How To Use Crutch In A Sentence
They don't really need the conversational crutch of football, but they engage to connect with their colleagues.
Times, Sunday Times
You can lean on each other's crutches in your twilight years.
Times, Sunday Times
When he broke his leg he had to walk on crutches.
I can now walk without crutches.
The Sun
I sighed and then picked up my crutches, hobbled to the door, and down the hall of the apartment to the living room.

Living on an irrigation property on the banks of the Murray River, Ray's childhood was spent on the farm helping with flood irrigation, fencing, harvesting lucerne, shearing and crutching.
He can walk on crutches for short periods, but relies on his wheelchair.
Times, Sunday Times
Memmel's cast, which had extended to just below her knee, was removed, but she is still on crutches.
And if the crutches echo, we know the space is reverberant.
2009 September « paper fruit
Court of Miracles, a crutch metamorphosable into a club; it is called vagrancy; every sort of spectre, its dressers, have painted its face, it crawls and rears, the double gait of the reptile.
Les Miserables
At least twenty people were on crutches, had parts bandaged, or with open wounds not even covered.
With his left foot in a cast, he used his crutch to press the clutch.
Times, Sunday Times
The armorer who looked after weapons couldn't walk; he was on crutches.
He can walk on crutches for short periods, but relies on his wheelchair.
Times, Sunday Times
He is hobbling around the paddock on crutches and is using modified leathers and an oversized right boot.
Times, Sunday Times
Her football and sporting activities stopped and she was left hobbling around on crutches.
The Sun
Nicola was shown on a bar stool in a black skirt that barely hid her crutch.
It's when we need all the crutches we can get.
Times, Sunday Times
No catarrhine has a prehensile tail, which means one crutch less.
The Human Brain
I see anti-depressants as a crutch which will help me to get better, not the thing that will make me better.
I'm no longer quite able to shear a sheep or crutch a ram or do as I used to, and it's foolish to think that you remain young forever.
He left Loftus Road with his leg in a brace and on crutches.
The Sun
By these means the notion of my partiality took air, and whether Miss Thrale sent him word slily or not I cannot tell, but on the 25th January, 1783, Mr. Crutchley came hither to conjure me not to go to Italy; he had heard such things, he said, and by _means_ next to _miraculous_.
Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) Edited with notes and Introductory Account of her life and writings
And she still needs crutches to give her torso the stability to stay upright.
Times, Sunday Times
Good news goes on crutches.
The spicules are some crutch-like, others spined or echinated, while the deep-sea sponges appear to grow long thick spicules, which attach the sponge to the ground by means of grapnel-like ends.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887
I can walk without the aid of crutches.
Since throwing down her crutches and declaring her knee operation a success, she has been undergoing therapy for nine hours every day.
She had back and hip problems and was in increasing pain, needing crutches to walk.
The Sun
Halbert was aye skipping up and down like a roo, and his brother used to sit in the chimney nook with his book and sic-like trash -- But the lad was like a loaded hackbut, which will stand in the corner as quiet as an old crutch until ye draw the trigger, and then there is nothing but flash and smoke.
The Monastery
Medics were able to save his limb with surgery and antibiotics, but he still needs crutches to walk three months on.
The Sun
With a shout, Silver threw his crutch through the air.
Mum has used a stick, crutches or a wheelchair as long as I can remember.
Times, Sunday Times
Ironically, despite their misadventures, the franchisees look as if they will survive in one form or another without the crutch of public funding.
I can walk without the aid of crutches.
If resting is not possible, use of crutches, walkers or wheel chairs can be advised.
But the Brewers don't particularly like the term "small market," and don't use it as a crutch. rss feed
Once this has been established as a pattern, being without our particular crutch in a period of stress can feel unbearable.
Healthy By Nature
He raised both his crutches and used them in a threatening manner towards the officers.
What was needed was a more spiritual sort of religion that offered no such crutches to lame practice.
He will spend the next month on crutches before launching into a gruelling rehab programme.
The Sun
Me, if I sit over here, I can lean my crutch on the footstool, makes it easier to get up.
He will be on crutches for two months because it 's in an awkward place in his knee.
She spent three months on crutches.
Times, Sunday Times
If using a capo is a crutch, how am I hindering my music with one?
Mandolin Cafe News
It's when we need all the crutches we can get.
Times, Sunday Times
He can walk only short distances without the aid of crutches.
Times, Sunday Times
Her religion was a crutch to her when John died.
Two days I lay there, too sick to move, and on the third, reeling and giddy, supporting myself on an extemporized crutch, I tottered on toward San Francisco.
Eye clippings and leggings eye clippings, which are also referred to as face pieces, wiggings, or topknots, should never be mixed with crutchings.
He had grown very adept at using the crutches and now spent less time in bed than ever before.
Yet it would be quite wrong to see them as crutches supporting a lame man.
She had back and hip problems and was in increasing pain, needing crutches to walk.
The Sun
I can now walk without crutches and I am working well with the medical team.
Times, Sunday Times
When he left Boston for his home outside Atlanta Thursday on crutches following double knee surgery, reasonable observation argued otherwise.
The dogsled was the ideal vehicle to accomplish it so she wouldn’t have to rely on the dubious support of her crutches on ice and snow.
Mistletoe and Holly
Luckily, he was on crutches on the time of our exchange and I was able to quicken away from the confrontation.
The Sun
The biggest difficulty is having to deal with life without using food as an emotional crutch.
The Sun
When she was arrested she walked using neither crutches nor a wheelchair.
The Sun
Literature is a good crutch, but a very bad walking stick.
Among love's hidden terrors is its capacity to knock away old crutches and breathe on fiercely, and arouse, comfortably slumbering life.
I feel insanely lucky even, that a friend of mine who works at the US Embassy drove across town this morning to pick me up a pair of crutches from the Embassy medical unit.
Archive 2008-04-01
Defeated, humiliated and hobbling on crutches outside Atlanta's Olympic stadium in 1996, she concluded that if athletics could be so cruel she didn't need it.
I was on crutches for three months after the operation.
His guitar may be a crutch but is an awfully artful one, akin to a medieval minstrel's cittern accompanying a sung ballad.
Poet, Prophet and Puzzle
When I was identified as dyslexic, my parents sat me down, explained to me that this was how my mind worked and I should never be ashamed of it but I should also never use it as a crutch.
"So, Refilwe, You're Retarded?!"
Was he really suggesting that the Obama Administration is revisiting support for an industry that has been subsidized by both parties since the 1970s, when it was known as gasahol, and whose government crutches now include a mandate to buy its product and protection from foreign competitors?
Vilsack's Candor
He left Loftus Road with his leg in a brace and on crutches.
The Sun
She wears leg braces and uses wheelchairs and crutches.
Times, Sunday Times
He will spend the next month on crutches before launching into a gruelling rehab programme.
The Sun
As our Secretary of State for Industry and Trade, Mr. John Davies, put it: Withdrawing the crutches is bound to cause anxious moments even when their withdrawal is the only means of encouraging the patient to walk alone.
Britain's Scientific and Industrial Achievements
He had to take to using crutches rather than sticks in order to get around.
Such orders harm the morale of our fighting men and women and are nothing more than a short-term crutch for maintaining force levels.
Bobby Muller: Support the Stop-loss Compensation Act
He quoted a recent incident in which a person who used an elbow crutch was hurt while dismounting a bus and now had to use two crutches.
Your physical therapist will recommend strengthening and mobility exercises and will help you learn how to use a walking aid, such as a walker or crutches.
He uses crutches to walk about.
Times, Sunday Times
She walked with crutches and braces - the result of an accident while washing a floor - but showed signs of mischief in her grey eyes.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of these people, the ones I work with, must have I.Q. scores that are a standard deviation off the mark or something. * not that I place much faith on I.Q. scores* but I mean I've been teaching teacher's how to teach science, for the better part of 2 years, and I see no progress, I'm such a crutch.
Madrigle Diary Entry
Thieves attacked a man on crutches in front of his teenage daughter, knocking him to the ground and riffling thorough his pockets in a Hanworth street last week.
When I finally got off my crutches, I pushed myself to regain my former mobility. Trey ran laps with me around the black tar track at my high school.
With his left foot in a cast, he used his crutch to press the clutch.
Times, Sunday Times
High interest rates are merely a crutch for the country's ailing economy.
Yet it would be quite wrong to see them as crutches supporting a lame man.
He uses crutches to walk about.
Times, Sunday Times
Such amusements belong to the city, where a lady, her face a glory of powder, Sidonian lips, a tower of hair woven with pearls, earrings like stars, can shake her litter with a fit of laughter at the sight of a humpback swinging along on crutches, where mothers, barristers, doctors gasp with pleasure as two dwarves hack themselves to a butchered ruin in the Circus.
A favorite quote | clusterflock
One foot is better than two crutches.
After the silence and the leaflessness, to have the birds back once more and to feel them busy at the nest-building; how glad to give them the moss and fibres and the crutch of the boughs to build in!
Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
He saw religion as a psychological crutch.
Within a month I was able to hobble around with a cane or crutches, but I still had a limp.
The German Romantic painter draws a brooding mysticality from the glow of snow and the darkness of upward-soaring pines as a cripple casts away his crutches to pray before a tiny wayside crucifix. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
I can now walk without crutches.
The Sun
My tasks have been to collect and clean-up the crutchings, keep the shearer's board clean, sweep the floors, and pack away the belly fleeces.
He plans to do it over the course of two weeks, walking one mile every twelve hours using callipers and crutches, finishing on 26th April with all the other runners.
2008 October 08 « The Justgiving Blog
In most patients, the use of two properly fitted crutches should be considered during the initial, most painful period after injury.
The crowd that December night at the Boulder Theater included a man in a wheelchair with two broken ankles, a pair on crutches, and a handful of others with pronounced limps.
He can walk only with the assistance of crutches.
This done, I caused Simpson to unstep the gig's single mast and lay it fore and aft in the boat, with the heel resting upon and firmly lashed to the small grating which covered the after end of the boat between the backboard of the stern-sheets and the stern-post, while the head was supported by a crutch formed of two stretchers lashed together and placed upright upon the bow thwart, the whole being firmly secured in place by the two shrouds attached to the mast-head.
A Middy in Command A Tale of the Slave Squadron
Vang's temporary disability is not actual leglessness not that there's anything wrong with that, eh? but the inability to walk unaided: For the last month I have been walking with the help of crutches, a wheelchair and cast.
Life without legs
One of the funniest segments for me was when Mark Andrada (pictured in the first photo) interpreted the word crutch from the audience.
Pressing down the contents of the full bowl with his thumb, he suddenly plumped upon the ground, the crutch beside him, the one limb under him so that he had the seeming of a legless torso.
He was confined to a wheelchair, and could walk only with the aid of crutches.
Titanic - Destination disaster
I thought the hardest part of my recovery would be the pain and the crutches; I wasn't prepared for catty remarks from other dancers.
The roughly $4.6 billion, three-year tax hike was then billed as a necessary but short-term crutch as the state hobbled through a recession.
Tax Changes Pose Problem For the GOP
She walked with crutches and braces - the result of an accident while washing a floor - but showed signs of mischief in her grey eyes.
Times, Sunday Times
Yeah, metafiction is fiction about fiction, and it can pop up in all kinds of ways, from parodies like The Stinky Cheese Man, to books in which the author is a character (Chris Crutcher's The Sledding Hill) to books in which a character KNOWS he or she is a character.
Life in the Old Girl Yet
He uses crutches to walk about.
Times, Sunday Times
The day I got out of hospital I was hopping down the street on my crutches when the boss drove past; he waved and kept going.
I steadied myself by leaning on my crutches for support.
He gave up the crutch of alcohol.
Tonight they follow up a tip-off about a man working on a building site despite claiming he can't walk without the aid of crutches.
The Sun
Now their fragile consciences had the crutch of an externally imposed defence against future temptation.
She emerged on crutches, looking like a veteran.
There was a crutch lying on the ground beside him and another at an angle under his right arm.
Finally, wiping away the tears that had formed in the corners of my eyes as result of my laughter, I lifted one of my crutches in the air and said, ‘Just a sprain!’
Under conductor Will Crutchfield, the orchestra and chorus brought richness and bel canto lyricism to the score, from the galloping motifs of the overture to the antiphonal horn playing that evoked the echoes of the Swiss mountains, the lively, fugal mustering of the cantons in Act II, and the victorious tremolos of the finale.
Pared 'Flute' Is a Muted Production
he uses drugs as a psychological crutch
Without the crutch of music, self-doubt menaced him, and he was a reluctant public communicator.
Patients are loaned the crutches and walking frames after ops but are supposed to return them.
The Sun
Always supportive, we were the crutch for the other to lean on, when love dealt us the pain of heartbreak.
For the other point about skiers is that the blighters are always hirpling about on crutches.
One foot is better than two crutches.
She had back and hip problems and was in increasing pain, needing crutches to walk.
The Sun
With an oath he struggled up, plucked the arrow from the crutch and stumbled off among the trees.
He can walk only short distances without the aid of crutches.
Times, Sunday Times
Some people think biochemicals are a crutch on the way to fuels," Mr. Wolfson says.
Taking the Fuel Out of Biofuels
The form of the cross is what is called "potentiate", that is, crutched or gibbet-shaped.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
Then a one-legged man stumbles by on crutches - more than likely maimed by a mine.
She put on her night robe over her nightgown before grabbing her crutches.
His chin rests on his clenched left fist, while his right arm is leaning on a crutch - a support for his missing right leg.
Times, Sunday Times
And he appeared to have done something to his foot and was hobbling around on crutches.
Times, Sunday Times
Patients are loaned the crutches and walking frames after ops but are supposed to return them.
The Sun
Crutches, walking aids as well as blankets, quilts, topcoats, hats, scarves and gloves for people of all ages are urgently wanted.
Martin broke his leg playing football and has been on crutches for the past six weeks.
A collection of clothes for the survivors of the Kashmir disaster is now in operation, clean blankets, duvets, shoes and children's clothes and crutches are all needed.
I can now walk without crutches and I am working well with the medical team.
Times, Sunday Times
All still carried their gear, but the kneeling figure was about to shed her splash pack and one of the standing figures was using his jacksmith as a crutch.
The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection
He saw religion as a psychological crutch.
Halbert was aye skipping up and down like a roo, and his brother used to sit in the chimney nook with his book and sic-like trash — But the lad was like a loaded hackbut, which will stand in the corner as quiet as an old crutch until ye draw the trigger, and then there is nothing but flash and smoke. —
The Monastery
My crutch has been my 2yr old running me to exhaustion and then if I'm still up but can't do anything useful I make a super super hot bath get a fiction usually a historical romance and read until I start skipping chapters or pages and then go crawl in bed.
A Society of Chronic Insomniacs - SpouseBUZZ
A door opens and we see the back of a crutch-supported figure in a green doublet.
Luckily, he was on crutches on the time of our exchange and I was able to quicken away from the confrontation.
The Sun
He was confined to a wheelchair, and could walk only with the aid of crutches.
Titanic - Destination disaster
Mum has used a stick, crutches or a wheelchair as long as I can remember.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm completely unlearned, but don't use that as a crutch to play me for a fool.
Durant left the arena in crutches and wearing a protective boot.
They shot eight hours of footage showing Mr Noble walking extended distances without a stick or crutch.
The Sun
She had been on crutches and in pain and thought the staff were being unhelpful.
I could cope with hobbling to the lectures on crutches after the operation but I had no idea where I was going to find the money.
The chapel displays a pile of crutches and walking sticks left behind by visitors who claimed their ailments had been cured.
Times, Sunday Times
Cath's face grew apprehensive as she gathered her crutches and levered herself upright.
By these means the notion of my partiality took air, and whether Miss Thrale sent him word slily or not I cannot tell, but on the 25th January, 1783, Mr. Crutchley came hither to conjure me not to go to Italy; he had heard such things, he said, and by _means_ next to _miraculous_.
Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) Edited with notes and Introductory Account of her life and writings
And she still needs crutches to give her torso the stability to stay upright.
Times, Sunday Times
Sexton had been crutching the car by raising the wheelie bars.
Medics were able to save his limb with surgery and antibiotics, but he still needs crutches to walk three months on.
The Sun
One foot is better than two crutches.
As an atheist, he believes that religion is just an emotional crutch for the insecure.
It's difficult to understand why so many crutches, white sticks and wheelchairs remain unclaimed.
The answer is not sleep medication, or psychotropic medication, as the medications themselves are toxic to the organs, have side-effects, are often addictive and may be a short-term crutch that masks or worsens a long-term health problem.
Anne Dunev: What Is Stopping You From Getting A Good Night's Sleep?
However, most DDR players frown on this as a crutch.
Tonight they follow up a tip-off about a man working on a building site despite claiming he can't walk without the aid of crutches.
The Sun
I agree that a capo is a crutch and should be generally avoided ..
Mandolin Cafe News
She said the practice had become a crutch for foreigners and discouraged integration.
The Sun
You can't be fit and healthy if you are walking around on crutches or hobbled with low back pain.
A blear-eyed ancient stood before him, balancing on a single crutch.
He is back at work, tottering around on crutches.
The Sun
A few were in wheelchairs, others on crutches and swathed in bandages.
He uses his wife as a kind of crutch because of his lack of confidence.
You touch on it briefly in your post but I think it is important to take note that there is a difference between protecting yourself and creating a crutch to avoid dealing with difficulties.
He left Loftus Road with his leg in a brace and on crutches.
The Sun
The Lazarus of the parable appears on crutches with dogs licking his leprous sores, a citation from Luke.
Neurological complications often reflect skeletal deformity, and the use of callipers, crutches, and wheel-chairs predispose to the development of peripheral nerve entrapment.
He is back at work, tottering around on crutches.
The Sun
At one point, the 44-year-old singer hobbled into court on crutches with his left foot wrapped in bandages because of swelling from what he described as a spider bite.
When she was arrested she walked using neither crutches nor a wheelchair.
The Sun
I asked, walking slowly beside him as he crutched toward the door.
Forget You
In a speech, she protested the modern Jewish attitude of condescension based on the ancientness of Judaism, adding that “the glories of which we boast become mere crutches to a limping self-esteem.”
Elsie K. Sulzberger.
Learning to walk again, hirpling on crutches and climbing up stairs with these supports were all experiences that initially filled him full of dread.
Summer and autumn crutchings are short.
Aleksei Petrov, one of the most striking and mysterious figures from Bulgaria's 20-year transition, walked into the court-room on crutches due to what he called a trauma from a 2002 assassination attempt. (Sofia News Agency)
When he broke his leg he had to walk on crutches.
Centuries-old buildings support themselves on crutches of iron piping, their wounds and infirmities poulticed with stucco, slung with clothes-lines, patched up with rotting wood.
Excerpt: The Crimson Petal and The White by Michel Faber
He crutched out and pushed the door closed just as slowly behind him, without a thunk his dad would hear.
Forget You
When she was arrested she walked using neither crutches nor a wheelchair.
The Sun
Alyssa is being fitted for a hydraulic leg but is still on crutches at the moment.
Cancer Survivor Alyssa Iacoboni Goes on the Hunt of a Lifetime
Here appears a little rosy-cheeked boy with a basket of chestnuts; or a care-worn mother, pale and thin, but with a grateful eye presenting to her benefactrice a few small, fragrant cheeses, made of goat's milk; and there is an old man, hobbling upon crutches, with a basket of apples from his orchard.
Madame Roland, Makers of History
It took three years of rehabilitation, but Meidl once again walked without the aid of crutches.
Surgeons had to rebuild his shattered leg and smashed face and he was told he would never walk without crutches.
During the march the former pub bouncer milked the applause from the crowd as he hobbled along on crutches.
The Sun
The crutch is a method of wrapping the meat with aluminum foil and adding a splash of liquid like apple juice or beer.
Physicist Cracks BBQ Mystery
What is so ludicrous in the case from last Wednesday was that not only was the person that the police did this too a Premiership footballer, but he was on crutches having undergone a major operation after suffering cruciate ligament damage in the Everton match against Newcastle some weeks ago and the police tried to take his crutches away from him.
Are Cheshire Police "institutionally racist"
It no longer walks, it hobbles; it limps on the crutch of the Court of Miracles, a crutch metamorphosable into a club; it is called vagrancy; every sort of spectre, its dressers, have painted its face, it crawls and rears, the double gait of the reptile.
Les Miserables, Volume IV, Saint Denis
High interest rates are merely a crutch for the country's ailing economy.
They shot eight hours of footage showing Mr Noble walking extended distances without a stick or crutch.
The Sun
Clarionlike, clear as the chimes of a silver bell, rang now that childish voice -- rang out, and rang out again -- and the crutch was gone -- and the lame boy ran, ran -- _ran_!
The Miracle Man
Kids got heavy in the first place because they used food as a crutch, as a coping mechanism.
Jimmy, who uses crutches, is also another disabled character, who sometimes teams with Timmy.
Top entertainment TV shows featuring disability in the 07-08 season
If a person needs a crutch on arrival, why doesn't he need it on departure?
Asimov had the crutch prase "to be sure" which, as much as I love his work, used to annoy the heck out of me.
Do Writers Bug You?
She wears leg braces and uses wheelchairs and crutches.
Times, Sunday Times
He had ramps built for public appearances and used his sons as virtual crutches.