
How To Use Cringe In A Sentence

  • So I cringe when a local newsperson shoves a microphone in the face of some young 95-pound twink (Straight Translation: a twink is a skinny homosexual with a lot of moxie). Max Mutchnick: Where Is My Martin Luther Queen?
  • At college he had never (illis dissimilis in nostro tempore natis) cringed to the possessors of clerical power. Pelham — Volume 05
  • The acting was hammy, the jokes were forced, and the entire thing came across like a high school play - actors overdoing everything in cringe-worthy performances.
  • This will make you laugh out loud - and cringe with embarrassment. The Sun
  • I will always, like the vast majority of people, look at a photo of myself and wince or cringe. Times, Sunday Times
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  • She is, for lack of a better word, cringeworthy.
  • He cringed away from Arun, eyes wide, then blinked and appeared to recognize the trapper.
  • Dimitri cringed away from the raging monster and quickly stumbled towards the door.
  • She cringed as her black blood ran down the shaft of the spear.
  • I cringed at the thought of him urinating on it in the full view of the highway.
  • But admissions tutors in some institutions have had enough of 'cringey' sayings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scotland's leading chef, Andrew Fairlie, has taken a sideswipe at celebrity TV cook culture which, he says, makes him ‘cringe’.
  • ‘Indeed my Lady, it was taken from a French musketeer just minutes after I had killed him,’ he swung it in the air several times, watching with a boyish smile as the nuns cringed.
  • I took my first step into the store and cringed at the music that they were playing.
  • I cringed at the hucksters on the street, who had a negative impact on the brand.
  • Last week's episode, for example, was a rerun of a classic on stories that make us cringe.
  • Yanare took a deep breath secretly hoping that she could meet someone in this party that would make her heart beat rapidly instead of making her cringe in disgust.
  • Because they cannot ride a horse, which every clown can do, salute and court a gentlewoman, carve at table, cringe and make congees, which every common swasher can do … they are laughed to scorn and accounted silly fools by our gallants. Inside Higher Ed
  • Ignore the cringe-making title; this is a European best-seller that's worth checking out.
  • She can make you laugh, nod your head in agreement or cringe with embarrassment. The Sun
  • Anne and Jane cringed by the doorway as they watched a frazzled looking, bewigged physician chase Katherine around the chamber with the offensive bowl and sharp instrument.
  • Thomas cringed at her all too accurate description and he felt annoyed by it.
  • Eight years on, I still cringe at the memory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Death seemed to stalk her soul and she cringed in fear of it but that served as a powerful form of motivation.
  • One cringes at his bitterness, peevishness, and narcissism, but one also respects him for the fact that he cringes, too.
  • A poured concrete floor without mats made me cringe, but the windows were spotless, the sinks were empty, the rotisseries shiny and squeaky clean.
  • Attaching self-esteem so inextricably to this physical ephemeron is just all kinds of cringe-inducing from the long view, as one imagines hard-won confidence melting slowly away as rock hard abs give way to the dreaded "jelly belly" once again. I Want to Wrap My Self-Esteem in a Package of Improbable Preservation! Rah Rah Rah!
  • His robots fight among themselves most realistically, and his crowning achievement is a pitched battle on an underground road, believable enough to induce cringes and curled fists.
  • On its website, however, the cultural cringe is evident and double standards obtain. Double Standards
  • A thought struck me suddenly that made me cringe.
  • The potential for cringe was immediately apparent when two 'bongo' drummers emerged to take up position at the front of the stage (surely bodhran players would have been more appropriate?) and nine Irish rugby 'models' emerged bashfully to a bizarre jungle beat. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • I cringed and quickly scooted across the floor, hearing the rips and tears of my gown from the nail heads in the wood.
  • Celebs are notorious for choosing cringe-making names.
  • Many gay men today cringe at the thought that this was a major component of the sexuality of our precursors.
  • It's very cringey and cheesy, but a whole heap of fun. The Sun
  • While most African Americans cringe when a white person utters the so-called N-word, many give black entertainers like Rock a special dispensation to use it.
  • I am sure you can guess the verdict; jaw-dropping effects and cringeworthy dialogue.
  • He cringes at his own stupidity for mentioning the residency gig the last time Gwynn had been in town.
  • She enjoys making people cringe by clicking her legs as she walks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dodgy books, cringe-making photos of hairstyles you would rather forget about, a mix of furniture and the odd beautiful piece picked up over years of travel, can all cohabit.
  • Calida cringed at the effortless way that those words passed through his lips.
  • In a week or three, I'll look back on what I've been writing recently and I'll either cringe with embarrassment or just be totally baffled by what was going on in my head.
  • Lando Calrissian being dashing is cringe-worthy. Why the Star Wars Prequels Are Actually Good (Part 2)
  • Grow up and stop cringe making! Times, Sunday Times
  • Atheists' arrogance is their Achilles' heel, as cringe-making radio performance has proved. Christopher Lane: Religious Self-Definition A Major Issue In Dawkins's Poor Debate Performance
  • Bastions of old boy networking and the occasional social upstart, they epitomise everything that makes me cringe about Oxford.
  • But it's favorable in so many cringe-making ways.
  • The figure laughs and I cringe at the raucous, metallic sound that sounds from the image of my mouth.
  • It was something I'd heard of, and I was prepared to sneer or cringe as two low-brows reduced films to thumbs up or down and was delighted to find a programme which featured unselfconscious intelligent discussion.
  • The memory still makes me cringe, like lemon juice on an oyster. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dry wit has been succeeded by sketches that make you want to cringe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does he cringe now at that story? Times, Sunday Times
  • As many cringe when one hears the term conservatism, I must say I was impressed upon reading a question and answer article of two bank CEOs in Texas whose lending practices are more conservative than others. Citigroup must die in order to make way for stronger banks to thrive
  • The cultural cringe had straightened up into a swagger. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't know what made me cringe most - Posh and Becks in their thrones or Anthea and Grant with their choccy bars.
  • The handshake was moist and limp, the type that made any soldier or field officer cringe.
  • Hang on, what about the cringe factor? Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not a 'god' particle Dec. 16, 2011 11:16 AM Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider cringe when journalists use the term "god particle" to describe the Higgs Boson, because it has nothing to do with religion - even though it may have been essential to the very creation of the universe as we know it. CBC | Top Stories News
  • At each intersection, Converse had cringed in anticipation of the bullet, the blade, the hatchet.
  • Yet how they must now cringe. The Sun
  • When he returned the local newspaper had a front-page story which made him cringe.
  • I cringed inwardly at the pathetic whine my voice had become.
  • But the hair flicking and lame jokes that delight the boys at the Actuary of the Year dinner are gauche and slightly cringeworthy on the stage of a 1,915-seat theatre.
  • The chuckle turned into a cringe as I swung a little, due to the movement caused by my laughter.
  • It was at best a cultural cringe, at worst wickedly archaic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet Harrison had cause to cringe at the casual manner in which his case was opened and aired.
  • The breeze was soft and crisp making the air so cold I could feel my fingers cringe.
  • His bandmates cringed at the crowd's appearance.
  • I still cringe to see myself. The Sun
  • Even as many cringe and start at what must hurt, and hurt badly, some may dream that the average man is indestructible.
  • Normally I cringe when companies try to "repurpose" their "catalog" like when they keep trying to make musicals out of movies and TV shows, but Krypto's old stuff worked great for this lighthearted show for the younger set. Space Canines Animated
  • Other girls grieve for family traditions that fall by the wayside after a divorce, mourn a parent who died or moved away, or cringe about having to celebrate holidays with the new stepfamily.
  • The out-take scene used over the final credits is a cringe-making business that doesn't even deserve to make it on to the DVD.
  • Presumably some committee of well-meaning experts sat down and thought this would be a good idea, though at first glance it seems pretty cringe-making. Leukemia Man to the Rescue « Awful Library Books
  • At first I kind of cringed when they told me they didn't believe -- ironic, isn't it -- exactly because of the society we live in. Losing My Religion
  • The boy cringed away but remained defiant, his anger driving the fear out of him.
  • Sometimes he can come up with a good quip on the spot, but other than that, he is pretty cringeworthy.
  • I cringed and slowly backed away, the small silver bell in my right hand as I ran back toward the house, my leather slippered feet hitting the sand below me.
  • But something cringe-making happened along the way. When the Multitude Shouts With One Voice
  • Despite much mature retrospection, I can't unsay those mean comments to Mom, undo what 18 years of smoking did to my lungs, nor unwrite the cringe-inducing history of my high school social life.
  • Next, lower the scringe into the MO-DOR scringe-gripper aperture using the swigel-headed flonge to secure it onto the varnicle nodes, which conduct 20-zilihurtz magnifiers to the varnicles. 'Twas the Day After Christmas
  • Yet how they must now cringe. The Sun
  • I try desperately not to cringe when offered tongue, frog's legs and pig's trotters, and I eat them, every time.
  • "I look back at my first fics and cringe," she says.
  • When Nikki rotated his ankle the opposite direction, he cringed and his whole body tensed.
  • But as much as I love him, I cringe in fear every time I see him.
  • Father should at least hire servants who don't cringe in fear at any given moment.
  • He hallucinates three suns in the sky and cringes under the piano.
  • It's not a 'god' particle Dec. 16, 2011 5:04 PM Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider cringe when journalists use the term "god particle" to describe the Higgs Boson, because it has nothing to do with religion - even though it may have been essential to the very creation of the universe as we know it. CBC | Top Stories News
  • I abased myself in such a way that it makes me cringe to even remember it.
  • Does the dialogue in cop dramas typically make you cringe? The Sun
  • He looks like a beggar, yet his eyes lack the proper cringe, his voice the proper whine, his walk the proper shuffle.
  • I kind of cringed when I read the article, especially the conclusion about losing a couple of pounds to accomodate the slim style! For some crazy reason, fashion designers want guys to...
  • The poor athletes have to cringe and crawl and kowtow to the mighty officials and association members in order to get a place in the Olympic contingent.
  • Kokon and Tona cringed in fear that their master might turn on them and kill them.
  • It's kind of cringeworthy in its 2005-ness, really. Archive 2006-03-01
  • He cringed to hear it—its hull grinding the calices of finger corals and the tiny tubes of pipe organ corals, tearing the flower and fern shapes of soft corals, and damaging shells too: punching holes in olives and murexes and spiny whelks, in Hydatina physis and Turris babylonia. The Shell Collector : Stories
  • Help is now at hand for those couples who want the cash but cringe at the thought of asking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chris had cringed at the thought of using her own family for publicity.
  • Brought together for a red-faced reunion, they relive their cringeworthy moments and reflect on how the experience changed their lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stuart glanced at Nancy, cringed a bit under the old soldier's glare and briefly thought of denying his role in the supposed boggart that haunted Nancy's house, but he thought better of it and answered.
  • The term gun would make a lot of people cringe these days. New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • First I will look down, so that every cell in my body cringes with the awareness that I am doing this to myself, that this is wholly my choice; then I will step out into nothingness.
  • Coldplay's Chris Martin says he has no plans to release a solo album and thinks the idea would be 'cringeworthy'. Home
  • The repeated harping on the weight issue made me cringe in my seat, and yes, as you had read, regret eating that custard puff.
  • Is there anything more cringeworthy than a series of unfunny childhood anecdotes and blatant sexual references strung together in a monotone drawl?
  • It was indeed a "shiner" of aggravated aspect, and Isidore cringed as it met his affrighted gaze. Little Citizens
  • And the answer is, yes, the research divisions generally cringe at the sight of such marketing brainstorms.
  • The performance was at times mildly amusing, at times cringeworthy and on one occasion convincing.
  • I cringe every time I remember the disastrous valentine I sent him back in second grade, when I had a major crush on him.
  • "Cultural cringe" denotes a characteristically colonial deference towards the cultural achievements of others.
  • He said: 'I cringe a lot to be honest. The Sun
  • As we munched on genips and slapped mosquitoes, we were entertained by numerous and colorful birds, which would make a bird-watcher cringe with envy.
  • When you cringe every time you text someone, "nite", because it's just so damn easier. Listening to presidential talk — is Barack Obama what we want to hear now?
  • Many folks, including parents, may have cringed at the sight of the guy with a bloody nose on the cover of his latest album.
  • In the first few days I cringed from the kind of jokes that go on in the workplace … until I realized that it was me who was over-sensitized to the overly-politically-correct situation in the US, and that that is the exception rather than the rule. Somebody’s writing that one down.
  • I cringe at can't inject new blood and thinking into the system if you insist on only using those who are already preconditioned to the world of banking. Brett King: Banks Still Don't Get Mobile, But Neither Do Researchers...
  • They gave it quite as willingly, I am sure, although you could see mother scringe when Laddie said "Father and Mother Pryor. Laddie: A True Blue Story
  • He blagged his way onto TV and ended up producing several game shows, archaic examples of cringeworthy family entertainment.
  • He scringed his teeth and gathered his strength to ram home the bar.
  • When I turn a corner in snowball days, the boys with bulging pockets see a head held high and a step unquickened, but I know that I cringe inwardly; and this private mortification I set down against old The Promised Land
  • See him donning a Hawaiian shirt and bucket hat in the video for the full cringe factor. The Sun
  • There must be something that still makes you cringe? The Sun
  • I'm getting all cringey thinking the sound sugar would make if it was getting cut up. Steel-Cut Sugar And Sugar Scissors
  • When she heard of the whippings I received after disobeying my father, she squealed in fright and then cringed at the thought of me not receiving food for 3 days.
  • Most of said adjectives are formed off the latin roots -- equine, feline, bovine, etc. (although - phobias are, naturally, formed off the Greek; hence ailurophobia for fear of cats, instead of something like felinophobia, which would mix a Greek suffix on a Latin root -- eek, cringe). Breakfast in Bed
  • Governments seek its advice, chief executives fawn at its financiers and politicians cringe in the presence of its financial bulk. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pedicure is essential: wearing sandals without pretty feet or at least a lick of nail polish makes me cringe.
  • Sure, the title is cringeworthy and the bonus comic-book insert, while a cool idea, isn't too impressive either.
  • I cringe when I hear some one refer to an Israeli as a Zionist and are using it as a radical Muslim hater uses Islamo-fascist; so I guess "cringing" goes both ways and Ron is correct. Banning some words HERE on This Website
  • Pecans just make me cringe, but I like pecans in granola, fruit pie, etc, not with chocolate. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Cringe-inducing trailers highlighting the campier elements did not help. Scott Mendelson: Judgment Day for Terminator Salvation
  • You might also play against character type or expectation for your humor: a rough and tough dog that cringes at the sight of a bug.
  • The rehearsal scenes saw him perform the obligatory and cringeworthy tortured-genius-kicks-chair-over routine.
  • Jordan cringed with fear as she watched the officer's face grow red with anger.
  • It sounds like a cringey pay-off line from a supermarket advertising campaign. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dry wit has been succeeded by sketches that make you want to cringe. Times, Sunday Times
  • Be prepared to laugh, cringe and cry as the play slips from the anarchical to the downright grotesque and be prepared for an unexpected twist at the end.
  • Does the dialogue in cop dramas typically make you cringe? The Sun
  • Techno-geek jargon, such as 'prosumer', makes regular appearances that some may find cringeworthy. Times, Sunday Times
  • See him donning a Hawaiian shirt and bucket hat in the video for the full cringe factor. The Sun
  • She cringed at the sound of the word sister coming out in a taunting voice. SILENT TRUTH
  • Many of us cringe at the thought. Christianity Today
  • The cultural cringe had straightened up into a swagger. Times, Sunday Times
  • He felt a bit of relief, less cringey, less crawly, thinking of the worm inside, now cold and still. A Lincoln Rhyme eBook Boxed Set
  • What follows is plenty of slapstick humour, the odd chuckle, way too much mushy stuff and some truly cringe-making moments.
  • Depending on your tastes, it was a golden moment in the history of British music or a cringe-making aural atrocity.
  • Mr Douglas has come out with the classic cringe which believes pessimism, or realism as he would no doubt like to call it, is an inherently Scottish state of mind.
  • The fishing-boats scringed and creaked together.
  • I try desperately not to cringe when offered tongue, frog's legs and pig's trotters, and I eat them, every time.
  • He cringed at his own use of such an archaic word.
  • She can make you laugh, nod your head in agreement or cringe with embarrassment. The Sun
  • Sometimes even the best writers commit to paper intimate thoughts that are cringeworthy when reread.
  • Its meaning in that context is "To draw back instinctively, as from something alarming" but because of the other meanings, there's also a feel or image of a person making himself smaller in fear, which gets us back to "cower" or "cringe. Word Choice
  • Blood spattered her black robe and she cringed.
  • This will make you laugh out loud - and cringe with embarrassment. The Sun
  • That's not exactly news, and just because he left a trail of e-mails that would make a romance novel writer cringe doesn't make him a complete embarrassment; billets-doux don't hold up well under klieg lights. Judgment Day for Mark Sanford
  • Today, many years and speeches later, seldom uttering an "er" or "ah, " I can laugh while I still cringe at that long-ago memory.
  • Petal, crouching in the corner, the sheets around her naked body, cringed.
  • And the carving of the turkey: it was so cringe-making when Mum said, `You be the man of the house, darling ', but I had to give it a go. LOSING IT
  • Because they cannot ride a horse, which every clown can do; salute and court a gentlewoman, carve at table, cringe and make conges, which every common swasher can do, [1990] hos populus ridet, &c., they are laughed to scorn, and accounted silly fools by our gallants. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The last big burst of Bold New Stuff was the stuff that we now all agree was cringe-inducing: Cable in one universe and the doctorless Fate in the other. Comic Book Resources
  • Most of the writing is cringeworthy, dull to read, lacking in direction and possesses little or no identity.
  • And the carving of the turkey: it was so cringe-making when Mum said, `You be the man of the house, darling ', but I had to give it a go. LOSING IT
  • The dog cringed at the sight of a snake.
  • Despite much mature retrospection, I can't unsay those mean comments to Mom, undo what 18 years of smoking did to my lungs, nor unwrite the cringe-inducing history of my high school social life.
  • Genevan felt a strange cringe in his stomach at the sight of her.
  • Steven slammed his open hand down on the wall beside Darren's head, causing Darren to cringe.
  • They cringed before the queen.
  • Jonah advanced on her, his expression furious enough to make Sorcha cringe. My Soul to Keep
  • Ideal as a watchdog, this dog will neither be aggressive nor cringe with fear on accosting a stranger.
  • My whole shtick is putting twenty-six letters, ten numbers, and twenty-odd punctuation marks in an order that makes people cringe and guffaw and wet themselves and hide under the bed. A Man in Trouble
  • Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar.
  • As an icky ode to the cringe-making magic of sex, "Autoerotic" plays for deliberate laughs the awkward intimacies that usually give mumblecore films a sense of vulnerable reality. Beat the Heat With a Reel Meal and a Jaunt to Brazil
  • Mick came and slung his arm around Torin's shoulder, another horrendous breach of eti - quette from which Torin literally cringed. Second Skin
  • The ZVZ156 scringe must have a 14-inch aperture to successfully interflex with the MO-DOR picrochits. 'Twas the Day After Christmas
  • No longer was he simply a mischievous scamp running circles around the archbishop of Canterbury and barking like a dog; William was now karate-chopping his mother, kicking the servants, and throwing cringe-making tantrums in public. William and Kate
  • So go he does, turning on his heel and slinking out with the cringe of a dog that's been kicked one too many times.
  • She cringed as the light moved closer and bit her lip to keep from crying out in fear.
  • Growing up, Suzy Berger would cringe when she was called a thespian. A Funny Time to Be Gay
  • Much spunkiness is ephemeral, like slang or pop that goes from cool to cringey in a nanosecond. 2008 May 16 « Exile on Ninth Street
  • She shot a kind look at Kaiyo, whose perpetual cringe eased in reply.
  • Grow up and stop cringe making! Times, Sunday Times
  • WARNING: Even one woopler-varnicle node misconnection will cause xurls to disrupt the scringe-view quorms once the framulator is plugged in. 'Twas the Day After Christmas
  • I know it was a harmless mistake but I just cringe at stuff like this.
  • The same people who cringe when words such as ‘imply’ and ‘infer’ are confused react without a trace of embarrassment to even the most egregious of numerical solecisms.
  • I cringe, but I'm desensitized to most of the stuff I hear.
  • And there were just moments there that you just kind of cringed a little bit. Eagles president on McNabb, Shanahan
  • How can he possibly cringe at the intimate details of people's lives?
  • The cringe factor was pretty bad - there were fashion disasters and bad hairstyles. The Sun
  • I cringed as the crowd of Clemington students next to me began screaming names across the gym bleachers.
  • Despite all the red carpet pouting and cringeworthy social media pictures, their quest ended in failure. The Sun
  • Reese cringed at the extreme sight of blood.
  • Supporters of this war who are in the mood for an ideological pogrom should chill out for a while, and opponents need not fold into permanent cringe position.
  • There were so many cringeworthy moments in this vomit-fest.
  • Bojangles, the Mecca for all the crims and drug freaks, is the venue to make any family or business man cringe with fear and disgust.
  • The retired journalist who worked alongside Litman as a reporter, then as features sub-editor, cringes at some of the mistakes she spies in newspapers and hears on the radio.
  • I cringed at the title, hating the reminder that I was royalty while she was common.
  • At times, her pained face is so pathetic and real, it's cringeworthy.
  • When I move through the jungle at night, the black panther cringes as I approach. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990

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