How To Use Crook In A Sentence
A lot of them were marked, or born wrong, or crooked, or scabious, looking for help from the Nazarene, for some panacea.
He was a cheap crook and what used to be called a chiseler.
Hard Road
He has liver disease now; but his sickness is a judgment of God, and he will die crooked.
Suggest he is a liar and a crook.
Times, Sunday Times
MONTGOMERY: A group of crooks in Montgomery stole a forklift, used it to steal an ATM from a bank, and a surveillance camera caught the whole thing!
News for

Presently I saw a man leaning on a two-strand barbed-wire fence, the wires fixed not to posts but to crooked tree limbs stuck in the ground.
If the cylinder does not line up with the bore vertically, you are plumb out of luck since the base pin frame holes could be drilled crooked or the frame warped from heat treatment or stress.
Her green jacket was loosely draped in the crook of her elbow, and her jeans were clean, as if they had been purchased recently.
We want our border patrol agents chasing crooks and thieves and terrorists not good-hearted people coming here to work.
crooked malposed teeth
Indeed, most of the old crooks have been allowed to contest the election.
There will be no more duplicity, crookedness, and desire for name, fame, and prestige.
Crookes, a toy called the spinthariscope, on which radium particles impinge upon sulphide of zinc and make it luminous, induced him to associate the two sets of phenomena.
The World Set Free
Just as the crooked mass of shiny-leafed buttonbush, and even the swamp dwelling mayapple - its umbrella-like leaves shading sweet yellow fruit - need fire's fertilizing hand, so too does the wildlife.
You basically take a pinch, put it in the crook of your finger and then close the other nostril and have a snort.
Times, Sunday Times
He had a stern, squarish jaw, and a rather crooked nose.
So how 'bout simply saying a muted but sincere 'Thank you, God' for an honest and smart president who's trying to move ahead by untangling the 'fubar' mess left by the crooks, dummies and wackos who ruled Washington for eight long years.
Giles Slade: Obama Without Glamour
Reaper stood calmly with the base of his scythe planted on the ground, looking like a shepherd with his crook.
A narrow mountain path crooks through the forest.
Le larron does not seem to be used in conversational French (my daughter taught me the word after she learned it in her French class while reading a classic text) ... so here are some useful synonyms: un escroc (swindler, con man, crook) un malfaiteur (burglar) un voleur (thief)
French Word-A-Day:
It's closely followed by ‘cosmetic recontouring’, which straightens crooked teeth with a few additions and subtractions.
Suddenly they stop, statue-still, their knees crooked around one another, like fingers pulling on a wishbone.
They were ‘just small-time crooks who thought they were a lot bigger than they were’, according to Richardson.
He opened his mouth - which was curved up with a slightly crooked grin - to speak, but thankfully the elevator tinged and the doors hissed open.
Two seemingly harmless and careless shoeblacks turn out to be gloomy crooks with a dirty plan to rob a bank courier.
In many of the worlds' bigger airports, the homeless and the dispossessed and the plain crooked are increasingly congregating, realising the scope they provide for buckshee food, drink, beds and bathroom facilities.
Police said crooks blocked the slot of cash machines, then noted the pin number by looking over the customer's shoulder.
The witch took the stick, waved it at the girl and said: "then this is your fortune; _through the woods and through the woods and out with a crooked stick_.
Woodland Tales
I bet he crooks his little finger when he drinks a cup of tea '.
The Times Literary Supplement
The cop is left languishing in prison while the crook makes the most of his new life as an upstanding family man.
The Sun
At least one other critic (Barbara Crook in Ottawa) agreed with me that the penultimate scene wasn't the heartbreaker it should have been in this production.
Although Crook had a tough time in his teens, he insists it did not traumatise him.
The sign was crooked and the word orphanage misspelled in faded red paint.
A real crook, but a fascinating article.
Omi crooked a finger for the waitress who offered the bill with subtle deference, and Omi paid it with subtle superiority.
The stethoscope that comes with some models is used to listen to the sounds your blood makes as it flows through the brachial artery in the crook of your elbow.
They admired the varied vistas of the narrow, crooked streets, and noticed how convenient it was to have shops and residences and even small factories mixed up together.
The crooks prised out the kitchen window and ransacked the house.
The Sun
If you lead along a straight way, who will dare go by a crooked one?
Times, Sunday Times
According to the campaigners, the scant resources mean crooks can continue unchecked.
Times, Sunday Times
It's so durned crooked they hav to burn crooked wood in the ingine.
Uncle Josh Weathersby's "Punkin Centre Stories"
This evoked from Augustine the sad observation that there are crooks in every profession.
Her crooked fingers drag across the skin stiff as twigs.
He moved on down a thin, crooked scar in the cliffs, hearing the aircraft noise louden once more.
The crozier is an ornate staff resembling a shepherd’s crook, which is held by bishops to symbolize their role as shepherds of Christ’s flock.
A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art
The people who perpetrated that buy-back scheme are despicable, deceitful, dishonest, and crooked.
Young as she was, I was struck, throughout our little tour, with her confidence and courage with the way, in empty chambers and dull corridors, on crooked staircases that made me pause and even on the summit of an old machicolated square tower that made me dizzy, her morning music, her disposition to tell me so many more things than she asked, rang out and led me on.
The Turn of the Screw
TWO dopey crooks were snared after trying to launder PINK bank notes at betting shops.
The Sun
Whole families went about with crooked legs or twisted shoulders.
The Search for Justice - a history of Britain and the British people Volume III
He nuzzled his nose against the crook of my neck before abruptly letting me go.
That makes them easy prey for insurance crooks who promise to recoup more than a policy is worth - for a fee - then disappear.
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Sunday, Update on pics
The metal slips a little, but locks in the double knot at crooks he's bent with the pliers.
Crooked fingers of lightning nearly lit the sky afire, and the thunder crackled like shots from a cannon.
He moved unpredictably like lightning, zigzagging towards Kitsumi in a crookedly random path.
The scuttlebutt I hear is that a lot of the leading Illinois Democrats (i.e. the crooked Blue Dog ones who are all going to end up indicted anyway as long as Pat Fitzgerald doesn't run out of time) want Hillary and the only reason Obama has as strong a base as he does in his home state is because of Penny Pritzker's bullheadedness in getting him networked and funded.
Reid Allowed Vote On Mukasey In Exchange For Military Funding Bill
The ex-husband, on the other hand, is one of those cardboard cutout con artist crooks whose rather simple death is more decent than he deserves.
We are going to see pretty things," said the hostess; "that tall crookback is the Vidame d'Orrain himself, and 'twas just the same way last year that he took poor Monsieur de Mailly.
Orrain A Romance
In Britain, teams of crooks and engineers design camouflaged electronic devices and fit them to cash machines.
Times, Sunday Times
As for the Fakahatchee, it has ten species of orchids that exist nowhere else in the United States: the crooked-spur, the false water spider, the rattail, to name a few.
Pam Grout: Sarah Palin, Jane Fonda and Those Suffering From Orchidelirium Were Here
Laughing, Eryalith grabbed the crook of Ariane's elbow.
I was going to say unbelievable but no it is all too believable with the whole crooked European Empire.
But one of the crooks then swipes all the gold for himself.
The Sun
The crooked network, centered in New York City, Chicago and Atlanta, reportedly used several grifts.
She fitted naturally and comfortably into the crook of my arm like the missing piece of a puzzle.
Times, Sunday Times
The shepherd's crook is not for beating the sheep, but for catching hold of them if they go into danger where the shepherd's arm can't reach them.
He cannot ram a bill through by hook or by crook if he is to respect the genuine anxiety about the reform.
Times, Sunday Times
A fundraising bazaar in aid of cancer research will be held in Crookstown Hall on Saturday, October 5, starting at 2 pm.
If all pols are sleazoid crooks, then why would people want to give them more governmental power to order our lives?
Americans Vote for Maturity
YOU'D expect the immigration surge to cause a rise in crime by foreign crooks.
The Sun
The woman held her palms up and smiled and the man had his arms out to her, his hands like hooks, and protruding point-outward from his breastbone was a crooked knife blade with a wetness on it.
More Than Human
Andrew MuellerOnce upon a time, there was an amazing Channel 4 show called Lost no, not that one, in which teams were dumped, blindfolded, in exotic places and obliged to make their way back to London by hook, crook or improvised coracle.
TV highlights 21/07/2011: Torchwood: Miracle Day | The Killing | John Oliver's New York | BBC Proms 2011: Mark Elder Conducts The Hallé | Art Of Survival | Shameless US
And why should we live in boring, utilitarian spaces when we could live in grottoes and crooked caverns?
If this crook is the top for the GOP then that alone would let you know what type of people the GOP's are.
Ethics complaints still dog Palin
His father had also been a small-time crook too, and had been stripped of his war medals.
Times, Sunday Times
Crooks are preying on people using public access terminals for Internet banking.
Of these, Arthur Crook is May's personal favorite (the book is dedicated to him), the editor he wrote for and for a short time worked under.
Woman, he declares, is the "crooked piece of man," and man has no greater misfortune than that he must commune with her to reproduce: it is "the foolishest act a wise man commits in all his life.
Was It Something I Said?
The average break-in crook will be scared away, as for true killers/dope heads that's another story.
I heard that if you load hollow point bullets in your home defense weapon, and if you shoot and kill an intruder, that you can g
The trick is known to just about every two-bit crook in the cellular age: If you don't want the cops to know where you are, take the battery out of your cell phone when it's not in use.
A third-rate bookmaker or loan shark would be embarrassed to be associated with this sort of crookery.
See No Evil…… (at least until the next financial year) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Up to 11million of the gang's profits were laundered by crooked staff at a bureau de change.
The Sun
Crookes's tube consisted of a glass bulb, from which most of the air had been removed, encasing two metal plates called electrodes.
Paré gives a case of reversion, and of crooked hands and feet; and Barlow 11.54 speaks of a child of two and three-quarter years with kyphosis, but mobility of the lumbar region, which walked on its elbows and knees.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
He brought his arms together and nestled their heads, joined at the top, in the crooks of his elbows.
Times, Sunday Times
She might expose his crooked business deals to her tax inspector brother.
He was perhaps the crookedest lawyer I had ever come across; it still smarted that eighteen months before I had been forced to abandon a case against him through the ruthless machinations of his patron, Richard Rich.
Excerpt: Revelation by C.J. Sansom
crookedness" or dishonesty in his dealings to slam him with.
The crooks pay up on small claims until they have collected enough premiums to pad their offshore bank accounts.
A narrow mountain path crooks through the forest.
With its insane mix of loves-me-loves-me-nots, switcheroos, flawed motives, crooked laughs and crying babies, it is one of cinema's most buoyant genres.
The second face was withered and ancient, with watery eyes peering out from above a crooked hooked nose.
He drew crowds, cared for the marginalised, made friends with prostitutes and crooks, and called ordinary people like you and me to be his followers.
Michael came to Britain when his frail crook father returned and gave himself up in May, after 35 years on the run.
In his preoccupation with Robyn, Crook had neglected everything.
She walks forward, her staff resting in the crook of her arm.
We were knackered by the time got back ... but on the way we went via the "crookedest" street that just winds up and down ... its at the end of the road our hotels on ... TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.
We're programmed to believe that the athletes we watch are all crooks, criminals and creeps.
Unfortunately, his partners were crooks and absconded with the funds.
I certainly see that there is violence, mayhem, crookery and deceit all around me.
Judie Fein: Pledge of Peace
You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.
Crooks is also planning to bring in a third, as yet unidentified, coach as he is looking towards an Alliance team next season.
The victim had opened a rear door and was reaching for something when the crook hopped into the driver's seat.
The Sun
A pair of thugs demand that she tell them where she keeps the stash of diamonds they are certain her crooked father left her.
Even his face was angular, with small black eyes that burned with inexhaustible impatience, and full of crooks and sharp, awkward angles, from his pointy ears to his thin white mouth and his sharp, narrow chin.
Henry Farrell on Crooked Timber defends the European Parliament: ... complaints about the self-importance and amour-propre of MEPs seem to me to really miss the point.
Things that caught my eye
The MPS is a large organisation and will have its share of crooks.
Why front-line police officers are glad about Dizaei « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Sures must have had tongue in cheek when she contrived Ghirlandina, a cast-paper relief of an old, crooked, leaning tower, wonderfully abraded and polychromed.
The perpetrators likely had ties to organized crime, according to Ulrich Boser, author of "The Gardner Heist," who says most art thieves are common crooks -- the class of criminal who would probably be flummoxed by Washington's high-profile museums, which are fortresslike and ringed by bollards.
Heist-proof museums? U.S. buildings aided by design, location
He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight.
A lot of them were marked, or born wrong, or crooked, or scabious, looking for help from the Nazarene, for some panacea.
Scars face me, across her wrist and in the crook of her elbow.
Straight trees have crooked roots.
Back then, the pale, scrawny 14-year-old with bandy legs and crooked teeth was as far removed from the healthy, sporty look epitomised by Cindy Crawford and Elle MacPherson as you could get.
Police fear crooks might try to use the quakes as an excuse to gain access to people's homes by posing as property damage experts.
He's a crook, a bit nutty, and rightly did time for his crimes.
Many are shaped like small potatoes but others are curiously long and curved like crooked sausages.
* The back door, featuring a panoply of graffitied street tags, had been kicked in so often it sat crooked in the frame.
We want another president, not a crook and a thief.
Times, Sunday Times
He demanded an apology from me for calling him a crook.
The Indian American dream is paved with crooked paths, detours, and not infrequent derailment.
Maybe it came out a little crooked.
Christianity Today
She raised her head from her book and Crook caught a glimpse of a pointed chin and a firm, well-shaped mouth.
John took one child into the crook of each arm and let them nestle against him.
To draw blood for the test, a nurse or technician cleans the skin over a vein, usually in the crook of your elbow, inserts a needle, and collects blood into a syringe or vial.
No, to my mind, it's simply crookery.
The Sun
The crooks range from small-time gangsters to big-time drug traffickers and international terrorists.
He's feeling crook, pining for his bed, but the game face stays on.
We were in silhouette as the three shepherds with our crooks.
The Sun
She had the hazel, walnut eyes under thick lashes, shoulder-length dark brunette hair that fell in a cascade of natural curls, and a slightly crooked smile that made guys melt.
ain't nothing stopping crookers. their remix for kid cudi finally got picked up by the sleepyheads in the industry after they discovered this crazy new thing called fidget-house. in the meantime, crookers are already busy on pushing their sound further and this remix for 'boom da' by mixhell featuring jen lasher and oh snap!! will definitely bring some booty shaking galore to the floors! check it out right here! mixhell - boom da
But once you've got the joke, it becomes repetitive and, despite the presence of seemingly every comic actor from Leslie Phillips to Mackenzie Crook, laughter is replaced by a rictus grin.
The 47-year-old teacher and her five kids were snoozing when eight armed crooks used sledgehammers to break through her wall, unnecessarily because she would have let them in the door.
He stretched out, his arm bent and crooked, and grasped the paper in between his fingertips.
Car thefts have dropped in Basildon after police deployed decoy motors which catch crooks in the way a Venus fly trap plant catches insects.
A special unit will be set up to stop crooks beating the system.
This is about units in the normal market, which are regarded by many as a crook investment at the best of times.
But it's done nothing to silence the critics, who are still baying for a new, independent body to tackle crooked cops and underworld gangsters.
The police are getting after the crooks in the city.
Also there were all Rose's queer black sheep who yielded meekly to her ribbon-wreathed crook, though they "butted" against George's methods.
The Guests Of Hercules
We'll take the ramshorn crooks out of this town in about two days, when we get started.
Heart's Desire
I know someone who's 34 and has never worked a day in his life, save for the odd shift 'crooking' as he calls it.
Army Rumour Service
He became so reckless in his deceptions and crookedness precisely because he believed himself to be untouchable.
Braces What They ' re For: An anterior crossbite, when one or more teeth on top are behind teeth on the bottom (an underbite); buck teeth (an overbite); crooked teeth; spacing.
The 8-Year-Old With a Perfect Smile
But he smiled that goofy crooked smile and raised his eyebrows at me, and I hoisted myself out of the pool, running and giving him a crushing hug.
The people have a government of crooks, cronies, liars, thugs and psychopaths who offer no leadership or positive vision and so lead their people to a life of squalor and desperation.
All it took was a stare and a crook of the eyebrow from any one of the quartet of West Indian quicks in those days for the batsmen to know that a bowler was upset.
Formerly landlord of the eponymous Comedian pub at Sunniside, the ever-buoyant Bob has gone downhill to Crook.
He walked crookedly, either bumping into me or wandering away at a tangent.
Reports of a nation humiliated because it has been reduced to choosing between a crook clinging to office and an unvarnished fascist are everywhere.
The sweet-toothed crook took the treat from a box left in a kitchen.
The Sun
It's a bright idea to have crooked cops besiege the police station so that the good cops and their prisoners have to join forces to repel the invaders.
Under his critical gaze I manage to avoid mincing, but end up walking with a pronounced limp and a crooked back, instead - Mother Hubbard crossed with an out-of-condition baby elephant.
Put it to him that his pulling power was not just the box-office kind, and he gives a crooked smile with his eyes turned down.
Times, Sunday Times
our words are distortable things--as in a crooked mirror held up to nature
Makes no difference a crook is a crook no matter what color.
Obama takes heat from Catholic League over Pfleger
You're sailing a ship lighter than air down a crooked tunnel... `
A crime wave has struck the city, perpetuated by a gang of three dimwitted crooks.
The emperor's jacket was unbuttoned, his lace cravat untied, and his crown of golden leaves sitting crooked atop uncombed dark hair.
One of that crook-necked, yellow kind with warts all over it, and a great, big, splurgy vine behind it to account for its being there at all.
A Voice in the Wilderness
The odd crooked stitch or slightly askew angel wing just shows that it is homemade and adds to the charm.
The challenge replicates the traditions of the game when shepherds played across country hitting stones with their crooks.
crooked country roads
Dolcezza will have crookneck pumpkin gelato ($2 per scoop, $6 per half - pint).
Market Roundup: Sept 30-Oct. 7
Now I find myself completely unmoved by badges of hierarchy, of mitres and crooks and crowns.
He vigorously punished crooked cops.
Times, Sunday Times
The floor was of concrete, lime and sand; on the open hearth -- pronounced 'airth' -- sods of turf cut from the moor and oak branches were smouldering under the chimney crook.
Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
In Australia and New Zealand there are enough victims of real estate crooks to form a protest march to rival any public demonstration.
My next projects are a studio-budgeted script I wrote with the awesome Mark Millar creator ofWanted and Kick Ass called Supercrooks, about a supervillain heist, and a techno-thriller called Windows, kind of "Rear Window" for the Internet era.
Turnstyle: Director Nacho Vigalondo Unearths The Romantic Soul of the Modern Nerd
At the far end, that's Bishop Anthony with that funny crooked rotan which is the staff used by shepherds to herd their sheep.
The Obnoxious 5xmom
He was also Carl Crook, an Anglo-Canadian teenager, and the middle aged businessman he has become – still living in China – looks back on his tumultuous youth now with an air of vague bemusement.
The bullock is a strange, modest-looking little animal with a hump on its back and crooked horns on its head.
Nellie Bly's Book: Around the World in Seventy-Two Days
The case follows other attacks by freed foreign crooks.
The Sun
Greedy crooks in a third world country are making pirate copies of your latest DVD!
FlS, you soon forget Jim Johnson, another crook, ormer Fanie CEO and Obama advisor/fund raiser
So is Franklin Raines an Obama economic advisor or not?
To no avail, however, because by then, President Lula had decided he was going to have this dam "na lei ou na marra," as he put it, by hook or by crook.
Vicky Shorr: The People vs. the Dam
The furniture was the wrong shape - it was curved and crooked.
Various and sundry, including herbs, peppers, cucumber and yellow crookneck squash:
From Twitter 07-13-2009
There is, also, a turnspit, with short and crooked legs, closely resembling the existing variety; but this kind of monstrosity is so common with various animals, as with the ancon sheep, and even, according to Rengger, with jaguars in
The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.
Not acting on our every impulse is supposedly what makes us different from animals. crooked politics
Rielle Hunter reveals new details
The man had his back to her and was busily arranging mugs on a crooked wooden shelf.
Then that complicated yarn about conspiracies and blackmail--it just didn't ring true, in Crook's opinion.
A spy camera was set up - and caught the crook red-handed.
The Sun
But in herb-bennet and avens each nut has a single long awn, crooked near the middle with a very peculiar S-shaped joint, which effectually catches on to the wool or hair, but drops at the elbow after a short period of withering.
Science in Arcady
He believed he was a crooked, corrupt individual simply out for personal gain, and he was mostly right.
The referee played on but Crooks instantly clattered Connell to give Cummings a dead-ball chance from 25 yards which he wasted.
Slice zucchini and crookneck squash lengthwise, brush with olive oil, and roast with sliced onions and red sweet peppers.
That scheme was knocked galley-west and crooked, for even when MacRae's term expired he'd get a long period of duty at the Fort; he'd lost his rank, and as a private his coming and going would be according to barrack-rule instead of the freedom allowed a sergeant in charge of an outpost like Pend
Raw Gold A Novel
He moved on down a thin, crooked scar in the cliffs, hearing the aircraft noise louden once more.
Elizabeth styled him her pygmy; his enemies delighted in vilifying his "wry neck," "crooked back" and "splay foot," and in Bacon's essay "On Deformity," it was said, "the world takes notice that he paints out his little cousin to the life."
His stage of progress in knowledge was this, that during the discharge of _one_ kind of rays of force from the cathode pole in a Crookes tube _another kind_ of rays are set free, which differ totally in their nature and effects from anything hitherto known.
Notable Events of the Nineteenth Century Great Deeds of Men and Nations and the Progress of the World
Many of the shelves were old and crooked, weighed down over the years by books and trinkets his grandfather had collected.
The wing lost its crooked shape, becoming straight, but not without pain to its owner.
The Cuban crook is only going to get the Dade county vote.
Legendary NFL coach backs Crist
Mr Wilkie was speaking in Perth today where he was meeting fellow Lower House crossbencher and WA Nationals MP Tony Crook about the poker machine reforms, which are being negotiated with Federal Government. | Top Stories
At least that way I could stop my cash from going to a bunch of crooks who make more off illness in yearly bonuses than I will make in salary during a lifetime of hard work.
Think Progress » Brown wins Massachusetts special election; Coakley concedes.
Chesterfield Council leader Ray Russell said there were three key things on offer to visitors - the famous crooked spire at St Mary's Church, thought to have been caused by unseasoned timbers used in its construction buckling over time.
Crooks has a few questions he will be looking to answer in the three pre-season friendlies, when everybody in the squad will get a game.
One of the first things a prosecutor does in a plea negotiation with a crooked pol is try to force the pol to resign his or her office.