How To Use Cretin In A Sentence
Once B cells have come into contact with an antigen they proliferate and differentiate into antibody secreting cells.
Then, too, a defect in the glands causes the disease known as myxedema in adults and cretinism in children.
The War Terror
The particular form of idiocy known as cretinism is the result of this deficiency, which produces an arrest of the development of the brain cells.
The Pivot of Civilization
Earthworms spend most of their time reproducing, eating and excreting, which is where their -
The duodenum is important in the secretion of a number of hormones, including secretin, cholecystokinin, and enteroglucagon.

These tiny blue-green algae refashioned their world by excreting oxygen while using hydrogen from water.
Scientist Kristin Tessmar-Raible from Arendt's lab directly compared two types of hormone-secreting nerve cells of zebrafish, a vertebrate, and the annelid worm Platynereis dumerilii, and found some stunning similarities.
2007 June - Telic Thoughts
In school he had to beg for food and the Nazis considered him "asocial" and "cretinous".
Top stories from Times Online
It is sung, played, and written for the most part by cretinous goons, and by means of its almost imbecilic reiteration, and sly, lewd—in plain fact, dirty—lyrics . . . it manages to be the martial music of every sideburned delinquent on the face of the earth.
A Renegade History of the United States
He responded testily to questions about WikiLeaks's opaque finances, Private Manning's fate and WikiLeaks's apparent lack of accountability to anybody but himself, calling the questions "cretinous," "facile" and reminiscent of "kindergarten.
NYT > Home Page
Or, as in the Brezhnev period, they were so emendated in a cretinized two-volume edition of Tkachev's works (in whose introduction the Soviet editors also criticized me and my book on Tkachev ” the first in English about him) as to be unrecognizable ” either as essential Tkachevism or as examples of proto-Bolshevism foreshadowing Lenin's ideology.
Lenin & 'The Radiant Future'
Imperfect development or absence of this organ, or an inactive condition of it, produces in the child arrested growth and deficient mental development known as cretinism, and in the adult the same condition gives rise to mental deterioration, swelling of the skin, due to a greater content of water, and loss of hair.
Disease and Its Causes
Sun and Shay used both pancreozymin and secretin to examine the pancreas.
But what about how cretinous it seems when acquaintances overtype like that, just-becausssssssssse?
Pitchfork: Latest News
All I could get is this cretinoid page written by some Al Bundy who couldn't possibly think of a proxy with authentication as one of the reasons to fail:
Planète Béranger v3
Because eggs follicular because follicle-stimulating hormone stimulation and increase, these hormone drugs help secreting estrogen that stimulate uterine cervix.
The airway wall is composed of many interrelated structural components such as epithelium, connective tissue, vessels, muscle, and mucus-secreting gland acini.
The same way it works on muscles to make them not contract so the skin doesn't wrinkle, it -- the same substance contains acetal coli (ph) a neurotransmitter -- it actually stops the sweat gland from secreting the fluid.
CNN Transcript Jul 18, 2005
The liver is also actively involved in detoxifying and excreting into the bile many different drugs, including sulfonamides, penicillin, ampicillin and erythromycin to name a few.
I bet that those on the receiving end of such behaviour don't mind whether the villains are dubbed cretins or morons.
Others argued that the bones were from modern human pygmies or people whose brains were dwarfed by a genetic disease called cretinism, giving rise to a small body and abnormally tiny skull.
COSMOS magazine - The science of everything
Unlike the subliterate cretin presently occupying the White House, Carter was one of the few presidents of my lifetime who was a consistently impressive extemporaneous speaker.
McCain: Obama Would Equal Carter's Second Term
The lessons of these, and perhaps others remaining to be discovered, are: the Milky Way is a dynamic system, still forming, its disk still accreting; and some of the stars in the Solar neighborhood may have formed in another galaxy.
Among the more common reasons are hormone imbalance caused by your body secreting too much estrogen or not enough progesterone; the effects of hormone pills; fibroids; polyps; adenomyosis (see page 209); infection; abnormal growth of the uterine lining (endometrium); chronic endometritis (inflammation or infection of the lining of the uterus); and thyroid hormonal changes.
Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
For him, every human being on the planet is an "inchworm," a "pygmy" or a "cretin," save for the couple of friends he can share his profound visions of negativity with.
Hurriyet Dailynews
Blepharitis is inflammation of the edges of the eyelids; conjunctivitis is inflammation of the membrane that lines the eyelids and connects to the eyeball; iritis is inflammation of the iris; scleritis is inflammation of the white part of the eyeball, uveitis is inflammation of the pigmented inner parts of the eye; a sty is an inflammation of an oil-secreting gland on or near the edge of an eyelid; a chalazion is a small, hard tumor that forms on the edge of an eyelid.
Objective: To explore the regulatory effect of clearing Heat secreting bile regulating Qi flow and activating blood circulation (CSRA) principle on cholecystokinin receptor (CCK R) and its mechanism.
The workmen are still busy concreting the road.
Not only are you the idiot of the month, you're the braindead cretin of the month and the muddleheaded halfwit of the month as well.
If I wouldn't recognise your name -- which might simply be an online handle -- it doesn't matter; point is, at least then you'd be distinguishable from the sort of trolling cretins whose "hit-and-run" posts are precisely the reason this courtesy is a convention in the blogosphere.
Researchers from Philadelphia gave a single intravenous dose of secretin versus placebo in 61 children with autistic spectrum disorder.
He had worked as a paper boy while he was at school and more recently in the engineering and concreting industry.
And what about you, George you misbegotten cretin.
William Gull as a cretinoid change, and later by William Ord of London, who suggested the name.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
I was stoned by a gang of cretins and suckers-up to cretins for being a "swot".
Undergraduates are more than their parents bank balance
The peculiar disease called cretinism, as well as goitre, has been attributed to a predominance of certain chemicals in the soil.
The Home Medical Library, Volume V (of VI)
In normal condition, the onset of PS is not possible directly from W because the wake-active hypothalamic hypocretinergic neurons and brainstem monoaminergic neurons tonically excite the vlPAG / dDpMe PS-off GABAergic neurons.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Enfin si quand meme sinon j'l'aurais pas choisi mais je suis bien plus Punky dérangé que Punky poete, je suis tres reveur mais ce n'est pas l'image que j'veux donner a mon blog sinon je joueari pas autant les cretin dessus.
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
If I did not think that what the British State is deliberately trying to do, to turn 70 million people into cretinoid uncritical enslaved barnyard animals, on purpose and via long-term strategic (and focussed) planning, I would think it was merely funny … …. it can dictate a "policy" about how our bodies go about interacting with other bodies.
The Libertarian Alliance: BLOG
There is a congenital disease called cretinism which essentially is due to a lack of thyroid secretion.
The Foundations of Personality
By taking x-ray pictures while the kidneys are excreting the dye, the urologist can see any abnormalities in the outline of the urinary system.
The improved DDST intelligence examination was done on 67 cases of endemic cretinism in Qinghai through random sampling and had got developmental quotient (DQ).
Even Tallis was unable to keep away, secreting himself inside a garderobe.
Only the upper 4 km of this sequence is accreting at the current subduction zone.
DNCD3 splenic cells from young NOD mice (1) provided long-lasting protection against diabetes transfer in NOD/Scid immunodeficient mice, (2) proliferated and differentiated in the spleen and pancreas of NOD/Scid mice and pre-diabetic NOD mice into IL-10-secreting T
Elites TV
In like manner, circulating blood sugar in diabetes is controlled over a short term by the intake of sugars; glyconeogenesis and conversion of sugars to triglycerides and various lipoproteins for reserves; the sugar hunger reflex affected by incretin, ghelin and other chemical messengers; insulin resistance mechanisms; the release of glucose reserves by glucononeogenis, and a wide range of other mechanisms that are not completely understood — but we don't wave our hands and speak of "conducive conditions", but plan research to get real understanding.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Some anthropologists dismissed the specimens as simply showing evidence of a miserable community afflicted by microcephaly, Laron syndrome, cretinism or other ailments that might produce similar physical features.
Bones That Tell a Tale
The temperature was 100. 2°; the facial expression more natural; the tongue remained somewhat swollen and sore; she was no longer restless; she took tea, beef-tea, milk, etc., well; the functions of the secreting organs were being restored; she perspired freely; had micturated; the mucous membrane of the mouth was moist, and there was a tendency to tears without corresponding mental depression.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
Humans can be hyperthyroid, and secrete too many thyroid hormones or hypothyroid, secreting too few.
Human narcolepsy generally stems from a shortage of the neurons, which produce the excitatory neurotransmitter known both as hypocretin and orexin.
In this week's issue of the journal Cell they report that hormone-secreting brain centres are much older than expected and likely evolved from multifunctional cells of the last common ancestor of vertebrates, flies and worms. (emphasis added)
2007 June - Telic Thoughts
I had devoted no more than a footnote to Paul Buhle, who had ludicrously described Karl Kautsky, Louis Althusser, and Harry Pollitt as "cretinoid intellectuals of Europe.
Revisiting American Communism: An Exchange
Lacrimation is the bodily process of secreting what?
Times, Sunday Times
The improved DDST intelligence examination was done on 67 cases of endemic cretinism in Qinghai through random sampling and had got developmental quotient (DQ).
Roughly 5 percent of those who contract the illness become chronic carriers - excreting the typhoid bacteria in their stools for more than a year.
This Chris Brown guy is yet another example of our culture and society being destroyed by overhyped, untalented cretins who pose and preen themselves into some kind of wannabe phenomena.
Chris Brown Not Guilty Plea
That helped eliminate "cretinism" and similar medical problems lowering intelligence in the industrialized world a few generations ago.
Colonialism's Surprisingly Weak Impact:
We therefore collected the silver, piece by piece, secreting it in "crocus" bags, which, when all was ready, we deposited in a capacious carry-all, into which we crowded.
A belle of the fifties : memoirs of Mrs. Clay, of Alabama, covering social and political life in Washington and the South, 1853-66,
It creates a unique micro environment by secreting an enzyme called urease which creates a local environment of alkaline or not acid so that it can withstand acid.
In patients negative to challenge there was no increase in the number of specific antibody secreting cells against beta lactoglobulin and casein.
(mongolism) · cretinism walks with both feet tiptoe
1) Head Control and Use of Senses
Nordau took it from Bénédict Morel, a French psychiatrist, who was alarmed at what he considered accelerating cretinism and insanity.
Among the more common reasons are hormone imbalance caused by your body secreting too much estrogen or not enough progesterone; the effects of hormone pills; fibroids; polyps; adenomyosis (see page 209); infection; abnormal growth of the uterine lining (endometrium); chronic endometritis (inflammation or infection of the lining of the uterus); and thyroid hormonal changes.
Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
It has been shown experimentally in various ways that the necessary elements of the secretion can be furnished by feeding with the gland or its extracts, and that the cretinoid or myxedematous conditions could thus be cured or prevented.
The Evolution of Modern Medicine
The disease was first described by Sir William Gull as a cretinoid change, and later by William Ord of London, who suggested the name.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
You know what we know in bereavement that you're excreting endogenous opioids, and we know that opioids cause constipation, so we can reasonably understand that bereaved people can get constipated.
It is almost unbelievable that one could even contemplate a population where in 13 out of every 100 live births, the child was a cretin.
Oh I am so glad you went off on a tangent and mentioned Eddie Murphy's annoying roles - reading about the irritating male friend that you called a cretin, kindly allow me to put Eddieee in that category.
Funmi Desalu on Ugly Betty
What kind of a message does this send out to the cretins who ruin the town with their pathetic unartistic scribbles?
The westerly dipping reflections show that the dune has migrated from east to west and is accreting on its western side.
If any of you can provide me with examples of this character's cretinhood, I will happily publish them.
The two diseases have biological correlativity, such as corticosteroid - secreting rhythm disturbance, insulin resistance and so on.
Roughly 5 percent of those who contract the illness become chronic carriers - excreting the typhoid bacteria in their stools for more than a year.
Gliosis is linked to neuronal degeneration and may explain the loss of the hypocretin cells.
We moved close to an extremely scruffy exotic food mart where birds flew around helping themselves to the bulk bins of bulgur and excreting onto the green peppers.
The rest of the market goes to acid blockers, which prevent the action of histamine on the acid-secreting cells of the stomach, reducing acid secretion.
Is not in intestinal digestion the secretion of the pancreatic juice favoured by other elements like secretin?
Ilya Mechnikov - Nobel Lecture
Hit and Runway is indeed like a bunch of hopelessly lost screen cretins looking for a script doctor.
It acts slowly and mildly on the secreting organs, such as kidneys, skin and bowels.
Adrenal virilism is caused by an androgen-secreting adrenal tumor or by adrenal hyperplasia.
The point of Finkelstien bringing this to the attention of The Times readerproloteriat was to hopefully empathize with the inanity of certain daft policing strategies, dreamed up by promotion hungry cretins.
Welcome ‘Times’ Readers « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The disease has then progressed until destruction of the secreting layer of the bursal membrane has been seriously interfered with, and in this case we find a distinct deficiency in the quantity of synovia in the bursa.
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
It\'s high time someone told you outright that you must be suffering from holy water on the brain, if you think we can\'t see you for what you are: a klavern of counterfeit prophets waxing psychotic for other cretinous hypocrites.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Listen Up, You Christo-Fascist Bullies -- You Apostles Of Perpetual Psychosis -- It's High Time Somebody Called You Out
Vasopressin continued to act in patients excreting isotonic or hypertonic urine, so hypotonic intake must be avoided in them.
Further along, bioengineering may open the door to fabrics that constantly repel dirt while secreting the fragrances of your choice.
Scents may vary as the river's fringe; but only a delicate blend is recognised -- the breathings of honey-secreting flowers and of sapful plants free from all uncleanliness.
Tropic Days
After long enough, you just roll over and accept the fact that you're a sexist, bigoted, insensitive, crude, cretin.
The odd tongue-in-cheek was bound to drive most clodplates, cretins and cullies crazy.
When the secreting elements increase out of proportion to the stroma, numerous rounded or irregular spaces filled with a thick yellow colloid material are formed in the substance of the goitre -- _colloid goitre_.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
I see a balance between a very few sensible people and a crowd of craven cretins.
The word cretin is derived from the Latin creatura.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Would we stop buying and become filthy / unhygienic cretins?
When the secreting elements increase out of proportion to the stroma, numerous rounded or irregular spaces filled with a thick yellow colloid material are formed in the substance of the goitre -- _colloid goitre_.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Result Chondrocytes were seen to distribute evenly inside the collagen sponge with matrix secreting in vitro and hyaline cartilage formation were observed at the 12th week postoperatively.
The hormones capable of altering the MMC include insulin, pancreatic polypeptide, somatostatin, glucagon, secretin, motilin, gastrin, cholecystokinin, and neurotensin.
We were weeks past demureness, of secreting ourselves deep into earshotless underbrush to go to the bathroom.
It Wasn't Me.
Eric Windowlicker, of the charity Nutcase Support, said, we are amazed by this research, which shows that the problems of insanity, cretinosity, intellectual retardation and outright lunacy is still utterly rampant in 21st-Century Britain.
Archive 2009-04-01
Dilan Esper: What makes Thomas a cretin is that he abdicates his JOB to decide whether punishments are cruel and unusual.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause and Life Without Parole for Under-18 (Nonhomicide) Offenders
Apparemment ce président en mal de résultat positif veut faire passer, et cela plait beaucoup aux occidentaux en ces moments incertains de crise, son peuple comme un ramassis de crétins et d´incapables.
Global Voices in English » D.R. of Congo: Furor Over Kabila’s New York Times Interview
Accretionary lapilli are formed in an eruption column or cloud by moisture or electrostatic forces, with the volcanic ash nucleating on some object and then accreting to it in layers before the accretionary lapillus falls from the cloud.
Accretionary lapilli - The Panda's Thumb
One such intervention involves the intravenous injection of secretin, a gastrointestinal polypeptide.
Figure 4 depicts the concentrations of IgM specific antibody secreting cells to beta lactoglobulin and casein in these patients.
I especially liked the one about the woman who walked by with the sweater that said 'excreting' on it.
The Passing of the Pope
Gamma-tocopherol partially protects insulin-secreting cells against functional inhibition by nitric oxide.
On papaya, mealy bugs damage the plant by sucking its juices and excreting a clear, gooey substance called honeydew.
The war caused the temporary suspension of this plan; nevertheless, a sum of £6,600 was spent on concreting the quay roads and approaches to the berths.
That leaves old-fashioned glue: except that gecko feet have no suitable glue-secreting glands.
Usually, a pregnant woman with preeclampsia develops dangerously high blood pressure and begins excreting protein in the urine.
Accretionary lapilli are formed in an eruption column or cloud by moisture or electrostatic forces, with the volcanic ash nucleating on some object and then accreting to it in layers before the accretionary lapillus falls from the cloud.
Accretionary lapilli - The Panda's Thumb
Some (but by no means all) halophytes utilize salt-secreting glands to remove excess ions from their leaves, reducing the need for very tight balancing of ion accumulation and growth.
Up until about 1997, the north end of Hog Island was accreting at a rate of 5 m yr - 1 and had developed a series of different-aged dune lines lying parallel to the shoreline.
He began by showing that the pancreas, secreting its juice into the duodenum, was capable of digesting foodstuffs.
No. What makes Thomas a cretin is that he abdicates his JOB to decide whether punishments are cruel and unusual.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause and Life Without Parole for Under-18 (Nonhomicide) Offenders
How could you be such a blithering, unconscious cretin?
We also observed that the A. fumigatus enolase, rAsp f22, was recognized exclusively by IFN-γ secreting T-cells.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Nine years after the operation she stopped growing and became cretinoid.
Emil Theodor Kocher
They feed by grasping the prey, then everting their stomach and secreting primary enzymes on the prey.
Working in secretIn Zabul's provincial police headquarters, the lack of resources for policewomen and the extent of the community's hostility toward them is clear.
Fighting is cultural, criminal for Afghan policewomen
I had listened to talk radio for many, many years before it was taken over by the cretinous screamers.
The side forms were then placed and braced apart by the struts and concreting continued to the skewback plane indicated in
Concrete Construction Methods and Costs
The workmen are still busy concreting the road.
I've heard him called a cretin, "a retard", an idiot.
Laurie Kendrick
Here a complicated set of tropisms is involved from thigmotropism, or response to touch when the insect lights on the leaf, to a chemotropism in the secreting of digestive juices.
The term cretin describes a person so affected, but, like such words as spastic, idiot, and lunatic, also is a word of abuse.
Anarchist news dot org - Comments
As planetesimals grow still larger, their gravitational attraction increases, allowing them to become even more effective at accreting nearby planetesimals.
There were plenty of professors who were forever assiduously browsing in vales of Enna and on Pentelican slopes among the vestiges of antiquity, slowly secreting lacteous facts, and not one of them would have raised his head from that exquisite pasturage, though Pan had made music through his pipe of reeds.
Among My Books First Series
They are a bunch of freeloading cretins dedicated to bumming around the villas of Europe and the Caribbean, pushing themselves onto unsuspecting hosts, eating them out of house and home, using up all their bog paper, then moving on.
The transient activation of bone resorption function, presented as the temporary increase of osteoclasts number and mostly maintenance of its function of excreting acid and protease.
Vasopressin continued to act in patients excreting isotonic or hypertonic urine, so hypotonic intake must be avoided in them.
In satire we are allowed to see ourselves in fictitious or anonymous constructs of real people (Cretinous van Poopypants, anyone?).
Today's Font Joke Is Also A Lesson
The paper actually did choose 14 gas-poor elliptical galaxies looking in the 0.3 to 0.7 keV band to "…optimized to detect soft emission from thermonuclear-burning on the surface of an accreting white dwarf.
Merging White Dwarfs Set Off Supernovae | Universe Today
THere are smart conservatives out there – why idolise the cretins of your party – Reagan, then Quayle, then W, now Palin.
Poll: Was Palin's resignation a smart move?
Millions of people in the Himalayas and Andes suffer from goitre and cretinism as glaciation, heavy rainfall and melting snow regularly leach mountain soils of their iodine content.
Scents may vary as the river’s fringe; but only a delicate blend is recognised — the breathings of honey-secreting flowers and of sapful plants free from all uncleanliness.
Tropic Days
Next to occur would have been the evolution of nectaries, nectar-secreting structures, to lure the pollinators.
False Fear? - The Panda's Thumb
Protein-secreting cells in the oviduct lining add a thickening layer to its membrane, and then coat it with about half the final volume of the egg white, or albumen from the Latin albus, meaning “white”.
On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
Secretin and other hormones of similar nature are built up of amino acid chains containing more than a dozen and less than a hundred amino acids and are therefore sometimes called polypeptide hormones rather than protein hormones.
The Human Brain
I believe that all religions should be objects of ridicule until they repudiate in no uncertain terms the cretinous pissheads that claim religious justification for the slaughter and persecution we see around us. Main RSS Feed
The workmen are still busy concreting the road.
It is also easier to determine the mass of a white dwarf accreting energy from a known type of star, than it is to figure out the mass and total energy two colliding white dwarfs will release…. if you even happen to see them before they collide, which isn't likely.
Merging White Dwarfs Set Off Supernovae | Universe Today
Oh, and since I always get called a pothead for saying things like that, so I'll go ahead and mention I've never smoked pot in my life. raerae1980: GAT_00: cretinbob: tax the shiat out of it.
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
She should be scorned for the cankerous cretin that she is.
Think Progress » Five more U.S. soldiers die in Iraq.
An approximate cubage for the ground works and concreting could be determined according to the same method as shown for plastic pools.
Extreme maternal hypothyroidism leads to neurological cretinism, which can include spastic diplegia (a form of cerebral palsy), deafness, and severe mental retardation.
Environmental effects on the thyroid
Unlike other kinds of theft where the principal beneficiaries are the thief and other low-life cretins, here the person who benefits the most is another contractor.
I left Legion still amazed that two people working together could create this kind of cretinous half-baked drivel.
Today on
What kind of cretinous text-messaging, law-breaking morons are we, anyway?
Reader Rants and Raves
Even more strikingly, half of all the humans living on the farm were by then excreting tetracycline-resistant bacteria too.
Johann Hari: Factory Farming Is Manufacturing Superbugs -- and Endangering Us All
It's high time someone told you outright that you must be suffering from holy water on the brain, if you think we can't see you for what you are: a klavern of counterfeit prophets waxing psychotic for other cretinous hypocrites.
Listen Up, You Christo-Fascist Bullies -- You Apostles Of Perpetual Psychosis -- It's High Time Somebody Called You Out
These 'nonvisual' light responses have been suggested to be predominantly mediated by the novel photopigment melanopsin Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) belongs to the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)/glucagons/secretin family and plays pleiotropic roles as a neurotransmitter, neuromodulator and neurotrophic factor
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Continuing to retrace its earlier history, the zircon may then become incorporated into sediment and, once more, find itself deeply buried in even younger metamorphic rock, and accreting a second, younger overgrowth.
Thyroid deficiency in children gives rise to a form of idiocy, bodily malformation and degeneracy known as cretinism, while in adult life it is associated with a similar disorder known as myxedema.
Vitality Supreme
What is contractibility without muscular fibre, or secretion without a secreting gland?
What is Darwinism?
‘Matter accreting around a black hole heats up,’ he explains, ‘and this heating could be a sign that small black holes were widespread in the Universe at that time.’
Even a moderately soulful vocal from Pharrell can't save this, which literally sounds like SHM are testing out every setting on their ludicrously expensive synths by bashing out the same cretinous non-riff.
This week's new singles
Surely this cretin is not Fucking With the Assistant!
A Reminder: Don't Fuck With the Assistant
Remembering that the bursal membrane is a synovia-secreting one, and bearing in mind what happens in ordinary synovitis and arthritis (with which, of course, this may be very closely compared), we shall first expect changes in the bursal contents.
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
Concreting a vault, on the other hand, calls for much more skill and craftsmanship owing to the complicated formwork - the one exception being when the masoned shell is intended to serve as permanent formwork.
5. Design of biogas plants
Another hormone from the small intestine, cholecystokinin, works similarly to secretin.
These 'nonvisual' light responses have been suggested to be predominantly mediated by the novel photopigment melanopsin Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) belongs to the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)/glucagons/secretin family and plays pleiotropic roles as a neurotransmitter, neuromodulator and neurotrophic factor
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
The lateral hypothalamus contains cells that secrete a protein neurotransmitter called ‘orexin’ or ‘hypocretin.’
How do you cretinous imbeciles manage to lose your effing shoes when you're out for a walk?
When preparations were made to surrender the fortress to the Christian sovereigns, I was prevailed upon by an alfaqui, a Moorish priest, to aid him in secreting some of the treasures of Boabdil in this vault.
Washington Irving
He is a cretin's cretin, a halfwit, an ignoramus in every respect.
A slobbering, boss-eyed cretin chops wood at my side, and when
Across China on Foot
Cretinism is an endemic disease among mountainous people who drink largely of lime water, and is characterized by a condition of physical, physiologic, and mental degeneracy and nondevelopment, and possibly goiter.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
I recently witnessed one cretin performing this manoeuvre as he approached the brow of a hill; an oncoming vehicle had to slam on its brakes to avoid a collision.
In patients negative to challenge there was no increase in the number of specific antibody secreting cells against beta lactoglobulin and casein.
Be careful what you wish for ....... let's remember that Labour had a fat, self-serving, two faced, useless, snout in the trough thickie who was deputy of the party and the government and look at the damage he did. ffs, he's apparently going to the HoL for being a cretin.
Army Rumour Service
The results showed that icv injection of NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) had dose-dependent inhibitory effects on vasopressin (VP) secreting units in PVN.
Then I made the room into a bunker, concreting the door into place and putting in a toilet, washbowl, bed, cooker and fridge.
Several months later we learned about gluten- and casein-free diets, secretin, and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy.
By careful studies of the cytological characteristics of the cells of these islets, as distinguished from those of the much more numerous secreting acini among which they lie, and by painstaking examination of the anatomical relationships of the two kinds of cells in different classes of vertebrates, Laguesse and Diamare concluded that the islets must be responsible for the antidiabetic influence.
John Macleod - Nobel Lecture
Prioris was included among the finest musicians of his day by writers such as Crétin, Eloy d'Amerval, Jean Daniel and François Rabelais, and he appears among the second group of composers to whom tribute is paid in Pierre Moulu's motet Mater floreat.
Archive 2009-05-01
Blepharitis is inflammation of the edges of the eyelids; conjunctivitis is inflammation of the membrane that lines the eyelids and connects to the eyeball; iritis is inflammation of the iris; scleritis is inflammation of the white part of the eyeball, uveitis is inflammation of the pigmented inner parts of the eye; a sty is an inflammation of an oil-secreting gland on or near the edge of an eyelid; a chalazion is a small, hard tumor that forms on the edge of an eyelid.
So mammals are unable to digest cellulose, except some ruminants that have cellulase-secreting bacteria in their rumens.
Agriculture -- once a fungus or an oomycete comes into contact with a host, it may initiate an infection by secreting a special protein, called an effector, into spaces between the host's cells.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
I just learned the history of the word cretin today.
Within two weeks, 90 per cent of the chickens were excreting tetracycline-resistant organisms.
Johann Hari: Factory Farming Is Manufacturing Superbugs -- and Endangering Us All
This week, chaos ensued when film director Brett Ratner, who was slated to co-produce the show, was forced out for making lewd and cretinous remarks.
How to Win an Oscar Now
Mr. McBride, on the other hand, is fast wearing out his welcome with a character type who, with a deep-fried accent and a pudd'nhead, could be called the cretinous cracker.
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He discovered the glycogenic function of the liver, and proved that in addition to secreting bile, that organ stores up glycogen from the sugar absorbed in the stomach and intestines, and gives it out again as sugar to the blood.
Hormones and Heredity
Thyroid deficiency in children gives rise to a form of idiocy, bodily malformation and degeneracy known as cretinism, while in adult life it is associated with a similar disorder known as myxedema.
Vitality Supreme
This eleven year old girl had a successful removal of her thyroid, but afterwards she became very tired, showed no signs of initiative and became cretinoid.
Emil Theodor Kocher
He is a cretin's cretin, a halfwit, an ignoramus in every respect.
For example, Thailand (only a half standard deviation below the US) has recently started a what appears to be a well-designed, sensible national program to boost average IQ by fortification of staple foods with iodine and other essential micronutrients in order to prevent IQ-lowering medical syndromes like the medical condition known as cretinism, which is caused by lack of iodine (the US instititued fortification of all salt with iodine back before WWII to eliminate cretinism).
Does It Matter If IQ Matters?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Forty-three million people were estimated to be affected by some degree of IDD-related brain damage, ranging from frank cretinism, spastic diplegia, milder mental retardation, and impaired educability.
Chapter 2
Your Maid from Mexico, In English and Spanish - filigree the novel with Borgesian metatextuality, accreting a complexity of author and subject, ipseity and frame of reference.
Brit Lit Blogs
The hormone secretin has been tried as a treatment for autism.
They are horrible too, aren’t they? they did horrible things to deserve this didn’t they? moral cretinism is alive and well in America.
Think Progress » Israelis and Lebanese talking — on the net.
Anyone, who is even vaguely familiar with gut physiology, by now knows that besides being an exocrine organ (= secreting digestive fluids into the gut lumen), the gut also secretes a vast array of molecules into the blood stream that act at remote areas - simply said, the gut is also an endocrine organ and the term “incretins” is often used to describe the various hormones secreted by the gut.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Another Gut Hormone Reduces Food Intake
The main function of the gall bladder is storing and excreting the bile produced by the liver.
It had a "hormone-secreting brain centres" (see Modern brains have an ancient core)
= Cretinism = is a form of amentia, which is endemic in certain districts, especially in some of the valleys of Switzerland, Savoy, and France.
Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
So mammals are unable to digest cellulose, except some ruminants that have cellulase-secreting bacteria in their rumens.
We roll out multi-billion dollar anti-retroviral programs for AIDS, but we don't even deworm kids or iodize salt - two simple interventions that would raise school attendance, reduce malnutrition and anemia, and prevent cognitive impairment and even cretinism. is a Columbia University expert on public health who has spent the last couple of years living in Rwanda.
Nicholas D. Kristof
The skin assists in thermoregulation by excreting certain waste products, such as electrolytes and water.
Epiderma - is: the cellular layer of the skin, underlying and secreting the cuticula: incorrectly applied to the outer skin or cuticle.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology