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How To Use Cursed In A Sentence

  • I. iii.21 (405,9) He shall live a man forbid] Mr. Theobald has very justly explained _forbid_ by _accursed_, but without giving any reason of his interpretation. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • DIDIER GONDOLA, AUTHOR, "HISTORY OF CONGO": The short answer would be that Congo has been cursed by its natural resources. CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2006
  • Why do you have to go to law school and live with your girlfriend and leave me behind to languish and molder in this cursed workplace?
  • Their cursed digital cameras flared out those blinding blue and green lights throughout the concert.
  • He raved, he cursed, he shook his fists in my face, and then suddenly a horrible spasm passed over his features, he clapped his hand to his side, and with a loud cry he fell in a heap at my feet.
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  • I learned he had the same goofy sense of humor I was cursed with.
  • She is embarrassed by everything and accordingly cursed in her ownership of Theo, a tricky little shih-tzu.
  • So he drave out to Miriam, who ran at him with the best of her skill and charged him with the goodliness of her cleverness and her courage and her cunning in fence and cavalarice, crying to him, “O accursed, O enemy of Allah and the Moslems, I will assuredly send thee after thy brothers and woeful is the abiding-place of the Miscreants!” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • To the amusement of the class, we grunted and cursed each other out of the sides of our mouths as we both tried to get through the door.
  • When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly.
  • Tromp would maunder over and over of how Johannes Maartens and the cunies robbed the kings on Tabong Mountain, each embalmed in his golden coffin with an embalmed maid on either side; and of how these ancient proud ones crumbled to dust within the hour while the cunies cursed and sweated at junking the coffins. Chapter 15
  • As soon as anyone watches a cursed videotape, the phone rings and the viewer has exactly a week to live. Times, Sunday Times
  • But terrible, truly terrible and heart searching for the wrongdoer is the message -- God does not curse thee: thou hast cursed thyself. Town and Country Sermons
  • not a cursed drop
  • The instant their prince drew the cursed blade, its power reached out to them.
  • He cursed it because he was thought dead by his family and could never go back.
  • It was only this cursed undivorced condition of his, and — and the question whether Annette would take him, which he dared not put to the touch until he had a clear and even dazzling future to offer her. In Chancery
  • Under his breath the man quietly cursed the interfering clerk who could bring his master's grand design to nothing.
  • The Royal Society was the sponsor of the Discovery expedition, and these mountains were cursed with its name. Terra Incognita
  • But I was foolish then, spirited and wilful, and so cursedly nearsighted.
  • The pace picks up as the crew from the cursed ship starts an eerie song and the celebrating sailors try to counter with a merry drinking song of their own.
  • I don't know if it works, or whether it is in an appropriate RSS version, but it was free, and didn't require me to do any work other than find my accursed BlogStreet password.
  • He cursed his luck and shut his eyes tight, trying to remain motionless.
  • Anthony, whose job it was to act as a buffer between editorial staff and management and who always looked as though he was on the verge of a heart attack, slammed the phone down, cursed and reached for a cigarette.
  • A shy New York artist fears she may have descended from a family of cursed women who turn into panthers when turned on.
  • Wrapping her arms about her, Jenni cursed her choice of a skirt and short sleeves.
  • They're on a great overtime rate, they're being put up in decent hotels and have got a week away from the accursed paperwork.
  • The fig tree you cursed has withered! Christianity Today
  • I cursed her as I searched through the kitchen cupboards for something to eat.
  • Daily he was spit upon, cursed, stoned in the street.
  • But I had forgotten those accursed books of poetry.
  • And they bear but one shield and one spear, without other arms; and they wrap their heads and their necks with a great quantity of white linen cloth; and they be right felonous and foul, and of cursed kind. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • No song lasted more than three minutes, and after each the carrot-haired kid cursed us to death.
  • If we keep this mighty nation one and inseparable, we shall have answered it forever; if not, why then those who revile man as vile and irreclaimably degraded may raise their pæans of triumph; the black spectres of antique tyrants may clap their hands gleefully in the land of accursed shadows, and hell hold high carnival, for, verily, it would seem as if they had triumphed, and that hope were a lie. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 2, February, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • The citadel is under the command of the baron of Auchinleck; he, with his brave followers, being the first to hail the burning of the accursed Barns of Ayr. The Scottish Chiefs
  • You have not been long enough in India to case-harden into the cursed egotism of this hard-hearted land, and remember, age, crawling on, has indurated old A Fascinating Traitor An Anglo-Indian Story
  • She just wanted to be released from this horrible life she had been cursed with.
  • India Bridge is a decent woman, hopefully naïve, willfully unliberated, cursed with a brain she is afraid to use and time that she cannot manage to fill.
  • NEW YORK mdash; The renegade flight attendant who cursed out a passenger and emergency-chuted to folk-hero status thanked the world for its support and said ... Steven Slater, Jet Blue Flight Attendant, Wants To Return To Air
  • Unpadded, the butt jarred into my shoulder every time I pulled the trigger on the accursed gun, causing no small amount of pain.
  • His grandmother had the same affliction that his mother was cursed with.
  • Yet Weil thought so poorly of her achievements she once identified herself with the barren fig tree Jesus cursed because it bore no fruit.
  • I've been saying for quite a few years now that my family is cursed.
  • The story goes that around the turn of the century, Tom cursed the fact that every time he drilled for water for his livestock, up came oil, too.
  • Plus it's been cursed with the continuous reference to a movie that did it a terrible disservice. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are to be morecursed than any other thing on earth and you will have to crawl on your bellyand eat dust the rest of your life.
  • Within the week I had repented of what I termed my idiotic quixotism, and for precisely nine days after that I cursed my folly. The Cords of Vanity A Comedy of Shirking
  • To slightly rephrase Hal in his next play, Henry V, ‘And gentlefolk in New York now abed / Shall think themselves accursed they were not here.’
  • But his sustre fulfilled not his wille: for als sone as he was ded, sche delyvered alle the lordes out of presoun, and lete hem gon, eche lord to his owne; and tolde hem alle the purpos of hire brothers ordynance: and so was this cursed kyng never made sorwe for, as he supposed for to have ben. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • I am accursed, and any who sees my face shares that curse.
  • I silently cursed myself for the quiver in my voice.
  • He saw, as he supposed, "the Okimow in peril of his life," and acted according to the dictates of his accursedly poor discretion. The Arctic Prairies : a Canoe-Journey of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou; Being the Account of a Voyage to the Region North of Aylemer Lake
  • A galleon with its upper decks razed, perhaps, in an effort to make it lighter, and furthermore cursed with an eccentric sailmaker.
  • From what cursed old antediluvian, who lived before the invention of spinning-jennies, she learned this craft, Heaven only knows; but there she sits, with her work pinned to her knee — not the pretty taper silken fabric, with which Saint Ronan's Well
  • Whenever I express my penchant for reality television in the circle of snide, knowing, not-as-smart-as-they-think-they-are crosspatches that I'm cursed to call friends, I often do so defensively.
  • Kayla mentally cursed at her stupidity at wasting such a great opportunity.
  • His line would be accursed to the last generation.
  • It's like that fairy tale where vipers and toads jump out of the mouth of the accursed mean little girl when she tries to speak.
  • I skidded, slipped, cursed, crashed, and generally regressed one full level in ability.
  • As soon as anyone watches a cursed videotape, the phone rings and the viewer has exactly a week to live. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, everyone she films with her cursed camera meets an untimely doom.
  • But the attempt was marred by technical difficulties ranging from slow camera updates to not having the cursed thing plugged in.
  • Many thanks must go then to Thomas Edison for ruining the whole hibernation ideal with his accursed light-bulbs.
  • Paz took a quick step away, kicked the baseboard hard, and cursed to himself in Spanish. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • Cursed with allergies in his first years, Koby often erupted in hives and eczema.
  • Had she but read Euphues, and forgotten that accursed mill and shieling-hill, it is my thought that her converse would be broidered with as many and as choice pearls of compliment, as that of the most rhetorical lady in the court of Feliciana. The Monastery
  • A passing cart rolled by splattering him with mud and Corbett quietly cursed Burnell for sending him here.
  • Ha! Cursed 6)paleface, do you dare to enter the camp of Red Chief ?
  • Nowhere is the mention that Senator Levin "cursed" (as the headline said) or did any swearing. Levin swears repeatedly at Goldman hearing
  • The old fisherman was cursed by his shrewish wife.
  • For those unfamiliar with the design of the cursed building I inhabit, I live in the (rather shabbily) converted attic.
  • I cursed some more, managed to staunch the flow, hopped around like a deranged Morris dancer until I could reach a plaster, patched myself up and went back to bed.
  • A teamster cursed as the Poor Fellows ordered his wagon out of the way.
  • Not once, since you went to that accursedly out-of-the-way place, has a letter from you found me in the same mood and circumstances to which it was addressed, as being the mood and circumstances in which my own letter had left me, and of course it has been the same with my letters to you. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • And we need something a little better than this accursed nonsense about the survival of the fittest. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • She plays Brenda, now a teacher who is stalked by an accursed videotape.
  • Five centuries ago, my whole family was cursed and turned into werecats.
  • Rekha complained like crazy, she gave him hell, she bawled him out and cursed him for a useless lafanga and haramzada and salah and even, in extremis, for being guilty of the impossible feat of fucking the sister he did not have. The Satanic Verses
  • Pak cursed routinely and adjusted the gain of the amplifier.
  • Plus it's been cursed with the continuous reference to a movie that did it a terrible disservice. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had but sat down to a flask of malvoisie and a mortress of brawn, as is my use about this hour, when there comes a cherking, and I find my wine over my legs and the flask in my lap, and then as I stoop to clip it there comes another cursed cherk, and there is a mortress of brawn stuck fast to the nape of my neck. The White Company
  • Auguste found himself caught up in the general excitement and cursed his heavy waterlogged costume.
  • As soon as anyone watches a cursed videotape, the phone rings and the viewer has exactly a week to live. Times, Sunday Times
  • She cursed herself inwardly as the words left her and knew what was about to happen next.
  • Kael felt his cheeks heat up at the mere hint of the heated promise in Sully's voice, and he cursed the blush, shaking his head and looking away to hide it.
  • Born as a result of a curse, she lives an accursed, wasteful, unproductive life of pain and loneliness, and dies in loneliness and in intolerable agony.
  • Alan took a chip in the neck and it opened up a small cut that nevertheless bled copiously and ruined, * ruined* his favorite T-shirt, with Snoopy sitting atop his doghouse in an aviator's helmet, firing an imaginary machine gun at the cursed Red Baron. Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
  • It has been a year since I purged my hovel of cursed trinkets and baubles.
  • Please quote reprinted annotated source consciously, otherwise you will be cursed with gang rape.
  • She mysteriously died after watching a cursed videotape. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some, including both our witnesses, cursed us between gasps of breath for dragging them up ‘some crazy hill’ on a hot summer's day.
  • Also, rather tragically, she was cursed with carroty orange hair and freckles.
  • He cursed under his breath as the spanner slipped.
  • He cursed his luck and shut his eyes tight, trying to remain motionless.
  • But when he held it to the fading light of the window which opened upon the street where the woman called the prophetess had cursed him, the eyes of the child did not close, neither did their pupils diminish. The Scapegoat; a romance and a parable
  • Now the princess, of the excess of her grief for her separation from her husband and the Sultan her father and of her sore distress at that which had betided her with the accursed Maugrabin enchanter, used every day to arise, at the first peep of dawn, [586] and sit weeping; nay, she slept not anights and forswore meat and drink. Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp
  • Cursed with allergies in his first years, Koby often erupted in hives and eczema.
  • Cursed be the City - can be described as cavemen vs. Cthulhu. Amp; Cthulhu
  • She hated the thought that he must become a separate, uncomfortable metabolism cursed with effort and choice.
  • It was that accursed black Obama that razeed me; made a poor begging lubber of me for ever and a day! ... Top Hillary Supporter Says She's Showing "Desperation"
  • Then they went home and played the accursed thing, and second-hand shops nationwide braced themselves for the deluge.
  • Whitlock removed his safety belt and cursed in exasperation. CODE BREAKER
  • I rushed to the water closet to clean the cursed blood.
  • Viro cursed an oath, his fair eyes flashing, his muscles tensed.
  • The taxi driver who felt he didn't get a high enough tip cursed the passenger
  • A few rats and some crows stirred at his coming and scampered or flew off, releasing angry caws and twitters as they cursed Romon for interrupting their meal.
  • As soon as anyone watches a cursed videotape, the phone rings and the viewer has exactly a week to live. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing came out to attack her, and she cursed herself for not coming to help it.
  • Heartbreak and violence follow the camp as part of a sad, accursed tradition.
  • ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; Archive 2007-01-01
  • Tess cursed silently under her breath as she knew she could not stay in this hut.
  • Max cursed as he slammed the receiver back onto the cradle.
  • It begins with a Gypsy woman holding a kind of seance over a fat wad of supposedly cursed money for a rich, frightened woman. MERCHANT OF MURDER by Spencer Dean (Pocket 1960)
  • Hamlet said, as I recall, ‘O cursed spite that ever I was born to set it right,’ or something like that.
  • The driver turned into a side road, then cursed as the car skidded in the powderlike snow, unmelted here. The Dollmaker
  • Utopians might expect that the auto makers will offer countless octane-stingy hybrids and zero-emission fuel-cell vehicles to a public seeking to wean itself from all addiction to the cursed internal combustion engine.
  • The hidden message here is that we expect people who are blessed with qualities like economic acumen, leadership and intelligence to be cursed with the obverse traits of greed, megalomania and ruthless cunning.
  • Unfortunately, Breau was cursed with massive drug addictions, which helped lead to his untimely death in 1984.
  • The old lady is cursed with blindness and difficulty in hearing.
  • The relations of hades to geenna, and also to paradeisos, are well put in this extract from a funeral sermon of Jeremny Taylor: "The word Aides signifies indefinitely the state of separation, whether blessed or accursed; it means only ` the invisible place, 'or the region of darkness, whither whoso descends shall be no more seen. Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia.
  • Bulman was cursed with a poor memory for names.
  • He then cursed inwardly, not at the captain, but at himself.
  • Accursed be cruell destiny, that forced thee to so base a kind of life, and did not blesse thee with a fairer fortune. The Decameron
  • The fig tree you cursed has withered! Christianity Today
  • On his deathbed, wracked by tuberculosis, he seems to have cursed his fate.
  • Cursed suffered the worst production and post-production problems than any other film in recent history.
  • Gardna we'll live forever and be cursed with all the riches in the world!
  • Yet I cursed myself every time we were caught unawares.
  • He cursed the vultures circling above his head, for he knew now his flesh would soon be torn to pieces by their cruel hooked beaks and he could hope for no salvation, nor a proper funeral pyre.
  • After losing my supper thanks to those cursed waves last night, I stuffed myself with plain crackers this morning to settle my stomach.
  • His fair locks, which the Russian was used to wash every morning, he was now bidden to bedaub with grease and flour, while he energetically cursed the black spatterdashes which it took him an hour to button every morning. Historic Tales, Vol. 8 (of 15) The Romance of Reality
  • He wanted her to handfast with him so that he could protect her from the Cursed Ones. Crusade
  • She cursed to herself for drinking all that fruit juice.
  • Unwieldy items like metal detectors, coolers and grills were cursed as they were portered in the dark, and cursed a second time surrounded by milling vehicles attempting to reverse direction over the ruts of a one-lane dirt road. Stalin's Ghost
  • For what he and his confrères habitually arrogate to themselves is the right to impose their goals and their wisdom in place of those of all the individuals cursed to be under their sway in some way.
  • Cursed, cursed be the fiend that brought misery on his grey hairs, and doomed him to waste in wretchedness! Chapter 23
  • Left in charge, he temporized, agonized, and cursed the fates.
  • And these four knights aforesaid came to Canterbury on the Tuesday in Christmas week about Evensong time, and came to S. Thomas and said that the king commanded him to make amends for the wrongs that he had done, and also that he should assoil all them that he had accursed anon, or else they should slay him. 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
  • Chinatown child, you're a Chinatown child, cursed by the temple your father defiled.
  • Faith's heart sank with those words, and she cursed herself inwardly for swallowing her pride and coming to him.
  • They are as stanch and resolved in their hatred of the domestic institution as when we abolished the accursed slave traffic; as when, at a vast sacrifice, both of money and of colonial prosperity, we struck the last fetter from the last English slave; as when the women of England, half a million strong, sent out a generous if not a wise remonstrance to the women of America. London: Saturday, January 17, 1863
  • She actually smiled a real smile and I had cursed in front of her.
  • As the massive ground invasion moves forward, we will be blessed or cursed with an unprecedented up-close view of combat.
  • Had she but read Euphues, and forgotten that accursed mill and shieling-hill, it is my thought that her converse would be broidered with as many and as choice pearls of compliment, as that of the most rhetorical lady in the court of Feliciana. The Monastery
  • The girls spin on; a kind of forewoman, Mary, upbraids Senta with idling and staring at the picture and dreaming away her life -- for the girl is quite open about her sympathy with the accursed seafaring man. Richard Wagner Composer of Operas
  • With complete seriousness and no awareness of the historical abuses to which this idea has been put, they were promoting the Hamite theory of racial origins, that ugly idea that all races stemmed from the children of Noah, and that black people in particular were the cursed offspring of Ham. 300 secular students visit Ken Ham's Creation “Museum” - The Panda's Thumb
  • Cursed: So wicked and detestable as to deserve to be cursed.
  • Most of that time was spent being stuck in traffic while the cabbie cursed about the other drivers.
  • A young woman, cursed with nice white teeth and lovely hands: for these beauties being misallied to homely features, had turned her head. The Cloister and the Hearth
  • Her family is cursed, disgraced, and she's come back to the center of it.
  • Then he took all the meat and drink I had given him and the rest of it and went out of my house; but the accursed carle gave it in charge of a porter to carry to his home but hid himself in one of the alleys. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I cursed my luck and began to invent adventures.
  • That Deputy Dawg-looking, dirty, deceitful dreg of the earth deserved to be cursed out, ghetto-style. Pure Paradise
  • She cursed him as much for losing his temper in her house as for his insinuation. DANSVILLE
  • Rather, God foreknew the Fall, so He programmed creatures with the information for design features for attack and defense that they would need in a cursed world.
  • With the Dwarves' votes, Sauron hoped to win some of the Shire seats on the Grand Council, thereby negating any seats the accursed Men might win with Elf preferences elsewhere in Middle Earth
  • But unlike many of the others, they were cursed with an ineluctable propensity to compare themselves with others-and to suffer, in their own eyes, by the comparison.
  • And we need something a little better than this accursed nonsense about the survival of the fittest. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • I betake myself to Allah for refuge from the accursed Satan. A Kettle of Vultures
  • I decided I would scrap the accursed shed - then realised I did not know how to dismantle it and, if I managed that, how to dispose of it.
  • The earth beneath the city was doubly cursed with marshiness and the instability of this quake-prone region. Ship Of Destiny
  • He cursed the crew of the ship up and down for “ruining his retirement” and kept going on and on about how he could be “laying in a hammock drinking rum” instead of being “trapped on this goddamn rustbucket.” Thunder and Ashes
  • The evil witch in this story is cursed by.
  • O'Hara cursed them and built a dam without a fishway, and sat beside it nights with a loaded shot-gun. A Young Man in a Hurry and Other Short Stories
  • For two decades, Peeping Tom disappeared from distribution, becoming what Scorsese calls a film maudit literally, a cursed film, the fall-out of which all but ended Powell's career in the UK. Martin Scorsese: '3D is liberating. Every shot is rethinking cinema'
  • Instead, he might be cursed with one who would rob him blind and charge him three-times the wages for the privilege.
  • She felt her cheeks go warm again, and cursed her family for giving her such a pale complexion.
  • DIDIER GONDOLA, AUTHOR, "HISTORY OF CONGO": A short answer would be that Congo has been cursed by its natural resources, and that's why - one of the reasons why so much violence has taken place in that country. CNN Transcript Oct 28, 2006
  • There is also a hovel called a deadhouse, into which these bodies are conveyed till a grave has been dug in some "accursed place," by members of an "accursed" class. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • And as usual, dear reader, I was cursed with the ability to remember every sordid detail despite being three sheets to the wind.
  • Joss nibbled on her bottom lip, staring ahead as she mentally cursed the stupid L.A. traffic.
  • While "the accursed female," as we sometimes call Jezebel, too sensible to stampede, quietly continued feeding. Letters to Helen Impressions of an Artist on the Western Front
  • The damned and accursed are convicted to the flames of hell.
  • I feel it is high time that the county council reassessed its woeful decision to install those cursed traffic lights at Scale Hall corner.
  • Bringing forth all his strength, he cried, "Accursed and downfallen be the city of Imbros, accursed and downfallen in the name of Skotos, lord of darkness and master of the world! Bridge of the Separator
  • Unlike a regular record store, this accursed thing never closes.
  • She has not repeated her belief that we are cursed, but there is something about the darkness of her eyes and the pallor of her face that tells me she is hagridden. The White Queen
  • Faith's heart sank with those words, and she cursed herself inwardly for swallowing her pride and coming to him.
  • The JetBlue flight attendant, who blew a gasket and cursed out his passengers, chuted out of his plane and straight into mythic American status as a workingman's hero. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: When Psycho Flight Attendants Become Heroes
  • She fell in on foot in the long, unguided procession, cursed by a supply-column trying to get through. DISPLACED PERSON
  • Her mouth watered and she cursed the thief who took her money.
  • his cursed stupidity
  • Bonny, bairnly braws; it's for the like o 'them folk sells the peace of God that passeth understanding; it's for the like o' them, an 'maybe no even sae muckle worth, folk daunton God to His face and burn in muckle hell; and it's for that reason the Scripture ca's them, as I read the passage, the accursed thing. Merry Men
  • Mr. Pike cursed him with fearful, unrepeatable words, and again demanded what he was doing there. CHAPTER XXXII
  • As he was struggling for his last breath, Mpu Gandring cursed the kris by saying that it would be responsible for the deaths of seven generations that followed, including Ken Arok.
  • Also, when a high wind blew the dropcloth into the wet paint, I cursed "GODDAMMIT!" loud enough for the children playing in the street half a block down to hear. State of D'Ferrett
  • Too many were steeped in a sense of her sacredness, well he wot! and he was unable to find room in his apprehensive mind for any doubt that these others would be accursedly diligent. Seventeen
  • He cursed out of a regular habit as he pulled the flush down on the toilet.
  • But once he and his family step inside the cursed property, they encounter ghoulish goings-on galore. The Sun
  • Beattie stripped him of all his assumed dignity, and having laid his back bare, scourged him till he smarted keenly, and cursed again.
  • I like to watch films with a fresh eye so only read enough of the review to know things were looking bad before renting the accursed thing.
  • And we need something a little better than this accursed nonsense about the survival of the fittest. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • cursed tea's" blogs, her blog: "dialogically deconstructing diarrhea" has a Trojan virus Corin Long
  • The accursed shark alone in any generic respect be said to bear comprarative analogy the dog.
  • My mother is cursed with blindness and difficulty in hearing.
  • They are "at ease," but as I am "sore displeased" with them, their ease is accursed. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The doors closed, and she cursed, taking the stairs six at a time, her superior limbs bunching and releasing power.
  • If there is one hellish, truly accursed thing in our time, it is our artistic dallying with forms, when instead we should become as victims burning at the stake, signaling each other through the flames. Selby Drummond: Artists Anonymous: The Irresistible Earnestness of the Bruce High Quality Foundation
  • Then you condemn me to live wretched and to die accursed?
  • Out in the hallway Tim cursed silently as the gunfire sounded, knowing that their slim advantage had just been lost.

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