How To Use Crystalline In A Sentence
Silica exists in several crystalline forms, in a large number of colloidal forms, and as an amorphous solid.
Some makers still bolster these paints with components like formaldehyde, crystalline silica, acetone and ammonia to help preserve the paint or give it other properties, such as spatter-resistance.
Painting Without That Smell
When aniline is reacted with excess acetic acid under dehydration conditions a white, crystalline material is formed, acetanilide.
Stress-strain results are reported for two series of smectic C main chain liquid crystalline elastomers
IMechanica - Comments
The monster crystals, over six meters long, are made of selenite, a crystalline form of the mineral gypsum (the number one ingredient in blackboard chalk!).
Did you know? Chihuahua caves house the world's largest crystals

For example, microcrystalline pyrite is ubiquitous on the inner surface of cell walls, within lignified cell walls and in the middle lamella.
Crystalline hyenas ran rampant through the bailey and feasted on the fallen.
GuildWars Edge of Destiny
Her blood has diluted and cooled itself to a crystalline, life-giving wine.
Amorphous, polycrystalline, or epitaxial films can be made with thicknesses from 10 nanometers to hundreds of nanometers or thicker.
The textures of thunder eggs can vary from distinctly radiating fibrous textures to cryptocrystalline aggregates that preserve the structure of the original rhyolite.
In a standard memory chip, circuits are etched into a base layer of pure monocrystalline silicon.
Mount St. Helens contained 60 percent or more free crystalline silica — far greater than the actual 3 to 7 percent of the respirable size fraction.
Volcanic Ash -- Effects on Health and Mitigation Strategies
Traditional crystalline glaze mainly used in craftwork and commodity ceramic while in tile lately.
These neurologics were a crystalline latticework of proteins, the living circuitry of the cell's tutelary computer.
Carbon steels exist in three stable crystalline phases.
However, while there is considerable evidence for the translocation of photosynthetic products into the host corals, evidence regarding the benefits of the symbiosis for Crystalline deposits in Symbiodinium cells had long been misidentified as oxalic acid
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If eating spoons of honey doesn't appeal, you can buy fructose in crystalline form.
Times, Sunday Times
A crystalline metal is composed of a lattice of positively charged ions.
The broad Bragg peak arises from a cholesterol monolayer embodying poorly ordered two-dimensional crystalline domains, each containing ~ 200 molecules in a proposed trigonal arrangement.
Removal of large amounts of ordinary cave sediment may indicate saltpeter or fertilizer mining, while gypsum, copperas, alum, or Epsom salt are usually indicated by crystalline or powdered white, yellow, or green deposits.
A small crystalline brook gurgled over worn round stones as it ran to its destination.
This crystalline structure is an orderly arrangement of ions known as a crystal lattice.
The onyx is a variety of quartz analogous to the agate and other crypto-crystalline species.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
One of the prettiest creatures you may catch sight of is a tumbling, crystalline, globe-shaped alga known as volvox.
The results indicate that the amorphous film gradually transfers into microcrystalline Si, and the grain size is nanometer order of magnitude.
And the building, with all its recalled monocrystalline cells, is out there for everyone to see in full view off the high-speed JR Tokaido bullet train which runs by regularly.
SOLAR ARK: World’s Most Stunning Solar Building | Inhabitat
In the liquid-unordered high temperature phase (fluid phase), hydrocarbon chain states are unordered and degenerate, and the crystalline order is lost.
Silica precipitated from aqueous solution at low temperatures gives cryptocrystalline varieties such as opal, jasper, chalcedony, agate, carnelian, onyx, flint, and chert.
Traditional crystalline glaze mainly used in craftwork and commodity ceramic while in tile lately.
He possibly held that the universe was slightly ovoid, with a crystalline outer shell to which the stars were attached.
Professor David and R. Priestley, the geologists of Shackleton's expedition, refer to Ferrar's and Prior's description of the foundation rocks, and state that according to their own investigations the foundation rocks consist of banded gneis, gneissic granite, grano-diorite, and diorite rich in sphene, besides coarse crystalline limestone as enclosures in the gneiss.
The South Pole~ Fram Expedition Geology
Consequently, the formerly crystalline solid becomes amorphous.
A splendid Stalagmite standing 2 to 3 feet high and set apart from the drab brown of the rest of the passage by its white crystalline purity greeted my ascent.
What Spitzer observed was a sort of perpetual crystalline rainstorm made of a bright green mineral of a class called olivine, pouring down on the infant star. Top Stories
A solvate is a single crystalline phase of a given compound of specific chemical structure in which a solvent molecule or molecules have been incorporated into the crystal lattice.
Who in the heavens could match his pecs, his flawless jawline, his crystalline gaze?
Diamond is the crystalline form of the element carbon.
It has also been discovered that paroxetine hydrochloride can form crystalline solvates with certain solvents such as certain lower alcohols and acetone, in particular isopropyl alcohol.
These neurologics were a crystalline latticework of proteins, the living circuitry of the cell's tutelary computer.
The other contribution is the synthesis of liquid crystalline conjugated polymers by replacing the hydrogen atom bonded to polyacetylene with a substituent having liquid crystalline nature as the side chain.
Hideki Shirakawa - Autobiography
I found a beautiful little city, its medieval spires sitting astride the River Limmat and its face turned to the crystalline waters of Zurichsee, a lake so clean its water has been certified safe to drink.
Its profile was an irregular parallelogram, and it appeared to be made up of interlocking blocks of crystalline metal.
One of these common beliefs is that "thin-skinned" thrust plates are stratigraphically controlled thrusts with little or no involvement in thrusting of crystalline basement.
A mineral is defined as any one of a number naturally occurring solid inorganic substances with a characteristic regularly ordered crystalline form.
The globe - like diamond microcrystalline aggregates were fabricated by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition ( MPCVD ) method.
He credits this awesome landscape with inspiring many of the crystalline passages of prose that have illuminated his other books.
Radioactive elements in the sample or in the surrounding environment ionize the atoms in crystalline quartz, and the electrons become trapped by crystal defects.
Other interesting results obtained by Natta in the field of macromolecular chemistry concern the synthesis of crystalline alternating copolymers of different couples of monomers and the synthesis of various sterically ordered polymers of non-hydrocarbon monomers.
Giulio Natta - Biography
They consist of willemite and zincite, together with large amounts of franklinite (an iron-manganese oxide) and silicates, in a pre-Cambrian white crystalline limestone near its contact with a coarse-grained granite-gneiss.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
The strawberry is a hip turned inside-out, the frutescent receptacle changed into a scarlet ball, or cone, of crystalline and delicious coral, in the outside of which the separate seeds, husk and all, are imbedded.
Proserpina, Volume 1 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
There's a lightness, a crystalline sparkle and sheer zest about these performances that makes them bubble like chilled champagne.
The large crystalline clock is more loosely textured than a dandelion clock, but it can hold firm against the wind as long as is necessary.
Times, Sunday Times
In New Jersey, Triassic brownish red, shale, sandstone, and argillite are extensive; these sedimentary rocks are much less resistant to erosion than the metamorphic crystalline rocks that form the core of the adjacent Northeastern Highlands (58).
Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
A crystalline solid is a solid consisting of atoms arranged in an orderly three-dimensional matrix.
The summit of the small island is composed of a highly crystalline basalt; lower down I found a hard, stratified slatey sandstone, while on the beach are huge blocks of lava, and scattered masses of white coralline limestone.
The Malay Archipelago
A glass is a substance that is non-crystalline yet almost completely undeformable.
Other minerals associated with the orpiment crystals are white to colorless barite crystals, lemon-yellow crystalline masses of sulfur, and minor realgar.
It generally occurs as crystalline druses on chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, and other minerals and is sometimes associated with polybasite and dyscrasite.
The many semi-precious stones which have a quartz basis (such as the varieties of waxy or cryptocrystalline chalcedony which is largely quartz in a very minutely crystalline condition) are often even tougher than the clear crystallized quartz.
A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
Proof structures and topology, and above all the beautiful, crystalline logic which ordered the universe of number.
This paper introduces one-firing crystalline glaze wall or floor tile some common defects , and proposes solving methods accordingly.
Quartz and gypsum are other familiar examples of crystalline structures.
When zinc and sulphur are hested together in close vessels the sulphur rises in vapour without t ing to the zinc; but it is staled by Mr.E. Davy, that in some ex - perimenls made in the laboratoiy of the Royal Institution, in which sulphur in vapour was passed over melted zinc, they united, and formed a white crystalline substance, analogous to the substauce found in nature, and called phosphorescent blende.
Elements of Chemical Philosophy: Part 1, Vol.1
Over 20 years ago a scientist named Herbert Gleiter first presented the concept of dealing with nanocrystalline or fine-grain materials (materials with a grain size of under 100 nanometers) that would have "special properties" -- very high strength, toughness, fatigue life and wear resistance.
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But in the conodonts examined so far the crystalline structure within this layer is very variable.
Her singing voice has a pure, crystalline quality.
Police set up a sting operation to catch the man distributing the crystalline drug, known as Ice.
We present evidence of a relatively high dimensionless figure of merit in a polycrystalline skutterudite partially filled with ytterbium ions.
They slowly faded into the lenses, leaving only crystalline images, better than twenty-twenty vision.
Sulfur exists in three allotropic forms, two of which are yellow crystalline solids, and the third of which is an amorphous thick, brown, plastic liquid.
The crystalline cake of acetone sodium bisulphite, which separates on standing, is well pressed, to free it from impurities, decomposed by distillation with dilute sodium carbonate, and the aqueous distillate of pure acetone dehydrated over calcium chloride.
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In its citation, the Swedish academy said the duo achieved their result "at a time when many believed it was impossible for such thin crystalline materials to be stable.
Ultrathin Carbon Earns Nobel
Materials that have crystalline structures are typically inorganic in nature (metal, ceramic, stone, some pigments).
This construction might best be described as a crystalline field, a field formed of facets, each facet an ossification of one instant or angle of displacement.
Large, clear-cut, crystalline windows shone in the late afternoon sun, casting colorful rainbows across the expansive lawn.
The crystalline lens, which provides approximately 30% of the refractive power, is biconvex and has the ability to change its shape to increase or decrease its focusing power.
These are crystalline polymers with chain orientation virtually perfect in one direction.
The Tanzania-Malawi system includes the crystalline Eastern Arc mountains and volcanic mountains to the south-west.
Quartz commonly forms polycrystalline ribbons; undulatory extinction, dynamic recrystallization and grain-boundary migration are widespread.
To our knowledge, the achievement for a given polymeric crystalline phase of high degrees of three different uniplanar orientations is unprecedented.
It has been found that the fraction of crystalline forsterite converted into the amorphous form is a function of the energy deposited through elastic collisions by incoming ions.
The theoretical study predicted the stability ranges of various lyotropic liquid crystalline phases.
Silica precipitated from aqueous solution at low temperatures gives cryptocrystalline varieties such as opal, jasper, chalcedony, agate, carnelian, onyx, flint, and chert.
With time this triple-layered phase underwent a partial transformation into a crystalline trilayer with a structure akin to that of the 3D triclinic crystal of cholesterol monohydrate.
The cornea, iris, and crystalline lens work together to focus light onto the retina.
What happens is that at a certain height in the Jovian atmosphere, the pressure allows a red crystalline form of ice-not the white stuff we splash whisky onto, or the black allotrope down at the surface, or the super-dense variety in the mantle around the Jovian core.
Agent Of The Terran Empire
As crystalline organization grows, the alliance builds and greater numbers of combinations of essences can be taken.
Berzelius also applied his organizing abilities to mineralogy, where he classified minerals by their chemical composition rather than by their crystalline type, as had previously been done.
Berzelius, Jöns Jakob
A gradual decrease in the temperature for the crystalline-to-isotropic-liquid phase transition is observed as the length of the alkoxy side chains increase.
Nor can there be a question of its being arragonite, because this mineral might indeed fall asunder "of itself," but in that case the newly-formed powder ought to be crystalline.
The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II
Fountains leap up into the light, the spray struck through with rainbows falling in crystalline baptism upon flowering shrubs -- then rolling down through channels of marble, and widening out here and there into pools swirling with the finny tribes of foreign aquariums, bordered with scarlet anemones, hypericums, and many-colored ranunculi.
New Tabernacle Sermons
A craton includes a crystalline basement of commonly Precambrian rock called a shield, and a platform in which flat-lying or nearly flat-lying sediments or sedimentary rock surround the shield.
He possibly held that the universe was slightly ovoid, with a crystalline outer shell to which the stars were attached.
She is blessed with the cool, crystalline tone so characteristic of Scandinavian singers.
Baoyintu Group is recognized as an ancient fragment from crystalline basement in stage of continental margin disjoined.
Quasicrystals are unusual metallic alloys whose atoms are arranged in orderly patterns that are not quite crystalline.
The blend is then mixed with glass pigments to produce the brilliant colors; then it is covered in fiberglass and cools down to a smooth crystalline finish.
Beach House With Transparent Glass Walls And A Modern Interior
Slate is a more dense and crystalline rock, produced usually by the anamorphism of clay or shale under pressure, and characterized by a fine cleavage which is usually inclined to the sedimentary bedding.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
In its crystalline form, glutamic acid is more commonly known as monosodium glutamate, or MSG.
The extent of change, however, varies considerably, depending on the type of microcrystalline stone and on the heat treatment procedures used.
The findings of this study suggest that cutan is actually a mix of rigid and amorphous structure, rather than pure crystalline carbon.
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The snow underfoot is hard and crystalline, and grates beneath my crampons with a sound of metal on metal.
If the extrusion temperature is not high enough, the melted polymer will not be sufficiently homogeneous, and some crystalline portions may remain unmelted.
The latter four minerals are polymorphs of quartz, meaning that they have the same chemical composition (silica), but different crystalline forms (tetragonal or monoclinic).
Polycrystalline diamond coatings for tools are laid down using chemical vapor deposition.
A crystalline alkaloid which is fatal to frogs in a dose of one centigramme, has been isolated from the common Stinging Nettle.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
At higher elevations on these mountains, the parent material is acid crystalline rock.
The water was so clear you could see the clouds of fish wheeling about in it's crystalline depths.
Carbon steels exist in three stable crystalline phases.
Crack cocaine is a potent hard crystalline form of cocaine, the addictive drug derived from the coca plant and used as a stimulant.
The mica does not everywhere present this coarsely crystalline appearance, but in flexures and lines of union with the quartz and orthoclase is degraded to a mica schist upon whose surfaces appear uranates of lime and copper (autunite and torbernite), and in which are inclosed garnet crystals of considerable size and beauty.
Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
The characteristic odor of intestinal flatus, like that of the feces, is due mainly to skatol, a crystalline compound produced when bacteria break down the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in proteins.
Quantum wells consist of a thin sheet of crystalline semiconductor sandwiched between two sheets of another semiconductor.
Rey, Thermoluminescence of deuterated amorphous and crystalline ices, Radiation Phys.
Tara Smith Speaks - The Panda's Thumb
Carbon aerogels density and well - developcd nano - seale porous structure are a speeial class of carbonaceous non - crystalline materials.
Locally there are ‘hints’ of a parallel fibrous, possibly spicular, structure in the normally irregularly crystalline microstructure of the trabeculae.
Methane hydrate is a crystalline solid that consists of methane surrounded by a cage of water molecules.
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A mineral is defined as any one of a number naturally occurring solid inorganic substances with a characteristic regularly ordered crystalline form.
PRAM uses the unique behaviour of chalcogenide glass, which can be switched between two states, crystalline and amorphous, with the application of heat.
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The cavern ceiling above shimmered as light was caught on its crystalline surface.
The crystalline structure, or microstructure, is the result of tiny groups of atoms that take on different sizes depending on how the atoms within each group are packed together.
Memory Metals with Could Fix Dents | Impact Lab
Table salt, for example, has a characteristically cubic crystalline shape that can be observed with the naked eye.
A layer of epicuticular wax covers the leaves of all terrestrial plants and this layer can be amorphous to crystalline, dense or diffuse.
Among them may be mentioned a red purpurate of lead, a purple-red and a rose-coloured purpurate of mercury, a purple-red purpurate of silver, a dark red-brown purpurate of strontia, a crystalline red purpurate of cobalt, a scarlet purpurate of platinum, a yellow purpurate of zinc, and a green purpurate of baryta.
Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
This imperfect distribution of cations is a disorder of the crystalline state.
Dark red monocrystalline aggregates reach 0.5 meter in diameter, and individual monomineralic specimens can exceed 1 meter.
For example, the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has the ability to produce crystalline spores which act as natural insecticides.
Now the whole Livewire in crystalline Element Lad body being hunted down as “The Progenitor” thing keeps my seatbelt on.
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Uniquely, the spiny skeletons and cyst shells of acantharians are composed of crystalline strontium sulphate, known as celestite, precipitated from seawater in the upper ocean. - latest science and technology news stories
An electromagnet records bits by magnetizing small areas of the crystalline film covering the disk.
By cooling the aqueous solution, hyacinth-red octahedra of a crystalline hydrate of composition
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
In 1929 he isolated pepsin in pure crystalline form by techniques which were later used by himself and other workers to crystallize trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, and pepsinogen.
John H. Northrop - Biography
MI. in announcing the companys plans to build a $1 billion dollar facility for the manufacture of hyperpure polycrystalline silicon in Bradley County, Tenn. - Articles related to Young, Poor, and Tricked into the Sex Trade
Yet here I sit, on a front-row seat in the second car of a kiddie train, choogling through a vast semi-industrial landscape in which steel conveyor belts tower over mountains of crystalline powder, and irrigation channels and dusty gravel roads carve up dry lake beds.
The Salt of the Earth
Method of forming semiconductor-on-insulator electronic devices by growing monocrystalline semiconducting regions from trench sidewalls
Glass itself does not have a crystalline structure as minerals do.
Also noteworthy are the rare stalactitic overgrowths to 20 cm of pale to medium green fluorite cubes formed along earlier ‘strings’ of whitish finely crystalline quartz.
Recondition is a slow, deep discharge that drains the cell to a voltage threshold below one volt must be discharged to at least 0.6 volts per cell to dissolve the more resistive crystalline build-up.
Even if a perfect crystal is not formed, the internal crystalline structure can be shown.
– “He was fairly tall, with straight black hair, crystalline blue eyes, and golden-brown skin that rippled over muscle and sinew.”
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Agate is a microcrystalline quartz ( silica ) , characterised by its fineness of grain and brightness of color.
The lakebed is believed to contain hematite, a crystalline iron compound usually formed in the presence of water.
But Reagan never let his crystalline beliefs be fogged by reality, including the reality of his own behavior.
The calcareous matter beneath the lava, and especially that forming the crystalline spicula, could not have been subjected to the effects of a passing stream.
The adult retina consists of 800 identical unit eyes or ommatidia that are packed into a hexagonal array so precise that it is often referred to as a ‘neurocrystalline lattice’.
Upon compression, a cholesterol film transforms from a monolayer of trigonal symmetry and low crystallinity to a trilayer, composed of a highly crystalline bilayer in a rectangular lattice and a disordered top cholesterol layer.
The experimental results show that the polycrystalline iron fiber with high intrinsic permeability and low conductivity is favorable to the improvement of their microwave permeability.
The molecular structure of the edge is crystalline in nature and is susceptible to quite subtle influence.
Dictionary of Mind, Body and Spirit
Bach invokes these emotions within a structure so crystalline that we can't begin to fathom its perfection.
‘This particular sample is a cryptocrystalline stalactitic aggregate, composed of concentric layers of gibbsite of variable purity.’
A crystalline, poisonous, narcotic principle called picrotoxin, has been detected in these seeds, and occasionally employed externally in some cutaneous diseases.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
Even more outstanding is the fact that most of the monocrystalline modules used on the Solar Ark were factory rejects headed to the scrap pile.
SOLAR ARK: World’s Most Stunning Solar Building | Inhabitat
Page view page image: where dwelt priests and nobles, illumined the propyla of the temples, burnished the lakes, gilded the obelisks, and flooded the whole City of the Sun with magnificence; — for there is a splendor and glory in the sunshine of Egypt unknown in other lands, the result of the purity of the crystalline atmosphere.
The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
Corundum occurs as an accessory mineral in some metamorphic rocks, such as mica schist, gneiss, and crystalline limestone.
Quartz, tridymite and cristobalite are the three most common types of crystalline silica.
There is a crystalline humanity, a logical vulnerability in Berg's imaginative interpretation of these religious figures, which brings novel resplendence to a familiar story.
The Handmaid and the Carpenter by Elizabeth Berg: Book summary
The effect on skeletogenesis was investigated quantitatively (by calcification rate) and qualitatively (by microstructural appearance of growing crystalline fibres using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)).
HAnsen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past – Continued « Climate Audit
Very often, these images are transcendentally brilliant, particularly those shot in crystalline black and white.
Amorphous, polycrystalline, or epitaxial films can be made with thicknesses from 10 nanometers to hundreds of nanometers or thicker.
Lithium metal may also be plated out as crystalline dendrites that ultimately penetrate the separator and cause an internal short-circuit of the cell.
Crystallizable polymers consist of a mass of tiny crystals, usually mis-oriented with respect to one another and embedded in non-crystalline material.
After a hard winter freeze, however, Dow Spout becomes a slick, crystalline "icefall".
If we shake up the ether solution of bitter substance with an aqueous solution of acetate of copper, the ether will assume a green color, and gradually deposits a green crystalline powder, a cupreous combination of the bitter acid.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884
After melting and solidifying, palmitin shows no crystalline fracture; when heated to 46° C. it melts to a liquid which becomes solid on further heating, again liquefying when 61. 7° C. is reached, and becoming cloudy, with separation of crystalline particles.
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
Over time the natural lens of the eye the crystalline lens gradually loses its flexibility.
Based on the piezoresistive effect in single crystal and polycrystalline silicon, the parameterized behavioral model of piezoresistor is established.
A small electrical pulse however, will turn this state into an ordered states with the atoms lined up in a crystalline structure.
Among the crystalline polymers are polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon, thermoplastic polyesters, acetal, and polyphenylene sulfide.
The sky, now a crystalline blue, beckoned me to the oceanfront.
When it precipitates in the gall bladder it forms crystalline solids called gallstones.
This usually leads to a physical structure that is crystalline in nature.
The quartz grains are largely unstrained (mono-or polycrystalline), but minor ribboned quartz, characteristic of highly deformed terrains, is found as a significant detrital phase only in this member.
Cystic gravel is of a yellow colour, and appears crystalline even to the naked eye.
_Vanillin_, a white crystalline solid, melting at 80°-82° C. and prepared by the oxidation of isoeugenol.
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
Victoria Land consists of a vast, ancient complex of crystalline schists and granitic rocks, large extents of which are covered by a sandstone formation (“Beacon Sandstone,” Ferrar), on the whole horizontally bedded, which is at least 1,500 feet thick, and in which Shackleton found seams of coal and fossil wood (a coniferous tree).
The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian antarctic expedition in the 'Fram', 1910 to 1912
Yet out of all the details of rivalry between Guelf and Ghibelline, between French and German, between Angevin and Byzantine, there emerges an image as crystalline as a painting by Van Eyck.
The Sicilian Vespers, by Sir Steven Runciman
When white, anhydrous copper sulfate, CuSO 4, is exposed to ammonia gas, a deep blue crystalline product is formed.
For example, the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has the ability to produce crystalline spores which act as natural insecticides.
Using crystalline lens to distribute light, can need any different occasion requirements.
The allantoic fluids in which the flu vaccine is grown, contain a white crystalline substance called allantoin.
Influenza shots? No thank you!
The latter four minerals are polymorphs of quartz, meaning that they have the same chemical composition (silica), but different crystalline forms (tetragonal or monoclinic).
Cristobalite is a crystalline form of silica that has a diamondlike structure.
Its floor is covered in crystalline, perfectly faceted blocks.
Giant Crystal Cave Comes to Light | Impact Lab
Thus we are offered arguments resting on the notion that language simply is a material substance, as Smithson liked to say, or on the idea that time is a crystalline deposit, as another of the artist's conceits has it.
Diamond is the crystalline form of the element carbon.
The glass transition Glass, familiar for centuries, is a solid material showing no crystalline structure.
Crystal gems do not soak up water, because of their closely packed crystalline structure that does not permit water molecules to enter.
Also, application of clear waterproofing materials may lock in moisture and crystalline growth, causing more scumming and possible spalling of brick.
Chemically the plant furnishes an essential oil with a crystalline principle, "capsicin," of great power.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
His interpretation of the crystalline clearness and the niveous winter air is individual and exceptional. His most successful work thus far is along.
Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant.
‘Well, I ain't like I used to be, ‘he said, uncapping the bottle and pouring the crystalline liquid into the glasses.’
They consist of willemite and zincite, together with large amounts of franklinite (an iron-manganese oxide) and silicates, in a pre-Cambrian white crystalline limestone near its contact with a coarse-grained granite-gneiss.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
Nonpeptizable boehmites were obtained at hydrolysis ratios at high temperature, leading to boehmite crystallites which condensed to large strongly interconnected polycrystalline fibrils.
Abundant pale pinkish-reddish to purple to colorless fluorite occurs as granular to monocrystalline masses and rarely as small simple cubes.
Cataract removal procedure involves the removal of the crystalline lens which creates a condition called aphakia.
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A set of specimens was exhibited by the Ellenville Zinc Company, consisting of strikingly beautiful crystalline masses of quartz galina, sphalerite and chalcopyrite and specimens of the rare mineral, brookite.
New York at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis 1904 Report of the New York State Commission
She wished she could turn back the clock, relive the day before the floater's advent just one last day unclouded by this random smear, the world still crystalline in both eyes.
The crystalline lens may become cataractous and shrunken.
Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
This comparison suggests that the cholesterol crystalline film is three bilayers thick.