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How To Use Currency In A Sentence

  • Within five years, a unified currency in 1933 the "central" issue of "legal tender" currency has been relatively stable, so Donglai Bank has to resume business.
  • But for the watermark, the thickness of the paper and the missing security thread, the note, reportedly obtained from a private bank, looked like genuine currency for all practical purposes.
  • They contended that many foreign central banks were willing to absorb all the foreign currency earned by their exporting sectors that was not willingly held by their private sector in US dollar denominated assets.
  • The value of the coffee becomes significantly higher when expressed in foreign currency.
  • The currency fund can be leveraged up to five times the value of its underlying assets.
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  • Hunt thinks it unlikely that the currency will break parity with the dollar next year, and feels it is likely to settle around the $0.92 level.
  • Here we may be sneering at the devaluation of the single currency, but in Germany they're laughing all the way to the export markets.
  • Capital controls would be lifted, at which point the currency would devalue further. Times, Sunday Times
  • What was supposedly impossible, rapid large swings in currency values, became an almost everyday event.
  • The currency had already been weakened after China carried out the biggest devaluation in two decades last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is found that the government bond is in low proportion. This will weaken the Central Banks currency control in depression and capital disposal.
  • The investor decides on the currency most likely to appreciate against sterling and puts money on deposit in that currency.
  • The disappointing profits are due to unfavourable currency translations.
  • The cembalo was the favorite instrument in Italy during the seventeenth century, and in England it had a great currency under the name of harpsichord. A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • The currency was tied to the gold standard.
  • The investment banking arm has delivered strong profits growth in recent years by pushing both its clients' and its own capital into commodities and currency speculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • You could make a windfall profit - or you might suffer an exchange-rate loss if you encash those assets when the valuation currency is weak against your base currency.
  • It's certainly not the notes and coins that bother me as we would be able to retain the monarchs head, as have Spain, Netherlands and Belgium, because it's no different in those terms from when we converted to decimal currency.
  • She says she will resist a single European currency being imposed.
  • The Croatian currency is the kuna, apparently named after a small furry animal like a stoat or weasel, the pelts of which used to be traded.
  • In our day the false currency of meaningless words has been made to circulate in quantity.
  • We are no more exposed to currency fluctuations than anyone else in the sector. The Sun
  • Inspection and the autonomy oversee appropriate union only when with the government, ability ensures that foreign currency caution money trading market health, stability develop.
  • But the anchor currency would be not only the euro: it would also be the dollar. Times, Sunday Times
  • In return for a bail-out of the currency, it would deflate the economy, impose a statutory incomes policy, and maintain a military presence East of Suez.
  • The Namibian currency is expected to remain soft while commodity prices are expected to hold firm against a soft currency and a strong demand.
  • This coin, too, was designed to deal with the question of foreign currency circulating in the state - indeed, it represents one of the earliest attempts to solve that vexatious problem.
  • The value of our currency has sunk to almost nothing.
  • These three moves constitute unilateral, bilateral and regional moves in the direction of a hard currency.
  • Similarly, a parallel currency union shares certain features with a currency union.
  • The term stem cell has so much currency around the world right now," says Tim Caulfield, The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The existence of an African franc whose value was pegged to the French franc ensured that the former colonies enjoyed a hard and stable currency and that the French government had a say in their economies.
  • In the face of "misalignment," the very existence of a "currency imbalance" would be sufficient to open the door to trade sanctions -- whether or not that imbalance resulted from a deliberate attempt to manipulate the market. News
  • Investors and currency dealers were caught completely unawares by the Bundesbank's action.
  • But, sooner or later the overhang of monetary liabilities would undermine confidence in the key currency.
  • It even has its own currency, Disney dollars, exchangeable one-for-one with US dollars - and, with the exchange rate as strong as it currently is, this is far from Mickey Mouse money.
  • To depreciate ( currency, for example ) by official proclamation or by rumor.
  • The foreign currency caution money business inspection pattern is to take that USA is to represent government inspection and United Kingdom as the inspection representing an autonomy mainly.
  • Some countries require you to change a stipulated sum of money into local currency each day, but this money cannot be reconverted when you leave.
  • To convert foreign currency into sterling divide the amount by the rate of exchange.
  • - Revenue in Construction decreased by 6 percent in Swedish kronor, and by 11 percent adjusted for currency rate effects. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • In symbolic terms, a national currency is felt by some to be part of the very idea of nationhood.
  • It should be noted that they have argued that the development of a bony secondary palate might have originally served as an aid to mastication, although this proposal has not gained currency.
  • As their mentors did, readers can then capitalise on that currency by releasing a book that distills their own inside knowledge.
  • It is the currency that bought infrastructural investment and a high standard of living, and the curse that attracted the gluttonous attention of the most powerful countries in the world.
  • Now the Russians have stepped in and offered to bung the tiny island some currency. The Sun
  • Indeed, it’s intellectual property where the cachet of a craftsman is probably gaining in currency. A Lament For Hattori Hanzo | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • The second argument put in favour of currency union is that it would simplify trading enormously. The Global Marketplace
  • No self-respecting shopkeeper would touch the defeated currency, instead rattling off a long list of what was acceptable, everything from Dutch guilders and Indian rupees to francs, pounds, and the rare American dollars. A Covert Affair
  • But many critics claim the policy of a strong currency has decisively contributed to sluggish growth and record unemployment in both countries.
  • Europe is moving steadily towards a single currency.
  • So far there has been precious little questioning of this long-term debasement of the world's biggest currency. David McWilliams: The Dollar's Denial
  • The design transaction model and high concurrency control mechanism which guarantee correctness and consistency is the key in PDM.
  • The image he himself cultivated during his presidency, and which appears in official portraits and on Malian currency of the period, always shows him wearing a Malian kaftan, or boubou.
  • You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.
  • When you invest in a foreign market, you compound the normal risk of a stock fund with currency risk.
  • Against a background where change comes slow, the theory of a ‘black hole’ swallowing up hikes in funding has gained currency among frustrated Finance apparatchiks.
  • Two misconceptions about the Treaty of Maastricht have been allowed to gain currency.
  • • Trading margin of 13. 5%; up 155 bps on a constant currency basis and 160 bps on an actual currency basis* Food IngredientsFIrst News
  • This was true, but also significant, because by trotting out the figure of 20%, he created an expectation and sound byte that will come back to haunt him and the Chinese currency at the end of the summer if unattained. Diane Francis: Chinese Cheating
  • Few international companies would regard it as a good country in which to invest, certainly as long as it remains uncompetitive within the single currency. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the first time in financial history, a major debtor nation owes its debt in its own currency.
  • The price can be set below the competitors to attract foreign buyers who have to pay in hard currency.
  • Asean finance ministers vow to avoid overheating, but remain mute on yuan ASEAN finance ministers have vowed to co-ordinate policies to avoid economic overheating in the fast-growing region, following a semi-annual gathering dominated political tension in Thailand and the avoidance of any criticism of China's currency management. | Top Stories
  • Another fact is that currency exchange is a profitable business because there is demand.
  • She had £50in foreign currency.
  • He has made his fortunes from property interests and currency trading. The Sun
  • The phrase "currency board linked to gold" drives some hard-money advocates batty. A Currency Board Linked To Gold
  • Trading in their own currency would allow them to shunt foreign-exchange risk to someone else, especially if Beijing resumes yuan appreciation.
  • Nevertheless, cryptocurrency experts said that serious criminals would easily circumvent the rules. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1960 a new decimalized currency of rands and cents replaced sterling.
  • It would be foolish to ignore the risk of currency crisis and economic turmoil in economies with these vulnerabilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • One is a parity grid arrangement, whereby upper and lower intervention rates are established for each currency against every other currency.
  • In order to combat inflation, the government imposed strict controls on foreign currency.
  • The main areas of growth have been in inter-bank deposits, certificates of deposit and the foreign currency markets.
  • When a eurozone country experiences an economic shock it cannot devalue its currency to make its exports more competitive, thereby supporting employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seen in that light,(Sentence dictionary) sanctioning a surge in the currency that could destroy export jobs and expose tens of millions of farmers to competition from cheaper imports would be a risky option.
  • The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.
  • Because their wares were sold to ship captains for use as currency to buy slaves, the Sheffield cutlers wrote, they might be expected to favor the slave trade.
  • But it also puts downward pressure on domestic inflation, strengthens consumption and burnishes the yuan's case for becoming a more global currency—something Chinese officials see as key to reducing Beijing's dependence on the U.S. dollar. China Central Bank Sets Yuan Post at Record
  • China has about two trillion dollars of currency reserves, a crucial asset at the present time. Times, Sunday Times
  • a debased currency
  • People come first and money is a currency of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early organisms likely exploited these gradients through a process called chemiosmosis, in which the proton gradient is used to drive synthesis of the universal energy currency, ATP, or simpler equivalents. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The most effective way of ensuring that Greece retains the currency peg is twofold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rapidly-growing Asian nations have also seen their foreign currency holdings swell as their economies outpace the rest of the world, providing another motive for diversification.
  • It is possible that the gold-backed Islamic dinar may replace the dollar as the global trading standard or that China or the European Union may seize the moment to offer the world a stable replacement currency.
  • There was always a difficulty in obtaining enough currency, a major barrier to trading with the west.
  • What percentage probability should it give to the chance that the currency might collapse altogether? Times, Sunday Times
  • This has apparently led to some banks hoarding euros and has squeezed the currency higher. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dollar's attempted strong upward thrust was for now largely rebuffed in volatile currency trading.
  • Since the currency was launched in a blaze of euphoria it has failed dismally to realise the potential which its supporters claimed it offered.
  • In the emerging currency universe the lowest interest rate currencies are the TWD, CNY and COP.
  • Unlimited tariffs do not give us that currency. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of the company codes within a company must use the same chart of accounts and fiscal year. However, each company code can have a different local currency.
  • At the core of these is the economic slowdown in China, where the central bank sharply and unexpectedly devalued its currency last week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Huge imports were draining the country's currency reserves.
  • In the United States, the Coinage Act of 1873 officially demonetized silver, legally confirming a gold-based currency that - because of silver's relatively high price - was already the de facto standard.
  • BofA-Merrill expects Latin American equities are to return 27% in local currency in 2011, thanks in large part to expectations that earnings will grow considerably 26% in U.S. dollar terms, anchored by domestic growth engines positioned to benefit from higher commodity prices, and low perceived macro risk given that countries, companies and households are underleveraged. Forget China, Look To Latin America
  • In December, the RBI placed limits on unhedged foreign currency positions that banks can hold overnight and also banned companies from cancelling and rebooking forward contracts with the same underlying exposure as part of measures to prop up the local currency. RBI: Forex Trading Curbs Temporary
  • The package, described by analysts as "economic armor-plating", is unlikely to be required in its entirety, but provides a buffer against unexpected volatility or currency speculation. Lloyd Mexico Economic Report - August 1999
  • The head of the stock-exchange operator said Hong Kong is working on a plan to boost yuan liquidity in the territory as more investment products denominated in the Chinese currency become available to local investors, underscoring Hong Kong's emergence as an offshore yuan-trading hub. Hong Kong Looks to Yuan Stock Listings
  • A sharp currency depreciation can work both by increasing the price competitiveness of British exports and by encouraging domestic consumers to switch their spending away from imports. Times, Sunday Times
  • My point is that the seigniorage that the US enjoys as a result of the dollar's being the international reserve currency has a cost as well.
  • In return for their financial support I will promise never, ever to take tea with the Dalai Lama, to stop complaining about their currency manipulation, and to abase myself in any other way they deem appropriate. Europe's Not-So-Cunning Rescue Plan
  • Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade.
  • This will lead to an inflow of foreign currency.
  • the currency of a slang term
  • Most firms or individuals issuing such currency went "broke," therefore the term broken bank note. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • The engine that is meant to pull the unity Euro-train is a single currency.
  • Relatively little euro currency will be passed over bank counters, retail experts believe.
  • I wouldn't call it a safe haven currency," Mr. Roubini said, comparing the currency to Russia's ruble, which is closely linked to commodity prices. Roubini Sees Robust China Growth Into 2013
  • A fundamental policy split between them could threaten the successful functioning of the single currency.
  • Investors were looking at an opportunity to buy an undervalued currency. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any company or bank conducting business outside of its domestic currency zone must have access to international capital.
  • I agree that we should hope these talking points really gain currency.
  • The dollar has been revalued against all world currency.
  • And yet, our currency invokes our trust in God, our leaders pray for divine guidance and, apparently, the Pentagon annotates briefing memos with Bible verses. RELIGION Blog |
  • After replacing the nouveau zaire (NZ) as the national currency on June ANC Daily News Briefing
  • For a long time the U.S. dollar was unchallenged as the world's reserve currency.
  • But our currency is hamstrung by severe structural distortions in both the economic and financial spheres.
  • The trinity of "liberté, egalité, fraternité" outlived those who had butchered in its name, and was deposed from the French currency only during the time of Vichy (which replaced it with the less sonorous "travail, famille, patrie"). Reactionary Prophet
  • We would rather not dignify their claims with a response, but we fear that if they are left unchallenged they may enter popular currency.
  • The weather is glorious, English is spoken and the currency has parity with the pound. Times, Sunday Times
  • In April 1992 the Greek drachma was the only Community currency not yet part of the EMS exchange-rate mechanism.
  • Players bought a translucent anglerfish at six times the rate of other sea creatures, using an imaginary currency people get by playing the game. Virtual Products, Real Profits
  • The stabilization of the currency overnight was a remarkable achievement.
  • ++ brother may have been involved in currency irregularities. TOY SHOP
  • Here is revealed one of the foremost of the causes which made the belief of the Dark Age in the numerous appearances of ghosts and devils so common and so intense that it gave currency to the notion that the swarming spirits of purgatory were disembogued from dusk till dawn. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • The most significant development in services is the rise of interest rate and currency swaps. Revolution in Financial Services
  • Staff at a hotel in east Slovakia also hinted that he was unwelcome — until, that is, one of his sons spoke in English, thereby revealing that this was an American family in possession of hard currency. Love of Country Lost and Found
  • The currency was hopelessly debased, the government corrupt, the armies more interested in plundering the provinces than protecting them; many people believed the dissolution of the empire was at hand. Superversive: Gondor, Byzantium, and Feudalism
  • And it has to have the feature of a fully convertible currency, which the Bahamas doesn't have today.
  • The amount of money passing through international currency markets has reached $1.5 trillion a day.
  • Instead he and his friends headed to Holland, running riot with counterfeit currency and dodgy plastic supplied by an older villain. Times, Sunday Times
  • A day later he was granted bail for offences of conspiracy to utter counterfeit currency and conspiracy to defraud.
  • In times of currency crisis interest rates can raised as a sign that a government is in command.
  • If, therefore, the issue of inconvertible paper were subjected to strict rules, one rule being that whenever bullion rose above the Mint price gold parity, the issues should he contracted until the market price of bullion and the Mint price were again in accordance, such a currency would not be subject to any of the evils usually deemed inherent in an inconvertible paper. A Return To Basics: What Is Stable Money?
  • Because a prime attraction of local currency bonds are the expected extra returns an investor can earn rising emerging-market currencies, most local bond investors left their positions unhedged against currency fluctuations. Emerging Markets Tumble World-Wide
  • We could see the yen, regarded as a relatively safe currency, rise even further" should investors' risk aversion intensify over a deepening European crisis, the official, Sayuri Shirai, said in a speech today in Kofu, central Japan. -- Top News
  • Concurrency Violation encountered while { 0 } the { 1 }'{ 2 } '.
  • Gold and silver vessels served in effect as large denomination banknotes, and weighed round figures in terms of the prevailing currency standards.
  • Where fiat money is used as currency, the term fiat currency is used. Mangan's
  • Eurosceptic business and political groups said the figures proved that Britain could thrive without losing its currency.
  • In times of currency crisis interest rates can raised as a sign that a government is in command.
  • They commemorate the currency of cowrie shells and beads, while suggesting the practice of a geomancy divined in the patterning of objects.
  • Money may not buy us love, or even happiness, but it can go a long way toward buying things for which we have, as yet, no other currency.
  • The Finance Ministry will have to determine the minimum declarable amount of local or foreign currency.
  • The currency had already been weakened after China carried out the biggest devaluation in two decades last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • China has significantly eased controls over the international exchange of its currency during the past 30 years, but the yuan remains mostly nonconvertible on global foreign-exchange markets. China to let companies
  • There was a thriving black market in foreign currency.
  • Justine whines about the indistinguishability of American paper currency. The Color of Money
  • Developing countries which are anxious for hard currency can rarely afford to protect the environment.
  • These confluence levels allowed traders to see where a stock, future, commodity, or currency had the greatest probability of pausing or reversing on intraday charts.
  • The government devalued the local currency, the birr, by 17 percent against the dollar in September, significantly raising the price of imported goods. Ethiopia’s Inflation Rate Hits Nearly 15 Percent in December
  • It just seems unseemly that the greatest military power the planet has ever known now has a currency that makes its citizenry globetrot with our tails between our legs. Trey Ellis: Brother Can You Spare a Euro?
  • Their exit from the currency may be as fast as the speed at which they entered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here the response to currency devaluation and capital flight would be to impose further cuts on social policies and further constraints on the poor.
  • It poses the question of whether it is advisable to adopt a single currency in the course of a regional integration process.
  • In 1960 a new decimalized currency of rands and cents replaced sterling.
  • Users in the game perform tasks to gain virtual currency, which is exchanged for new cars and vehicle makeovers. Computing
  • The only one of these which has gained any currency in English is milliard (for a thousand million) but it must be quite unfamiliar to most people today.
  • Cryptocurrency mania shows no sign of relenting just yet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their treatise is one of the most detailed of the half dozen or so in my possession and the one which mentions numbers of nineteenth century ganaderos whose names are still fairly common currency today. The foundational bull ranches
  • Between the beginning of 2002 and September 2003, Asian foreign currency reserves rose by $ 546 bn.
  • China is only inching forward in the process of turning the renminbi into a global, convertible currency. Times, Sunday Times
  • The interim economic plan, including the third currency, was dead before it was born.
  • She has sold fine art in cryptocurrency. Times, Sunday Times
  • A country that maintains a strong banking system and a strong, stable currency reaps real rewards.
  • You can argue about the single currency but you can't opt out of the European Single Market.
  • First, when the French government tried unilaterally to reflate its economy in the early 1980s it soon became clear that they could not act alone without harming their balance of payments and severely weakening their currency.
  • As for the euro, if it became more prominent as a reserve currency, the eurozone would incur net costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is difficult not to wax nostalgic when gold is counterpoised to inflation, currency depreciation, exchange-rate uncertainty and chronic balance-of-payments shortfalls.
  • This is an undeclared tax on all users of the currency, which is being used to punish the prudent and enrich the spendthrift. Times, Sunday Times
  • Otherwise we put the continuity of vital work in jeopardy by failing to shelter it from the winds of international currency exchanges.
  • China can no longer argue that currency policy is an internal affair
  • We have dozens of medals already, the currency is devalued. Times, Sunday Times
  • But among feminist researchers and practitioners, these concerns with uncertainty have limited currency.
  • Yet current sentiment levels are far from extreme, and we may wait until further clarifications in short-term forex trends before taking a stronger stance on the US currency against key counterparts. British Pound May Rally Further Against Yen on Sentiment - Yahoo! Finance
  • Small plastic bags of cold water are always on sale at bus/taxis garages in West Africa for a few bututs (1 Dalasi = 100 Bututs in Gambian currency).
  • The currency markets are busily marking sterling down against both the dollar and the euro in anticipation of early action.
  • To convert foreign currency into sterling divide the amount by the rate of exchange.
  • We can offer current accounts with overdraft facilities and deposit and loan accounts in any major international currency.
  • This fact of currency union renders all the sophistry of the Chancellor's five tests otiose.
  • Using quantitative analysis and charts of past currency movements, he predicts the dollar will rally briefly in the first quarter.
  • Geithner said the U.S. wouldn't engage in devaluing the dollar and made more blunt comments on China's currency policy. What's News: Business
  • In China, Xia Bom, an adviser to the People's Bank of China, China's central bank, did not rule out this week a one-off revaluation upward of the Chinese currency. Robert Lenzner: A Tipping Point for the Dollar and the Yuan
  • You pay for the car by banker's draft in the local currency.
  • Exchange bureaus will no longer be allowed to charge commission fees for the exchange of currencies and to apply different rates for the exchange of different amounts of the same currency.
  • Chinese govt are going to, at some point, allow minting of gold into high-value coins denominated in their currency. - Articles related to Indian gold buying picks up as price dives
  • Located in prominent positions, and as official monuments lacking avant-garde credibility, they have little artistic currency.
  • However, after being launched at a rate of $1.17, the euro rapidly fell to parity with the US currency and then to around 90 cents.
  • This unexpected situation will not facilitate the first steps of the single currency.
  • If there is one thing the Fed can do, they say, it is inflate the currency.
  • Mr Greenwood, who was the main architect of the currency link, thinks the present rate is about right.
  • As a result, south-east Asia's biggest oil producer is ransacking its foreign exchange reserves to pay for imported oil and to shore up its currency.
  • Trust the people, but not to vote in a referendum on entry to the single currency.
  • Trading was comparatively light in both currency and equity markets, but the collapse in confidence seemed widespread.
  • The White House says the president will again urge the premier to take steps to float China's currency.
  • The American two-party system is fracturing, as both sides are struggling with immense war debt, a crippled manufacturing base, and a Federal Reserve that is devaluating the currency in order to prop up financial institutions that gambled trillions and lost; their bets became our losses as they were "covered by the house". Tea Party vs. Two Party

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