

  1. severe hypothyroidism resulting in physical and mental stunting

How To Use cretinism In A Sentence

  • Nordau took it from Bénédict Morel, a French psychiatrist, who was alarmed at what he considered accelerating cretinism and insanity. Bloodlust
  • We roll out multi-billion dollar anti-retroviral programs for AIDS, but we don't even deworm kids or iodize salt - two simple interventions that would raise school attendance, reduce malnutrition and anemia, and prevent cognitive impairment and even cretinism. is a Columbia University expert on public health who has spent the last couple of years living in Rwanda. Nicholas D. Kristof
  • = Cretinism = is a form of amentia, which is endemic in certain districts, especially in some of the valleys of Switzerland, Savoy, and France. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • They are horrible too, aren’t they? they did horrible things to deserve this didn’t they? moral cretinism is alive and well in America. Think Progress » Israelis and Lebanese talking — on the net.
  • Forty-three million people were estimated to be affected by some degree of IDD-related brain damage, ranging from frank cretinism, spastic diplegia, milder mental retardation, and impaired educability. Chapter 2
  • For example, Thailand (only a half standard deviation below the US) has recently started a what appears to be a well-designed, sensible national program to boost average IQ by fortification of staple foods with iodine and other essential micronutrients in order to prevent IQ-lowering medical syndromes like the medical condition known as cretinism, which is caused by lack of iodine (the US instititued fortification of all salt with iodine back before WWII to eliminate cretinism). Does It Matter If IQ Matters?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Thyroid deficiency in children gives rise to a form of idiocy, bodily malformation and degeneracy known as cretinism, while in adult life it is associated with a similar disorder known as myxedema. Vitality Supreme
  • Cretinism is an endemic disease among mountainous people who drink largely of lime water, and is characterized by a condition of physical, physiologic, and mental degeneracy and nondevelopment, and possibly goiter. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Thyroid deficiency in children gives rise to a form of idiocy, bodily malformation and degeneracy known as cretinism, while in adult life it is associated with a similar disorder known as myxedema. Vitality Supreme
  • Extreme maternal hypothyroidism leads to neurological cretinism, which can include spastic diplegia (a form of cerebral palsy), deafness, and severe mental retardation. Environmental effects on the thyroid
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