How To Use Critter In A Sentence

  • Just remember the poor little critters the next time you're caught out without a brolly! The Sun
  • The turkeys themselves are mangy critters - snowy feathers dirty from sitting on mud, bald heads vulture-like.
  • I love catching a glimpse of the unexpected flower growing through cracks in a sidewalk, or the furry and feathered critters dodging us humans in their quest for food and shelter.
  • In future articles, we'll talk about plant chewing critters like beetles, caterpillars, borers, and the Leaf Cutter Bee.
  • This is unfortunate because wasps are nasty little critters whose sole aim in life is to ruin picnics and barbecues.
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  • The fish that had prompted me to take leave of my senses is an evil-tempered, prehistoric critter that lives only in certain big, cold, fast rivers in Mongolia and Siberia, most of which flow into the Arctic Ocean. Bill Heavey Chases Mongolian Taimen (with Prairie Dogs as Bait)
  • Critter Enlarger : Enlarges a critter to twice its normal size.
  • The classes use defanged snakes and shock collars to teach your dog to avoid the critters. Snakes in the Grass?
  • Next I bought glue traps, resolving to conk the critters as soon as they were caught.
  • And so, you see, d'you see, says I, 'Tom Bruce, do you stick to the critter, and he'll holp you out of the skrimmage;' and, says I, 'I'll take the back-track, and foller atter madam.' Nick of the Woods
  • Git yo 'ridin' critters," he gave the short, sharp order. Judith of the Cumberlands
  • It didn't take long before the spilt food attracted mice, and the mice attracted badgers, and the badgers attracted crazy porcupine things that we call Critters.
  • I mean the actual animal kingdom where scientists are finding out all sorts of interesting things about our fellow critters.
  • Were the unloveable critters thrown into bowls of rice deliberately?
  • Along with illuminating the critters, they make it easer to see the edge of ragged Colorado roads, and can be handy for setting up camp.
  • Before long heads began poking above the water's surface, and eventually big critters with blackish shells and spraddled legs began pulling themselves onto shore.
  • This Dobson critter is a religious determinist, specifically, a variant of a Calvinist predestinarian (John Calvin, 16th Century Protestant theologian; a Protestant when being a Protestant could get you burned at the stake). Think Progress » James Dobson to start new nonprofit and radio show, giving him ‘greater leeway to hold forth on politics.’
  • Just remember the poor little critters the next time you're caught out without a brolly! The Sun
  • There are a fair number of nudibranchs and flatworms, all brightly coloured and sometimes difficult to distinguish, featherstars, shrimps, spiny lobsters and other hole-dwelling critters.
  • Have a great pair of shots taken in Rocky Mountain National Park of C standing next to an exclosure (Yes, Melissa and Doug, an "exclosure" is an area fenced to keep critters out. Grouse Diary Entry
  • Well, I was kind of draggin 'a seine through my head, so to speak, tryin' to haul aboard a likely name for the critter, and fetchin 'the net in empty every time, when one day that -- er -- what-d'ye-call-it? Fair Harbor
  • It took a helicopter and police marksmen to bring the vicious little critter to justice.
  • OK, now that I've got the willies, let's talk about the pesky critters.
  • The resulting critter, called a trophozoite, sports a spermlike tail that allows it to wiggle over to the lining of the intestinal tract, whereupon it attaches itself by suction cups and begins to replicate thousands of times over. Giardiasis: How To Battle Beaver Fever
  • One is taking a stroll down a critterly byroad and another isspeculating about the evolution of the gnome-phobic, fantasy-avoiding editor. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Clayton jumped on the small animal, but unfortunately the critter was prepared.
  • As with the aphid controls, we rosarians have an arsenal of weapons with which to combat these pesky critters.
  • Critter can learn to hold a pencil, but you don't care if he can talk in something other than echolalia or second-person? Autism Thoughts
  • Could flesh and blood critters that are roundly considered to be destroyers of grass be more effective at making it grow than a machine that sprayed a carefully measured mixture of seeds, fertiliser, and plasticised mulch?
  • SDreamer: NNW for iPodT/iPhone is continuing, all other mobile-specific apps are going away in deference to GR's mobile web interface critter42 FeedDemon, NetNewsWire To Sync Exclusively With Google Reader | Lifehacker Australia
  • This helps keep critters from making a home in the box if the optional locking bolt is not used.
  • These little critters are found in mattresses, carpets, soft furniture and bedding.
  • If anybody has news of the crazy critter, please lemme know if he's okay.
  • Six generations of console owners have spent hours collecting thousands of these little critters. The Sun
  • So, are you tired of paying exorbitant amounts for those dry little critters?
  • Wal, I 'll say one thing for her; she draws the fire out o' Hepsy, an 'she 's 'bout the only livin' critter than can; but some nights when she 's ben inter our house a playin 'checkers or fox an' geese with the child'en, she 'd railly git Hepsy slicked down so that 't was kind o' comfortable bein 'with her. Oldtown Folks
  • This week we move a step further down the line and get a 3-D look at how the little critters reproduce. Times, Sunday Times
  • WE have gone meerkat mental, making the little critters the rock stars of the natural world. The Sun
  • In person, he was every bit as witty, charming and graceful as those endearing critters.
  • Roger and me will have to be -- what was it that lecturin 'professor called it --' deodorized 'every mornin' after feedin 'and cleanin' the critters. Without a Home
  • Some of the critters, including members of two major protist groups - the whip-tailed flagellates and hairy ciliates - harbor bacteria internally.
  • Six generations of console owners have spent hours collecting thousands of these little critters. The Sun
  • A series of critters, including Zebra mussels and round goby, have spread to waterways across the country, causing billions of dollars in damage to local ecosystems. Amid carp threat, a call to unhook
  • The pine forests are like the Arctic at this time of year but cute critters such as the mountain hare thrive in those conditions. The Sun
  • Both collars for larger animals and harnesses for smaller ones have been designed to carry Crittercam systems.
  • I should like to have you opposite me in any mood, whether the facetiously discursive, the metaphysically discursive, the personally confidential, or the jadedly CURSIVE and argumentative -- so that the oyster-shells which enclose my being might slowly turn open on their rigid hinges under the radiation, and the critter within loll out his dried-up gills into the circumfused ichor of life, till they grow so fat as not to know themselves again. Familiar Letters of William James I
  • Calim is becoming a vicious little critter.
  • I knew from experience that before you went swimming off a dock for the first time each summer, you needed to check the sides and the ladder carefully for bryozoa, colonies of slimy green critters that grew on hard surfaces underwater think coral, but gelatinous—shudder. The Boys Next Door
  • It's in realtime, meaning the little critter is walking along at a fairly brisk pace (for a crinoid, that is). 2005 October - Telic Thoughts
  • What I want to know is: can we find a way to charge these little critters rent? Times, Sunday Times
  • After you've mastered the mambo, grown a goatee and/or tattooed something sensitive, even your critics will have to admit you're one wild and crazy critter.
  • They sure took on class when they got meat to get outside of; but it goes against the grain feedin 'dog-critters on grub that's worth two and THE STAMPEDE TO SQUAW CREEK
  • LOL A hoodoo is a swamp critter thatll eatcha up especially at night in the deep dark swamp!! An 18-Year Bear Hunt
  • By the way, those Speer 100 rain RN plinker work fantastic for critters in 30-30's!! and speaking of 30-30 125 grain Sierra Flat Point Hollow Points work really good too! Has anyone ever tried 130 Grain Hornady Soft Points in their 30-06? AWESOME on Coyotes and Monster Mule Deer!
  • She prefers lice-removal technician, which is what she calls her employees who pick out nits the pinhead-size white eggs that lice lay twice a day, four to five at a time and the critters that hatch from them at Gordon's LKY Salon - Lice Knowing You, natch - near Seattle. Top Stories
  • For the eight hours we'd searched, Critter was sleeping on a soft cushion in a corner of their living room.
  • Witness the bean plants that have been entirely dedicated to critters from the woods. Reflections On Gardening: Green Bean & Cherry Tomato Salad
  • Also shown in close-up are domestic dust mites and other little critters grazing on pavement moss. Times, Sunday Times
  • After cleaning a catch of October northern pike from a SW Colorado lake, I put the remains in front of my game cam to see what critters show up. October Trail Cam Contest
  • The wasps lay eggs on the hornworm and the larva burrow into the critter to feed.
  • A hoss is a plumb, narrow-minded critter, but he knows enough for that. The Killer
  • I wasn't about to trust the "professionals" with our Yorky and Siamese living there too, so my husband dug out the critters from the wood, put in poison and filler, then repainted each spot. Termites
  • Isaiah said that he cal'lated 'twas the nature of the critters not to. Mary-'Gusta
  • Most likely the structure is a sandy "concretion" that formed after the critter died, says the study. News
  • Also shown in close-up are domestic dust mites and other little critters grazing on pavement moss. Times, Sunday Times
  • All kinds of critters like to dine on poultry, including raccoons, skunks, opossums, weasels, foxes, coyotes, dogs and feral cats.
  • Six generations of console owners have spent hours collecting thousands of these little critters. The Sun
  • The sequences with the forest animals are filled to bursting with little critters, all acting and reacting continually.
  • I kept listening for the sounds of the critter, but never heard it again the rest of the evening.
  • You might actually spot the little critters themselves. The Sun
  • The sounds of the desert animals - critters, as they call them here on the ranch - come at me from all directions.
  • Talking about water spiders, years ago back in England I kept a diving bell spider Argyroneta aquatica in a freshwater aquarium which contained lots of plants and many other local critters. Huge spider with hairy legs
  • The word panda means bamboo-eater in Nepalese, so it’s no surprise to learn that these raccoon-sized critters love to munch on tasty bamboo leaves. ZooBorns
  • Paddy-whack is a pathetic critter - a true example of obsessive-compulsive behavior. Sound Politics: More on the bogus finding in the voter registration court case
  • Eliza once saved an African shaman who repaid her kindness by bestowing her with the ability to talk with critters.
  • The tadpole shrimp is simply a critter that is in the right place at the right time, when it comes to annual weed control.
  • Also shown in close-up are domestic dust mites and other little critters grazing on pavement moss. Times, Sunday Times
  • But one of the little critters crawled up her nose. The Sun
  • Good one Rolly, that'd take care of those noisy barkin 'critters! Feb 2 groundhog stew
  • But one of the little critters crawled up her nose. The Sun
  • This critter was a 10-footer before leatherworker Benny Orman (ph) got to him. CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2009
  • Throughout the health center, locked storage space that protects supplies and equipment from the elements and camp critters is well worth the investment.
  • I do think that such a critter, a smart critter in tune with it's environment and born with something a lot like a gillie suit for hide would be able to easily avoid humans if it desired not to meet them. Big Foot?
  • WE have gone meerkat mental, making the little critters the rock stars of the natural world. The Sun
  • I mean it ought to be the charming old eccentric uncle with the zany housekeeper and the funny little critter on the beach and it just seems to miss out on that level and I actually felt that all the children were really unlikeable.
  • While hazel woods are beneficial for the wellbeing of furry critters, greenery may also boost human health. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to get left blogger interns into every congress critters office .. into every reginal office.. we need to infiltrate the system and talk at them from the inside. Firedoglake » I Don’t Think We’re In Kansas Anymore. . .
  • I love the creepy-crawly critters, the ones with the fangs and the stingers and the claws.
  • What I want to know is: can we find a way to charge these little critters rent? Times, Sunday Times
  • Also understand that a sheepdog is a funny critter: He is always sniffing around out on the perimeter, checking the breeze, barking at things that go bump in the night, and yearning for a righteous battle. Meet The Amazing Buck Sargent
  • I haven't yet been in my attic, because attics are dark, scary, and often full of bugs and critters.
  • Budding science geeks and Harry Potter fans will both enjoy the small natural history museum, with its critter skulls, snakeskins, stuffed animals (the taxidermal ...
  • People who find a poor critter are encouraged to take them to their local shelter or animal control facility so owners can be reunited with their pets.
  • The locals don’t really mind our getting around like this as long as we don’t bring any vehicles into Kalara or frighten the chuchaki —those cameloid critters over there. The Best and The Brightest
  • In December, an animal control officer on a fireboat was able to pull in one such critter. Coyotes Establish Residency in Chicago
  • The alien special effects - particularly when the little critters are eating food in hotel corridors - are special. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite its speed, Teraflops is more of a mainstream critter.
  • They're really good critters, but our pal who has them has decided he's just not a cat person.
  • In animal studies, silymarin improved blood sugar levels in diabetic critters and reduced inflammation in a common liver ailment called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • But somehow, we manage to laugh our way through this epic winter, fortified by our respect for each other, our devotion to the critters who call CAS home, and by the animals, who lift us up and cheer us on. Kathy Stevens: Getting By With A Little Help From Our Animal Friends
  • While hazel woods are beneficial for the wellbeing of furry critters, greenery may also boost human health. Times, Sunday Times
  • You'll need a selection of 15 lb, 25 lb, 60 lb and 100 lb wire, plus suitable crimps for the toothy critters.
  • Why are these little bloodsucking critters not going away? Michael Colongione: Why We Still Can't Stop Bed Bugs
  • Don't be gnawing on one of those mangey, flea-bitten, critters. After you shoot a coyote what do you do with it do you eat it keep the fur or get a full body mount, ive never been coyote hunti
  • But often these sets always contain surprises; unexpected shots of non-target critters than can be as enjoyable as the best deer pics. Collateral Cam-Pics
  • Comb-like structures called gill rakers filter tasty critters like krill out of the water for the sharks to dine on. Giant Sharks Swim Onto Species Watch List
  • In fact some of the scariest bits of this film are when we see these greenish critters flittering into the shadows.
  • And the number one reason it's such a nice place to decompress is that we've got critters. May 20th, 2005
  • We have yet to put together a filter from the variety of pumps and tubes that accumulate in ancient school building, so the tiny critters that hitched a ride on the elodea are still flitting about the tank. December skeeters
  • And then to have the opportunity to go to the next step and to see what that sperm whale is doing in its abyssal world, a mile deep into the ocean, when we couldn't possibly be with it any other way than with the Crittercam [the underwater camera system we developed]. First Person Singular: Greg Marshall, inventor, marine biologist
  • Just put it on, the whole gallimaufry - the clowns and critters, the acrobats and aerialists - with as much pizazz as possible.
  • If we depopulate Alaska we could save ol'grizz and some salmon and all kinds of critters. Grizzly Plan Could Deny Hunter Access
  • The sighting of an "orangutan" or some other odd critter in Baker County, FL, has brought out more witnesses. Archive 2007-11-01
  • I don't understand these so called animal rights peaple and their extreme b.s. They must all live in the city in the same apartment complex feedin the rats and roaches because trapping the disease ridden critters is inhumane. Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
  • When she realizes she's in a swamp, instead of digging on the slimy critters with all their crazy ribbits, she freaks out.
  • Some kind of dern Noah, gathering up critters two by two? sophisticated Joe Walker asked. The Berrybender Narratives
  • I couldn't believe the nerve of that little critter!
  • What I want to know is: can we find a way to charge these little critters rent? Times, Sunday Times
  • No word on how officials dealt with this ornery little critter, but judging by the general good temper of both voters and officials, my guess is that they simply made it stand in the corner for the rest of the evening.
  • Match the critter with a weather-worn leather belt, beat-up Carhartt workmen pants and a chambray shirt. Shoot From the Hip
  • This legendary critter has been known as the Bigfoot, Meh-Teh, and Sasquatch.
  • Diana growled at Sahn, poor critter, and slowly released him from her grip.
  • These unlikely critters are just wild about each other. The Sun
  • STEP 2: Mature bucks are lazy critters, which makes any terrain funnel a high-odds spot for capturing their images. Don't Spook 'Em: How to Catch Bucks on Your Trail Camera
  • Now, on the advice of Birdwatch Ireland, free homes have been put in for the little critters, with some 40 bird houses being built in the park's trees.
  • I plan to write about my nature observations during my time here, both birds and other critters.
  • They 'lowed down yander ter M'ria's house ez this hyar Evander Price hev kem ter be the headin'est, no' count critter in the kentry! In the Tennessee mountains,
  • By the way, those Speer 100 rain RN plinker work fantastic for critters in 30-30's!! and speaking of 30-30 125 grain Sierra Flat Point Hollow Points work really good too! Has anyone ever tried 130 Grain Hornady Soft Points in their 30-06? AWESOME on Coyotes and Monster Mule Deer!
  • The rescue team brought the critters to the Santa Fe Animal Shelter and Humane Society.
  • This week we move a step further down the line and get a 3-D look at how the little critters reproduce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add a dollar if the critter comes in a graceful wooden cage.
  • While at the beach, not only did we dig up filthy sand crabs by the bucket-load, but during the medical waste dumping scandal it was commonplace to scoop up a syringe cover or used Band-Aid along with the little beetle-like critters. Daniel P. Malito: The Dangers Of 'Nerfing' The World For Our Kids
  • Even the river critters were afeard of the monster!
  • Just remember the poor little critters the next time you're caught out without a brolly! The Sun
  • A small pond was the home of cattails, small fish and other critters and plants.
  • I have seen lots of. 300s of various cases and bullets pass completely through deer and elk with the critter continueing to run like nothing happened. Ishawooa and the gang. What rifle and caliber would you prefer using to hunt elk in Wyoming? Are long shots fairly common?
  • The pine forests are like the Arctic at this time of year but cute critters such as the mountain hare thrive in those conditions. The Sun
  • The alien special effects - particularly when the little critters are eating food in hotel corridors - are special. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are plenty of bacteria, fungi, and other critters in a shovelful of soil or finished compost to get things cooking.
  • I seem to remember scrooch guns, but I’m not sure if that was the same series. chrisbcritter says: Friday Comics Ads: Stays Crunchy in Milk – The Bleat.
  • The critter's black-and-white fur has led to some biologists to suggest it deters predators by resembling the smelly, skunk-like striped polecat, or zorilla, but it is "probably too poor a copy," says the study, to truly fool them. News
  • While we've encountered quite a few bird bloggers on the web, avians aren't the only critters being blogged about.
  • Kim Nicolini lives in Tucson Arizona with her partner Charlie, daughter Skylar and menagerie of pets and critters.
  • Grubs, chinch bugs and other critters can harm your lawn. How to stop the ants from marching in (Hurrah!)
  • Somber and frothless, they proffer no raging ideology of salvation, rather like critters confined on their way to the packing house, they await wonderous words from their beast masters, desperately hoping this day can somehow be remembered by some future generation. One of our commenters sends iPhone photos from an Iowa caucus.
  • Growers frequently apply insecticides to control the critter, but it has armed itself with resistance to many chemicals.
  • The effect was a remarkably convincing portrait of a critter walking across rugged terrain.
  • Beyond the careless destruction of habitat, the sin of the industrial clammer is not knowing the critters he sells. Industrialism and clams
  • Our critter of the month is the closest thing to an Easter Bunny we have, at least in the Adirondacks; it is the varying hare, more commonly known as the snowshoe rabbit. Undefined
  • E. coli, put the critter in a flask with some thebaine, and left it overnight. Classical Values
  • And the other benefit of sitting corpse-like is that all the other beasts of the field forget you're there, and you get to watch all sorts of critters going about their lives. Sit Down, Shut Up
  • It's good to know that our congress critters are not completely obtuse about the needs of their constituents.
  • You might actually spot the little critters themselves. The Sun
  • WE have gone meerkat mental, making the little critters the rock stars of the natural world. The Sun
  • Rake and mow the lawn if it needs it, and be sure to check for cranefly larvae under the sod if you noticed large mosquito-looking critters randomly flying about last fall.
  • As we grew accustomed to the rocks, we realised they were not completely barren, for on their surface could be found clusters of small hard coral which provided shelter for tiny blennies, shrimps and countless other critters.
  • Cut me a little slack, however, as the setting for this novel is set almost entirely withing the confines of a condemned hotel along the Jersey shore, with enough creepy-crawly critters stirring within it's walls to put you on edge. Book Review: "Creepers" by David Morrell
  • I'll admit that if I sat on a rock in the Bill Williams Mountains, thinking myself the only two-legged critter around, and somebody come and kicked my bagpipes in the air and dog-rassled me down forty rod of hillside, afterwards fishing me out of the drink, my feelin's would be moved too, but not in that way. Red Saunders' Pets and Other Critters
  • Why, lad, 'tw'u'd be like throwin' yer silver into the sea to spend it on them good-fur-nothin ', shif'less critters. Culm Rock The Story of a Year: What it Brought and What it Taught
  • Also shown in close-up are domestic dust mites and other little critters grazing on pavement moss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Killer whales eat a wide range of ocean critters, from salmon to sperm whales.
  • I have been experimenting with various means of disposing of these noisome critters, such as luring them with a trail of breadcrumbs into a dark closet and then murdering them with an axe.
  • While hazel woods are beneficial for the wellbeing of furry critters, greenery may also boost human health. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, I was kind of draggin 'a seine through my head, so to speak, tryin' to haul aboard a likely name for the critter, and fetchin 'the net in empty every time, when one day that -- er -- what-d'ye-call-it? Fair Harbor
  • Don't let them fall to the ground, the chipmunks, birds and other critters love them, and usually eat them as fast as they fall.
  • And the animal champing at the deceased champsosaurus is believed to have been a member of the extinct multituberculate order of mammals, a diverse group of rodent-like critters that disappeared from the fossil record about 35 million years ago. Top Stories
  • These unlikely critters are just wild about each other. The Sun
  • His mane was "hogged" which fulled out the swell and crest of the neck, and his ears being cropped, the critter had a game look about him. The Attaché; or, Sam Slick in England — Volume 02
  • I allus thought the critter was a crayfish, but meant to evoke Scorpio, the moody, dangerous Water Sign.
  • While hazel woods are beneficial for the wellbeing of furry critters, greenery may also boost human health. Times, Sunday Times
  • The alien special effects - particularly when the little critters are eating food in hotel corridors - are special. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet scientists used to regularly cart around sensitive microphones, video cameras, infrared imagers etc. etc. trying to capture these critters.
  • Even in my newly adopted home in Florida, I am still bewildered to see critters outside Animal Kingdom.
  • The little critter she's holding was just two days old.
  • Genetically engineered critters that fight other bugs bring unknown environmental risks.
  • These loads will take care of critters including deer, black bear and wild boar.
  • The berries would serve as a meal for bugs, birds and other critters that happened across them.
  • The reason why the scope excites me is that the Smithsonian has so many wonderful artifacts and exhibits that there is so much that could potentially come to life and mess with Stiller, not just an annoying selection of critters from the first movie. Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian Updates From Ben Stiller «
  • Pretty much everywhere you look, you find evidence of big critters roaming the earth - mastodons, mammoths, big camels, and my favorite, beavers the size of black bears.
  • Desmit, not a mite -- only 'bout dat ar lickin, an 'dat ain't nuffin now; but I ain't gwine ter war his name ner giv it ter my chillen ter mind 'em dat der daddy wuz jes anudder man's critter one time. Bricks Without Straw
  • But the bug-eyed critter was cute, and Joy might like it, so I tossed it in the cart. Mercy Kill
  • But one of the little critters crawled up her nose. The Sun
  • Our dogs romp their way over deadfall and through the undergrowth chasing out birds and critters with much glee.
  • I love my 400mm 5.6 but the mfd leaves me with some ground to make up, (200-300mm) for little birds and critters isnt covered well. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • I was in The Big Tree Pub in Dublin before the match last week when I spotted some unfortunate critter in a Down jersey at the bar.
  • And yes, the male, though curled up now, had probably been a six-footer in life, according to the arson investigator, who ought to have known, having seen quite a few of what he referred to as the crispy critters. Fear Itself
  • We're trying to keep out dust and moisture and critters such as insects or birds that might build a nest.
  • I don't understand these so called animal rights peaple and their extreme b.s. They must all live in the city in the same apartment complex feedin the rats and roaches because trapping the disease ridden critters is inhumane. Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
  • These loads are for big-boned, heavily muscled critters.
  • Martin Brazeau has an excellent post on taphonomy at The Lancelet reporting a paper in which folks let poor innocent critters rot in order to ascertain which anatomical features are likely to be preserved and which are likely to be lost before fossilization, and the implications for interpreting fossils of ‘soft’ tissues for phylogenetics. The Panda's Thumb: Transitional Fossils Archives
  • From knapping flint into arrowheads, to those ponderous early printing presses which slowly turned out thousands of printed pages, to the extraordinary phone/computer/camera which now sits in our pockets, humans are definitely tool-making critters. Ken White: New Digs for the Dogs, And Everyone Else
  • Teeth annuli say the critter was three years old (or 3.3 years, as the stupid lab report lists it). Grouse Diary Entry
  • I hain't got no ill-will gin Marse Desmit, not a mite -- only 'bout dat ar lickin, an 'dat ain't nuffin now; but I ain't gwine ter war his name ner giv it ter my chillen ter mind 'em dat der daddy wuz jes anudder man's critter Bricks without Straw A Novel
  • Set back as I tell about the heroic doings of this lovable critter as spelled out by the elder folk of our town.
  • JEDDAH: There is a little known furry critter known as the hyrax that scurries about on rocks in Saudi Arabia. Arabnews - frontpage
  • Lo and behold out of the surf popped a little critter, and he proceeded to waddle up the beach and then up the banking for a bit of kip.
  • Due to a brisk little bout of rezoning a few years back, all of the land above us on our hill has been concreted or asphalted over, so we like to keep some of our yard wild for the sake of the critters. Author! Author! » 2010 » May
  • These Congresscritters know perfectly well they have a big problem here, but they felt obliged nonetheless to make their highly publicized trips to Canossa. Rush Is Having Fun
  • All kinds of critters like to dine on poultry, including raccoons, skunks, opossums, weasels, foxes, coyotes, dogs and feral cats.
  • I used to spray with hot peppers and garlic steeped in water, which seemed to not only repel furry critters but also aphids.

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