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How To Use Crystallization In A Sentence

  • Compared with pure polyolefin , nucleated polyolefin showed a higher crystallization temperature and a faster crystallization rate.
  • Liquid metal enters the crystallization cavity (19) through a cow horn shape water inlet (2) positioned at a dead point on the crystallization wheel (1).
  • The crystallization process is somewhat similar to how water freezes and ice crystals form.
  • The magmatic fabric of a plutonic rock forms during a relatively short time interval, after ascent and before final crystallization of magma.
  • Spherulites are ideally spherical mineral growths formed by initial crystallization of a seed crystal, or crystallite, within a melt or a solution that grows outward in all directions.
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  • Crystallisation Crystallisation is the term used to describe the process by which a floating charge is converted into a normal fixed charge.
  • 1836, Sir John Herschel writes as follows: 'If rocks have been so heated as to allow of a commencement of crystallisation, that is to say, if they have been heated to a point at which the particles can begin to move amongst themselves, or at least on their own axes, some general law must then determine the position in which these particles will rest on cooling. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • It is an international trend for people to move into cities which are the crystallization of human civilization.
  • The next three cases (43-45) are chiefly devoted to the various crystallisations of calcite, including that generally known as the Fontainbleau crystallised sandstone, and the stalactic and fibrous varieties from Africa, Sweden, and Cumberland; while the two cases marked 45 A and B are covered with polished samples, known to people generally as marbles, including the beautiful fire marble. How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
  • It was, however, found impossible to obtain any crystallisation from the neutralised (BaCO_ {3}) and concentrated solution, the syrup being kept for some weeks in a desiccator. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • The final year physics undergraduates plan to study the crystallisation of protein solutions in weightless conditions.
  • I think the importance of the visit is that it really does mark the crystallisation or the change of the shape of the relationship between Australia and Iraq. Interview - Joe O���Brien, ABC2 Breakfast - Transcript - The Hon Stephen Smith MP, Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • These skeletal features readily evident in outer part, but in inner part, where numerous excurrent canals occur, structure obscured by recrystallization.
  • Results monomer of rubescensin A was obtained by using determinate ratio of organic regents and recrystallization.
  • Under real crystallization conditions, potential phase perturbants, such as proteins, native membrane lipids, detergents, and precipitants, will be present.
  • Indeed, it has been proposed that these adventitious materials play a role in in meso crystallization.
  • The net stability and crystallization of the gel - glass was analyzed by energy of crystal lattice.
  • In the case of cryobiological applications, these properties can depend dramatically on temperature and at the micro and nanoscale will vary with crystallization, vitrification or eutectic phases present.
  • Proteins in living cells always teeter on the edge of insolubility, because with so many different proteins dissolved in the cell doing different jobs, the total concentration is high and crystallization is a risk. Connecting the Pieces of the Alzheimer's Puzzle
  • It is rhombohedral in crystallization and isomorphous with calcite and chalybite. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Quartz commonly forms polycrystalline ribbons; undulatory extinction, dynamic recrystallization and grain-boundary migration are widespread.
  • The claims in the patent in suit refer to crystallisation on an ‘industrial scale’.
  • In this rock, you get the recrystallization and foliation of quartz, feldspars, micas, and amphiboles into alternating light - and dark-colored bands. Metamorphic rock
  • In 1898, after laboriously isolating various substances by successive chemical reactions and crystallizations of the products, which they then tested for their ability to ionize air, the Curies announced the discovery of polonium, and then of radium salts weighing about 0.1 gram that had been derived from tons of uranium ore. Curie, Marie Sklodowska
  • My ice creams, like the smoked bacon with pain perdu, are formulaically created to get the right levels of solids in them to stop crystallisation.
  • It may seem fantastic, but the fact that in aqueous solution, [the] water component can be slowly supercooled to the glassy state and warmed back without the crystallization implies that, in principle, if the suitable cryoprotectant is created, cells in plants and living matter could withstand a large supercooling and survive," Bogdan explained. Boing Boing
  • In the crystallization sequence from hydrothermal solutions, calcite is typically a late and low-temperature crystallizing mineral.
  • Cities take shape over time, as the work and wisdom of generations accumulate. They are the crystallisation of the public's pursuit of betterment.
  • polymorphous crystallization
  • When sugar cane is being processed into sugar, the juice from crushed or pressed sugar cane is boiled to prompt the crystallization process. Which molasses should I use? | Baking Bites
  • Morfudd Richards, author of Lola's Ice Creams & Sundaes, reckons the secret is glucose syrup which, "prevents the crystallisation of sucrose" – in her recipe, she uses a rough ratio of 1 part syrup to 5 parts sugar. How to make perfect lemon sorbet
  • The mechanism of buildup of [H.sub.2] O is the massive crystallization of anhydrous minerals.
  • Spherulites are ideally spherical mineral growths formed by initial crystallization of a seed crystal, or crystallite, within a melt or a solution that grows outward in all directions.
  • During obduction, mantle-derived magmas most likely evolved to granitic compositions by assimilation of sediments and by fractional crystallization of amphibole, feldspar, titanite and allanite.
  • We have only to suppose, the particles which are employed in crystallization, to be endowed with a tendency to form spiculae.
  • Pore waters also sensitively record the occurrence of other reactions, such as the dissolution, precipitation, and recrystallization of phosphates, carbonates, and sulphides, during early diagenesis.
  • The higher the modified microporosity, the higher the loss in the crystallisation test; this indicates that it is the proportion of micropores present and not their absolute volume which is the controlling factor.
  • In conifers, for example, the diterpene content of resin has a direct influence on the rate of resin crystallization.
  • Eventually the granite that forms the "basement" of our current continents formed in the crust, probably by fractional crystallization of lighter oxides of silicon and aluminum (accelerated by rapid mixing of crustal materials via subduction, remelting, and metamorphosis). Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • Lactose represents about one-third of the solids in cows 'milk, and is recovered using crystallisation. Your Guess Is As Good As Mine
  • Characteristic: Blue green monocline crystallization, dissolve it in water, glycerin, does not allow it in the ethanol, There is corrosive, deliquescence in weathered.
  • I am therefore of the same opinion relative to the specular iron of Stromboli, that is, that the vehement hcai A 'the fire deprived the lavas of this metal, by subliming it, which afterwards attached « j their surface, producing laminated crystals, more or less large, and more or less nume - rous, with those varieties which usually accompany crystallizations. A General collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world [microform] : many of which are now first translated into English : digested on a new plan
  • The methods for crystallization and electron microscopic analysis have been described previously.
  • The principle and characteristic of continuous multistage fractional crystallization process are introduced.
  • You can't suppose a naked soul moving about without a bodily garment -- no creed teaches that; and if its new clothing be of like substance to ours, only of ethereal fineness, -- a more delicate recrystallization about the eternal spiritual nucleus, -- must it not then possess powers as much more delicate and refined as is the new material in which it is reclad? '' The Autobiography of a Quack
  • The use of water bathing in fractional crystallization. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • The study of water crystallization and melting in the Lanreotide acetate samples showed the existence of three different water states: bulk water, interfacial water, and nonfreezing water.
  • The crystals are in the form of small cubes and contain no water of crystallization; some water is, however, held in cavities in the crystals and causes the salt to decrepitate when heated. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • The protein as well as the crystallisation solution were hydrogenated.
  • The method can improve the crystallization efficiency of the maltol and render the grain be even and stable.
  • When a floating charge crystallizes, its priority in relation to subsequent dealings depends on the application of the usual principles and it will generally take priority over all charges created after crystallization.
  • This is further refined by carbon filtration to remove any traces of molasses before crystallization.
  • Various factors, including magma composition, control whether orthopyroxene or pigeonite occurs as the low-Ca pyroxene, but high temperatures yield orthopyroxene and low-pressure crystallization favours pigeonite.
  • When one sees dazzling dendritic arrays of crystalline gold such as that pictured here. it is tempting to imagine open cavities in the earth filled with breathtakingly beautiful similar crystallizations.
  • The DSC parameters show that the cyclic oligomer acts as nucleating agent during the process of PET melt crystallization.
  • We recently reported the retardation of the rate of crystallization, measured calorimetrically, in isotactic polystyrene nucleated with silica.
  • Jadeite dykes are intruded within serpentinites and are the metasomatic products of crystallization from hydrous fluids reacting with the serpentinites.
  • Some 600 m below this breccia the pluton is pervaded by a fine-grained granophyre, apparently the product of a sudden and final crystallization.
  • The National Geographic theory is summarized by Tony Burton and visualizes the balls forming by crystallization of hot ash around nuclei of lava fragments, producing boulders of rhyolite. Las Piedras Bola: the great stone balls of Ahualulco
  • At its strangest – when weird images of molecules were flying over giant ear trumpets, and you felt a weird empathy with Virus – "my sweet adversary" – the show felt like a crystallisation of the bizarre natural world we all inhabit. Bjork – review
  • No metamorphic mineral growth, besides chlorite and white mica growth and quartz recrystallization, is found within the matrix of the melange, precluding burial to significant depths.
  • We postulate that past experience can lead us to the identification of initial conditions favorable to crystallization.
  • The phenomena which are produced in both methods of tempering may be interpreted in different ways, but it seems likely that there is a molecular approximation, an amorphism from which results the homogeneity that is due to the absence of crystallization. Scientific American Supplement, No. 360, November 25, 1882
  • The American chemist C. James performed 15,000 recrystallizations before pure thulium bromate was obtained.
  • We report U-Pb crystallization ages for zircon grains and Ar-Ar whole-rock spectra for a hydrothermally altered granodiorite (31-17) at Medicine Lake Volcano, a half-million-year-old shield volcano of basalt through rhyolite composition. U-Pb and Ar-Ar constraints on the age of granitic intrusions beneath Medicine Lake Volcano, California, USA
  • Filtration, decantation, distillation, evaporation and crystallization are physical separating Methods: Without formation of new substances.
  • The team has determined that temperature can play a decisive role in determining which of two competing processes-called crystallization and dewetting-will "take the lead" when a semicrystalline polymer film hardens, thereby granting qualitatively different properties to the finished film. Nano Tech Wire
  • This is curdled by calcium sulphate, or by a traditional curdling agent called nigari in Japan; this is bittern, the lye left over after the crystallization of salt from sea water.
  • Strobic acid-usually the major resin acid found in the cortical oleoresin of eastern white pine-was positively correlated with the rate and extent of crystallization.
  • It is used to improve solution stability, reduce the crystallization effect of syrups, as well as to enhance the palatability of these medicinals.
  • The department did not obtain sufficient financial data about the bodies and based its decisions on estimates that did not take account of the full costs of closure such as lease cancellation, redundancy and pension crystallisation costs, the NAO said. Jeremy Hunt's UK Film Council plan criticised by audit office
  • The memory of that moment last year, when his body pattern flowed in currents and magnetic fields through hers, when the two patterns heterodyned and deep within her the first crystallization took place, glowed in him. Explorations
  • During obduction, mantle-derived magmas most likely evolved to granitic compositions by assimilation of sediments and by fractional crystallization of amphibole, feldspar, titanite and allanite.
  • A subtler execution with the butterfly only a pattern of fracturing on the glass might have allowed the symbol to be read as synchronicity rather than Fate, a signifier projected by the hero as a crystallisation of his epiphany. Ethics and Enthusiasm
  • The crystallization experiments were performed from 20°C to - 80°C since water molecules in confined spaces and/or adjacent to surfaces can be supercooled to very low temperatures.
  • Further crystallisation and growth of stone are influenced by endogenous and dietary factors.
  • Submicron PYX with high purity was prepared by spray recrystallization method and its thermal properties, mechanical sensitivity and short-duration pulse shock initiation property were investigated.
  • The general character of the rock here is sienitic; but, besides this peculiar quality of feldspar, the hornblende appears as actinolite, (ray-stone,) so called from the form of its crystallization; while the quartz element is faintly present, or appears in separate masses. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865
  • A kidney stone is a crystallisation, aggregation and growth of salts normally found in the urine.
  • These results suggest that upon crystallization of octadecane, the liquid methyl linolenate migrated to the emulsion droplet surface, where it was more prone to oxidation because it was in closer contact with the iron ions in the aqueous phase.
  • I was the more strongly stimulated to this inquiry by the beautiful electrical condition of the crystalline bodies tourmaline and boracite, and hoped also to discover a relation between electric polarity and that of crystallization, or even of cohesion itself (1316.). Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
  • The recrystallization of semisolid AZ91D alloy made by the stress induced melt activated process(SIMA) and its role to the spheroidization of the alloy are studied.
  • It would seem to be necessary that the author who is to stand as a distinct and imperative individual among the company of those who express the world's thought should come to a hard crystallization before subjecting himself to the tense strain of cities, the dissolvent acids of critical circles. How Books Become Immortal
  • Results monomer of rubescensin A was obtained by using determinate ratio of organic regents and recrystallization.
  • Essence is the intrinsic limitation of esse, the crystallization of existence, bordered by nothingness.
  • During crystallization of the derivative granite, minor secondary zircon grew around the older cores, resulting in euhedral crystal forms of all the grains.
  • Protein crystallization is the primary bottleneck step in X - ray protein crystallography.
  • Because many crystallographers have their preferred crystallization techniques, experimental work is needed to discern whether these patterns represent human preferences or real chemical associations.
  • Primitive achondrites then experienced varying degrees of melting, thermal processing, and recrystallization.
  • They all crystallize in octahedra and contain twelve molecules of water of crystallization. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • Petrography shows that the minerals in the enclaves, those in the schlieren layering, and also those forming the magmatic foliation do not show any signs of deformation or recrystallization.
  • This is further refined by carbon filtration to remove any traces of molasses before crystallization.
  • By controlling the rate of cooling, one can control the driving force of the crystallisation process.
  • Checking a little further, we found that Potassium Chloride has some alarming properties: first, Potassium chloride occurs naturally as sylvite and is also extracted from salt water and can be manufactured by crystallization from solution, flotation or electrostatic separation from suitable minerals. What does Coca Cola's Dasani bottled water have in common with Death by Lethal Injection?
  • The petrology of British Palaeocene igneous rocks shows that the asthenosphere was unusually hot and that the lavas were produced by fractional crystallization of larger volumes of melt near the Moho.
  • Potassium channel membrane protein will be heterologously expressed, purified, and structurally analyzed by single particle cryo-electron microscopy, or by 2D crystallization and electron crystallography. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Batch crystallisation, unlike the tedious and time-consuming hunt for the perfect single crystal that dominates the lives of X-ray crystallographers, can be a simple, straightforward experiment.
  • In order for a stevia plant to be converted into the final, GRAS approved product, milling, extracting, combining, chemical refining, filtrating, desorption, sterilization, recrystallization and purifying may have to occur depending on the procedure (s) used. Pooja R. Mottl: Can Stevia Solve Our Obsession With Sweetness?
  • This action of fundamental life manifests itself as a _polarization_ of the internal personality: almost at a point of crystallization, around which, provided there be homogeneous material and an undisturbed environment, _the definitive form composes itself_. Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • Locally both the ores and the associated granitic rocks replace the main norite body in such a fashion as to indicate their slightly later crystallization. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The zircon, hyacinth, jacinth, or jargoon belong to the tetragonal system of crystallization.
  • The final year physics undergraduates plan to study the crystallisation of protein solutions in weightless conditions.
  • If the metal is held at the recrystallisation temperature after it has completely recrystallised, diffusion of atoms still occurs and some grains grow at the expense of others.
  • Mr. Hoepfner however thinks the dispersion of the diamond by this great heat should be called a phosphorescent evaporation of it, rather than a combustion; and from its other analogies of crystallization, hardness, transparency, and place of its nativity, wishes again to replace it amongst the precious stones. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Thefe fources take their rife in a very deep inner and outer cavern; the firft, formed in the rock, is of great capacity, and prefents to the eye a multi - tude of beautiful crystallizations fufpended from the roof: the fécond, which is lower and more difficult of accefs, befides many other cryftals with which it is adorned, fends off one from the vault in the form of a pillar, and about the thick - nefs of a man's body, to the diftance of a foot from the ground. Travels round the world, in the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771
  • As a result he devoted himself to the study of what he called dissymmetry, pointing out that inorganic substances are not dissymmetrical in their crystallization, while all the products of vegetable and animal life are dissymmetric. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The cell-substance is either soluble in the cytoblastem and crystallises out only when the latter is saturated with it, or it is insoluble and crystallises as soon as it is formed, according to the aforementioned laws of the crystallisation of imbibition-bodies; it forms thus one or more layers round the nucleolus, etc. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • However, while the calcification rate was affected uniformly across species 13-18% reduction, the magnitude of the microstructural response was highly species specific: crystallization was most markedly affected in A. verweyi and least in T. reniformis. HAnsen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past – Continued « Climate Audit
  • 'homunculus' -- in the conviction, as he asserted, that 'in course of time chemistry is bound to succeed in producing organic bodies and in creating a human being by means of crystallization' -- an assertion not very different from that of a still more trustworthy scientist, for The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust'
  • Unfortunately, we could not solve its structure by x-ray crystallography as crystallization trials have failed so far.
  • The crystallization of barite followed the calcite and quartz.
  • We postulate that past experience can lead us to the identification of initial conditions favorable to crystallization.
  • Calcite grains sometimes display regularly spaced twins, but dynamic recrystallization textures have not been found.
  • This is further refined by carbon filtration to remove any traces of molasses before crystallization.
  • The fouling mechanism is crystallization fouling combined with particulate fouling.
  • Their textures and their intercrystallization with the primary minerals of the igneous rock have suggested that they are essentially a part of the norite mass, and that they crystallized during some segregative processes which were effective before the magma had solidified. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Nanofiltration membrane separation technology is the key technology for realization of decomposition at low concentration and crystallization at high concentration.
  • And that this approach leads to a more elegant and internally consistent programming language ("crystallization of style"), rather than a mix of human memory intensive bits and pieces ("agglutination of features") Archive 2007-09-01
  • When the crystallization has terminated, the autoclave is cooled and a lactescent suspension is discharged.
  • To convince them otherwise, they were dispersed with other observers around the laboratory, at distances up to a quarter of a mile, and one drop of either acetone gem-dithiol or the mother liquors from crude trithioacetone crystallisations were placed on a watch glass in a fume cupboard. In the Pipeline
  • Metamorphic recrystallization and deformation have been so severe that nearly all of the original sedimentary and volcanic features of the rocks have been erased and the relationships between lithologic units have been distorted.
  • Under the same heat-treatment condition, increasing the ratios of CaO/MgO is favorable for the growth of main crystallization phases.
  • It was not long, however, before their theory of the origin of cells by "crystallisation" from an intra - or extra-cellular cytoblastem was challenged and overthrown, and the generalisation that cells originate by division from pre-existing cells put in its place. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Protein crystallization and cell biology are two areas in which microgravity research is particularly promising.
  • The first, and highest-temperature, period is characterized by the crystallization of phlogopite and limonite on cavity walls.
  • On this condition, a set of recrystallization technology of HMX particle ball shape is developed.
  • This was followed by its thematic sequels, The Burning World and The Crystal World, where the world is destroyed by drought and a form of crystallisation, respectively. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Pure juice crystallization or organic fruity solvent can be also added in.
  • An attentive examination of a metamorphic region shows that here and there the alteration and recrystallisation have proceeded so far that the rocks graduate into granites and other so-called igneous rocks. Geographical Evolution
  • Although partial melting of lherzolitic mantle can produce a range of basaltic magmas, it is also the case that basalts may be the end products of fractional crystallisation of primary picritic magmas.
  • When very rapidly cooled to liquid nitrogen temperatures or below, water in the sample solidifies without crystallizing; forming an amorphous solid known as vitreous ice and avoiding the damage caused by crystallization, or the artifacts associated with a crystalline 'support'. Undefined
  • Most crystals are modified by exsolution, weathering, or metamorphic recrystallization, or they occur in complex intergrowths.
  • Our results demonstrate that the mechanisms of spore coat self-assembly are similar to those described for inorganic and macromolecular crystallization.
  • In the near field above the container the borehole will be very effectively sealed by melting, recrystallization and metamorphism of the host rock backfill.
  • It was the crystallization of a life of the most determined self-denial.
  • D.W.: Crystallization of orcinol hydroxylase from Pseudo - monas putida. Recently Uploaded Slideshows

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