
How To Use Crenel In A Sentence

  • 'When I was a little girl I used to slip away from my nurse, climb to the top of my uncle's keep and sit in the crenel spaces. The Falcons of Montabard
  • Sabin paced along the wall walk and paused by the next crenel. The Falcons of Montabard
  • Isabel's small hands closed over Peter's as they pressed the silver knife into the crenellated cake. THE WHITE DOVE
  • In his piece about Awana, he writes amusingly about taking a pee and I couldn't help but recall the moment when the great man, he of pulchritudinous prose, goitred with soliped leitmotifs, crenellation and spittle, took one next to mee. AA . . . On The Piss
  • He measured out thirty paces and stared up at the crenellated boundary wall which was about twenty feet high.
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  • The thirteenth-century Rocca Scaligera, with its elegant crenellations and swan-filled moat, is so photogenic that it might have been built by the local tourist board.
  • The opening was set into the side of a block-shaped structure that was buried in loose soil almost to the top of its flat, crenelated roof and decorated with a border of skulls similar to but smaller than the one they first saw. SERPENT
  • French, who had crenellated the walls, making it into a perfect redan. Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes
  • Another fellow had just appeared in the opening in the crenelation and I pushed out at him with the long impaling spear. Renegades Of Gor
  • In this weather? "and Durtal pointed at the yellow sky over which black clouds, like factory smoke, were racing, so low that the tin chimneys seemed to penetrate them and crenelate them with little spots of clarity. Là-bas
  • You will notice the buttresses, the porch, the crenellations on the walls, and the four light mullioned windows.
  • Bullets started whizzing past him, pinging off the cast-iron crenellations. THE 5 GREATEST WARRIORS
  • To the left of this tower are the walls that surround the basilica itself, as solid and crenellated as a castle keep.
  • Crenellated ornament occurs from the early fourteenth century onwards, as on the silver Ramsey Abbey censer of c.1325.
  • a crenelated molding
  • Consulting a copy of "The Chinese Automobile Driver's Book of Maps," Mr. Hessler decides to follow the printed crenellations of the Great Wall west into the arid heartland of the country, picking up hitchhikers as he goes. China's Long, Strange Road Trip
  • Maram peered over the crenel at the firestone where it lay among the bodies of fallen warriors thirty feet below him. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • You will notice the buttresses, the porch, the crenellations on the walls, and the four light mullioned windows.
  • donjon" of great antiquity, crenelated, with towers at each corner and the whole construction forming an admirable specimen of Hispano-Flemish architecture. Vanished towers and chimes of Flanders
  • The garden was in a yard about thirty meters by sixty, surrounded by the towering curtain wall with inward-facing crenellations.
  • The two men looked through the crenel and saw a herald approaching from the Saracen lines. The Falcons of Montabard
  • A green crenellated line bisecting one half of a window is echoed in the other half by a vertical chain of red biomorphs outlined in yellow.
  • Mr. ROBERT STONE (Author, "Fun with Problems"): (Reading) Hampton County locked them down in a 19th century brick fortress of a jail, a penitential fantasy of red brick keeps and crenellations. Fiction, Long And Short, For Summertime Escapes
  • In places along the wall defenders sought to get their poles under the bridges, between them and the crenelation, and, using the wall as a fulcrum, to lift the bridges back up. Renegades Of Gor
  • Two of the torches that illumined the battlements had been doused there, swathing the crenellations under a cloak of darkness. THE RIVER KINGS’ ROAD
  • Perpendicular window, the heads of the lights below the transom being cinquefoiled, while above each window is a cornice supported by small arches resting on corbels; over all is a pierced battlement, which is also crenelated at the actual east end. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Winchester A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • Behind the gatehouse, around the monastic cloister, there were similar conversions, the whole façade being topped with a bombastic row of crenellations (battlements).
  • The towers on each corner were squat and ugly, the crenellated battlements threatening. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Formerly a school, built when Victoria was monarch, it has walls of beige bricks with each corner decorated with stone quoins and topped with crenellations adorned by an abundance of stone finials.
  • The glass structure that enclosed them had a crenellated top suggestive of historic armories.
  • Ragged crenelated tops can be seen on some mortared walls that have lost their coping, and over time these will deteriorate further.
  • It has arcades all around, a pavilion at the eastern end has crenellated roof and a cupola of glass mosaic.
  • The volcanic plug might be black Plasticine, the castle balanced solidly atop it a skewed rendition of crenellated building bricks.
  • The bridge is easily spotted since the towers that hold up the cables on each side of the river loom up like the crenellated battlements of an English castle.
  • To my mind, cabernet sauvignon, as long as there's only a bit of it, interferes less with the architecture of sangiovese, merely strengthening the foundations rather than filling inthe crenellations as merlot does. Wine: The mysterious world of chianti classico
  • My legions were set in a convenient crenel overlooking the drawbridge and the low, swampy woods about a mile off to the west of the moat house. Virginity
  • Around 6km of crenellated walls and arched gateways enclose a tight jumble of streets and cafe-lined squares.
  • At the time I was lucky enough to have a window seat, so I watched the crenelated walls speed by as the melodies swelled around me. Ilana Teitelbaum: Passover Memories in Jerusalem
  • A towering castle of mud has screaming faces and gargoyles sculpted into its crenellated turrets.
  • Its quadrangles, polygonal corner turrets and crenellated walls remain remarkably unchanged. Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
  • Shaking himself, his self-possession recovered and his sweat dried, he lifted his knees and rolled into a crouch behind one of the merlons, peering through the crenel on its left. Nightside The Long Sun
  • The crenellated battlements are inauthentic 19th-century additions.
  • The sound of the clarinet, in contrast, is depicted by a sound wave that looks like the crenellations on a castle, which leads to its more closed sound, compared to the sharp note of the violin.
  • The other three facades bear the crenelle ornaments; the two to the north show double lines of seven holes drilled deep into the plain surface above the door, as if a casing had been nailed on; while the northernmost yielded a fragmentary inscription on the southern wall. The Land of Midian
  • “Sharárif” plur. of Shurráfah = crenelles or battlements; mostly trefoil-shaped; remparts coquets which a six-pounder would crumble. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It is hard to throw these with accuracy without standing above the crenelation. Renegades Of Gor
  • A portcullis is suspended above it and a pair of crenellated stone towers stand on either side. Pinewood celebrates 75 years filming the best of British and Hollywood
  • With this branch of their work, Captain Tempe was determined that they should be thoroughly acquainted, and they were taught how to use cover of all kinds with advantage; how to defend a building, crenelate a wall, fell trees to form an obstacle across roads, or a breastwork in front of them; and how to throw themselves into square, rapidly, to repel cavalry. The Young Franc Tireurs And Their Adventures in the Franco-Prussian War
  • | Reply | Permalink crenelle it is indeed true that a very long time ago Democrats could be conservative and Republicans could be liberal. That List Of "Democrats And Indys" Backing McCain? It's A Bit Of A Sham.
  • The sound of the clarinet, in contrast, is depicted by a sound wave that looks like the crenellations on a castle, which leads to its more closed sound, compared to the sharp note of the violin.
  • After squeezing out the "crenelated" doughnuts with little ridges, it is time to prepare the piece de resistance - the hot chocolate sauce. NPR Topics: News
  • Often mists from the Elbe rose mystically to engarland the crenelated castles here and there on the heights. Villa Elsa A Story of German Family Life
  • Later, in the new spring, the dragon soared over the rocky plains, bringing back a holly bush, a crenel from ruined Nidus, a rickety hay wagon, and finally, his first killa small centicore that he must have pondered over for about a week, for the smell was so dreadful that the druidess threatened to sprout his tail with mushrooms unless he removed the carcass. The Dragons of Krynn
  • This tower was one of a pair — square, incongruous, crenelated structures — that were distinguished, for some reason, though I could see little difference, as the new and the old. The Turn of the Screw
  • Hardscrabble Pimas still live in scattered, remote shacks, but in town there are brand-new pickups and ATVs, and mansions going up with three-car garages and crenelated castle motifs. Brother-in-arms
  • With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
  • It's a gargantuan iron construction that weighs several hundredweight, and incorporates all sorts of spikes and crenellations.
  • Another loose stone dropped from the watchtower, and Jehan glanced from the gap in the crenelation to Sarron itself even as an entire section of the city wall collasped like a waterfall of stone and a huge gout of dust billowed skyward. The Order War
  • It had crates piled against it on the inside to serve as sentry stands, and makeshift crenellations atop for better protection of the archers that stood watch.
  • The towers stood proudly with flags billowing out and the crenellations were perfectly spaced like it was from a picture out of a fairy tale.
  • The Duke steps up to the nearest stone crenelation. The Death of Chaos
  • The east wing had crumbled, taken on the appearance of a Victorian folly, its crenellations the result of depredations of rain and wind. A TROUT IN THE MILK
  • At dawn Amarantha sat among the crenellations in the lee of her tower, eating porridge and berries she barely tasted. The Urchin’s Dark Kite « A Fly in Amber
  • She had found herself in the safe nook between Fenna's sail-like wing and the crenellated and fantastic fortress of his spine.
  • Medina structures with Arabic-style arches and crenellated walls are usually found in the oldest parts of town.
  • Mail umn edu sneak is talkily new, but tenderizer to nymphalid furring to your drawl and crenelle mexico is forte on the bloodlust. Rational Review
  • She and Tabitha ran hand in hand about the enclosure, studying the façades, the gargoyles, the crenellations, all that architectural ostentatious crap. Crossed
  • Gasping from his climb, Strongfist lurched to the wall, leaned against a merlon and peered through the narrow crenel. The Falcons of Montabard
  • The edge of the crenel between two merlons was like a wedge driven into his back. Nightside The Long Sun
  • The tower has a hatchway to the roof and the crenellated parapet has panoramic coastal views. Times, Sunday Times
  • Crenellations (merlons) on the perimeter of the roof were repaired or rebuilt.
  • With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
  • Spectacular Vistas and Ancient Landscapes Along the Hilly Roads Outside Edinburgh From the crenellated walls of Edinburgh Castle, perched on the dramatic volcanic plug that straddles Princes Street Gardens, one has an unbroken view of the southern peninsula of the Kingdom of Fife. Drives That Leave the City Behind
  • She had found herself in the safe nook between Fenna's sail-like wing and the crenellated and fantastic fortress of his spine.
  • Tiered on the surrounding hills rose terracotta-roofed buildings surmounted by the beige crenellations of a castle.
  • A licence to crenellate mansum infra manerium suum was granted by Edward II. to A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • The Ferragamo museum, housed in the basement of a crenelated palazzo in Florence, has some 10,000 shoes, including some made for Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, and Judy Garland. Italian Style on Display
  • Invariably, the covers featured a crenelated or turreted but always imposing stone pile. Renovate a House, Renovate Your Life?
  • These are strictly known as crenellations and gave defenders something solid to hide behind when they were not firing out from the gaps in between the stone battlements.
  • I suppose it's as bad for the Edens as it is for us," replied Ralph, who became now very thoughtful; and when, soon afterwards, Minnie looked up to see why he did not speak, she found that his head was resting against the stone, beside a crenelle, and that he was fast asleep. The Black Tor A Tale of the Reign of James the First
  • Ramirez ducked behind a crenel, pulling Rakael down with him into an undignified heap.
  • They looked deserted, stark against the sky with snow sitting untouched on windowsills and the crumbling crenellations.
  • Neither, however, is as big as Government House, the crenellated, Italianate mansion used by the Governor.
  • The geometry of the rooflights gives the building a crenellated profile so it looms over its surroundings like a brooding castle battlement.
  • The two buildings have since been linked together and now feature a bright yellow exterior with turrets and crenellations designed by a Portuguese architect to resemble a medieval palace from his homeland.
  • Further above, on a bit of wall still more or less intact, the sentry stood straddle-legged in an open crenel, hands on hips, surveying the river and the valley beyond.
  • They are close to the edge, the lava-rock wall, crenellated like a medieval parapet. THE SAVAGE GIRL
  • The crenellated twin towers are among the last remnants of the fortified wall that used to enclose the city.
  • She had found herself in the safe nook between Fenna's sail-like wing and the crenellated and fantastic fortress of his spine.
  • Even the sentries on the watchtowers were silent, as were the archers stationed at every crenelation along the eastern wall. The Soprano Sorceress
  • Its quadrangles, polygonal corner turrets and crenellated walls remain remarkably unchanged. Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
  • Standing behind me, hidden by shadow and vines and crenelation, he witnessed the bombardment of Quivalen Sath. Virginity
  • The sperm whale, a toothed mammal whose lower jaw resembles a vast surfboard with peaked crenellations at its edges, has been found at 3000 metres.
  • On Sule Pagoda Road, there is a bizarre three-story building that would have made Wren wake up screaming: mullioned windows, crazily framed and blacked out, lozenge-shaped openings in crenellated towers, red battlements. Burma
  • Gasping from his climb, Strongfist lurched to the wall, leaned against a merlon and peered through the narrow crenel. The Falcons of Montabard
  • Patties of ground beef hang off the crenellated edge of the plate. The Last of Boland
  • On a misty morning, it's a bewitching sight -- an abandoned Scottish castle with a soaring tower and crenelated battlements rising from a forested, six-acre island. Fortress on the Hudson
  • As they peered out they could see where the seamless undulations of the ice cap began to fracture and crenellate, forming a corrugated flow that seemed to ripple off towards the west. Crusader Gold
  • They were constructed with gray brick walls embedded with middle moldings of red bricks, concrete coigns and crenellated copings on the top of the surrounding walls.
  • In 1373, the sheriff of Somerset received licence "to fortify and crenellate his manse at Nunney", and his building down in an undefended valley seems to have had more of a picturesque than a strategic purpose. Country diary: Mendip, Somerset
  • Gerbert gave a snort of reluctant amusement and turned to look out through the crenel gap on a land lush with the melt-water and greenery of spring. The Falcons of Montabard
  • Breathing hard, Oord and Cietu reached the north face and climbed onto the crenelated wall. In Gordath Wood: Writer Patrice Sarath » Lady Blackheart
  • Peaked ears appeared along the wall, weapons raised to crenelles.
  • He leaned out farther still, his hands braced on the bottom of the crenel, to reassure himself about the construction of the wall. Nightside The Long Sun
  • At that time Peking was still very much "an ancient city wrapped in high crenellated walls some 40 kilometres long and accessed through sixteen multi-storeyed gate towers . . . and still recognizable as the city of Kublai Khan. A quick peek behind China's wall
  • Maram peered over the crenel at the firestone where it lay among the bodies of fallen warriors thirty feet below him. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • You will notice the buttresses, the porch, the crenellations on the walls, and the four light mullioned windows.
  • Around her head the cape forms soft, crenellated pleats, as if riding on the waves of her dark hair. GRACE
  • Habib Saadi sat within one of the crenellations of the thick walls staring through a pair of binoculars. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • Some, reaching the crenelation again, were struck back by the jabbing spears of their own men, screaming at them. Renegades Of Gor
  • With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
  • With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
  • The tomb itself is almost like a miniature fortress, with sloping crenellated outer walls, complete with eyelets for archery.
  • Just below the machicolated parapet there are traces of the older crenellations.
  • Beyond the arch, huge towers of gray stone rose straight up into the sky, topped by steeply pitched roofs and crenellated battlements. Earl of Durkness
  • A licence to crenellate mansum infra manerium suum was granted by Edward II. to 'Hugo Luxellen chivaler;' but though the faint outline of the ditch and mound was visible at points, no sign of the original building remained. A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • It also required raising the limestone crenellated parapet that runs along the roof battlement.
  • He nods ominously towards the granite crenellations.
  • Then he addressed himself to seeking a place wherein he might safely bestow himself and his horse and where none should descry him, and presently behold, he espied a-middlemost of the city a palace rising high in upper air surrounded by a great wall with lofty crenelles and battlements, guarded by forty black slaves, clad in complete mail and armed with spears and swords, bows and arrows. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Its panels creating a pattern of crenellations reminiscent of what one might find in a medieval fortified town in northern Italy.

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