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How To Use Cryptic In A Sentence

  • There must be something wrong with people who can do cryptic crosswords.
  • In Andy Duncan's "Unique Chicken Goes In Reverse", a priest named Father Leggett follows a cryptic phone message to meet a five year-old girl named Mary who has taught a "frizzled" chicken to walk in reverse. REVIEW: 2007 Nebula Award Short Fiction Nominees
  • While it all seems a little cryptic and confused, the duo promise a night of bizarre and sweet surprises where everyone is welcome.
  • In the Great Depression, hobos who roamed transiently across North America invented pictographic graffiti languages which were cryptic to the police but well understood in their community.
  • ObjectiveTo investigate CT and MRI features of cryptical cerebral vascular malformations.
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  • He also taught him the knack of solving cryptic clues in crossword puzzles.
  • Marbled Murrelets are unusual among the alcids in that they molt to cryptic-brown plumage during the breeding season.
  • I interpret her cryptic remark at the end of her chapter as supporting this view.
  • If the arctic host populations become fragmented due to the northward expansion of southern biogeographic elements, extinction of parasites in small host populations and/or cryptic speciation (isolation events seen in parasites, often only by using molecular methods, that are not evident in host populations) in refugia are likely to follow. Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • Conan glared bewilderedly at the cryptic golden door. Wings in the Night
  • He left his cryptic crossword on the desk, with two clues still unanswered.
  • Because of their cryptic coloration and secretive habits, ground antbirds are more often heard than seen.
  • The thought remains imminent - just below perception, and bubbles up in strangely symbolic dreams and eruptions of irrationality in your everyday life like cryptic, confusing posts on a weblog.
  • This shielding along with the cryptic coloration of the predator prevents the prey from becoming alarmed.
  • Backyard bouquets, notes, and cryptic ex voto objects are left at the small outdoor shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
  • More cryptic but equally fascinating are the mudskippers, a gobioid fish that climbs out of the water into mudflats and even climbs trees. Sundarbans mangroves
  • These blennies are cryptically colored or transparent, heavily scaled, and small.
  • Their record sleeves and videos are cryptic, self-mythologising, deliberately uninformative.
  • Believe me, there will be some sort of cryptic code to decipher the real meaning behind the four crabs in one tank as opposed to the five lobsters in the other - and it will all have to do with the existence of the lost city of Atlantis.
  • It may sound like a simple solution to a cryptic clue but it's reality.
  • He did not explain that somewhat cryptical remark, and presently he left her and went to his room. Skyrider
  • The band's cryptic song titles provide unneeded obfuscation.
  • You can find success in unlikely ways by working through cryptic clues. The Sun
  • Good: [begin cryptic] Am getting the coolest of all possible presents. November 21st, 2005
  • To fail to complete the quick cryptic removes all possible doubt. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not even a good pun, which, like a good crossword clue, should work on both the superficial and the cryptic levels.
  • We search the poems as if they are cryptic clues to some hidden meaning that might explain the desperate act.
  • It is a cryptic message, and he leaves out the part about the captives being set free. Christianity Today
  • But when forced conscription into the military becomes inevasible, I expect young people, at least those able to comprehend the significance of their place in history, to take a stand against the tyranny of war forces of evil cryptically embedded within the polity of a nation having gone wrong. Archive 2006-06-01
  • No little red book, no reference to anybody named Blackman, no clippings, no cryptic notes, no personal correspondence.
  • This ambiguous attitude makes his art cryptic: viewers are left grasping at answers.
  • The product is aimed at engineers and scientists who can build software modules called virtual instruments instead of writing cryptic text-based programs.
  • And was his cryptic message supposed to imply forgiveness for her own error - or some kind of apology for his own?
  • A novel of international intrigue in which Grace goes to Stockholm in response to a cryptic message from her sister, Willa.
  • In a video-conference with relatives last week, Dario Segovia, a 48-year-old drill operator, made a not-so-cryptic allusion to troubles: "What happens in the mine, stays in the mine. Chile miners: Rescued foreman Luis Urzúa's first interview
  • Others issue their punters with cryptic clues as to where they are hidden. Times, Sunday Times
  • In what voice am I to embody the person who wrote that first volume with little thought of publisher or readership during a cryptic, enisled time, I who live nearer the main and have had public definitions attached to me, including some I would like to shake off — environmentalist, cartographer — and whose readers will open this volume looking for more of the same and will be disappointed if they get it? A Different Stripe:
  • Maybe we'll hide them around the planet, with cryptic clues as to where they can be found. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film opens with semi-cryptic narration from a child walking silhouetted through parched trees.
  • Saunders also helped explain a cryptic remark by Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz on Monday, when he said the new hotspots would make stores the "antitheses" of a cyber cafe. Wi-Fi Networking News
  • Love, Dad "He answers with some cryptic note like" AFAIK ". Short Cummings Audio
  • A silver-washed fritillary – all tawny orange with black cryptic wing texts and flashes of mother-of-pearl – flew in and was immediately mobbed by ringlet and meadow-brown butterflies. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • At his daytime job he has ominous conversations with a sinister welder whom none of his co-workers has ever seen, and he finds cryptic notes in his apartment in the form of handwritten hangman games.
  • Write down any error messages you see, no matter how cryptic.
  • The early reports also include information about the technical side of cryptic clues. Times, Sunday Times
  • You could draw up a proper treasure map or give slightly cryptic or rhyming clues they have to figure out. The Sun
  • VK: Cryptic rhyme will not be found in rhyming textbooks. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » INTERVIEW: Verla Kay, Part 1
  • Rather, what she was saying with her cryptic scriptural reference was that I might not be asking the right question.
  • A silver-washed fritillary – all tawny orange with black cryptic wing texts and flashes of mother-of-pearl – flew in and was immediately mobbed by ringlet and meadow-brown butterflies. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • And those wine-dark eyes, now cryptic black, now suffused with red glows like a night-sky above a prairie-fire, said to him, "Better come over and see if I'm tamable. Fate Knocks at the Door A Novel
  • The cryptic posture might make these skinks invisible to tree-dwelling predators as well.
  • Never trust a person who does cryptic crosswords
  • To fail to complete the quick cryptic removes all possible doubt. Times, Sunday Times
  • The staccato fuzztone guitar, the heartfelt-yet-cryptic lyrics, the weird triumphant feeling in the chorus ... Listen, Ana, Hear My Words
  • I'm having trouble locating full info and images on the web, but the CD insert folded out to become a poster that had cryptic, pie-chart-style graphics for titles.
  • He also, cryptically accused some club presidents of being disingenuous.
  • I'm a great fan of cryptic crosswords, even though they are tantalisingly difficult.
  • To some, modern poetry is like a cryptic crossword devised by second world war codebreakers.
  • The image shows a straight road ahead with no turns flanged by cryptic road signs jutting out at strange angles.
  • My Mesdames communicated with each other in cryptic ways, but after all my years in their company I was privy to their keys. Excerpt: The Book of Salt by Monique Truong
  • Weightily she is informed that "her ladyship" has tea served sometimes in that part of the garden which is called the rosery, sometimes on the front lawn, and the butler adds the cryptic information, "according as to whether her ladyship desires to see visitors or not. The End of Her Honeymoon
  • He discovered that diffusing the transmitted light resulted in a dramatic increase in the resolution of such cryptic features.
  • It is a cryptic message, and he leaves out the part about the captives being set free. Christianity Today
  • While the poetry is cryptic, allusive and ambiguous, the prose is lucid, oracular, loftily self-assured.
  • Combine the cryptic poetry and riddle-style aphorisms espoused by Richard Arthur,his lack ofany relevant formal training and the fact that People Knowhow conducts corporate workshops, and you have a recipe for hokum, pseudo-science andgeneral malaise. 2009 August 11 « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • She differentiates between cryptic graffiti that communicates to others within a closed community, and political graffiti that aims to communicate a message to a wider audience.
  • But how effective really is a daily dose of cryptic crossword?
  • His lyrics became more obscure; coherent narrative was jettisoned in favour of a procession of bizarre and cryptic happenings.
  • DV, DV Widescreen, HD 1080i, MPEG-4 etc. .. but the default appears to be NTSC with no option to change. .. you change the video standard in iM's prefs, a bit 'cryptical' by setting the framerate to Discussions: Message List - root
  • He left his cryptic crossword on the desk, with two clues still unanswered.
  • And yet, his position as a supervisor of kashrut did, in its cryptic way, testify to the extraordinary person that he was.
  • His penchant for detail and symbolism are catnip to obsessive fans who read between every line, scrutinize every frame and pick apart the show's cryptic teasers.
  • I'm a great fan of cryptic crosswords, even though they are tantalisingly difficult.
  • Solve cryptic riddles and explore the gardens in search of hidden prizes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kairos is the kind of arcana I expect in my cryptic tweets from a man who isn't the Stanford football coach, but the Bradford M. Freeman
  • The twins enjoyed confusing the Neophyte with their cryptic words and alembicated rhetoric.
  • I thought: Here am I, capable of teaching him much concerning the field wherein he labors, — the nitrogenic-why of the fertilizer, the alchemy of the sun, the microscopic cell - structure of the plant, the cryptic chemistry of root and runner, — but thereat he straightened his work - wearied back and rested. The Dignity of Dollars
  • In spite of all my cryptic musings and gross overgeneralizations, it is comforting to know that I am surrounded by great people who feel compelled to do something about what irks them.
  • But, beyond what we will never know or understand about this often deliberately cryptic film, can we intuit a core logic, a phantasmal logic, which holds it together?
  • It bore the cryptic message, ‘Toilets downstairs then sharp right.’
  • As his songwriting has reasserted itself on a series of pithy and cryptic recent albums the latest, save for a curious Christmas album, being 2009's "Together Through Life", Mr. Dylan has cast himself as an adventurous guitar-slinger and showman, with a voice that keeps getting grainier and ghostlier. Having a Sonic Summer
  • And that brings us to that special breed of people but for whom the world would be quite clueless about crosswords, cryptic or simple.
  • They were then directed by two guiders armed with mobile phones, who were based at the shopping centre trying to solve a selection of cryptic clues.
  • You could draw up a proper treasure map or give slightly cryptic or rhyming clues they have to figure out. The Sun
  • A very obscure one, though - and again referred to only cryptically, even in the more apocryphal works of the time. NIGHT SISTERS
  • On his cryptic "I was worried I was going to get pink-slipped" remark:I came out of school, and I got an entry level position like the other people that were freshly minted MBAs, and like anybody that starts at the bottom of an enterprise you wonder, when you don't do so well, whether you're going to be able to hang onto your job. New Hampshire primary - live: Mitt Romney fends off attacks
  • I am not aware of any specific work on bona fide leaf- or stick-like insects, but a 1993 paper on two differently colored forms of the phasmid Timema cristinae, which are more or less cryptic depending on the vegetation they reside on, clearly showed differential predation against the less cryptic morph 3. Behe and bugs: Genesis of a Creationist canard? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The letter bears no signature and no address; it's at once passionate and oblique, fervent and cryptic.
  • There is the same postmodern intertextuality; the same philosophical tendency; the same fondness for cryptic sentences. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the things that struck me about them was that the lyrics were cryptic, but also intertextual and definitely tongue-in-cheek. LNN interviews Casey Rae-Hunter on his new album : The Lovecraft News Network
  • The cryptic little icons surrounding the figure include clusters of rather phallic winged hearts, a hand that reaches into the picture from beyond the frame and an amorphous red shape emblazoned with a white cross.
  • He helped Stein structure her richly cryptic prose into a stageable scenario.
  • Peppered with questions, his eccentric purpleness spoke only in coy smiles and cryptic eye-rolls. Mavis Staple teams with Wilco frontman for album 'You Are Not Alone'
  • Regulars will recall that many a moon ago we had a cryptic clue competition which was won by a gentleman caller called Keir.
  • Mary Virginia often talked as the alchemists used to write -- cryptically, abstrusely, as if to hide the golden truth from all but the initiate. Slippy McGee, Sometimes Known as the Butterfly Man
  • Others issue their punters with cryptic clues as to where they are hidden. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, experts try to work out cryptic messages written on it in an effort to get to the bottom of the mystery. The Sun
  • cryptic writings
  • Find all of the letters and answer the cryptic clues and you will know who their next target is. The Sun
  • While the poetry is cryptic, allusive and ambiguous, the prose is lucid, oracular, loftily self-assured.
  • Entries might be traditional accounts of the day's hiking, messages to stragglers behind heckling them to catch up, introspective omphaloskepsis, cryptic musings of no obvious relevance to anything on the trail, or even entirely different things. Planet Mozilla
  • I call it cryptic rhyme because I write short, clipped, descriptive verses that paint vivid, concise pictures using almost no full sentences. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » INTERVIEW: Verla Kay, Part 1
  • The ancient seers, therefore, devised a cryptic language in which some of the words retain their normal meaning, while others are cryptograms or hierograms for spiritual and esoteric truths.
  • And when a case dries up the public are offered bland reasons couched in cryptic terms. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has issued a short, cryptic statement denying the spying charges.
  • To fail to complete the quick cryptic removes all possible doubt. Times, Sunday Times
  • His cryptic phrase, zadekah mimmeni, is often translated “she is more in the right than I” (Gen 38: 26), a recognition not only of her innocence, but also of his wrongdoing in not freeing her or performing the levirate. Tamar: Bible.
  • Now he was like some Steven King rustic, issuing cryptic wisdom from the porch to a tourist who just wants directions to the hotel.
  • Maybe we'll hide them around the planet, with cryptic clues as to where they can be found. Times, Sunday Times
  • And was his cryptic message supposed to imply forgiveness for her own error - or some kind of apology for his own?
  • And was his cryptic message supposed to imply forgiveness for her own error - or some kind of apology for his own?
  • It's combining the two elements that makes good cryptic clues difficult to write. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of the story of Signs and Wonders is done in brief, cryptic sequences, often shot through glass or captured on reflective surfaces.
  • Dressing your female dancers in revealing leotards and your men in black-on-black designer suits and cryptic expressions is more than a little passé, except possibly at Nederlands Dans Theater. La La La Human Steps – review
  • Both males and females are normally extremely cryptic because their color, shape, and movements look like eelgrass.
  • Filling in the various forms is a bit like filling in a cryptic crossword, except that the answers aren't published in the paper the next day.
  • His lovingly made mixed-media objects, installations and text-based works possess an engagingly cryptic quality - an aspect of the power of visual art to assert its resemblance to linguistic form.
  • `we will meet again', he said cryptically
  • I found myself far more interested in Maximilian's adventures and his nearly satirical Zen state as he attracts devotees to his cryptic parables. Rabid Reads: "Lanceheim" by Tim Davys
  • This small, cryptic, semiaquatic plant has 33 miles of designated critical habitat along the San Pedro River.
  • At first glance, this book seems cryptic, threatening and confusing.
  • The generalissimo was a man of few, usually cryptic, words. Daring Young Men
  • I liked the mixture of slightly cryptic clues, more straightforward grammar questions and quotes. Times, Sunday Times
  • This much-quoted 16th century physician and prognosticator with his cryptic quatrains has been the most respected seer in history.
  • Fittingly, Rita Sobrol Campos's photographic record of an old-time Olivetti typewriter text work, The Last Myth In The History Of Mankind, makes cryptic use of the writings of the early-20th century Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, perhaps the most self-questioning multiple-personality, spirited melancholic and forward-looking nostalgic in the entire history of world literature. This week's new exhibitions
  • Pelagic species appear to have converged on four major strategies for crypsis: transparency, mirroring, cryptic coloration, and counterillumination.
  • To fail to complete the quick cryptic removes all possible doubt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Death doesn't try to please the widest audience and its puzzles remain largely cryptic, sometimes to a fault. Times, Sunday Times
  • If there's something I want to keep private, then I simply don't write about it, or I write it in such a cryptic way that only I will know what's between the lines, when I read back on it later.
  • This one will be less ambiguous, and I'll stay away from cryptic clues and trick questions.
  • I thought: Here am I, capable of teaching him much concerning the field wherein he labours -- the nitrogenic -- why of the fertilizer, the alchemy of the sun, the microscopic cell-structure of the plant, the cryptic chemistry of root and runner -- but thereat he straightened his work-wearied back and rested. Revolution, and Other Essays
  • In the forests the endemic species include, for example, a new genus and species only named a few years ago called the cryptic warbler (Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi), the yellow-browed oxylabes (Crossleyia xanthophrys), and the brown emutail (Dromaeocercus brunneus). Madagascar subhumid forests
  • You can find success in unlikely ways by working through cryptic clues. The Sun
  • It is a piscivore that is cryptically silver-colored and optimized for speed and prey capture.
  • He used to peel down to his jockstrap, muscles glistening, sly grin flashing, while firing cryptic answers at the media, which he loathed.
  • When was the last time you did a cryptic crossword or challenged yourself with a difficult puzzle to solve?
  • Here, experts try to work out cryptic messages written on it in an effort to get to the bottom of the mystery. The Sun
  • He has issued a short, cryptic statement denying the spying charges.
  • Solve cryptic riddles and explore the gardens in search of hidden prizes. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's combining the two elements that makes good cryptic clues difficult to write. Times, Sunday Times
  • Please consider replacing it with another quick cryptic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rob's words echoed through my brain, and they sounded like some cryptic riddle.
  • The early reports also include information about the technical side of cryptic clues. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly all cryptic codes could be breakable.
  • On the contrary, the singer values his cryptic, enigmatic inscrutability.
  • We've given you cryptic clues for each of the infants. The Sun
  • And yet, his position as a supervisor of kashrut did, in its cryptic way, testify to the extraordinary person that he was.
  • And when a case dries up the public are offered bland reasons couched in cryptic terms. Times, Sunday Times
  • While males remain white, females molt into one of the most cryptic plumages known in birds.
  • Although cryptic species have often been discovered, they are often themselves wide-ranging, and frequently sympatric with congeners.
  • Matters were in this cryptical state when the door opened and Father came in. New Treasure Seekers
  • It was his girlfriend who taught him to love cryptic crosswords, as they backpacked across Africa to a new life in London, and it's a passion that seems to have endured.
  • A computer hacker ends up realising he lives in The Matrix after receiving cryptic messages on his computer. The Sun
  • Darby was a cheerfully relaxed young man who compiled cryptic crosswords for a monthly magazine in his spare time.
  • He's always been a cryptic songwriter, fond of oblique references and catchy off-the-wall phrasings, but here his metaphors and jests are haunted with regret and suspicion.
  • In addition to this defensive poisonous sting, most stingarees have cryptic coloration, which acts as camouflage in the sandy or rocky bottom of their habitat.
  • The cryptic whimsy with which this idea is introduced cannot conceal its improbability.
  • A cryptic chorus of sound accompanies these series of visions while a swirling and undulating hot air balloon figure slowly inflates under the night sky.
  • From that position Papa read the many investment newsletters to which he subscribed, tinkered with small parts, or filled steno pads with his odd, cryptic notes and lists.
  • This hypothesis would be supported if unpaired males in breeding plumage were more vigilant than unpaired males in cryptic eclipse plumage.
  • That's called 'cryptic foreshadowing,' " Ashley gasped. The Horror Movie That Was Only in My Head
  • We should be careful, because the Delphic Oracle used cryptic answers that often left the inquisitor more confused than helped.
  • The songs may have archaic, cryptic names such as "Old Hundred," better known in many hymnbooks as the doxology; "Amazing Grace" appears in shape-note books as "New Britain. Shape-Note Singing Lives On Through Small Dedicated Following
  • Ever fancied a global treasure hunt with cryptic clues embedded in worldwide media?
  • The output is detailed and prefixed by cryptic error messages.
  • Find all of the letters and answer the cryptic clues and you will know who their next target is. The Sun
  • The researchers believe the combination of embryonic diapause and superfetation may benefit females, regardless of their social system, by enabling cryptic polyandry - mating with more than one male.
  • Other ways an organism may be cryptic include nocturnality, subterranean lifestyle, and transparency.
  • Please consider replacing it with another quick cryptic. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm a huge fan of crosswords, both American-style and cryptic (though I suck rocks at the latter); I dig acrostics, and even cryptograms.
  • The explanation for this somewhat cryptic sentence came lower down in the aerogramme, and when Saladin learned that his new stepmother was also called Nasreen, something went wrong in his head, and he wrote his father a letter full of cruelty and anger, whose violence was of the type that exists only between fathers and sons, and which differs from that between daughters and mothers in that there lurks behind it the possibility of actual, jaw -- breaking fisticuffs. The Satanic Verses
  • Mystics explain this cryptic passage as an amazingly prescient script not only for the past but for the future as well.
  • A large nocturnal (!), cryptically-coloured (!!) terrestrial (!!!) bird, endemic to New Zealand, the kakapo is a specialized foliage-eater that seems to live on a metabolic knife-edge, rather like the Giant panda. Archive 2006-05-01
  • The letter bears no signature and no address; it's at once passionate and oblique, fervent and cryptic.
  • A computer hacker ends up realising he lives in The Matrix after receiving cryptic messages on his computer. The Sun
  • Play your dad at his own game and leave a cryptic message for him using this home-made invisible ink. Times, Sunday Times
  • Partial/Total: Conventionally, fantastique employs partial warp morphing, placing credibility and determinacy warps in equipoise, while mystery fiction employs total warp morphing, recasting all alethic quirks as cryptica. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Partly because of my reading-up on other areas of direct interest (like cryptic diversity [see previous post], the discovery of new species, declines in global biodiversity, Cretaceous biogeography, radical homoplasy, polymorphism, and evolutionary reversals), I am returning again and again to the salamander literature. Archive 2006-03-01
  • A vexatious variant of the crossword is the cryptic crossword - just reading the clues to a cryptic crossword is enough to reduce whole swathes of the population to weeping and gibbering.
  • the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms
  • When you must converse with others, you speak a cryptic language of acronyms decipherable only by another geek. Archive 2007-05-01
  • Conversations were like cryptic crossword clues.
  • Their ethereal, angular post-punk replication is competent but anonymous, and their lyrics are epigrammatic bordering on cryptic, serving as ideal, nondescript verbal placeholders.
  • It is not that their conversations are obscure or cryptic.
  • When he felt up to it, he launched himself back into life, leaving behind selected items for safekeeping: his Highland dancing pumps, army hat and journals crammed with cryptic pieces of tattered paper.
  • Your unsummoned presence seems to say that there is such concern among your cryptic senders.
  • For example, we might imagine a population of unpalatable, but cryptic, insect larvae.
  • A few species of accipitrids may use cryptic coloration to get close to their prey.
  • Now, I'm all for livening up political debate with evocative language and different means of expression, but I did find this one a bit too cryptic.
  • Their record sleeves and videos are cryptic, self-mythologising, deliberately uninformative.
  • She sings cryptic, mysterious lyrics, letting her voice guide the song.
  • But else, and failing these cryptical or subterraneous currents of communication, for us the record is closed. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 348
  • I forget whether in the Bishop of Chester's account of this cryptical language the consonant intercalated be G or not. Autobiographical Sketches
  • I hate cryptic crosswords, that doesn't tend to be how my intelligence can be applied.
  • Here are a couple of verses written in cryptic rhyme from some of my currently published books. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » INTERVIEW: Verla Kay, Part 1
  • Suggestions of a postapocalyptic landscape are enhanced by the dark, cryptic couplings. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we were seated, our waitperson cryptically asked, ‘Have you dined here before?’
  • Because the bees do not speak in plain language, but in cryptic phrases that appear nonsensical to those untrained in the apian way. The light that draws the flower
  • For solitary cryptic species such as the dik-dik and klipspringer, I collected individual fecal samples from dung-middens in known territories along the sampling transects.
  • Persons given to cryptical studies were inclined to consider this an esoteric form of advertisement, intended to convey to the initiated the information that A. STORM had gone into the beer business. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1862

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