How To Use Credulous In A Sentence
An incredulous snort came from Chris, and I gave him dirty look that silenced him up.
The doctor looked at the medication I'd been given and shook his head with a slightly incredulous look.
"Why?" he asks, shaking his head and smiling incredulously.
This may be because the credulousness that goes hand in hand with little experience allows one to fall in love merely with appearances, and winter is beautiful.
The Fire We Tend Against Winter
I'm sorry, but I don't buy about 90% of what this writer credulously relates.

For instance, if you search for the term reiki on Dr. Oz's website, you'll find credulous articles by Lisa Oz (Dr. Oz's wife) saying things like this:
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
And no one, apart from the most credulous romantic, believed him.
A peculiarly subtle expression haunts the lower part, sensual and incredulous, like that of a man tasting good Bordeaux with half a fancy it has been somewhat too long uncorked.
Virginibus Puerisque and other papers
Ayhia watched incredulously as the Hinsef gathered together in a huddle, apparently to discuss what to do with her, though she couldn't hear them so she couldn't be sure.
Mary is so credulous that she may readily accept any excuse you make.
And when we seemed incredulous he'd look slightly hurt.
Times, Sunday Times
It was with a child's eager interest and pliant imagination that Bessie looked and listened, -- susceptible, credulous, unfastidious.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
Mary is so credulous that she may readily accept any excuse you make.
And without a healthy flow of facts and evidence, debate on this vital issue has become polluted with credulousness.
To Heed President Obama's Call to Strengthen the EU, Britain Must First Have a Referendum on Whether to Stay in at All
Her band mates gave her an incredulous look.
This little story has my mouth hanging open incredulously, the way it does whenever something shocks and outrages me.
You can ask them to shut up, of course, but they will only look incredulous and then carry right on with renewed vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
Far from being naive or credulous in the face of blind biology I say that it is our human experience of heroism and selflessness which best defines us.
James T. Carlson is on a mission to educate and enlighten "credulous" Americans who accept the reality of UFOs.
The UFO Chronicles
A menhir is a sort of northern European variety of the stela, an ancient upright stone or pillar serving as a monument, and accepted by the credulous as being generally mystical.
Like countless others, I am aghast and incredulous at the fact that the postal service to my house has all but collapsed.
The word believe is a problematic one today, in part because it has gradually changed its meaning from being the language of certainty so deep that I could give my heart to it, to the language of uncertainty so shallow that only the "credulous" would rely on it.
Completely astonished, my incredulous father gets back up and opens the door, to what he now deems the nerviest dog he has ever met.
Wendchymes Diary Entry
There's the simple, straightforward, credulous voice of the listener, who takes bands, songs and packages at face value.
When I went into his office, Arnie was red in the face and staring incredulously at the sheaf of papers I had given nim.
Although incredulous about Ray at first, she is now a total believer.
Doubtless some of the children who had memorised Perrault's ‘Red Riding Hood’ in their classrooms were able to retell the story verbatim to credulous tale collectors.
Shafer was rightly showered with wild applause and bravos after Act I, to which she responded with faux-incredulous gestures of ‘Me?’
I wonder how West Virginia's acting-Governor and congressional delegation feel at having so credulously played the Fool.
Jeff Biggers: 55 Cents: The Cost of Big Coal Hubris, Disgraced West Virginian Pols and Betrayed Coalfield Residents
A clue to the district's defense might be contained in one line of the lawsuit that notes that "incredulously," the student reporters "now appear to be claiming that the students actually agreed to have their names included and to have the intimate details of their private sexual histories announced to the entire student body via the JagWire article.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
He gave her an incredulous stare and continued pulling her towards the window, which was still open, the soft breeze ruffling the curtains.
Allie shot him an incredulous look like she couldn't believe what she was hearing.
She spoke his name incredulously, clutching her child closer to her.
A Wicked Gentleman
Fiver, as he listened, had shown a mixture of intense absorption and incredulous horror.
He said yesterday: 'I was incredulous but managed somehow to keep my temper.
The Sun
Thou art a Didymus, Bardolph; -- an incredulous paynim, a most unspeculative rogue!
The Line of Love Dizain des Mariages
They've been dealing with incredulous questions from the press and public ever since.
The current lackluster debate allows myths and credulousness to dominate the argument.
To Heed President Obama's Call to Strengthen the EU, Britain Must First Have a Referendum on Whether to Stay in at All
He pays me a sidewise glance, incredulous brows knitting an ambiguity, finding it almost unsporting to fold and venture a smile of concession.
Watch him, "incredulously," tryin 'to quirt his horse across the crick!
The Dude Wrangler
It is plain as a pikestaff that if exposed to the incredulous view of the Taxpayer, who, by now, has a pretty clear view of some of the potential abuses, the floor of the House of Commons cellars would soon be awash with the blood of MPs caught with their grubby hands in the till.
'Shred & Bury': The New Westminster Watchword
He said: 'I was incredulous.
The Sun
Standing in front of me, dark hair wet and clinging, clothes completely saturated, he was breathing hard, looking incredulous.
He looked sort of incredulous that anyone would need to ask.
Times, Sunday Times
But the part the credulous Friedman really gulped down was that bit about how Denmark "innovated" thanks to tax hikes then gave some of the money back to allow people to afford the miracle energy innovations, which-you should recall even if left unsaid by Espersen and her interlocutor-were so miraculous and innovative that they had to be mandated.
Energy Tribune
When once deceived, however, or undeceived about the character of a person, he became utterly incredulous, and he saluted this fine speech of my lord's with a sardonical, inward laughter, preserving his gravity, however, and scarce allowing any of his scorn to appear in his words.
The Virginians
'You rascal!' was the phrase legibly printed on the foreman's incredulous face.
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There was incredulous laughter across the court as they took the time permitted to them for the change of ends.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet if it is power the initial persona seeks, the stakes would surely need to be higher than the pleasure of manipulating a few docile and credulous tourists.
A few incredulous spectators watched as Paterson, ranked 23rd in the world, beat the champion.
Why are people so wilfully credulous?
Times, Sunday Times
He looked up at me, incredulous, but it subsided into introspectful placidity, his neck finally unhitching its strained composure.
I am wholly incredulous of the truth of his story.
And assure your selves worthy Ladies, that I doe not tell this tale onely to follow the order enjoyned me; but also to informe you that such Saint-like holy Sirs, of whom we are too opinionate and credulous, may be, yea and are (divers times) cunningly met withall, in theyr craftinesse, not onely by men, but likewise some of our owne sexe, as shall make it apparant to you.
The Decameron
He said: 'I am incredulous he did not know what sort of potential yield there was going to be.
The Sun
Pin is incredulous that rolling over loans that had been on the books for years could turn into a criminal activity.
"You called Ashley?!" I repeated incredulously.
Was I fully and credulously consumed by the ongoing myths and history told on these incredible walls?
Kastner was incredulous and sought to dismiss Gauss.
She burst into tears, incredulous, a reaction to which Allen seemed oblivious.
The Sergeant looked at me incredulously. ‘That is a great curiosity,’ he said, ‘a very difficult piece of puzzledom, a snorter.’
Why are people so wilfully credulous?
Times, Sunday Times
so credulous he believes everything he reads
It is, in other words, a credulous hodge-podge of all the older witch and devil tales that could be packed into its duodecimo pages; tales made vivid by its startling frontispiece and the crude but awful woodcuts that adorn its text.
A Modest Inquiry Into The Nature Of Witchcraft, By John Hale, 1702 ; from Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706
I raised my eyebrows at him, incredulously.
They can predictably be seen pushing the ‘Christian Nation’ idea to their credulous readers.
If he seems a bit stolid throughout, that could be the military man's unease in mufti; it certainly helps make his credulousness credible.
After a while we shall have a letter, which once upon a time we'd have called delirious -- don't know that we could read such a thing now, for the first time, without incredulous laughter -- which Mr. Proctor permitted to be published in
The Book of the Damned
Either he sought to deceive the gullible, or, as is more likely, was himself overcredulous.
The Mistakes of Jesus
When Mr. Lilin stops by the house of one particularly infamous criminal, for instance, he credulously reports that the man has killed 12,000 policemen over the course of his career.
Here Come the Cops—Steppe on It
Do you mean to say," incredulously, "that since you know who did it, he'll ever have another opportunity?
The Fighting Shepherdess
He's absolutely incredulous about my becoming a pastor, as if it has confounded his tactics against my authority as his father and given me some extra power he is not prepared to contend with…
I can still see and hear him, as he went his way along the lamplit streets, La ci darem la mano on his lips, a noble figure of a youth, but following vanity and incredulous of good; and sure enough, somewhere on the high seas of life, with his health, his hopes, his patrimony and his self-respect, miserably went down.
Memories and Portraits
And when we seemed incredulous he'd look slightly hurt.
Times, Sunday Times
The fact that Americans would consider bringing back the party that nearly caused our downfall is incredulously stupid. sifto77
Obama says now is time for Dems to get focused midterms
Mary is so credulous that she may readily accept any excuse you make.
The senior shook his head incredulously; Iglesias shook his head noddingly.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862
Stephan looked at me with an incredulous stare, which narrowed into a glare.
She laughs incredulously at the thought before exclaiming, "That's a crazy idea!"
Remember when McCain acted incredulously when Obama pointed out that Ahmadinejad was not the most powerful person in Iran?
Wonk Room » Obama Seeking A Channel To Khamenei?
Colleagues were sceptical, his oncologists incredulous.
Manfred : [ incredulous ] You rattling conceive shes the woman for me?
Astonishingly Gupta remains silent, acknowledges neither the shouting driver nor my incredulous stare.
Part of it is no doubt the fact that he is coining it by hawking mass-produced herbal remedies to the credulous and stupid (but is this righteous anger or jealousy?
The passengers were incredulous when an announcement was made that free tea or coffee was available for them.
The 'catastrophic consequences' that we coarse bloggers are concerned with emanate from the anthropomorphist phenomenon of recycled bovine excrement being regurgitated from the mouths of lobbyists for further ingestion by the credulous; to influence them into supporting the vested interests of some very wicked ideologues.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Contradictory circumstances he had noted intruded, uninvited, to challenge overcredulous conclusions concerning her.
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There was incredulous laughter across the court as they took the time permitted to them for the change of ends.
Times, Sunday Times
They're only job has beento mollify the credulousAmerican people (sheople) into submission.
Worldwide, Stock Prices Plummet, Assets Crumble in Days.
He didn't need to see James' face to picture the incredulous expression with awe-inspiring clarity.
You can ask them to shut up, of course, but they will only look incredulous and then carry right on with renewed vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
A reporter in search of a story has, not for the first time, fallen foul of an excess of enthusiasm, credulousness and someone's idea of a joke.
The moderator, a famous senior scientist, was incredulous.
But then, there's no ear more credulous than the one that yearns to believe.
On relaying this story some five hours later to my wife who is from Thailand, she was incredulous.
I'd sooner say it's "credulous" and "indulgent." posted by Eric 8: 47 PM |
He said yesterday: 'I was incredulous but managed somehow to keep my temper.
The Sun
Thus credulous fools are WHAT?
Times, Sunday Times
The news anchorperson was speaking in a controlled yet incredulous manner totally stunned by the occurrence as he reported on it.
Lynn says she turned 'incredulously' towards her mother, who had by this time started teaching drama in a local school, but she agreed with her husband.
Home | Mail Online
This is greeted with a whoop of incredulous laughter.
Times, Sunday Times
_were_ such a project contemplated by Ministers, they would (forgetting their characteristic caution and reserve) agitate the public mind on so critical a question, and derange vast transactions and arrangements in the corn trade by its premature divulgement; and, above all, constitute the _Globe_ newspaper their confidential organ upon the occasion, should alone have satisfied the most credulous of its unwarrantable and preposterous character.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
I'll tell you why not, credulous woman.
Times, Sunday Times
The other was incredulous, and kept underlining his solution on the blackboard with heavy chalk lines.
Oftener deceived by distrusting than by being overcredulous
Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
You still believe, "incredulously," in a government of the sort he contemplated?
The Devolutionist and the Emancipatrix
This is greeted with a whoop of incredulous laughter.
Times, Sunday Times
This is an argument for pluralism but against credulousness.
They matte their humiliations with incredulous laughter.
Christianity Today
Credulous people are easily misled by false advertisements.
KNIFE OF DREAMS foxhead turned to ice against Mat's chest, and Joline's head whipped around with an incredulous stare for the Red.
Knife of Dreams
I am wholly incredulous of the truth of his story.
Compare and contrast the treatment meted out to Minister Lewis, who was constantly interrupted with incredulous comments and expostulations.
An incredulous Mr. Gingrich responded in Winnsboro: They're saying I helped re-elect a Democrat?
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Thus credulous fools are WHAT?
Times, Sunday Times
He stopped and turned, his expression incredulous, but with a look of deep concern in his eyes.
All Through The Night
His incredulous friends and family were hardly surprised.
Times, Sunday Times
Which Rossiglione perceiving, hee stoode like a body without a soule, confounded with the killing of so deare a friend, losse of a chaste and honourable wife, and all through his owne overcredulous conceit.
The Decameron
Proposed Slogan: ‘We Don't Think All you Religious Neanderthals are Credulous Bumpkins!
If you instinctively in incredulously new build a web page and are careful in oilcloth imperfectly how an gemmed hale polybutene desktop, this may be the elmont for you.
Rational Review
The decision was greeted with incredulous howls from the gallery, with the eyes of some parents welling up with emotion.
Fourth, the fact that metaphysics is inescapable does not mean one has to be naïve or credulous about it.
After a few moments of incredulous silence, he looked back at the book.
We added insulation and thermal windows" -- wow, how green! it's this kind of credulous hackery about money that got us into the real estate mess in the first place, so next time, how about some actual cost figures? and really are we to be smiling at this huge bubble and it's crash because it has this green-silver lining? are you out of your m.f. mind?
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Jace couldnt help it; his eyes flicked instantly to Maryse, his expression incredulous.
Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
It needed only as a capsheaf the gleam of incredulous dismay which should appear in his wife's eyes when she looked first upon the mutilated tissue, the varying scars and cicatrices, the twisted mask that would be revealed to her as the face of her husband.
The Hidden Places
The others that he talked to are incredulous at the thought of a mole because of their excellent anti-espionage program.
Call me credulous but I think the food industry, given some smart guidance from legislators and some help from their creatives, could surprise us by helping to deliver a healthier population sooner than we think.
They all gaped at us and Matt paused, staring at Samuel incredulously.
the woman looked up at her incredulously
'You sold the car?' she asked, incredulous.
Cassiodorus (in Chron.) and Ennodius (p. 1604) are loyal and credulous, and the testimony of the Valesian Fragment (p. 718) may justify their belief.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
They matte their humiliations with incredulous laughter.
Christianity Today
Incredulous journalists have reported seeing her buy discounted miniskirts at factory outlets and queuing for cut-price theater tickets.
Incredulously I asked him, "What do you mean by that?"
I'll tell you why not, credulous woman.
Times, Sunday Times
Josh ranted, too absorbed in his words to notice the incredulous expression his companion was wearing.
"You can't be serious," Chloe said incredulously.
He waited, while Abel and Nicolo looked incredulously from the map to him, and then at each other.
Spice and the Devil's Cave
And sitting over her fancywork, into which, being what Richard called “safe as the grave,” she sewed more thoughts than most women: sitting thus, she would say to herself with a half smile and an incredulous shake of the head: “SO silly!”
Australia Felix
This is greeted with a whoop of incredulous laughter.
Times, Sunday Times
But Milliken, captain of detectives, was too well known to her, and she yielded to the law of which he was the symbol and of which she was credulously ignorant.
These and other techniques help convince the credulous that pet psychics have telepathic or clairvoyant or other powers.
That didn't stop the Macedonians claiming it or credulous journalists believing them or readers accepting what they had been told as the truth.
I have checked three other dictionaries, one of which did not show ‘incredulously’ as an acceptable adverbial form; however, the Oxford dictionary did show it as a valid entry.
He flashed James an apologetic smile before continuing in the face of his wife's incredulous stares, ‘Any more objections, poppet?’
Even back then, it seemed incontrovertibly absurd to think that someone would be so credulous about televised messages.
But now that he had grown deaf to the fanfaronade of such words and clearly saw the framework on which they were constructed, how was he to keep pace with the young who were a credulous echo of every speech they heard?
Menschen im Krieg. English
But never be so credulous that you just believe everything that you're told.
But it has a goofy, appealing credulousness to it; I always love Fraser, Josh Hutcherson is neither good nor bad as his young nephew, and Icelandic actress Anita Briem (of "The Tudors") is fine in every sense of the world as the hot Icelandic tour guide.
Journey to the Center of the Earth « Skid Roche
He came down firmly against discrimination, attacking the notion of credulous sellers and conniving buyers.
Alexander Hamilton, American
With varying amounts of credulousness, other outlets ran with it as well, including U.S.
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Do they think we're illiterate, or simply utterly credulous?
This study Mankiw credulously cites has been completely distorted in the press.
Wealth and Self-Control, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
I do but just mention it here to show you that the Court was jealous of me, when I never thought myself capable of giving them the least occasion, which made me reflect that a man is oftener deceived by distrusting than by being overcredulous.
Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
He couldn't talk of anything else when I-- you don't mean to say "-- incredulously --" that he made a success of that!
The Devolutionist and the Emancipatrix
At the time of the first Kinsey study on sexuality, H.L. Mencken wrote, "All that humorless document really proves is (a) that all men lie when they are asked about their adventures in amour, and (b) that pedagogues are singularly naïve and credulous creatures.
Dirty talk? New sex survey's surprising stats
She had to look at him, her expression incredulous.
Strangers In the Night
I do not wish to suggest that New Historians are involved in some huge subversive critical enterprise duping credulous students.
She talks about going bowling on an off day during the filming of “New Moon” — candlepin bowling, it sounds like from her description — and how difficult it was to keep score without the electronic aids present at most bowling alleys: “They handed me a piece of paper and a pencil, and I had to do the score by hand,” she says incredulously.
I then spent the afternoon snuggled with Jean on the setee watching Mysterious Cities of Gold and eating popcorn - Jean was incredulous that the popcorn came out of bag and I didn't put the popping machine on :/ but she eat it anyway.
Snell-Pym » Abandoned Child
My dictionary defines naivety as ‘The state or quality of being inexperienced or unsophisticated, especially in being artless, credulous, or uncritical.’
So this 300 or so words every month are hardly going to make one iota of a difference or influence incredulous decisions by the powers that be.
Elizabeth, who was regarded in her set as a wit, a reputation acquired by reason of the fact that she possessed a certain knack for adapting slang humorously (for there was no originality to her alleged wit), now bent her head and looked at her brother incredulously.
Kindred of the Dust
Shira-i, a former captain now crippled and obsolete, is reduced to selling photos of an Earthrise over a Martian city to credulous tourists.
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The onus is on me to prove things, and I wouldn't want people just to sit there and credulously accept everything I do.
When I put this to McAvoy, he rocks back in his chair, puffs out his cheek and blows a long, incredulous, but not entirely undelighted sounding raspberry. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Not for the first time on this unique voyage I felt incredulous that I was actually here.
On the other hand, Indians were accused of out-trading whites and using their 'immense wealth', as Lawley described it, to buy out the 'credulous' and 'ignorant Dutch farmer'.
The discussion is digressive and overly credulous of literary and semi-historical sources, while scanting archeology.
My Proposal for the Nirthers
Fiver, as he listened, had shown a mixture of intense absorption and incredulous horror.
With the NYT as an object of "grassy-knoll" conspiracy theories, with bloggers feeding on "harebrained" speculation, pray tell why Bill Keller should be considered as any less credulous?
William E. Jackson Jr.: Why Bill Keller Cannot 'Move On' From the Miller/Libby Scandal
Amy and Carrie paused their aimless conversation to look at me, incredulously.
Yeah, because I don't buy into Dan Brownian theories -- such as they are -- I'm "credulous," and toeing the "party line.
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the gimmick would convince none but the most credulous
There was a brief, incredulous silence.
Incredulous journalists have reported seeing her buy discounted miniskirts at factory outlets and queuing for cut-price theater tickets.
Credulous undergraduates fall prey to priestly performers who claim to be initiating them into the subterranean mysteries.
As we know, this didn't stop the Usual Suspects from running with it, whether out of credulousness or mendacity.
Archive 2009-01-01
Ben listened to him incredulously.
But it has a goofy, appealing credulousness to it; I always love Fraser, Josh Hutcherson is neither good nor bad as his young nephew, and Icelandic actress Anita Briem — of “The Tudors” – is fine in every sense of the world as the hot Icelandic tour guide.
Journey to the Center of the Earth « Skid Roche
Yet if he openly pocketed a shoebrush and cloth, how explain this to the ever-incredulous Snorky?
Skippy Bedelle His Sentimental Progress From the Urchin to the Complete Man of the World
Why are people so wilfully credulous?
Times, Sunday Times
He smiled slightly, fairly incredulous that he had been able to sneak up on most of the archers completely unnoticed.
Patrick Nielsen Hayden on A simple, mildly incredulous philippic.
SF Tidbits for 4/9/10
Sell these MBS as "safe" to credulous investors, institutions, town councils in Norway, etc., i.e. "the bezzle" on a global scale.
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The citizenry - let us be strictly fair towards our infinitely credulous brethren - dote on him.
Thus credulous fools are WHAT?
Times, Sunday Times
Thou art, surely, casuist good enough to know, (what I have insisted upon* heretofore,) that the sin of seducing a credulous and easy girl, is as great as that of bringing to your lure an incredulous and watchful one.
Clarissa Harlowe
The model now is to keep pushing the bounds of credulousness - to stay out in front of the incredible.
When I went into his office, Arnie was red in the face and staring incredulously at the sheaf of papers I had given nim.
He said: 'I am incredulous he did not know what sort of potential yield there was going to be.
The Sun
Reporters and editors are credulous, fearful, and flatly bamboozled.
Staring blearily in the mirror on Sunday morning, I caught an incredulous glimpse of them.
I had a lady bring to my attention recently yet another exploitation of the credulous and the vulnerable through the postal services.
I suggest that some people might find this theory credulous and at odds with the clear-sighted understanding of human nature in her work.
He looked sort of incredulous that anyone would need to ask.
Times, Sunday Times
You can ask them to shut up, of course, but they will only look incredulous and then carry right on with renewed vigour.
Times, Sunday Times
If an old priest tells you that the body in the tomb is an undead Spanish nobleman, and you happen to be a credulous cowboy, next time, believe him!
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Alas, even the most credulous of children find it pretty hard to suspend disbelief when all your heroes end up looking like vaudeville characters on the turps.