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How To Use Crescent In A Sentence

  • It will not be washed out by moonlight this year, since the Moon will be a waning crescent just a couple of days from New.
  • 5.8 Lunes and Triangles Begin by reminding students that a lune is a crescent-shaped fi gure Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Interrupted by just the squat Marble Mountains, we sit insignificantly at the hub of a huge disc of sand curving to every horizon, beneath a dome of stars and the ghostly light of a thin crescent moon.
  • The island is an unusual crescent shape with a steep spine that looks down over sheer cliffs on to the sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are green and white, and they carry their national symbol, the star and crescent, silvery bright and shiny.
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  • The hall is shaded by a shallow half-hat of a roof which leaves a crescent-shaped interstice between it and the edge of the big carapace.
  • The adult ovary may present marked deviations from its typical form, sometimes being unusually long, spheroidal, flattened, triangular, crescentric, or otherwise irregular.
  • The handle was just a sharply carved crescent moon shape, crudely cut from a tarnishing piece of bronze.
  • Its large, crescent-shaped eyes stand prominently atop the cheeks.
  • They are covered with reddish brown hair, and the sides of the face, in adult males, are commonly produced into two crescentic, flexible excrescences, like fatty tumours. Essays
  • Thin waning crescent Moon nearby on the 8th. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I mark that the crescent was Mohammed's emblem!
  • Yet, at the same time, threats will be multiplying from a youthful population in the crescent of instability running from Africa through the Middle East and into the former Soviet bloc. Too old to fight?
  • A thin crescent moon hung in starlit skies, giving off just enough light for him to see by.
  • The long crescent of white sand is shaded by seagrapes and coconut palms and framed by wooded hills.
  • An important development of the early sixteenth century was the Apocalyptic image of her, standing in front of a sunburst, crowned with twelve stars, with at her feet a crescent moon.
  • Members of Atripliceae are characterized by flowers that are usually unisexual, with a perianth present in staminate flowers, and with pistillate flowers lacking a perianth but having accrescent bracteoles in fruit.
  • Mr. Bedwell obtained a shield from one of them, of a crescented shape, and painted with black stripes; it was made from the wood of the Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • When you flip phone ringtone decrescent ah, I think this meeting, if you are not careful not to shake on mobile phones, the function is also quite useful.
  • The sun has dipped beneath the horizon, leaving behind a pink glow joined by a crescent moon.
  • This accounts for the modern forms limb (limber has excrescent b, regardless of whether it means "shaft," "holes in timber," or "pliable"; none of them is related to limb) and crumb.
  • An amphitheater with crescentic tumuli as seatings, by Hargreaves Associates. Archive 2008-03-01
  • A good analog of the decrescent side is the interarea of brachiopods or the hinge area of bivalves.
  • Per chev. argent and gu. in the centre a crescent counterchanged. A History of Caroline County, Virginia
  • VENUS AND THE MOON: Early Thursday morning just before dawn when the Perseid meteor shower is supposed to be most intense, Venus and the crescent moon will appear side-by-side in the eastern sky. Torrent those XP Service Pack 2 bits
  • Each charm is an alternating crescent moon and star shape.
  • Occasionally a tiny crescent of pure, clean sand provides a few steps of respite.
  • Others resembled SRCs, with rounded or crescentic peripheral nuclei.
  • Even unenthusiastic vegetable eaters will be won over by the caramelized rounds of giant onion and crescents of bright orange sweet potato.
  • The crescent shaped seeds unmistakably identified by their distinctive licorice - like flavor.
  • The area is turfed with crescent shaped borders planted with deep blue cineraria, white echiums and yellow genistas and other various bedding plants.
  • The Cheshire cat's wide, puckish smile descending from the heavens as a crescent moon; the caterpillar puffing opiate smoke into the face of Alice and snobbishly asking, Who ... Archive 2009-10-01
  • This crescent is significant to Islam and is borne on the state flags and official marquees of Muslim countries from Algeria to Indonesia. Daniel Bruno Sanz: Bad Moon, Burnt Qurans, Birthers and Flat Earthers
  • Beyond this section, the cavern narrowed a bit and descended to a lower chamber and a crescent-shaped pool of greenish water, an honest-to-goodness underground lake. The Omega Theory
  • A stop at Crescent Street and Hoyt Avenue brings her Louise, a little Frenchie with a large underbite. Nancy Ruhling: Astoria Characters: The Canines' Constant Companion
  • Last year, 35 trawlers shrimped off Crescent City, but this year the number has increased to 60 boats.
  • The Smiths quickly swapped their home in Keppel Crescent, Bridlington, for the Caribbean heat and a beachside hotel in the Barbados resort of Worthing.
  • The hymen, which medical descriptions depict as nothing more than a lunule or crescent-shaped membrane bordering the labia minora, is among the most meaningful of body parts.
  • The fireworks party was organised by all of Ben and Sarah's neighbours in a small communal garden at the back of the crescent of houses where they live.
  • Above Nick, just over his forehead, there was a crescent shaped piece of metal with thousands of tiny spikes.
  • For this season's league games, the Bootham Crescent turnstiles click, on average, a mere 2,600 times.
  • She was his foam-born Goddess of those leaping waters; differently hued, crescented, a different influence. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Ventrad and laterad to the glottis a crescentic condensation of mesoblast represents the beginning of the laryngeal cartilages, _la_. Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
  • At dusk bunches of these tireless birds rise so high that they become mere crescentic specks in the darkening sky.
  • The sensory hair cells in a human ear at 4600x, enfiled in marching crescent-shapes, are almost miraculously uniform. A World Ready for Its Close-Up
  • On a chevron engrailed, two lioncels rampant, between as many crescents. Notes and Queries, Number 39, July 27, 1850
  • Magnfied a dozen times, you can see the city centre and Hillbrow forming a greyish crescent at the bottom.
  • Through the open French windows is a dream beach: a perfect crescent of pristine sand lapped by clear blue water and shaded by tall palm trees.
  • In the 1820s Bath, Bristol, Dublin, and Edinburgh, cities which had flourished in the eighteenth century, were all still raising classical squares, streets, and crescents.
  • Thirty-three hours later, as the Moon set in the west, it would be visible as a slender crescent.
  • I stood outside my small office on the corner of Union and Crescent Streets, shoveling the snow off the walkway.
  • Once out into space, they grouped together into the standard crescent position, where the Wing Leader is at the centre front, with 2 on either side slightly back.
  • Glandular enlargements not of scirrhous character, and excrescent growths not poisonous, may often be reduced, and perhaps sometimes cured, under the positive pole. A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
  • The Ambler turned his black, wild eye, crescented with white, threw up his head, and gazed far into the distance. Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
  • The crescent of land that crowns Michigan's lower peninsula offers perfect topography, soil, views and weather.
  • The fleet of 130 ships - including 22 fighting galleons - sailed in a crescent shape.
  • (A minim is the fortieth part of a crescent.) "Does your good Majesty mean to beggar me?" whined Pug. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  • Where is the outrage from all the international groups, the ICRC, the Red Crescent and all the sheikhs, imams and mullahs?
  • The whitish crescent moon at the nail base, under the nail plate, is called the lunula, and the tissue overlapping the nail at the base is the cuticle. HowStuffWorks Daily Feed
  • The body protoplasm is generally crescentic; there are two chromatin masses, the larger one, the nucleus, on the side of the convexity, the other narrower, more deeply stained situated usually on the edge of the concavity, the centrosome. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • Rounds, loops, and crescents, she recalled Elgeran speaking of them once or twice.
  • Many of the Mancunians, beerily making the most out of Oktoberfest here, could have been found in the alehouses around Moss Rose, Sincil Bank and Bootham Crescent 13 years ago. The Guardian World News
  • The traditional design method of the crescent rib on the screw-thread steel finished product passes is very overelaborate and the results obtained based on it have some errors.
  • The fleet of 130 ships - including 22 fighting galleons - sailed in a crescent shape.
  • Paul slept beside her and there was an almost preternatural silence in the Crescent. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • The waning moon was "decrescent".
  • Both beneficial ownership of the house at Harmonia Crescent and the debts are in issue.
  • It was in the year 711 that the Moor first landed in Spain, and, setting up the Crescent against the Cross, he had in a short time established himself and almost conquered the Land that had withstood Rome at the zenith of her power; but the Visigoth was a sturdy stock and in the mountain sections he withstood the new invader and maintained himself. The Old Dominion
  • A wisp of hair had settled in a crescent along her cheek, the bottom point lingering near the corner of her mouth. DO NO HARM
  • What we were told is that, through the intercession of the Red Crescent, which is headed by the wife of President Mubarak, they had arranged for a hundred people, two buses, to go. Democracy Now!
  • Reaching the little square in front of the Hermitage, he rested from the ascent, stretching out full length on the crescent of rubblework that formed a bench near the sanctuary. The Torrent Entre Naranjos
  • Arranged in a crescent, the charges tore up the ground in huge trenches; Leral had requisitioned the highest-grade powder Gratze had, and this night, it had worked to satisfaction.
  • The house is at the centre of a picturesque crescent of houses surrounding a green.
  • Forsitan in quibusdam populis localis quoque causa existit; caruncula immoderate crescente, amputationis necessitas exurgit. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • She held out her glass and Meryl refilled it with plain soda water and a crescent of lime. Radium
  • Astronomy was necessary to view the lunar crescent for religious purposes.
  • The diagnostic feature of this species is the two short crescent-shaped ridges near the base of the labellum; these leading down to a small, brightly coloured pit, the nectary.
  • The bespoke kitchen, staircase and circular roof light are designed to mirror the building's crescent shape. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ring Number Three: The [EU] European Union, Germany, [NATO] the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and all European interests, in the [21st] Century, which means the rapid withdrawal of all offensive military European Forces from the Islamic Crescent/Arabian Peninsula/Hindu Cush, with out being dragged into yet another quagmire. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • On the morning of the 27th a waning crescent Moon appears on the southeastern horizon, well below and to the right of Venus.
  • The Cornbread Gospels, Crescent Dragonwagon vegetable oil cooking spray paper muffin cups Janice Carr's Mixed-Grain Muffins
  • Onward they marched, those wearers of the cross, the square, the circle, the crescent, the star, the lozenge, and the tripod; emblemed representatives of the interests of a common humanity in the triumphal march that the world is witness to, of the progress of Universal Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals As Seen From the Ranks During a Campaign in the Army of the Potomac
  • Religious jewelry such as crosses, crucifixes, stars of David, ichthuses, crescents, etc, are permissible if similar jewelry is permitted in the dresscode.
  • The 33-year-old was sent off for serious foul play during Saturday's 0-0 draw with Darlington at Bootham Crescent, and not for a second bookable offence.
  • We'd stroll the whole crescent "U" of, say, Keizersgracht (Emperor's canal), past majestic gabled manses, cozy gabled houses, small boats with a few folk tippling rose and tour boats with tourists roaring beerily into the twilight. Barry Yourgrau: Walking with Joy: Amsterdam
  • The Moon will be a waning crescent, just a few days from New, and so will not interfere.
  • Their arms were the bow, spear, and axe, a crescent-shaped shield, called pelta, and (in early art) a helmet - the original model in the Greek mind apparently being the goddess Athena.
  • The cusps of the middle row are crescentic, increase in size posteriorly, and are closely spaced from each other, sometimes joined nearly to the apices by crests.
  • The Riverfront line is too short in comparison - you expect it to go further downriver, at least towards the Crescent City Connection Bridge.
  • The crescent moon is a common feature of the flags of Islamic countries.
  • The fruits of the crescentia and the lecythis serve as vessels for containing food, while the spathes of the palms, and the bark of trees, furnish caps and garments without a seam. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Place this graphic over the Crescent site-plan on your computer screen, and you will see that the Mecca-direction line (which Muslims call "qibla") almost exactly bisects the crescent: Nice Deb
  • Methods The shape, size, echo, distribution and valve injure of cardiac valve excrescent were detected with echocardiogram by thoraces in 28 cases with infective endocarditis.
  • Catch it 6° below-left of the earthlit crescent Moon on the 26th when its gibbous disc is 15 arcsec across. Starwatch: The January night sky
  • Any examination of Yali's question must address the phenomena of the Fertile Crescent.
  • It is a shallow crescent-shaped vessel of potstone, or what is called soapstone from its soapy feel. Peter the Whaler
  • The visible image shows the night side of the crescent Earth looking toward the South Pole.
  • Every month, the first crescent of the new moon is observed, defining the beginning of the new month, whilst each year Ramadan commences 11 days earlier.
  • The moon was a brightly shining crescent.
  • A broad, low-lying, typically crescent-shaped mound of sandy or loamy matter that is formed by the wind, especially along the windward side of a lake basin.
  • When you flip phone ringtone decrescent ah, I think this meeting, if you are not careful not to shake on mobile phones, the function is also quite useful.
  • Now, it is but a thin waxing crescent!
  • For I assure you that the horror I then conceived for those pale botanical specimens in their pestiferous and increscent abundance, exceeded what words can describe. Angels & Ministers
  • More than 400,000 gallons of thick industrial fuel oil spilled just upriver from the Crescent City Connection in the collision early Wednesday morning between a tanker and a barge being pulled by a tugboat. Oil Spill on the Mississippi « Skid Roche
  • Troop reinforcements from three Royal Artillery regiments were laying thousands of sandbags alongside the River Ouse between Barlby Crescent and Landing Lane in a race against time to stop the bank bursting.
  • The street was in fact a crescent with a large, Victorian home situated at the very end.
  • The horns of the crescent moon were pointed almost straight up.
  • Perhaps as a result of being contacting or imbricating surfaces, the decrescent, sella, and duplicature sides are also characterized by negative allometry (relative to other sides) and a sparse distribution of pores.
  • In the Maldives, the sea is the focal attraction - a perfect narrow crescent of a beach lapped by the lagoon-like Indian Ocean.
  • THIS causes red blood cells to form in crescent shapes rather than the usual circles. The Sun
  • Set on the center was a beautiful purple gem, the shape of a crescent moon.
  • Passing over the ship's holds I look down upon sedate shoals of crescent-tailed bigeyes, their reflective tapetums looking like silver cataracts.
  • It was this crescent of rock that the ancient master builders transformed into a swiss cheese of 25 viharas and five chaityas (chapels).
  • Goddess of those leaping waters; differently hued, crescented, a different influence. Diana of the Crossways — Complete
  • Put a generous dollop of beef into the centre of each circle and fold over to form a crescent.
  • This accounts for the modern forms limb (limber has excrescent b, regardless of whether it means "shaft," "holes in timber," or "pliable"; none of them is related to limb) and crumb.
  • Uncharacteristically, he summoned his imagination instead, painting an ecstatic vision of the village under a fulgent canopy of stars and a crescent moon. Van Gogh's Transcendent Vision
  • The real town of Anogi inched closer as the ferrymen plied the big oars—a free-moving ferry, this, the Hisei being too big and too trafficked to be crossed with ropes—a kind of barge that described a crescent-shaped course from shore to shore, a compromise with the current, while larger and smaller craft bound downriver went straight courses past, fishing boats and cargo boats and such. 2005
  • The moon, waned away to a tiny crescent, didn't emit enough light for him to be sure of his way.
  • Dr.W. E. Roth describes crescentic hooks of coco-nut shell and wooden hooks with bone barb, and also barbs improvised from one of the spines of the catfish. Tropic Days
  • The bespoke kitchen, staircase and circular roof light are designed to mirror the building's crescent shape. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was grown more notorious than a way-mark,285 for her seductive genius, and outdid the fair both in theory and practice, and she was noted for her swimming gait, flexile and delicate, albeit she was full five feet in height and by all the boons of fortune deckt and dight, with strait arched brows twain, as they were the crescent moon of The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It implied a diffusionist view of history whereby high civilization was brought from the Fertile Crescent and then made its way down to the Lower Nile Valley by white or near-whites of the Caucasian family.
  • Unlike einkorn, barley has a long history of cultivation in the Fertile Crescent.
  • In no living thing are the lines of beauty more exquisitely defined than in the crescentic borders of these flukes. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • Catch it 6° below-left of the earthlit crescent Moon on the 26th when its gibbous disc is 15 arcsec across. Starwatch: The January night sky
  • S. Southwest, the Maya, the Greenland Norse, Mycenaean Greeks and inhabitants of the Fertile Crescent , the Indus Valley , Great Zimbabwe and Angkor Wat.
  • The moon waxes from new to sickle, crescent, half-full and disk, and wanes back again as the relative positions of sun and moon change.
  • The Red Crescent is the only aid agency in the city. CNN Transcript Dec 5, 2004
  • In Division Two, Old Crescent laid down a marker with a comprehensive victory over Midleton at Rosbrien on Saturday.
  • As the wagons were corralled into an even tighter circle at the Crescent, the Trust arrived like the cavalry in the nick of time.
  • The predictable result was that the buildings decayed and only the crescent and two small wings have survived. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jupiter could be seen, a thin gold crescent and the rest of the oblate disc a coalsack faintly rimmed with light. Three Worlds to Conquer
  • He recently built two crescent-shaped sand dunes on top of the Casa Monte na Comporta. Modern Monte-Silo House in Utah
  • To some people, it means architecture - a lovely sequence of Georgian-style squares and streets extending from the Royal Crescent to the Holborne Museum and beyond.
  • Thin waning crescent Moon nearby on the 8th. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shape of a crescent moon was visible against the gray-blue painting overhead.
  • Albert the archaeology student was in the university library, slumped over an untidy heap of palynological textbooks that traced the emergence of the emmer and the einkorn on the Fertile Crescent some six or seven thousand years ago.
  • The moon appeared as a thin crescent in the dark, cloudy blue sky.
  • Minnich 2000 A family of six flagellin genes contributes to the Caulobacter crescentus flagellar filament. Flagellum evolution -- how's your German? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The container here is similar in design to a crescentic bowl from the compound at Igbo Ukwu called Igbo Isaiah.
  • The Seychelles Bank and Mauritius form the ends of the crescentic Mascarene Plateau where the ocean shoals to less than 200 meters (m). Western Indian Ocean Islands and coastal and marine environments
  • The island is an unusual crescent shape with a steep spine that looks down over sheer cliffs on to the sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • A broad, low-lying, typically crescent-shaped mound of sandy or loamy matter that is formed by the wind, especially along the windward side of a lake basin.
  • The beach itself is not particularly dramatic, but its crescent of sand is squeezed cosily between two protective wooded headlands, with dunes behind and a basin-full of tranquil Bristol Channel in front.
  • He said his life as a framing educator began in 1978, when Crescent Cardboard asked him to demonstrate mat carving in their booth at a trade show.
  • Before they had covered a mile the clouds suddenly opened overhead, and the crescent moon and the stars showed through and gave them enough light to make out the chimneystack of the ruined mill against the night sky. The Seventh Scroll
  • She had a golden cloak that had a clasp in the shape of a crescent moon.
  • First Aid societies in Muslim countries can use a Red Crescent, which is also a religious symbol Think Progress » Malkin: Outrage About Qana ‘Manufactured,’ ‘If It’s Not Qana, It’s Something Else…It’s Beauty Pageants’
  • In selenodont molars, the enamel ridges form characteristic crescent shapes.
  • The first, and flagship of the fleet, is S / Y Crescent - a ketch rigged mono hulled vessel.
  • Very thin waning crescent Moon above on the 13th. Times, Sunday Times
  • RAMAN: The head of Iraq's humanitarian group called Red Crescent, Dr. Said Hakki, is the man managing the relief effort. CNN Transcript Apr 14, 2006
  • It was in its octant, and showed a crescent finely traced on the dark background of the sky. Round the Moon
  • It is a shallow crescent-shaped vessel of potstone, or what is called soapstone from its soapy feel. Peter the Whaler
  • Its golden hilt had a crescent emblem in the middle shaped like the full moon, shining brightly with golden carvings on its contours.
  • The stars popped out on the black canvas of the sky, and the crescent moon silvered the edges of the clouds, turning each one into a masterpiece.
  • Taking hold of his bag again and sliding the phone into his pocket, he picked up his pace and ran out of the park and wove in and through the complex network of crescents, courts, drives and streets.
  • His move in 1982 from Gonzaga, a fee-paying all-boys school, to Crescent, a mixed, free and comprehensive school, was something he found dramatic.
  • Down below in the small crescent-shaped cove John Shields was talking to the police. LOST SUMMER
  • I found in the blood, leucocytes more or less loaded with pigment, but in addition to these melaniferous leucocytes, pigmented spherical bodies of variable size possessing amoeboid movement, free or adherent to the red cells; non-pigmented corpuscles forming clear spots in the red cells; finally pigmented elements, crescentic in shape attracted my attention, and from then on I supposed they were parasites. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • His days at Bootham Crescent continued to spark praise from all quarters of the club.
  • At the top center of the outer ring is a crescent moon alongside five stars, representing the five tribes and the nation's Islamic heritage.
  • She pulled down her glove and stared at the red symbol on her palm, a basic crescent insignia.
  • The grey sports car was parked on Masonfield Crescent when burglars broke in to lift the keys and make their getaway in the early hours on Saturday.
  • All patients with either crescentic dense deposit disease or acute proliferative dense deposit disease were between the ages of 3 and 18 years.
  • The end result is a three-storey, south-facing crescent, terminating in a taller building at either side, creating a book-end effect.
  • All was going well until we went to the Crescent Hotel where I was refused entry for wearing a sports shirt, even after pointing out what day it was.
  • On the atrial septum may be seen a lunated impression, bounded below by a crescentic ridge, the concavity of which is turned upward. V. Angiology. 4b. The Heart
  • Graven in its surface is a lightening bolt, a cloud shedding rain, the crescent moon, the all seeing eye.
  • Arts market, some writing, failed submissions to an open exhibition, our joint 100th birthday, family stuff, loads of photography (like this crescent moon - click on it for full size to see the craters) and a UK premier of a film to organise plus two other screenings for the science festival but the main culprit is the return to full time day job for pension reasons! Archive 2008-04-01
  • Sheep still graze on the grass in front of the crescent which covers a third of a circle. Times, Sunday Times
  • … The origin of chickpeas is once again in the Fertile Crescent … in Turkey and Syria the oldest carbonized chickpeas have been found, about 10,000 years old, but these are small and may have been gathered wild. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Peel and core the fruit, cut it into crescent-moon slices and put it into the dish.
  • Ritchie got out of his car and walked up to number 34 Stanford crescent.
  • A glass of Indian whisky and a plate of palak paneer - a dish of spinach and cottage cheese - are at his side. We relax under a fine crescent moon.
  • However, Dolan has conceded defeat in trying to lure fellow loan ranger Peter Hawkins in a permanent move from relegated Wimbledon to Bootham Crescent
  • On the left-hand side of the carapace, a thin crescentic ridge marks the position of one of the paired lateral eyes.
  • She was grown more notorious than a way-mark,285 for her seductive genius, and outdid the fair both in theory and practice, and she was noted for her swimming gait, flexile and delicate, albeit she was full five feet in height and by all the boons of fortune deckt and dight, with strait arched brows twain, as they were the crescent moon of The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The Cheshire cat's wide, puckish smile descending from the heavens as a crescent moon; the caterpillar puffing opiate smoke into the face of Alice and snobbishly asking, Who ... Archive 2009-10-01
  • What makes a crescent Moon particularly interesting is a ghostly light across its unlit face, cupped by the thin crescent of moonlight. Times, Sunday Times
  • She sells her cushaw pies at the Tuesday Crescent City Farmers Market and at the Saturday Red Stick Farmers Market in Baton Rouge.
  • Well, except for a certain jar, I don't know what kind of crockery was in the Bush family home, but I've never seen a crescent bowl. Harry Shearer: Fact-Checking the Bush Memoir: New Orleans
  • Thin waning crescent Moon nearby on the 8th. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a large oval surrounded by to crescent moon shapes.
  • In the Maldives, the sea is the focal attraction - a perfect narrow crescent of a beach lapped by the lagoon-like Indian Ocean.
  • What makes a crescent Moon particularly interesting is a ghostly light across its unlit face, cupped by the thin crescent of moonlight. Times, Sunday Times
  • For instance, the Navajo squash blossom design, common in jewelry, incorporates a crescent-shaped pendant, an element that had its origin in the Islamic world and arrived with the Spanish.
  • Rawls maintains that the midpoint between the tips of the crescent points almost precisely toward "qibla," the direction to Mecca, which Muslims are supposed to face for prayer. A Defending Crusader...
  • Medical personnel, equipment and installations were to be respected and identified by a distinctive emblem - a Red Cross and Crescent on a white background.
  • Etruria Pottery, formerly operated by Messrs. Ott & Brewer, now known as the Cook Pottery Company, the mark used on Belleek ware was a crescent bearing the name with the initials of the proprietors, "O. & B. Scientific American Supplement, No. 1082, September 26, 1896
  • The site is dated by large quantities of Mesolithic flints, such as crescent-shaped microliths, scrapers and points.
  • The first up Challambra Crescent, at 1,100 meters in length, is also the toughest, coming after 4. 6km and boasting a 13 percent maximum gradient (with an 8 percent average). World Championships: Dissecting the road race parcours
  • Correlated with this diet is the evolution of selenodont molar teeth - teeth with crescent-shaped ridges - for more efficient grinding of plants, as seen in this picture of Eocene artiodactyl teeth.
  • Frontal lunule: Diptera; an oval or crescentic space above the base of antennae in Cyclorrhapha, bounded by the frontal suture. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Normal hemoglobin is adult or Hb A. In active tissues with reduced oxygen, Hb S crystallizes into rods that aggregate and make cells look like crescent shaped harvesting sickles.
  • RAMAN: The head of Iraq's humanitarian group, called Red Crescent, Dr Said Hakki, is the man managing the relief effort. CNN Transcript Apr 14, 2006
  • Setaceous’ is simply one of those specialist words used in the trade to mean bristly’, just as lunate’ means crescent-shaped and ocellate’ means eye-like. Wildwood
  • Now, the Red Crescent is the Muslim version of the Red Cross. CNN Transcript Oct 27, 2003
  • There were no streets, only avenues, crescents and closes.

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