How To Use Cut back In A Sentence
Officials have already said that to protect the environment the region may have to cut back the coal production that is stoking its economic furnace.
Times, Sunday Times
If you think the public is willing to cut back to that level, you probably believe in elves, too.
Matthew Yglesias » The Strange Persistence of Carbon Tax Advocates
Is it the duty of an already stretched institution to duplicate the role of common rooms, to cut back the funding to its essential political role, and seek to maintain an unwieldy sabbatical structure?
Burned in recent years by huge unsold inventories of movie merchandise and fearful of the slowing economy, everyone from toymakers and retailers to moviemakers has cut back.
The Corporation, which controls London's financial centre, wants to cut back on free parking bays.

But our haimish breed of armchair soldiers hasn't been confronted with the draft, rationing, or the bill for our foreign adventures; these homespun hawks haven't had to cut back on resources, food, or any comfort, however slight, as part of the war effort.
Ben Tripp: It's Time to Grow Up
The probation trust needs to cut back on frills and extras like this.
The Sun
When summer-flowering perennials such as bellflowers, geraniums, lychnis, Shasta daisies, and spiderworts finish blooming and start to look tattered, cut back their stems to the rosette of new foliage.
They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.
And then when she solves the mystery, they cut back to her revealing it to the interested parties, a father and son.
Despite a cut back on subsidies, existing land ownership laws still encourage clearance for ranches.
Dig up and store tender bulbs from your summer garden, and cut back the worn-out perennials and biennials.
I was off my horse, kneeling down to get a closer look at the locoweed when a calf cut back and ran my way.
Archive 2008-05-01
The WHO recently reported that we need to cut back the recommended daily amount to 5% of our total energy intake.
Times, Sunday Times
CHICO - New drugstores in Chico won't need to provide as much customer parking - a change planners believe may provide more opportunity for businesses to build on underutilized sites and cut back on pavement.
Local News
But several months ago, after a spell in hospital, the Baileys were told that it was being cut back from three nights a week to two.
Social care cuts: 'The people concerned are invisible'
Its bank regulator pressed the country 's banks to cut back lending and has already increased its reserve requirements once this year.
Times, Sunday Times
We also cut back on furniture, appliances and hols.
The Sun
Cut back foliage in the autumn and apply some bonemeal.
Times, Sunday Times
They also froze salaries and cut back on travel and entertainment budgets for "shoreside employees.
Full Speed Ahead for Norwegian CEO
Once the fronds have given off their spores, they die and can be cut back.
Under its proposed new regulatory framework, the FSA would impose so-called countercyclical capital requirements, which rise during good times and fall during downturns so that banks don't have to cut back on lending precisely when the economy needs them the most.
U.K. and Germany Call for Tougher Regulation of Banks
The land around the Woodglen Community Homeowners Association has now been identified as a brushfire area and brush needs to be cut back as well, he said.
San Gabriel Valley Tribune Most Viewed
Cut back the shoots in spring to encourage bushier growth.
Green foliage must remain on any branches of junipers that are cut back.
Cut back the old stems to around ground level then, and give the plants a feed.
On probably 75 percent of its running plays, Ohio State wants to run to the weak side of the offensive line, allowing the tailback to cut back to the strong side.
Please ignore the advice given to cut back dying tulip stems to a leaf.
The Sun
If you cut back, your body shows signs of caffeine withdrawal, like headaches, crankiness and sleepiness.
At the same time, they cut back slightly more on bonds -- to 34.9 percent of a portfolio compared with April's 35.5 percent and put money into cash. Cash holdings rose to 5.1 percent from 4.7 percent.
Dieters often cut back on protein in an effort to reduce calories and lose weight.
All very well is the advice to cut back decaying and gone-over plants, but my penstemons, rudbeckia, etc are still nice and green.
In June, Italy suffered its first blackouts in 20 years after a heatwave pushed the electricity system close to collapse and the government urged Italians to cut back on non-essential electricity use.
It follows that foreign trade would be cut back to a fraction of what it is at present.
Widespread videoconferencing will help businesses cut back on travel.
The Government has cut back on defence spending.
They were switched to low-fat milk, and had to cut back on burgers.
Times, Sunday Times
A new leader cannot develop on plants that have been cut back too far.
All very well is the advice to cut back decaying and gone-over plants, but my penstemons, rudbeckia, etc are still nice and green.
Other analysts think Standard Chartered's analysis may be right, though they note that if China has, in fact, cut back on new Treasury purchases, it could be a short-term tactic—and it doesn't necessarily mean China is riding to Europe's rescue or wants to do so.
Beijing's Moves Point to Europe Aid
Woe betide the person who doesn't cut back their overhanging vegetation as it severely compromises the safety of tall pedestrians with hats who use a particular footpath to mass.
Firms would find their inventories involuntarily building up and so would cut back production thereby reducing national income.
When the bush has finished flowering, cut back all the stems.
With established plants simply cut back and mulch with leaf mould in spring.
Times, Sunday Times
The government has announced plans to to cut back on defence spending by 10% next year.
The parent stock needed careful tending, some bits to be cut back and pruned, others to be encouraged to grow, by letting in more light, mulching, manuring, clearing away invasive growth around the roots and all the rest.
I'm sure that I'm not persuasive enough to convince anyone to cut back and spend more wisely.
Cut back quite hard and the strong regrowth carries next year's flowers.
The Sun
Try to cut back on foods containing wheat and dairy products.
Cut back overgrown specimens of spotted laurel, bay, box, fatsia, skimmia and evergreen cotoneaster.
When trying to cut back on caffeine, do not switch to drinks containing yerba maté or guarana.
Times, Sunday Times
The people that are unemployed due to their own reasons, not by being layed off, or by businesses going under ... are these people entitled to free healthcare, or should the hard working people like myself have to cut back on food and or other necessities to pay for their coverage???
Key conservative Democrat urges health care slowdown
Using sharp shears, cut back to just above the base of the flower stems.
Times, Sunday Times
But our haimish breed of armchair soldiers hasn't been confronted with the draft, rationing, or the bill of our foreign adventures; these homespun hawks haven't had to cut back on resources, food, or any comfort, however slight, as part of the war effort.
Ben Tripp: It's Time to Grow Up
Almost half are spending less on going out and a third cut back on the weekly shop.
The Sun
We didn't have any major events, but larger companies such as Freightliner, Timken and some textile companies have continued to cut back," said Jane Goode, job placement supervisor for the Commission's Gaffney Workforce Center.
News | SJ |
Having expanded its workforce, the company now fears it will have to cut back.
Times, Sunday Times
This dogwood is grown for both its foliage and coloured stems and because of this, doesn't necessarily have to be cut back as hard as species grown simply for their winter stems.
The worrying thing for holidaymakers and travel agents is the cut back on flights by major tour operators.
Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.
Many are forced to cut back on FOOD just to pay for a childminder while they go out to work, a survey has found.
The Sun
You drastically cut back on basic necessities such as food or travel to pay creditors.
The states are plotzing right and left, caught in hideous binds - whether it is better to release dangerous prisoners or cut back the schools, cut back health care for kids or nursing homes for old folks.
Finally, as resources become more depleted, individuals cut back in food quantity to the point where they may not eat at all because of lack of food.
Hopefully Elaine's diaphragm is still in good shape, although she may want to cut back a bit on unnecessary usage so it doesn't wear out before the new ones are available.
Need a Diaphragm? Good Luck with That.
McManus raced to the byeline and cut back this time across the face of the goal.
Also, dear, some of the snippier things you say may come out just a tad more ladylike if you cut back on the clear liquids.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Government has forsworn prices and incomes policies and cut back subsidies for industry.
Many local councils have also cut back on control work, such as cracking down on the illicit tobacco trade.
The Sun
Cut back and focus on getting more of your protein from vegetables like chickpeas and lima beans.
He cut back on to his left foot before driving the ball across for Derek Nicol to head home.
Hybrid teas need to be cut back severely to promote fresh blooming growth; floribundas and grandifloras should also be shortened to about 18 to 24 inches.
During the season, shear off faded blooms or cut back plants if they look shaggy; fertilize afterward.
Meritz also believes that the major memory producers will soon begin to cut back on production in a bid to prevent the downward spiral of DRAM prices.
The decision to cut back followed an audit by independent consultants.
Some poorer mothers are giving up work because nurseries or after-school clubs are shutting and generous childcare allowances are being cut back.
Times, Sunday Times
I think you ought to cut back on the fruitcake, perhaps toss back a tasty rhubarb and turnip smoothie.
After flowering, if there are no ornamental seed heads, the flowering stems may be cut back to a leaf joint to remove the faded flowers.
The MSP began a new line of attack in talking of a bloated bureaucracy, the need to reduce the size of government and a promise to cut back the ministerial payroll.
For the last few years we have cut back and back at Christmas - just because I hate the commercialism and this modern geegaw of the 'ideal' holiday period I also hate that phase, brings to mind something totally different.
At stake are millions of dollars in sales lost during the recession, when consumers cut back discretionary spending and economized on things like hair products.
Wash Away Bad Hair Days. Rinse. Repeat
The ad sounds convincing -- but perhaps being a word nitpicker, the Sun does now 'might not mean much if Sun has drastically cut back due to plummeting sales," Rich Partridge, an analyst at Ideas International, said in an e-mail.
Reseller News
Sales of soft and alcoholic drinks are suffering as consumers facing rising cost of fuel and food cut back on trips to the pub.
Times, Sunday Times
If Seven are wise, they'll cut back on hyping up the series too much, because nothing will turn people off like over-promotion.
Shrubs grown for their coloured stems (such as cornus and willows) can be cut back to ground level now. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
He has cut back on his triathlon and marathon activities, no longer taking part in competitions.
Times, Sunday Times
Although not required, plants may be cut back in early June at least six weeks before normal flowering to reduce plant height and to encourage branching, thus leading to a more floriferous bloom, healthier foliage and less need for support.
Helen’s Flower « Fairegarden
You should cut back on expenditure to spin out the money till next pay day.
Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back.
Though the trees and the undergrowth had been cut back, branches and dense foliage stooped overhead.
If they have been regularly pruned there should be lots of new shoots at the base and you can cut back to these - it feels as though you are destroying the plant but left unpruned they soon become straggly and unsightly.
Cut back on hamburgers, pizza, French fries, ice cream, and sweets.
Others say we even cut back on chocs and confectionery.
The Sun
Cut back on all your non-essential items to ensure these things are always taken care of.
The Sun
12: 48 OJ Simpson gets 15 years in pokey and Knight Rider's been cut back to 17 episodes.
My God, It's Full Of Tweets!
This year, as the market cooled and his business commitments intensified, he's cut back to about once a month.
You can go on eating your usual diet if you slightly cut back on serving sizes.
The Sun
Japan's recession has prompted consumers to cut back on buying cars.
Should I cut back every now and then and allow myself to get a little grody to save a bit of time?
Powder won’t change who you are.
Camping equipment has also proved popular as families cut back on expensive holidays.
Times, Sunday Times
For blooming in winter, start young plants in February, or cut back old ones after flowering, and keep growing but pinched back and disbudded, in partial shade during the summer.
Gardening Indoors and Under Glass A Practical Guide to the Planting, Care and Propagation of House Plants, and to the Construction and Management of Hotbed, Coldframe and Small Greenhouse
Cut back around a third of the oldest stems to just above ground level to encourage the production of new growth from the base of the plant.
If they appear stressed and browned by drought, most will rejuvenate after a good cut back and regular watering.
Much of it is familiar territory: for good health, cut back on sugar, avoid refined foods, take regular exercise, eat oily fish and drink at most one unit of alcohol a day.
Hospital chiefs will be ordered by health minister Malcolm Chisholm to cut back spending on agency nurses, some of whom earn more than £1,600 a week.
In June, Italy suffered its first blackouts in 20 years after a heatwave pushed the electricity system close to collapse and the government urged Italians to cut back on non-essential electricity use.
That wouldn't even support the governor's stogie habit, even if he cut back to two decent cigars a day.
Let us assume that you have decided, at least for the time being, to stop or cut back your addictive behavior.
If we ask for undergrowth to be cut back and litter to be dealt with on a particular path we are as often as not told it is a leisure services responsibility.
While kudzu extract won't magically turn alcoholics into non-drinkers, it might help others cut back on booze.
Farmers have indicated their intention to modestly cut back the biotech share of planted acreage.
We are heading for a crisis, with cash-starved councils forced to cut back on vital community services.
Despite a cut back on subsidies, existing land ownership laws still encourage clearance for ranches.
More worryingly, will Fairfax cut back on boring news stories in favour of all these advertiser-supported inserts and supplements?
But even with the stiff breeze at his burly back to turn his military medium-fast into a briskish fast-medium, his first ball was cut backward of point for four by Brendan Nash and the remainder of his six-over spell passed without incident or distinction.
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Louis equation has been cut back a bit. 19.
Annual climbers such as sweet peas can be supported by a wigwam made from bamboo or by twiggy prunings taken from coloured stemmed dogwoods and other shrubs cut back in March.
You need to cut back on your training, avoid hills and try and run on softer surfaces than tarmac.
Times, Sunday Times
Mandela has cut back significantly on public appearances since announcing his formal retirement in June to spend more time with his family.
Sad you gotta cut back, but sometimes retreating for a bit to your core competencies is the only way to survive.
PubliCola Expanding News Coverage « PubliCola
This may include having to cut back on hobbies and family outings.
Times, Sunday Times
He requested that the dangerous dip be taken out of the road at White's Cross, Lower Meelick and that the ditches be cut back to improve visibility at this junction.
The Americans cut back the word " catalogue " and it became " catalog " .
However, the associated mine workers union says employers were also taking advantage of the situation to cut back on labour and mechanise their operations.
ANC Daily News Briefing
When you diet or cut back on your food intake (cut calories) your fat cells become more resilient to giving out fat.
Cut back perennials to within 8 to 10 inches of the ground after the tops die back or leave them uncut for protection against the cold.
After the first hard freeze, cut back perennials such as aster, campanula, daylily, phlox, and veronica, leaving 6-inch stubs above the ground.
Your monthly income must cover the outgo, and if it doesn't, you cut back.
That wouldn't even support the governor's stogie habit, even if he cut back to two decent cigars a day.
If the word eliminate only makes you want them more, then make a pact with yourself to systematically cut back until you have only the occasional soda or other sugary drink as part of a planned treat.
The Life You Want
Inside, the crossing piers are cut back and a wooden barrel vault extends across all four arms of the cross.
They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.
Cut back the shoots in spring to encourage bushier growth.
The need to cut back expenditure and to drive value for money both require big changes.
Times, Sunday Times
Widespread videoconferencing will help businesses cut back on travel.
Soak the roots in a bucket of water for a couple of hours before planting if they are dry or if the stems seem shrivelled, then trim any damaged roots and cut back very long ones to about 30 cm.
The worrying thing for holidaymakers and travel agents is the cut back on flights by major tour operators.
I guess we'll have to cut back on the dry cleaning some more.
the film cut back to an earlier event in the story
When the bush has finished flowering, cut back all the stems.
As soon as flowers die, cut back plants to 6 inches from the soil level.
We cut back to the splitscreen view so we can also see the studio anchorman, who's obviously similarly at a loss by the outburst of profanity.
Many are forced to cut back on FOOD just to pay for a childminder while they go out to work, a survey has found.
The Sun
The provider may recommend that the pregnant woman cut back on her activities and avoid aerobic exercise.
Kirby cut back toward the center of the field, and safety Devin Bush kept him out of the end zone.
Another way is just to make sure you cut back hard enough in spring.
Times, Sunday Times
Once strawberry plants have been harvested, cut back the old leaves above the crowns and remove unwanted runners.
Times, Sunday Times
They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.
Two years ago it was with great difficulty removed from its pot, its roots cut back and fresh ericaceous compost added.
Government funding is being cut back.
They are sold in punnets as annuals but are terrific value because in this climate they can be cut back in autumn and will flower again non-stop once the weather warms up again.
Inside, the crossing piers are cut back and a wooden barrel vault extends across all four arms of the cross.
Repayments can be cut back during slack periods.
Saw this in leatherhead in the uk and made me laugh talk about cut backs in the sport - Articles related to Why I love Formula One
Fresh new leaves will be produced if you cut back the old ones after the first batch of flowers.
Times, Sunday Times
Branches are cut back to laterals that are at least one-third the diameter of the limb being removed.
He cut back on to his left foot before driving the ball across for Derek Nicol to head home.
Bearing this in mind, garden blackberries - and indeed tayberries and loganberries - must be cut back annually for ease of picking and to keep growth within bounds.
For ease, grow the plant in an aquatic container and cut back any invasive stems, as necessary.
Times, Sunday Times
It was hard times for a few years as many companies had overspent and then cut back on spending, he said.
Several drug industry leaders have spoken over the past few years about the need to cut back their giant sales forces.
One way to get companies to cut back on share issues is to make them pay for them.
If the shrub is still too tall, cut back the stems to just above a strong side shoot.
Cut back on the oil and avoid adding cream.
Times, Sunday Times
As inspiration, caseworkers leading job club sessions often tell stories from their own lives of rising from poverty to become welfare workers (positions likely to be cut back as caseloads decline).
When the bush has finished flowering, cut back all the stems.
If the shrub is still too tall, cut back the stems to just above a strong side shoot.
Cut back the orange and yellow stems of pollard willows and pleached limes.
Times, Sunday Times
On his campaign website, well ... to cut back on the amount of redundance in this article, I will just tell you flat out there is nothing here on the privatization of Iraqi oil.
Printing: Should Americans Support a Candidate Who Allows or Ignores the Privatization of Iraqi Oil?
In times of economic hardship, firms cut back on training.
In these moments, Mr. Himmelman's enchantment with the entomological soundscape is so complete that he can turn the most unpromising site—his Connecticut backyard, for example—into an insect lover's terra incognita, shimmering with possibility.
The Orchestra After Dark
New specimens should be cut back to 30cm and planted so that they lean hard against a wall or trunk; use a cane to wedge them in.
Times, Sunday Times
She has since cut back on her hours and the distances she travels to spend more time with her family.
It covered all of the lower torso and upper lower body, and cut back into a curve across the legs opposite the shoulder strap.
But now, as taxes are less progressive, unemployment insurance has been cut back, the minimum wage is so low, and welfare is restricted, automatic stabilizers are no longer providing as much stimulus.
Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.
Is there not a money shortage, 20% cut back in expenditure is required The Mercs and rollers are to stay, so back to shanks ponies boys.
Be Carefull What You Wish For « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
If you're trying to cut back on coffee or caffeinated beverages, do it gradually.
He urged people to cut back overhanging trees and hedges, avoid parking on the pavement, and think carefully about the positioning of wheelie bins.
`Well, I guess you could show them you have a plan to severely cut back your overheads, so that your cash flow is positive.
The shoots of all plants were cut back to about 20-25 cm above the soil.
Press scrutiny is very limited and declining, as monopolist local papers cut back; and TV news, the dominant source of local information, is far more interested in blood and gore.
And the big toy chains are hopeful that while mom and dad may cut back on other parts of the family budget, they'll continue to splurge on toys for junior.
Capex has been cut back to 50 million to 55 million.
Times, Sunday Times
In the provision of boundary fencing, some heavy, overhanging tree or hedge branches may need to be cut back, to allow sufficient access.
Cut back on the oil and avoid adding cream.
Times, Sunday Times
A smoker's voice and low-cut backs, they were her stock-in-trade.
My personal views would be to drastically reduce the size of the active Army, re-emphasize the strategic bombing role in the Air Force, greatly cut back on overseas bases, and keep the Marines and Navy more or less intact (possibly strengthening the Naval Aviation program to make up for the loss of overseas bases in terms of air force usage).
Matthew Yglesias » Scalpels, Hatchets, and the Defense Budget
One concerns my conclusion that the Kirk's overseas mission should be cut back drastically.
Cut back foliage in the autumn and apply some bonemeal.
Times, Sunday Times
The decision to cut back on film-making had a catastrophic effect on the nurturing of new talent.
Already the President has cut back on his motorcade; so too has the Prime Minister; and this should just be the start of what should be a far more modest dispensation which is in keeping with the country's coffers.
Cut back the orange and yellow stems of pollard willows and pleached limes.
Times, Sunday Times
Cut back robust greenhouse climbers such as passion flowers and plumbago to within a few inches of the old wood.
But the time committment is a problem and next year I'm going to cut back to two cons.
Hitchhiker's Guide to Mystery Fests
A big cut back in the number of council vans which we see all over the town would save a large amount of money.
Waiting an extra year to replace the car is a pretty painless way to cut back.
Times, Sunday Times
The two banks have cut back drastically on lending to large companies since their bailouts.
Times, Sunday Times
Hybrid teas need to be cut back severely to promote fresh blooming growth; floribundas and grandifloras should also be shortened to about 18 to 24 inches.
I’ll try to keep my fangirlism to a minimum and try to cut back on the details next time.
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