How To Use Cutting out In A Sentence

  • She is working hard towards cutting out any need for slavery in her life and asserts her right to work part-time without it being seen as a sign of marginalisation.
  • Using a large round biscuit cutter, cut out circles, then make them into rings by cutting out the centre using a smaller round cutter. The Sun
  • Best of all, you deal direct with the owners, cutting out the middlemen.
  • And ending the Ashton line at the stadium, cutting out Tameside, would not make economic sense, say planners.
  • Ever since he driveled on my hand whilst I held apiece of zinc plating that he was cutting out in the field I realized that he was more than just a scientific supervisor.
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  • Other mangling word games include the school fad of ‘cloze’, cutting out words in text. Web Translations » Blog Archive » Are Chinese people forgetting how to write?
  • That's because the Internet is increasingly cutting out the middleman.
  • They are highly efficient and especially adroit at cutting out excessive steps and cumbersome procedures.
  • He said that a 28 - year - old patient of his had tried to lose weight by cutting out meat and foods that contained amylum, a complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, but succeeded only in seriously dama … Think Progress » Hastert: ‘If You Earn $40,000 a Year and Have a Family of Two Children, You Don’t Pay Any Taxes’
  • This includes cutting out added salt and reducing the proportion of fat in the diet. Times, Sunday Times
  • The system can be speeded up by cutting out the middleman and burning the wood on a bonfire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once allowed only to Aztec nobles and priests, pulque is produced by cutting out the center of a Maguey cactus and collecting the liquid which rises from it. Just One And I Have To Go - The Joys Of Pulque
  • If you enjoy an occasional drink this may do no harm but by cutting out drink altogether you avoid any possible risks.
  • He did not go with me, for my aunt wanted him to hold skeins of wool for her to wind, but he made up to me for the disappointment that evening by sitting by me while I pinned out my few but far from rare captures, taking great pleasure in holding the pins for me, and praising what he called my cleverness in cutting out pieces of card. Nat the Naturalist A Boy's Adventures in the Eastern Seas
  • I haven't spoken to my ex-fianc é e since the day she left me," says Mr. Opperman, whose site,, generated $1 million in sales last year by enabling consumers to buy and sell diamond rings and other jewelry on the Web, cutting out the middlemen and their markups. Unlucky in Love? Turning a Break-up Into a Business
  • Cutting out Fold the fabric in half.
  • The government will build homes directly, cutting out the middleman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cutting out the diseased places and treating aseptically may be useful in light cases, but badly infected trees are incurable, in the present state of our knowledge. Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • When he draws dividing lines, he is effectively remoulding the Labour Party - cutting out the parts he has opposed against in the past, emphasising the virtues of collectivism and the idea that public spending is, in itself, good.
  • Also, a question: when you are cutting out a stack of dresses, do you have trouble withe the fabric or pattern shifting? Paintings With Multi-Generations of Women
  • Here, too, the line of the extant culture, -- the narrow indented boundary of the _culture_ that professed to take all is always defining the new, -- cutting out the wild not yet visited by the art of man; -- only here the criticism is much more lively, because here 'we come _to particulars_,' a thing which the new philosophy -- much insists on; and though this want in learning, and the wildness it leaves, is that which makes tragedies in this method of exhibition; it has its comical aspect also; and this is the laughing and weeping philosopher in one who manages these representations; and in this case it is the comical aspect of the subject that is seized on. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • Cutting out fat from a diet that is already healthy could see you lose out on vital nutrients. Times, Sunday Times
  • To do this, she recommends cutting out all refined, sweetened and junk foods and eating more fresh non-starchy vegetables and good quality protein and fatty foods.
  • The children were cutting out squares from the scraps of material.
  • It was a little unorthodox that they did it that way, cutting out the middleman.
  • To relieve the pain, neurotomy may be performed -- an operation in which the sense of feeling is destroyed in the foot by cutting out pieces of the nerve at the fetlock. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • I discovered they're all switching to health foods, cutting out fat, salt and pork.
  • Anything I wrote of any substance would be edited "redrafted" by my superiors, who would subject my prose to the most thorough copy-editing it has ever had-getting to the point, cutting out the Latinate, shortening the sentences, making sure the proposed "handling" of an issue was clear. Top Stories
  • Television censors are cutting out scenes which they claim may offend.
  • For years, it was said, French prisoners from the Napoleonic wars had been employed cutting out this path. A DEATH IN TIME
  • They are adding value to their produce, cutting out the middleman and getting feedback from their customers.
  • He adopted a mostly vegetarian diet, cutting out sugar and saturated fat, taking antioxidants, herbal and soy supplements and drinking tons of pure water and green tea.
  • When music is stored and sold as a computer file, disintermediation occurs (the cutting out of middle layers of distribution channels).
  • Its site allows users to buy furniture direct from suppliers, cutting out middlemen and reducing costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many owners of small and mediumsized businesses also reckon they could do better by cutting out the middleman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cutting out favourite snacks leads many children to binge on the foods they have been denying themselves, Harvard Medical School researchers found.
  • But the market for local foods will never serve as many producers and consumers as it could if direct marketing - cutting out the middleman - is the only method of getting local foods to market.
  • In the days before the internet, cutting out intermediaries and selling motor insurance down a phone line was revolutionary.
  • By cutting out middlemen such as headhunters, firms save money. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • The younger one is more sensitive and artistic, happy cutting out pictures from fashion magazines and calling himself Cheryl. The Sun
  • And we could have sliced the cost in half by cutting out such things as starters, and still have emerged our appetites pleasantly satisfied.
  • The skins are now nearly ready for cutting out and sewing, but first have to be chewed, which is also women's work. Schwatka's Search
  • This involved cutting out a pie-shaped wedge of bone, so it was bent towards my thumb below the knuckle, and then bent the other way at my knuckle, to average out sort of unbent.
  • They were all very much surprised a little later, however, to discover him working away on the tent with his knife, and, to their great disgust, they observed that he was busily engaged in cutting out all the bobbinet windows and in ripping the front of the tent open so that it was precisely like any other tent! The Young Alaskans in the Rockies
  • In the window across the road a saddler sat cutting out a strap, and reminding the Emigrant of a certain First of April when he had ventured in and inquired for half a pint of strap-oil. Old Fires and Profitable Ghosts
  • If you enjoy an occasional drink this may do no harm but by cutting out drink altogether you avoid any possible risks.
  • Bone marrow is removed from the bone (usually the hipbone) either by aspiration (suctioning a small amount through a hollow needle) or by biopsy (cutting out a small piece of bone marrow). Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma - Diagnosis and Treatment
  • I'm not familiar with the book, though I've read that the film version butchered the story a bit, cutting out major plot points and character development.
  • Some plans advocate cutting out dairy and wheat and sticking to home made soups, steamed vegetables, cooked pulses, brown rice and oats.
  • Woodpeckers, accustomed to chiselling their food out of timber, have little difficulty in cutting out nest chambers in tree trunks.
  • Science works by drastically oversimplifying the world, cutting out everything that cannot be mathematized.
  • The power keeps cutting out and coming back on, so I am about to pack up the internet thingy.
  • Other refinements (rarely administered) were the tearing of the flesh of the condemned with red-hot pincers, the cutting off of hands, and the cutting out of tongues.
  • Cutting out fat from a diet that is already healthy could see you lose out on vital nutrients. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bare beauty of the channelled whelk tells me that one answer, and perhaps a first step, is in simplification of life, in cutting out some of the distractions. Monday Musing
  • We can never thank her sufficiently for cutting out endless pages of songs and recitative by the melancholious old Hermit who, in the original version, was to commence the opera, and wander in and out of it incessantly. The Love Affairs of Great Musicians
  • Nor has she any intention of cutting out the calories for industry bigwigs. The Sun
  • A hapless despatcher then starts to try and get a location, cutting out other units attempting to respond. Square Peg - Round Hole « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • They are highly efficient and especially adroit at cutting out excessive steps and cumbersome procedures.
  • This includes cutting out added salt and reducing the proportion of fat in the diet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then for want of cuckoo-pint, or priest-pintle, lousebur, clote, and paper, we made ourselves false faces with the leaves of an old Sextum that had been thrown by and lay there for anyone that would take it up, cutting out holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • They are highly efficient and especially adroit at cutting out excessive steps and cumbersome procedures.
  • It is now becoming a more important market, and they would see economies of scale by cutting out the middleman.
  • This is the time to experiment with some of those new veggie recipes you've been cutting out of magazines, or just enjoy the vegetables steamed with some herbs and a little butter or olive oil.
  • Cutting out the fuss is more than a design philosophy for Julie, it's a way of life, right down to her basic wardrobe of comfortable jeans, slip-on shoes, and simple cotton blouses.
  • The younger one is more sensitive and artistic, happy cutting out pictures from fashion magazines and calling himself Cheryl. The Sun
  • There is so much waste and mismanagement in government that the best way to balance the books is by economizing, streamlining, and cutting out the waste and spending the money you have more wisely.
  • But she quickly shed the excess weight after cutting out carbs and booze and following a strict exercise regime. The Sun
  • I can recall cherishing school as a youngster, frolicking around the lower-level classrooms at Ben Franklin Elementary School, cutting out those little construction paper handprint turkeys with aplomb and reciting more letters and numbers than a bingo caller. Tonawanda News Homepage
  • Furthermore, because of the cost savings derived from cutting out the middleman, Dell believes it can sell computers at lower prices than its competitors, and thus steal market share.
  • The praises of the toy theatre have been a common theme for essayists, the planning of the scenes, the painting and cutting out of the caste, penny plain twopence coloured, the stink and glory of the performance and the final conflagration. Archive 2010-04-01
  • Then I became vegetarian, also cutting out all foods with chemicals and preservatives.
  • Cutting out the obvious milk, butter, cream, yoghurt, and cheese is not enough.
  • She says that rather than counting calories, those wanting to lose weight should focus on eating healthy foods and cutting out processed products altogether. Times, Sunday Times
  • With sound cutting out and shrieking feedback, the actors soldiered on, and it didn't ruin the performance, but it was a right scunner, cause that matinee show was kicking arse up till that moment. Archive 2010-06-01
  • Cutting out the obvious milk, butter, cream, yoghurt, and cheese is not enough.
  • Woodpeckers, accustomed to chiselling their food out of timber, have little difficulty in cutting out nest chambers in tree trunks.
  • Using a large round biscuit cutter, cut out circles, then make them into rings by cutting out the centre using a smaller round cutter. The Sun
  • Then go through the live stems, cutting out thin, twiggy stuff to produce a quiverful of strong stems. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'On one and the same day,' says Dr. Meryon, 'I have known her to dictate papers that concerned the political welfare of a pashalik, and descend to trivial details about the composition of a house-paint, the making of butter, drenching a sick horse, choosing lambs, or cutting out a maid's apron. Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century
  • She is doing that by cutting out a seemingly crucial part of selling expensive clobber: shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • Television censors are cutting out scenes which they claim may offend.
  • Tips on how to achieve contentment include regular holidays, scheduled time alone with a partner, plenty of exercise, fiddling with motorbikes, and cutting out television.
  • Tomba," laughed Hal, "after all the trouble that that last cigarette cost you I should think you'd feel like cutting out the habit forever. Uncle Sam's Boys in the Philippines or, Following the Flag against the Moros
  • And like so many others, she found that yo-yo dieting, popping diet pills, drinking fitness shakes, and cutting out food groups doesn't help to shed pounds.
  • Almost all the natives had Indian money, called wampum, which they made from abalone or clam-shells by cutting out round pieces like buttons or small, hollow beads. Stories of California
  • He and his brother would take delight in cutting out oat cakes.
  • If you enjoy an occasional drink this may do no harm but by cutting out drink altogether you avoid any possible risks.
  • That means cutting out smoking and reducing spicy foods and booze. The Sun
  • Using a large round biscuit cutter, cut out circles, then make them into rings by cutting out the centre using a smaller round cutter. The Sun
  • The lectionary does preachers a disservice by cutting out verses 32-34: they are essential to the pericope.
  • That means cutting out smoking and reducing spicy foods and booze. The Sun
  • Cutting out the vegetative understory, which is what the town wants, removes some of that protection. Local News from Wilmington Star News
  • The typical surgical procedure involves cutting out the mole, known as "excision". EzineArticles
  • Cutting out fat from a diet that is already healthy could see you lose out on vital nutrients. Times, Sunday Times
  • His bucket-equipped compact track loader makes money backfilling basements, cutting out driveways and sidewalks, and performing final landscape grading.
  • If a publisher can offer a game experience at half the price of its competitors by cutting out the middleman, they have a decisive advantage.
  • I have been drinking it ever since, in addition to watching my diet and cutting out shellfish.
  • So I've decided to compromise, cutting out the carbs at night and doing squats in the living-room.

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