How To Use Crudeness In A Sentence
The crudeness and ribaldry were, of course, part of a deliberate marketing ploy, designed to tickle palates grown jaded by constant repasts of R - rated movies and cable shows.
So far, I'd say the energy isn't quite there (nor even the crudeness, not the right kind of crudeness anyway) but it's not too late for the book; it still may end strong.
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the whole town was famous for its crudeness
Here we have a somewhat cruder type, printed on hand-laid, deckel-edged paper, with excessive margins and uncut leaves, with bindings of a painstaking crudeness and elaborate ineptitude.
The theory of the leisure class; an economic study of institutions
While the script is moderately funny, it is laden with a crudeness that only fine actors can finesse.
Carole Mallory: Robert De Niro Is Fireproof

The outrage it provoked was based on the seeming crudeness of the content and the sexist nastiness of the boy protagonists.
The outrage it provoked was based on the seeming crudeness of the content and the sexist nastiness of the boy protagonists.
Jenny Lind's had incomparably more power and more at all times in reserve; but it had a shade of that same veiled quality in its lowest tones, consistently with the same (but much more) ripeness and sweetness, and perfect freedom from the crudeness often called clearness, as they rise.
Life of Hon. Phineas T. Barnum
The crudeness in construction may be attributed to the mason's unfamiliarity with the new material.
He was then probably in the revolt against too much literature in literature, which every one is destined sooner or later to share; there was a certain roughness, very like crudeness, which he indulged before his thought and phrase mellowed to one music in his later work.
Literary Friends and Acquaintance; a Personal Retrospect of American Authorship
But her rudeness shouldn't be taken as simple crudeness.
While not denying the crudeness of the image, Tea Party organizers stressed that those who carry the signs are a few "bad apples.
Obama as witch doctor: Racist or satirical?
Kurtzman's style only looks crude, much like I'd once dismissed Jack Kirby's work on the same basis, but I'd misapprehended strength for crudeness.
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This smacks of prejudice and the "crudeness" Zerner seems to spot in Antal more aptly designates his own approach.
Marx in Art
Even your humble correspondent succumbed to the spirit of anarchy, but the response my "crudeness" provoked gives me a few suggestions for investigators chasing leads on the recent spate of criminal harassment toward progressive elements.
Archive 2005-10-16
To walk across China, over roads acknowledgedly worse than are met with in any civilized country in the two hemispheres, and having accommodation unequalled for crudeness and insanitation, is not easy.
Across China on Foot
This result stems from the complexity of the actual payoff landscape and the relative crudeness of the cognitive representation.
Then there was the crudeness, the thuggishness, of the way the Kremlin operated at times.
The Return
If it had not something of crudeness and imitation, we should suspect the youth, and be disposed to examine him as the British turfmen have been examining the American colt Umpire, first favorite for the next Derby.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 29, March, 1860
Yes, cruelness, crudeness, & tastelessness can be a property of both humor and humorless jokes.
"There are no moral or immoral jokes. A joke is either funny or it is not. That is all."
Their crudeness was so hilariously over-the-top that it was nothing short of ridiculous.
There is a certain crudeness in its construction, an overuse of stone, far more than structurally necessary.
the crudeness of frontier dwellings depressed her
For Labour, one of the immediate attractions of petitions after its various experiments in online engagement was that their crudeness guaranteed their harmlessness.
Let's all join in not signing up to this idea of e-petitions | Catherine Bennett
She was more than a little stunned that this man, who had the virile charm to wind this nurse around his finger, had resorted to crudeness and anger.
Western Man
The tone is set by banter and laddishness, in which crudeness and vulgarity often tends to be a substitute for real wit rather than an organic component of it.
But you have to suspect that the explanation lies in the crudeness of the computer's judgment, not its sophistication.
This spectrum of ‘legitimized’ violence continues through the acts of the eco-terrorists and animal liberationists to widespread rudeness, crudeness and incivility.