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How To Use Custody In A Sentence

  • They are now locked in a bitter custody battle over their three children.
  • The three were taken into custody in connection with alleged plans to attack the US embassy in Paris.
  • In Burns, the mother had full custody of two children and the parents shared custody of a third child.
  • The defendant will be kept in custody until the appeal.
  • The parents were given joint custody .
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  • After the riot, 32 people were taken into police custody.
  • He was remanded in custody to crown court. The Sun
  • Following his defiance, KSM was subjected to a number of coercive interrogation techniques besides being waterboarded the 183 times: he was kept up for seven and a half days straight while diapered and shackled, and he was told that his kids, who were now being held in American custody, would be killed. The Longest War
  • Custody differs from fund management, where assets are actively invested in stocks and bonds.
  • When the sentences were passed at York Crown Court in May 2001, he walked free because of the time he had spent in custody on remand.
  • Three men charged with the murder of a father of three have been remanded in custody. Times, Sunday Times
  • He made no plea and was remanded in custody.
  • The parents were given joint custody of the two children.
  • The youngster got nine months' youth custody.
  • ESCONDIDO - No charges will be filed against two Escondido police officers for the death of a parolee who was high on methamphetamine as they struggled to take him into custody, the District Attorney's Office announced Thursday. San Diego News
  • He was remanded in custody until 28 June by Bow Street Magistrates.
  • According to informed sources, those taken into custody include at least one major-general.
  • He was remanded in custody last Tuesday and will make a fresh bail application tomorrow.
  • In the divorce petition he claimed, interalia, interim and permanent joint custody of, and access to, the child.
  • He has been in federal custody since his indictment last August, unable to make bail.
  • Being in custody is not supposed to be like checking in to the VIP lounge at Heathrow Airport. Keep The Coffee Coming « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Britney Spears is being forced to give custody of her children to man-whore/baby-mama maker/Britney despoiler/my idol Kevin Federline. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Would we feel relaxed about unnecessary deaths in custody because most policemen do a good job? Times, Sunday Times
  • He was remanded in custody and placed under house arrest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Initially detained in custody, he was put under house arrest at the weekend. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bitter custody battle ensued. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also remain strangely more interested in keeping America safe from the terrorists we already have in custody than in providing solutions on how to capture and kill more. Scott Payne: Pledge to America Fails National Security Test
  • The opposition leader has been taken into protective custody.
  • It comes just days after the warring parents finally settled their custody battle. The Sun
  • I was pressing my claim for custody of the child.
  • If you leave me, I'll get custody of the kids, because everyone knows you're sick.
  • unruliness" of a minor (eureka, now we understand why CAIR demanded a guilty plea in exchange for a meaningless deal with the kuffar) and a second charge of "interference with custody," which carries a sentence of six months to a year. Jihad Monitor
  • However, she hadn't bargained on becoming an instant wife and mother, when Dan unexpectedly received custody of an orphaned baby.
  • She was remanded in custody after being refused bail. The Sun
  • Carter has been refused bail and will remain in custody.
  • He had usually appeared at court that morning and had been remanded in custody. The Prisons We Deserve
  • They have been remanded in custody awaiting trial. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mentally disordered offenders: practical steps to diversion from custody.
  • The legal battle was over who should have custody of the child.
  • If all goes as planned, Autumn Jackson and Jose Medina are spending their last weekend in federal custody.
  • For a dad to succeed in winning infant custody, his approach must focus on establishing that his guardianship is the best choice for the child's growth and development. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • The wardens of some of the police court prisons say they have more public spitters in their custody than any other class of offender.
  • He said the two suspects, a Pakistani student known as XC and an Algerian referred to as U who face deportation on the grounds they pose a risk to national security, would remain in custody while he sought permission to appeal the verdict. Reuters: Top News
  • A Dumfries and Galloway Police spokesman has now announced that a man has been taken into custody.
  • He was kept in custody for his own safety.
  • They described a California study in which joint custody was sometimes awarded to resolve familial conflicts.
  • Speaking on behalf of the teenager, who had been brought to court from jail having previously been remanded in custody, solicitor Tom Smith said she had been reconciled with her mother.
  • The custody time limit in respect of the remand therefore expired on 21 October 2001.
  • Swindon magistrates remanded him in custody and committed the case to crown court.
  • These cases, however, do not speak to the issue of when or why maternal custody is justified.
  • An extra 15 million will be set aside each year for youth custody reforms, which will also aim to strengthen frontline staffing and reduce violence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whenever one person is lawfully in the custody of another, the custodian owes a duty of care to the detainee.
  • She was remanded in custody after being refused bail. The Sun
  • The securities regulatory authority State Council should audIt'so custody fee and operation cost during custody.
  • Focus on the knottiest problems about how to share custody in a way that benefits the child. Tara Fass: The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Kids Post-Split
  • We need to get him in custody. Times, Sunday Times
  • He got custody of his son after the divorce.
  • Mere negligence on the part of the recipient with respect to the safe custody of the thing will not make him liable.
  • The wardens of some of the police court prisons say they have more public spitters in their custody than any other class of offender.
  • I'm going to go to court to get custody of the children.
  • It is understood the five men were all recalled into custody within the past few months. The Sun
  • She was handcuffed and taken into custody, and then taken for medical treatment.
  • Thus, they could claim rights such as visitation, custody and so on.
  • The men, however, had been released from custody last June, pending the appeal.
  • COLLINS: Jade, that's unbelieve, 19 people in custody on this. CNN Transcript Aug 3, 2007
  • As they wait for assistance to have the man taken into custody, they studiously ignored taunts and provocations and remained astonishingly polite throughout.
  • Twelve people charged in connection with the alleged plot are in custody. Times, Sunday Times
  • Awareness of the inner father is also very important in the development and evaluation of laws and social policy around parental divorce, child custody, and visitation arrangements.
  • Several claimed to have been tortured whilst in custody.
  • I'm going to go to court to get custody of the children.
  • Police were bemused when they found the bunny, which they dubbed Hoppy, on a roadside verge in Manchester and decided to take him into custody.
  • The court awarded/granted/gave custody of the child to the father.
  • Against her are three counts of high treason, one count grand theft auto, one count resisting custody, one count unordered arson.
  • His offer of a $100m dollar reward for whoever springs him from custody leads to a daring escape and chase sequence which is one of the film's highlights.
  • If there are other considerations. like custody disputes or court wardship, then the school should make sure they are not put at risk of identification by excluding them from press coverage, including photographs.
  • She cites a number of them - partnership dissolutions, divorce custody, disputes over family businesses and inheritances, supplier-client relationship breakdowns, and even feuding neighbours.
  • The target publisher cancelled the custody transfer operation.
  • Allen is fighting a bitter custody battle over his three children.
  • He was transferred to FBI custody in a smooth co-operative effort between Egyptian and US authorities.
  • I forbid you to try to gain custody and I would controvert personally any such application. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • The Kashmiri police say he was taken into custody as a suspect, tortured and shot in cold blood.
  • He has been accused of fraud by abuse of power and was in custody last night. The Sun
  • The young offender had to be remanded in custody for ten days.
  • Pigeon Tony was unscathed only because he hadn't been at the fistfight and had still been trapped in TV custody. THE VENDETTA DEFENCE
  • On Wednesday, he was in the custody of federal authorities in Baton Rouge.
  • The criminal was taken into custody.
  • The Secretary engaged to keep the sealed packet in safe custody for this desirable object. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • kept the drunken sailor in protective custody
  • The man in custody is Nigerian, and police confirm he has been deported eight times but keeps returning using phony passports. Arrest Made In Massive Fraud
  • Allison and Kevin had, following lengthy legal battles, reached a shared custody agreement on Daniel's care.
  • All three suspects remain in custody pending a remand hearing on Wednesday. Times, Sunday Times
  • BELLEVILLE -- The custody battle over a newborn whose mother is accused of trying to drown her in a toilet moments after delivery will begin today at a hearing in Belleville. Top News Headlines
  • His car is totalled and he, too, needs to get to court to prevent his wife from getting sole custody of his children and moving away.
  • They gave him youth custody and barred him from keeping animals for four years. The Sun
  • Sentencing, Recorder John Gibson said the offence was serious enough to warrant custody.
  • The pair were refused bail and remanded in custody until November 13.
  • The word commendam is the accusative of the Low Latin noun commenda, "trust", or "custody", which is derived from the verb commendare (to give in trust). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • They are now locked in a bitter custody battle over their three children.
  • But when they are in our custody, when they are defenseless, it is a mark of Western civilization that we treat them humanely.
  • I would reject the submission that there should be a presumption in favour of the custodial parent in applications to vary custody and access resulting from relocation of the custodial parent.
  • Also, Gates is "heartened" in terms of Afghanistan, where the Bush administration already returned around 500 detainees from Guantanamo to Afghan government custody — which has put about 200 on trial, with a "conviction rate about 80 percent. Away From The Numbers | ATTACKERMAN
  • A New York judge awarded custody of the boy to Leo in 1994 and allowed Heard to see him every other weekend.
  • The court then has a difficult task in determining which parent should have custody of Michael.
  • There is no doubt that any set of procedures and presumptions will shape the negotiation and litigation postures of the parties to a custody dispute.
  • When his parents died, he was placed in the custody of his aunt.
  • What is incumbent upon you to do is a belt-and-braces check on all the chain of custody evidence and make sure that is in apple pie order. Beware a Rush to Judgement
  • The deceased had undisputedly died in police custody.
  • She was held in custody pending trial.
  • In a custody battle she would naturally be awarded the boy.
  • Nevertheless, in two cases in the separated group, the baby was given up for adoption because neither parent wanted custody.
  • They, together with the custody of the young earl, were given to the dowager countess and so remained under Herbert control.
  • Fond of a drink, which may have been the cause of her loud behaviour, Elizabeth was described as Amazonian, of huge size, with masculine features and the voice of a stentor.12 It seems clear to us in the twenty-first century that Charlotte and Elizabeth were harmless eccentrics who certainly did not belong in a mental hospital, or even in custody. Bedlam
  • Some of the culture clash between care and custody can be dealt with.
  • He spent a week in custody on remand awaiting sentence.
  • A friend writes: I'm having my weekly manicure (yes, I've fallen that far), and my manicurist is a beauty of about 28, divorced with joint custody of a 5-year-old son. December 2003
  • Carter was remanded in custody for seven days.
  • She was taken into custody as a suspect.
  • They were charged with burglary and the theft of a Ford Sierra Cosworth, and remanded in custody for seven days.
  • Following does inderal help u gain wait with goserelin, there may tat a encounter before the custody of postpubertal menstrual periods. Wii-volution
  • After the riot, 32 people were taken into police custody.
  • He was remanded in custody until his sentencing. The Sun
  • She had custody of their three-year-old son Scott.
  • What court is going to award custody of a five-year-old girl to a single man who's constantly overseas on business?
  • Bailey, who had been free on bail, was taken into custody after the verdict Thursday.
  • He was remanded in custody for sentencing at crown court. The Sun
  • The three are each charged with three counts of murder and were remanded in custody. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can you hold them in custody for purposes of expulsion or deportation, even if they are children?
  • UPDATE: The NYT reports that the man, Leeland Eisenberg, now in custody, was said to be "despondent," because he was facing a divorce, and that he'd been on a drinking binge. "A man has just walked into the Clinton office, opened his coat and showed us a bomb strapped to his chest with duct tape."
  • Her whereabouts became unknown the moment she was taken into custody. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is in custody awaiting trial .
  • He had immediately surrendered himself after the shooting of the Santa Claus, anxious to be taken into custody.
  • She will remain in custody while reports are prepared about her mental condition.
  • It also stipulates that if a mental health-care provider does testify, the testimony is limited to the custody or visitation case in question.
  • It has to be said that a solicitor could simply take custody of a building society passbook to prevent a client from having access to his savings if that was what the client required.
  • A bitter custody battle ensued. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the breakup the parents were awarded joint custody and Tom resided for part of the week with each.
  • Maternal custody can only perform this repatriation for mixed-race children born to mothers of African descent, however.
  • Four others are in custody for suspected immigration offences and one has been released.
  • I have previously reported the stories of the two Somalis who were released -- emphasizing how nothing about their cases demonstrated that they were \ "the worst of the worst\" -- and will soon be reporting the stories of the six Yemenis transferred to the custody of the Yemeni government. Andy Worthington: Who Are The Four Afghans Released From Guantanamo?
  • WACO (June 24, 2009) - Eddie Anthony Patterson, 47, of Waco was in custody Wednesday after a KWTX - HomePage - Headlines
  • Given an increasing incidence of Japanese parents '' abducting '' their children to Japan even though their spouses of different nationality have custody over the children, Miliband stressed the need to tackle the issue. Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
  • Patricia Marsh, 23, of Ivyleigh, Liverpool, faces six charges and was remanded in custody until tomorrow.
  • MANGALORE / NEW DELHI: Sri Ram Sena chief Pramod Muthalik, arrested in connection with attack on a Mangalore pub, was remanded to one-day judicial custody by a Mangalore court. The Times of India
  • A man is being held in police custody in connection with the murder.
  • Sometimes this was because a parent who had custody of the children moved away and made little attempt to keep contact.
  • These ‘children’ weren't playing Nintendo or lolling around in a sandbox when they were taken into custody.
  • Of course, Alladice can occupy his time in custody by lodging any number of formal complaints.
  • A bitter custody battle ensued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Christopher is seeking legal and physical custody of the kids.
  • He was also replaced by a stand-in because he was in police custody at the time of the race. The Sun
  • Two internees originally taken into custody by the United Kingdom have been held for more than a year.
  • Three suspects were taken into custody and police were questioning them Friday morning.
  • Even the prospect of signing a pre-nuptial agreement stating that, in case of a divorce, I would be required to forfeit my rights to custody of my children.
  • They were rendered today, but I don't know if the word detonation is entirely correct, because, as I understand it, they were not explosives in those packages, but they were rendered safe because they were suspicious and a person was taken into custody for questioning. CNN Transcript May 18, 2002
  • The drugging of prisoners for other than medical purposes - i.e., to sedate them so they would be more tractable in custody - was a breach of international human rights standards.
  • They were remanded in custody to appear before crown court judges next week. The Sun
  • I suspect the puppy is going to find itself in a lengthy custody battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I said first of all that never happens, you never know a bomb is about to go off and you have all the information you need to stop it except for one piece from someone in custody. Checking in on Thoreau: arguing about John Brown and finding friends in windfall acorns
  • He will remain in custody until he reappears in court on January 17.
  • The accused was remanded in custody for a week.
  • It was a favour returned for Spears as Gibson vocally supported her during her own custody battles and the two even holidayed in Costa Rica in 2008 after her spell in a psychiatric facility. Danny Dyer's revealed he was pals with Pinter. An odd couple, but look at these
  • The defendant had been remanded in custody from a sitting of Wexford District Court the previous week.
  • He is in custody awaiting a court hearing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two attempts to move back to Chile were bogged down by unresolved custody issues over Matias.
  • I'll have new accommodations set up for you by then and, hopefully Melissa's father can take over custody of her. CORMORANT
  • Allen is involved in a bitter custody battle for his and Mia's three children.
  • On all sides of the debate, experts agree that children have already lost as soon as a custody battle begins.
  • The pivotal safeguard in the Act is the new institution of custody officer.
  • When I paid your bail you were released into my custody.
  • The bank provides safe custody for valuables.
  • The Browns have been critical of the judge since she awarded Simpson custody.
  • The goods or chattels are to remain in the custody of the bailiffs for twenty days.
  • He has been awarded full custody over them. The Sun
  • He was taken into military custody on the airbase and questioned by Japanese police last weekend.
  • kept under close custody
  • The young offender had to be remanded in custody for ten days.
  • Inevitably, when both parents have custody of the child, there's a lot of to-ing and fro-ing between them for the child concerned.
  • Phosa h Commission to investigate the aed poisoning of Lukhele while in protective custody at Nelspruit Prison. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Such an arrangement is required by the public weal, which is never committed with greater safety to the custody of any one than to his whose private advantage is entirely unconnected, with the issue. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
  • Allen is fighting a bitter custody battle over his three children.
  • Her sister took possession of me, and of her papers, and the wedding-ring -- now in the custody of Dettermain and Newson -- together with the portraits of both my parents; and she, poor soul, to sustain me, as I verily believe -- she had a great idea of my never asking unprofitably for anything in life -- bartered the most corroborative of the testificatory documents, which would now make the establishment of my case a comparatively light task. The Adventures of Harry Richmond — Volume 6
  • The legal battle was over who should have custody of the child.
  • She was remanded in custody after being refused bail. The Sun
  • In police custody, his solicitors came with a digital camera and took nineteen photographs of his injuries.
  • When Foster lost his funding, he left Matola with custody of two jaguars, a puma, an anteater, a tayra, three coatimundis, five curassows, and a cage of parrots.
  • The focus of a mediated divorce is on reaching an equitable solution to such issues as spousal support, property division, child custody, visitation, etc.
  • I was put into the custody of social services after hours of waiting.
  • In divorced families all over the world today, the kids are being shuttled from the mom's house to the dad's possibly, bringing up one more fight about custody, unless your agreement anticipated this.
  • While in CIA custody, Mohammed was subjected to coercive interrogation techniques, culminating in waterboarding.
  • Both brothers have already served nine months in custody on remand.
  • He fought his wife for custody of the children.
  • When his parents died, he was placed in the custody of his aunt.
  • The Browns have been critical of the judge since she awarded Simpson custody.
  • He was remanded in custody until his sentencing. The Sun
  • A 28-year-old Nimbin man has been charged with the cultivation, possession and supply of a prohibited drug, and goods in custody, following a police raid last Wednesday.
  • We all know what a Friday night in custody is like - mad. Personal Location Systems « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • A man is in custody charged with grievous bodily harm. The Sun
  • [O] nce defendant was physically taken into custody and handcuffed, the potential for coercion was as great as that which inheres in custodial interrogation by a police officer, and ... administration of the Miranda warnings was required to dispel that potential coercion in order for defendant's statement to be admissible in a criminal trial. Fourth Department
  • The court is also to consider "any history of abuse by one parent or any other person seeking custody against any related children, the other parent, or the spouse, cohabitant or person with whom that party is involved in a dating relationship". Fred Silberberg: Sheen Custody: Maybe Neither Parent Should Have the Kids?
  • At common law, the father of a legitimate child was seen as having a prior and stronger claim to possession of the child than the mother in disputes concerning the custody of the child.

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