How To Use Cultivator In A Sentence

  • Others, especially artisans, also frequently have implements such as plows and cultivators on offer. 1. Overview
  • A cultivator is also useful for working amendments such as compost or manure into the soil.
  • A ryot cultivating alluvial lands, and having no seed, can hardly ever repay his advances; but it does not follow that he has been a loser, for he, perhaps, could not value his time, labor, and rent altogether at half the amount; and as long as this system is kept within moderate bounds, it answers much better than private cultivation to the manufacturer, and has many contingent advantages to the cultivator. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • The lowly cultivator is viewed as indifferent to economic incentives because it is presumed that he is strongly committed to his traditional ways of cultivation. Theodore W. Schultz - Prize Lecture
  • Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to it’s liberty and interests by the most lasting bands. Thomas Jefferson 
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  • The chief plants furnishing the drugs of commerce, and which enter largely into tropical agriculture, are the narcotic plants, especially tobacco, the poppy for opium, and the betel nut and leaf; as masticatories -- but there are very many others to which the attention of the cultivator may profitably be directed. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • One day he came down to see me with a couple of those hand cultivators that the ladies use in the garden.
  • However, on introduction of canal supply, cultivators generally assume that problems of deficiency are in the past, and when that proves to be not entirely the case unofficial diversions and tampering with control structures, also headend versus tailend problems, must be anticipated. Chapter 10
  • For small areas or around plants, working the lime into the soil with a spade or cultivator is preferable.
  • The distinction was basically about categories of people, founded originally on their occupations as cattle herders or cultivators.
  • Other tools include a wheel cultivator, pickax, and mattock.
  • If your garden is large, a rotary tiller or cultivator with wheels is the most practical method of removing weeds from your garden.
  • Effective erosion control is often achieved on flatter slopes by using a chisel plow, disk, or field cultivator instead of the moldboard plow.
  • Sultans, rajahs, maharajahs, datus, etc., under ordinary circumstances have been and still are in most of the unprotected States unable to control the chiefs under them, who have independently levied taxes and blackmail till the harassed cultivators came scarcely to care to possess property which might at any time be seized. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • They got too tall to clear out with the cultivator, so Fred and I and the two other farm hands had to hoe a six-acre field by hand.
  • ‘There is no room even for a mouse,’ shrilled the wife of a well-to-do cultivator — a Hindu Jat from the rich Jullundur, district. Kim
  • Most lived in rural areas, where they eked out meagre livings as cultivators.
  • Had railroad facilities been abundant a multitude of small cultivators might have shipped their cane to central mills for manufacture, but as things were the weight and the perishableness of the cane made milling within the reach of easy cartage imperative. American Negro Slavery A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime
  • Generally, they have templates for fabricating the most important parts such as duckfoot shares for cultivators and furrow openers for the Super Eco seeder. 1. Overview
  • Inspired by the success of Danish trout farmers, salmon cultivators found Norway's sheltered fjords ideal for farming salmon in ocean net pens.
  • For flowerbeds, a good hoe or cultivator will be a lot more labor intensive, but probably as effective if you are diligent.
  • Sometimes referred to as a hand fork, the cultivator is used for weeding, and as its name implies, for cultivating the soil.
  • Cultivator has its field, want the subject of labor that makes laborer hold is stabilized namely.
  • Fifteen existing villages of shifting cultivators, and mining settlements for gold, cassiterite and coltan were located in the west section of the Park, though neither they nor the indigenous pygmies were consulted when it was created; and several villages in the buffer zone, where the boundary had never been defined, were sources of conflict. Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • - Although arable lands were generally plentiful and population densities low, achievement of higher productivity per farm family was hampered by lack of evolution of modern, improved farming techniques, by rigid and unprogressive organizational and land tenurial practices which discouraged long-term investments by external cultivators, and by absence of credit facilities to farmers and farmers 'aversion to cooperation societies. 1. Sustainability of land use systems: the potential of indigenous measures for the maintenance of soil productivity in sub-sahara african agriculture.
  • A cultivator is also useful for working amendments such as compost or manure into the soil.
  • Each year he repays part of the cost of the oxen, the plough, and the cultivator, that is, 12 000 francs. Chapter 3
  • Before plants bloom, loosen the surface soil with a hoe or hand cultivator.
  • Such confiscations left cultivators unable to pay the palace their stipulated sharecropping rent and other fees.
  • The farmer is making a few last turns with his cultivator, sweeping up, so to speak, the last bit of straw left at the corners of the field.
  • Front-mounted or belly-mounted cultivators, or pusher cultivators on bi-directional tractors, are far easier to keep on the row and work close enough to the crop plants.
  • It is the system known in India at this day as ryot-rent; the cultivator undertakes to give the owner a certain fixed quantity yearly from the produce of the farm, and all that is over belongs to himself. The Parables of Our Lord
  • This unit packs plenty of punch for nearly any commercial application and can accommodate a trimmer, edger, tiller/cultivator, shaft hedge clipper, a power broom, dethatcher and a power pruner.
  • They got too tall to clear out with the cultivator, so Fred and I and the two other farm hands had to hoe a six-acre field by hand.
  • The lower classes in Japan have also reason for this, for whatever influence the latest political changes may have had on the old kuge, daimio, and samurai families of Japan, the position of the cultivator of the soil is now much more secure than before, when he was harmed by hundreds of small tyrants. The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II
  • Both can also be referred to as shifting cultivation, and forest pioneers are sometimes called shifted cultivators.
  • And in a world where we no longer call a spade a spade but a multi-purpose topsoil cultivator, we need characters not cardboard cut-outs.
  • He shows off his three-tined cultivators (key to weed control in narrow intensive beds).
  • We heard with satisfaction that the present proprietor of the zamang had brought an action against a cultivator who had been guilty of cutting off Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Sometimes referred to as a hand fork, the cultivator is used for weeding, and as its name implies, for cultivating the soil.
  • In periods of drought, weeds may go into a semi-dormancy, leading farmers to stop cultivating or to set cultivators less aggressively.
  • For similar reasons, Iran, the sponsor and "cultivator" of Hezbollah comes out looking better, becoming better accepted as non-Arabs in the Muslim world. Lebanon Winners and Losers and The Future of Warfare.
  • The cultivators of science purchase books in great quantities, not so much, I am told, for the sake of the contents, as for their antiqueness of style or elegance of binding. Niels Klim's journey under the ground being a narrative of his wonderful descent to the subterranean lands; together with an account of the sensible animals and trees inhabiting the planet Nazar and the firmament.
  • The current population of Twareg within the reserve is about 5,000 of which some 1,000 are both cultivators and herders; the sedentary population at Iférouane and Tin Telloust, is about 1,500. Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves, Niger
  • Combination tools are tillage and incorporation tools that combine disk gangs, field cultivator shanks, and leveling devices.
  • All the world knows that the cultivators of each barony or regality, temporal or spiritual, in Scotland, are obliged to bring their corn to be grinded at the mill of the territory, for which they pay a heavy charge, called the intown multures. The Monastery
  • Carefully watching the soil flowing around the front cultivator shovels and crop plants helps the operator to keep the shovels adjusted precisely where they need to be.
  • Next to the two-horse cultivator, it was a blunt and puny tool, a simple adjustable V that runs between the rows, teeth on the bottom, a clevis for the horse at the pointy end and handles for the humans behind. The Dirty Life
  • One day he came down to see me with a couple of those hand cultivators that the ladies use in the garden.
  • The cultivation is permitted only in certain departments, and the cultivators must use only the seed supplied to them by the officers of the _regie_. Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce
  • Immigration and use of farm machines was expanded - to horse-powered cultivators, mowers, and reapers - to resolve the dilemma.
  • Sometimes referred to as a hand fork, the cultivator is used for weeding, and as its name implies, for cultivating the soil.
  • Special cultivators and weed brushes developed for use in narrow-row spaced crops can be used in seedbeds that are grown in rows.
  • The protest we hear is strangely divided, along with repetition of the mantra about keeping food prices high for the benefit of farmers and cultivators.
  • Mr Burrows added cultivator tines to scratch the surface and provide an adequate tilth for the rapeseed.
  • If the administrator find the tobacco well prepared, he pays the cultivator three piastres for the aroba of twenty-five pounds weight. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Until a seed imbibes water and begins to grow, weeders and cultivators have little effect.
  • Usually, a pass is made with a rolling cultivator to bust up the clods and make for a finer tilth.
  • Though the cultivator is a bit large in size, it only weighs 1.4 pounds in total. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • The "tenures" were the holdings of the cultivators, worked for themselves by their own labour, of varying sizes and held on terms of varying advantage, and usually scattered about the manor in small strips, a bit here and another there. The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John (1066-1216)
  • As noted earlier, any tertiary modification program aimed at improving equity or efficiency of water distribution is likely to reduce the supply to those cultivators who are using excess water at the headend of the system. Chapter 20
  • Cultivation was never done with a plow or a cultivator, but always with a hoe.
  • Biblical scholars who name Noah as the first cultivator of wine grapes describe him as settling down after the flood to become the first wine maker.
  • Effective erosion control is often achieved on flatter slopes by using a chisel plow, disk, or field cultivator instead of the moldboard plow.
  • The rate of urbanization in Chad is low, with most of the people still living as cultivators and pastoralists in dispersed hamlets, cattle camps, villages, and oases.
  • In her poetry, this is apparent in the representation of prairie homesteaders as cultivators and, by extension, civilizers of an untamed western wilderness.
  • Selective cultivation may be performed with a rotary hoe, rolling cultivator, shovel cultivator, or similar implement.
  • The small shopkeepers were continually exposed to visits and demands of provisions, drapery, or whatever they sold; and the same hands that set fire to the houses of the rich, and tore up the vines of the cultivator, broke the looms of the weaver, and stole the tools of the artizan. Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
  • = = -- The most important crop is that required for salading, for which a deep-coloured Beet of rich flavour is to be preferred, and the aim of the cultivator should be to obtain roots of moderate size and of perfect shape and finish. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • A rotary tiller, also known as a rototiller, rotavator, rotary hoe, power tiller, or rotary plough (in US: plow), is a motorised cultivator that works the soil by means of rotating tines or blades. - Articles related to Kill weeds with help from the sun
  • The property of the gardens is either mulk or wakf; the former, if they belong to an individual; the latter, if they belong to the mosque, or any of the medreses or pious foundations, from which they are farmed, at very long leases, by the people of Medina themselves, who re-let them on shorter terms to the cultivators. Travels in Arabia
  • The rate of urbanization is low, with most of the people still living as cultivators and pastoralists in dispersed hamlets, cattle camps, villages, and oases.
  • Other partially tabooed crops are turmeric and _al_ or Indian madder (_Morinda citrifolia_), while onions and garlic are generally eschewed by Hindu cultivators. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
  • Permanent cultivation forces shifting cultivators to move to more marginal areas and the grasslands.
  • This also prevents the tangled weed piles from plugging cultivators later in the season.
  • Tillage with a chisel plow, disk, or field cultivator may actually help spread perennials with creeping root systems, such as Canada thistle and hemp dogbane.
  • The small rototiller / cultivators that have become popular in recent years have a difficult time working in dry, compacted soil.
  • Inspired by the success of Danish trout farmers, salmon cultivators found Norway's sheltered fjords ideal for farming salmon in ocean net pens.
  • Our farmers are excellent cultivators of the sweet potato.
  • It is in situations where the need for canal irrigation is not so pressing that cultivators may simply forgo their night-time share or headend cultivators may illegally extend their hours of day-time irrigation at the expense of tailend cultivators who then are forced into use of the night-time supply rejected by the headenders. Chapter 12
  • Players purchase and control authentic tractors, combines, planters, cultivators and more.
  • Rotary cultivators are ideal in the kitchen garden for digging and preparing seed beds quickly, particularly on difficult soils.
  • Supply to the outer perimeter of the tertiary command is then poor, and water use tends to be focussed on the more fortunate headend cultivators. Chapter 20
  • The empire was characterized by a differentiated economy based on food-gathering tribes, pastoralists, various kinds of peasant cultivators, and traders.
  • We must never forget that educators are not just transmitters of knowledge but cultivators of souls.
  • It would also extend finance up to 90 per cent on tractor-operated implements such as trailer, cultivator, rotovator, front-end dozer and loaders.
  • The Hawaiian farmer of ancient times was a superior cultivator who systematically identified and named plants - both those cultivated as well as the wild species gathered for use when crops failed.
  • Provide high-quality small-scale tools such as trowel, cultivator, rake, and hoe.
  • Until a seed imbibes water and begins to grow, weeders and cultivators have little effect.
  • Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to it’s liberty and interests by the most lasting bands. Thomas Jefferson 
  • The position of tenant cultivators vis-à-vis those with land to offer was weakened.
  • They were, therefore, the great cultivators of sacred Scripture, and monasteries became schools of wisdom and schools of "dominici servitii," "of the service of the Lord," as St. Benedict called them. B16, On the Message of Lourdes
  • If the implements are employed for weed control, then the term cultivator is used. 1. Labour productivity and distribution
  • Larger kingdoms, based on the interaction between pastoralists and cultivators, began to emerge in the interlacustrine region. D. East Africa
  • In choosing the eggs intended for incubation, the cultivators selected those produced in the successful 'educations' of the year. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • The extensive sets of ridges were clearly constructed and used by Oneota cultivators during the first half of the fifteenth century A.D., during the Pammel Creek phase.
  • Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous, and they are tied to their country and wedded to it’s liberty and interests by the most lasting bands. Thomas Jefferson 
  • Each entered the market with petunias that grew nearly twice as large as any previous variety, inspiring other Asian growers as well as European, Australian, and American cultivators to try to match them.
  • A rotary tiller, also known as a rototiller, rotavator, rotary hoe, power tiller, or rotary plough (in US: plow), is a motorised cultivator that works the soil by means of rotating tines or blades. - Articles related to Kill weeds with help from the sun
  • In the same jurisdiction in 1787, a merchant's victorious request that a cultivator cease passing with his cattle resulted in 45 livres in court expenses.
  • Some land was owned by landlords who rented to cultivators, some was in the hands of owner-operators.
  • None the less is it true, that in proportion to the skill and experience of the cultivator will be his desire to secure a supply of loam, peat, and leaf-mould. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Specially designed rotary cultivators with retractor arms can be used to control weeds in tree rows.
  • In vain the emperor strove, by offers of immunities and exemptions, to recall the cultivator to his deserted fields. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844
  • The alternative course available to the cultivator is the minimum input approach. Chapter 6

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