
How To Use Creed In A Sentence

  • Do we really want the carpers and complainers, of whatever creed, to get programmes banned?
  • The Holy Alliance was the joint labour of an unfortunate man who had suffered a terrible mental shock and who was trying to pacify his much-disturbed soul, and of an ambitious woman who after a wasted life had lost her beauty and her attraction and who satisfied her vanity and her desire for notoriety by assuming the rôle of self-appointed Messiah of a new and strange creed. The Story of Mankind
  • It decreed last year that downhill courses were to be made slower and skiers required to wear less aerodynamic outfits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coalitionism was not then only a political creed, but also a web of friendships and habits that underpinned political cooperation.
  • Similarly, it has been decreed that concierges watch television interminably while their rather large cats doze, and that the entrance to the building must smell of pot-au-feu, cabbage soup, or a country-style cassoulet. Excerpt: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
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  • The law is this: The creedalism and immoderateness of Socialism, other things being equal, vary inversely with its age and responsibility. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • Irish Toryism was the dominant political creed down to 1859, at least in terms of Westminster seats.
  • But her body-language seems to go beyond that into "domineering" posture, which turns me off without regard to gender or creed. Weird twitches
  • The religious dimension that undeniably is to be found in his writings adheres, however, to no particular creed. Nobel Prize in Literature 1987 - Presentation Speech
  • You know as well as I do that it was decreed that normal civilities don't apply to you or your cohort.
  • Fueled by supremacist and puritan theological creeds their symbolic acts of power become uncompromisingly fanatic and violent.
  • They are available to all through education regardless of class, colour or creed. The Sun
  • The bedding sand or screenings need to be screeded, so pull a 2x4 across the sand atop the 2 pipes, removing any excess.
  • Creed, as we know, does not possess the stoutest of spirits.
  • One of the primary tasks of the Commissioners is to recover those taxes which Parliament has decreed shall be paid.
  • But humans are not sheep: we do not have to follow any particular political creed or career path. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chinese Buddhists for example were able to conceptualise a Godhead, that contained with it three entities, all sharing the exact same substance, none afore or after the other, none greater or lesser than the other etc, just as articulated in the Creeds of Christendom! Ecce Recensus: The Only True God Persuades A Skeptic
  • While we respect religious creeds, spiritual leaders and church councils, none of these can bind our consciences or force us to believe or observe anything outside of Bible truth.
  • I ftiil to be diiToIv'd, yield his mortal breath; the Lord hath thys decreed) ijil not yet fee drach. The Vocal Magazine: Or, Compleat British Songster
  • Jung issued a circular letter to all members firmly stating the principle that The International Society is neutral as to politics and creed.
  • When reason is abdicated and replaced by the bellicose creeds of opposing religions, peace is impossible.
  • What we need, he tells us, are not beliefs and creeds and actions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Creed, bk.iv. ch. iv., secs. 13, 14), "the circumincession is most proper and perfect, forasmuch as the Persons mutually contain Each NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • Reaching the summit was only one of several exhilarating moments Creedon experienced during the climb.
  • All colours and creeds are here, drawn by the slow slink of the sun.
  • No other scripture of any other religion of the world contains any kind of writings of holy men belonging to another faith, caste or creed, or of those who were regarded as outcastes or untouchables.
  • The media gives us gender roles and social norms to mimic and worship as creed.
  • Texas, greets all of his players before a game with a peck on the cheek and preaches a creed of brotherly love in the locker room. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a true reading of the Apostles' Creed, which is the basis for all later creeds.
  • If you don't agree with everything written by Paul, or in the creeds (and downgrade them to second-source interpretations) then your own second-source interpretation can only be looked at as another alternative source written in AD 2009 exhorting followers of Christ to do it a different way - the Book of McGrath, if you will (which leads one to question how are you so sure you have it right?) Self-Critical Faith
  • Still, another term that describes faith is creed, a system of beliefs, from the Latin "credo" -- I believe. Maimonides who? Why Americans fail basic religion tests
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • Although anathemas followed against any who disagreed with the faith so formulated, there was no prohibition against altering the creed at a future council.
  • The next stage of their attack – and attack is the time-honoured best form of defence, after all – is generally to repeat a variation of the hate speech of Janice Raymond as iterated in her transphobic screed The Transsexual Empire: the making of the she-male: Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
  • The fact is universal: the life stream of blood links all men and women, nay the entire human race, irrespective of colour, creed, culture and religion.
  • The liberal view was that religion was a private matter; it was not the business of the state to enforce a particular creed.
  • He knew that absolute creeds, whatever their ideal, cannot be reconciled with differing outlooks.
  • People are better than their creeds, and, it should seem, sometimes _better_ than _their_ principles. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 348
  • Centuries later, as the individual countries were formed, one subdialect was decreed to be the official language of each: that of Castile became Spanish, of Tuscany, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 1
  • The Queen has decreed her order.
  • Or, as another scholar has said, the creed is an epitome and summary that guides and directs a proper reading of Scripture.
  • She laughed, standing as cool as you please, very grateful to the eye in tussore coat and skirt, with open-necked blouse, and some kind of rakish hat displaying her thick auburn hair in defiance of the fashion which decreed concealment even of eyebrows with flower-pot head gear. The Mountebank
  • In public debate the loud dissenters are steeped in the liberal creed.
  • While we respect religious creeds, spiritual leaders and church councils, none of these can bind our consciences or force us to believe or observe anything outside of Bible truth.
  • The addition of Creed, Donald and Friedman will sharpen the weapons available to the team as they again pursue a number of racing blocks in Europe and Asia. Donald, Friedman join Creed at Kelly Benefit Strategies for 2011
  • Bushido, the code of the samurai warrior, was the creed of the Japanese soldiers.
  • He had, after all, made the world a slightly better place as a result, and eudemonism was the creed to live by. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • That door was flung back, and in the square of dripping darkness stood Creed Bonbright, his face death white, his eyes wide and fixed, the rain gemming his uncovered yellow hair. Judith of the Cumberlands
  • Unto every nation is a fixed term decreed; when their term therefore is expired, they shall not have respite for an hour, neither shall their punishment be anticipated. The Koran (Al-Qur'an)
  • The public wanted to retain the death penalty; parliament decreed its abolition.
  • Meritocracy really has fallen by the wayside, as a fashionable political creed.
  • Jon - yeah, when I'm talking about not having analogue failure in Assassins Creed, I'm really only talking about running around (which was like, 90% of the fun in the game for me anyway). The Raider, The Prince and The Assassin
  • In this latter view, absolute truth and creedal faith are seen as fundamentalisms that not only oppress but foster violence.
  • After an epic legal battle the UK's top court decreed the lie was no reason not to stump up. The Sun
  • The great increase in the dimensions of modern class-rooms was dictated by physical hygiene; the ambient air space is measured by "cubature" in relation to the physical needs of respiration; and for the same reason, lavatories were multiplied, and bathrooms were installed; physical hygiene further decreed the introduction of concrete floors and washable dadoes, of central heating, and in many cases of meals, while gardens or broad terraces are already looked upon as essentials for the physical well-being of the child. Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • At his best with hyperearnest Creed-style rock numbers, he couldn't deliver a song that required the least bit of funk or humor, as he proved on Tuesday's Elvis night with a couple of plodding numbers including a dirgelike rendition of A Little Less Conversation. American Idol Fails to Tinker with Taylor - Tuned In -
  • Here was a political leader and a political creed worthy of admiration. THE GUARDSMEN
  • That's why you confess things like in the Nicene Creed, if you confess the resurrection of the body or the resurrection of the flesh.
  • Forgive me if my linguistic assumption is incorrect, but the word creed comes from the Latin "credo" or some form of the word. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Even though his astrologer told him to expect an invasion in Normandy, Hitler decreed that the bulk of the German forces in the West would be based within striking distance of the Pas de Calais .
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • The government also decreed against excessive vanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was her creed and her religion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scientific community is often impugned by the public it serves for making of skepticism a religion, but in this case a little attention to creed might have been in order. The light that draws the flower
  • He was about to defend the holy of holies from the touch of the profane; to guard the citadel of his Church from the most rampant of its enemies; to put on his good armour in the best of fights; and secure, if possible, the comforts of his creed for coming generations of ecclesiastical dignitaries. 01/01/2003 - 02/01/2003
  • Because Quakerism is a decentralized faith, Quakers don't have a common doctrine or creed, though the belief that there is "that of God in everyone" undergirds many Quaker traditions, such as opposition to war and concern for the least powerful. Eileen Flanagan: Quakers Advocate Living in 'Right Relationship' with Creation
  • K-For is holding the line, sensibly reinforcing an ethnic divide that geography has decreed.
  • After all, it would seem ‘a terrible thing’ to express one's creed against others, in this case the Arians.
  • The court decreed that the defendant should pay the plaintiff $ 5 , 000.
  • As a result governments long ago decreed fluid milk sold to the public must be pasteurised.
  • DEFRA has decreed that a farmer bringing cattle, sheep or pigs onto his holding cannot move any stock off the farm for 20 days except direct to slaughter.
  • The Creed states the faith in which men and women down the ages built their lives.
  • This chosen nation myth has been the oldest and most continuous creed in American civil religion.
  • Since you screed asumes that federalizing gate guards is such a no-brainer, please enlight me why it would be beter that the bill we got. CHO Security...More Than Meets The Eye? at
  • Full Circle is the same old Creed, amplified and resampled tomushy acoustic/power rock goop. Creed – Full Circle – review
  • Give everybody an equal chance, regardless of race, color, creed, or gender.
  • Yet existing statute law decreed that such agreements were only one factor in the balance, she said. Times, Sunday Times
  • A term decreed my lot I 'spy; * And, when its days shall end, I die. Arabian nights. English
  • This book is written from a Protestant standpoint, but by a man who was a Catholic fifty-six years before he ever became a Protestant, and we feel absolutely certain that the Catholic world will endeavor to throttle its circulation, but we have laid aside every vestige of fear from that standpoint and have made up our mind that we are no better than Martin Luther, and thousands of Protestants who were burned at the stake by Catholicism for proclaiming to the world the awful deeds of that _awful creed_. Thirty Years In Hell Or, From Darkness to Light
  • To be condemned for the colour or creed you were born with, really defies reason or sanity.
  • In the past we've split over such things as the punctuation of the creeds, the orders of ministry and the nature of communion.
  • He helped to introduce singing the Creed at mass and to disseminate the performance of penance on the continent.
  • Castle. now my Goddess shall be Common Sense — she has no mysteries & her creed is a comprehensible one. Letter 159
  • Spiritualism, pan-animism, metempsychosis and reincarnation were at the radical end of a spectrum, but wide consensus existed for accepting evolution as a creed of progress.
  • And as for the Creede, no man may be so bolde as to meddle therewith but in the Church: for they say it shoulde not bee spoken of, but in the Churches. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • If the person is considered to have been of outstanding importance to the nation then days of mourning might be decreed.
  • Parlabane was wandering relievedly towards the exit, his shift mercifully over, when McCreedie called him across to their gathering. Quite Ugly One Morning
  • French Revolution was noteworthy in college annals, not merely for its painstaking and voluminous accuracy, but for the fact that it was the dryest, deadest, most formal, and most orthodox screed ever written on the subject. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • The screeding frames for tiles (6 and 8 mm thick) are shaped to provide an "interlock" at the mitre - the diagonal mitre has been replaced by a dog-legged mitre. Chapter 10
  • Having a clear faith, based on the Creed of the Church, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism.
  • The movie's theme song, which booms over the opening credits, is Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Fortunate Son," whose chorus laments "It ain't me …" with the blare of defiance, not resignation. The End of the World as We Know It
  • With my own children, I was amazed to hear their preschool voices recite the Apostles' Creed next to me in worship.
  • For six years, he makes a peaceful life for himself in the Canadian wilderness, but this life is shattered after the murder of his girlfriend by his brother Victor Creed (later Sabertooth ).
  • German law decreed that as soon as you crossed the border you lost your nationality, but in the eyes of the British he was still a German.
  • Near four hundred years ago, as your grace knoweth, there being ill blood betwixt John, King of England, and the King of France, it was decreed that two champions should fight together in the lists, and so settle the dispute by what is called the arbitrament of God. The Prince and the Pauper
  • Creed and McGowan were already waiting in front of the elevator doors.
  • But he goes on, — “The apostle advanceth towards his proposed end, and adds, ‘Those whom he called, them he also justified,’ or decreed to justify, in case the called obstruct him not in his way, or by their unbelief render not themselves incapable of justification.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • With Skeletons, set for release in the first quarter of 2010, Hawthorne Heights has moved on, aided in part by a new label affiliation, Wind-Up Records, home of Creed, Seether and Evanescence. Tucson Weekly
  • No sooner had the flow of liquor from Rum Row in the Northeast been stanched than it began to gush in unprecedented quantities through the sluiceway that was Detroit, where an overmatched prosecutor said, “The greatest obstacle to the attainment of Prohibition is the Constitution of the United States, the instrument that decreed its birth.” LAST CALL
  • Analloiotos, 'unchangeable' appears in Basil and is paralleled in the Antiochene creed of 325 (with the usual caution about Greek retroversion). The Creed and the Eucharist in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn
  • Our taxation system should not be based on race, ethnicity, religious belief, or creed.
  • Driving between eighty and ninety, he barely heard Janey's screed against Drew as he tried to stay focused. VAPOR TRAIL
  • The latter was not so much a practical attempt to overthrow monarchy as a creed. The Search for Justice - a history of Britain and the British people Volume III
  • I had now to this extent "backslidden" from this point in the slave's religious creed; and I soon had occasion to make my fallen state known to my Sunday-pious brother, Covey. My Bondage and My Freedom
  • They adjoin the Alhambra Palace, those stately pleasure domes that the Nasrid caliphs decreed should represent paradise on earth.
  • In an otherwise excellent issue about global warming, I found Jeremy Creed's article very unconvincing.
  • It is why retired sportsmen of all creeds and colours, and from all eras, have longed to test themselves once again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Creed stood on the sidewalk outside the Palace Hotel.
  • Although the prevailing faith is that of Islam, in no country in the world is a greater variety of religious creeds to be found amongst important sections of the community.
  • The King decreed that all firstborn males should be killed
  • Social liberalism is an optimistic creed, which flourishes best in good times.
  • And every now and then, he writes these hysterical, factually insupportable, logically inconsistent screeds against some looming threat to civil liberties in the United States.
  • With Cato's slogan ringing in their ears, with their jealousy of Carthage's economic success, the Roman senate decreed that the terms of the treaty had been violated and it duly declared war.
  • Baptist schools of theology, when based on a particular statement of faith become creedal institutions.
  • He scoffed at the disparate creeds of religions, each claiming to see the truth through the colored lenses of its own dogmatism.
  • The dictator decreed that his birthday would be a public holiday.
  • What has fostered the Anti-Irish feeling among Irish Protestants for the last hundred years has undoubtedly been the fell system of Orangeism, which has caused so much hatred and bloodshed among men who, whatever their race or creed, are now children of the one common soil. The Life Story of an Old Rebel
  • There are so many ways to do this, but one I find truly enjoyable is reading The Optimists Creed. 2010 March « Being En Pointe
  • Lord Shaftesbury’s test (which is a part of the rake’s creed, and what I may call the whetstone of infidelity,) endeavoured to turn the sacred subject into ridicule. Clarissa Harlowe
  • On the cover of their magazine was a three inch by five inch mirror, which reflected the face of all their readers of different nationalities, races, religions, and creeds.
  • Scripture was vetted and canonized, and a creed adopted and reaffirmed against those who would challenge, alter, or undermine it.
  • GTA4 was shown, Spore is being redone from the ground up, GoW3 is in the design phase, Rainbow 6 died when they brought lockdown out, Assasins Creed is basicly Prince of Persia 4, Since when was PJ making a game?, and FF13 will be shown at TGS a game show which still matters. realityintern01 EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - 7 Games Mysteriously Missing from E3
  • The West saw its future lying in plurality and tolerance between races and creeds. Phoenix From the Flame
  • But that changed when Democrats took over the House in 2007: As part of a larger program to "Green the Capitol," they decreed that the cutlery should be composted along with the food. In the House, compostable utensils replaced with old-fashioned plastic
  • A profile pan located on the back edge of the grout box is equipped with a tamper bar that oscillates vertically to push aggregate below the profile pan as the concrete is screeded.
  • Mario Galaxy 2007 97 call bj of duty assassins creed gta 4 grand theft auto vice city san andreas 4 bioshock mass effect metal gear solid 4 2 Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, resistance fall of man tom clancy's rainboy six vegas The 2006 95 3 Super Smash Bros. - Articles related to NASA wants to send you to the moon - Lyrically speaking
  • I have shaped the structure of these reflections in accord with the creedal affirmation and the five promises made by those who wish to renew their commitment to Christ in the baptismal covenant.
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • Up and after ordering some things towards my wife's going into the country, to the office, where I spent the morning upon my measuring rules very pleasantly till noon, and then comes Creed and he and I talked about mathematiques, and he tells me of a way found out by Mr. Jonas Moore which he calls duodecimal arithmetique, which is properly applied to measuring, where all is ordered by inches, which are 12 in a foot, which I have a mind to learn. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 22: May/June 1663
  • “The only touchdown will be for the final pickup,” the captain decreed, “when everybody and everything is ready.” Archive 2010-02-01
  • Unfortunately it was all too easy in those times for the general public to tar everyone with the same brush, especially those from ethnic backgrounds or origins, irrespective of race, colour or creed.
  • Hasan lay hidden beneath the settle, weeping-eyed and woeful-hearted, knowing not what was decreed to him in the secret preordainment of Allah. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I think that's very different from dress or religion or creed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, just as head-scratchingly, the same media that typically treat female politicians like little girls playing dress-up and subject politicians of color to racist screeds and reflexive dismissal were getting all hot and bothered imagining a Clinton-Obama race for the Oval Office ... and telling America that this wasn't only possible, it was the most probable outcome. Jennifer L. Pozner: Super Tuesday Media Musings, Part I: Why Media Forced Edwards Out of the Race
  • Many have observed the benefit of using materials with a minimum thickness of 15 mils when ready-mix trucks or laser screeds drive directly on the vapor retarder.
  • So I think you are simply an irrational bigot, who hates, hates, hates, without any particular distinctions or variation all those who, in your deranged mind, dare to “oppose” your ideologies by not pliantly following the self-serving, hypocrtical, insane creeds of the members of your “in” group of your social circle. Think Progress » POLL: Active Duty U.S. Soldiers Disapprove Of Bush Handling Of War, Do Not Support Escalation
  • As the Marxist creed dissolved, the other two religions have embarked on a process of mass conversion sending missionaries out to the four corners of the globe.
  • But all the Calvinistic churches by their creeds, and also a large portion of the membership of Arminian denominations, without regard to their creeds, if asked when are we to obtain entire sanctification as an essential meetness for heaven, would answer, at death. The Theology of Holiness
  • Freedom and tolerance are not what the Southern Baptist creed is about.
  • He sought in what time precisely the creed attributed to the apostles was digested, and that which bears the name of Athanasius; how the sacraments were instituted one after the other; what was the difference between synaxis and mass; how the Christian Church was divided since its origin into different parties, and how the predominating society treated all the others as heretics. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The successors to the first apostles were just beginning to organize their ministries and develop the church's worship, creeds, and teachings.
  • Wherefore the shaman and Tummasook, who is chief, have put their heads together, and it has been decreed that we work with the women and children in dragging in the meat and tending the wants of the hunters. ' A HYPERBOREAN BREW
  • It is a methodology, not a political creed. Critical Social Research
  • There was a time when religious evangelists, of all faiths, proudly promoted their creeds on the basis that they constituted the truth.
  • Slavish to this creed, planners brought us three soulless retail parks boasting multi-national chains selling artless tat on the outskirts of town.
  • They must be supported by a side rail or side form and they also require a hand - or motor-powered winch to pull them along the strip being screeded.
  • Yet they fixate on their differences with us, and they are faithful, sometimes gleeful, chroniclers of every American deviance from the Jacksonian creed, such as our growing economic inequality and the corruption of our political system by big money. Misfit America
  • But the question is how to build a strong and balancing opposition in the face of growing regionalism and absence of any political ideology, which has been replaced by caste and creed considerations.
  • There are other misimpressions created by your articles that necessitate a response, but I did not intend for this to become a screed against your writing.
  • The principles of the oracles of God brought into a little compass in creeds and catechisms have, like the beams of the sun contracted in a burning glass, conveyed divine light and heat with a wonderful power. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Creed was a gumsucker of about sixty made famous during the war for ripping out Yankees' intestines and force-feeding 'em back to 'em. Screaming Woman - Excerpt
  • Churches and philosophers give us the impression that people live by systems and ideologies and creeds and things.
  • After an epic legal battle the UK's top court decreed the lie was no reason not to stump up. The Sun
  • The Fathers of the Church would hardly dispute a fundamental article of Christian belief which, with scriptural authority, is part of the Athanasian creed.
  • They set out to find a second youth -- the dream of immortality -- with the astrolabe, which is the creed or Koran all take as their guide. Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
  • Hypocrisy is at its worst; for we not only persecute bigotedly but sincerely in the name of the cure-mongering witchcraft we do believe in, but callously and hypocritically in the name of the Evangelical creed that our rulers privately smile at as the Italian patricians of the fifth century smiled at Jupiter and Venus. The Revolutionist’s Handbook
  • Why is it that so many of those whose political creed should be driven by a desire to emancipate those who are suffering choose to object to a course of action which would deliver millions from misery?
  • In doing so, however, they had to rebel against the creedal orthodoxies of the more established Calvinist churches.
  • I mean think about it, Iraq didnt even exist til britain decreed itds boundaries? Think Progress » VIDEO: Sen. Levin and Fox Anchor in On-Air Scuffle Over Iraq Plan
  • Thus, the fusion of different creeds undertaken by the women in the Convent represents a dialogic interchange among the Puritan, the Catholic and the pagan beliefs, rather than a counter discourse to any of these.
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • And what doth the presbyter more but only pronounce the sentence according to that which he who sitteth judge in the court hath decreed and decerned? The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • It takes in anybody regardless of religion, colour, or creed.
  • Do I mean everybody who professes an orthodox creed, and bows his head at the belief?
  • Life and death are determined by fate, rank and riches decreed by Heaven.
  • What is innate and unfolds from inside of us is pushed onto some great godlike figure of the past whose legacy is tightly held in the keep of the institution and its hierarchy in the form of a creed or orthodoxy that is sacrosanct.
  • Not only is Buchanan back on his screed circuit yelling State of Emergency - his message hasnt changed one bit: We are being invaded! Yanquico, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They decreed an end to discrimination on grounds of age.
  • Unfortunately the script gods have decreed that our enigmatic hero has to have someone to bonk.
  • His unscientific screed is an academic embarrassment and blight on the reputation of this university. Wayne Besen: Dangerous New Anti-Gay Sham Study Debunked
  • Damnation for a new party chief whose "only creed is expediency" from Simon Heffer? Ed Miliband is ahead of the pack while pundits are stuck in Gridlock Gulch
  • Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, "so all atonements ever made were only effectual by His blood" [Bishop Pearson, Exposition of the Creed]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The sura reads: "For that cause We decreed for the children of Israel that whoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind" Pickthall translation. Real Interfaith Dialogue Must Address the Real Issues
  • And when mourners of every age, race, and creed praised him as a great man, I wondered what His Eminence had done to merit those words.
  • But he goes on, — “The apostle advanceth towards his proposed end, and adds, ‘Those whom he called, them he also justified,’ or decreed to justify, in case the called obstruct him not in his way, or by their unbelief render not themselves incapable of justification.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • It stresses throughout the narrow line separating righteousness from self-righteousness, and admonishes believers to be humble in the knowledge that no person nor even any creed can claim to have the full truth.
  • No ideology, creed or policy yet devised has ever stopped people trying to do the best for their children at a purely individual level.
  • Childhood cancers, including leukaemia, can strike a healthy child at random, regardless of race, social background or creed.
  • The split between Menshevik and Bolshevik, the dispute over collectivization and industrialization, the polemics concerning Karl Kautsky and Georgi Plekhanov and Otto Bauer — all of these have come to appear as arcane as the strife over the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds. The Old Man
  • The result is a blurring of the boundary between the sanctioned Christian creed and the heathen practices associated with magic and the devil.
  • This game might get messy. you can seem to gramp up in a very Assassin's creed sort of way. Dark Diamond
  • As Henry Dean, the great sage and eminent junkie would have put it, Flip-flop, hippety-hop, offa your rocker and over the top, life's a fiction and the world's a lie, so put on some Creedence and let's get high. The Drawing of the Three
  • The shrill feminist denunciations of male patriarchy share a common origin: the Marxist creed.
  • The enlightened founders were eager to produce a universal creed that they could throw like a tent over the diverse church religions.
  • It has become the creed of virtually every cultivated person.
  • All Canadians are equal irespective of the their clour, creed, religious or ethnic background. Injustice continues : Law is Cool
  • I have always thought the bylaws decreed that only newspapermen are eligible but learned in connection with this column that there is nothing in the by-laws that says this.
  • The mystic is, in short, invulnerable, and must be left, whether we relish it or not, in undisturbed enjoyment of his creed. The Varieties of Religious Experience
  • He hadn't repudiated his creed of honesty and straightforwardness, but had adjusted it so that it was more practical and liveable with. PROSPECT HILL
  • Loading time therefore decreed that in combat Texans fire in relays, half the men always carrying charged rifles to prevent being overrun.
  • You are intolerant of other races, creeds and religions.
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • However, when fashion decreed crinolines, bustles, and fussy late-Victorian frills and flounces, Australia tried to follow.
  • That horse thing in Assassins Creed is pretty funny. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Best game glitches on flim
  • The ground surface is a crumbly screed dotted with spinifex and occasional leopardwood and lancewood trees.
  • I know that a lot of Neo-Pagans abide by some kind of creed or rede.
  • There are aspects of each tradition that I find very appealing — which is why I joke about the merits of the Unipalian Church "creedless ritual"! Philocrites: Scattered thoughts on a divided spiritual identity.
  • In the motorized wheelchair, boyish face dimly illuminated by a glowing computer screed attached to the left armrest.
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.

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