
How To Use Crippled In A Sentence

  • Gulf War veterans fighting to prove hundreds of former servicemen have been crippled and killed by a mysterious syndrome caused by their time in the conflict have been dealt a massive blow - their own solicitors say the case is unprovable.
  • One thing you can't hide - is when you're crippled inside. John Lennon 
  • Where the legal definitions of childhood were constructed in order to protect children against working in the mines until their bones grew soft from lack of sunlight or weaving rugs until their legs were crippled from sitting and they were going blind, these same definitions have been used to create target groups for "otherness" - and ugly otherness at that. Thinking with my fingers
  • The crippled US plane made an emergency landing on the Chinese island of Hainan.
  • While supply problems have not crippled operations, they have stymied some units.
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  • A rescue boat managed to come alongside the crippled vessel.
  • William Dampier observes that he remarked that the man-of-war birds and the boobies always left sentinels near their young ones, especially while the old birds were gone to sea on their fishing-expeditions, and that there were a great number of sick or crippled man-of-war birds which appeared to be no longer in a state to go out for provisions.
  • In the 1920s, they were leaders in a series of bloody strikes that crippled Hawaiian sugar cane growers.
  • I'm not perfect but I'm also not emotionally crippled or lonely.
  • As you are undoubtedly aware, the sad old electrical engineering model was deliberately crippled by Lorentz (who deliberately symmetrized Heaviside's original equations at the instigation of the infamous J.P. Morgan) in 1892, prior to the very birth of electrical engineering itself.
  • The Obliterator was severely damaged in the ramming, but the alien vessel was crippled.
  • Crippled effectivity is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. Texas Faith: Should the next Supreme Court justice be a Protestant? | RELIGION Blog |
  • And he emerged from his prison the same spoiled, pettish rich kid, having tantrums, dumping his non-glossy crippled wife, etc., etc. A Word On McCain's Heroism And His Speech Tonight
  • To this, the little boy reached down and rolled up his pant leg to reveal a badly twisted, crippled left leg supported by a big metal brace.
  • In a wild chase the crews finally overtake a very old and crippled whale.
  • Of course, we are told we can choose not to take hormones and end up asexual, crippled, diseased, demented, dead, or simply old.
  • Mr Easton was seriously crippled in an accident and had to leave his job.
  • How can the story of a mentally defective kleptomaniac, a bookish nympho, a crippled FBI agent and a suicidal millionaire's son add up to anything but trouble?
  • The American two-party system is fracturing, as both sides are struggling with immense war debt, a crippled manufacturing base, and a Federal Reserve that is devaluating the currency in order to prop up financial institutions that gambled trillions and lost; their bets became our losses as they were "covered by the house". Tea Party vs. Two Party
  • And I think the only way it can get uncrippled is to really have a public apology from Congress. The Kinder, Gentler Military: Can America's Gender-Neutral Fighting Force Still Win Wars?
  • Because of this bad judgment, my ship is crippled and we have no way to repair the damage with anything we have on board.
  • The pilot guided the crippled helicopter to the ground.
  • It's the crippled man, yelling into your face, cursing, calling you a thief, his breath phlegmy and rancid. Saying It with Flowers
  • A United Nations forecast of the possible movement of the radioactive plume coming from crippled Japanese reactors shows it churning across the Pacific, and touching the Aleutian Islands on Thursday before hitting Southern California late Friday. Radiation Plume Could Reach Southern California By Friday
  • While 19th century viewers of the original stereograph for Reaching for the Out of Reach #9 may have enjoyed the dramatic image of luckless passengers shipwrecked on the shores of Massachusetts, it's hard to imagine they would be similarly amused by the sad Victorian-looking characters stranded atop coffee bales and beneath umbrellas while the crippled ship looms like a set piece from some 3D Tim Burton film. The New York Public Library: New Perspectives on Old Perspectives: How an Art Project Helped the NYPL Put Its 3D Stereograph Collection in Your Hands
  • It is also caught between the worst of two political systems: a corrupt, crippled and haltingly reactive Russian Federation and carpet-bagging capitalism.
  • Apple getting one of the big 5 to do uncrippled music is a damn good step forward, though. Monday Quick Hits
  • Several narratives intertwine as Lovric charts Marcella's tortuous, Minguillo-instigated progress through crippledom, a lunatic asylum and eventually a convent, including that of the fanatical nun Sor Loreta, who mortifies her body and starves herself to attain holiness while being as vile as possible to the less saintly nuns around her. Home
  • The trees inhibited the growth of fodder for livestock, and many peasants destroyed or crippled the oaks in their fields.
  • He had seen convicts, after the guards had manhandled them, crippled in body for life, or left to maunder in mind to the end of their days. THE HOBO AND THE FAIRY
  • However, Goodchild (brought back by his cry for help) bandaged the ankle with a pocket-handkerchief, and assisted by the landlord, raised the crippled Apprentice to his legs, offered him a shoulder to lean on, and exhorted him for the sake of the whole party to try if he could walk. The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
  • At its best, the Obama candidacy is about ending a war — not so much the war in Iraq, which now has a mo­mentum that will propel the occupation into the next decade — but the war within America that has prevailed since Vietnam and that shows dangerous signs of intensifying, a nonviolent civil war that has crippled America at the very time the world needs it most. Mjh's blog — 2008 — January
  • In extreme cases, the young soldiers are crippled or even killed.
  • Today, in the summer twilight at Bird Cloud, the greasewood and rabbitbrush hunch themselves into giant marmots, crippled elk. Bird Cloud
  • Lt Col Holdaway's quick actions, extensive systems knowledge, and smart decision making allowed him to safely recover a severely crippled aircraft and preserve a valuable combat asset.
  • Reuters - WikiLeaks's ability to receive new leaks has been crippled after a disaffected programer unplugged a component which guaranteed anonymity to would-be leakers, activists and journalists who have worked with the site say. WikiLeaks Crippled By Ex-Associates, Sources Say
  • Now the ragged, uncut hay fields, the pasture, empty of cattle, the beginnings of a gully in the lespedeza field below her, all cried out to her that her father was old, with a crippled leg, and that Henley was dead. The Dollmaker
  • For that market, the Air seems like a good bet to become a hit, provided it doesn't turn out to be crippled by poor performance or bugginess. Wired Top Stories
  • His back is broken, and, barring a miracle, he's crippled for life.
  • Reuters - WikiLeaks s ability to receive new leaks has been crippled after a disaffected programer unplugged a component which guaranteed anonymity to would-be leakers,... WikiLeaks Crippled By Ex-Associates, Sources Say
  • It's an ancient, crippled man, well covered up with blankets and shawls, his head muffled in a scarf, despite the mildness of the weather.
  • Last November an RAF Tornado crew ditched their crippled aircraft into the sea near Torness nuclear power station after staying with the jet until it was clear of populated areas.
  • She took Oxfordshire Health Authority to court, claiming excessive doses of radiation had crippled her.
  • Not surprisingly, China's test of an antisatellite weapon in January 2007 – followed by the US Navy's downing of a crippled US spy satellite in February – chilled cooperative overtures.
  • He had been crippled by a rare type of paralysis spreading from his ankle.
  • MEXICO CITY - Gunmen stormed a birthday party in embattled Ciudad Juarez and killed 13 young people, the latest outrage in a city crippled by warring drug gangs. 13 killed in violence at party in Mexico
  • The pilot was able to maneuver the crippled aircraft out of the hostile area.
  • Suspense builds as the siren wails like a crippled banshee.
  • As per the Central Zoo Authority instructions, the mugger crocodiles were shifted to the Tirupati zoo, which is crippled by poor turnout of visitors.
  • The changes are being driven by students 'lagging performance on international tests and mathematicians' warnings that more than a decade of so-called reform math — critics call it fuzzy math — has crippled students with its de-emphasizing of basic drills and memorization in favor of allowing children to find their own ways to solve problems. Sound Politics: Where's The Math Makes The NYT
  • My wife has become crippled by arthritis. She is embarrassed to ask the doctor about it.
  • Mr Brown keeps the crippled hulk of his truck in a shed at his home, a several hundred-acre estate in Beech Island, South Carolina.
  • Stock prices finished mostly higher in a session significantly quieted by a blizzard that crippled much of the East Coast.
  • He established and created an alguacil of the poor, not to harass them, but to examine them and see whether they really were so; for many a sturdy thief or drunkard goes about under cover of a make – believe crippled limb or a sham sore. Don Quixote
  • I realized that he was quite crippled from the accident.
  • Not surprisingly, companies selling uncrippled devices contacted us as well saying they supported us. Robertson responds to Vonage
  • Lu You , anchors on CCTV, also said outsized incomes and high expectations had crippled men's soccer.
  • One thing that fascinated me on hearing that the Russians were bent on raising the crippled sub was exactly how one goes about lifting it, with live torpedoes still aboard?
  • All right, I will say it out loud: I am crippled.
  • Richard was crippled in the bombing of 1984, and had been in a wheelchair ever since.
  • He gritted his teeth and wrestled with the joystick in a vain effort to regain control of his crippled craft.
  • Qualitatively, the Iraqi military machine is crippled, with no spare parts for its ancient equipment.
  • But he refuses to allow his children to be immunised against the disease that crippled him three decades ago.
  • After healing the crippled man , Peter front of the ruling Jewish leaders ( Sanhedrin ) who questioned Peter.
  • I'm not perfect but I'm also not emotionally crippled or lonely.
  • A United Nations forecast of the possible movement of the radioactive plume coming from crippled Japanese reactors shows it churning across the Pacific, and touching the Aleutian Islands on Thursday before hitting Southern California late Friday. Radiation Plume Could Reach Southern California By Friday
  • Our tendency to reward failure has literally crippled our efforts to help the poor.
  • Brakes strident, slewing to one side like a crippled ocean liner, I'd found myself pulling over to pick him up.
  • The remainder of my life at Oxford was of necessity lived at half-speed; and in this place I must commemorate, with a gratitude which the lapse of years has never chilled, the extraordinary kindness and tenderness with which my undergraduate friends tended and nursed me in that time of crippledom. [ Fifteen Chapters of Autobiography
  • We hear the names of the dead, but rarely do we see the victims who remain maimed and crippled.
  • This measure crippled our efforts
  • In the same way Hawking, trapped in a crippled body, is physically ensnared but has mentally transcended this barrier to achieve greatness.
  • I know there are a number of ebooks that I would purchase if I could get them uncrippled. WHAT I LEARNED THIS WEEK: The debate over DRM - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games
  • While government and industry officials jousted over Hamaoka, the operator of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi plant reported incremental progress over the weekend in the long battle to bring the crippled reactors there under control. Japanese Power Company Chubu Declines to Shut a Working Plant
  • It is not decent to laugh at a crippled person.
  • After a number of failed attempts at suicide, he expressed his wish to escape from "the prison" of his crippled body.
  • Guidobaldo was crippled with symptoms of podagra (gout), possibly as a result of poisoning, which greatly reduced his effectiveness as a condottiere and rendered him unable to participate in the evening festivities immortalized by Castiglione. 316 Unlike his "invincible" father, Guidobaldo was twice exiled from Urbino. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Howard wanted to be a popular singer, but stage fright crippled him.
  • There is a crippled freighter as well with 22 people floundering around somewhere offshore.
  • To deal with that issue, Java was deliberately crippled as a programming language.
  • Reason is smarter and the mind is more rational under positive emotions. Reason is polluted and rationality is crippled by negative emotions. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • It seems the company's decision to scrap the second post and deliver all mail in one round has crippled deliveries.
  • A few weeks earlier she would have been heartbroken at the prospect of a spell of crippledom, but the greater troubles eclipse the less, and compared with that other paralysing dread, it was a passing inconvenience at which she could afford to smile. More about Pixie
  • The ugly truth is that much of the media only cares about our soldiers when they're dead or crippled.
  • She took Oxfordshire Health Authority to court, claiming excessive doses of radiation had crippled her.
  • Many survivors from the march have been crippled or maimed, but Ahir escaped with just a fracture in his right leg.
  • Mostly everybody thought this was hilarious; they fell against their lockers, crippled by laughter that spread like a disease as Annie the Bird or Bear walked by, neighing like a dying, vengeful creature. The Adults
  • Those were their cards and they had to play them, willy-nilly, hunchbacked or straight backed, crippled or clean-limbed, addle-pated or clear - headed. Chapter X
  • Before she could mouth another insult, the uncrippled male slapped her. Shaman's Crossing
  • The cash will go to help keep businesses alive, save jobs and boost the crippled property market.
  • They saw hundreds of millions of lives cramped and crippled, meagrely lived, sacrificed untimely, and they could not see any primary necessity for this blighting and starvation of human life. The Shape of Things to Come
  • People are crippled and occasionally killed playing contact sports such as football and rugby, yet no one would suggest they are banned.
  • A young man crippled by a disease of old age may not get the operation he and his family have been hoping and praying for over the last year.
  • It is also caught between the worst of two political systems: a corrupt, crippled and haltingly reactive Federation and carpet-bagging capitalism.
  • To one producer he wrote, "I want to highlight the creativity within the brain of a cripple, and while not attempting to hide the crippledom I want instead to filter all sob-storied sentiment from his portrait and dwell upon his life, his laughter, his vision, and his nervous normality. Christopher nolan, under the eye of the clock
  • In their last years, the Greenland Vikings were severely crippled, dwarflike, twisted, and diseased Hermann, 1954. Monbiot v Monckton Round Two « Climate Audit
  • Ankamama, an old man crippled in the war, makes weapons with the available material in his crude workshop.
  • She clambers into the fork of a crippled tree, leaving me below.
  • Curry called it a miracle that everyone on board made it into rafts and survived after the three-masted Concordia apparently experienced a weather phenomenon known as a "microburst" - a sudden, violent downdraft of wind - that instantly crippled the vessel Wednesday. KDKA: TOP VIDEO Videos
  • But the truth is that the ISS is really only half-grown -- stunted -- starved into a crippled half-adult form. ISS Is Starting to Look Like Freedom - NASA Watch
  • Fuels spewed for six days from the crippled vessel before it went down today.
  • Japan has made scant progress in righting the long-term problems that have crippled its domestic economy.
  • In fact, it's apparent that he's an intellectually crippled man who deserves our mercy and compassion rather than our scorn.
  • His face was an exceedingly round but sober one; he was dressed in a faded blue woollen frock or shirt, and patched trowsers; and had thus far been dividing his attention between a marlingspike he held in one hand, and a pill-box held in the other, occasionally casting a critical glance at the ivory limbs of the two crippled captains. Moby Dick: or, the White Whale
  • Strikes that crippled North Yorkshire last month are expected to be repeated as union chiefs urge council workers to reject latest pay offers.
  • It also details insider hiring, slapdash dismissals of whistleblower complaints, staff reassignments to field offices and sudden departures by loyal and longtime staff members that have left the office crippled.
  • Old Ottokar Brandt (Siegfried Rumann of Grand Hotel), a great bear of a man whose crippled left arm once played a gifted violin, has taught his daughter all he knows of music.
  • A disarrangement of our electrical system partially crippled the vessel and it was necessary for us to land here to make repairs. Archive 2009-07-01
  • One man set the key example by challenging death, fighting a disease that crippled him.
  • The crews are trained to undertake tows of crippled boats, extinguish fires afloat and provide first aid.
  • The judges reportedly expressed more concern for the insurance companies who pick up the bill for damages than for those who are crippled or killed.
  • On the way to his house Yuki was flagged down by many beggars and poor crippled souls.
  • A few horse-drawn cabs loomed black in the street, half-broken and loose-jointed like crippled, dozing crabs or cockroaches.
  • An Apple Mac laptop, in contrast, runs under an uncrippled version of OS X, so not only can it multitask but you can install on it any software that takes your fancy. Apple's on the march again, so how worried should we be?
  • Your penultimate post on Gramsci is less easy to fulfil in terms of a slim primer ('twas I who sent you the last (Hudson Institute) links after you had castigated me for banging on about the crippled Eyetie prisoner). On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Long gone are the days where Williams was crippled with nerves at the prospect of live performance, and she joked with ease about having to play guitar "sidesaddle", asking the audience to forgive any impromptu percussion cased by the baby kicking. The Line Of Best Fit
  • So the crippled beg for food but are shown little compassion.
  • " Half a mile from the hospital, the local power station, intact but crippled by war damage to the National Grid.
  • Reason is smarter and the mind is more rational under positive emotions. Reason is polluted and rationality is crippled by negative emotions. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The unofficial walkouts crippled large parts of London and hit other areas of the country, forcing managers to empty postboxes.
  • That isn't a departure if we're to think that fifteen or more years passed between the day he and the young Spock landed on Talos IV and the accident that crippled him. Lance Mannion:
  • The charge of "sectionalism" came with a bad grace from a State whose newspapers boasted that none but the Breckinridge ticket was tolerated within her borders, and whose elsewhere obsolete "institution" of choosing Presidential electors by the Legislature instead of by the people, combined with such a dwarfed and crippled public sentiment, made it practically impossible for a single vote to be cast for either Abraham Lincoln, a History — Volume 02
  • Lincoln's battle suit was crippled by the coruscating flames of magic blasted forth.
  • Serious troubles continue to beleaguer the operators of the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture that was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami. Japan Promises to Shut Down Fukushima Reactors By Year's End
  • Reid was forced to bail out of the crippled aircraft.
  • A few yards away, a crippled rasta sits in his wheelchair, killing time.
  • In years gone by a car or bike crippled on the downward journey ended the penny section with a DNF attached.
  • Argentina has been crippled for months by the worst economic crisis in its history.
  • Here I am, in Coffee Republic, using a PC so crippled that I can't tab between fields or view my gmail - I can log in ok, it authenticates, but nothing on the apage shows up. I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadna been for those pesky kids
  • He also had a mother crippled by arthritis and a father who was so ill he and his brother made almost daily visits to their parents.
  • The pilot brought his crippled plane down in a field.
  • Maybe Im overoptimistic, or just plain deluded, but I think that when the people making the big decisions on technology are the ones who have most absorbed it as a major part of their lives then things will make a little more sense (We like free downloads, dont like crippled media/software – aka protected, and dont think that the internet is a series of tubes) EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - What Does Bill Think Of Firefox?
  • Some, too crippled to work, have been forced to return to Latin America.
  • He had a great longing — strange enough in that peaceful sheep-raising neighborhood — to go into the army; but he and his elder brother were the mainstay of their crippled father, and he could not be spared from the large household until a younger brother could take his place; so that all his fire and military zeal went for the present into martial tunes, and the fife was the safety-valve for his enthusiasm. Decoration Day
  • The banks were all recapitalized by the government as a bail-out program to help rescue the banking sector crippled by the 1997-1998 financial crisis.
  • Some tiny trace of memory of the fat Kreutzkammer lingered in her husband's crippled mind -- something as confused as the revolving engine's connexion with the German volkslied. Somehow Good
  • Thirty two years later, the life of the Bahamian is still sadly crippled by the manacles of marginalisation and the chains of economic slavery.
  • They shut down or severely crippled production at the food plants and fields and orchids, so the nation's food supply has been aversely affected. Geraldo Rivera: Secretary Chertoff, Call Off These Raids
  • But then there are dainty green graffs in Saint Cuthbert's kirkyard, whare ane may sleep as if they were in a down-bed, till they hear the lavrock singing up in the air as high as the Castle; whereas, and behold, these London kirkyards are causeyed with through-stanes, panged hard and fast thegither; and my cloak being something threadbare, made but a thin mattress, so I was fain to give up my bed before every limb about me was crippled. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Richard was crippled in the bombing of 1984, and had been in a wheelchair ever since.
  • My mother died at 75, again widowed, bitter, and crippled by arthritis. A Discussion with Irmgard Hunt, author of On Hitler's Mountain
  • Iraq's crippled oil industry produces about two million barrels of oil a day.
  • It also said a lack of Iranian cooperation had crippled IAEA probes into the program.
  • A sizeable population of the villages neighbouring the border are crippled and maimed.
  • The next showed a stewardess flying a crippled plane after the pilot and co-pilot had been knocked out.
  • I call your especial attention to the bulletin of the Bureau of Labor which gives a statement of the methods of treating the unemployed in European countries, as this is a subject which in Germany, for instance, is treated in connection with making provision for worn-out and crippled workmen. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • If they want to stay in the game they make $30-$50k a year in the euro leagues, the arena leagues, the CFL, or the Asian leagues; beating themselves into early crippledom before they hit 30, for a lot less than an auto mechanic makes. More Money (Another Followup) « Whatever
  • At the first step, both were flung violently to the ground, but they managed to scramble up, and clinging to each other with their backs bent like two old crippled peasants, they struck into a kind of ambling trot. The Fur Country
  • Spearheaded by Bono, Jubilee 2000 is blazing a trail in attempting to offer debt relief to the crippled economies of Africa.
  • Finally she tossed her crippled brolly to the road and walked on in the rain and wind, as if unburdened, suddenly, by the knowledge that it was just rain after all.
  • As a bright but unremarkable working-class child, she was crippled by shyness and self-doubt.
  • He says he thought that he'd be able to jump far enough into the deep water, but he landed in the shallow water, and was horribly crippled, he was a tetraplegic.
  • The film follows the lives of four central characters: two are physically crippled, two emotionally broken in exquisitely compelling ways. Boing Boing: November 17, 2002 - November 23, 2002 Archives
  • At the close of the previous season, Mr. Cameron had given him his longest and strongest maskinonge casting-rod; it was too heavy now for Mr. Cameron, who found his casting arm seriously crippled by rheumatism. The Junior Classics — Volume 8 Animal and Nature Stories
  • He heaved his crippled leg into an easier position.
  • When the fight really took place, the Essex was so crippled and the water so smooth that the British ships fought at their own distance; and as they had long guns to oppose to Porter's carronades, this really made the _Cherub_ more nearly suited to contend with the _Essex_ than the latter was to fight the _Phoebe_. The Naval War of 1812 Or the History of the United States Navy during the Last War with Great Britain to Which Is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans
  • Here are the legless, armless, eyeless and toothless; the polio-crippled, the mine-maimed, the buboed and leprous, the self-mutilated and the plain mad.
  • Bunster fled away in a cutter to Guvutu, where he signalized himself by beating up a young Englishman already crippled by a Boer bullet through both hips. MAUKI
  • While, on the one hand, there were no extra liberty days, no delicacies added to the meagre forecastle fare, nor grog or hot coffee on double watches, on the other hand the crew were not chronically crippled by the continual play of knuckle-dusters and belaying pins. A CLASSIC OF THE SEA
  • Agriculture is crippled, too, by the miserable conditions on the collective farms.
  • To deal with that issue, Java was deliberately crippled as a programming language.
  • Ranging in age from seven to 16, the Texas children arrived late last month at their last stop in Africa, the government orphanage in this Nigerian market city of millions bustling with traders and crippled and leprous beggars.
  • She was crippled in a car accident.
  • ‘Mighty poets in their misery dead’ — that is the burden of their song. if anything comes through in spite of all this, it is a miracle, and probably no book is born entire and uncrippled as it was conceived. A room of one's own
  • Two Japanese corporate giants—Hitachi and Toshiba—have submitted preliminary plans to conduct the long-term shutdown of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear-power complex, introducing a cast of players who stand to be active at the site for decades to come. World Watch
  • Dunkerque was only slightly damaged, but was crippled by torpedo aircraft during a second attack on 6 July.
  • In January, Anita had her hip replacement removed to help her recover from MRSA, but this left her crippled.
  • In later life she was crippled with arthritis.
  • A very old woman, bent in half and tottering on crippled legs, slowly and painfully pushed her own empty wheelchair.
  • Shira-i, a former captain now crippled and obsolete, is reduced to selling photos of an Earthrise over a Martian city to credulous tourists. Set the dial for…1972! « Haikasoru: Space Opera. Dark Fantasy. Hard Science.
  • Myself personally I have told my husband that if anything happens he is not to let me come around if I am going to be crippled badly and brain damaged.
  • His face was an exceedingly round but sober one; he was dressed in a faded blue woolen frock or shirt, and patched trowsers; and had thus far been dividing his attention between a marlingspike he held in one hand, and a pill-box held in the other, occasionally casting a critical glance at the ivory limbs of the two crippled captains. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Those were their cards and they had to play them, willy-nilly, hunchbacked or straight backed, crippled or clean-limbed, addle-pated or clear - headed. Chapter X
  • He had been crippled by a rare type of paralysis spreading from his ankle.
  • Separated, bought and sold numerous times, forced to travel hundreds of agonising miles, barefoot or bareback on camels, the mariners became human wrecks, starved, crippled, sick and sunburnt.
  • a crippled soldier
  • He said that if he is confirmed as prime minister, he would first try to stymie the violence that has crippled the country's recovery.
  • It left him crippled and scarcely able to walk, often relying on the help of callipers and sticks.
  • Although beautifully shot, the film is crippled by its sluggish pace, and it is difficult to muster much sympathy for the petulant, sulky Ishmael.
  • The accident crippled him for life.
  • In a wild chase the crews finally overtake a very old and crippled whale.
  • In later life she was crippled with arthritis.
  • He was crippled in the war.
  • Our tendency to reward failure has literally crippled our efforts to help the poor.
  • The pilot guided the crippled helicopter to the ground.
  • He was latter crippled for life when he attempted a backspin on the ceiling of his high school gym.
  • There are copious menu selections for those who might be crippled, incapable or weak.
  • Two of these war materials, 2,4-D, and 2,4,5-T along with Dioxin were the poisons in Agent Orange, the defoliant that killed and crippled so many Vietnamese and American soldiers and turned jungle into denuded ghost lands. We Need Food and Farming Regulation NOW!
  • Although O'Connor is commonly perceived as an outsider artist—the crippled, eccentric scribbler—she was in fact from the beginning very much an insider.
  • He had a great longing -- strange enough in that peaceful, sheep-raising neighborhood -- to go into the army; but he and his elder brother were the mainstay of their crippled father, and he could not be spared from the large household until a younger brother could take his place; so that all his fire and military zeal went for the present into martial tunes, and the fife was a safety-valve for his enthusiasm. A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches
  • Just the same, her role is the showy one - a crippled up, palsied, intimidating patient in a care home for the elderly.
  • Pressure last night mounted on the Government to end the shame of some former mineworkers crippled by coal dust being denied proper compensation.
  • The most popular story about its appearance relates that a great hero of the revolution, who had been crippled in one leg was welcomed home with a victory celebration.
  • Of course, when you need some deceitful con artists to assure gays that making gays eligible for the draft and for being badly crippled/killed in combat is somehow doing the gays a FAVOR — well, you need Democrats for that kind of bullshit. Matthew Yglesias » Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
  • After the accident that crippled him, Delbert could no longer play mandolin.
  • Your victims die or end up crippled, mentally and physically.
  • The pilot tried to land his crippled plane.
  • Their armed forces were crippled and the country's morale was vastly deflated.
  • If the labour movement is weak, anaemic, perhaps crippled, then failure is too close for comfort.
  • This is the same John Edwards who implied President George W. Bush was responsible for keeping the crippled in their wheelchairs.

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