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How To Use Crate In A Sentence

  • Save for a worktable placed almost exactly in the center of the floor, I see only a few benches, some unlit rush lamps, a large set of scales, and a wooden crate, which I discover upon examination contains small crystal vials waiting to be filled. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • (Not to be confused with what we call cookies)To serve Devon, or Cornwall clotted cream would desecrate a good southern biscuit (and be a waste of the cream really, I prefer it on saffron buns)a bit of plain cream, fresh butter, and cane syrup poured over a hot biscuit is ambrosia. Scones, Cream and Jam - a West Country cream tea
  • And the fact is that women just dig men who see clips of defenseless mother pigs stuffed in crates so small that they can't turn around, and then blurt out, "But, I love me some bacon! Josh Tetrick: Five Reasons Why Man = Meat
  • SOCRATES: And is not Apollo the purifier, and the washer, and the absolver from all impurities? Cratylus
  • I swear it upon Zeus an outstanding runner cannot be the equal of an average wrestler. Socrates 
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  • Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always. Hippocrates 
  • Vesuvius is a stratovolcano that grew within the breached crater of Monte Somma volcano.
  • The artist uncrated it on a broad gallery that opened off the dining room, apparently for the admiration of friends and family.
  • The cannon was placed in a large waterproof crate of fresh water to leach out the salts, which, if untreated, would have eventually corroded the metal.
  • It was the sound of milk bottles being dropped into crates and loaded on to lorries.
  • Now, two weeks after her visit to Paris Crater, missing Hannah already but knowing that the girl must be safe in the firmary, Ada found herself lost in thought during the carriole ride over the hills to home. Ilium
  • He picked up a necklace belonging to Dylan that had been concecrated and, concentrating on Dylan, used it to scry with.
  • The region is also home to features known as "domes" - seen between the crater and the Carpathian Mountains. Universe Today
  • Publican John Keating is redeveloping the deconsecrated St Mary's Church on Mary Street in Dublin 1, which is due to open as a bar and restaurant at the end of the summer.
  • Inside the ‘wagon’ it lay bare except for some crates of different things used for casting spells.
  • The train car derailed, and a crater was left in the track bed.
  • The cemetery was also one of the few cemeteries that allowed stillborn babies to be buried in consecrated ground.
  • Once he had the crate cleared, he checked the attached manifest against the one logged in to the main computer files.
  • ng Meeting 7 is available online at Bio: Fintan Steele, director of scientific education and communications at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, traces the history of personalized medicine from Hippocrates and humorism to ‘overhyped’ modern day incarnations. 2010 April 09 | TECHNOLOGY NEWS
  • In the study, he pulled the drop cloths off the crates holding his books-his and his great-aunt 's and his father's and his mother's. NEW YORK DEAD
  • A group of scientists from the University of South Carolina in Columbia says that they've used geological anomalies, as well as clues from rock samples, to identify an ancient crater buried beneath the piedmont sediments of their state.
  • crate the paintings before shipping them to the museum
  • Yes, well that's to protect against intruders who want to desecrate this holy room.
  • I'm a light heavyweight, but this guy looked well over heavyweight and his tattoos made him look like a statue desecrated by graffiti.
  • I wear special ritual jewellery but there's no time to cleanse and consecrate your stuff. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • We have banned the use of veal crates, and taken action to ensure humane slaughter.
  • He quietly gathered a few bolts and washers from the floor and threw them to the other end of a row of crates, causing a loud sound to come from that direction.
  • The air split, smoke and flame grew, the bullet slammed into the crater wall and sprayed Callaghan with mud.
  • I turned and ran straight into a roundhouse right that drove me into the stack of crates, toppling it.
  • Actually it's called a monstrance and it contains a consecrated communion wafer (the big size that only priests get to eat), which by now has magically become the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the form of bread. (there was a time when people chopped each other's heads off over a disagreement about whether it contained any blood) "the abuse took place in the 1970s; the police were informed and acted" - Jack Valero : The Latest Updates
  • Huge craters scarred the streets and Clifton airfield.
  • However, when pigs are farrowed in crates and the sow's excrement is passed directly into a pit, the pigs may not receive an adequate supply of iron from this source.
  • There is, in the synagogue, in the mosque, in the pagoda, in the wigwam, a hideous side which we execrate, and a sublime side, which we adore. Les Miserables
  • Mars Science Laboratory will be phyllosilicate clays in Gale Crater, Young said. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • It was, of course, a poisonous plant, hemlock, that gave Athens its state poison, used for the execution of Socrates.
  • We pollute, litter and desecrate our own country because we live in hermetic air-conditioned vinyl castles. Police Continue Serial Rapist DNA Hunt at
  • Logically, Youth has re-equipped him for sin and with the disposition to commit it; he will naturally go to the fane which is consecrated to the Fulfillment of Desires, and make arrangements. Following the Equator, Part 6
  • Among the other notable churches of Orvieto are San Giovenale, which contains remnants of ancient frescoes, and San Andrea, which has a dodecagon tower; in 1220 Pierre d'Artois was consecrated King of Jerusalem by The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • To desecrate a holy spring is considered profanity.
  • The Cure are the personification of the not-quite and the not-yet: not quite execrated but never really respected; not punk veterans but not yet generic Goff.
  • Oh! -- to the really 'consecrate' in heart and thought I could give my life so easily, so slavishly even! Marcella
  • My men knew my history, they even came to me with Captain Kurt Schneider's documents one day, found them on a body in a shell crater. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Taking a wider view can introduce a sense of wilderness – such as this picture of flamingos and wildebeest in Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater.
  • For the part he had played, the details of which were practically all rumor and guesswork, quickly leaked out, and in consequence he became a much-execrated and well-hated man. Chapter VII
  • SOCRATES: That was my reason for asking how we ought to speak when an arithmetician sets about numbering, or a grammarian about reading? Theaetetus
  • The countryside of Pisa had been ravaged by aerial bombardments and artillery barrages, leaving only a wilderness of roofless houses and smoking craters.
  • He needs consecrated men, to hurl them against the organized powers, and inbreaking hordes, that are desecrating the Sabbath, corrupting the Sketches of the Covenanters
  • the consecrated chapel
  • The crater is home to elephant, buffalo, baboon, reedbuck, colobus monkeys, leopard and duikers.
  • Cameras arrive almost instantly at the site of car bombs that have left huge craters in the ground.
  • SOCRATES: And is every kind of ophthalmia a disease? The Second Alcibiades
  • If both must be taken or rejected together, an alternative which we emphatically deny, what sincere and earnest thinker now, whose will is unterrifiedly consecrated to truth, can be expected to hesitate long? The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • People opening the crates were afflicted by a 10-minute debuff during which they could be cured by a Paladin, else they would turn into a zombie. Information, Culture, Policy, Education: Speaking of zombies
  • However, there may be water locked in permafrost in some deep polar craters.
  • Detached action along with the fruits of this action is consecrated to God and this forms the basis of karma yoga.
  • Over the years I have become more and more aggravated by the way Americans butcher the English language, by the way members of the media misuse terms, by the charlatanical ways in which corrupt persons in power desecrate noble words such as "democracy" which, coming from their mouths, is the equivalent of the word "love" emanating from the mouth of a whore. Award Winning author, journalist and humorist, Burton H. Wolfe is Interviewed
  • Lunar craters can be plainly seen with the aid of a small telescope.
  • He struck me as a latter-day Socrates who had missed out on his true calling in the agora of Periclean Athens by some 2,500 years.
  • (b) From packing and crating facility to quarters, when a portion of the property, after being packed and crated, is to be joined with the remainder of the property. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10053
  • Visiting the abbey church in the Harz mountain town of Quedlinburg, he notes that it was deconsecrated in the 1930s by Heinrich Himmler and turned into a shrine to the SS. Teutonic Temptations
  • Two days later, Army teams made it to the same location, whereupon they crated the Navy boxes in larger crates and relabeled them ‘US Army.’
  • We all know that Socrates chose the hemlock… his real reason was that he considered exile an amputation of self.
  • Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary comprises a fringing coral reef ecosystem nestled within an eroded volcanic crater on the island of Tutuila, American Samoa. Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary
  • That is bureaucratese for saying that he is doing nothing.
  • Whenever a doctor cannot do good he must be kept from doing harm. Hippocrates 
  • At Gusev Crater, Spirit had to divert from her original course up Husband Hill because the slopes were too steep and the sandy terrain too slippery.
  • There were strong dialogue scenes with the caretaker and emotional scenes at the crater itself, but no real logical way to sequence them.
  • But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate - we can not 6 consecrate hallow - this ground.
  • There were tangled ribbons of metal scattered for hundreds of metres, variously shaped satellitic craters and mounds, but of the captain and his trench there was not a single sign. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • (According to Michener, it even included uncrated new jeeps.) A Pacific Theater of Memories
  • In June 1162 Becket was consecrated archbishop of Canterbury.
  • Hippias infers from the look of Socrates' speeches and deeds that he is an eristic sophist.
  • There are many (questionless) canonized on earth, that shall never be saints in heaven; and have their names in histories and martyrologies, who, in the eyes of God, are not so perfect martyrs as was that wise heathen Socrates, that suffered on a fundamental point of religion, — the unity of God. Religio Medici
  • The crater was still in shadow, but the floodlights mounted around its rim lit the interior brilliantly.
  • The new Infant Jesus Church will be consecrated on Thursday at Vivekanagar.
  • In some anterior time, the burial mound had been desecrated, its jeweled contents taken away.
  • Emma has followed instructions and makes sure she comes back from a trip to the plonge by carrying a crate of water bottles, but when Eugeni sees her lugging that much weight, he is immediately on her, reminding the stagiaires that if something is heavy, they should get another person to help. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • IG can be boxed, crated, shipped, it's done all the time - probably not cheap. Dual Pane wood windows
  • Work on the cathedral began almost immediately; the Lady Chapel was consecrated in 1225, and the cathedral as a whole in 1258.
  • Callisto's surface is icy and has some large impact craters and basins surrounded by concentric rings.
  • The Church of Ireland congregation too had good reason to celebrate during 2004 with the Rededication of the Colliery Church after 175 years since it was first consecrated.
  • Who can possibly consider that they have the right to desecrate our countryside in such a way?
  • He has been consecrated by grace to God for God's own special use.
  • Socratic irony had its particular meaning in the context of ancient Greece. It was just an "act" put on by Socrates which demonstrated his nature, when he spoke to people.
  • Socrates'is a philosophical citizenship, relying on one's own powers of independent reason and judgment.
  • The surface of the moon is peppered with craters.
  • The hemlock of the title refers to the evergreen tree, rather than to the poisonous herb that was the means of Socrates' forced suicide.
  • The actual volcanic crater is one of the largest in the world as the town of Soufriere is neatly nested into the land based half, while the other portion lies under water and extends northward in the direction of Martinique's Soufiere.
  • They honour the dead and they Support Our Troops and they wear red on Fridays and they sneer at those who oppose the war and they imagine that Remembrance Day consecrates that war as well as those who have died, in this conflict and in the ones that have ended. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The only bread available was consecrated bread used in the tabernacle.
  • Many craters are characterized by large lava-flow-like features that may represent molten ejecta flowing outward from the crater after the impact.
  • Continued growth increases the risk of partial dome collapse, which could trigger moderate explosions and possibly significant lahars (volcanic mudflows) from the crater.
  • As art historians Alex Nagel and Chris Woods have argued, by faithfully depicting a Greek from the east, Pisanello may have felt he was also looking back in time at the Greece of Socrates and Praxiteles. Gopnik's Daily Pic: The first commemorative medal
  • I saw her gazing earnestly at her brother's portrait and all the precious little objects consecrated to his memory, which I had arranged by my benitier and crucifix, but I did not expect her firs exclamation, when our woman had left us: 'Ah! Madame, how happy you are!' Stray Pearls
  • The Carrizoso plateau had been sacred ground, and it was unsupposable that it could ever be desecrated by the trampling hoofs and scissor noses of these woolly abominations. Heart's Desire
  • It took two of us, both Jean-Marc and me, to lift a single crate from the back of the truck. French Word-A-Day:
  • A stupa is usually a mound consecrated to the Buddha, so that the mud pies mentioned above are a form of stupa. Sotoba Komachi
  • To say of Socrates that he is human is to say what he is, whereas to say that he is literate is not to say what he is but rather to give a quality that he has.
  • Properly speaking, a superaltar is a small movable slab of stone, which is placed, as occasion for the celebration of the Holy Communion may require, upon some unconsecrated table or altar.
  • Only in the shadows of deep cold craters could you expect to find any, frozen and hidden.
  • The lime formed by the decomposition of the carbide is loosened from the unattacked portion and taken more or less into solution as sucrate of lime, which is a soluble salt which the glucose or sugar in the treated carbide forms with lime. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • These were large spaces of unconsecrated ground, away from churchyards or the centre of town. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only bread available was consecrated bread used in the tabernacle.
  • We know from looking at cross-cutting relationships between the fault scarp and these very small-diameter craters that the scarps can't be any more than about a billion years old. Images Show A Shrinking Moon
  • As you can see, Galle is a huge impact crater (although it's dwarfed by Argyre Planitia and Hellas Planitia, both of which are much, much larger). A Matter of Perspective
  • That said, Douglas Wolk pointed out that Mazzucchelli pre-empted this exact criticism anyway by literally placing a giant hole in the middle of his novel (the two page spread of the meteor crater). Asterios Polyp » Comics Worth Reading
  • When a large object impacts the Earth, it makes a crater.
  • There appears to me to be insuperable objections to this view: on the other hand, I can hardly believe, in this and in some other cases, that these marginal crateriform mountains are merely the basal remnants of immense volcanos, of which the summits either have been blown off, or swallowed up in subterranean abysses. Chapter XXI
  • Pine hugged Ting to his chest while Stan and I threw the last crate on the fire. THE MANANA MAN
  • Patria (saith Hippocrates) ob risum furere et insanire dicunt, his countrymen hold him mad because he laughs; [447] and therefore he desires him to advise all his friends at Rhodes, that they do not laugh too much, or be over sad. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It is said that Hippocrates (he of the Hippocratic Oath) brewed leaves from the willow tree to ease the pain of childbirth.
  • Believing he had been called by God to Christianize Ireland, he joined the Catholic Church and studied for 15 years before being consecrated as the church's second missionary to Ireland.
  • After all, the consecrated bread had become body, and a body already contains blood.
  • We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. Socrates 
  • In typical bureaucratese, the interim director, Deborah Carroll ,explained, During hypothermia season, any participant who meets the definition of homeless should get shelter. Art Levine: GOP-Style Democrats Slash DC Budget: Homeless Moms Already Given Bus Tokens, Not Shelter
  • She claimed that ‘sacred, hallowed turf’ had been violated and desecrated with no concern for those who lost friends and colleagues in a war in the defence of their country.
  • We had a large consignment of Liberty Engines from the U.S.A. (like the one at right - Ed) that had never been uncrated. The First World War Memoirs of Sampson J. Goodfellow, Part 36: Officer in Charge
  • There were cobwebs and old wooden crates and barrels scattered carelessly about; evidently, this place had once been used for storage.
  • So the southern hemisphere is far more heavily cratered, and the south pole is four miles higher than the north.
  • The modest, by contrast, realise that, in the sum of history and geography, they're but a tiny, passing crater, and the stoics know that human pain has to be suffered and can't just be railed against.
  • However, there may be water locked in permafrost in some deep polar craters.
  • Sometimes there were duckboards around the lips of the huge shell craters.
  • A huge crater marks the spot where the explosion happened.
  • Nor do we view the tiny flame of our own kindling (guarded in lasting purity as its light ever is) with greater awe than the celestial fires though they are often shrouded in darkness; nor do we deem it a greater marvel than the craters of Etna, whose eruptions throw up stones from its depths and great masses of rock, and at times pour forth rivers of that pure and unmixed subterranean fire. On the Sublime
  • SOCRATES: As the dogs are benefited by the huntsman's art, and the oxen by the art of the oxherd, and all other things are tended or attended for their good and not for their hurt? Euthyphro
  • It can be immensely difficult to establish whether someone's meeting miles of regulations written in bureaucratese.
  • If we reserve consecrated bread and wine and kneel before it, why should we not preserve the world with the same reverence?
  • Maybe in some truck, being crated back to San Francisco? Kings of Colorado
  • Let's see, the economy "cratered," in John McCain's words, under the absentee landlord practices of the Bush Administration. RNC airs critical ads prior to Obama visit
  • The crater was two miles across and roughly circular.
  • Before Socrates, Greek philosophers were seers rather than reasoners: the apophthegmatic character of their utterances affects to be the result rather of intuition than of reasoning.
  • Shimla, 28 October 2006 (PTI) - Tibetan spiritual head The Dalai Lama today consecrated the ancient Thungyur Lakhang Buddhist gompa (monastery) at Rampur today to mark 2550th anniversary of 'Mahaparinirvan' (enlightenment) of Lord Buddha. Newsroom Archive 2006
  • The chunky boy asked with a loud bark of a laugh before he shoved Sammy's shoulder hard enough that she stumbled back a step and further into the crates.
  • A northern mid-latitude scene consisting of craters, intercrater plains, and mantled material is visible in this HiRISE image. Tucson Weekly
  • ˜Socrates came yesterday,™ ˜yesterday™ tells us the pertinent time) and those that indicate place. Medieval Theories of the Categories
  • A point of interest is that the windpipe, or trachea, is called "arteria," both by Aristotle and by Hippocrates ( "Anatomy," Littre, VIII, 539). The Evolution of Modern Medicine A Series of Lectures Delivered at Yale University on the Silliman Foundation in April, 1913
  • Well, he recuperated from that situation, but now he has invertebral disk disease (slipped disk), and he is crated for 6 weeks and I have to carry him everywhere again. The seventh house is in uranus
  • Explosives based on ammonium picrate and picric acid were also used by the military.
  • Some locals believe that the nation-wide company is using the building as a warehouse with some people witnessing large crates being brought in and out of the premises.
  • On either side of this desecrated apartment, stretched, to the right, the old lararium, stripped of its ancient images of ancestor and god; to the left, what had been the gynoecium (women's apartment). Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 01
  • There were craters from the American bombs, but no bunker, or any hint of one. 'I HAVEN'T SUFFERED DOUBT'
  • The Rangers now advance through a moonscape of craters and smashed gun positions.
  • I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates. Steve Jobs 
  • The lams cut the old craters but not the young craters. New Images of Phobos from Mars Express Flyby | Universe Today
  • I collected my pack of cigarettes from the crate, shoved them in my back pocket and hoisted the garbage bag over my shoulder.
  • One of the main causes, in first-class bureaucratese, is known as a combined sewer overflow.
  • A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession. Hippocrates 
  • In a word, they have been judged to be works of art in which certain very general ideas and principles derived from Socrates are expanded, put into shape, and often greatly altered by the alleged recorder, or rather dramatic recounter. The Adventure of Living
  • Socrates believed in the intrinsic value of asking honest questions and challenging orthodoxy.
  • In April, over 40 graves were desecrated and headstone overturned.
  • A two-minute silence was held and each member of the congregation was invited to lay flowers on those graves desecrated by the yobs.
  • And therewithall I embraced my friend Socrates and kissed him: but hee smelling the stinke of the pisse wherewith those Hagges had embrued me, thrust me away and sayd, Clense thy selfe from this filthy odour, and then he began gently to enquire, how that noysome sent hapned unto mee. The Golden Asse
  • The ciborium is the bowl that contains the consecrated eucharistic Host prepared for Holy Communion. A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art
  • The nearby crater lake, Pavin, is visited by over 200,000 people each year.
  • Ice and dust debris will be ejected from the crater revealing the material beneath.
  • It looked a pleasant enough place from the ship even if, according to the guide books, it was built in the crater of an extinct volcano.
  • And what we have is some bread and wine - consecrated by the Word and prayer to be to us the body and blood of our Lord.
  • The crater was about two miles across, almost perfectly circular, with several steep-sided peaks evenly placed around the rim.
  • It will have a cutaway section so you can see how the crater was originally shaped because it's got a lot of silt and infill in it - 50,000 years is a long time.
  • The location is accessible by car and motorcycle, but to get to the crater itself you have to walk another three kilometers along a path.
  • If Nocrates lives in a possible world where nominalism is true what more needs to be explained? An Argument from Realism Against Naturalism about Human Beings
  • So if what Socrates means by invisibility is the first notion: can't be seen with your eyes, then the argument is not any good, harmony is a pretty compelling counterexample.
  • They emerged in the dusty, cobwebbed cellar full of old crates and barrels.
  • Farther into the alley, there was a pile of crates with a boy perched on top.
  • A year later, high-end home buyers were thought to have endless, deep pockets, further insulating the top-tier from the cratering economy. America's Most Expensive Homes
  • Although rich with game the crater has no giraffe, impala or topi.
  • Quum parvas ædes sibi fundasset Socrates (Cujus non fugio mortem, si famam adsequar, Et cedo invidiæ, dum modo absolvar cinis.) The Rambler, sections 55-112 (1750-1751); from The Works of Samuel Johnson in Sixteen Volumes, Vol. IV
  • Everywhere she looked were piles of books, tarps covering crates and furniture, old chests, and a conglomeration of junk and useful items.
  • By this stage we had only an hour to get back to the hut - raced part way back along the crater rim, down the mountain until we got to the top chairlift and begged a ride down from the Marley-listening operators.
  • The remains can be reinterred in an unconsecrated piece of ground at the courthouse.
  • Or shall it be a quarter of heaven itself - an hypethral temple, consecrated to the service of the gods?
  • Spirit landed in the middle of Gusev Crater, a 95-mile-wide depression scientists believe contained a lake during the ancient past.
  • However, the truth maker of Socrates 'belief is different form the truth maker of Nocrates' belief, and this is nothing that can be accounted for in naturalistic terms. An Argument from Realism Against Naturalism about Human Beings
  • A chemical analysis of impact crater residue allowed him to distinguish between impacts due to naturally occurring micrometeoroids and those due to artificial space debris.
  • The third section is exclusively consecrated to nutrition and feeding, a very important part of animal production, and is divided into three chapters.
  • For some young children bladder control is more difficult to achieve at night - enuresis, commonly known as bed-wetting, has been discussed by physicians since the days of Galen and Hippocrates.
  • The photo reveals a thick layer of dust blanketing the floor and wall of the summit crater atop a tall volcano called Pavonis Mons.
  • Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
  • To "desecrate" something it has to be sacred in the first place. Palin hits back at 'malicious' photo
  • A circular church was consecrated on the site in 1694, but the present church was built in 1818, possibly around the original inner maqdas.
  • Socrates believed in the intrinsic value of asking honest questions and challenging orthodoxy.
  • Within a few more minutes monster raindrops were cratering the surface of the river.
  • I climbed up a stack of old crates arranged haphazardly behind the warehouse.
  • It's a crime to desecrate the country's flag.
  • Crater - scarred Rhea floats in the distance, peeking out from behind Saturn's partly shadowed rings.
  • No matter a building's original purpose, once it is consecrated to the service of humanity it resonates with a positive vibration that is experienced daily.
  • Saith Ponocrates: At Montpelier, John Chouart having bought of the monks of St. Olary a delicate set of decretals, written on fine large parchment of Lamballe, to beat gold between the leaves, not so much as a piece that was beaten in them came to good, but all were dilacerated and spoiled. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • You'll find wood storage shelves and crates in pine, oak, redwood, and a variety of other woods, or you can have a wood shop custom make whatever you need.
  • When I was in college, my geology professor told us about Lake Nyos, which had formed in a volcano crater in Cameroon, West Africa.
  • Get not your friends by bare compliments, but by giving them sensible tokens of your love. Socrates 
  • Not desiring to defile the wall of the consecrated place, I went round the corner to spit into the gutter.
  • The Eleatic visitor, in other words, upholds a metaphysics that is, in many respects, like the one that Socrates is made to defend. Plato
  • R.D. Hicks), tells the following anecdote about Socrates and his wife Xanthippe, which is also preserved in other ancient authors: Laudator Temporis Acti
  • The ‘hot rampageous horses of my will’ clearly alludes to Socrates' palinode in The Phaedrus, but Auden, in contrast to Socrates, speaks of at least two unruly horses.
  • People think that epilepsy is divine simply because they don't have any idea what causes epilepsy. But I believe that someday we will understand what causes epilepsy, and at that moment, we will cease to believe that it's divine. And so it is with everything in the universe. Hippocrates 
  • The Professor ceased his tidying, and strode to the corner of the room, hefting a small wooden shipping crate from a half full pallet of the same. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » August : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The switchy thing that starts the sleek Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG is almost exactly the same infrared gadget that starts the crate-of-crazy G-wagen. For Your Big-Box Shopping, Drive a Big Box
  • In fact, a bishop today is not consecrated but ordained.
  • For she bids us commit to the earth the corpses of all who die not "unbaptized," "excommunicate," or wilful suicides, and who are willing to lie in our consecrated ground; giving thanks to God that our dear brother has been delivered from the miseries of this sinful world, and in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life. Westminster Sermons with a Preface
  • Socrates'conversations as reported by Plato were full of a shrewd humor.

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