How To Use Creativity In A Sentence
Digital technology comes to us heralded by a great deal of utopian ballyhoo, but in some surprising ways it discourages creativity.
The exchange continued for a little over a year, until both men became absorbed in other projects, but while it lasted, Mr. Neumeyer says, "we were both sparked into spurts of vivifying and shared creativity.
Gorey's Flights of Fancy
Some self-absorbed children play elaborate fantasy games by themselves, and one can admire their creativity and imagination.
That is, the Olympian Zeus 'ban on human creativity: which shows Zeus's intended bestialization of all mortal human individuals, by forbidding, not only the use, but the discovery of any universal physical principle, such as "fire," or, today, nuclear-fission power.
LaRouche's Latest
The late 1950s and early 1960s were a period of expansion and creativity.

The authors concluded that creativity and psychotic symptomatology do indeed reflect equivalent forms of cognitive processing.
Even in the straight world of economics, where production and tangibles were once central, indices of happiness, creativity and other non-material values have taken centre stage.
There she goes again with that faith, hope, charity, and creativity twaddle.
However, in order to make something that constitutes a filling, edible meal, some creativity is still needed.
Learners at the advanced stage use their own creativity and seek delicate discriminations of meaning, stylistic niceties, subtleties of culture and discourse, and greater acquaintance with the language.
It takes time to foster a creative work environment and to understand how creativity can bring you tangible benefits.
Times, Sunday Times
It involves the characteristics of criticism, recessiveness, savvy, introspectiveness and creativity.
The years 1899-1919 were the zenith of Elgar's creativity and success.
The authors concluded that creativity and psychotic symptomatology do indeed reflect equivalent forms of cognitive processing.
Materialization of both wish and phantasy is monstrous to Victor, because his egoic coherence depends on denying the death-drive that he sublimes as life — especially the life of science, invention, and creativity.
Attached to Reading: Mary Shelley's Psychical Reality
Envy and greed were the mainsprings of their creativity; it would have been more accurate if some of them had been called the Envious Young Men.
When did creativity take on this relatively indiscriminating meaning - referring to anything good?
However, meeting these kinds of challenges develops your creativity and positions you well for the job market of the future.
I also made an abortive attempt at creativity with tin snips and a tin can.
Constructed of pine, its painted surface is an exuberant expression of the artist's imagination and creativity.
People with creativity are seldom found nowdays.
The gap between the linguistic creativity of even the most intelligent ape and even the most backward of human beings is immense.
Creativity is a multi - level and complex thought process, involving many different factors.
Adopt the experimental and questionnaire method, measuring the effect of self - composing calisthenics on of girl - students creativity.
I would suggest that this cultural fantasy is the symptom of one model for male creativity - the desire to disavow woman's essential Lack by fetishizing an ordinary object.
Myths and rituals get worked over by time and human creativity until the originals show through only in glimmers; fairy tales gain and lose characters, nastiness, and motif depending on the era in which we live.
Archive 2007-10-01
There is limited scope for creativity in my job.
Too many rules might deaden creativity.
Creativity is intelligence having fun.
Big cities are both cradles and magnets for enterprise and creativity.
These mental exercises are designed to break linear thinking habits and encourage the creativity that is needed for innovation.
She posits that the gendering of the marketing ultimately stifles creativity and impoverishes the fan culture, if any, of the novel.
Archive 2009-04-01
For Public Relations there must be two elements in the package, creativity and originality.
Play also facilitates organizational learning, creativity, community-building and group cohesion, and overall, enhances adaptivity and attentiveness.
Dr. Tian Dayton: Researchers Say:Adults Need to Play More!
When I bend anything for the sake of creativity I try to make sure the bending is part of a grand reality that then carries throughout the whole existence of the work.
The art of Leviathan, Part Two: An interview with Keith Thompson
Creativity withers when these ties are forgotten, neglected or severed.
America is a good hunter of creativity and innovation. Dr T.P.Chia
In contrast, a decentralized structure facilitates leadership and unleashes creativity.
Karen Daniels has her M.A. in psychology, is an author, mom, creativity lecturer, and online content specialist who writes Zen Copy, a blog which promotes creative growth and achieving success through effective online writing.
Get Wild – How to Set Your Creative Beast Free | Write to Done
Robin and Namor gamefully try to make speedos work, but nobody gives them creativity points.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Open Writing Forum
They stop work, attend to and resolve before sleep any inharmonious conditions that may arise, knowing that creativity lies dormant while conflict prevails.
Playing with the camera angle simply to make the deer, or fish, look bigger is pretty lame - but I do like to see photos where the photographer shows some creativity in composing the photo.
Wisconsin Buck Could Threaten State Non-Typ Record
Those people who operate these servers… are parasites leeching off the creativity of others.
Should we see them as dreary drudges, blind to the creativity of the Shakespeares and Hemingways who are taking the test?
The story of the universe is a mythic drama of creativity, allurement, relation, and grace.
Later in that same article, Coffman notes that the use of fish in a spiritual fast was cause for great culinary creativity in the Medieval kitchen, and a French abbess is credited for the creation of the divine dish which I hesitate to categorize as “fish soup” called bouillabaisse.
Tigers & Strawberries » Fish: Feast or Fast?
Creativity and originality are more important than technical skill.
So this microchip thing would basically completely democratize the creative process, and your art would be all about your creativity instead of your access to expensive technology.
Blogging is a transitional technology that will lead to new forms of connectivity and creativity.
One of the world's first live concerts by self-taught composers has shed an uncomfortably bright light on the nature of human creativity.
Times, Sunday Times
Competition between teams-between organizations-builds morale and encourages creativity.
My job does not give me much scope for creativity.
1. The term backpacker pisses you off so much that you write a long ass blog about why it's a divisive term and tie it in to some wild conspiracy theory involving the government, corporations, media outlets and record labels removing all of the consciousness, creativity and balance from mainstream rap music.
One Year Later AKA Thoughts Of A Subject, Verb And Predicate Felon
Using recently developed evaluation systems, these schools and others are aiming to quantify so-called noncognitive traits such as leadership, resilience and creativity.
Adding Personality to the College Admissions Mix
I suppose we can explain the left-handers by noting that creativity is usually a right-brain function, and left-handers are right-brained.
The Reich chapter, by contrast, draws us away from individual heroic figures towards collective creativity.
Art is about creativity, transmuting the humblest subjects into the sublime.
Contradiction frequently breeds creativity, and the Deng model has launched a massive program to erase the bipolarity between city and countryside.
She got an unusually low score for creativity.
An idealistic student tries to bring back his creativity, while his secretary attempts to drag him out of his mopery.
Women unable to feed the bellies of hungry children, were forced to rummage through garbage, and by the grace of God, and anointed creativity, found leftovers okra, rice, tomato, a scrap of pork and a fragment of shrimp to create a meal we call gumbo.
Rev. Otis Moss III: A Blue Note Gospel
John finds that artist pencils allow him to better express his artistic creativity than the brush because of the aspect of detail and layers of tone and texture which can be obtained.
The clue to the flourishing creativity lies with phosphor chemistry, which is essential to the manufacture of fluorescent lamps.
The shark will be back and if you can't pay, he'll break your creativity, morale, and good-mannered nature as virtue twigs.
The liberalities of the privileged West are no guarantor of true creativity.
Turmoil and Triumph
My job does not give me much scope for creativity.
The idea that motherhood is inherently somehow a threat to creativity is just absurd.
Times, Sunday Times
He had everything, the mod sense of dress, an upwardly mobile lifestyle, a healthy contempt for authority and an irrepressible belief in his own creativity.
He was screaming past them, cutting balls in from the corners and was a constant source of creativity and threat.
No doubt Einstein himself is in some measure responsible for this image, since, in later life, he reflected nostalgically on solitude, isolation, and creativity.
Despite their creativity - whether in modifying Egyptian and Near Eastern forms, or inventing the Doric and Ionic orders of architecture - Greek artists worked in established genres.
There was an explosion of colour, creativity and artistry on display among the masqueraders.
This list is by no means exhaustive and is limited only by the boundaries of technology and creativity.
The parents are desperate to rescue their kids from a system that stymies creativity and makes education a burden.
Michael Levy: What I Learned from China's Schools
Creativity comes from recognizing or inventing problems that require innovative uses of tools.
The danger exists that universities will be so assimilated into society that we will no longer be the kind of collectors of talent that allow creativity to blossom.
There is clearly a fine line between stifling government intervention and encouraging creativity and innovation.
Plus, after marching through the Kübler-Ross stages of bad-review grief from "future generations will recognize my genius!" to "they're just jealous!" to sulky acceptance, we can console ourselves with the belief that professional critics bring to their work some instinctual empathy for the artists under review -- an understanding of the passion and elbow grease that go into any sustained work of creativity, no matter the quality of the final product.
Ben H. Winters: Why I Give Everything Five Stars
The freedom and creativity inherent in Scriptural interpretation and translation allowed Jews to avoid the prison of monolingualism.
David Shasha: Monolingualism, Scriptural Translation and the Problem of Western Civilization
Your creativity is bubbling over, so why not direct it towards home and hearth?
The Sun
EXAMPLE: Our previous management restricted our creativity, but after a new president was appointed, it was a whole new ballgame, and we could be quite innovative in every aspect of our work.
Rather than learning set choreographies, students are encouraged to develop an understanding of the music and traditional movements, and to use this as a foundation for their own personal expression and creativity.
This work is driven by our strong belief in internationalism, a commitment to professionalism and an enthusiasm for creativity.
She uses the oud (a Middle Eastern lute) and the tamboura (an Indian guitar) which speak to her unique personality and creativity.
My major concern was that a large bureaucracy, however organized, tends to stifle creativity.
A check-the-boxes approach to creativity is more likely to result in blandness and failure.
Disney’s Iger Shows Up The Street
Her natural creativity and artistic talent make her home a real showstopper.
That idea was anathema to many art historians, who believe that creativity is fragile and unquantifiable, that using the marketplace to evaluate art would sully the field…
How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?
There is no single way to measure creativity or industrial innovation; they are complicated things.
Such is the spark of creativity generated by the presence of a member of the executive committee demanding to be asked questions.
What was the right balance between creativity and innovation on the one hand and familiarity and repetition on the other?
Our colorable package will generate imagination and creativity while allowing kids to personalize their own cereal boxes.
Neptune merges with the moon to double your creativity.
The Sun
He had of course researched her stats, and learned that she was of average intelligence and creativity and per - sonality, and below average in motivation; only her outstand - ing body displaced her from the ordinary.
Here There Are Monsters
Riding my bike would clear my mind of all the impure thoughts implanted by corporate America and unleash unbridled creativity.
The story of the universe is a mythic drama of creativity, allurement, relation, and grace.
Creativity - This is crucial for a good playmaker.
The article elaborated the handbill poster notice design creativity thought method and the creativity thought raise.
It was a glimpse into his imaginative world and some of the sources of his creativity.
Crick soon established himself as a scientist of great insight and creativity.
Also, the teacher cannot generally assume that his or her insights are the only ones or even the best ones, and sharing too much information with a student can stifle a student's creativity by preprogramming thought processes that are better left open.
All the world's problem's solved!
She felt her creativity was being strangled.
Certainly , Unfixed think was one of methods , not a only method, of obtaining creativity.
The association of ideas in original ways is the key to creativity.
But there was no sign of the hesitation in their play or lack of creativity in attack.
The firm attributes its success to a talented staff and an open culture that honors individual creativity and nurtures teamwork.
What this criticism draws attention to is the bitter truth about teachers' exclusive concentration upon creativity with working-class pupils.
Austin Peay student Devin Hart explained the seven principles as: umoja - unity; kujichagulia - self-determination; ujima - collective work and responsibility; ujamaa - cooperative economics; nia - purpose; kuumba - creativity; and imani - faith. - Local News
Entire scheme design accords with design and structural requirement basically, have certain creativity and reasonability.
Some self-absorbed children play elaborate fantasy games by themselves, and one can admire their creativity and imagination.
It's not all about suits, lawyers and accountants - it's about rock 'n' roll and creativity.
Iconic creativity issues out of the entire church's dogmatic heritage, which is founded on divine revelation.
I spend a couple of hours each morning working on a combination of writing exercises, general journalling, meditation, yoga and spirituality/creativity reading and I definitely think that these things all go hand in hand!
Wild Mind: Writing as Spiritual Practice | Write to Done
There was the intensity and energy and creativity that was going on, that was the slot for that.
Times, Sunday Times
An expectation can act as an inertial fulcrum in the morphogenic field, shutting out possibilities for emergent learning, rather than encouraging spontaneity and creativity.
Willow Dea: Habit #5 Intention and Expectation: The Impact on the Class
But creativity means appearance of novelty, which by definition exists outside the confines of a deterministic universe.
Often, she would be the first to admit, her creativity and spontaneity took over from her domestic duties and responsibilities.
Times, Sunday Times
This would be a workspace conducive to creativity, with the expansive spaces, the tough interior with its natural materials and the plenitude of opportunities to bathe the eyes and spirit in views of the natural surroundings.
The Chadwick Studio by Frederick Fisher and Partners
But we did suggest that in nature, there were "Laws of System Dynamics," which paralleled thermodynamics, and helped explain how a largely resource-spent place like the rainforest - which should be dead - is instead the locus of more life and species creativity than any other ecosystem on earth.
Bill Shireman: Science, Religion, and Sustainability: Lessons from My Grandfather
This exercise encourages creativity in the use of language.
Cultivating entrepreneurial creativity and innovation should be the greatest challenge of Singaporeans.
We seem here to have further evidence of the apparent paradox about creativity and psychosis to which we have referred several times.
Education is the heart of human civilization, and the source of human creativity, power and greatness. Dr T.P.Chia
Similarly, challenging objectives should motivate staff and encourage creativity.
The association of ideas in original ways is the key to creativity.
She argues that true leadership involves a mix of inherent qualities, such as creativity and personal effectiveness skills such as good communication.
Most of the high creativity proneness students'personality types were Alpha and Gamma type.
Taking one step at a time with complete attention and energy brings vitality and creativity to all you do.
This faculty is widespread among the population and there has developed a system for increasing creativity called synectics.
But sometime in the past 40 years, Western society decided that deferential, ordered and conformist societies cramped creativity and personal expression.
The chief enemy of creativity is good sense. Pablo Picasso
The obvious bias in this particular outline is it lifts up and encourages creativity and innovation, and it also encourages a sense of internal coherence.
Christianity Today
The first barrier is the lack of imagination and creativity in resourcing in schools.
Combining design and technology, web space is a blend of technical intellect and creativity - gainful employment for both sides of the brain.
Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence. Osho
That sudden creativity has engendered its own literature.
His life had been one of dedicated service to the De La Salle Order and wonderful creativity in his chosen field of Bronze sculpturing.
Creativity - This is crucial for a good playmaker.
To express one's creativity - an increasing struggle in our information-driven technocracy - is to touch the very core of what it means to be human.
Managing creativity has always been a complex issue.
It takes creativity and flexibility because you never know when the fire alarm is going to sound and put an end to the really great lesson you put together.
Jenifer Fox: Why do you Teach?
His house, a rambling patchwork of add-ons and original rooms, is a museum of his disjointed creativity.
Our children's creativity is being beaten down by the conformist educational system.
One is the force of entropy and decay, the other is the force careful of creativity and evolution.
Feel free to use your creativity on how to best "categorize" your short film that tells the story of success or progress in developing countries.
Creativity in an exemplary fine arts curriculum is also encouraged.
The ending is also a big disappointment, completely lacking in creativity and daring.
zone_info": "huffpost. living/blog; featured-posts = 1; living = 1; nickname = sharon-glassman; entry_id = 270406; adland = 1; advertising = 1; authors = 1; books = 1; career-advice = 1; careers = 1; creativity = 1; doubleday = 1; happiness = 1; humor = 1; james-p-othmer = 1; monty-python = 1; sharon-glassman = 1; success = 1; work = 1",
Sharon Glassman: What is Work? Balancing Creativity and Cash
And for all the froth and gush about creativity and culture, investment isn't getting to where it hurts.
Times, Sunday Times
That happy-go-lucky ethos of boarders remains so strong that some of its most talented stars refused to take part in these Olympics, claiming their creativity and freedom were threatened by an avalanche of rules.
As my creativity tends to burble out chaotically, I've been trying to regulate my study, however, I've only really had any success with the Mayan calendar glyphs.
For the next six days it will be creativity unplugged as the artists wield brush and give vent to their ideas.
You can discipline them all you like but you need creativity and flair as well.
I wish I can keep my elegancy, nicety , sensibility, creativity and still easily forgiven.
How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?
When creativity is stifled by copyright, the original intention of the law is lost.
There is limited scope for creativity in my job.
I skate a surface, the dark water of possible creativity well below, frozen from me.
Others can associate with a common interest such breast cancer research (Avon), creativity (Sharpie), or outdoor hiking (Columbia).
Creativity isn't, or shouldn't be, about one-upmanship.
Times, Sunday Times
Our collection is the culmination of innovation, hard work, inspiration and creativity.
But the idea is to cover media, advertising and the arts and to promote Melbourne as a centre of creativity.
We inspire the utilization of renewable fiber, improve the social development by creativity and promote well-being of people and harmonious concomitance with the nature.
They are literary parasites, the enemies of creativity and imagination.
Judging Criteria: Technique, choreography, musicality, creativity, overall performance and etc.
Creativity goes beyond paint and canvas, tap shoes, travel, beads and string, needle and thread.
These mental exercises are designed to break linear thinking habits and encourage the creativity that is needed for innovation.
At their most fully developed business information systems provide a formidable challenge to the creativity of archivists and historians alike.
This is not about stifling artistic creativity.
The Sun
He said shoes constricted his creativity.
A lot of artists leave their creativity at the easel, which is not a good way to sell paintings.
May 2007
As if those aren't enough outlets for his creativity, Lagerfeld also boasts his own designer label, Karl Lagerfeld, which he started in 1998 under the name Lagerfeld Gallery and sold to Tommy Hilfiger in 2005. Daily Fashion Show Pictures
Much of this artistic creativity was more innovative than before.
The Commission's creativity and inconsistency have blurred the significance of these distinctions.
How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?
Popular literature and oral epics added to religion in giving an outlet for imaginative creativity.
World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
I wish all those kids were doing some kind of composition and improvisation as well, leavening their virtuosity with creativity.
By eliminating barriers to creativity, the Gore culture encourages problem solving and inventiveness.
What I discovered was a company exulting in creative disorganization, even if the creativity was not always as substantial as hoped for.
In the Plex
It also blocks the creativity of black artistic imagination and practices of representation.
Mrs. Dambar, abashed in the face of such energy, such creativity, was ready to go home.
Her creativity will bring her career to another new milestone.
Much of this artistic creativity was more innovative than before.
Spring rain arrives with a burst of creativity.
Times, Sunday Times
These periods, he argues, allowed the kind of balanced creativity that right-brain dominance permits.
The Times Literary Supplement
I believe Blackwomen's Creativity to be revolutionary in its potential.
This exercise encourages creativity in the use of language.
Ambition, inner strength and creativity will get you noticed at work and could secure your place on a team.
The Sun
Among the many legit reasons for doing so, I realized that I'd pretty much convinced myself being with him cramped my creativity.
Their energy and creativity were seemingly boundless.
Christianity Today
About this collection: Romantic, exotic, glamorous or abstract: thisspring's floral patterns provide an injection of creativity and a loveof fashion into your wardrobe.
We live in an intellectual wasteland where creativity is replaced by the exigencies of the marketplace.
Mainly using source material and so on pebble, ceramic tile, shellfish, sheet glass, beaded glass , after the cutting, carries on the creativity combination again.
This is not about stifling artistic creativity.
The Sun
One teacher described how a backbend clears the airways to creativity, and opens your heart to love and wisdom.
Education is the heart of human civilization, and the source of human creativity, power and greatness. Dr T.P.Chia
The relationship between illness and creativity interested him, and he often emphasized it in his prose writings.
Real innovation and creativity become stifled when we give corporations more and more tax break money "flushes" instead of them truly growing and profiting because they are an innovative superior company that creates the best product. Top Stories
There are a few extremely creative people and a roughly equal number possessing little or no creativity.
Times, Sunday Times