
How To Use Curve In A Sentence

  • If it were a little more curved it would collapse, imploding on itself in a cosmic crunch; a little less curved, and every star, planet, sun and galaxy would fly apart from each other and so would every atom of matter in each of them.
  • This gave the Roman soldier a great deal of protection as it curved around his body.
  • Working with steel requires different tools and skills, so there is a big learning curve for carpenters.
  • The forest all along the mountain curve was spotted with dots of red, yellow, purple and gold, trees just beginning to turn with the season.
  • I found the head of the flat humerus so characteristic of the extinct order to which the Plesiosaurus has been assigned, and two digital bones of the paddle, that, from their comparatively slender and slightly curved form, so unlike the digitals of its cogener the The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
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  • She and I were laughing and joking as the car whipped round curves at 70 mph.
  • By the time the higher elevations are reached, such strange notions as Einsteinian curved space-time and the quantum uncertainty principle, heavy meals indeed, seem not so difficult to digest.
  • Or “incurve,” a term commonly used as the nineteenth century became the twentieth. The Neyer/James Guide To Pitchers
  • In this paper, the design of curve of grooved drum is researched, which deduced two types of circular cone curves analytic formula of grooved drum.
  • Its curved frame suggests almost a modern reinterpretation of the bentwood chair.
  • Honsha carries are a sword with a snaky curved blade and a short dagger - like weapon with a slightly longer hilt and a blade curved backwards.
  • I have lost two inches in my waist through exercise and healthy eating, but that hasn't given me any curves.
  • This program permits the display of barograms, speedograms and variograms as well as polar curves.
  • All the houses will have a traditional look with curved timber framed windows, decorative roof detail and over-door pediments.
  • She shaped the space with graceful curves, amended the soil with compost, and installed drip irrigation.
  • One of the most interesting novelties of the volume was the so-called ‘moving trihedrals’ for twisted curves as well as surfaces so freely used in writings of Darboux and others.
  • Cathodic polarization curve and cyclic voltammetric curve of sulfate copper plating solution are determined with 1286 electrochemical interface and rotating disc electrode.
  • He is shown seated before his famous invention: a ruling machine for producing concave diffraction gratings, which are slightly curved metal plates scored with minutely spaced lines that diffract light into spectra.
  • That daunting task was made worse by plentiful leanings, curves, twists and turns.
  • Some guys can hit a curve ball.
  • In the second example the rosette is substituted for the inner curves of the spiral, and the intermediate space is filled in with the true lotus motive. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • He tends his beloved rose and moves his chair round its curve to watch 44 sunsets a day. Times, Sunday Times
  • The curved tail covers the nose while sleeping during extreme temperatures, acting as a filter to warm and humidify the inhaled air.
  • In contrast, a strongly obtuse apical angle is associated with an incurved ventral beak that is appressed to the dorsal umbo, resulting in the delthyrium being partly obscured.
  • The reflector is a standard fitting on the front pillar of the bike, hence the curved mount.
  • Receiver operating characteristic curves were plotted for the early and late stages of the disease in both the areas.
  • But then, is there much reason to think that countries at different stages of the Kuznets curve could even agree to enforce tough restrictions?
  • At the end of the abdomen is the telson, which bears a bulb-shaped structure containing the venom glands and a sharp, curved aculeus to deliver the venom.
  • The track curved away below him.
  • The big question that drives this is, for RPGs in general, and for a given product, how elastic is the price curve really? So What Is A “Fair” Price For A Gaming PDF? « Geek Related
  • By this action, the highly elastic axis must be bent at the lower extremity, where it is naturally slightly curved; and I imagine it is by this elasticity alone that the zoophyte is enabled to rise again through the mud. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • This was estimated by taking the tangent of each point of the curve.
  • We calculate medians and quartiles of the age at leaving home by sex and race, using a fitted curve derived from a logit regression model.
  • The neutral stability curves and the character parameters are given, including the temporal and spatial growth rate, the critical wave number, the maximum wave number and the wave celerity.
  • Two twin marble staircases curved upwards, leading to the second floor.
  • Everything spread out again: the bridges with their arches opening upon the sheeny water; the Cite, enveloped in shade, above which rose the flavescent towers of Notre-Dame; the great curve of the right bank flooded with sunlight, and ending in the indistinct silhouette of the His Masterpiece
  • It applies S-curve and adaptive control method in order to improve system performance and strengthen adaptability in kinds of complex circumstance.
  • With the help of catastrophe criterion, the anomalism criterions of the crossfeed between dam body and foundation are acquired from the real contact area or fractal dimension curve vs.
  • Its seamless curve swept across the canyon and imbedded itself in each side, a gigantic but somehow graceful intrusion.
  • Also curve joining the tangents of each line of thrust, drawn relative to the vessel, is known as the curve of metacentres.
  • Figure 5 provides an illustration of the corner tracking-error issue when negotiating a curve in a road.
  • Caps are 12.5 oz. wool blend and have buckram-backed front panels, pre-curved visors, and grey undervisors.
  • At the time, the term childhood obesity was not making headlines, but the running community, usually ahead of the curve when it comes to health issues, felt that kids were in need of an extra push to get out and work their bodies. Young Runners
  • We saw the engine had evidently refused to take a very sharp curve. Times, Sunday Times
  • Covered with mysteriously indented curves and sinuous ridges, the sculpture invites comment and touch.
  • The top selling non-fiction book Blink is coining mucho bling for Malcolm Gladwell, yet in 1997 Gladwell wrote a New Yorker article called "The Sports Taboo: Why blacks are like boys and whites are like girls," which made exactly the same argument as Larry Summers made about what is innately different in the capabilities of males and females -- that men have a larger standard deviation on many traits, so there are more men at the top and bottom of the bell curves. Archive 2005-02-27
  • Sturm's theoretical work in mathematical physics involved the study of caustic curves, and poles and polars of conic sections.
  • Thus sign; the membership demand curve is negatively sloped for and positively sloped for, as shown in Fig. 1.
  • The Chough (pronounced ‘chuff’) is an elegant member of the crow family, a little smaller than a Rook and distinguished by a bright red, slightly decurved bill and red legs and feet.
  • We have several deer mounts ranging in size from spike (first recurve kill) to a large 3 x 4 blacktail. Buck Mounts: Finding Room For Taxidermy
  • The road curved gently upwards.
  • The case itself is rather light, as would be expected with an aluminum case, and the brushed metal and rounded curves look great.
  • With your mouse, drag data points and their error bars, and watch the best-fit polynomial curve update instantly.
  • Higher order spherical aberration in apochromats is a result of strongly curved lens surfaces.
  • I'm perfectly happy with the voluptuous curves of the woman I love.
  • Hurricane Gustav curved away from the Caribbean Islands and headed toward open ocean.
  • A positive yield curve represents the normal condition of the capital markets.
  • The whole combination of curves which go to make up this sketch is a curious arrangement of words inscribed with the utmost care, in the smallest of characters. The Filigree Ball
  • Finally, Ankiel struck Perez out on another curve.
  • The curve illustrates costs per capita.
  • The push for interracial adoption is redundant and behind the curve.
  • Earlier Aronhold had worked on plane curves and the problem of the nine points of inflection of the third order plane curve which had been discussed by Plücker some time before.
  • The anterior and posterior portions of the corpus callosum curve sharply downwards to form its genu and splenium, respectively.
  • The chiffon shirred strapless bodice curved naturally into her body, and the satin skirt spilled over the floor.
  • Every house had its garages; some had curved driveways where cars were parked. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • In fact, one of the reasons I joined this gym in particular is because a) it is only for women but it is not the right-wing pro-life fascist don’t-even-get-me-started Curves, and b) I can show up in cut-off sweats, lululemons that give awesome camel toe or a t-shirt with coffee stains on it and not feel like a total shlepper. I Like To Move It Move It
  • The stone interior of the church held darkness as a curved shell holds water.
  • He opened his mouth - which was curved up with a slightly crooked grin - to speak, but thankfully the elevator tinged and the doors hissed open.
  • I don't know how it followed a curved course in space - maybe it was outgassing and rotating, which would make its path helical.
  • The never completed keep is a great round tower divided by a moat from the inner curtain that curves inward to avoid it.
  • Seek out the archery retailer that has recurve bow knowledge.
  • Make sure the curve of your spine is pressed into the floor.
  • This impression is reinforced by the panoramic curve of the back wall, which, even though it is painted a uniform dark grey, suggests a cyclorama or stage backdrop.
  • She stood tall, unlike Winnie, she was 5'8, with a nice slender figure, with womanly curves.
  • This paper introduced a machining curve method on commonelectrosparking - boring hole model machine sample number controled system.
  • The curve can be divided into three distinct phases. Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
  • A correlation curve indicates the distance over which the motion at one point significantly affects that at another.
  • Curves, like waves breaking, had been worked into the sides, accented by the gilt-covered scrolls that bordered the edges.
  • The fitted result proves that the hypothesis that load-life curve in single logarithm should be exponential curve is right.
  • Henley Compact Offices are quirky sheds with curved roofs redolent of gypsy caravans.
  • Because of their incurved leaves, the plant is narrow and can be grown at a tighter spacing.
  • The coast sweeps northwards in a wide curve.
  • Within a nanosecond of my reaching the other side, a high speed streamliner coming around a curve passed over those very same tracks at about 100 miles per hour. Advice to those people seeking info on Mexico
  • It's time to go up to your front door, Mother, and ring the rattling buzzer of a bell, the door with two curved fangs.
  • Survival curves were plotted using the product limit estimates.
  • In fact, the CIA had long harbored strong doubts concerning Curveball's veracity.
  • Window eaves and roof gutters curve in organic efficiency rather than follow a mechanical right angle.
  • The recurve is great for bowfishing but if you really want to succed with deer and turkeys get a 60-70 lb compound with 80% let off. Iv hunted the past few years aand wanted to start bow hunting i have a fred bear Kodiack Mag in 55 pounds recurve do you think I
  • But people who emphasize the efficiency often base the Laffer curve, and insist decreasing the marginal tax rate of individual income tax.
  • ‘It doesn’t show off your curves’ (just the ones that give him nightmares) and this one ‘Its the same colour as the bath mat’ - he LIKES the friggin bathmat. Cheeseburger Gothic » Ladies Lounge
  • A curved glass feeding bottle and a sealed tin of powdered milk. THE WHITE DOVE
  • For instance, I used lots of daylilies which I staggered in a sweeping curve.
  • In the Eklakhi Tomb we see for the first time an Islamic curved roof inspired from the bamboo version, and the slight slope on the roof is a departure from traditional cubical construction and served to throw off rainwater.
  • A modified hypsometric curve can be used to help describe the relationships between drainage, alluvial and shallow marine basins.
  • Her lips curved into a content smile thinking about them, their strength, happiness, and virtue.
  • Celestial Four sashayed forward, her silver and blue gown rippling like water over her rounded curves. Etched in Bone
  • The spine is in Spain very curved, producing what is termed _ensellure_, or saddle-back -- a characteristic which gives great flexibility to the back and prominence to the gluteal regions, sometimes slightly simulating steatopygia. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • But if you mark a point B on the circumference of the flange of a locomotive-wheel, the curve will be a curtate cycloid, as in Fig. 2, terminating in nodes. Amusements in Mathematics
  • Scarlett Johansson (left) and Kate Beckinsale maximize their almond-shaped eyes and oval faces with softly curved arches.
  • There is a fine oak carved overmantel and an old door opens on to the curved stone stair to the first floor.
  • For your heading-tape quantity, you will need to plot the curve as below and double the measurement.
  • The cusp has a curved anterior margin and the base is short.
  • The height of the curve at any point on the dimension axis x is called the probability density of that particular value.
  • A moment later, the vehicle appeared, rounding a curve up ahead.
  • Behind the pilot sits a standard astromech droid, plugged into an abbreviated, ventrally-fed socket which requires the droid to compress slightly in order to fit within the vessel's curves. Naboo N-1 Starfighter | Papercraft Paradise | PaperCrafts | Paper Models | Card Models
  • We quantitatively determined the degree of mixing nonideality by fitting the experimental liquidus and solidus curves to a model based on regular solution theory.
  • I am in the process of deciding which phone to get. i am caught between a blackberry curve and pantech slate.? Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Fourthly, the tube can be curved into the bronchia without deforming its tubular cross section.
  • Those who do know her work, however, will associate the 47-year-old most with her studies of the curves and cantilevers of the Forth Bridge over 20 years, which have been the subject of an acclaimed installation at the Talbot Rice Gallery.
  • Application of the strong equivalence principle provides the basis for a definition of parallel transport in curved space time.
  • In particular, the early parts of cumulative emergence curves at a range of temperatures were superposed when expressed in thermally weighted time, while the late parts diverged.
  • Just to add to his learning curve, Jordan's first taste of rallying will be in the dark as the Robin Hood starts with four stages on Saturday evening.
  • Rotary press a web or reel fed printing press which uses a curved printing plate mounted on the plate cylinder.
  • Pierced by curves and angles of thin metal, the precarious, canted structure is poised on elegant little wheels. The Artist in All His Dimensions
  • Rather than make the top an ordinary rectangle, I put some mild curves on the sides which give it a ‘butterfly’ shape and spokeshaved some chamfers on the underneath of the table
  • Draw a vegetarian's indifference curve for meat and potatoes. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Their gravitational attraction would thus curve up the universe to infinitely small size.
  • Behind this process a broad, thin plate, the ethmoidal process, ascends to join the uncinate process of the ethmoid; from its lower border a thin lamina, the maxillary process, curves downward and lateralward; it articulates with the maxilla and forms a part of the medial wall of the maxillary sinus. II. Osteology. 5b. 6. The Inferior Nasal Concha
  • The shape of the curve a catenary is the one that minimizes the potential energy of the entire chain. Thermodynamics, Again - The Panda's Thumb
  • In explanation the guard said that it had fallen over as the train was crossing the curve at Neville Hill.
  • The normal curve approach to inference begins by asserting a null hypothesis that is expressed using population parameters.
  • Thus, the private demand curve of an individual is not a simple affair.
  • We know it from the patterns that show up in our curves of evolution from the fossil record. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • The curved scar of the rift followed the island's contour, spewing sulfurous gases. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Long ago, my brother and I were practicing with 65# recurved bows and cedar hunting arrows. Has anyone ever had a string snap on them when they were shooting?
  • The creature was about the size of a bushbok, was a dirty white in colour, and carried a pair of horns about two and a half feet in length, slightly curved, enormously thick at the base, strongly ridged for about half their length, and thence sweeping smoothly away to points as sharp apparently as those of bayonets. Through Veld and Forest An African Story
  • The building's long, curved roofline is balanced on one side by a tall, twisting tower, with an observation deck floating above the city like a treehouse.
  • Holding anger is a poison...It eats you from inside...We think that by hating someone we hurt them...But hatred is a curved blade...and the harm we do to others...we also do to ourselves. Mitch Albom 
  • Because of the inverse relationship between bond valuation and interest rates, the bond market is often used to indicate changes in interest rates or the shape of the yield curve.
  • The coastal contours curve into the distance on all sides of the site, with Snowdonia's dramatic mountains providing the landward backdrop. The 10 best campsites for views
  • Instead of straight-sided walls, the walls curve so the building is wider at the middle than at each end.
  • And then there were the bones-a bear's digit, with the great curved claw still attached; the complete vertebrae of a small snake, articulated and strung on a leather thong, so the whole string flexed in a lifelike manner; an assortment of teeth, ranging from a string of round, peglike things that Jamie said came from a seal, through the high-crowned, scythe-cusped teeth of deer, to something that looked suspiciously like a human molar. Dragonfly in Amber
  • Stephenson, who constructed both projects, believed that gradients should be less than 1 percent and that curves should have very wide radii of at least a kilometre.
  • The road curved, and I emerged from a copse to confront a splendid panorama.
  • You have a horrible tendency to post charts and either not label them properly (usually the y-axis) or not state what each curve represents (in this case it happens to be fairly obvious, but you should still state it explicitly). Matthew Yglesias » Doubts About a Vehicle-Miles Traveled Tax
  • I propose a continuous tax as an infinitely differentiable monotonic curve over the open set domain (0, inf) with a range of (0,1), where total taxes owed is simply and elegantly calculated by integrating the CONTINUOUS TAX-RATE from 0 to x (x being income) Matthew Yglesias » Tax Simplification and the Flat Tax
  • Results were calculated by reference to a standard curve.
  • Their parts evolve in a kinetic parallax of curves and angles that create a shifting perceptual spectacle.
  • Wood bannisters and staircases, rooms with curved windows, doorknobs that were made out of glass. August 2006
  • At Diano Marina, as will be seen from the curve _b_, the shock again consisted of two phases, each beginning with a few subsultory vibrations and ending with horizontal undulations of much longer period. A Study of Recent Earthquakes
  • From the individual dose - response curves we chose doses in the linear part for the combination treatments.
  • TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!! fastlane: Dr Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran dafuck: the only explenation could be a time warp in the middle of detroit .. bobacus: According to Curve magazine, Lesbian visitors will find a Detroit that's shifted into the 21st century. wolfer: only his body, his soul lives on, I heard it coming from a Escalade in the wal-mart parking lot last night dafuck: Micheal Jackson is dead? wotak: for best results, remove your nose to get the correct weight distribution wolfer: Im gonna practice and bring back the moon walk
  • From the balcony, you could see the long curve of the shoreline.
  • As soon as he was quiet the legserpent began to untwist and retwist, to uncoil and recoil himself, swinging and swaying, knotting and relaxing himself with strangest curves and convolutions, always, however, leaving at least one coil around his victim. The Princess and Curdie
  • The curve radii and crossfall of the road are measured and fed through algorithms from the Austroads Rural Road Design guide to generate a suggested advisory speed for all points along the road.
  • There's nothing to suggest that, over a ceratin range, the difference between the curves couldn't be decreasing. A Kuranian Take on the Religious Gender Gap, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The road curves gently upwards, giving increasingly inspiring views as it does.
  • Ileal motility was measured by integrating the area under the pressure-time curve, during 1 minute periods, using computer software.
  • Clear and sharp as anything, this colourless white arc curved in a half circle before me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most Cuckoos have moderately sized, slightly down curved bills, medium to long wings and zygodactylous feet.
  • They were already behind the curve over the need for a public inquiry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her hands pressed down her rib cage to the indent of her waistline, to the smooth curve of her narrow hips. KING OF THE MOUNTAIN
  • The standard curve was prepared by triplicate evaluations of the protein concentrations.
  • The lateral olfactory striæ curve lateralward, a few of the fibers end in the olfactory trigone and the antero-lateral portion of the anterior perforated substance. IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
  • Furthermore, the stress - strain curves and stress relaxation behavior of EPDM vulcanizates was also studied.
  • At the entrance to the gallery an upright, abstracted figure, smoothly curved, sat atop a heavy-duty steel truck spring.
  • The dress was very conservative, but it accentuated my curves.
  • The Duke was revelling in the occasion, his toothless mouth curved up in a great leer like the mask of comedy.
  • The road curved suddenly to the left.
  • The design's signature is the curved wall that defines an edge of the courtyard.
  • The pressure and friction caused by forcing the curved pins into the straight hinges will resist the self-closing tendency of the door.
  • Production of electrical tools, as electric drills impact, angle angle grinder, saw, electric drill and curves.
  • The front legs of rococo chairs were undulating symphonies of curves and counter-curves.
  • Programming by the plane curve unwrapped from the helix curve and cutting layer by layer, we created the variable pitch screw on the 3.5 axis NC milling.
  • She sketched the lines of his cheekbones and carefully shaded in the delicate curve of his upper lip.
  • They consisted of a curved U-tube filled with mercury attached to a bulb containing creosote.
  • Within these lines she made little dots at the top and bottom of stubby perpendicular strokes, and strange interlineal hieroglyphics, and sweeping curves, all of which would have puzzled an The Place of Honeymoons
  • First, she removes the fabric covering from the frame and cuts off the curved handle with a hacksaw.
  • And I suspect he intentionally allowed She'asta's tail to skid ever so slightly on the ice as he negotiated the deeper curves in the road just to grant those of us in the back a bit keener thrill. ~A Mountain Boy's Christmas Memory~ Guest Post By Eric Schweer
  • This orientates all the elementsof the understanding, as the magnet collects into regular curves the filings of a magnetic metal. The Psychology of Revolution
  • Sepals very large, incurved, overlapping each other, having the appearance of being semi-double, and being of good substance. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • The photograph on the facing page shows a pair of pictures, illustrating two curved designs bending round towards each other.
  • The horn becomes greyish brown, short, strongly downcurved.
  • There was a grace and an elegance she carried with her, and it went further than the sleek curves of her figure.
  • Here it is used for "croupade," "a high curvet in which the hind legs are brought up under the belly of the horse" (_N. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
  • There is a fat, curved spur at the back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Visitors had to wend and weave their way around corners and curves to reach the various spaces, which once again invoked the trope of the medieval city.
  • This pattern suggests a logarithmic growth curve with progressively diminishing advantage in performance with age.
  • Judging the paintings, he said that straight lines, curves and equilateral triangles, involved in the drawing, could shape the children's handwriting.
  • The bottom of each drawing is curved, like a photographic vignette.
  • The two middle feathers of the tail have no webs, except a very small one at the base and at the extreme tip, forming wire-like cirrhi, which spread out in an elegant double curve, and vary from twenty-four to thirty-four inches long. The Malay Archipelago
  • More closely connected works explore elevated horizontal structures like that of "Bouquet of Concaves," while further variations—curves and polychromy that both enhances and defies three-dimensional form—are proposed by other, even more intimately related sculptures. Works of Many Dimensions
  • They calculate, through programming numeric value, the dispersion curve of guided wave and the displacement distribution of various mode of the wave along the wall of pipe.
  • Mexico, how identical in shape and size with the protuberance of Africa just opposite, and how the protuberance of the Venezuelan and Brazilian coast fits in with the in-curve of Africa: so that it is obvious to me -- it is quite _obvious_ -- that they once were one; and one night rushed so far apart; and the wild Atlantic knew that thing, and ran gladly, hasting in between: and how if eye of flesh had been there to see, and ear to hear that cruel thundering, my God, my God -- what horror! The Purple Cloud
  • Cenogenetic processes, on the other hand, include such phenomena as the formation of yolk and the embryonic membranes, the temporary allantoic circulation, the navel, the curved and contracted shape of the embryo, and the like. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The sarcophagus clutched something in his hands, too, something small, bonelike, and curved. GUARDIAN OF THE VEIL
  • —The body is prismoid in form, narrower above than below, and slightly curved, so as to be convex lateralward. II. Osteology. 6a. 5. The Radius
  • With a steep L curve and a shallow I curve, the effect on aggregate demand will be much greater.
  • The branches formed a graceful curve.
  • We need to get ahead of the curve. Times, Sunday Times
  • The portion of the marginal-cost curve that lies above average variable cost is the competitive firm's short-run supply curve.
  • As he stood there, turned from me, with his hat off, and his neck painfully flushed under the sharp outcurve of his dark head, a feeling of pity surged up in me, as if I had taken an unfair advantage. The Inn of Tranquillity: Studies and Essays
  • Decay rates were obtained from counting rates by using an external standard and a quench calibration curve.
  • Short Turkish Swords - yataghans or curved daggers, were most frequently used for hand-to-hand combat where they usually were decisive for the result of combat, since the use of fire-arms had still been slow and unpractical.
  • It can be done: they have found a firm of glass-makers in Venice that can produce the big double-curved pieces of glass required.
  • The bow is long, and curves into a lofty stem, like that of a Roman galley, finished with a beak head, to secure the forestay of the mast. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • I followed a curved track between the walls of the monks' fraternities. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Lower’ refers to the side of the test to which the neck curves; Figure 7 provides an example of how length, width, concavity and curvature are measured.
  • Through the gentle curves of its spherical design, the stadium merges with its surroundings.
  • The mountain theme is incorporated throughout the facility - from its curved parapets and sculptured stone fountain to the grassy park with tree-covered walking trails.

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