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How To Use Ctenophore In A Sentence

  • A first striking finding was the high number of SOX gene sequences recovered from both the cnidarian and the ctenophore representatives (10 and 13 from C. hemisphaerica and P. pileus, respectively). As Expected
  • I was under the opinion that ctenophores differed from cniderians because of the presence of a third layer; perhaps not a true mesoderm but not diploblastic in the same sense that cniderians are. Jellyfish lack true Hox genes! - The Panda's Thumb
  • As indicated by its small beak-like mouth, the louvar feeds on small, soft-bodied creatures such as jellyfish and ctenophores.
  • If you take a look at animal phylogeny, an important group are the diploblastic phyla, the cnidarians and ctenophores. Jellyfish lack true Hox genes! - The Panda's Thumb
  • Invoking a magical dude in the sky - whether that magic dude is Zeus, Odin, YHWH, FSM, the invisible pink unicorn, or even a hyperintelligent giant ctenophore may it bless us with its divine cilia that disappears whenever it is looked at - is certainly a paradigm shift. Nothing New Under the Sun - The Panda's Thumb
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  • An example of instability caused by a change in biodiversity is that of the introduction of the invasive, carnivorous ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (a jellyfish-like animal) in the Black Sea, which caused the rapid loss of 26 major fisheries species and has been impli­cated (along with other factors) in the continued growth of the oxygen-deprived “dead” zone. Ecosystems and Human Well-being~ Biodiversity Synthesis~ Summary for Decision-makers
  • A strange ctenophore, related to comb jellies (aka "sea gooseberries"). Yeah!
  • It is therefore largely appreciated that the resemblance between ctenophores and cnidarians is superficial and does not reflect a particularly close evolutionary relationship.
  • This ctenophore seems to be exhibiting bioluminescence, but what the “lights” actually represent is reflection or refraction of the photoflood lights from rhythmically beating cilia. Bloodybelly Comb Jelly
  • A first striking finding was the high number of SOX gene sequences recovered from both the cnidarian and the ctenophore representatives (10 and 13 from C. hemisphaerica and P. pileus, respectively). As Expected
  • Through the course of this work it became apparent that one of these genes is present in vertebrates, jellyfish, ctenophores and sponges, but absent in the fly and nematode model systems.
  • Clearly more than a colony, a ctenophore might best be described as a society of highly organized and interdependent cells. Individuals, societies, and the classification of organisms
  • The Atlantic ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi is considered one of most harmful aquatic invasive species in Europe. Aquatic invasive species
  • Primary responsibilities are the expansion, organization, and maintenance of cloning libraries derived from cnidarian, ctenophore, crustacean, fish and avian model organisms. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • These samples consisted primarily of marine fish larvae and amphipods, although a high biomass of jelly-plankton, ranging from small ctenophores to jellyfish more than l m in diameter, was also observed entering the lake.
  • Sponges and diploblasts (cnidarians and ctenophores) are basal to the triploblastic metazoans.
  • However, unlike cnidarians, ctenophores possess rows of cilia and a unique, complex sensory organ and lack cnidae and metagenesis.
  • Cell-lineage studies of ctenophores, polyclad flatworms, nemertines and acoelomorph flatworms reveal important distinctions between mesodermal cells arising from ectoderm and those from endoderm.
  • Data from sponges, ctenophores, and cnidarians are providing a glimpse into the some of the earliest events in Hox evolution.
  • In the cnidarians, chaetognaths, and ctenophores, the opaque gut wall was the surface measured.
  • Given the likelihood that the ctenophore lineage is the deepest branch among metazoans, let's have a closer look at the toolkit contained by these creatures to determine if the basic theme of front-loading evolution continues to hold up. As Expected
  • I was happy to sit and look at the stuff floating around me; the minute translucent jellyfish, ctenophores and arrowfish.

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