
How To Use Cruelly In A Sentence

  • Her desire to pass as white is presented without a great deal of judgment, except insofar as she acts cruelly towards her mother.
  • Heathcliff, who, kinless and kithless, was in the end compelled to see the property he has so cruelly amassed descend to his hereditary enemies. Emily Brontë
  • Your death was determined to be “sudden unexplained death in epilepsy,” a term so cruelly nonsensical it might as well have been “fickle finger of fate.” Knowing Jesse
  • Midway through the second half a kick which might have won the game was cruelly whipped to the left of the upright, having spent most of its trajectory arrowing right between them.
  • It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age. Margaret Mead 
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  • She couldn't bear to see animals treated cruelly.
  • He wept inside for the pain that she was feeling, for having just found her father and to have him taken so cruelly from her was something that was nearly unendurable.
  • The Party is dead and working class people have been cruelly disenfranchised.
  • The distorted semblances of the trees on the other side were vaguely visible through it, mocking him cruelly in the emptiness.
  • And found there the blessed Denis preaching, and made him cruelly to be beaten, bespit and despised, and fast to be bounden with Rusticus and Eleutherius, and to be brought tofore him: And when he saw that the saints were constant and firm in the acknowledging of our Lord, he was much heavy and sorrowful. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • Every light inside the ship burst on at full intensity, the bright glare cruelly lighting the snow and lowering skies.
  • They chattered politely for a few minutes, and then Will cruelly suggested that Clara entertain them on the pianoforte.
  • he treated his students cruelly
  • But, star-crossed lovers as we are, fate has cruelly intervened and given us tickets for different days.
  • George W. Bush focused on winning the second term cruelly denied to his father, and Mitt Romney still hopes to claim the Republican nomination that his father lost to Richard Nixon in 1968. Presidential Fathers and Sons
  • As the identities of the missing emerge, we move from a statistical body count to the tragedy of human loss - brothers, mothers, lovers and daughters cruelly blown away as they headed to work.
  • A law suitable for Georgia might operate “most disadvantageously and cruelly” upon New York. Ratification
  • But the six-month trip was cruelly cut short when thieves broke into a tour coach and stole all her possessions - forcing her to return home.
  • He is usually, and rather cruelly, referred to as ‘le garçon coiffeur de Bilbao’, the Bilbao hairdresser boy.
  • For, on a time. as a man had loosed his tongue to missay of a bishop familiar with him, he rebuked him cruelly, and said that, he should leave off or raze away these verses, or go from the table. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • I feel nothing but contempt for people who treat children so cruelly.
  • Even very senior officers can beguiled into behaving unbecomingly, cruelly, and destructively while believing they are acting in the best tradition of the service.
  • What has had the most profound impact on the gradual erosion of England's expectations over the past few months is the cruelly high number of injuries which have afflicted the squad.
  • There are twelve or thirteen of them brought here by him unaccounted for; hear his prevarications in the jail and elsewhere: and if he is an innocent man, cruelly imprisoned under an illegal warrant, and these vile, calumniatory libels, are actually this The Trial of Reuben Crandall, M.D. Charged with Publishing and Circulating Seditious and Incendiary Papers, &c. in the District of Columbia, with the Intent of Exciting Servile Insurrection. Carefully Reported, and Compiled from the Written Statements
  • The sun was relentless, and the heat reflected cruelly off the parched earth.
  • Jude and Tess contend with the stifling conventions of their society and are dealt with cruelly by it.
  • It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age. Margaret Mead 
  • Will she catch him in the lobby where he laughs cruelly at her colossal stupidity, causing her to buy a fifth of Jack and go careening ( "careering" for you Brits) around Kelrast Curve? Blogtimore, Hon
  • This narked a few people, including his apparently unpaid vet and a group who claimed that the animals on his ranch were being treated cruelly.
  • The six individuals, who looked fine, healthy and happy in real life were cruelly presented in muted monochromatic colors.
  • Cruelly, it is his very kindness and thoughtfulness, his puppyish overeagerness to please, that is his downfall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Countertenor Lawrence Zazzo headed the fine cast, with Sophie Bevan, Christine Rice and Ailish Tynan, whose loveliness was cruelly hidden, somewhat unnecessarily and in the one false move, by a buffa fat-suit, goatee beard, specs and fez hat. Teresa Carreño Youth Orchestra of Venezuela; Benjamin Grosvenor, LSO; Promised End; Radamisto
  • I know from experience that avalanches occur swiftly and cruelly, and our relief when the ground eventually levelled out soon dissipated in a struggle through waist deep snowdrifts.
  • Cruelly punning, he calls his baroness ‘Barrenness’.
  • There are instances of debauched and shameless old age which, deficient in vital resources, strives to supply their place by fictitious excitement; a kind of brutish lasciviousness, that is ever the more cruelly punished by nature, from the fact that the immediately-ensuing debility is in direct proportion to the forced stimulation which has preceded it. Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
  • Banstead Athletic were cruelly denied three points at play-off chasers Burgess Hill Town because of a late penalty on Saturday, writes Ray Best.
  • It was not until she understood this applause, and saw Silverstein half out of his seat and intensely, madly happy, and heard the "Oh, you, Joe's!" from many throats, that she realized that instead of being cruelly punished he was acquitting himself well. Chapter 4
  • Boy meets girl, falls in love but fate intervenes cruelly and compels them to part ways.
  • Look at that smile, the way he casually, almost cruelly swirls the snifter in his hand.
  • Cruelly widowed in her prime, she remarries one of the wealthiest men in the land. The Sun
  • Is it a correct reading that according to the opinion, if the words “cruelly wounded or killed in a cruel manner,” were inserted, or if “wounded” and “killed” were both excised from the statute then it would be narrowly tailored and satisfy the first amendment? The Volokh Conspiracy » Wise Words About Prosecutorial Discretion and Speech Restrictions
  • I enclose the two letters you sent back to me, with the idea of allaying my fears which you cruelly supposed very different to what they are in reality. The memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
  • In the short stories, disease and illness are deployed as prosopopoeia, the cruelly indifferent natural forces that control life and death.
  • On his next run, after a circuit or so of Exeter, my words were confirmed as cruelly prophetic.
  • All had been slain cruelly, their eyes cut from their heads, their backs flayed with heavy whips until the ribs showed. Archive 2009-12-01
  • She was exhausted and her bare feet were stinging cruelly, but to stop would have been fatal.
  • By the summer of 1792 France was being invaded and Paris itself, a mere 200 kilometres from the north-eastern border, was cruelly exposed.
  • The most cruelly-worded, cold-blooded, data - backed denunciation, using every needlesharp descriptive usage in the book (you more than most will recognize that sense of a job well done as 'publish' is pressed), is delivered with so much more ooomph when delivered with good nature, (despite the rage and contempt experienced while concocting the venom-tipped arrows). Farewell Bill Deedes
  • Raised in evangelistic hellfire, the teenager is violent, caustic, unruly, and cruelly intuitive. The Rapture by Liz Jensen: Book summary
  • Political idealism is cruelly betrayed by successive waves of political oppression.
  • Rationally, most people understand that civilised life in this country faces a heartless and implacable foe who is prepared to strike as often and as cruelly as possible.
  • After our plan to snorkel Wednesday was cruelly dashed by a huge thunderstorm, today we finally made it snorkeling.
  • On the day Laois were cruelly punished as a rampant Tyrone side tore them apart and cruelly exposed their frailties.
  • Johnson's writings numerous passages written in that essentially vicious style to which the name Johnsonese has been cruelly given; but the searcher could not fail to find many passages guiltless of this charge. Obiter Dicta Second Series
  • His harmless jokes turn nasty, though, when he cruelly pretends to have died.
  • How else to understand the otherwise cruelly inexplicable? Times, Sunday Times
  • Cruelly will you defend the equality of rights of the herd to use the grass under its feet and the salt in the ground, -- and your enemies will be the free individuals, the overmen, the ingenious inventors, the prophets, the saviors, the poets and artists. Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 2, April 1906 Monthly Magazine Devoted to Social Science and Literature
  • The authorities had forced students to do household chores and those who resisted were cruelly dealt with, Mr. Augustine said.
  • Their mutual pursuit turns into a sadomasochistic game, cruelly played on both sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exhibition reminds the viewers how the innocence of the tribals was cruelly exploited by those from the cities, how a large body of the tribal population became slaves to alcohol.
  • What makes an otherwise gentle and benign guy like him speak so callously and cruelly of 950 deaths?
  • His gold Chain of Office glittered cruelly in the morning sunshine.
  • Can she who professed delicacy of sentiment and sincere regard for me, use me so very basely and so very cruelly?
  • Little Jesuit inquisitress as she was, she could see things in a true light, and understand them in an unperverted sense; but the idea that she had ventured to communicate information, thus gained, to others; that she had, perhaps, amused herself with a companion over documents, in my eyes most sacred, shocked me cruelly. Villette
  • We have to be very cruel, we have to look at the situation very cruelly, meaning that if the United States helps us now and thinks of Korea as a partner, in the long run Korea will recover and that will be good for the United States as well. Remarks By The President In Korean Discussion
  • In company with these gentlemen, Kate and I, preconcertedly, paid uncle Rumgudgeon a visit on the afternoon of Sunday, October the tenth -- just three weeks after the memorable decision which had so cruelly defeated our hopes. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 6
  • But now, at 63 and cruelly stricken by very-late-onset multiple sclerosis, he'll make do with the moon. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was wild with indignation and pity when I remembered how my poor brother had been cruelly tormented because he did not want to sit in heder and learn what was after all false or useless. The Promised Land
  • I'm speaking to this wicked child, who has obtained our love and sympathy and attention on false pretences, for which she ought to be put in prison -- yes, in _prison_, for such a heartless trick on relatives who can ill afford to be so cruelly disappointed! ' The Talking Horse And Other Tales
  • William had been stripped naked, and frequently and cruelly cowhided. The Underground Railroad A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, &c., Narrating the Hardships, Hair-Breadth Escapes and Death Struggles of the Slaves in Their Efforts for Freedom, As Related by Themselves and Others, or Witnessed by the Auth
  • Make Me Proud; his title single with Rihanna only half engages her strength; and the title of the Stevie Wonder duet Doing It Wrong is cruelly accurate. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • FABIO: Better going forward but his defensive shortcomings were cruelly exposed. The Sun
  • Our society has become less cruelly conservative, our politics less atavistically nationalistic, and our culture less turgidly insular.
  • A scene ripe with comedic possibilities is then cruelly squandered.
  • He takes them on a fishing trip to a remote island, cruelly asserting his authority en route.
  • His portrayal of the cruelly cunning main character is what ultimately drives the film.
  • Clearly the terrorists have cruelly and inhumanely violated these principles.
  • With space at a premium, books have to justify quickly their presence or be cruelly remaindered.
  • Throughout the long day, they suffered cruelly under the constant whining shells and relentless, baking sun.
  • Getting in more for his mythic bad-assery and less because of his refined, polished, and flawless skills (hinted at, yet cruelly denied to the audience), dear old dad slips into contention because he perfectly embraced the power of the unknown. Top 10 Movie Hitmen » Scene-Stealers
  • They both peered through a peephole into the furnace, did something to — Ada was explaining to a guest — the “slag hole” (different from the taphole, Daeman vaguely noticed) and then the young woman and the older man — soon to be a dead older man, Daeman thought cruelly — leaped from the cupola structure onto the sand and rushed over to look at the mold. Ilium
  • It was not the mythical, moral (but in reality often cruelly repressive and deceitful) 1950s but rather the supposedly lamentable late 1960s that this film was concerned with.
  • Lakha admitted cruelly ill-treating the goats and slaughtering without a licence.
  • Generally it is a husband whose wife is forcing the diet on him and whips the luscious meal away from him cruelly, and he is forced to watch the rest of the family eat it while he gnaws a celery stick.
  • He said he had been cruelly hounded in the concenration camp.
  • The journey takes her to Vietnam, where she confronts - sometimes cruelly - her Vietnamese family.
  • Temple Drake, a blueblood Ole Miss sorority sister who we first met in about 1931 in the underrated Sanctuary, spends Sanctuary being cruelly sodomized and forced into prostitution. The Volokh Conspiracy » Public Opinion, Anti-Discrimination Law, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Estella marries Bentley, by whom she is cruelly ill-treated.
  • Does Claire Baron not realise that a large percentage of the animals under their care have been abused or cruelly treated?
  • The lives of American troopers -- men and women -- are cruelly appropriated for the gristmill of domestic politics. Michael Vlahos: Mon General McChrystal
  • They have been cruelly deceived by an industry that doesn't care and a government that doesn't seem to understand.
  • Hundreds of innocent civilians were cruelly slaughtered.
  • The DVDs foster the cult of the cruelly cancelled show way too much for my taste.
  • The director's favourite vantage point is that of a god who is cruelly indifferent to our individual fates.
  • They were hard at work heading over the cruelly steep hill that would take them into Denholme then home.
  • The inadequacies of the national orchestra were cruelly exposed in this recording.
  • After beating incredible odds to prove himself a classroom genius, Steven has been cruelly snubbed by prospective employers.
  • And, in haute couture, the sample sizing has shrunk cruelly until models must be starved to fit. Times, Sunday Times
  • So my round-up of 2004 might be cruelly curtailed.
  • The horrendous accident cruelly cut short the career of an incomparable artist, who was already famous as one of the greatest horn players of all time.
  • Vivaldi's writing tends to treat the voice like a violin, and as such, it can be cruelly difficult (but rewarding).
  • Perhaps someone whom this 'papist' judge had loved very much had been cruelly put to death, and perhaps that was the reason he suggested this savage punishment for Quaker Richard. A Book of Quaker Saints
  • But she was married to the first princelet who happened to catch the eye of Empress Frederick, namely Prince Bernhardt of Saxe-Meiningen ” aye, and she was hustled into matrimony in such a hurry, too, as to give a sort of foundation for some shameful and base slanders, cruelly unmerited, but which one hears even Germans who profess loyalty to the crown repeating to this day. The Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe
  • It makes her furious to see a good breed of sheep being treated cruelly.
  • I had read enough Indian book reviews to know that reviewers are ustads with blades sharpened on a cruelly efficient whetstone.
  • People capable of that sort of uncaring and cruelly callous behavior tend to move on to humans if they are not stopped early enough.
  • But he's clearly a man of principle and unbending honesty - who, at times, can be cruelly insensitive, as when he tells a man he has casually examined that he has a tumour.
  • The author stumbles a touch in the third act, dragging his ending out too long, and giving us a finale that's either falsely uplifting or cruelly imagined by a dying boy.
  • But he's clearly a man of principle and unbending honesty - who, at times, can be cruelly insensitive, as when he tells a man he has casually examined that he has a tumour.
  • They were never trusted, their simplest, most innocent acts were misconstrued, their word doubted, and, as in Beverly's case, Miss Woodhull had more than once cruelly baited and insulted them. A Dixie School Girl
  • The old man did not conceal from himself that it was hard, cruelly hard, for the physician to follow his calling conscientiously at such a time; but he knew his friend; he had seen him during months of pestilence two years since -- always brisk, decisive and gay, indeed inspired to greater effort by the greater demands on him. The Bride of the Nile — Volume 09
  • Innocent lives were cruelly and pointlessly wiped out.
  • He cruelly locks the dog out of the house in the middle of the night.
  • These poor dumb harmless animals are cruelly caught in a trap made of a short chain and wire rope and a three-foot bar driven into the ground.
  • When she was again at home with him he treated her no less cruelly than heretofore; yet still she continued to love him with unabating affection.
  • The African Union rallied to an African leader, saying it would not intervene in a Zimbabwean campaign of evictions and arrests that has been described as cruelly anti-poor because Robert Mugabe might be trying to help his people in the long term. Daimnation!: Africa's blind eye
  • Some of the world's greatest art is exhausting, and painful, and just as cruelly revelatory.
  • It is quite obviously too cruelly parodic to be real, and this should be Garry's first line of defence. Manchester City's Garry Cook – a man for football's crazy times | Marina Hyde
  • Brian grinned cruelly and ran at him with his sword thrust out like a jouster.
  • In Iraq every day even the best of intentions are cruelly put to test by the miseries and sorrows of war.
  • However, with the wind at his back, Bart Daly cruelly missed the forty-five and his side's last chance tailed to the right and wide.
  • Vegetarians' concern for animals and their refusal to treat animals cruelly does not mean that they regard animals as equals.
  • Her eyes, her cruelly turned eyebrow, and her wantonly parted lips evoked a whole range of feelings I'm still trying to fathom.
  • Drake grabbed a handful of his hair and twisted cruelly just as he finished tying off the rough bandage.
  • Natalya Bessmertnova is delicate as the long-suffering Phrygia, cruelly separated from her husband, ill-used by Crassus and mocked by Aegina, finding Spartacus again only to lose him in the final battle with the superior Roman forces.
  • She cruelly locked her stepson in an attic room, but her own son befriended him.
  • He was outclassed by an Aston Villa side that cruelly exposed his lack of pace.
  • Lady Mar crushed the registered wish in her hand; and though she was never able to decipher a word more of Bruce's numerous letters (many of which, could she have read them, contained complaints of that silence she had so cruelly occasioned), she took and destroyed them all. The Scottish Chiefs
  • My fingers slipped through his as though they'd never been separated, cruelly ripped apart by decency and weakness.
  • Claudio cruelly accused his wife-to-be of unmaidenly behaviour, leaving her fainting at the altar.
  • In the early pages of the Old Testament, Joseph was cruelly treated by his brothers, who sold him into slavery.
  • In company with these gentlemen, my cousin and I, preconcertedly paid uncle Rumgudgeon a visit on the afternoon of Sunday, October the tenth, -- just three weeks after the memorable decision which had so cruelly defeated our hopes. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 3
  • He's a Chilean hero, cruelly held here for more than a year, in squalor, against his will, while mentally weak and physically unfit.
  • He was severely reprimanded by the court, for aggravating his guilt by aspersing the character of a woman of remarkable virtue and piety, whom he had cruelly deprived of life.
  • Time cruelly accelerates and yesterday's icon is today's TV history.
  • At the same time the inadequacy of all the present radical groupings in the party was cruelly demonstrated.
  • But tonight ... tonight he cursed that cruelly traitorous strand, that hoary banderole of mortality that waved so thoughtlessly from an otherwise dark temple; that skinny, silver scroll upon which was written in letters bold enough for all of nature to read, an invitation to the burial mound. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • If a leaf of the paper, which I slowly, warily, stealingly turned, made but one faintest rustle, how did that _reveille_ boom in echoes through the vacant and haunted chambers of my poor aching heart, my God! and there was a cough in my throat which for a cruelly long time I would not cough, till it burst in horrid clamour from my lips, sending crinkles of cold through my inmost blood. The Purple Cloud
  • Sara: Is it a correct reading that according to the opinion, if the words “cruelly wounded or killed in a cruel manner,” were inserted, or if “wounded” and “killed” were both excised from the statute then it would be narrowly tailored and satisfy the first amendment? The Volokh Conspiracy » Wise Words About Prosecutorial Discretion and Speech Restrictions
  • And those mills grind remorselessly and cruelly at times.
  • Obviously here, we have a romantic, a cuddlesome creature, probably cruelly scorned, and our sympathy goes out to her.
  • When Tobin cruelly breaks her heart that very same night, the lonely girl peeking out from Sofia's shell retreats, and she becomes flippant and cocky once more. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Could he treat Esther so cruelly after her many years of devotion and loyalty?
  • The Icelander asks to be allowed to compose an epic poem in the old style about how cruelly he is being treated and about how great Iceland is.
  • An acquired taste has been created, which suffers under disappointment as cruelly as when the Greenlander is deprived of his whale-blubber, the Gascon of his garlic, and the East Indian of his curry.
  • She was now wholly confirmed that he had wronged her with Mr Delvile; she could not have two enemies so malignant without provocation, and he who so unfeelingly could dissolve a union at the very altar, could alone have the baseness to calumniate her so cruelly. Cecilia
  • I'm sad that such noble, amiable and inventive creatures could be treated so cruelly.
  • Welcome to the Dollhouse in 1995 when she was only eleven years old, playing a character who was cruelly teased by classmates and called "lesbo," among other things. - Because visibility matters
  • His literary criticism, often intemperate, was cruelly dismissive of his fellow Irish writers.
  • These housing projects are cruelly juxtaposed amid the sublime beauty that surrounds Nuuk.
  • Thus had these sinners left behind them, raised by their own hands, a monument telling of their sin; which sin had not even the redeeming quality of passionateness, but was slow and subtle and cruelly cold. The Aztec Treasure-House
  • Little Jesuit inquisitress as she was, she could see things in a true light, and understand them in an unperverted sense; but the idea that she had ventured to communicate information, thus gained, to others; that she had, perhaps, amused herself with a companion over documents, in my eyes most sacred, shocked me cruelly. Villette
  • a cruelly bitter winter
  • Mom bought me an endless array of clodhoppers she cruelly dubbed ‘orthopaedic’, making matters worse.
  • I'm a long-time fan of the show and am angry and upset watching him so cruelly targeted. The Sun
  • After beating incredible odds to prove himself a classroom genius, Steven has been cruelly snubbed by prospective employers.
  • Even very senior officers can beguiled into behaving unbecomingly, cruelly, and destructively while believing they are acting in the best tradition of the service.
  • It seems cruelly ironic that the sculptor, once ridiculed for the mirrors' construction, should not, until now, have received credit for their design.
  • She was exhausted and her bare feet were stinging cruelly, but to stop would have been fatal.
  • The painter cruelly depicts the ambitions of the middle class, now naked for all to see.
  • The second movement was simply gorgeous, especially in the cruelly demanding central section, which really caught wing.
  • I believe the gentlest spirits when provoked (causelessly and cruelly provoked) are the most determined. Clarissa Harlowe
  • He remembered a violent brannigan they'd had because he'd kidded her cruelly one night about her ‘rust-proof furniture’.
  • Kent slapped the cuffs on both of us, and then tugged cruelly on them, making them scrape against our skin.
  • The _yellow yite_, or yellow hammer, was held in just the opposite estimation, and although one of the prettiest of birds, their nests were remorselessly harried, and their young often cruelly killed. Folk Lore Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century
  • Is it a correct reading that according to the majority opinion, if the words “cruelly wounded or killed in a cruel manner,” were inserted, or if “wounded” and “killed” were both excised from the statute then it would be narrowly tailored and satisfy the first amendment? The Volokh Conspiracy » Big First Amendment win in United States v. Stevens
  • The worst horse in the race has been cruelly handicapped by its own jockey.
  • It's a huge disappointment that this isn't about lady rappers, as the name cruelly teases, but flight attendants, and their, yawn, glamorous lifestyles. Life and style |
  • At secondary school I was cruelly robbed of the goalkeeping position by failing to make an impact at the trials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many red-haired people have been cruelly teased about their hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chink of light which promised to herald something of a footballing renaissance in Carlow was cruelly extinguished by a surprisingly lively Laois in Dr. Cullen Park on Saturday.
  • By the summer of 1792 France was being invaded and Paris itself, a mere 200 kilometres from the north-eastern border, was cruelly exposed.
  • The misery memoir is limping out of the limelight like a cruelly neglected racehorse past its time. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the outset critics cruelly wrote him off as a doddery old bloke who lacked the drive and energy necessary to head a modern, dynamic political party.
  • None of them but Tess seemed to see the sorrow of the story; to a certainty not one knew how cruelly it touched the tender place in her experience.
  • How else to understand the otherwise cruelly inexplicable? Times, Sunday Times
  • Many red-haired people have been cruelly teased about their hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boy was cruelly flogged for stealing.
  • A few months ago, he was poised to quit the game after being ditched cruelly at the end of last season by Glasgow.
  • Neverthelesse, if but the least jot of that love do yet abide in you, whereof you have made such liberall profession to me; let me obtaine this my very last request, to wit, that seeing I might not privately enjoy the benefit of Guiscardoes love, and while he lived, let yet (in death) one publike grave containe both our bodies, that death may affoord us, what you so cruelly in life denied us. The Decameron
  • By that standard, artists have always been chained in serfdom, cruelly compelled to perform without any prior guarantee that people would like their work enough to pay for it. Matthew Yglesias » Intellectual Property is About Consumers
  • There is an all too-human tendency to rationalise our own behaviour, especially when we act irresponsibly or cruelly.
  • But certain it is that the enemy - authorities and 'scalawag' - friends, who now cruelly oppress the whites and elevate the negro over us - are hated as the ravaging armies never were, and a true union seems farther off than ever. Old times in Dixie land : a southern matron's memories,
  • A dream died last night, cruelly, abruptly and undeservedly. Times, Sunday Times
  • In reality, as the conflict in Bosnia cruelly showed, neutrality can become discreditable as well as counterproductive.
  • It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age. Margaret Mead 
  • He cruelly goes through a mock marriage ceremony with the innocent little contadina Tessa.
  • It was from the Countess Strathearn, written in the triumph of revenge, cruelly exulting in what she termed the demonstration of Wallace's guilt; congratulating herself on having been the primary means of discovering it, and boasting that his once adored The Scottish Chiefs
  • These poor dumb harmless animals are cruelly caught in a trap made of a short chain and wire rope and a three-foot bar driven into the ground.
  • The two-metre tall forward started last year with the captaincy but his season was cruelly cut short by a knee reconstruction after badly injuring the joint in a round two boilover against the Crusaders. | Top Stories
  • Nor do we rest any of the other dayes, but are appointed unto other places, where she cruelly executed her malice against me, being now (of her deare affectionate friend) ordained to be her endlesse enemy, and to pursue her in this manner for so many yeares, as she exercised moneths of cruelty, towards me. The Decameron

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