How To Use Crawl In A Sentence
Now, gentlemen, standing up here before you, I feel a good deal like Pat, and maybe after Ive spieled along for a while, I may feel so darn small that Ill be able to crawl into a Pullman hammock with no trouble at all, at all!
Chapter 14
The name krill derives from ‘kril’, an Old Norwegian word once applied to tiny creepy-crawly things, vermin, and larval fish.
Turning downriver, she kept the revs low, Night Watch just noodling along at a crawl.
Mack and I dove on the ground and began to crawl forward.
Our reaction to a tickling sensation may have arisen from a defence against creepy-crawlies.
Times, Sunday Times

We crawled along a broadish wall, with an inch or two of powdery snow on it, and then up a sloping buttress on to the flat roof of the house.
Klimt's tentative chalk and pencil strokes do little more than outline and emphasize the foreshortened legs, buttocks and genitalia of his subjects, their scrawled lifelessness compromising the images' erotic impact.
Modernism's Austrian Rebels
Eventually, the besotted warriors either passed out or crawled away as the torches guttered and smoked into mere embers.
Small birds flitted in the shade of the branches and bees were crawling over the red and white clover.
The letters were carved in a cramped scrawl, moonlight etching the crevices and staining the shadows silver.
It would be wonderful to crawl into bed, to ask Matron for an aspirin.
We were crawling along the narrow steel lattice of the bridge.
For them there was no shelter from the cold, no shrewd crawling to leeward in snug nooks.
Observe live bugs and even hold the creepy-crawlies in your hands.
Times, Sunday Times
The ending of secure tenancies could have a bigger impact on the demography of London than the creation of the new towns," she says, recalling the creation of places such as Basildon, Crawley and Harlow that were filled with people flowing out of the capital.
Angry and insecure – the renting Britons with no hope of buying a home
It came in a steady flood from Fang to me and, through me, to all the creepy-crawly things I could hurl at the ground and at the concrete, at the brick, and at the stone.
The place is crawling with highly trained, professional researchers.
There was an old lady who swallowed a crab. why did she grad that crawling crab?
Perhaps today's corporate entities are little more than the fishes that have crawled out of the ocean.
She crawled back until she was in the safe cover of a tree, she clutched her arms and let the nausea pass.
The demons were brilliant - creeping and crawling, twisting and writhing as one would expect them to.
The main floor of the new building will be level with the main floor of the old hospital, with a crawl space beneath.
The gym is mine. So you can take your band of yellow-bellied losers and crawl out of here.
It was not until 1985 that the law penalized the client for kerb-crawling, even though for many years it had penalized prostitutes for soliciting in the street.
I helped myself to breakfast, doing my best not to spill too many cornflakes and cleaned up afterwards, crawling under the table to chase stray flakes.
Gang tags and general graffiti had been scrawled everywhere a vandal with a spray can could reach.
Don't come crawlin to me to feed your sorry butt when the grociery stores fail health inspections and you are starvin while im enjoyin some brunswick stew with deer meat or some rabbit with my home grown salad.
Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
It's more of a crablike backward crawl.
Times, Sunday Times
Court of Miracles, a crutch metamorphosable into a club; it is called vagrancy; every sort of spectre, its dressers, have painted its face, it crawls and rears, the double gait of the reptile.
Les Miserables
Why would he wanna crawl after such an insecure, uptight little snot?
Matt visited other cities to investigate how they dealt with kerb crawlers and liaised with their community action teams on the best approach to deal with the problem.
Madison’s Main Street is treasured for its art cinema and an independent bookshop that plays host to top authors and bejewels its heavy wooden cases with staff-scrawled book recommendations.
Beauty and the Beach
Last June, the 35-year-old had to crawl, slide and drag himself down the mountain for 10 hours to get back to base camp.
The Upper Series consists of a main passage about 200 metres long, divided into two by a right-angled bend where it connects with The Bye Pass Crawl from the Far Eastern Bedding Plane.
I crawl into my sleeping bag and curl up in a tight ball.
Local ghillie David Dinsmore took a small party of Scouts to Addergoole river last Saturday, where all were surprised by the variety of tiny fish life that crawl, swim or wriggle on the river bed.
No sooner the rains began, traffic crawled, trees fell, power tripped and Bangaloreans waded home with a sense of déjà vu.
Many of the men crawl towards the rails, ready to jump into the water to swim ashore.
Sunday we crawled out of bed severely hung over and to the airport ready for our trip home.
After all, a graffitist can scrawl an offensive message in seconds.
So, the dog will be sleeping in a Jawa Sandcrawler.
Jawa Sandcrawler Dog House!!!
Jake crawled onto the bed, groping blindly for the towel he always kept nearby for just these occasions.
For my part I had just the strength to crawl into Schomberg’s coffeeroom, where I wrote at a little table a note to the mate instructing him to get everything ready for dropping down the river next day.
Falk, by Joseph Conrad
The traffic was moving at a slow crawl.
Crawlways run as straight as dark directional lines, meeting others in mazy routes that confuse even the most observant caver.
The jury did not know he had convictions for kerb-crawling in 1994 and, the following year, for indecently assaulting a girl under the age of 14.
Typhoon Roke first made landfall in the tourist town of Hamamatsu in Shizuoka prefecture at about 2 p.m. local time Wednesday, knocking over trucks and ripping roofs from homes, then crawled up Japan's Honshu island.
Storm Strikes Central Japan
Borates are the most effective treatment for many crawling insects including, roaches, silverfish, larder beetles, carpenter ants, and other woodborers, as well as wood decay organisms.
However, he is best known for his irregularly scrawled phrases on road signs.
But giving the state the power to take your vote away because it thinks you aren't smart enough to execute it gives me the creepy-crawlies.
But atavistic, or vestigial, geotropism in Genesistrine -- or a million larvae start crawling, and a million little frogs start hopping -- knowing no more what it's all about than we do when we crawl to work in the morning and hop away at night.
The Book of the Damned
He tested its balance almost unconsciously: lean too far to either side, and it slowed to acrawl.
Achille's Choice
For example, with this dream, I scrawled, "Bill Shunn waste time plastic toy platen.
Dreaming of Bill Shunn and the Plastic Typewriter
Zack, all beaming blondness and supersocial to the core, charmed all the guests, crawling on the lawn and the deck, raising his arms to ask people to pick him up.
Falling Apart in One Piece
These are almost invariably twisty, wet, uneven, covered in spilt diesel, negatively cambered and crawling with fools.
Music of the highest nobility crawled forth like toothpaste squeezed from an unending tube.
Times, Sunday Times
Her work includes giant pieces you can crawl into and a knitted installation.
The Sun
She crawled away from him so fast he was afraid she would go too far and fall off the bed.
Wayne, you adorable homophobic mouthbreather you, stop being tiresome and crawl back under your rock.
It’s different when Conservatives do it.
His flesh crawled as if he had a scabies.
I scrawled a quick note to Judith and put it under her door.
Of course, what happens when a perfectly legitimate emailer is labeled as a spammer by such a system, and their own emails slow to a crawl?
The ghost story made my skin crawl.
Sometimes I manage to quit, but then I always come a'crawlin 'back.
Jerusha Klemperer: Quitting Soda Cold Turkey
Wind buffeted her, chapping her lips and slowing her crawl.
Mr Duddy spent a day stuck on the sheer sides of the cone before managing to crawl out on his own.
The 33-year-old wrote a program to crawl the Web and download menus from New York eateries.
Hardwood trees stretched out of sight towards the distant sky; five-fingered orchids crawled up their trunks, and huge ferns spilled over their roots across the mossy path.
Perhaps it would be a little shore crab that betrayed itself by scuffling down amongst the corallite or sea-weed, perhaps a little fierce-looking bristly fish, which shot under a ledge of the rock all amongst the limpets, acorn barnacles, or the thousands of yellow and brown and striped snaily fellows that crawled about in company with the periwinkles and pelican's feet.
Devon Boys A Tale of the North Shore
The food isn't very good, and the place is crawling with criminals.
Victims of lathyrism, "crawlers", are numerous among the poor in Ethiopia, India, Bangladesh and Nepal where the affliction remains a present threat.
The Full Feed from
If you have a fireplace, get a proper fireguard to put in front of it - those of you with children already crawling will know how fast they can move.
They saw the pillars of society pulled dowry by an unseen Samson and watched the victims crawling painfully from the ruins.
Inflation and War Finance
In addition to ads, the screen saver features the information crawl at the bottom of the screen.
Then, within ten feet of the goal, Robbie's pace slowed suddenly to the merest of crawls, and Gloria, with one final burst of wild speed, dashed pantingly past him to touch the welcome bark of home-tree first.
A study condiected by the Home Safety Council shows that although 95 percent of parents claim they took measures to babyproof their homes, a suprising 50 percent waited until their children were already crawling.
Toys 'R' Us partners with Home Safety Council on child safety program
Babies may not try to crawl or roll over.
They crept and crawled, oozed and slithered from the clay, prickly spiders and sneaky snakes and pesky lizards darting from th ... read more crafts
A Michoacan tradition: the needlework artistry of Hermelinda Reyes
I came across a sign the other day, inelegantly scrawled on cardboard and stuck to a telephone pole.
She began to crawl forward again, her eyes continually flickering between the tracks on either side of her.
The panic slowly subsided to un- easy apprehension while the minutes crawled by as if they were each an hour long.
But actually they are crawling upwards all the time. At first they twist this way and after a moment they would turn the other way.
The surface of the road is to be replaced, and the crawler lane is to be closed and turned into a single lane road.
The deterrents could well prove useful in deterring them from kerb-crawling and helping to make Goitside respectable again.
I don't mind spiders but worms make my flesh crawl.
Gulls crawled up the wall of the wind and a jet-skier swept by, spray trailing him like a broken wing, a petrol-driven petrel.
If we get rid of the kerb-crawlers the girls will stop coming here.
The eggs of the bronze-winged jacana have a rich brownish-bronze background, on which black lines are scribbled in inextricable confusion, so that the egg looks as though Arabic texts had been scrawled over it.
A Bird Calendar for Northern India
He does not make to-do lists or scrawl reminders to himself on Post-its.
Think of it as a miniature Camden Crawl with less townie posturing, and no need for's Café and Campari Bar is set in an insalubrious multistorey car park in Peckham, but don't let that put you off.
The insider's guide to free arts
Though he prayed for a moose, just one moose, all game seemed to have deserted the land, and nightfall found the exhausted man crawling into camp, light-handed, heavy-hearted.
The White Silence
It took him an hour to crawl to the door leaving a trail of sweat and blood smears behind him.
Bierce also fought at Chickamauga, which lends its name to the title of his powerful story of a lost little boy playing with a wooden sword who wanders into a forest and comes upon "freaked and maculated" men crawling and falling in battle.
Lacerating Wit, Seasoned Cynic
The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed
Either spacetime could be made to fold, skipping ninety lightyears and putting the colony ship only seven years away from the earthlike planet that was its destination, or the ship would obliterate itself in the attempt . . . or nothing would happen at all, and it would crawl on for nine hundred more years before reaching its new world.
According to reports in Panama, the teenagers spotted the creature crawling out of a cave while playing in the town of Cerro Azul north of Panama City.
The Lovecraft News Network
I dived in and swam angry crawl until the manager appeared at the deep end to tell me the police had been informed.
Times, Sunday Times
Essex Crane, which serves contractors nationwide, owns 500 crawler cranes in its fleet.
Blake began the upside-down crawl on the net, his hands and feet hooking themselves into holes in the net like it was instinct.
What would a representative of such an august organ be doing in an urban fastness of Fife at 11.30 pm if it was not kerb-crawling?
The disappointed losers crawled home to lick their wounds.
If rates rise and stocks fall, convertibles might not do more than crawl.
That apple is crawling with worms.
She noticed some words scrawled in Dinah's handwriting at the top of her notes.
Do I hang back and crawl through the remaining 52 turns at their speed?
If you want a faster front crawl, hold your fingers apart like a rake, not together like a paddle.
Times, Sunday Times
Because of the long iron's comparative lack of loft, any sidespin created with your swing will be accentuated, because the ball doesn't crawl up the face as much as it does on a club with a more lofted face.
Pain rippled outward from her womb, crawling up her spine and down her legs.
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Cherry leaned over to peak at the calculations he had scrawled on a computer notepad, which made absolutely no sense to her at all.
And discussions over the construction of theme parks and movie theaters slowed to a crawl.
For the day came when Mulcachy rapped the chair with his whip-butt, when the attendant through the bars jabbed the iron fork into Ben Bolt's ribs, and when Ben Bolt, anything but royal, slinking like a beaten alley-cat, in pitiable terror, crawled over to the chair and sat down in it like a man.
Itching, tingling, and ‘formication’ (sensation as of crawling insects) are also common symptoms due to bubbles forming in the skin.
Don't try to walk before you can crawl.
‘Their place is going to be crawling with bodyguards and other low-life goons,’ he mumbled.
Search engines are programs that crawl the web looking for information.
Fifty workers using five crawler cranes will be at the site six days a week.
Sharon Werner and Sarah Forss have done here for creepy-crawlies and numbers what they did for animals and letters in 2009's "Alphabeasties": In this case, they've used innumerable miniature numbers to create the shapes of creatures, about which they then tell us more.
Critters That Crawl, Fly And Count
More symbols were scrawled into the stone of the arch, crimson slashes carved in the rock as though they were weeping wounds in the gateway.
His temples burned and his sores itched, like a thousand worms underneath his skin, crawling and burrowing deeper, ever deeper inside him.
Over and over again he regales the reader with proof that snakes, spiders, crocodiles and creepy-crawlies have acquired a taste for tourist blood.
They seemed to be crawling in the tunnel for a lifetime before they found another grille.
When the kerb-crawling is banished, what happens to the street workers?
Sex Workers: Once again, what’s best for us? « Bound, Not Gagged
Our baby is just starting to crawl.
The panic slowly subsided to un- easy apprehension while the minutes crawled by as if they were each an hour long.
Scribbled in her untidy scrawl were the words I love Nate Litz written across her macadam driveway in a pale rose-colored chalk.
Its only saving grace was its brevity - 78 minutes that crawled by like the Hundred Years' War.
It was a monochromatic, under-waterish, caterpillar-crawl of a trip.
Nor will the eternal movelessness that is coming to me be made easier or harder by the sacrifices or selfishnesses of the time when I was yeasty and acrawl.
Chapter 8
Wall Climbing Robot with Magnetic Crawlers for Sand-blasting.
ClickJacking is the latest browser-based security problem to crawl out of the wood work.
When I started to crawl along the packed gear with which the wagon was laden my mother said in a tired and querulous voice, "Can't you ever be still a minute, Jesse?
Chapter 12
You'll crawl onto that plane only if officialdom is feeling magnanimous and you're a good camper who jumps the hoops.
Times, Sunday Times
Bill's always crawling to management, hoping for promotion.
Decomposition in an untumbled tumbler slows down to a crawl.
Organic Gardener's Composting
Rain seeping through the ground into your basement or crawl space may appear as damp, moldy walls or may be handled by a sump pump.
From one crawled screechingly an inchoate thing that gimped on incomplete legs while upon its back a fully aware man, or the top half of one, gripped and tore and pummeled the creature to which it was attached with suicidal violence.
The insects crawled along on their bellies, their legs wrapped around the steel.
So we are crawling through traffic on Bedford Avenue, passing jerk chicken shops, coiffeurs advertising braiding and corn rows, music shops blaring reggae, salsa, zouk, RocB, hip-hop, fusion music of all kinds.
Eg : " My friend, Crawley, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr Lane's Radical Progressive Party .
And I kinda liked your red crayon-scrawly powerpoints - what font is that?
You may think your home is babyproofed, only to learn the hard way that a crawling 10-month old has zero qualms about digging under a heating vent to find a Cheerio that rolled under there during the Carter administration - and then eating said Cheerio.
Meredith Lopez: Adventures of the Tricksy Hobbit
You wouldn't use the Big Chief tablet and a pencil to scrawl paper letters to your customers: take the same care with your e-mail.
It left a mark, they could see it now, gleaming on the sand as muddy swell crawled away.
Focusing on the dogfights is a good idea because the aerial battles are easily the best aspect of The Sky Crawlers.
GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
Nancy : Usually, people choose the Australian crawl, which is the fastest.
Then the real fun and filthiness began, with a mud hill, a mud-based obstacle course, a "carwash" foam tunnel and a long, watery pit with flags hovering above that racers had to crawl through.
The Orange County Register - Homepage
Doubtless he has been to the ends of the earth in search of all the most rare and disgusting creepy-crawlies.
Although crawling predators, such as spiders, were occasionally able to enter predator exclosures through ‘ant entrances,’ net bags were nevertheless very effective at excluding predators.
Her scalp crawled with tension.
He struck out across the pool in a powerful crawl.
On one wall is an ‘operations board’ - a whiteboard with a map of the village scrawled on it showing the extent of the flooding.
Before flashover occurs, a person in a burning room may crawl to safety along the floor.
All the efforts going into fuel cells, hybrids and zero-emission vehicles are only going to yield clean-burning cars that crawl along in interminable traffic jams.
You have not been long enough in India to case-harden into the cursed egotism of this hard-hearted land, and remember, age, crawling on, has indurated old
A Fascinating Traitor An Anglo-Indian Story
a crawl was all that the injured man could manage
An anthropoid with blade and scute in place of hands could not crawl very well.
A Circus of Hells
In our pensione, I crawled into bed, wrapping the thin sheets around me.
After filling several notebook pages with black scrawl, I stopped the recorder.
From here the route becomes a bit of a blur as a section of flat crawling and squeezy bits were negotiated, until we eventually arrived at the head of the Serendipity Pitches.
Most of these infants did not crawl out on the cliff side, but were quite willing to crawl out on the shallow side.
The Developing Child (7th edn.)
Without looking up, the Commish dutifully scrawled his signature on my paper as Andra snapped a photo of us.
George crawled down the page, onto my arm - ‘That tickles!’
the traffic advanced at a crawl
She crawled out of her sleeping bag and her dark head peered around the room once more, as though she expected her friends to materialise out of nowhere.
The child crawled across the floor.
I crawled around one of the thousands of tunnels honeycombing the island, then I returned to the squadron.
Sanford is a creep, without any perspective on how he may be viewed, and, his most recent skin crawling disclosures show a narcistic side.
Sanford leaves to visit family in Florida
It was a regular antheap all the way in, with the miners crawling over the tree-clad slopes, and the ceaseless thump of picks and scrape of shovels and ring of axes, and ramshackle huts and shanties and sluice-boxes everywhere, with dirty bearded fellows in slouch hats and galluses cussing and burrowing, and claim signs all along Sweetheart Mine, Crossbone Diggings, Damyereyes Gulch, and the like.
White Fang crawled slowly, cringing and grovelling in the abjectness of his abasement and submission.
The Trail of the Gods
You'll crawl onto that plane only if officialdom is feeling magnanimous and you're a good camper who jumps the hoops.
Times, Sunday Times
From what foul depths could have crawled a man who'd drive well above the speed limit, intoxicated by both alcohol and demon marijuana?
You are to be morecursed than any other thing on earth and you will have to crawl on your bellyand eat dust the rest of your life.
Notebooks filled margin to margin with my tiny scrawl spill out-of the desk drawers.
He muttered as he reached for his bag and pulled out a yellow legal pad covered in scrawled writing.
A conservation success story is crawling through the swamplands of South Florida, northernmost home of the American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus.
Although still in beta, Google News has expanded to 4,000, mostly English-language, news sources that it crawls continuously.
Even though he is not being sacked, it realistically means the end to his slimy crawl up the political ladder.
A deputy head teacher has been suspended from a North Lincolnshire primary school, awaiting trial on charges of kerb-crawling.
Overhead, a passing troop of red-faced mangabeys hooted in derision before crashing off through the canopy, while a nine-inch millipede with a body like stainless steel crawled across my hand and into the leaf litter.
A fees officer scrawled "not allowable" next to it.
Over at Becks & Posh cockney for "nosh" there's a great photo spread of the The Halloween Mission Taco Crawl 2004 which reminds me of everything I love about being a touch crazy about food.
Archive 2004-11-01
I crawled back in bed, realizing that the roof was still leaking at an increasing rate.
Even drunks at parties manage to crawl off the mats to be ill.
But a web spider crawls the web for you, plowing through page after page, relentlessly extracting links, page titles, page sizes, and even keywords.
On ascending the ladder and crawling inside, smoke from the hearth stings the eyes.
Times, Sunday Times
Install rigid insulation foamboard against the foundation from the subfloor to the plastic on the floor of the crawl space.
Mrs. Goodhart swam an orthodox crawl.
By midnight the bottle's empty and he crawls into bed, mindful of another important meeting early next morning.
A deputy headteacher's career is in ruins after he was convicted of kerb-crawling in a notorious red light area.
It's not often you see a holiday sentiment scrawled on a scrap of gunny sack.
She crawled closer to the funeral pyre, rejoicing in its warmth, and slept.
He knows the geology and botany, can describe all that creeps and crawls, bounds and flies and, above all, is able and willing to share his enthusiasms.
They crept and crawled, oozed and slithered from the clay, prickly spiders and sneaky snakes and pesky lizards darting from the dark wet dough, turtles swimming to its surface, bug-eyed devils rising from the mud, all brought to life by the magic touch of Antonia Cruz Rafael.
Antonia Cruz Rafael: the ceramics of Ocumicho, Michoacan
A school-uniform-themed disco, perhaps, or a pub crawl in pyjamas?
This whole huge area was crawling with soldiers, and each wave of a heavy gun resulted in quick, frightened obedience from the people.
With thine own name scrawl'd through it, defacing a soul?
Many were killed as they tried to crawl back to shelter.
Times, Sunday Times
Without them it would have just been a very long, dull and meaningless front crawl.
The Sun
With a muffled growl, the white lycan crawled her way up the narrow tunnel of the den, and stepped out into the world, her world.
You'll crawl onto that plane only if officialdom is feeling magnanimous and you're a good camper who jumps the hoops.
Times, Sunday Times