How To Use Cushaw In A Sentence
Cultivars include most of the cushaws, ‘Gila Cliff Dweller’, the silver-seeded gourds, and many of the sweet potato squashes and potato pumpkins
Sandhill Preservation Center has a couple of cushaws.
They are a lot of fun to grow along with the cushaws.
Inside the open market you will find cushaws, hubbard, acorn, and butternut squash.
Make this very colorful main dish with any type of winter squash such as butternut, cushaw, kabocha, acorn, delicata or hubbard.

Cucurbita mixta includes many of the traditional winter squashes known as cushaws, which have been grown since early times from Guatemala to the southwestern U.S. Members of this species are drought-tolerant and their flesh is generally paler, stringier and less sweet than other types of squash.
In November, the basement is full of butternut squash, sweet potatoes, white potatoes and cushaw squash.
Signs of the Times
While most are either maxima, moschata or pepo, the Cushaw is a strain of mixta.
Groundwork: A winter squash named Cushaw
I believe the squash that you are referring to may also be called a cushaw squash.
“Mr. K sent three new kinds of teparies,” my father was saying, “plus a cushaw squash I don’t think we’ve seen before, some kind of gourd seeds, and a sixty-day corn—all late-season varieties to plant before the rains.”
Do the same with the neck section of the cushaw.
Plant Nomenclature • Family Cucurbitaceae - Genus Cucurbita • species pepo - summer squash, pumpkin, acorn squash maxima - hubbard, buttercup, kabocha moschata - butternut, Long Island Cheese mixta - variety or cultivar Zephyr, Howden, Tiptop Blue Ballet, bonbon Waltham butternut Green striped cushaw - Also in the Cucurbitaceae family: Cucumis melo
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We decided to not only offer mums and pumpkins in the fall, but also add cushaws, Indian corn, Indian popcorn, broom corn, and gourds.
Pony rides are $3; pumpkins are $1 - $3; straw, gourds, cushaws and corn shocks are also available.
He loved mashed potatoes and peas, cushaw with brown sugar syrup and homemade biscuits and fried apples and I would take him a plate now and then just to find that he'd usually have something waiting for me in return.
This book is also about hog-killing and smokehouses, about making lye hominy and gathering wild greens, about ramps and cushaws and leather-britches, about cracklin’ bread and corn-cob jelly, whistle pig and poke sallet, apple butter and stack cakes.’
The main thing with the cushaws is that they refused to drop their blossoms in the heat like the other pumpkins and squash.
Stir together the mashed cushaw and cream; add beaten eggs.
The cushaw squares may be further decorated with the candy corn once they have been removed from the oven.
She sells her cushaw pies at the Tuesday Crescent City Farmers Market and at the Saturday Red Stick Farmers Market in Baton Rouge.
While most are either maxima, moschata or pepo, the Cushaw is a strain of mixta.
Groundwork: A winter squash named Cushaw
Beautiful large curved neck reaching only 5 to 10 lb. Same flesh qualities as the green striped and other cushaw squash without the enormous size, so perfect for home gardener and market grower alike. 15 seeds avg. - $2.39
So, while you can probably grow butternut, cushaw and a summer squash and have no crossing, your zucchini and Halloween pumpkin will cross.
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Southern tribes raised winter crooknecks, cushaws, and green and white striped sweet potato squashes.
In a 1-gallon stock pot, boil the cushaw in lightly sweetened water until tender but not mushy.
But the cushaw brings real excitement to her voice. - News
Whether it is a bowl of mini-pumpkins on a table, a stack of cushaws, luminas and blue hubbards by the front door, or a traditional Jack-o-lantern, there is no easier way to decorate for the season.
Despite their reputation for drought tolerance C. mixta varieties (or cushaw squash) were believed to be strictly hot desert or humid-tropical varieties, unable to mature in our cool climate.
Gardening Without Irrigation: or without much, anyway
Seeds of green-and-white-striped cushaw squash are toasted for snacks or ground to prepare Pipian sauces.