
How To Use Crude In A Sentence

  • It was a simple rectangle of crudely mounded basalt rocks, a distinctive arrangement reminiscent of the way Samoans and other Polynesians marked their dead in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
  • At the head, they may have some explosives which are triggered by a crude fuze consisting of a bullet. Israeli TV airs call to father after children killed « Blog
  • There was a even an issue cover I think, or at least some page art we had commissioned, showing Krugman as a crude pitchman or something.
  • Everyone became equally loud, crude and garrulous, the technically sober behaving identically to the genuinely drunk.
  • On that day people give each other sugar skulls with a name label crudely pasted on the forehead.
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  • I think we have to distinguish those narratives which crudely manipulate fear or repulsion and disgust from that which Lovecraft correctly calls ‘the weird tale’.
  • It is the worst return since 2002 and follows a dramatic slide in global crude oil prices. The Sun
  • The employer - he really deserves to be named - was told in the crudest language possible where to stick the job.
  • Costs have been cut by changing the crude mix and switching the plant's boilers to burn gas rather than more expensive fuel oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • Various rather crude attempts are being made to whip up opposition to such options.
  • The handle was just a sharply carved crescent moon shape, crudely cut from a tarnishing piece of bronze.
  • The shirts that I am offended by are usually not the type that would be offensive to a nonhunter, but because of crude or sexual humor. Sharp-Dressed Man?
  • Crude surgery without anesthesia or asepsis has been replaced by modern painless surgery with its exquisite technical refinement. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Despite Cairn's mixed results, the Arctic waters off the coast of Greenland remain enticing for oil companies, where experts estimate that 4. 1bn barrels of untapped crude lies. Cairn Energy fails to find enough oil off the coast of Greenland
  • A key point to note is the price of Brent crude is not expected to rocket up any time soon. Times, Sunday Times
  • The characters are crude, profane gangsters who acknowledge only the class distinction of power.
  • An exceptionally creepy two-parter begins tonight with various crudely dismembered body parts of young women getting washed up in the Thames or chewed by urban foxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crude items of every day use that were the few meager processions of the poor have become the prestige consumption of the affluent.
  • And you have refining and delivery of that crude oil as what we call petrol or gasoline. Shai Agassi's bold plan for electric cars
  • The first thing I saw on the Marylebone platform was the crude picture in green chalk of a stolon of _Cynodon dactylon_. Greener Than You Think
  • Where is the description of the stable, crude and bare, with cattle lowing and the baby Jesus lying on a bed of hay?
  • In some quarters there has been some recrudescence of the _Shakti_ cultus, with its often obscene and horrible rites, and the unnatural depravity which was so marked a feature in the case of the band of young Brahmans who conspired to murder Mr. Jackson at Nasik represents a form of erotomania which is certainly much more common amongst Hindu political fanatics than amongst Hindus in general. Indian Unrest
  • The debt crisis in the eurozone is obviously a reason for many investors to critically question the price level of crude oil," said a report from Commerzbank. Falling crude oil prices could keep gasoline under $3
  • Sarcasm is usually pretty obvious and shouldn't need telegraphing in such a crude manner.
  • The benchmark price for a barrel of crude for delivery in December slipped below $20 as the slowdown in the world economy, coupled with the warm winter, has caused demand to fall.
  • OBJECTIVE To establish a method of the determination of the active constituent puerarin in Health Pill and Gegen crude drug and magnolol hi Health Pill and Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis.
  • The refiners who would be at the end of the pipeline do not re-export crude oil. Keystone Can Help the Gulf—and the Northeast
  • The original film, initially dismissed as crude animation based on the pulp comic strip, had gained considerable cred within the film world.
  • But motorists may wonder why the price of petrol leaps up so quickly when the crude oil it comes from was sold when the price was much lower.
  • -- Since calcium carbide is only useful as a means of preparing acetylene, it should be bought under a guarantee (1) that it contains less impurities than suffice to render the crude gas dangerous in respect of spontaneous inflammability, or objectionable in a manner to be explained later on, when consumed; and (2) that it is capable of evolving a fixed minimum quantity of acetylene when decomposed by water. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • There is a very thin line between crude sexuality and sensuality.
  • Crude clays are blunged, sieved and passed over rare earth magnets, then stored in constantly agitated farm tanks.
  • Mr. Wilson, standing butt naked and covered from head to toe in slime before a joint meeting of Congress, should apologise to the President and the American people for his crude and childish behavior. First on the Ticker: GOP heckler blasted by 2010 challenger
  • The bridge was a line of old barges that had been crudely tied together, the deck a mishmash of welded patches of dented rusting metal.
  • Domesticated grain contains less crude protein than its wild counterpart, and a higher percentage of carbohydrate.
  • That's not "deftness," it's crude corruption of the kind that Reid and the Democrats ran against in 2006 and 2008. GayPatriot
  • There's little indication of the available range of ethical theories, from crude emotivism to Platonic realism, from McDowellian objectivism to virtue theory.
  • Of all the eidetic images that remain from my childhood, frozen with crude representational accuracy, this is the most vivid.
  • We rigged up a simple and crude shelter for the children.
  • At the bottom of Rover's long-term failure is a hopelessly crude conception of what constitutes enterprise and business success.
  • Marcasite, when viewed in hand specimen, tends to form crudely banded masses or massive aggregates.
  • Acid hydrolysis of crude leaf mucilage extract in both Z. mauritiana and Z. rotundifolia revealed that the main sugar constituents were rhamnose, glucose, galactose, and arabinose.
  • They essentially amounted to a crude pre-emptive strike designed to forestall any leadership challenge and the natural targets were those with whom he has crossed swords in the past.
  • Crude oil and LNG imports were up by more than 18.4 per cent on the previous year. Times, Sunday Times
  • And where does the dividing line lie between racial bias and crude, alcoholic thuggery? Times, Sunday Times
  • When I see a group of immigrant boys playing a crude match of rounders in the streets of the village, I feel pride for the assimilating spirit of the sport.
  • Crude futures saw their last significant leg down in the wake of the Memorial Day holiday, when a postholiday decline followed a preholiday run-up in prices. Oil Falls $5.33 a Barrel,
  • There are pygmies all around the world and the only thing they have in common in less than average height (which is why anthropologists don't use the term pygmy any more, it implies they're a distinct subset of humanity when in fact they're a completely artificial grouping crudely defined by a single characteristic). Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • Even your humble correspondent succumbed to the spirit of anarchy, but the response my "crudeness" provoked gives me a few suggestions for investigators chasing leads on the recent spate of criminal harassment toward progressive elements. Archive 2005-10-16
  • No problem acknowledging also that among the many different traditions, practices and stories that have fused and sometimes not even touched and just hung around together in what we now call Hinduism, there is room, and maybe even some intellectual and spiritual value in some contexts, for what is still quite crudely called the "phallic" perspective. Vamsee Juluri: Lord Shiva And The Economist: A New Low For Journalism
  • Conservative MEPs have already decried the move as a crude attempt to sway public opinion towards a yes vote.
  • His crude master grudged him even the food he ate.
  • Today's crude oil prices reflect nothing more than a market bubble fed by speculation and unwarranted fear.
  • Tantum tunc temporis in miserrimos mortales potentiae et crudelis Tyrannidis Satan exercuit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • A crude meal, no doubt, but the best of all sauces is hunger. Edward Abbey 
  • The residue or "foots" produced during the refining of crude cotton-seed oil, known in the trade as "mucilage," may be converted into The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • To put it crudely, nobody really gives a toss about this any more.
  • This spectrum of ‘legitimized’ violence continues through the acts of the eco-terrorists and animal liberationists to widespread rudeness, crudeness and incivility.
  • Broad, rude, crude and offensive were just a few of the criticisms levelled at this scatological sitcom, but the show had the perfect response to such highbrow jibes: ratings.
  • It was music of a rather crude kind which unsophisticated audiences enjoyed listening to.
  • Ancient historical documents describe the use of crude containers, such as gourds, leaves, shells, animal skins, and even human skulls.
  • But behind the pearls and pillbox hats was a different Jackie - cattier, cruder, no less admiring of her husband but much more realistic and blunt about the political world they inhabited. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • These crude forms of tool use clearly must be regarded as a rudimentary form of culture. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • The building was like a fortress, a tall gray monument of dusty windows and old bricks, guarded by crude metal fences all around its perimeter.
  • Commodities –Gold rose slightly this morning, up $7 to $747, while crude continues to give way, slumping $1 to below $56/bbl –following Asian stock market slide this morning.
  • The rest was putting crude into Northern Europe and shipping clean out of the refineries. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • The pipe bombs, on early evidence, appeared to be fairly crude.
  • Curious, he went toward the light and after his eyes adjusted, saw a crude camp of sorts, with a small fire going, four bedrolls, and what appeared to be a cache of foodstuffs.
  • And in the dusty biscuit-making place of the potters, among the felspar mills in the furnace rooms of the metal workers, among the incandescent lakes of crude Eadhamite, the blue canvas clothing was on man, woman and child. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • Crude oil is the world's most important commodity.
  • New York's benchmark contract, light sweet crude for delivery in July, rose 29 cents to US $38.75 a barrel.
  • Furthermore, with regard to the Refining, Degumming and Dewaxing of Oil and Fat patent, our degumming system converts crude non-degummed vegetable oils into high quality degummed oils using only water and/or trace amounts of citric acid. Undefined
  • Miracle stories per se may be crude renderings of the seamless and spiritual way in which God truly responds to the world but, when properly spiritualized, they take on value.
  • Use the truth and hang them by their own petard (a petard was a crude explosive device that often blew up in the users hands) Crooks and Liars
  • He had hung crude crosses and other charms all around his home and regularly recited the Magnificat, and he fervently entreated the protection of the Lady every night.
  • Victorians sought to create respectable personal habits in societies where the vast majority of inhabitants can be described only as crude.
  • The vast pool is contained in the so-called carbonates, which are limestone rocks that contain crude, but which have so far resisted efforts at commercial production. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I condemn such crude manners.
  • But oil crossed into new territory in Singapore trade this afternoon, with TAPIS crude hitting $67.44 US a barrel.
  • With most artists of his stature, this would more than likely involve a clumsy catharsis resulting in a crude ego trip.
  • Carruth's anguish is part of a common but little talked about consequence of the summer of oil: People overcome by stress and worry, who are having a hard time navigating a world that seems so different from the one they knew before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, sending waves of crude and tar balls toward the coast. Gulf Oil Spill Well Is Dead, But Not Residents' Anguish
  • Consequently, he is advising investors to buy a basket of commodities such as copper, sugar, cotton, corn and crude oil.
  • Cracking crude oil based feedstocks such as naphtha or gas oil yields higher ratios of the ethylene co-products propylene, butylenes and butadiene plus the aromatic products benzene, toluene, xylenes along with other co-products.
  • Crude synaptosomes (P2 fraction) from mouse hippocampus or cortex were solubilized and subjected to immunoblottings with the indicated antibodies. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • In the Indian subcontinent and in SE Asia a crude, dark palm sugar called jaggery or gur is used.
  • Total crude steel output was expected to reach a record of 571 million tonnes by the end of this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • A crude property tax may have been fair enough once. Times, Sunday Times
  • By their willing participation in this drama, Anzac troops were transformed from crude colonials to Homeric heroes.
  • At the very beginning, the observatory was only a bungalow, with simple and crude instruments.
  • The Dudley are crude, ignorant, violent and much-loved by wrestling fans across the world.
  • Such an estimate, however crude it may be, is decidedly impressive.
  • Railway Minister Nitish Kumar said that the Indian Railways is planning to use a blend of five percent bio-diesel in the diesel derived from crude oil and gradually increase the share of bio-fuel to 20 percent as its supply increases.
  • To put it crudely, we're bigging up the casualties and inventing a single foe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Marshmallow, which grows in the primordial bogs and swamplands, was harvested and used to fashion these crude idols, which were then devoured to cure thigh ache.
  • Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.
  • Such a crude lie can surely be perceived by that genius of the animal kingdom, humans.
  • The reverse structure is a crude way of defamiliarising a very basic plot and has none of the formal invention and daring of, say, Tarantino's experiments in cause and effect.
  • The idea that the cowry was the giver of life and the parent of men was also transferred to crude stone imitations of the shell. The Evolution of the Dragon
  • In addition, it is believed they possess crude electronic devices capable of triggering incendiary bombs.
  • Their humor was either cruel or crude, and never self-deprecating, which is the true test - if you can't make fun of yourself, you sure as hell can't make fun of someone else. February 2004
  • The minimal, magisterial formal aesthetic of the latter though is clearly of another realm to Requiem's crude, lazy, sledgehammer style, and is infinitely more riveting and rewarding.
  • It was music of a rather crude kind which unsophisticated audiences enjoyed listening to.
  • I have, I believe, at last succeeded in arranging the proper proportions, and in substituting, for the worse than useless crude alum, the alum ustum or burnt alum, which is not affected by moisture Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • Of the energy consumed, 85.7 percent was in the form of electricity (24.36 million kiloliters of crude oil equivalent) and oil products (20.50 million kiloliters of crude oil equivalent).
  • Sasol Oil said on Thursday it had concluded a term arrangement for the supply of one million tons of Kuwait crude oil. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In the crude form kaolin has limited uses, however beneficiated kaolin is widely used in the paper industry, in ceramics and in paint.
  • The area boasts the site of the 11 th-century Battle of Cruden, which saw King Malcolm defend Scotland from Viking invaders.
  • Amara found this imprisonment rather crude and barbaric.
  • They allow students to assess their own progress, and parents to make a crude comparison between schools.
  • It was music of a rather crude kind which unsophisticated audiences enjoyed listening to.
  • Jay-Z's use of the word "bitches" to describe women is crude, but so is his use of the n-word to describe the people of his own race. The Full Feed from
  • For younger singers it has been hard to spurn his crude advances, as their careers could have been adversely affected had they rebuffed him. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the past, it has always seemed crude and incomprehensible and horribly unfunny, but one or other of us must have improved. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iran and Venezuela, which traditionally push for higher prices, have a slimmer margin of profit than some others because their oil is heavier and more sulfurous, meaning it sells for less than benchmark crude. Market News
  • Tapping on their own creative juices, native craftsmen began producing crude versions of the foreign instruments, eventually creating the vihuela, a small guitar akin to the laud, and a huge bass guitar known as the guitarrón, both of which remain as distinctive elements of modern day mariachi troupes. Viva Mexico! Viva El Mariachi!
  • And as the old hunting instincts had aroused that day in the wolf-dog, so in him recrudesced all the old hot desire of gold-hunting. Chapter XXVII
  • It was a knife home-wrought and crudely fashioned from a whip-saw file; a knife such as one may find possessed by old men in a hundred Alaskan villages. THE DEATH OF LIGOUN
  • Though the census methods were crude by modern standards, the institution of decennial censuses offered a systematic basis for estimates and one which Rickman helped to refine and improve.
  • Crudely expressed, corruption was of the political essence and was the practical counterpoint to the constitutional theory of balance.
  • On subsequent distillation crude acetone passes over, and may be purified by conversion into the bisulphite compound. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • But it does play on social mores and our embarrassment about natural bodily functions, albeit in a crude way.
  • If a revealed preference ranking constructed using our procedure were used in place of manipulable indicators like the crude admissions rate and crude matriculation rate, much of the pressure on colleges to manipulate admissions would be relieved. Tournament Ranking of Colleges, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They were covered head to toe in crude oil from a massive slick that had formed over the site of the sinking.
  • BP has repeatedly promised to pay all "legitimate claims" for loss and damage as a result of the Gulf oil spill, now vying for the title fourth biggest oil spill in history at 2.3 million barrels of crude over the past two months. Libertarian Blog Place
  • Oil majors were still in demand as the price of Brent crude hit a four-month high. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ring dimensions were measured with dial calipers and results expressed as % equivalents to an 8-point standard curve of crude quebracho tannin.
  • However, more expensive soaps are made by saponifying the crude oil and distilling the resulting fatty acids before adding the lye. 8 Industrial Products
  • Oil prices rose by more than $1 a barrel after government data showed shrinking supplies of crude, gasoline and heating oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a sedimentary rock that contains a solid compound called kerogen, which can be refined into a synthetic crude oil. Feminist blogs
  • This is the virus in very crude simple diagrammatic form.
  • By not taking on this issue head-on to explain why this intervention has nothing to do with the colonial past or the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, neither of which asked for military intervention as Libyans have, Obama allowed Gaddafi's crude anti-imperialist and anti-crusader propaganda to stand. Joe Lauria: "Time and Space" for Libyan Rebels
  • The work is a violent political satire, largely couched in crude physiological terms, many of them scatological.
  • On the easel was a wild abstract in crude bright colours, bearing no visible relation at all to the scene in the harbour before them; it was unexpected, compared to the neat, anaemic little water-colours that nineteen out of twenty Trewissick harbour-painters produced. Greenwitch
  • All of them are virtually black, and their tall, narrow, hefty bodies make them look like crude cannons, pointing in every direction as if fearing attack from all sides.
  • Worries about Greek's debt crisis have roiled the oil market for months because of fears that it could rend apart the euro zone, thus damaging the broader global economy, curbing demand for crude oil and squelching investors' appetite for such risky assets as commodities. Crude Rises on Greek Plan
  • I understand that on the inner sides of certain pyramid stones have been found crude inscriptions left by the citizens or their corvées.
  • The sediment matrix of the specimen consists of crudely bedded very fine sandstone with Ophiomorpha burrows.
  • The thought of presenting her naked behind to him so crudely filled her with a wild abandon.
  • It was thirty pages long, column after column of kanji characters arranged vertically on the pages, with never a strikeover or erasure, now and then a crude stick-figure drawing with arrows or dotted lines signifying this or that mysterious pathology. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • Accounting for 60% of the world's total output of crude steel, the Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS) process is the dominant steelmaking technology.
  • Daily demand for crude will increase this year by almost 2 million barrels to 80.6 million, reports the International Energy Agency.
  • The often bestial conditions in the trenches of the First World War were thought to have permitted the manufacture of only the crudest items.
  • The boy is crude enough to stick his tongue to his own sister.
  • The crude faceless void left by the erasure of his portrait on the Berlin tondo, for example, shows signs of having been smeared with excrement.66 Caesars’ Wives
  • The available statistical evidence bears out this crude relationship between years of education and earnings.
  • The crude wooden peg had been used as a makeshift trigger to set off the deadly device. The Sun
  • Crude materialism is the hardcore – some would say dogmatic – version of materialism. Mindful things « Anglican Samizdat
  • And where does the dividing line lie between racial bias and crude, alcoholic thuggery? Times, Sunday Times
  • They're gravitating to a large noisy mechanical crudely-lit fairground.
  • But there in lay their weaknesses also. Banks soon started to favour business that was profitable (ie, risky) but which, under Basel 1's crude definitions, escaped the appropriate capital charges.
  • Explicit language makes a lot of us squirm because it's chock full of taboos: It's crude, it's naughty, it's raunchy, its real.
  • They were also too crude to cope with the complexity of contemporary life in Britain.
  • Earlier I rejected a crude relativism and suggested that we need to accept that there is a difference between what we take to be true and what is true.
  • Crude prices vaulted above $ 96 per barrel in overnight trading.
  • A strategic plan for secure and sustained energy would have many elements — shifting imports to more stable, friendlier countries, exploiting more domestic resources, pursuing alternative energy sources, and rapidly promoting the use of breakthrough technologies such as the thermal depolymerization process (that can extract crude oil from refuse ranging from old tires to agricultural waste) — but it will require leadership to set goals and coordinate action. Gasoline Hysteria, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In fact, petroleum distillate refers to a type of hydrocarbon which results from the processing of crude oil, and may be aliphatic or aromatic. Hydrocarbon Ingestion
  • Freund and Mai have also observed that when copper acetylide which has been dried in contact with air for four or five hours at a temperature of 50° or 60° C. is allowed to explode in the presence of a current of acetylene, an explosion accompanied by light takes place; but it is always local and is not communicated to the gas, whether the latter is crude or pure. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • After crude conversions, little remained of the building's original interior, except for some door architraves, cornices and a graceful staircase, brutally divided from the main space by a fireproof partition.
  • OPEC has agreed to freeze its global oil production slightly in order to firm up crude prices.
  • The crude wax is yellow or dirty green, brittle and very hard. E For Additives
  • This precursor to the modern-day equipment that revivifies countless victims in TV medical dramas was a crude invention, used by the unscrupulous for cheap public entertainment.
  • Gently, he runs the tip of a finger down my crudely set nose. CHAMELEON
  • This suggests that it is sensible to explore aspects of subjective risk in the controlled environment of even this relatively crude simulator.
  • The branched-chain (isomer) paraffins are usually found in heavier fractions of crude oil and have higher octane numbers than normal paraffins. Hydrocarbon chemistry
  • Vestrae salutis gratia, postquam praelio necavero Râvanam cum filiis nepotibusque, cum amicis, ministris, cognatis sociisque, crudelem istum aegre cohibendum, qui divinis Sapientibus terrorem meutit, per decem millia annorum decies centenis additis, commorabor in mortalium sedibus, orbem terrarum imperio regens. Ramayana. English
  • Ethene is a colorless gas that can be collected from natural gas and crude oil.
  • Many people are puzzled by us, and their anxious befuddlement translates into crude stereotyping or, unconsciously perhaps, a refusal to see us at all. Where are all the lesbians?
  • The plan contained no provisions for the long-term clean-up that would have been necessary if the tanker had been carrying heavier crude.
  • Commodity and energy companies led the gains in London as copper and crude oil prices pared back earlier losses. Times, Sunday Times
  • HOUSTON — The chief executive of the Saudi Arabian Oil Co., the world's largest crude producer, warned that enthusiasm for alternative energy could engender "green bubbles" as the new technologies "overpromise but then underdeliver. Oil Chief Warns of 'Green Bubbles'
  • Enzyme activity was determined by the transferase assay in crude leaf extracts.
  • The bow (like the funambulist with the soles of his slippers fresh chalked) kept glancing on and off, till we hoped he would be off altogether and break his neck; and now the least harsh and grating of the cords snaps up in the fiddler's face, and a crude one is to be applied; and now -- but what is the use of pursuing the description? Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • They also classify species according to abundance (based on crude estimates of population density and suitable habitat).
  • To forfeit liberties because of the lone act of a lunatic is an especially crude response to a simple, if immense, crime. Balkinization
  • Instead, they move from set-piece to set-piece, seldom bringing anything but the most crude of psychological baggage along with them.
  • The answer is obvious: instead of crudely mimeographed newsletters, the cranks had access to talk radio and the internet, both of which expanded their audience to the point that the mainstream press felt it had to pay attention.
  • Spencer delights in mining the crudest elements of sex and bodily functions for toe-curling but breathtaking entertainment. This week's new comedy
  • To test this hypothesis, I added DNase to the crude extract in which we monitored ATP - and ubiquitin-dependent degradation of BSA, that was used as one of our model substrates. Aaron Ciechanover - Autobiography
  • The man burst into a quick spasm of crude laughter and then quickly fell silent.
  • Deploying his amazing deductive powers on crude earlier representations he elicited a likeness which the Emperor sharply recognised.
  • In sterling terms, the cost of a barrel of crude oil has more than doubled since January. Times, Sunday Times
  • To put it crudely, modern artists use past artworks freely for whatever they want.
  • | Reply | Permalink communitychest telegraph libyanfightinggroup takeoffrocket oldtimer behindhand strung unmechanized bostonterrier verticalsurface questafter salverform genusuca activist quaestor ethmoid dipsomaniac highjinks mask crudeoil dashdown archipelago keneltonkesey genussynanceja afghan asarumshuttleworthii run-resistant genustrollius gutless psychiatrist Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
  • Her cloths weren't new, they were old and worn in and had holes in the knees and elbows and the toes of her sneakers were taped crudely.
  • Despite the controversy over back taxes or the increased royalty rate on syncrude projects (see above), existing Orinoco operators are also showing interest in expanding their projects in the area. Energy profile of Venezuela
  • These political movements recrudesce from time to time
  • Video demonstrating F-500's ability to emulsify and solubilize Louisiana crude oil and disperse it in to the water column, allowing for rapid, natural bioremediation. - Photown News
  • It is a crude attempt to deflect pressure from his own team's failings. The Sun
  • Brent North Sea crude for October rose 4c to finish at $US43.03.
  • Where some have found it crude, others have praised its humorous and unsentimental look at love. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oil majors need not fear being unable to sell their crude.
  • Its principal exports would be crude oil and natural gas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here many of his latter-day adherents do him a disservice, using unsubtle approximations of his logic to produce crude statements about power and language.
  • Just over a decade later, Thatcher's crude rightwing dogmatism had given way to a kind of all-pervasive centre-right wishful thinking. Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class by Owen Jones – review
  • The diamond-bearing lamprophyre breccia is coincident with a crudely circular magnetic low as defined by an airborne magnetic survey. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Shakspere never hesitated to take crude ore and rough ashler from any quarry of thought; and out of the dull, leaden material of others, produced characters in living form to walk the stage of life forever, teaching the lesson of virtue triumphant over vice. Shakspere, Personal Recollections
  • The last major incident in the North Sea was in 1993, when the MV Braer carrying 85,000 metric tons of crude oil ran aground in a storm in the Shetland Islands. Shell: 54,600 gallons of oil spilled in North Sea
  • So long as the tricycle was a crude and clumsy machine, there was no chance of cycling becoming a part, as it almost is and certainly soon will be, of our national life. Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884
  • The whole community has access to acupuncture, herbal medicine and homeopathy, even if on a crude level.
  • Unlike scribes, persons who were involved in printing were crude and untutored - frequently German interlopers taking work from Italian scribes.

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