How To Use Creature In A Sentence

  • Richardson, are proprietors of shows, and the berouged, bedraggled creatures who exhibit on the platform outside for their living. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • Mr Boardman said: ‘I was out walking with my wife and dog when we happened across a little cove and we found the creature in the flotsam that had been washed up.’
  • By ethical conduct toward all creatures, we enter into a spiritual relationship with the universe. Albert Schweitzer 
  • These creatures have the reputation of being smelly, vicious, spiteful and unreliable.
  • Experts agree that hippos belong to the mammalian order Artiodactyla, a group of even-toed, hoofed creatures whose extant representatives include camels, pigs and ruminants such as cows.
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  • What we do have here is a rather queer looking creature with a faceless Charlie Brown head, duck legs, two jointless yet pliable arms, and tentacles.
  • So far is he from admitting the possibility of any dissiliency between the Divine will and absolute right, that he turns the tables on his opponents, and classes among Atheists those of his contemporaries who maintain that God can command what is contrary to the intrinsic right; that He has no inclination to the good of his creatures; that He can justly doom an innocent being to eternal torments; or that whatever God wills is just because He wills it. A Manual of Moral Philosophy
  • God makes fowl and whales and every living creature.
  • I know there are some psychoanalysts who theorize that every creature which appears in a dream or waking dream is an aspect of the dreamer. GALILEE
  • The creature lives in the remote parts of the Upper Amazon and has a “particularly unpleasant habit of infesting humans”, the scientists say. New Species Of Nose-Dwelling Leech Discovered | Impact Lab
  • “Part of an adult faith, for example, is a commitment to the inviolability of human life from its first moment, radically opposing the principle of violence, precisely in the defense of the most defenseless of human creatures,” the pope said. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Apparently some creature called a kobold escaped from wherever my grandfather trapped it, and it has teamed up with Milo. Master of Mirrors
  • If all organized animal life was evolved from the moneron, a creature of one substance, homogeneous, how were creatures of more than one substance evolved without more being _evolved_ than was _involved_? The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, Volume 1, January, 1880
  • But many creatures besides humans have thrived without them and continue to do just fine, thank you very much. Smithsonian Mag
  • They were all swiping their phones in the same way, capturing creatures that weren't there. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that many crustaceans, being omnivorous, may act as scavengers and eat the corpses of fellow aquatic creatures need not be a deterrent.
  • Whether it is a native cat, previously thought extinct, or an escaped exotic pet, the Beast of Bodmin is a creature that refuses to disappear.
  • The makeup for the Djinn character is creepy and evil, like some devilish creature from an R-rated version of Star Wars.
  • It does not call up the beast, and if it did it would not matter much, as a rule; the beast is a harmless and rather amiable creature, as anybody can see by watching cattle. Food and Drink
  • Sparrows, chickadees, woodpeckers, and an assortment of other creatures were awake and bustling that summer morning.
  • He had witnessed diminutive bison with semicircular horns; animals "of a bluish lead color, about the size of a goat, with a head and beard like him, and a single horn, slightly inclined forward from the perpendicular"; and "a strange amphibious creature, of a spherical form, which rolled with great velocity across the pebbly beach" of a lunar island. Kim Kardashian Fails the P.T. Barnum Test
  • The complications are considerable, because the wildest creatures live in the wildest places. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kids, who are circumstantial outsiders, tend to identify with such creatures and envision them as their vengeful protectors.
  • The images consisted mainly of mythological creatures such as dragons, fairies, and merfolk.
  • The book is full of scientific observations of creatures such as the sea speckle, the red poison needle, the oleander, the bluebottle or coral. From the Mouth of the Whale by Sjón - review
  • They include worm charming where two teams compete to entice the slimy creatures out of the ground. The Sun
  • Of course, retreating from the trials of the twentieth century existence does not mean one wants to abandon its many creature comforts.
  • Mole is a creature of great loyalty and peace, satisfied to live a quiet and simple life.
  • From the tastefully appointed mosaic inlays and concaved walls adorned with statues and his paintings, the mosaic swimming pool and Japanese garden with plenty of creature comforts, make for unforgettable ambiance. San Antonio
  • Spin fantasies in your head, she's probably the most charming and intelligent creature on earth.
  • Compared with them, the novel appears to be a creature from an alien species.
  • On the tabletop inlays and the ivory panels, the predators include griffins and sphinxes, composite creatures based on the leonine form, while the bowl depicts lions in positions of attack.
  • It was a butterfly, its wings made from fine strands of gold twisted together until they formed this delicate creature, so fine it seemed almost transparent.
  • Why do goats sing and what can a bee, a mouse, and an unknown furry creature have in common?
  • Even the situation with Morgan LeFay had not struck such terror into the creature.
  • But, soundly as Tom Tallington slept, the scriggly legs of a beetle were rather too much when they began to work in his ear, and he started up and brushed the creature away, the investigating insect falling on the floor with a sharp rap. Dick o' the Fens A Tale of the Great East Swamp
  • He paused before delivering a powerful thrust that skewered the water creature beyond healing.
  • Any one can stand his own misfortunes; but when I read in the papers all about the rascalities and outrages going on I realize what a creature the human animal is. Mark Twain: A Biography
  • Seeing these majestic and beautiful creatures in their natural habitat was one of the most moving and incredible experiences of my life. The Sun
  • This psalm is a most solemn and earnest call to all the creatures, according to their capacity, to praise their Creator, and to show forth his eternal power and Godhead, the invisible things of which are manifested in the things that are seen. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The result of the combined exertions of Messrs. Savage and Wilson was not only the obtaining of a very full account of the habits of this new creature, but a still more important service to science, the enabling the excellent American anatomist already mentioned, Professor Wyman, to describe, from ample materials, the distinctive osteological characters of the new form. Essays
  • They are insectoid creatures, hunched over and scuttling, with writhing tentacles where their mouth should be and a grunting, clicking language. WATCHING: District 9
  • Yet, it is its foul odor, often described as the reek of rotten eggs or hydrogen sulfide, that puts the "skunk" into the creature's name. Valdosta Daily Times Homepage
  • An earthy , uncouth, servile peasant creature old Katy was.
  • But the next minute, the little creature whimpering, she bent down in impatient repentance and kissed it, whimpering too. That Lass o' Lowrie's: A Lancashire Story
  • A rattlesnake is a really mean creature.
  • Saying that humans, being creatures of flesh, could not obey the law was to say, in effect, that God made a bad job of creating them.
  • I glanced over to where he was looking and saw a creature like a tiger, but with tabby coloring instead of the traditional black and orange stripes.
  • Such pessimism has led multiculturalists to conflate the idea of humans as culture-bearing creatures with the idea that humans have to bear a particular culture.
  • These creatures are quite distinct from fish, crustaceans, and molluscs.
  • Flying monkey, griffon, and unicorn -- the least horrifying taxidermy creatures on display (and for sale) at Sarina Brewer's site. Taxidermy fantasy creatures
  • Along with elaborate vessels and sculpted creatures, Diakite creates platters, plates, bowls, and a variety of other forms that are sold as both functional objects and works of art.
  • He had mutated into one of the earth's most evil and cruel creatures imaginable.
  • There are too many of these vile creatures getting away with it. The Sun
  • It's a strange -- looking creature we see emerging from the pupa and abovewater's surface.
  • However, our sensors indicate that those creatures are composed of photons that are not moving relative to us, which according to quantum chromodynamics, is impossible. 365 tomorrows » Patricia Stewart : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Giving birth, I suppose you'd say, expelling not one, nor even ten, but a thousand creatures; ten thousand. GALILEE
  • There is a strongly marked difference between the two creatures.
  • So plants, quite naturally, have the ability to protect themselves from predators, just as all other creatures do.
  • Do we want a hero with universal vision, or would we prefer a fallible creature, confusing and confused?
  • A spongy, Dijon-colored city of algae and microscopic creatures that floats on the surface, periphyton cleanses the Everglades of excess nutrients and pollutants.
  • The computer generated effects, live action and animatronics courtesy of Jim Henson's Creature Shop are largely convincing, although some of the blue screen work is rough around the edges.
  • They hated that conceited, self-satisfied creature.
  • Humans are too afraid to accept the truth that they're not the only creatures inhabiting this small planet.
  • God's difference is categorially different, so to speak, from one creature's otherness from a second creature. Cusanus, Nicolaus [Nicolas of Cusa]
  • Dust mites are tiny creatures, invisible to the naked eye.
  • She was the oldest living chelonian and the only living creature to have met Charles Darwin and traveled aboard the Beagle. Steve and Me
  • It was made of stone, and it had carvings of sea creatures carved into the front door.
  • There are no vampires, werewolves, zombies, or outer space creatures.
  • The mandate in own type utter creature.
  • The last and the real cause of their impenitence is the state of sin which they freely chose as their portion on earth and in which they passed, unconverted, into the next life and into that state of permanence (status termini) by nature due to rational creatures, and to an unchangeable attitude of mind. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Nor does Dietrich wish to distinguish God from creatures by postulating a theory of universal hylomorphism.
  • To the insatiable bloody appetite of this creature nothing comes amiss; he takes the male ostrich by surprise, and slays that wariest of wild things on his nest; He captures little birds with the dexterity of a cat, and hunts for diurnal armadillos; he comes unawares upon the deer and huanaco, and, springing like lightning on them, dislocates their necks before their bodies touch the earth. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • But this idea does point in the right general direction: toward a kind of inner conflict, toward what I have called a kind of "brokenness" in the human psyche, and in particular toward a failure of integration within the person of the creature's feelings and needs and impulses on the one hand, and the moral injunctions internalized from the socializing culture on the other. A Piece (from Huffington Post) on the Right's Manifest Hypocrisy Problem
  • The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive. Jason Silva: On Creativity, Marijuana and "a Butterfly Effect in Thought"
  • Whales are mammals - warm-blooded, air-breathing creatures - but they spend their entire life in the ocean.
  • He approaches the alien with his hands up and with soft words, explains to the alien that he means no harm and welcomes the creature.
  • One of the final panels proffers Der Führer's personal opinion of his adversary: ‘He is an utterly amoral, repulsive creature.’
  • But an I wist ye would be my better lady, at that tournament I will be, so that ye will keep my counsel and let no creature have knowledge that I shall joust but yourself, and such as ye will to keep your counsel, my poor person shall I jeopard there for your sake, that, peradventure, Sir Palamides shall know when that I come. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Or they asserted that all those landlubberly creatures had walked dry-shod across a natural bridge or had swum short distances between stepping-stones, and that one such formation or another had since disappeared beneath the waves. Galapagos
  • Half a dozen creatures'manlike except for the snakiest necks either had ever seen-came thundering along the corridor, waving spears and shouting. Fortress Of Frost And Fire
  • Foxes are supposed to be wily creatures.
  • If acidification kills tiny sea snails known as pteropods, as it is likely to, the Pacific salmon that feed upon these planktonic creatures may also die.
  • If anything, like a ravening creature, made savage through incarceration, the recollection had grown more vicious with the passage of time. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • A loveliness of ladybirds in the spare room, sprinting house spiders in the living room, and hungry silverfish in the kitchen are just some of the creatures that head indoors as winter sets in.
  • During this time, all the big herbivores and carnivores were great lumbering creatures; some of which may have been semi-aquatic, while others were fully terrestrial.
  • During her heyday from the 1920s to the 1930s, unconventional artist Carmen Mondragón was demonized in much the same way as the fire-breathing creature of legends past. The Fiery Spirit Of Carmen Mondragon
  • Creatures, men and women and things, of bronze and marble, breathe the same air as we do.
  • These may not address their Majesties, but they may stare; nor will it be contested that the attentive circular eyes of the humble domestic creatures are an embellishment to Royal pomp and grandeur, such truly as should one day gain for them an inweaving and figurement -- in the place of bees, ermine tufts, and their various present decorations -- upon the august great robes back-flowing and foaming over the gaspy page-boys. The Egoist
  • Humans are the most destructive, filthy, pollutive creatures around and are wrecking what's left of the planet with their false morals and breeding culture. James Lee, Discovery Hostage Taker, Has List Of Demands That Is Hilarious And Crazy
  • stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures
  • The first living creature sent into space was a dog named Laika.
  • They're tiny knitted creatures, with spindly legs and multicoloured bodies, and snapping at their heels is a gnarly-looking wolf in sheep's clothing. The graffiti knitting epidemic
  • I love my children in ways that can never be put into words, but there is no hiding the fact that they are imperfect creatures, capable of the same pettiness, resentment, and mean-spiritedness that sets us adults to warring.
  • Der Creaturen und also auch unsere Vollkommenheit bestehet in einem ungehinderten starken A Lecture on the Study of History
  • For example, Zimmerman implies that the excretions of wild creatures in the forest is no different from that of dogs.
  • Everywhere around the margins there were shoal fish, creatures almost identical to skimmer bream and roach.
  • While your legends may beg to differ, we are not mindless, ravening creatures.
  • The child protection conference is not a creature of statute.
  • He's been fascinated with these creatures since childhood and now shares his bedroom with six of them in a large terrarium.
  • A dark creature approaches it still snaps and snipes but offers a parasol which is taken before it retires Quick crossword No 12,722
  • The mere existence of these strange creatures fascinated him.
  • Savage charged the creature, swinging his knife at the prothorax. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Thus a blonde stripper with pasties in Act II became the petite, birdlike creature in white in this section.
  • Phillis," said he, after a long silence, "do you know, it is my opinion that that old creature," pointing with his thumb to Aunt Peggy's house, "is so long used to grumblin 'and fussin', that she can't, to save her life, lie still in her grave. Aunt Phillis's Cabin Or, Southern Life As It Is
  • Inside, the tiny creature skidded to a halt on the marble floor, terrified by the sudden din of the gathering.
  • Substantial, wholesome, and clean -- though generated by a wet, helpless creature having no personal charms, and which, having passed the phase of life in which it enjoyed the gift of locomotion, has become a plant-like fixture to one spot -- the gas mingles with other diffusions of the reef, recalling villanous salt-petre and sheepdips and brimstone and treacle to the stimulation of the mental faculties generally. My Tropic Isle
  • The body of an adult jellyfish is a bell-shaped, jellylike substance enclosing its internal structure, from which the creature's tentacles suspend.
  • But human beings are mortal creatures and subject to the whims of nature.
  • Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living creature possesses a spirit.
  • Despite this, scientists have been surprised to find that the tuatara is the "fastest evolving" creature on the genetic level. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The garden was a living, breathing, creature that now seemed intent upon swallowing her up.
  • It was clear that the native tutors had no control whatever over their illustrious pupil, and every creature in and about the zenana was his submissive slave, so that Gerrard became seriously exercised as to the development of his character. The Path to Honour
  • It focuses on the scientific approaches towards finding whether we are the only living creatures in the universe.
  • God, that raised inanimated dust and clay into a living creature by Leviathan
  • Of course, retreating from the trials of the twentieth century existence does not mean one wants to abandon its many creature comforts.
  • The former were drabby-looking creatures, stained in face with oil and dust, clad in thin, shapeless, cotton dresses and shod with more or less worn shoes. Sister Carrie
  • Both creatures were petrified into the mutual stare that is of the hunter and the hunted, the preyer and the prey, the meat-eater and the meat. CHAPTER XX
  • Ingolstadt; and I confess to you, my friend, that when I saw you last autumn so unhappy, flying to solitude, from the society of every creature, Chapter 5
  • The species have the function of anti-tumor and anti-virus eliminate inflammation, the live material in its living creature is diterpenoids.
  • Of rails, or ralline birds, there are ten or twelve, ranging from a small spotted creature no bigger than a thrush to some large majestic birds. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • There was clear glass behind him, reinforced stuff, shatterproof, stormproof, and beyond it was a creature.
  • They are clean creatures, preying on other fish, notably herring. Food Watch
  • A grove of crotons became a magical jungle where snakes and other exotic creatures lurked, waiting to pounce.
  • Brutes are creatures; but we do not consider them as _fellow creatures_. Sermons on Various Important Subjects
  • I have a hard time believing that you are talking about the same kind of creatureliness that has been used to justify slavery, to subjugate women, condemn homosexuality, anathemize birth control, and to pick an example from today's headlines to limit stem cell research. Philocrites: Uh oh: Here come the Christian humanists!
  • The groups used their creative imaginations and played a game of 'consequences' to create drawings and models of creatures such as reptiles, insects, birds and fish.
  • There is much evidence of lovingness in the work, particularly in the delightful rendering of the smallest of creatures.
  • The curious red-eyed female headed straight to the well ripe banana we had been given on our arrival to tempt the furry creature.
  • The creatures burrowed into the wet ground at great speed, leaving only a ripple or a bubble to mark their passage.
  • Western Gulls are omnivores and eat a variety of things including fish and other aquatic creatures, eggs, carrion, garbage, and other birds.
  • They have not permitted any wild creatures to escape despite another fallen trunk, but that is due to luck, and to the renewed tendency of the creatures to attack the lancers, rather than to attempt to escape beyond the deadland. The Magi'i Of Cyador
  • The only creature on earth whose natural habitat is a zoo is the zookeeper. Robert Brault 
  • But it is all within the basic framework of that creature's subtle and physical structure, within the bounds of instinct.
  • The paroquet was a splendid creature, with a brilliant orange throat darkly spotted. Birds in the Bush
  • Whom those resemble that are morose, unsociable, and unconversable, and affect a melancholy retirement; they are like these solitary creatures that take delight in desolations. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • I closed the sliding windows, with translucent paper for window panes, called shoji, and went to bed, but the lack of privacy was fearful, and I have not yet sufficient trust in my fellow-creatures to be comfortable without locks, walls, or doors! Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • What a loathsome creature he is!
  • During this time people put on morality plays about ghosts, goblins, virgins, and other mythical creatures.
  • Mark Pauline and Rod Brooks have advanced further than most in creating personas for machines, because the creatures are fully embodied.
  • The poor creatures aren't even allowed to play conkers at school any more.
  • Although she had been told that the mygale sometimes ate small birds, her short experience in the Amazon had taught her that not many creatures - insects and piranha excepted - attacked unless hungry, provoked, trodden upon or surrounded by others of their species. River Of Desire
  • Nowadays, with cats getting fed so well by their owners, they don't bother about catching mice for food, they use them as playthings, along with birds and other harmless creatures.
  • And as we know very well that a lady who is skilled in dancing or singing never can perfect herself without a deal of study in private, and that the song or the minuet which is performed with so much graceful ease in the assembly-room has not been acquired without vast labour and perseverance in private; so it is with the dear creatures who are skilled in coquetting. The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
  • As if to symbolize this state of things, the "fancy piece" astern comprised, among numerous other carved decorations, a cross and a miter; while forward, on the bows, was a sort of devil for a figure-head -- a dragon-shaped creature, with a fiery red mouth, and a switchy-looking tail. Redburn. His First Voyage
  • The creature was about the size of a bushbok, was a dirty white in colour, and carried a pair of horns about two and a half feet in length, slightly curved, enormously thick at the base, strongly ridged for about half their length, and thence sweeping smoothly away to points as sharp apparently as those of bayonets. Through Veld and Forest An African Story
  • And at two places sharp-tongued women would not allow him to enter, frankly stating that icemen were too dirty creatures to allow inside the door of a respectable house; the women received their ten-cent cubes in pans and slammed the door in his face. The Landloper
  • When she gets a night-time visit from a tiny magical creature it seems as though her luck will change. Times, Sunday Times
  • camels are tough and hardy creatures
  • Snail is a small plant - eating creature with a soft body.
  • He called his new creature Velociraptor mongoliensis to honor these inferred skills, for Velociraptor, means "quick seizer. Dinomania
  • He was the most beautiful creature Dot had ever seen.
  • ‘When you dig into it and see what's in there, the worms and woodlice and other creatures, it is really quite satisfying,’ he says.
  • For Mirah was certainly a creature in whom it was difficult not to show a tender kind of interest both by looks and speech. Daniel Deronda
  • I think you should put the poor creature out of its misery.
  • She froze in her sleeping bag as a very large creature snorted outside the tent.
  • Finally the One From Whom All Wisdom Springs cupped water, sky and loam in His hands, and wrought the most perfect of beasts, a creature of the purest substance, one which would bestride the world as a testament to the perfection of His creation, whose power would know no equal, whose visage would rival the angels, and whose consciousness could grapple with truth. Apocrypha « BAHAY TALINHAGA
  • Marine invertebrates feast on the wood, attracting other creatures from little fish, to birds and sharks.
  • The name originates from the word for crab, the term for the two creatures being almost interchangeable in early cultures.
  • Why not stick to protecting wild places and wild creatures -- like sea turtles and sequoia trees? Michael Brune: Why Do Sea Turtles Need Solar Panels?
  • The apostle says not (remarks Calvin nobly) "What," but "Who," just as if all creatures and all afflictions were so many gladiators taking arms against the Christians [Tholuck]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Indeed it is urged, that it is suitable to the goodness of God, to imprint upon the minds of men characters and notions of himself, and not to leave them in the dark and doubt in so grand a concernment; and also, by that means, to secure to himself the homage and veneration due from so intelligent a creature as man; and therefore he has done it. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Animal control officers managed to tranquilize the frightened creature and removed it.
  • According to reports in Panama, the teenagers spotted the creature crawling out of a cave while playing in the town of Cerro Azul north of Panama City. The Lovecraft News Network
  • A horned and fanged bilat, its talons and the corners of its mouth dripping gore, a creature to whom the term nightmarish truly applied. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Terrible creatures had come - monsters made of stone, taller than a Rikath, with shiny black and purple skin and no faces.
  • We were living in this outer realm, where hobbits existed and wars were fought between inhuman creatures.
  • And because my house is not designed for shutting slinky feline creatures out of things.
  • In a slave society, where body and mind are in chains, music portrays the fairer sex as a creature to be enslaved.
  • Shooting creatures at long range will now bring a retaliatory action.
  • In the back is a group of Welsh fusiliers, and here's me, a ragged scarecrow creature from the swamp, an image from a schlock nightmare.
  • The team put life-size models in a wind tunnel used for testing aircraft to discover how the creature stayed airborne. The Sun
  • One of the prettiest creatures you may catch sight of is a tumbling, crystalline, globe-shaped alga known as volvox.
  • Some of this concern was evident in his views of entomology, a science which he described as the study of ‘our fellow-creatures of the insect race.’
  • The cute creatures are seen as a gardener's friend because they help control pests like slugs. The Sun
  • Moreover, a rodent capture still leaves behind the messy job of killing the creature and burying the evidence.
  • Many a theist would grant that creaturely causes lack necessary efficaciousness on the very grounds that Malebranche had presented, but still argue that this does not mean that they lack causal powers. Occasionalism
  • Among the creatures expected to blossom as a result would be the tiny water vole, whose populations were decimated by the introduction of the mink from North America.
  • A creature once feared a wrathful god. Records of its existence date bake hundreds of years.
  • I was indifferent, for the chamois is a creature that will neither bite me nor abide with me; but to calm Harris, we went to the Hotel des Alpes. A Tramp Abroad
  • In the seventh edition (1720) I find to my great solace and comfort the entry, dog, 'a well-known creature, 'a somewhat meagre definition, improved into 'a quadruped well-known' by Nathaniel Bailey, whose dictionary, first published in octavo (1721), ran through a very large number of editions and became the standard authority until superseded by Johnson. On Dictionaries
  • She finds him dragged down into the depths by sea-creatures who are an amalgam of classical nereides and the malicious nixies and mermaids of northern folklore.
  • Lions, tigers, jaguars, giraffes, orang-utans and emus were some of the other creatures we saw.
  • The nucleus must be taken from the blastula and gastrula stages of frog embryos (at this point no semblance or form of the creature is distinguishable).
  • Twenty minutes in, I was so disorientated, I approached a pet stall and asked if I could take a photo of the unfamiliar creature for sale next to the monkeys - it was, in my defence, a particularly unlovely baby.
  • Every creature on the planet has it's place in nature, but the tick is an abomination. Rain, Rain, Go Away
  • This canteen (with a funnel on its top, like a cavalier cap slouched over the eyes) was set on edge upon the puncheon, with the hole toward myself; and through this hole, which seemed puckered up like the mouth of a very precise old maid, the creature was emitting certain rumbling and grumbling noises which he evidently intended for intelligible talk. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Whether it's smoked, pickled or kippered, herring packs more creatine than any other creature on the planet.
  • So a Creature object will contain the species field in addition to the name and description fields inherited from the Thing class.
  • By combining state-of-the-art computer animation with live-action landscapes, you'll marvel as these fearsome creatures roar to life!
  • Hanc mensam indignam noverit esse sibi: that is to say: Whosoever loves to missay any creature that is absent, it may be said that this table is denied to him at all. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • IT _may be expected by some faithless Persons, that I should produce an_ HERMAPHRODITE _to publick View, as an incontestible Justification of there being Humane Creatures of this kind; but as I have no Authority to take up the Petticoats of any Female without her Consent, I hope to be excus'd from making such demonstrable Proofs; and if I had such a Power, the Sight might endanger the Welfare of some pregnant Female, whose Tractus de Hermaphrodites Or, A Treatise of Hermaphrodites
  • Man is an inventive, innovative creature and his mind is constantly darting from one problem to another.
  • Sharon Werner and Sarah Forss have done here for creepy-crawlies and numbers what they did for animals and letters in 2009's "Alphabeasties": In this case, they've used innumerable miniature numbers to create the shapes of creatures, about which they then tell us more. Critters That Crawl, Fly And Count
  • How was this diminutive creature going to make any significant inroads on my mighty frame? Times, Sunday Times
  • I snapped that rope as a ringmaster snaps a whip; but though the rope end travelled with great speed and the act must have been unexpected, the creature caught the rope in one of its chelae before it reached its face. Pirates of Venus
  • The creature is said to have big ears and always wears a pointy hat. The Sun
  • Q: We have to be careful here, because the identity of the gypsy morph is a key mystery in the novel, but can you describe generally what this creature is and what it represents? An interview with Terry Brooks about his new series that begins with Armageddon's Children
  • The British are Darwinists, and instead of monstrous machines, they use genetically-engineered amalgamations of animals to create enormous creatures. 2010 March 04 « The BookBanter Blog
  • One of the tiny bat-creatures chittered nervously from the darkness.

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