How To Use Cut-rate In A Sentence
Other service members, sick of MREs, "freelanced" and bought cut-up chicken at the nearby bazaar, a long city block of mud stalls with straw roofs where you can also pick up a live goat or lamb, not to mention cut-rate Viagra.
None of these things guarantee loyalty in the face of cut-rate competition, though.
From there, he hopes to launch an internet-based business, offering services at cut-rate prices to British firms.
That's the cut-rate store where perfectly good clothes, shoes and toys inexplicably end up costing far less than originally intended.
Or the fact that the country's national strategic reserve of maize was sold off wholesale at cut-rate prices two years ago in a series of dodgy transactions.

As odd as the idea of cut-rate, illicit, butt-boosting injections may sound, this case is far from the first that has made headlines - and in some cases, the outcome has been deadly.
ABC News: Top Stories
Then I killed some time at Rainbow, a cut-rate grocery store that was recently went bankrupt.
Then I killed some time at Rainbow, a cut-rate grocery store that was recently went bankrupt.
Drugs are being sold at cut-rate prices, without any thought to profit or effect on the market.
Using that tort settlement, the big brands have hampered tiny cut-rate rivals and raised prices with near impunity.
Reynolds, Altria Group Inc. and other industry giants are lobbying the Florida Legislature to close what they say is a loophole that allows Dosal to sell its cigarettes at cut-rate prices.
Florida Cigarette Maker Battles Proposed State Fees
And they would most definitely not hang out with a lesbian and her stoner friends in a cut-rate video store.
A couple of narrow bunks, a stove, a cooler full of fruit and cheese and a few bottles of a cut-rate Chardonnay.
They say they won't invest in massive fiber-optic upgrades, wiring broadband to millions of American homes, if they have to share these networks with competitors at cut-rate prices.
Will we open Australia to competition from cut-rate overseas universities?
Will we open Australia to competition from cut-rate overseas universities?
This barber was an Armenian-born guy who looked like a cut-rate Antonio Banderas, only unlike Antonio I doubt he would have been aroused by the sight of Melanie Griffith.
Charlie Carillo: Pound for Pound, It Was a Costly Cut
We get cut-rate electricity for six hours each night.
There is also the special treatment -- travel for government officials on corporate jets at cut-rate prices, choice seats at sports events, cushy junkets like golf trips to Saint Andrews, Scotland, arranged on occasion by the now-disgraced Jack Abramoff and his associates -- gifts that House Republicans now want to make illegal.
CNN Transcript Jan 18, 2006
You all feel it," she said, feeling like a cut-rate Cassandra but knowing no other way to put it.
None of these things guarantee loyalty in the face of cut-rate competition, though.
Instead, Nasri was 10 months away from becoming a free agent and, faced with the prospect of losing him for nothing, Arsenal was forced to take the cut-rate offer.
Van Persie: Arsenal's Money in the Bank
That means consumers can expect rebates and cut-rate financing deals to continue and both companies will have to slow down their assembly lines.
I'm glad of it for between the smoking of this cut-rate lamp oil & the babe's soggy diapers, the air in here is near unbreathable.
The next time I popped by, I brought some cartons of cut-rate cigarettes to peddle, making it appear that I had either heisted them or my connection had.
Dancing with the Devil
And even though a flood of rebates and cut-rate financing offers are helping Detroit move inventory, they're coming at a huge cost.
Cut-rate journalists and underground marketing campaigns now drown out the authentic voices of amateur wordsmiths.
The idea of offering cut-rate prices temporarily to boost demand might not seem so radical in retailing.
E-Book Prices Get Slashed
Drugs are being sold at cut-rate prices, without any thought to profit or effect on the market.
Using that tort settlement, the big brands have hampered tiny cut-rate rivals and raised prices with near impunity.
I was fonder of Tom Tryon in "Texas John Slaughter", sort of a cut-rate pastiche of Ford's cavalry trilogy.
Davy Crockett, the Green Hornet, the Phantom and other heroes of my youth who werent really heroes of my youth
Using that tort settlement, the big brands have hampered tiny cut-rate rivals and raised prices with near impunity.
They offer cut-rate fares — gamblers can pay $12 round-trip from Chinatown to the Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, and get a $60 bonus at the casino.
NYC bus crash spotlights cut-rate bus companies
Within days of that conversation, Black was offering his readers cut-rate subscriptions, thereby reducing his circulation revenue by millions each year.
In an era where ESPN's greatest threat is a death by a thousand cuts from emerging specialized channels — NFL Network, MLB Network, Big Ten Network — Versus seems like a cut-rate generalist whose top properties — NHL and Tour de France — aren't a claim to fame.
A Comcast takeover could bring more tools, questions to NBC Sports
Here government, at least on a small scale, is a reliable partner as a community development organization called the University Cultural Center Association aids start-ups in the Midtown neighborhood with financing, tax credits, cut-rate rents on space and technical advice on everything from bookkeeping to marketing.
John Gerzema and Michael D'Antonio: Nothing and Everything -- What Consumers Expect from the New Normal
Within days of that conversation, Black was offering his readers cut-rate subscriptions, thereby reducing his circulation revenue by millions each year.
I found it on some cut-rate dance compilation borrowed from a friend, and was knocked out like I'd been hit in the gut while playing dodgeball.
Android growth in China has recently received a boost from cut-rate models from ZTE and sub-$150 smartphone market is expected to bloom over the next winter.
Whether they can actually negotiate voluntary restraints remains unclear, since presumed offenders are peddling cut-rate steel in part to keep shaky economies afloat.
That's the cut-rate store where perfectly good clothes, shoes and toys inexplicably end up costing far less than originally intended.
Yet the world of technology has embraced the slumdwellers with its cheap cell phones and cut-rate calling plans that charge a sliver of a penny a minute.
India: Toilets Are Scarce, And Highly Desirable
Or the fact that the country's national strategic reserve of maize was sold off wholesale at cut-rate prices two years ago in a series of dodgy transactions.
Spirit, along with Europe's leading cut-rate airline Ryanair, are unashamed industry leaders at generating ancillary revenue by seemingly renting every inch of in-flight display space to advertisers.
And they would most definitely not hang out with a lesbian and her stoner friends in a cut-rate video store.
They say they won't invest in massive fiber-optic upgrades, wiring broadband to millions of American homes, if they have to share these networks with competitors at cut-rate prices.
cut-rate goods
From there, he hopes to launch an internet-based business, offering services at cut-rate prices to British firms.
In addition to cut-rate financing promotions, which can save an astute buyer thousands of dollars over the life of the loan, most incentives in the luxury segment come in the form of so-called marketing support, which we call an additional dealer discount. News