How To Use Crying In A Sentence
A few people were crying, and one girl was very sick and puking, but most people tried to stay calm.
Referring to some of the songs of that year, it complained that ‘some fellow gets shot, and his baby and his best friend both die with him, and some cat's crying or ready to die’.
Chook! she was crying, and the dogs whined and yelped in eagerness of desire and effort to overtake Big
He could see she had been crying.
There was a loud clapping from the boys who were perched on the rail fence, but some of the girls were crying.
Rainbow Valley

In spite of my efforts to pacify it the baby continued to cry / continued crying.
She nursed the crying child on her lap.
There were times when it was hard, when one or other of us would be crying out for more, be it moving in, or more often a cry for the delights of sexual intimacy.
The breeze drifting through my window is warm, and somewhere I hear a bird crying over the water.
In general, bottle-fed infants tend to gain weight more quickly, suggesting that eating more could lead to them crying less.
Times, Sunday Times
That she should have wasted time crying over him was not just amazing, it was incredible.
With water all around me I had little choice but to sit under a leaky tarpaulin beside chain-smokers and crying children, only now and then getting a glimpse up into the vast forests I was entering.
Besides tarot reading there are also runes, pendulums, Numerology, palm reading, tealeaf reading, scrying, and dowsing.
I visited her for a little while yesterday afternoon, mindful of Rayna's kind advice, crying like the most unstaunch of sheilas, and, in the end, just holding her hand to my face, which she recognised.
And he's squawking and crying and under pressure from the media and his ownership.
She said: ‘I was panicking, fretting, crying and pleading with him to give me back my daughter.’
I too peeped through out of curiosity and found a young house wife crying in front of a policeman.
And thrice in the time that I did go, there did be a running of feet amid the darkness; and odd whiles strange and horrid cryings in the night; so that I put a force upon my despair, and hid me; for, indeed, I had no right to lose care of my life, if there did be any chance yet that I find the Maid.
The Night Land
A Ford sedan, the very symbol of middle-class moderation, offers electrically heated outside mirrors, for crying out loud.
Research supports the theory that crying makes us feel happier and healthier.
The Sun
Other fashion houses will be crying into their skinny lattes after seeing these two cheek to cheek.
The Sun
We get an extended mental digression from him on how to emotionally distance oneself from crying people.
Some of them are ex-servicemen or married to service people and they were crying as they sang it.
It's a crying shame to cover up your body.
He could see that his girlfriend had been crying even though she tried to wink her tears away.
Just curious as they seemed to be crying about how bad the atmosphere is here while going out of their way to make it worse.
Think Progress » Right-Wing Fringe Rebels Against Palin Over Her Endorsement Of ‘RINO’ McCain
So he drave out to Miriam, who ran at him with the best of her skill and charged him with the goodliness of her cleverness and her courage and her cunning in fence and cavalarice, crying to him, “O accursed, O enemy of Allah and the Moslems, I will assuredly send thee after thy brothers and woeful is the abiding-place of the Miscreants!”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
He walked on bravely, looking neither to the right nor left, till he reached the centre and plucked the tallest ear; but as he turned homewards a thousand sweet voices rose behind him, crying in tenderest accents, 'Pluck me too! oh, please pluck me too!'
Tales of the Punjab
Greeks were everywhere -- swarthy men in sea-boots and tam-o'-shanters, hatless women in bright colors, hordes of sturdy children, and all speaking in outlandish voices, crying shrilly and vivaciously with the volubility of the Mediterranean.
On the contrary, people on the left and on the right are equally forceful in decrying self-centered individualism, consumerism, new pressures on the family, and the decline of community.
Why the Culture War Is the Wrong War
This is why she shouldn't be snooping in my private letters, for crying out loud!
Timothy was crying, mostly from exhaustion, and his nose was running.
I had an incredible crying jag.
There was a roomful of ecstatic people with a lot of hugging, crying and drinking.
The Sun
A feed will usually provide instant gratification to a crying baby.
She was crying now and clear snot ran in channels from her nose.
The child's endless crying has been wearing on my nerves all day.
It turns out that, just as most infants have a crying jag every afternoon before dinner, parents with dementia experience "sundowning," a late afternoon agitation that can get ugly.
Karen Ann Coburn: The Visit
Mikel almost bit through his bottom lip to prevent himself from crying out his outrage.
His goods are distrained, his children are crying with cold and hunger, and the very bed on which his sick wife is lying, is dragged from beneath her.
Sketches by Boz
Oh, for crying out loud, why won't you listen to me!
There's a crying need for more roads, but at the same time the wildlife needs to be preserved.
I have memories of being in bed, hearing a horrible thud and my dad crying out in pain as he hit his head again.
Times, Sunday Times
Crying is now seen as a normal male reaction to anything from bereavement to loneliness to a moving scene on television.
It was the most boring two hours I'd ever spent in a theater, nothing but these wrinkled old bags in Indian hats hugging each other and crying.
Yet marvels of all, we saw no crying women or downcast men.
As we left the courthouse, Hubby and Wifey and their kids pounced on us, hugging us and crying.
I formed monstrous shapes in potter's clay, or cut them in trees; I filled my notebooks and the margins of my books with rough sketches, and I spent more than one night crying without reason.
Wladyslaw Reymont - Autobiography
A sharp twinge of pain caused him to take in a hissing breath in an effort to resist temptation of crying out as she found the spot.
After looking at me blankly for a few minutes (I was preparing my declaration of Platonic love), she suddenly began crying into her hands.
And whatever happens, I just pray and hope that we will not have to go around crying and whatever.
They clattered through the streets of Castellammare, pursued by urchins, crying, "Un sordo, signori!
The Emancipated
The authors conclude that controlled crying reduced infant sleep disorders and benefited depressed mothers.
It sounded like they had just heard this kid crying and they were kind of laughing at what had happened, mimicking him.
I breathed irregularly, occasionally hiccuping in my attempts to stop crying.
Yes, Master, " she said, and then, turning about, stumbling and crying, the bell of the Coin Girl sounding, the coins jingling in the box on her neck, she fled up the street.
Guardsman Of Gor
Somehow I had ended up on the floor, sputtering and crying, the whole bodice of my dress no longer attached to the sleeves revealing the bodice of my under garments.
It was late March, 1890, and the whaups were crying a new spring over the braes of Mauricewood, when they brought out the men from the east face.
I couldn't hide the disappointment in my voice as I felt like crying.
To hide feelings when you are near crying is the secret of dignity. Dejan Stojanovic
I heard shutters banging and people wailing and babies crying and dog barking.
The red eyes were bright and swollen from crying, and the white skin was deathly pale from the cold.
In the first year, babies should " communicate in a variety of ways, including crying, gurgling, babbling and squealing ".
There was a catch in her voice, and Eric saw that she was fighting to keep from crying.
There obviously is a crying need for a reform of the law.
-- I have often, I said, fancied that, besides the load of exuvial coats and breeches under which he staggers, there is another weight on him -- an atrior cura at his tail -- and while his unshorn lips and nose together are performing that mocking, boisterous, Jack-indifferent cry of "Clo ', clo'!" who knows what woeful utterances are crying from the heart within?
Catherine: a Story
When I finally managed to compose myself long enough to tell Liz what had made me cry, she began crying, which of course got me started all over again.
After the disaster, victims were crying, parents were crying, Sichuan was crying, China was crying, Every Chinese was crying. However, Premier Wen said, "Do not cry, children, every thing will be all right." Yes, we should not cry, because this world is full of love, because China is full of love.
Mladic attorney Milos Saljic visited him in his jail cell in the early afternoon and said the former general was crying and very emotional during what he called a farewell visit by his wife and sister.
Mladic spending night in isolation at UN prison
They are crying crocodile tears.
The Sun
Into this the winds would drop from the high places like broken-winged birds, dashing themselves against the polished walls of the Pyweack, dashing and falling back and crying woundedly.
The Trail Book
A baby was crying, and I felt a certain sympathy for it.
At noon when we stopped, the men rolled up a barrel of pork on to the deck and one of them, named Cheek bestrided with a tomahawk, crying out "give the word Captain.
Three Years Among the Indians and Mexicans
There is a crying need for more magistrates from the ethnic minority communities.
‘I'm so sorry I didn't mean to just start crying like that, wow I feel so stupid’ She reached behind her and snagged a tissue off the counter and dabbed at the corner of her eyes and sniffled delicately into the crumply tissue.
Here in Mn we put in Democrats as we were upset w/Republicans and now everyone is crying about all the new taxes this 2008 session – it's almost heartless.
Edwards: Tough for Clinton to 'make the math work'
The blonde with tears running down her cheeks starts crying harder but her blue eyes have a hint of accusation in them.
It is a crying shame there are not more people like him people who stand up for what they believe in and shame the councillors who sit on the fence and do not fight for their voters.
M. Ponsard, in his play on the subject, succumbed to the extent of making his final scene end with Galileo "frappant du pied la terre," and crying, "pourtant elle tourne.
Watchers of the Sky
Whereat Hugo ran from the house, crying to his grooms that they should saddle his mare and unkennel the pack, and giving the hounds
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Your inner Jack Nicholson pounds around in circles in your head, swearing and shuddering, decrying your overuse of the word snagged and your repetitive and/or awkward sentence structure.
Where I work...
The highway had concrete dividers, for crying out loud!
Her daughter was crying for some more cake.
She was crying and blubbering, unable to believe what I was doing.
She seldom smiles and takes offense at the least excuse, crying rivers of tears and wailing.
She was crying, shaking violently, her usually perfect makeup smudged, mascara staining her cheeks.
The souls of the children materialized before her, staring into her very heart, crying to be free!
I remember when I was really distressed my frown lines were deep from crying.
Times, Sunday Times
She had seen teenage movies of lovesick teenagers and she definitely did not want to end up like that, crying all the time over some guy.
It's refreshing to hear an artist sing the pros as opposed to crying the cons of piracy on the Net.
You can deny it all you want and put on your somber face and cry your crocodile tears when decrying the results you have invoked and "preyed" for; but, your only regret is that the the real target was not hit.
Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
As a nation we are crying out for plumbers, electricians, joiners and their ilk, useful people doing useful jobs - at a price!
Danna was crying out loud now, as much from pain as from fright.
Oren Harman: Ultimate Acts of Sacrifice: On Bees and Men
The game is crying out for one governing body that is both streamlined and fully accountable to the clubs.
The natives asserted that they were produced by the inhabitants of shells, and they showed us some which they called the crying shells, from which they asserted the sounds proceeded.
My First Voyage to Southern Seas
I went on the pill for the first time a couple of months ago, and since then I've been crying a lot, for no apparent reason.
Why is it that so many people today are never disturbed or upset at worship (except, of course, when the acolyte does acrobatics, the liturgy runs long, or the kids are cranky and crying)?
I screamed and tried to fight, crying in frustration while doctors frantically fussed around me, shouting noises that echoed through my head.
I hate to hear the crying of a child
It's no use crying over spilt milk.
He can also soothe the crying child with the ‘Mozart effect’, and inspire the non-reader to an awakening.
With its insane mix of loves-me-loves-me-nots, switcheroos, flawed motives, crooked laughs and crying babies, it is one of cinema's most buoyant genres.
The lady sitting next to me is hushing her crying baby by singing to her in what sounds like Russian.
They appear anxious, insecure, cautious, sensitive and quiet, and often react by crying and withdrawing.
The cat goes around meekly, crying "mew," while the rest dance around her.
Games For All Occasions
While I wasn't at GDC and so I'm only hearing about Heather Chaplin's rant second hand, it seems like in decrying the lack of a "Citizen Kane" in games is missing an important point: games are a fundamentally different media from film, music, literature, etc., despite many overt similarities.
Kicking The Dog
The activists could hear women moaning and crying out in pain.
They had just heard some natives crying out that a vast shoal of _tau tau_ -- a large salmonlike fish, greatly prized throughout the South Seas -- had made their appearance, and already some canoes were being got ready.
The Flemmings And "Flash Harry" Of Savait From "The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton and Other Stories" - 1902
My stomach heaved and I ran to the toilet, retching and crying.
People in the audience are crying with happiness.
Times, Sunday Times
They head out in the boat and Sancho starts crying after he hears his donkey braying plaintively.
I hear this banana slug buzz crying that his sides party dont hirer staff that can read, but that seems strange as the reps and senators can not read as well. shaking my head no wonder they are wrong not some of the time but all the time.
Think Progress » Stimulus Hypocrite Rep. McMorris Rodgers Not Invited To Ceremony In Her District Heralding Stimulus Project
The children seemed upset. One was crying.
Regardless of how much I cannot stand that fraud, he could literally sweep up your shorty in front of you and drive off with you left crying in the rear-view wondering how.
The top House Democrat is crying foul today over the razor-thin passage of the Central America Free Trade Agreement.
All that shopping and eating and arguing and crying and all the glitter and tacky decorations.
Times, Sunday Times
I've never had tsimmes before and thus wouldn't have known there are meat versions except for the name, but I did find it crying out for meat, pork, specifically -- that's another idea for the leftovers
Archive 2005-10-01
It pretends to be pro-gay but stands athwart the path to full equality and social acceptance, crying, ‘No, no, don't go there’.
In any case there is the war, a hilltop, a huntsman, and a mournful reveille to life - described in sentences so off-kilter and beautiful you don't know whether to cry out for help or just start crying.
After the disaster, victims were crying, parents were crying, Sichuan was crying, China was crying, Every Chinese was crying. However, Premier Wen said, "Do not cry, children, every thing will be all right." Yes, we should not cry, because this world is full of love, because China is full of love.
First, the nation is crying out for maths and science teachers, and this is often a strength of those who have been in business.
Times, Sunday Times
She left Wright in the room, his head in his hands, crying.
Nose liked the idea of wintergreen candy. He hugged Doctor Cotton - Tail and stopped crying at once.
Infant colic is characterized by excessive and inconsolable crying, hypertonicity, and wakefulness, mainly in the evening.
Enjoy this cute puppy and a small repreve from the crying children.
But surely there's some crying and shouting when behind closed doors?
The Sun
heedless of the child's crying
Grizzling and crying can mean your child is absolutely exhausted, but it's often hard to tell the difference between tired grizzling and hungry grizzling.
Uninterested in any kind of balanced view, Senator Obama sounds exactly like a classic European nationalist, decrying the historic ills inflicted upon his own volk, blaming all of their problems on the crimes of others, denying that anyone has ever done them a good turn, and implicitly justifying a mood of revanchism.
Stromata Blog:
I don’t think the rawness is subjected to variation as much as the crying.
Crying is the refuge of plain women. Pretty women go shopping.
I've stopped crying all the time about it and walking round in a depressed daze, which is a blessing.
\"I'm at the corner just in time to see the bus fly's alright cuz I'm Saved by the Bell\"
Woman were crying with tears of joy as men swung their children around before giving them a smothering bear hug.
He then called the crier, who approached him, and kissed the ground before him; and the Wezir said to him, I desire this female slave whom thou art crying for sale.
Nights 32-36. The Story of Nur-Ed-din and Enis-El-Jelis.
There were cicadas in the mimosa and gulls crying on the wing.
The Athenian day-watch descrying him, signalled to the generals, and they, with twenty sail, put out to sea to attack him.
His widow recalled finding his body and not crying for the cameras, insisting that the business would continue.
Times, Sunday Times
Clytemnestra's ghost crying in the night for vengeance remained most potently in the audience's mind
The birds that lived in the two trees suddenly screamed out, beat their wings and swooped down, crying their anguish.
When I could stand it no longer, I buried my head in my arms, and the tears began coursing down my cheeks; though I felt none of the usual relief crying brings.
Sandrine noticed that the girl's eyes were red and swollen, as if she'd been crying.
The mother was crying over her son killed in the war.
And the leader of the company compelleth the company to fly aright, crying as it were blaming with his voice.
Archive 2008-03-01
People ran helter-skelter. There were bodies on the ground and the injured were crying.
He said the problem might arise if in the case of a real crises people would think it was just a matter of "crying wolve".
ANC Daily News Briefing
Abby went sprawling a few feet away, landing hard and crying out in pain and fear.
South Africans give people lip too, but they don't start crying when they get some, neither do they get violent.
After the disaster, victims were crying, parents were crying, Sichuan was crying, China was crying, Every Chinese was crying. However, Premier Wen said, "Do not cry, children, every thing will be all right." Yes, we should not cry, because this world is full of love, because China is full of love.
He feigned to be a hawker and fared through the streets, crying out, 'Donne, donne, chi baratta anelli di ferro contra anelli di argento?'
Arabian nights. English
Come on now, stop crying - blow your nose on my hankie.
I was broken-hearted and spent the day crying.
The Sun
He got up and began screaming, crying and stomping his feet.
Maternity blues linked to platelet receptors TWO-THIRDS of women suffer from postnatal depression, accompanied by crying, confusion and tension.
There goes 'the seld shown flamen, _puffing_ his way to _win a vulgar station_,' here is a 'veiled dame' who lets us see that 'war of white and damask in her nicely gawded cheeks,' a moment; -- look at that 'kitchen malkin,' peering over the wall there with 'her richest lockram' 'pinned on her reechy neck,' eyeing the hero as he passes; and look at this poor baby here, this Elizabethan baby, saved, conserved alive, crying himself
The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
Businessmen with their suits and briefcases, mother's with their crying children and overstuffed luggage, it all seems so unrealistic.
eyes inflamed with crying
The wood that had been drawn for the fire was green, and it ignited too slowly to satisfy the shivering impatience of women and children; I vented mine in audibly grumbling over the wretched fire, at which I in vain endeavoured to thaw frozen bread, and to dress crying children.
Roughing It in the Bush
He tried to regain his footing, but his right leg gave out and he tumbled back into the dirt, crying out in pain.
Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.
Smaller cinema chains that have spent millions upgrading their equipment are crying foul most loudly.
Times, Sunday Times
In a confused sort of way -- as if I had dreamed it -- I remember that Nora came flying down the stairs in her dressing-gown and bare feet, and nurse hurrying behind her, both crying out in a frightened way, -- something like, "Oh, _lawkes_! what _have_ them boys been doin '?" and, "Oh, boys, _boys_! what _is_ the matter?
We Ten Or, The Story of the Roses
Every morning there is utter chaos at the school: children crying, parents shouting, instructors sighing, skiers and boarders whooshing past and mini buses weaving.
Airline companies have been crying out for a relaxation of the rules that would allow consolidation within the industry.
There were a number of scared and bewildered children crying in their parents' arms.
They just don't make films like this anymore, and it's a crying shame.
The brothers comfort Precious when she's inconsolable, and rock her to sleep when she wakes up crying in the middle of the night.
It would be a crying shame if they were consigned to the history books.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead of decrying violence, Senator Cornyn legitimated it and used it to attack judicial activism.
The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
Standing up quickly, she watched the boy roll around on the floor pathetically, crying, gasping and retching.
Grabbing each of them by a shoulder, she yanked them inside, crying: `Dummel dich !
I was told where to go by the scryers in the scrying room.
After all the crying, stressing, and worrying he'd been doing, I'd be tired too.
It is no use crying over spilt milk.
Anna was almost crying with frustration.
The farming industry was crying out for a small motorised vehicle that could handle hills even a horse baulked at.
GROSS: And in "Crying," it just keeps building and building� Mr. BURNETT: Yeah.
T-Bone Burnett: Zen And The Art Of Music
Nows I is cryings with laughter and Iz just peed a little.
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The girl was crying and clearly in distress.
Once more the evil in Velo's soul was crying to him, shouting to him, "This is your day -- _this is your day_!
Shelled by an Unseen Foe
The photophore is simply radiant heat -- heat plus light (See Fig. 3) -- and as this heat is applied to legs and buttocks of the crying child the diaper is warmed, the abdomen relaxes, gas is expelled, intestinal contractions relieved, and the baby is soon fast asleep.
The Mother and Her Child
Newspapers and TV newsmagazines lapped up the news, decrying a new confidence crisis among American girls.
Demoralised Huns held their hands up crying for mercy.
No, it's a small child being bullied in the schoolyard, crying that he's had enough.
When they got to the poop deck, Cal noticed Rose wrapped in a blanket, hunched over, crying.
Such comments are unlikely to endear him to Liverpool's under-fire players, which is a shame as they're crying out for a bit of the mongrel that is the Afghan Hound lookalike's stock-in-trade.
Five things we learned from the Premier League this weekend
The outgone tenant's bedsteads and wash-hand-stands are piled up against the wall as if crying to Heaven for vengeance against the oppressor.
Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
The child is crying. I think he wants out.
Emily's blue eyes were bloodshot and swollen, meaning she had been crying of late.
It would be a crying shame if high ticket prices kept people away from baseball games.
There are people who are dancing through life and others who are crying through life. The irony is that life is the same-what we do is purely our choice. RVM
That she should have wasted time crying over him was not just amazing, it was incredible.
To hide feelings when you are near crying is the secret of dignity. Dejan Stojanovic
She's incoherent, crying, sobbing, and there is not a person in the room who doesn't know that it is all an act.
But then the laughter floated to him, drowned out the crying, and he remembered himself.
After the disaster, victims were crying, parents were crying, Sichuan was crying, China was crying, Every Chinese was crying. However, Premier Wen said, "Do not cry, children, every thing will be all right." Yes, we should not cry, because this world is full of love, because China is full of love.
The mother was crying over her son killed in the war.
If you go for a long time without nourishing your body with food, when you do eat you may eat a lot simply because your body is crying out to end the starvation mode that it's in.
He was crying out in pain on the ground when the ambulance arrived.
And Posen is being proven right: The House voted to allow tariffs against China yesterday, with one member decrying the "clique of gangsters" in Beijing.
Wonkbook: House votes for China tariffs; net neutrality bill dead; Elizabeth Warren's first speech
a wonderful skill in the pacification of crying infants