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How To Use Crucifer In A Sentence

  • #2 Cruciferous vegetables -- radish, broccoli, cauliflower, rutabaga, cabbage, turnips, turnip greens, contain indole - 3-carbinol, which lowers women's levels of a type of estrogen that may promote breast cancer. (16-hydroxy - estradiol and 16-hydroxy-estrone). Red meat raises risk of breast cancer in adolescence, but is not a risk in post-menopausal women, st
  • Broccoli and other so-called cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts have been known to lower the risk of cancer in general, perhaps through compounds called isothiocyanates. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • THYSANOTUS ELATIOR was again found here; and a shrubby CRUCIFEROUS plant, quite woody at the base, with very narrow linear setaceous pinnatifid leaves, [***] and linear curved torulose silicules. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Our Acolytes range in age from 7 to 70 and serve as crucifers, torch-bearers, thurifers, vergers and other roles to help make our worship experience complete.
  • Vegetables from Cruciferae family like Cabbage, Broccoli, Turnip etc also contain goitrogens. GOITROGENS & ENDEMIC GOITER
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  • Acolytes are asked to serve one Sunday a month as torch bearers, crucifers, book holders, thurifers and servers.
  • Both plants belong to the crucifer family which also includes turnip, cabbage, and mustard.
  • According to new research findings published this month in the journal Cell, these healthy vegetables - known as cruciferous vegetables - can bolster the immune system. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Remarks: Many Kenyan species of the family Cruciferae Chapter 7
  • Studies show cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts have anti-cancer properties, especially when minimally cooked.
  • In contrast to the extensive study of species with persistent endosperm, little is known about the global gene expression pattern in the endosperm of exalbuminous seed species such as crucifer oilseeds. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Wherever anbury appears, whether on Cabbages or Turnips or any other cruciferous plant, there should be worked out a complete change in the order of cropping, taking care not to put any brassicaceous plants on the plots where the disease has occurred for two or three seasons, and allowing at least one whole year to pass without growing any of the cruciferous order upon them. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Rapeseed and mustardseed are both obtained from species of Brassica in the family of the Cruciferae which includes some 160 species, mainly annual and biannual herbs. 1. Oil Plants and their Potential Use
  • Br.ssica carinata A.Br. Cruciferae (Br.ssicaceae) syn: B. integrifolia (Wes.) Chapter 7
  • â¢Indole 3 carbinol -- A nutritional compound found in cruciferous vegetables broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, eggplant that helps hormone regulation. Marcia G. Yerman: A New Look At The Older Vagina
  • In the following, we shall present a solution to this problem and apply it to the divergence between the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and its relatives among the crucifers.
  • Eating curly kale and other cruciferous vegetables regularly has been shown to lower the risk of developing life-threatening diseases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, bok choy and cauliflower. Times, Sunday Times
  • Initial seaweedy flavour gives way to chalky cruciferous bitterness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Annual herb (Capsella bursa-pastoris) of the family Cruciferae (mustard family), indigenous to Europe but now a nearly cosmopolitan weed in temperate regions.
  • I’ll take on that chap. For it was in the back of their mind’s ear, temptive lissomer, how they would be spreading in quadriliberal their azurespotted fine attractable nets, their nansen nets, from Matt Senior to the thurrible mystagogue after him and from thence to the neighbour and that way to the puisny donkeyman and his crucifer’s cauda. Finnegans Wake
  • A Crucifera, a rhubarby sorrel, a Goodyera, and one or two grasses, were the only additional novelties met with. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The procession is led by the crucifer, lucifers and thurifer followed by the priest bearing the Blessed Sacrament.
  • The diamond back moth, Plutella xylostella is much cause for concern as a pest of crucifers, that is plants such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and canola.
  • The benefit would likely be the same in other cruciferous vegetables that contain a compound called isothiocyanate, including brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, rocket or arugula, watercress and horseradish, they added. Progressive Bloggers
  • Black Rot is a devastating fungal disease which infects many vegetable species, especially crucifers.
  • Acolytes serve at the altar as sub deacons and servers, crucifers, thurifers, torchbearers and lectors.
  • Take cauliflower, which for years was overshadowed by more fashionable cruciferous vegetables such as purple sprouting broccoli and kale. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Cruciferae are any of a family of plants including cabbage, broccoli, turnip, and mustard.
  • On the world scene, diamondback moth is ranked as the major insect pest of a large number of commercially grown cruciferous plants, including canola.
  • Rutgers researchers found that the curry spice turmeric (curcumin) holds real potential for both the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer, particularly when combined with phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), a naturally occurring substance particularly abundant in cruciferous vegetables including watercress, cabbage, winter cress, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi and turnips. January 15th, 2006
  • Jay Lake: Baby Cabbage, also regionally referred to as The Leaf, Squallroot or Mother's Little Helper, Cruciferae Brassica homogenesis What did we do today, brain?
  • Rutgers researchers found that the curry spice turmeric (curcumin) holds real potential for both the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer, particularly when combined with phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), a naturally occurring substance particularly abundant in cruciferous vegetables including watercress, cabbage, winter cress, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi and turnips. January 15th, 2006
  • Horseradish is perennial root herb belonging to Cruciferae and Armoracia. The main components are glucosinolate and its hydrolysis products, which have the function of anticancer, antibacterium, etc.
  • Yasukuni Specialty Banlangen: Banlangen alias indigo root, indigo root, for the cruciferous biennial herbs.
  • The study reported, "Benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC), a compound found in cruciferous vegetables, has been reported to have anticancer properties, but the mechanism whereby it inhibits growth of human pancreatic cancer cells is incompletely understood. Which cruciferious vegetables help prevent cancer, according to latest studies?
  • THYSANOTUS ELATIOR was again found here; and a shrubby CRUCIFEROUS plant, quite woody at the base, with very narrow linear setaceous pinnatifid leaves,173 and linear curved torulose silicules. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • We are studying properties of spontaneous mutation affecting quantitative traits of the annual crucifer, Arabidopsis thaliana.
  • The cruciferous veggies usually found in the stewpot are a concentrated source of good health as well. Neil Zevnik: Forget The Gold -- Go For The Greens!
  • If you were to add only one thing to your diet, consider cruciferous vegetables. Times, Sunday Times
  • Black Rot is a devastating fungal disease which infects many vegetable species, especially crucifers.
  • Coriandrum sativum cowpea (asparagus bean, black-eyed pea, yard-long bean), Vigna unguiculata cucumber, Cucumis sativus cucurbits, Cucurbitaceae family cumin, Cuminum cyminum crucifers, Cruciferae family date palm. 14. Saving seeds for planting
  • To rebalance, eat cruciferous veg — broccoli, spinach, kale — and citrus fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Cruciferae are any of a family of plants including cabbage, broccoli, turnip, and mustard.
  • The local source can be divided into two categories: species that are characteristic of lowland rain forest, such as Dipterocarpaceae, Bombacaceae, and the genus Ficus (figs), and those that have a large global latitudinal distribution such as pines, Cruciferae (e.g., mustard), Theaceae (e.g., tea), and tree ferns. Sumatran montane rain forests
  • Isothiocyanates are also found in cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and wasabi, the Japanese condiment.
  • • The crucifer family Cruciferae, which gets its name from the tiny cross you can see if you look at a recently sprouted seed. Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy
  • cruciferous" variety includes kale, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • Among plants, the small crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana has an increasingly important role as a developmental model for flowering plants, especially in relation to the genetic basis of plant development.
  • •Indole 3 carbinol -- A nutritional compound found in cruciferous vegetables broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, eggplant that helps hormone regulation. Marcia G. Yerman: A New Look At The Older Vagina
  • Pringlea antiscorbutica R. Br, the sole endemic cruciferous species of subantarctic regions, is a useful model of tolerance to low temperature.
  • Annual herb (Capsella bursa-pastoris) of the family Cruciferae (mustard family), indigenous to Europe but now a nearly cosmopolitan weed in temperate regions.
  • What interests me about honey and mustard is the marriage of something sweet with such an aggressively cruciferous flavour. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is very important, because in the United States fully half the fruit and vegetables consumed are relatively poor in protective impact (potatoes, iceberg lettuce, canned tomatoes), while the per capita consumption of plants rich in anticancer molecules -- such as cruciferous vegetables -- is barely 1 %. Which Fruits and Vegetables are Most Effective Against Cancer?
  • Related to kale, which cruciferous vegetable derives its name from the word colewort? Times, Sunday Times
  • The text is devoted to roots and tubers, reflecting the importance which still exists in some Andean regions of the numerous members of the Cannaceae, Leguminosae, Cruciferae, Solanaceae, Basellaceae and other families which have edible roots or tubers. 1. Lost crops of the incas.
  • But brain power can be boosted by antioxidants in cruciferous vegetables. The Sun
  • Scientists look at cruciferous vegetables to see which chemopreventive agents block cancer development. Which cruciferious vegetables help prevent cancer, according to latest studies?
  • The thurifer processes directly in front of the crucifer and behind the verger, if the verger is processing.
  • And at the sound of the sacring bell, headed by a crucifer with acolytes, thurifers, boatbearers, readers, ostiarii, deacons and subdeacons, the blessed company drew nigh of mitred abbots and priors and guardians and monks and friars: the monks of Benedict of Ulysses
  • If you find yourself devoid of both deodorants and cruciferous vegetables, baking soda and cornstarch can work in a pinch to kill bacteria and absorb perspiration.
  • Next, fill your plate with cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and kale.
  • This may be due partly to the minor crop status of both crops in this region, but other Cruciferae, such as canola (Brassica napus L. or Brassica campestris L.), are also candidates for this type of strip intercrop system with sunflower. 1. Green manure crops in irrigated and rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems in south Asia.
  • It's part of the same cruciferous family, is just as nutritious - but is a lot cheaper. The Sun
  • DNA sequence variations of chalcone synthase and Apetala3 gene promoters from 22 cruciferous plant species were analyzed to identify putative conserved regulatory elements.
  • With the Compositae, swarms of small Cruciferae occur; that with purple flowers and pinnatisect leaves being the most common. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • A cousin of broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale - all members of the cruciferous vegetable family - mustard greens are usually served as a side dish, similar to spinach, and they can be steamed, sautéed or simmered.
  • Broccoli, along with cauliflower and cabbage, belongs to the family of plants known as cruciferous vegetables, which are rich with antioxidants.
  • This unique endemic cruciferous species from the subantarctic zone is subjected to strong environmental constraints and shows high polyamine contents.
  • The reduction did not occur with potatoes and legumes, and was highest with cruciferous vegetables, citrus fruits and leafy green vegetables.
  • Honey derived from cruciferous plants, such as rape, ladies 'smock, and the wallflower, crystallizes quickly, often, indeed, within the comb before it is removed from the hive; whilst Honey from labiate plants, and from fruit trees in general, remains unchanged for several months after being extracted from the comb. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • In fact, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, greens, and others belong to a group called cruciferous vegetables, all of which are considered to have cancer-preventing ingredients. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Related to kale, which cruciferous vegetable derives its name from the word colewort? Times, Sunday Times
  • THYSANOTUS ELATIOR was again found here; and a shrubby CRUCIFEROUS plant, quite woody at the base, with very narrow linear setaceous pinnatifid leaves,173 and linear curved torulose silicules. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Some diseases only affect certain crop families, for example tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) only occurs in solanaceous crops (tomato, pepper, eggplant, potato, tomatillo), and the fungus causing clubroot only on crucifers 5. How plants live and grow
  • There are two very fine black tunicles that are used by the clerk and crucifer on All Souls Day.

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