How To Use Cruelty In A Sentence
I only regret that I forgot to take my camera so you urban-dwellers could see the cruelty that they would like little baa-lambs to suffer.
The League Against Cruel Sports issued a statement Wednesday calling on Ottawa to "take steps to end the immense cruelty to animals in events such as calf-roping, which is practised at rodeos including the Calgary Stampede.
CTV BritishColumbiaHome
For him, cruelty was a legitimate and necessary procedure, almost a profession of faith, and European artists showed him how to excruciate a tame local reality.
My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty.
He had never professed love, just a lustful possessive desire that fueled the cruelty in his obsession.

The man who's responsible for two of the most black-hearted exposés on psychological cruelty hadn't gone soft - just cheeky and satirical.
He was found guilty of animal cruelty and given a conditional discharge for six months.
The Sun
There can be no neutrality between justice and cruelty, between the innocent and the guilty.
The sanctuary takes in cruelty and abuse cases and regularly receives referrals from the police.
So naturally he felt a force-feeding ban should be added to the many anticruelty laws already on the books, but he also freely acknowledged the practical benefits of fighting this particular battle.
The Foie Gras Wars
He and my mother fought often, either when his cruelty surfaced or when his behaviour failed to meet her standards of propriety.
They believe they hold in their hands the beginnings of a brave new world of cruelty-free meat.
Debut novelists will make up nearly half of the Orange prize for fiction longlist, which this year tackles strikingly difficult subjects: incest, sadistic cruelty, polygamy, child bereavement, hermaphroditism and mental illness.
Orange prize longlist tackles difficult subjects – and alligators
A ban on this horrendous daily cruelty to thousands of animals would impact on the profits of food producers.
he has no conscience about his cruelty
He had by a second will bequeathed all his possessions to the Church, reserving in them a life-interest for his virtual wife; and when the cousinry swooped down on what they thought their prey, Madame Mulhausen could receive them and their condolences with the indignant scorn which their greed and cruelty deserved.
A Handbook to the Works of Browning (6th ed.)
It is so relentlessly "sick", its unleashed cruelty so sadistic (the climax is a graphic clitorectomy) that the audience at the premiere booed and hissed.
Karin Badt: Cannes Buzz: Which Film Will Win?
Above all, he turned the wanton cruelty of the natural world into clothes of exquisite beauty, season after season.
Times, Sunday Times
His condemnation is reserved for cruelty to animals.
The Times Literary Supplement
All of which suggests that, just as either the overripeness or the rawness of what you serve can speak to your cultivation, to your acquired level of artistry, so cruelty can exhibit your refinement.
Simon Callow's fine Sir Toby is also a genuine rural blueblood whose highest praise for Maria is that "she is a beagle, true bred", yet who is also capable of insensate cruelty.
Twelfth Night - review | Theatre | Michael Billington
There is much casual cruelty in this book.
The Times Literary Supplement
The cruelty perpetrated on the family must cease immediately.
She is certain that cruelty could never be apprehended from the Gentleman to whom this is addressed; and the poor animal would have suffered more as the victim of domestic economy, than of philosophical curiosity.
Asiatic cholera had its origin in English avarice and cruelty, as they suppose who trace it to the tax which Warren Hastings, when
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
But the cruelty came down from above, loud and clear, and try as she might she couldn't keep the anger from burgeoning in her.
His range of no-nonsense products helps to do just that, with ethically sourced, cruelty-free, 100 per cent vegan ingredients.
Times, Sunday Times
People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I believe that there is no way he can protect his family from the cruelty of the scorn and ridicule of those who will inevitably tell them in no incertain terms that they believe Mr. Schiavo is a murderer.
Yet another new Terri Schiavo thread
A city court today sentenced an executive of a private company and his parents to life imprisonment for causing the death of his wife after subjecting her to extreme cruelty due to dowry demands.
In Crown & Country he provides the reader with enough intellectual rigour to impart context, before livening the page with pithy tales of treachery or cruelty, of double-dealing or disaster.
Crown & Country by David Starkey - review
She had lit a host of candles around her, as though their light might ameliorate the cruelty of the hour.
Szentkuthy stood as a beacon in this darkness of misery and cruelty.
No rationalization that human beings give for their cruelty or neglect is ever meaningful to him.
The pig whisperer: Author Jeffrey Masson explores the emotions of - and cruelty inflicted upon - the most unglamorous animals
Knight, somewhat blamably, keenly enjoyed sparring with the palpitating mobile creature, whose excitable nature made any such thing a species of cruelty.
A Pair of Blue Eyes
Children are far from immune to the virus of cruelty that is latent in all human beings.
Tiberius distinguished his reign by great indolence, excessive cruelty, unprincipled avarice, and abandoned licentiousness.
As for Becky Sharp, with her treachery, her cruelty, her vindicativeness {sic}, perhaps we could better have understood and forgiven her had we known her lonely and neglected childhood, with the drunken artist father and her mother, the French opera girl.
Fanny Herself
If we act fast, we can once and for all prevent wild animals in Britain from suffering terrible cruelty.
My feeling for him undergo a revulsion when I discover his cruelty.
We do not read in history of any act of cruelty practiced towards a male bewitcher; though we have authentic records to prove, that many a weak and defenceless woman has been tortured, and even murdered by a people professing Christianity, merely because a pampered priest, or a superstitious idiot, sanctioned such oppression.
Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
The sentencing judge noted "a high degree of cruelty, viciousness, and callousness."
He pleaded not guilty to cruelty and claimed he had entrusted the puppies to a man called Phil.
He admitted cruelty and administering a drug to an animal.
The Sun
It struck him that the truly characteristic thing about modern life was not its cruelty and insecurity, but simply its bareness, its dinginess, its listlessness.
Nineteen Eighty-four
It's the cholesterolfree, cruelty-free, sustainable meat substitute that will tempt the carnivore into adopting a vegan diet.
Times, Sunday Times
satanic cruelty
Those of us who have spent many years in animal welfare work have often come to see the worst of animal cruelty, abuse and neglect.
Phrases like ‘puppy farms’ with its connotation of cute and cuddly has changed into a byword for appalling dens of excruciating cruelty.
Cruelty and the fighting instinct have not yet been bred out of the human species.
Told in halves in the very different voices of Krista and Aaron, Little Bird of Heaven is a classic Oates novel in which the lyricism of intense sexual love is intertwined with the anguish of loss, and tenderness is barely distinguishable from cruelty.
Little Bird of Heaven by Joyce Carol Oates: Book summary
On the subject of evil, she said, in a matter-of-fact tone but without apparent rancour, that people do not change, that cruelty is "inborn" and that the Holocaust "could happen again".
Rewind radio: Private Passions; Start the Week; Exchanges at the Frontier; Taking a Stand
The April Uprising was crushed with great cruelty by the Ottoman Army.
Rather than taking this directive for granted, Nelson delves into the varieties of cruelty perpetrated on us bourgeois for our supposed betterment, what the art critic Grant Kester has called the "orthopedic aesthetic.
NYT > Home Page
She divorced her husband on the grounds of mental cruelty.
Graf was relieved of duty in January, after nearly two years on the Cowpens, for "cruelty and maltreatment" of her crew, according to a blistering Navy inspector general's report obtained by TIME.
The other path for failed attempts at behavioral control through physical punishment was outright cruelty and sometimes descent into unremitting family warfare.
On the Edge: A History of Poor Black Children and Their American Dreams
He denies cruelty and causing suffering at Hull crown court.
The Sun
But the horror which writers such as Dickens expressed at the cruelty of his times was prompted by no such knowledge.
Desire, power and a certain cruelty are the central motifs in the erotic fiction of Anais Nin.
Notwithstanding the extreme cruelty shown to these animals, most of us fail to spare a thought on the matter, before sinking our teeth into a non-vegetarian fare.
It is not just sadness in such a situation, it is appalling, gratuitous cruelty.
Times, Sunday Times
It isn't hard to guess that most westerners are appalled at the levels of violence and animal cruelty that go hand in hand with the sport of cockfighting.
It was a comedy act with an undertone of cruelty.
He defends murder, since it is hypocritical to condemn it if you accept the far worse cruelty of war.
The Times Literary Supplement
He censures the cruelty of slave masters, the dodges of legacy hunters, and the meanness of the wealthy, but the targets of his criticisms are normally anonymous.
He admitted cruelty and administering a drug to an animal.
The Sun
The Masonic religion should be, by all of its initiates of the higher degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. if Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty perfidy, and hatred of man, Barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him?
La Satanism Exposed | Disinformation
A section of Israels anticruelty law even specifies that the minister of agriculture must consider agricultural needs when determining whether animals are being treated properly.
The Foie Gras Wars
Cruelty "perversely" gives sympathy to the terrorists, Mora said, adding that it lessened the contrast between the United States and its enemies. - all articles
The last we heard of him was a piece in the newspaper describing a charge of cruelty to animals.
Insofar as they do not attend to the perversions of freedom and the flesh that cruelty exploits, they fail to offer a legitimate understanding of our intersubjective lives.
Never for a moment did they realize that the existing structure of society is the breeding ground of inequality, hatred and cruelty.
How to portray convincingly the people at the centre of unspeakable cruelty?
Times, Sunday Times
His enemies, however, declared that he had no higher wish than to exercise in secret the cruelty and libidinousness to which he was abandoned.
Ancient States and Empires
The Sergeant of the guard is all right, but some of them are devils; they are looking for promotion, and know the way to get it is to excel in cruelty.
Three Times and Out: A Canadian Boy's Experience in Germany
Each year animal welfare groups document instances of cruelty, but prosecutions have been rare.
As was the case in World Wars I and II, we are up against sociopathic sub-humans who despise the common man, are capable of great cruelty brought on by their indifference to human misery and whose ultimate plan is to dehumanize and bestialize humanity.
[fragmented society] the fish rots at the head
The youthful idealists were developing a cold cruelty.
Like most wits, Mr. Epstein has the gift of turning cruelty into entertainment, a phrase that could serve as another definition of gossip.
Boulevardier's Delight
These images unflinchingly confronted the gore, the naked terror, the arrogant incompetence, the pointless cruelty, the insane devastation of the military nightmare.
She and I would never be broken apart again, and we would never have to feel the lash of a whip, hear someone call us ugly names, feel the cold cruelty of shackles and chains about our wrists and ankles.
_On the contrary, _ Seneca says (De Clementia ii, 4) that "the opposite of clemency is cruelty, which is nothing else but hardness of heart in exacting punishment.
Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
He was acquitted of cruelty, maltreatment of a subordinate and indecent assault.
The jokes and bonhommie which thrilled the Kool Kids Klub seemed like cruelty to many of the people who suffered under his policies.
Archive 2004-06-01
In the West, the target of cruelty centuries ago shifted from the body to the soul, to psychic pain - but the morality behind the practice remains.
It is one thing to seek to excuse Machiavelli's cynicism and cruelty on the grounds that he was a man of his time - a victim as well as an architect of Renaissance arrogance and presumption.
It bore an expression which might truly be called fiendish, for it gave the idea of mental power, of cruelty, of malice, of intense -- of supreme despair.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 385. November, 1847.
They both were subjected to a daily barrage of insults, hits, cursings, and cruelty.
People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
He couldn't check his anger to see such cruelty to children.
The archaeologist Paul Kirchhoff wrote that the following traits characterized the Guachichile Indians: "painting of the body; coloration of the hair; head gear; matrilocal residence; freedom of the married woman; special forms of cruelty to enemies
The indigenous past of Zacatecas
Traditional recreations of the lower classes came increasingly under the disapproving inspection of their social superiors, particularly when, like cock-fighting and bull-baiting, they involved cruelty to animals.
The whole point of this storyline is that he has reduced her to a gibbering wreck through emotional and verbal cruelty without any physical violence.
It's the lives ruined through blunders -- it's the cruelty -- the needless _cruelty_ of it all.
The Visioning
He couldn't check his anger to see such cruelty to children.
It feels like a sudden deluge of sadness at the cruelty of what happened.
Times, Sunday Times
He gambled right: No criminal charges against Pease or the others were filed, though Gonzalez sued him in civil court for trespassing and theft, and Pease and the Marin Countybased In Defense of Animals, which had been actively opposing Guillermos company, sued Sonoma Foie Gras for violating anticruelty laws.
The Foie Gras Wars
Physicality, violence, and apparent cruelty were part and parcel of popular recreations, exemplified in activities like cudgelling, cock throwing, and bull baiting.
They streaked through the streets to highlight what they claimed was cruelty to the bulls.
Miss Waine, who has been in the job for a year, said she had come across cruelty cases before but never one involving such a young puppy.
While we think of this protracted cruelty of the author of his imprisonment, it is some consolation to know that he met with what we may well call a merited retribution.
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
It's his voice we connect to the stories of madness and cruelty that we associate with that unforgotten war.
The King's cruelty excited a rising of the people.
Was it just out of sheer cruelty or were badgers a pest then?
Times, Sunday Times
Too many cruel people who survived to perpetuate their cruelty.
It seemed cruelty to prolong the conversation, and soon after the order was given to lower the sail and unstep the mast, for the wind had pretty well dropped as they swept in towards where the vessels were anchored, and the distance being short, the men took to their oars once more, while, with no impediment to their view, the doctor took out his glass and offered it to Morny.
The Ocean Cat's Paw The Story of a Strange Cruise
‘They claim to be against cruelty to animals but they are quite happy to subject human beings to mental cruelty,’ he told the paper.
Half dead upon the spot where he was phlebotomized, the wretched animal was left to reflect under the shade of a tulip-tree on the cruelty of man, on their barbarous appetites; cursing with all his heart the poverty of Morvinian curates, their conceited hospitality, of which he was the victim, and their brutal affection for pig's blood.
Le Morvan, [A District of France,] Its Wild Sports, Vineyards and Forests; with Legends, Antiquities, Rural and Local Sketches
The Toad Party was against cruelty to all amphibians - particularly toads - but behind the humour was a serious message of care for the environment.
It is true that I judge those Princes unfelicitous who, to assure their state when the multitude is hostile, have to take extraordinary means; for he who has only a few enemies can easily and without great scandals make sure of them, but he who has the general public hostile to him can never make sure of them, and the more cruelty he uses, so much more weak becomes his Principate; so that the best remedy he has is to seek to make the People friendly.
We are all fond of animals and abhor wanton or thoughtless cruelty to them.
Times, Sunday Times
There was also a nationwide increase in the number of people prosecuted for animal cruelty.
The attack was not being connected to any other animal cruelty incident.
Times, Sunday Times
See what cruelty covetousness is the cause of, and what horrid practices those are often put upon that are greedy to enlarge their own border.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
After observing the autumn cubbing and seeing the unrequited cruelty of the killing of innocents and following the trail of devastation, the sooner they are dealt with the better.
Thomson's denunciation of the slave trade, and of cruelty to animals, especially the caging of birds and the coursing of hares; his preference of country to town; his rhapsodies on domestic love and the innocence of the Golden Age; his contrast between the misery of the poor and the heartless luxury of the rich; all these features of the poem foretoken the sentimentalism of Sterne and Goldsmith, and the humanitarianism of
A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
He admitted cruelty and administering a drug to an animal.
The Sun
Maybe it was because of casual human cruelty.
Grown-up in his own fisherman's kingdom, his cruelty brands him an emblematic villain.
All three also received ridiculously short sentences for such a base, premeditated act of cruelty.
His special cruelty is expended on Smike, a half-witted lad left on his hands and employed as a drudge.
His offenses against the Peronistas up to that time had apparently consisted of little more than adding his signature to pro-democratic petitions, but shortly after his resignation he addressed the Argentine Society of Letters saying, in his characteristic style, “Dictatorships foster oppression, dictatorships foster servitude, dictatorships foster cruelty; more abominable is the fact that they foster idiocy.”
Jorge luis borges | the destiny of borges « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
Too many cruel people who survived to perpetuate their cruelty.
Each had a few adherents, who would not have submitted to such an arbitrary cruelty; and Le Gros was influenced by the fear of a general "skrimmage," in which more than one life, -- among the rest perhaps his own, -- might be forfeited.
The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
My companions had been trained as children to kill swiftly and without cruelty and practiced all the disciplines of a halal slaughterman.
The Skrayling Tree
Cruelty of "aigrette" hunters of albatross killers
Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
Gandhi and a retired mining engineer, set himself on fire to protest what he called cruelty in the United States and India.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
It is committed to peaceful campaigns against all forms of animal abuse and promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle.
subjected to outrageous cruelty
All parties were delighted to let the rival yelpers fight it out on so distant a field as Syria; and in that country of heat and dryness, of poverty, anarchy, cruelty, and superstition, there was a skrimmage that kept all Christendom on the tenter-hooks for half-a-year; and this we believe to be the policy of the Syrian campaign.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXXVI. October, 1843. Vol. LIV.
Casual callousness, unthinking cruelty and sheer insensitivity remain key subjects.
Times, Sunday Times
Obsession and addiction are recurring motifs, along with violent sex and occasional acts of extreme cruelty.
The brushes apply cosmetics flawlessly, plus they're cruelty-free.
The Sun
Despite Cookie's ranting about the devilry of the Raleighs, I was still sure that there was a method behind their seemingly random cruelty.
This colonial legal system of Japan has more cruelty, dulocracy and predacity than those of the other colonial countries, projecting itself in the colonial history of the world.
If women resisted sexual advances, they risked physical cruelty and punishment.
A 71-year-old Californian who immolated himself to protest what he called cruelty in the United States and India was cremated Saturday according to Hindu rituals, his friends said.
The Seattle Times
The whole point of this storyline is that he has reduced her to a gibbering wreck through emotional and verbal cruelty without any physical violence.
There was no crime black enough, no desertion, no cruelty horrible enough to outspeed her pity.
Stockport first citizen Ken Holt, an anti-cruelty campaigner, objected on moral grounds because it was decorated with ermine - the winter coat of the stoat.
Reacting to Peta's claims that Herbert was using animal cruelty as entertainment, he is quick to counter: I was there as a documentarist.
Matthew Herbert's pig project is a strange beast, but not the only animal album on the (butcher's) block
So let us henceforth no longer abhor so very greatly the cruelty of the anthropophagous—that is, man-eating—savages.
Yet amid the betrayal and back-stabbing, the cruelty and crime, the play ultimately has a happy, almost spiritual, finale, shaking the audience out of its 21st century complacency to ask: has anything really changed?
But what I lack in smartness and funniness, I more than make up for in cruelty! A Joy of Blogging
Here are some writings that will put your cruelty to shame: peruse these sheets with unwet eyes, if you can.
Chapter VIII. Book VII
Theirs is the usual self-absorbed soap-opera drama of backstabbing and bitchery, snooty cliques and casual cruelty.
Times, Sunday Times
With the school holidays here, I urge readers to encourage their children to take up a cruelty-free activity.
The result is a rising tide of neglect, cruelty, sadism, and joyous malignity that staggers and appalls me.
At the sight of this cruelty, they could hardly contain their anger.
The brutality and apparent collapse of front-line discipline is charted in thousands of meticulously filed US government reports, proving only one thing, that any war "among the people" that goes on too long degrades its participants and degenerates into senseless cruelty.
Simon Jenkins: What on Earth Are America's Friends to Say?
To continue, hunts would have to meet the twin tests of preventing cruelty and being necessary for pest control.
All that cruelty and bloodshed had produced nothing; the Free State was, according to Ryan, worse than English servitude.
Where Livy seeks to build a seamless account of Rome's noble and quasi-mythological heritage, Augustine seeks to bring to light the logical contradictions, cruelty, and impiousness of pagan Rome.
Animal welfare laws are strictly enforced in the countries abroad and the press also publicises animal abuses very widely, owing to which cases of cruelty to animals are very few, she says.
It includes everything from straightforward vegetarian and vegan recipes and nutritional information, to cruelty-free fashion and information on veggie events from Alaska to Manchester.
The ASA said the ad, which was accused of being offensive to blind people and encouraging animal cruelty, was "surreal and light-hearted".
Paddy Power advert gains most complaints in 2010
The discourse abounds with just observation, applicable to all ranks of men; and, if properly attended to by that infatuated emperor, might have prevented the perpetration of those acts of cruelty, which, with his other extravagancies, have rendered his name odious to posterity.
De vita Caesarum
As for cruelty-free labeling, this may only indicate that the finished product may not have been tested on animals, but that its specific components have.
Cases of child cruelty occur more often than they are observed.
Giving it to them straight would be an act of wanton cruelty - to both parties.
Times, Sunday Times
Obj. 3: Further, Seneca says (De Clementia ii, 4): "A man may be said to be of unsound mind when he takes pleasure in cruelty.
Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
Wilful, purposeless, ambivalent cruelty seems to have been a major theme of the rudderless summer government.
It finds expression in acts of particular virtues or vices like honesty, generosity, cheerfulness, jealousy or cruelty.
Was it just out of sheer cruelty or were badgers a pest then?
Times, Sunday Times
The activists want all cruelty to animals stopped; the foodies want the best food money can buy.
I can not conceive of such cruelty as to take a child away from its mother.
FROM 1933, when Adolf Hitler came to power, till the death of Nazism in 1945, Germans unleashed a reign of terror, cruelty and barbarism hitherto unknown in the history of mankind.
It was important to remember that, in even the grimmest of situations, there is kindness as well as cruelty, terror as well as boredom, and even, surprising as it may seem, humor.
Patricia McCormick discusses Sold
“It’s a mere impossibility this night,” said the woman, “the troopers keep sae strict a guard; and they say there’s strange news come frae the east, that makes them rage in their cruelty mair fierce than ever — Ye maun take shelter somegate for the night before ye get to the muirs, and keep yoursell in hiding till the grey o’ the morning, and then you may find your way through the
Old Mortality
The portrait showed a stern face and, yes, a righteous stance, but there was no hint of cruelty, no sign of distemper.
They are all such comic caricatures that they are incapable of conveying real human cruelty or vicious snobbery.
Times, Sunday Times
Our wonderful, handcrafted, all natural, cruelty free bath and body products are made with the highest quality pure essential oils and organic botanicals.
We have sworn to fight cruelty wherever we find it.
But this consensus conceals important differences, especially those that concern when cruelty occurs.
Director's Favorite Line: "When lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom, the gentler gamester is the soonest winner.
Five Acts in the Summer of the Bard
A pilot study by the police force and the SSPCA in 2000 identified for the first time clear links between animal cruelty and domestic abuse.
Suggest that they spend six weeks not doing very much at all and people practically accuse you of cruelty.
Times, Sunday Times
LONDON (AP) - A British woman caught on tape stroking a cat, picking it up by the scruff of its neck and casually throwing it into its owners 'trash bin pleaded guilty to a single charge of animal cruelty Tuesday.
Mary Bale, UK Woman Who Dumped Cat In Trash, Pleads Guilty To Animal Cruelty (VIDEO)
I recalled hazily those stories of Spanish mismanagement and cruelty which had directly led to United States interferences in the islands.
Bat Wing
For his love alone does she remain in that contemptible town, suffering the lonesomeness of teenage cruelty.
Although cruelty to animals seems to hold potential as a predictor of recidivistic firesetting, it is most likely an externalizing behavior that correlates highly with delinquency.
Why did people behave as they did - whether with cruelty or kindness, cravenness or courage?
Another example would be the glitter of metal: the image adds a connotation of cruelty to the glory of a pasha, previously described with true oriental bombast, as the light of lights.
The world will see it as God has always seen it; and when He shall at length make inquisition for blood, and His vengeance kindle over the habitations of cruelty, with a destruction more terrible than that of Sodom and Gomorrah, His righteous dealing will be justified of man, and His name glorified among the nations, and there will be a voice of rejoicing in Earth and in Heaven.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Certainly, that notion is incompatible with cruelty and unkindness to one another.
Her husband was energetic and "forehanded," and without the slightest approach to intentional cruelty, looked to his wife to "keep up her end of the log.
The Secret of a Happy Home (1896)
Many are working to save species from extinction, animals from cruelty, natural environment from destruction.
But just within the first 10 days, they have found evidence of what they call the cruelty of the Iraqi regime.
CNN Transcript Mar 28, 2003
Hunting conventions - tail coats, red waist coats, high leather boots, tally-hoing and horn blowing - is a mite too celebratory for the cruelty that lays ahead.
Intolerable Cruelty is a movie in which the brothers' distinctive presence is quite reticent and discreet in terms of script.
But not one-tenth of one per cent. of us will join any organization for the prevention of cruelty to animals, and by our words and acts and contributions work to prevent the perpetration of cruelties on animals.
Cruelty an injustice often make our blood boil.
You explore the shadier side of horseracing -- the gambling, the cruelty inflicted on the animals, the injuries, the steroids etc.
A Conversation with Jane Smiley about her novel Good Faith
It spoke to their long and deep taste for cruelty.
Times, Sunday Times
Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. Bertrand Russell
The municipality's greatest act of cruelty was to sit and do nothing as a few unpaid tax bills were driven sky-high by compound interest.
Those opposed to whaling focus on its inherent cruelty, the non-essential nature of whale products, and the danger of over-exploitation.
There have been reports of cruelty and rape from the war zone.