How To Use Cut down In A Sentence
Keeping buildings low-rise and increasing the number of front doors helps to cut down bills.
Times, Sunday Times
He was being driven to work one October morning in his luxury vehicle when he was cut down by a gunman.
Cut down your overall amount of physical activity.
On its ground floor, executive director Amy Tobin showed me some salvaged-wood tables, benches, and a lustrously smooth black-acacia countertop created by Paul Discoe, an ordained Buddhist priest whose Oakland-based company, Live Edge, utilizes lumber from urban street trees that have been cut down due to storm damage, disease, and other reasons.
Anneli Rufus: Rainwater Toilets and Slag: Touring Berkeley's Greenest Building
And some of them have those things you used to use in the backyard to cut down the agave plant.

The tendency in the past has been to restrict or cut down on plant proteins and increase animal protein in the diet.
This is the place where some woodcutters cut down trees.
He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.
We're trying to cut down on the amount of paperwork involved.
They help to cut down the number of acne bacteria in the blocked-up grease glands and reduce painful inflammation.
The prices of intercity and international conversations, however, will be cut down by 19 per cent and 14 per cent, respectively.
Half of the forest was cut down to make room for the road.
Brazil is also leading the charge in innovative biometric technology which it uses to identify voters and thereby cut down on impersonation.
Nikolas Kozloff: Part III: What Is the Brazilian Brand?
Those few brave souls, trying to buy time for their families to flee with their lives, were quickly cut down or overrun by the scores of humanoids that ran wildly through the streets.
If you find it difficult to stop drinking altogether, try to cut down as much as possible.
Yep, that’s right – this lil dood is supposed to eat mosquito larvae, which ideally in the long run will cut down on the amount of mosquitoes hanging round our yard.
Archive 2009-05-01
Cut down the risk by not swimming near harbours or places where locals do their washing, and always towel down vigorously.
Times, Sunday Times
In late autumn, cut down the stems to 6in above ground level when the leaves turn brown and lift the tubers as required.
With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.
He had riders and staff use antibacterial hand gel to cut down on infections.
Times, Sunday Times
Half of the forest was cut down to make room for the road.
He could also cut down his incidental expenses - for instance, cooking more at home rather than eating out.
Times, Sunday Times
Small trees would be cut down to mark the spot because of the severe winter with its blizzards and bad weather.
It was a lamebrain excuse on behalf of the Bahamian government to try to cut down on expenditure.
The champan tossed fearfully, so that it was regarded as a good plan to cut down the mast.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
He has a blazing fastball and a dynamic slider, but he must overcome the tendency to overthrow and cut down on his pitch counts.
The experiments prove that after being modified treatment, the addition of cold-hardening resin is cut down, so that the cost of cold-hardening resin sand can be decreased.
He said that the company was manufacturing its own spare parts and other accessories for the machinery a development that caused considerable cut down on time to load and offload cargo.
It empowered local councils to enter gardens and cut down problem hedges if their owners refuse to cooperate.
We're trying to cut down on the amount of paperwork involved.
But to cut down harmful frictions, such moving parts must be lubricated.
Get into having lots of showers and baths and washing your hands frequently to cut down on germs and reduce the transmission of illnesses like colds and flu.
If you are using your glasses to stare at the screen, she recommends an antireflection coating to cut down glare.
Times, Sunday Times
The programme has also helped to cut down the number of young girls lined up for circumcision in the area this year.
Attacks in the night on sleeping humans are being blamed on the disappearance of animal prey as the rainforest is cut down.
The Sun
These are plants that you sow and cut down before they reach maturity.
Times, Sunday Times
His idea is that people should stop buying commemorative seats for viewpoints and instead leave a legacy to have trees cut down.
The cedar was all cut down (so now other species, many of them weeds, grow up) and shipped to Britain as the ballast in ships.
The tree began to decay as soon as it was cut down.
The software can cut down on the time it takes managers to schedule their staff.
When the fistula does not get eaten through, having first examined it with a sound, cut down as far as it passes, and sprinkle with the flos aeris, and let it remain for five days.
On Fistulae
Wetlands were being drained so the land could be developed, estuaries were being reclaimed and forests were being cut down.
To facilitate animal traction, migrants cut down big trees, cleared bamboo bushes, and uprooted stumps.
And steer clear of refined sugars, white flour and fried foods, or at least cut down on them.
Cut down on fatty foods and alcohol if you want to lose weight.
The other Rebuplican duplicity is to label a piece of legislation opposite of it's intended purpose ( "Healthy Forest Initiative" = cut down the last of America's old-growth forest, "Clean Skies Initiative" = relax pollution laws, release more mercury, sulfer dioxide, etc.)
Graham: Dems engaging in 'seedy Chicago politics'
Heavier plows with wheels, horizontal plowshares, and a moldboard were invented, which cut down on manual labor.
The petrol price goes up by six cents a litre today, and while there's little to be done about price increases, the good news is that you can cut down on consumption, thereby nullifying the increase, without too much effort.
Cut down on caffeine and avoid excess booze.
The Sun
The Hitch said ... just read in this mornings newspaper about a 23 year old met police oficer kicked half to death for refusing light some scumbags spliff, he is now totally paralysed. the scon got 8 years a piece and got that cut down to 7 on appeal. how have we got to this point?
Cruel and Unusual
Any proposal to cut down an old tree or plant a new one required endless lobbying.
The Education of a Gardener
And when you consider that a lot of them, through ill looks and ill luck, are foredoomed old maids and are foredoomed to teach all their lives, you can see how they cut down the period of teaching of the marriageable ones.
As the sun set, the blazing heat dissipated to be replace by chilling winds that whipped at the Traveler's clothes and cut down to his bones.
The poplar is the cow of the tree world: quick to bulk up and easy to cut down.
When a Billion Chinese Jump
But in a profession such as welding, you know, we actually have to the tools that we use to surface and take the scratches out of lenses when we actually manufacture the lens are quite large, and we wouldn't once the lens is actually cut down to the frame size, it really wouldn't be possible to, you know, mount it to the tools that we use to take the scratches off of it.
Ira Asks: How Are Eyeglasses Made?
Attacks in the night on sleeping humans are being blamed on the disappearance of animal prey as the rainforest is cut down.
The Sun
Tomorrow's campaign, however, is about doing what you can, small changes that make a cumulative difference, so even a windowbox of herbs or a few pots of lettuce is a tasty, enjoyable way to cut down on the food miles of what you eat.
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's climate-friendly recipes
As the land rose, the rushing Colorado cut down through it, just as a rotary saw blade cuts a narrow kerf into a log that is being lifted up into a sawmill.
Anyone using ferries to commute or travel on business is going to want to cut down the time involved and will choose the new fast ferries in preference to the older slower vessels.
Generally speaking, a progressive income tax may cut down labor supply and reduce a laborer's real income.
The company is also looking to cut down on fulfillment and shipping costs.
The company is also looking to cut down on fulfillment and shipping costs.
Some patients will find it hard to cut down or stop drinking because they experience withdrawal symptoms.
These people do not have the equipment or the manpower to cut down the trees and pull out the stumps; instead they light a match.
Fire and Ice - the Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Depletion, and Nuclear Winter
The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.
The press was another estate of the realm cut down to size.
Of course we shouldn't cover the ocean with plastic or dredge the sea floor or cut down forests.
Many holly trees are cut down or mutilated by people in the run-up to Christmas.
We need to cut down on our fuel consumption by having fewer cars on the road.
Older stems can be cut down low as new ones grow up.
The Sun
Later, in a bit of synchronicity, my father told me on the phone about how friends of his had saved a baby raccoon from a tree that was being cut down.
Archive for » 2008 » June : Sustainablog
It is then cut down, left to wilt and dug into the ground, returning the nutrients to the soil.
Times, Sunday Times
And then, only an inning later, his catcher threw hard to second base, trying to cut down a steal.
The following day, the Batsford forester returned to cut down the tree.
Getting suppliers to invoice you electronically will also cut down on the paper blizzard and reduce the cost of acquiring information.
Affection exhaustion and unhuman will cut down the level of teachers' well-being, the sense of achievement will promote the level of teachers' well-being.
To try to cut down on internecine warfare, Mr Florio oversaw annual meetings at which he encouraged publishers to work together.
The grades will be reduced to eight-tenths in order to cut down maintenance charges which are very heavy; electrification is another very important matter, and reports on that question have been obtained for the entire line, and complete plans for that have been prepared.
Greater Ontario
Conclusion Nimotop treatment can diminish mortality, decrease the time of the stupor and cut down the disability rate for the primary in jury of brain-stem.
Straw coverage can weaken the wallop of raindrops and keep the surface ped from being destroyed; it also cut down the evaporation loss of soil water.
He will now try to cut down the task to a manageable size.
How dare the new owners cut down those old fruit trees, not whitewash the walls, and put in those ugly blue tiles!
The UP-LAP-LUP has now cut down the number of political parties in the country from 18 to 15 after the National Election Commission had earlier on March 6, 2009 deregistered 10 other political parties for constitutional violations.
Global Voices in English » Liberians Are Talking, Are You Listening?
Of course we shouldn't cover the ocean with plastic or dredge the sea floor or cut down forests.
The recession has forced a lot of companies to cut down on graduate recruitment.
Just as Angelica and I were leaving, she turned and said, `Students, perhaps you could cut down on roughage a bit.
The text is cut down to two hours.
Times, Sunday Times
Lets try to remove barriers to care, focus on cost effective primary care delivery, and cut down on administrative overhead costs.
As I watched Waiting for 'Superman', the students and their families depoliticized the film for me and I cut down on my thoughts of, "No, it isn't like that," and "But you don't consider this," -- I was wrapped in their yearning for a slot in one of the charter schools presented.
Christopher Reeve: Who is the Real Superman?
Delta has had hit after hit and endured a brave fight with cancer despite the pressures of the big, bad, nasty media who are only out for headlines and want to cut down tall poppies like Delta.
The Badawi who eructates as a civility, has a mortal hatred to a crepitus ventris; and were a by-stander to laugh at its accidental occurrence, he would at once be cut down as a “pundonor.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Cut down on caffeine and avoid excess booze.
The Sun
It could be the way to persevere, the way not to get noticed, or be cut down, or criticized, demised, demoted, denied, denigrated, decomposed and destroyed
Singular vs. Plural
The idea is that by pooling their scouting resources, the subscribers cut down on expenses and more effectively cover the country.
Trees and forests had been cut down to provide fuel and even the most fertile soils were eroding at an alarming rate.
In line with the government's workload reform initiatives to cut down on the number of administrative tasks conducted by teachers, the school already uses support staff to invigilate exams, photocopy resources and put up displays.
It doesn't make it easier to cut down on my road rage incidents or keep from hurling sporks at self-obsessed co-workers.
Cut down the middle giving two long strips.
The Sun
We raise such a hue and cry when a tree is cut down, but with every heavy shower over a dozen trees fall.
It, like so many other grandiose schemes of the mid-1990s, has been cut down to size by the crisis.
Robin Campaniano, general partner of Ulupono Initiative, the Omidyars' investment fund and philanthropic organization, says 'ulu, as breadfruit is called in Hawaiian, could cut down Hawaii's estimated 90% reliance on food imports.
'Food of the Future' Has One Hitch: It's All But Inedible
I then proposed that we should cut down the xebeque to a large boat, which we could easily do by ripping off her planks and decks, and sawing down her timbers to the height we required.
The Privateersman
The doctor advised me to cut down on smoking and alcohol.
Any proposal to cut down an old tree or plant a new one required endless lobbying.
The Education of a Gardener
The glass panels are in fact triple-glazed units, with blinds in the wider cavity automatically activated to cut down insolation.
I won't have a cigarette, thanks-I'm trying to cut down .
After having been admired and valued as if its leaves were all emeralds and its buds apples of gold, it was spurned and ridiculed and everywhere cut down as a cumberer of the ground.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 35, September, 1860
I also installed a smart thermostat to cut down consumption, so there may be more savings ahead.
Times, Sunday Times
He urged the police to increase the use of their stop-and-search powers to cut down on youth knife crime.
The tree began to decay as soon as it was cut down.
Use a straight edge and a single-edged razor to cut down the middle of the overlapped seam, making sure the razor cuts through both pieces of border.
To cut down on crowds possibly spreading contagion, all the ice rinks, along with most other facilities, were temporarily closed.
Streams have cut down into the limestone, but the gorge talus slopes are composed of colluvium with huge angular, slabby blocks of sandstone.
Ecoregions of Tennessee (EPA)
These are plants that you sow and cut down before they reach maturity.
Times, Sunday Times
The most common method of harvesting in forestry is clearcutting, in which entire stands of trees are cut down at the same time.
In theory, pulling in the fences would cut down on the area that outfielders have to cover, thereby reducing the number of bloop hits that fall in.
The back though was low, showing off her entire bare back and cut down to just above the top of her butt.
The first item on the agenda was how to cut down the cost in manufacture.
In a recession, consumers could be expected to cut down on non-essentials like toys.
But as the terebinth and oak leave stumps when they are cut down, so the holy seed will be the stump in the land.
If the installation of safety cameras can cut down on the needless injury and loss of life on our roads then this should be encouraged.
Even in wartime, the army was forbidden to cut down fruit trees, unless they were actually being used as bulwarks in defending against a siege.
Cut down on hot baths and saunas.
Alternative Health Care for Women
Though the big retailers are making commendable efforts to cut down on packaging, there's still too much of it.
Times, Sunday Times
At last Friday pitched upon a tree, for I found he knew much better than I what kind of wood was fittest for it; nor can I tell, to this day, what wood to call the tree we cut down, except that it was very like the tree we call fustic, or between that and the Nicaragua wood, for it was much of the same color and smell.
Robinson Crusoe
For a start, I would suggest that instead of having 52 or so councillors, that the number is cut down by half, with one councillor representing two wards.
More people wear glasses or contact lenses, which cut down ultraviolet light entering the eyes.
M. E. Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome - How To Live With It
Avoid spicy or acidic foods, keep your fluid intake normal and cut down on caffeine.
Times, Sunday Times
That happens because the sampling rate is kept high for long complex sounds like "ow", but cut down for simple consonants like "c".
Boing Boing
They help to cut down the number of acne bacteria in the blocked-up grease glands and reduce painful inflammation.
In some areas, horse chestnut trees have been cut down because of the possibility that children might be hurt playing conkers.
Cut down if you're regularly drinking more than a couple of drinks a day and always have a couple of alcohol-free days a week.
The Sun
It was about eleven o'clock, and he'd just come back from a lie-down on his settee, where he could have the TV on to cut down the throbbing.
You can wash your hands prior to eating or drinking anything and that in and of itself will cut down on your exposure from these fomites, like door knobs.
CNN Transcript Feb 8, 2004
I know this in the same way I know I should exercise more and cut down on the booze.
He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.
Then from the xyphoid process, or the lower tip, of the sternum, I will make a midline cut down the abdomen to the pubis.
You can give more people more chainsaws, but they will only cut down more old-growth forests.
Environmentalist Forecasting Model, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
A local in Westchester County uses the word "arriviste" in a sentence explaining how Richard Gere cut down 200 trees in the neighbourhood without permission.
Edmonton Sun
Of course, the major objection would be based on the fact that loggers cut down trees.
We should cut down on red meat, always choose lean cuts and eat more white meats, such as chicken and turkey.
Also the time for proofing is adjusted to the weather conditions here in Blr and it is summer now so needed to be cut down.
Archive 2007-06-01
Cut down trackside trees and these expensive disruptions will be eliminated.
The Sun
Trees are cut down to grow cash crops and wild creatures are shot.
So while editors lament the loss of young readers, they cut down the Sunday comics, separate them into "sections", and wrap them in mattress ads so hard to find that you expect if you do find them they'll be in Bin Laden's hands.
Elayne Boosler: You Didn't Hear the One About...
Within a few minutes the men cut down two big branches from the tree.
Cut down the middle giving two long strips.
The Sun
Throughout history there are stories of soldiers cut down by the enemy after becoming paralysed with fear.
EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
A statue to youth and vitality was garlanded with wreaths in memory of residents who had been cut down by the army.
Times, Sunday Times
So then a man of roughly my build wearing roughly my clothes, except without well-worn work boots on his feet but standing — and this was such a curious detail several people noticed — in his socks, shoeless, and his socks were thick plaid socks of the type I have previously described as belonging to me, produced a shotgun and cut down Routledge Ruut with three precisely-aimed blasts, in the back.
Self-Destruction, Vol. 1
Thus the length of the mortgage term is cut down and your overall interest charges are less.
That is a staggering thought considering the flawless performance the midfielder put in to cut down Stoke.
The Sun
Roses can be cut down to knee height and almost always sprout again.
Times, Sunday Times
The grass right now is thick and high, but there are rumours it's going to be cut down.
Terren's staff sang out with a lamenting dirge, causing many men to cast away their weapons and run for safety, allowing Terren to cut down their abandoned comrades with his staff and short, erratic bursts of magic.
Dust covers the entire city; the smell of diesel fumes is pervasive no matter where you go; there are ruins and debris everywhere you look; and the trees are all destroyed (either cut down for fuel or by the Soviets years earlier to thwart snipers who used them for cover).
Khaled Hosseini - An interview with author
They cut down teeth and go for a full sweep of white porcelain.
Times, Sunday Times
These are plants that you sow and cut down before they reach maturity.
Times, Sunday Times
He cut down the closest two with a single slash, cutting both in half.
To start new plants, remove a leaf at the plant's base and cut down each side of the center rib, as shown in illustration at right.
That she was low "between decks" is demonstrated by the fact that it was necessary to "cut down" the Pilgrims 'shallop -- an open sloop, of certainly not over 30 feet in length, some 10 tons burden, and not very high "freeboard" -- "to stow" her under the MAY-FLOWER'S spar deck.
The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete
The trees in the parks have been cut down for firewood.
If there is any noise in the house that wakes him, this will muffle it cut down on the noise that could be waking him up.
Boot Skootin’ Snot Boogerin’ Nobody’s Sleepin’ Boogie | Her Bad Mother
If you want to play safe, cut down on the amount of salt you eat.
Coping with Angina
Heavier plows with wheels, horizontal plowshares, and a moldboard were invented, which cut down on manual labor.
If you want to play safe, cut down on the amount of salt you eat.
Despite a promise to kick the nicotine habit, he has only managed to cut down from three packs a day to an almost respectable one.
The narcos burn the forest, plant a crop, contaminate the water, buy cattle, and cut down more trees for pasture.
Wind gags are basically furry things that fit over your mike, that cut down on the roar you will hear if filming in wind.
Drink Cut down the middle lengthways to make three long rectangles.
The Sun
Whereas our substance is not cut down, but the remnant of them the fire consumeth.
Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
Cut down your overall amount of physical activity.
There is no known cure for the bacterial infection and the only solution is to cut down affected trees.
The Sun
Cut down your overall amount of physical activity.
Recently I developed borderline high blood sugar, and my doctor recommended that I cut down on carbohydrates.
The typewriter does nothing to cut down on how badly you're going to misword everything - it happens no matter what your writing implement is.
Typewriter Forces You To Focus While You Write | Lifehacker Australia
This isn't resource conumption per se, but when we consider that old-growth logging has declined but not stopped due to demand (largely based on price of such woods) and loggers have begun a 10-1 replanting ratio for areas cut down, the bleak notion that every resource used today is a withdrawl from a finite pool available for tomorrow's generations is undermined.
Capitalism as a Benevolent System, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs.
You find tin wherever you like to cut down to one kind o 'rock as is what they call quartz, and where there's tin in it there's a lot o' red powder as well; and when you break a bit there's the tin, all in pretty little black shiny grains.
Charge! A Story of Briton and Boer
Another option to cut down on fragrance clumping is to spritz the fragrance onto your dry powders with a very fine mist spritzer.
Anti-Talc - Day Three - Color & Fragrance, Again
The company also said only 379 trees will be cut down during construction of the project, instead of the previously estimated 500 trees.
By getting the design right, you can cut down on accidents.
The woman, whose 17-year-old daughter was cut down by four 9mm bullets fired from a sub-machine gun, also called for an end to the violence associated with gang culture.
Cut down the risk by not swimming near harbours or places where locals do their washing, and always towel down vigorously.
Times, Sunday Times
The turning point was when James himself, in the thick of the battle, was cut down.
he was cut down on a close play at third
Cut down your overall amount of physical activity.
It's easy to cut down on fat without changing your diet too much.
The dust and dirt situation really cut down on visibility and I could only see from pylon to pylon.
Cut down on fatty foods and alcohol if you want to lose weight.
Some researchers speculate that the shift occurred after people began using sickles to cut down barley and other wild grasses.
Learn about the caloric value of food, and cut down on calories.
If you want to play safe, cut down on the amount of salt you eat.
Coping with Angina
After all the fish have been killed; after all the trees have been cut down; after all the soil has eroded away; after the air becomes unbreathable; when we humans are forced to eat our money; then will we understand?
Death by Plastic
Hit by stagnating prices, thousands of growers have cut down their banana trees and replaced them with plantains or arrowroot.
They cut down the trees without any regard for fresh shoots or reforestation.
Conclusion Nimotop treatment can diminish mortality, decrease the time of the stupor and cut down the disability rate for the primary in jury of brain-stem.
The light bar indicator uses the processing power of a Palm handheld computer to cut down on expense.
He was cut down by an assassin's bullet.
In general, we can cut down the number of states by always ordering the piles by height (tallest first), followed by count (smallest first), and then relabeling the colors when necessary.