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How To Use Creative In A Sentence

  • ‘In big companies, there can be a lot of layers that inhibit the creative process,’ she says, explaining her decision to strike out on her own.
  • At 48, he is learning to tame his creative spirit and take on just a couple of projects at a time.
  • Tonight is a big night, because tonight I am going to my first creative writing class.
  • So if you take it and call it your own, you're just uncreative and have no imagination.
  • There was something captivating about this man, who dedicated much of his time to his artistic talents, his creative genius, and photographic exhibits.
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  • Within the context of modernity, the autonomous artist, as a creative being, explores varying moods, passion, sentiments and emotions.
  • It has yet again impressed every one with their creative and stylish design for the Reversible Sarees. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 110
  • That's because Olympic contests are played on a wider ice rink that opens up the game and gives the elite players space to be creative.
  • But, in the end, we must listen to gut instinct, be creative, and take risks.
  • From the outset, we get the kind of writing beloved of a certain kind of creative writing teacher: the kind you can pluck out and quote admiringly.
  • Jumping over a bench in P.E. class isn't creative, but parkour forces you to think about how you can jump.
  • Which means you have creative energy.
  • Thus, Nietzsche underlines our creative power in playing with masks, in taking up selves only to put them down again.
  • He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation.
  • Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better.Sentence dictionary
  • The way you mix creative ideas with a meticulous attention to detail is the key to success. The Sun
  • Writing with your personal creative djinni « The Retort Writing with your personal creative djinni « The Retort
  • For creative individuals, the siesta proffers a gift basket of ideas with which to consume an hour or so, the least spirited of which, to put it delicately, is the nap. Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
  • Looking for a creative way to make a meal out of leftover scraps of ham, turkey or pork roast?
  • Art is seen as an exercise in fine motor skills or appreciation of nature and not as a creative activity.
  • It is too bad that we often put readers, ordained and lay, in costumes that shackle the creative reading of texts.
  • The history of Christian missions, after all, is the chronicle of Western missionaries and their exploits, and the notion of missionaries from the East preaching to a godless Europe is the stuff of creative fiction. The Chinese are Coming
  • The director creatively allows the audience to look beyond the confines of the theatre space.
  • The limits of your imagination are bounded only by your budgets, so think creative.
  • It takes time to foster a creative work environment and to understand how creativity can bring you tangible benefits. Times, Sunday Times
  • It combines invaluable advice on how you can plan for a secure future with suggestions for creative and fulfilling activities. Times, Sunday Times
  • If works are not published under Creative Commons, their dissemination is severely limited. Creative Commons for Catholics
  • Colmar music "Colmar International Festival" this year celebrates the creative relationship between violinist Jacques Thibaud and pianist Marguerite Long with 26 concerts, including works by Brahms and Mozart. What's on Around Europe
  • Dogmatic constraints, tactical stereotypes, schematism in place of originality, and the boring repetition of truisms are contributing factors in creative infecundity.
  • In the immediate future, bankers say, airlines in the region will have to be more creative in how they fund future airline purchases as financing becomes scarcer and costlier due to the worsening global economy. Dubai Gears Up For Air Show
  • In some of her designs for trousers, there was the additional and creative element of safety pins, a unique accessory for punks, a reason she won kudos that night.
  • Larsen: If you're ADD and you still have a kind of indefatigable creative drive ... Printing: Interview with Stephen Larsen, author, THE FUNDAMENTALIST MIND
  • You'd think vacations would be no-brainers - opportunities to get paid for not working, spending time with family or friends, and recharging creative juices.
  • Taskbar is still annoying, everything looks worse than vista, my soundcard still doesn't work (probably creative's fault, but still, it's flawless in vista and 'Buntu), and it actually takes longer to boot than vista for me (or does it need to' mature 'like Vista does?). Windows 7′s Best Underhyped Features | Lifehacker Australia
  • I know that one of the philosophical underpinnings of Creative Commons and other Open Content Licensing models is to not discriminate, which is why they are available to anyone. Lessig's use of Flickr photos: is Creative Commons really a community?
  • She drew an analogy between childbirth and the creative process.
  • My creative juices boil at the prospect of national stardom.
  • The creative advertiser has the function of stimulating arousal in buyers.
  • How can we square this with our notions of a great creative artist?
  • Drama is both a creative art form in its own right and an instrument of learning.
  • The ad about naza was amazing, creative one also nike ayu. k Says: Lifebuoy HandWash You Eat What You Touch Ads
  • This kind of coinage and derivation is a typical process in the creative evolution of language, and is exactly the sort of thing that snoots like to deprecate.
  • Some specialise in engineering and technology, while others extend into areas such as creative and digital industries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shortly afterwards the Guardian, a British broadsheet newspaper, published the obituary of Cohn Osman, founder of Creative Camera.
  • The principal themes of Holland's fiction writing have been vampires, revenants, and creative anachronism.
  • Alfred Nobel, by the expression of his lofty ideals, has recognized the importance of science and creative accomplishments in augmenting human happiness. George R. Minot - Banquet Speech
  • I started this blog as a creative outlet, a much needed release, an escape from reality.
  • Having said all this, what should be clear is that the pedagogy of teaching creative writing is in desperate need of critical attention.
  • That music is the creative force at work, the whirr of the loom of the Eternal; it is the golden-snooded Muses at song. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • Since then, he has been busy crossbreeding indie filmmaking, the web, brand marketing and creative services. Tribeca Film: Future of Film: Why Transmedia Is Catching On (Part 2)
  • Jam session, a noun from bebop era, is a stage for jazz musicians demonstrates their technique and creative ideas.
  • The masses have boundless creative power.
  • So they are going to have to get creative and maybe unearth a little gem from somewhere. The Sun
  • The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive. Jason Silva: On Creativity, Marijuana and "a Butterfly Effect in Thought"
  • Penelope-like, she both weaves a narrative and contextual account of Lippi's life and work and unpicks her handiwork, creatively frustrating the reader's expectation of biographical closure.
  • Others relish their greens when hung creatively over branches and perches so they may work at nibbling the tasty offering.
  • Jana's work is based on the belief that exploring creative expression is one way of finding and strengthening our inner power.
  • I sat just behind the composer and felt in the presence of a creative genius, transported into other worlds.
  • To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty. Osho 
  • They had the part about attracting attention right, but then too many rushed into the creative process carelessly.
  • Your creative side is ready to be set free. The Sun
  • Understanding the desires of both the developer and the golfer fuels the creative fire of most golf course architects.
  • You go follow the link to see what the creative toymaker is into these days.
  • These creative young people are part of the vanguard of new talent blossoming in our midst.
  • All art, all thought was a creative activity, not an imitative or derivative one.
  • Your most creative friend will be the key to career success for you. The Sun
  • The three sonatas are the creative backbone, each not so very much less challenging to the listener than to the player this one well in command! Times, Sunday Times
  • Are audiences so undiscriminating that they will plunk down $9 to see something this creatively bankrupt?
  • This job is so boring. I wish I could do something more creative.
  • In fact, this sense of daring separates him from many creative artists, both within the Hollywood sphere and the indie orbit.
  • I hope you will consider the use and practice of non-violence in a more creative and positive way, rather than dismiss it as mere idealism.
  • I think our 'flubs' are really creative "opportunities" in the making. Dotty apron....
  • For months she struggled with computers and photography - ‘technological addictions’ she calls them - physical demons and creative roadblocks in order to find her film's voice.
  • You are the most creative sign in the zodiac today so your ideas or photos you take are starred for success. The Sun
  • I fully expect a movie double feature, ridiculous amount of Chinese food and a more creative dessert than tiramisu or birthday cake.
  • Top chef Marco Pierre White, who will judge the UK finals, said: "A truly great barperson needs to be as creative and skilful as a leading chef. Undefined
  • Programmers, the technologically innovative subclass of the creative, theoretically have it better: information technology remains a seller's market, with companies reporting an ongoing recruiting shortfall for IT new hires.
  • You may find comfort expressing your feelings in a tangible or creative way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Human beings are creative animals.
  • Our creative sector is like a coiled spring just waiting to be set free. Times, Sunday Times
  • The winners had shown a great ability to be creative and inventive with their display table.
  • Many are drawn in by the creative aspect — deciding whether to make a tropical terrarium, for example, or one of "the really artistic terrariums," she said, which "take an artistic hand to make.
  • So, while Woods is easily the best in the world from a tough situation - he's the most creative and has the most shots - he struggles to hit straightforward chips stiff to the hole.
  • A variety of exercises that draw on the student's own experience and creative imagination.
  • I had this idea that you just bunged flowers together, but I quickly realised that you can do anything you want with flowers – it's such a creative job. Are you getting the best careers advice?
  • A dapper man with an aristocratic air, he was boyishly handsome, compulsively social and intensely creative.
  • After notice and a period for comments, Creative Commons has versioned the attribution clause in our licenses.
  • I guess you could say it's a cure for creative constipation.
  • Spurlock possessed a vigorous intellect, critical, disquisitional, creative; and yet he saw nothing remarkable in the girl's readiness to marry him! The Ragged Edge
  • One of our much neglected qualities is our creative ability to reshape our world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Karen Daniels has her M.A. in psychology, is an author, mom, creativity lecturer, and online content specialist who writes Zen Copy, a blog which promotes creative growth and achieving success through effective online writing. Get Wild – How to Set Your Creative Beast Free | Write to Done
  • The groups used their creative imaginations and played a game of 'consequences' to create drawings and models of creatures such as reptiles, insects, birds and fish.
  • But I must admit that Content Awareness and new Brushes in APS CS5 and other new features of AID, AI, APS will be/is a seller for me to get the Creative Suite 5 upgrade! Aussie Photoshop Users Getting Ripped Off With CS5 | Lifehacker Australia
  • The outstanding singer, songwriter, musician and producer did the majority of work on his new album himself, holding a tight rein on its creative direction.
  • Apprenticeships in the creative and cultural industries barely existed a decade ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • Creative leeway has always been granted to those novelists and letter writers who are able to pull off a controversial use of rhetoric with talent and grace.
  • He was workshopping an innovative movement performance with street people, the desperate and creative young.
  • This true eccentric was lucky enough to find a lover, Tom Lee, who gave Russell the kind of unstinting love and support most artists only dream of and which surely helped him realize his creative dreams. Bright Lights After Dark
  • Volkswagen Passat CCVolkswagen Passat CC, the first four-door coupe from the German manufacturer received the "red dot Design Award 2009 - Best of the Best", which represents one of the most coveted awards that a designer can win for a creative product. okay SO WHY DIDNT MERCEDES GET IT BEING THAT THIS IS A CARBON COPY CLS WITH A VW ENGINE IN IT. News
  • to resolve technique problem creatively.
  • I always invite a mixed bunch of creative people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several leading creatives are involved in the advertising campaign.
  • The creative buy also "bookmarked" a full page advertisement with a reunion dinner scene and mio Home's festive season promotions. TODAYonline
  • There may be tendencies to stereotype a scholar and thus ignore his highly creative experience.
  • The overall impression is of a man with a warm and capacious heart and an affection for others that sustained his creative enterprises to the end.
  • Plus, after a gruelling few days the creative juices were a little slack.
  • Meanwhile, the London-based ad firm was scrambling to rejuvenate the account, bringing in creative talent from their Southern California office.
  • Yet the first step toward creative collaboration is building a relationship. Christianity Today
  • Maverick Pluto gives you wild creative ideas but one of them could be brilliant. The Sun
  • Mozart's final, intensively creative years in Vienna produced all manner of wonders – operas, symphonies, concerti and several works for the keyboard. Mozart in Vienna
  • Those wildlife docs are the product of hundreds of hours of footage cut and pasted into a contrived narrative by creative editors. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you are interested in coaching, please do contact me: Coaching: Helping you from Idea to Book...Session 1 by The Creative Penn | The Creative Penn
  • Far from being just a communication of factual data - "informative" - the loving truth of the Gospel is creative and life-changing - "performative" cf. Archive 2008-04-13
  • Larsen: People who are really creative do use the term affliction, because it is like a daimon that has hold of you and it's where your energy comes from. Interview with Stephen Larsen, author, THE FUNDAMENTALIST MIND
  • So this microchip thing would basically completely democratize the creative process, and your art would be all about your creativity instead of your access to expensive technology.
  • Because she feels that historical facts were creatively interpreted in the run up to the conflict, she invented her own lexis to convey her stance.
  • We have worked hard this year to recognise and reward charities that have forged creative and collaborative working partnerships that have an exponential effect on the success of their campaign.
  • When the tests were answered honestly, both of them predicted the participants' final school exam performance (their "grade point average") and their self-reported creative achievements.
  • I didn't realize the Constituion differentiated between "creative artists" and ordinary schlubs. * snark snark* Libertarian Blog Place
  • It is the first systematic account of the history of English public law and is no dry dusty musing but packed with forensic and creative writing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The creative juices were flowing in Hacketstown recently as the town's young people looked to their own town for inspiration.
  • Looking for different ways to jump an obstacle is a creative thing in parkour.
  • That Stephen is said to ‘inbreathe’ this ‘tremulous morning knowledge’ becomes significant after we see the first cycle of represented inspiration, creative thought, poem text, and Stephen's reflections on the process.
  • For a while, the Treasury can temporize with creative accounting, shifting money from one pile to another, and the like. The Debt Ceiling Fiasco
  • She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Vassar College, a Master of Arts degree in teaching gifted students from Teachers College, Columbia University and a Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Rebecca Walker: Love is Blind
  • Internal tensions can be resolved through a creative channelling and thereby reinforce the group's own boundary.
  • The creative ones turned their backs on conspicuous consumption and decided in favor of a simpler, personalized lifestyle.
  • I was also creatively excited to try something new, and what began as a research and development project became an entirely new doll.
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • They are all completely involved in the creative process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such engagements are not to be avoided, but rather treated as goads to creative thought and practice.
  • Among this group, friendly rivalry gave rise to creative innovation, and most carvers refined their skills.
  • They had few outlets for their creative or intellectual urges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Op Ed: Proscriptions on who may marry, such as preventing consanguine marriages, can be easily understood by referring to the procreative potential of marriage. Why are only queer rights on the chopping block?
  • The urge to destroy is also a creative urge. Pablo Picasso 
  • We were at Greenwich Village at the time of the wonderful crucible of creative alteration of the nation.
  • The cessation of violence could and should have been used for the launch of a new, creative and realistic peace process. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a team they worked creatively to resolve any of the on-site construction issues.
  • Scott's really imaginative and creative and has a definite vision of what he wants his business to be.
  • Now besides singing in Romany, Gipsy. cz incorporates all kinds of traditional musical elements: violin, cymbalo ... how do you like that creative aspect of mixing the traditional with the modern? Latest articles - Radio Prague
  • It was not creative tennis but it was enthralling nonetheless.
  • They can put in a tackle and look after themselves but also have the creative spark. Times, Sunday Times
  • RachelCreative: Brain totally agrees with you - heart, every time I see a sports film, does not - they don't make films about people "heroicly deciding to work from recliner" - I wish they did though. A seizure and a dream that died...for today.
  • The kind of people who engage in creative collaboration want to do the next thing, not repeat the last one.
  • It must be possible to encourage creative expression and to correct spelling mistakes.
  • Writing as self-expression acquires a very literal meaning, for it is only through creative activity that identity is constructed.
  • No creative writer is interested in conveying a message, whether political or social.
  • His sniffy attitude to Motown may be dead wrong but his dissection of the creative and entrepreneurial side of the music industry is unrivalled.
  • It may feel like creative impulses are running wild but you are in control. The Sun
  • While shopping malls aren't known for their creative floral displays, these plants certainly won't look as fake and plasticky in your home as they do in the food court.
  • Those scissors remind me of the creative inventive and resourceful things my mother did.
  • So much humor depends upon homonyms and creative mishearing.
  • Age with Spirit, as the title suggests, is a guide for the average sensible man to develop a certain poise, a psychologically sound and creative attitude to the process of aging.
  • You create an atmosphere of stress, creative stress, everyone competing to solve one problem.
  • He spent a lot of time at the prison, while giving the prisoners art lessons for creative and therapeutic reasons.
  • It was a creative time, Mr. Ottolenghi said, and many of what he calls "hardcore Ottolenghi dishes"—like char-grilled broccoli, cheddar-cheese corn bread and marinated aubergine with tahini and oregano—were invented in those early days. Watercress Salad
  • For creative work, cats are excellent to contemplate when they are in repose.
  • Its approach was interdisciplinary and included creative work in writing, drama and visual arts.
  • Awash with glittering gold, adorned in yellowy brilliance, the jewellery designers cut a new path, defiantly and creatively.
  • This denigrated order is highly creative and productive, and women's closeness to each other persists within it.
  • However, pre-press and production employers say math, science and IT skills are as important as creative software skills and new entrants are expected to learn on the job.
  • Brixton Base, whose patron and "champion" is Lee Jasper and whose director is his close friend Errol Walters, received £535,000 from the LDA over two years to start a "creative training hub. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Nor is the 'rational left brain' versus 'creative right brain' split a reality. Times, Sunday Times
  • You also need to give the ooze time to simmer and slosh, quiet time, creative time. Comics and creativity – Heuristic
  • He'd love to be a guest lecturer at the school occasionally, maybe teaching creative non-fiction.
  • Kidder has a wonderful term to describe the structures that result in creative collaboration.
  • There's nothing like gaining a reputation as a red-hot creative shop for turning up the pressure in a business where you're only as good as your last ad.
  • The entire process of maturation, from birth to death, is a creative process of choices, each of which can radically change the outcome of a person's life.
  • Proscriptions on who may marry, such as preventing consanguine marriages, can be easily understood by referring to the procreative potential of marriage. Why are only queer rights on the chopping block?
  • Many people in this category have strong artistic and creative inclinations.
  • Why, when there is so much creative talent out there and so many new ideas, do television shows keep reverting back to the same ingenuine, manipulative ploys? 25 « January « 2009 « Axiom's Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • The creative part was turning this menagerie into a new piece of music without using anything other than those sounds.
  • In becoming that figure, he also brought out the essential weakness of official Unionism, its demoralised passivity, its sentimental traditionalism, its dearth of ideas, its hangdog lack of creative energy.
  • The creative imagination reconciles inner and outer worlds in metaphorical synthesis.
  • Creative expression never needs to justify itself to philistines, who from time out of mind have never seen art as "serious."
  • Judges looked for innovative and creative concepts, strong executions and the ability to communicate and persuade.
  • We have begun to lose creative scientists and researchers to larger, better resourced laboratories and libraries.
  • The writer took some of the mystery out of the creative process for the broker. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • Being fully engrossed in the creative process keeps the mind in the present moment.
  • It remains, indeed, a sublime mystery that Bach's exalted creative ideals appear to have been so little constrained by the limited means at his disposal.
  • Meanwhile, the London-based ad firm was scrambling to rejuvenate the account, bringing in creative talent from their Southern California office.
  • What hurts the editorial staff of most publications is the intrusion into the creative process of money in the form of advertising revenue.
  • Better still, never leave Little Puddington at all if you wish to be a wholly fulfilled and creative person.
  • Personalized Comments - This is a 'shoutbox' type function that applies to your Main page - you can leave short messages that can be read by all visitors. posted about getting creative with embedded Video, the team just made it a whole lot easier. The Unofficial Yahoo Weblog
  • Specifically, we move the creative energies found in the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and related to procreation and sexuality, up into the third eye chakra, the spiritual center located between the two eyebrows. Stacey Lawson: Principle #5: The Ecstasy Of Asking
  • Yet Los Angeles receives only grudging recognition as a creative center.
  • That contrast encourages creative thinking, better use of language and improves teamwork and interpersonal skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • ) decided the company should headhunt a'new type of creative'. POPCO
  • It could not be more clear that research must be conducted on the relative status of sexual intimacy in the minds of persons engaged in different kinds of procreative activity.
  • The urge to destroy is also a creative urge. Pablo Picasso 
  • The men saw no problem in hitting the food tables and creatively devouring their pizza in a kind of pseudo-seal eating motion.
  • The psychologist Carl Rogers laments the fact that "we tend to turn out conformists, stereotypes, individuals whose education is 'completed, ' rather than freely creative and original thinkers.
  • Much of the apparent growth in profits that occurred in the 1980s was the result of creative accounting.
  • In the Hebrew Bible, there are infrequent but significant references to God as a creative Mother.
  • The current crop of adverts simply don't grab the attention and lack punch, said Brahm's creative director, Mike Black.
  • Gardening affords these people the opportunity to use their creative skills.
  • Obviously any author has the ability to use creative license and there are no set rules for how vampires behave or what their characteristics are since they are fictitional. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • The old curmudgeon was talking about the smothering effects of parental duty on creative lives.
  • Like so many Scandinavian creatives of his epoch, he seems utterly insensitive to any of the colours or possibilities of the new century. Times, Sunday Times
  • His genius is pure beauty, a creative flame burning so brightly we can hardly look at it.

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