storms and cyclones that have devastated agricultural production.
This anticyclone will dominate the weather scene for the following few days.
This helicity value was classified as a strong mesocyclone environment according to Davies-Jones.
Today, a bomb cyclone is an extratropical area of low pressure in which the central barometric pressure drops at least 24 millibars in 24 hours.
One storm with a 20% chance of becoming a tropical cyclone in the next 48 hours is moving west toward the Lesser Antilles and Caribbean Sea.
Gas Futures Decline As Temperatures Moderate
During this period favoured locations for centres of anticyclones are the Great Victoria Desert and central New South Wales.
Griffin output fell because of maintenance and downtime associated with cyclone Gertie.
He also quotes The Hartford Courant which said that figuring him out was “like trying to stick a pushpin in a cyclone.”
Bush's heavy reading
The rotating column a mesocyclone is drawn down to earth by moisture-laden air.
Like the Sea Kings, the Sikorsky Cyclones chosen on July 23 to replace Canada's geriatric fleet of Sea Kings rely on two engines.
Such wind systems indicate the regular passage of the anticyclones well to the south of the sub-continent.
This view is supported by the frequency of south-easterly winds in the neighbourhood of the Antarctic Circle reported by all explorers, and the hypothesis of a south polar anticyclone or area of high pressure over the Antarctic continent has gained currency in advance of any observations to establish it.
Perspective of Antarctica in 1911
With enough air shooting up and down, the pinwheel is knocked on its side, creating a huge rotating mass of clouds called a mesocyclone - the hallmark of a tornado-spawning supercell storm - from which a funnel cloud can shoot down.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
The most significant features of the wet season are thunderstorms, tropical cyclones and rain depressions.
As the eye of the cyclone crossed the coast at Coolangatta there was a brief calm, and air pressure dropped to 973 hPa.
Summer weather was once determined by a phenomenon called the anticyclone of the Azores, a high-pressure zone over the Atlantic that brought Italy hot, dry periods relieved by summer storms, and then a definitive break in mid-August when a final storm broke up the anticyclone for good.
Rome: The Marvels and the Menace
Madagascar's vanilla production has been adversely affected in recent years by a series of devastating cyclones.
But our first night at the telescope was cloud covered—actually, was socked in and packing knock-you-down wind from a cyclone on the eastern coast—so instead of observing, we talked.
First Contact
ONLINE You can help cyclone victims by on to: w w w.
The Sun
Miners with interests in Australia were also unsettled by the potential disruption to production from a tropical cyclone in the northwest of the country.
Times, Sunday Times
Authorities have scrambled to airlift hospital patients from the path of a cyclone roaring toward waterlogged northeastern Australia and urged low-lying communities to evacuate because of potentially deadly flash floods.
Cyclone Yasi roars toward Australia's flooded north
NWS progged for yesterday a shift to NW winds and mix out based on mid latitude cyclone being carried into Washington / N.
Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
The left and right cyclone and anticyclone rotation of the bow echo on its forward way decides the direction of developing or decreasing of the future strong convection weather.
The hiring and unhiring of new employees was like an underhand rag-toss into the cyclone that was thrashing around just under his unwatchful eye.
The advancing anticyclone is centred between 35 and 40 degrees South.
A devastating cyclone on 6 January 1897 caused both damage and loss of life.
Should the proportion of tornadic mesocyclones go down to 20% or so, as it now appears it might, this problem is correspondingly exacerbated.
In 1978, a tropical cyclone, with destructive winds and huge waves, washed away large sections of the jetty near the shore.
Stupid kids get killed falling off the Palisades trying to sneak into the park through a hole in the Cyclone fence.
Anticyclones cause cloudless blue skies and high temperatures in summer.
These kinds of mesocyclones are also rare, only occurring with landfalling tropical systems.
Thirty-one years ago, when Cyclone Bebe inundated Funafuti, its waves tossed coral rubble onto the windward side of the atoll, creating a rampart that still stands as the highest point on the motu.
The strong winds that hit the Pacific Coast are from extratropical storms, not hurricanes, which are tropical cyclones.
The strongest vertical motion, positive vorticity and upper level divergence and low level convergence were observed in explosive developmental process of the cyclones.
Weakening and reduction in the regular size of the Polar anticyclone and its east-wind outflow should cause the temperate low pressure belt to find a zone of activity closer to the polar zones than at present.
Many evaporator designs utilize centrifugal force to separate liquid droplets from vapor in cyclone separators.
Their services are vital in the immediate aftermath of a severe natural event such as an earthquake, hurricane, cyclone or volcano eruption.
Their lives have been shattered by the devastating effects of the recent cyclones.
By Monday, the latest day for which forecasts are available, the system will have grown in strength to head coastward hot on the heels of Cyclone Baaz.
The word cyclone is associated in popular phraseology with a terrific storm, but it has no such restriction in technical usage.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume III: Modern development of the physical sciences
Hurricanes, like their regional cousin a typhoon, both come from the family of tropical cyclones.
The low pressure area departed during Thursday as a new anticyclone reached and passed the Cape.
The experimental results showed that the circumfluent hydro-cyclones with the separating columns had the higher separating efficiency and the lower pressure drop.
Get it wrong and you could be landing in the middle of a tropical cyclone or find out you've paid over the odds as it's peak season.
The Sun
The conditions required for tropical cyclones are also suitable conditions for thunderstorms, deep convective clouds with strong updraughts.
Simulated experiment and study were conducted in the speedy heading face in a soft rock roadway with mixed dust collection system and KC-061 Wet Cyclone Dust Collector.
YANGON, MYANMAR: A Myanmar newspaper says the military government has lifted a rice export ban it imposed after Cyclone Nargis devastated the country's main rice-growing areas in the Irrawaddy Delta and south of Yangon in May.
My Sinchew -
There is a tendency for tropical cyclones in Australian waters to be less common in El Niño summers, and more common in La Niña summers, due to changes in broadscale wind patterns and water temperatures during such events.
Heatwaves, cyclones, and floods, will become more frequent and intense.
It was so dark they could not see each other as their tree was buffeted by strong winds caused by Cyclone Debbie.
The equatorial Pacific is warmer than the equatorial atlantic, and so tropical cyclones in the Pacific are on average more intense than those in the Atlantic. News
In our hemisphere, areas of high barometric pressure, anticyclones, create winds which circulate anticlockwise.
X Cyclone R/C Boat Barca de curse cu radiocomanda Specificatii: Radiocomanda functioneaza cu 8 baterii de 1. 5V Raza maxima radiocomanda: 130 m Dimensiuni barca: 93 x 25 x 19 (cm) Barca functioneaza cu un acumulator reincarcabil 7. 2V (inclus) Incarcator acumulator inclus Control radiocomanda: inainte, stanga-dreapta, stop Culori disponibile: galben - Articles related to Goddard Introduces NASA Center For Climate Simulation
Stratocumulus is usually a sign of old fronts and is also associated with static anticyclones.
Part of the reason is that the tropical cyclone that battered Bangladesh and northeast India last week drained much of the energy from the advancing monsoon.
Times, Sunday Times
Other great winds like hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones, are essentially just high winds.