
How To Use Crass In A Sentence

  • As many as 30 different species grow, among them Alpine bartsia Bartsia alpina, Alpine bistort Polygonum viviparum, Unalaska fleabane Erigeron humilis and thick-leaved whitlow grass Draba crassifolia. Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
  • Both acts are born of reckless selfishness and crass stupidity and both should be condemned. The Sun
  • Stray too far in one direction and you devolve into saccharine sentimentality, go the other direction and you risk crass exploitation.
  • What selfish purpose is served by a crass attempt to hide something that stands no chance at all of escaping notice? Times, Sunday Times
  • That might have been crass, but the film is peppered with jarring references and disconcerting parallels to current events.
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  • How did birthdays become less like Thanksgiving and more like the crass side of Christmas?
  • He told the meeting: ‘It would be unbelievably crass to introduce a system without any other element of modal shift.’
  • In an age of crassness, vulgarity and self-indulgence, she has continued to be an icon of what we once were and of what we might yet become again.
  • Many of them, I think, are so turned off by the crassness of the current political climate that they have turned away from politics.
  • The primary motive is to free the self from a life that is necessarily rendered crass and degrading by society.
  • Under the microscope, a stem section is needed to demonstrate the small, incrassate epidermal cells.
  • Another of his profitable ventures was a school for slaves; Crassus purchased unskilled bondsmen, had them trained, and then sold them for handsome profits. Iris Erlingsdottir: Axing Art$ And Humanitie$
  • Strange, though Ian, how half-a-dozen years can turn a crass old banger into a collectable classic.
  • Supposedly about ideas and values, parties are usually tools for marshalling and brokering power - often crassly and with a walloping dose of self-interest.
  • It seems staggeringly crass and inappropriate, but I understand his need to record this terrible scene.
  • However crass and tawdry this influence-peddling may be, it hardly comes as a shock.
  • In the U.S., the most widely grown oyster is the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica), which is farmed down the East Coast and Chesapeake Bay. Oysters Come Back in Vogue
  • Communal forces thrive on the crass ignorance of the masses concerning the essentials of their faith.
  • Accedit ad hoc, quod natura in contemplatione, cerebro prorsus cordique intenta, stomachum heparque destituit, unde ex alimentis male coctis, sanguis crassus et niger efficitur, dum nimio otio membrorum superflui vapores non exhalant. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • + Some find sepulchral vessels containing liquors, which time hath incrassated into jellies. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • What selfish purpose is served by a crass attempt to hide something that stands no chance at all of escaping notice? Times, Sunday Times
  • In the case of 18 years of Tory rule, I think they so totally expressed and formed the crass godless materialism of 80s and 90s Britain, that we have been under judgement for it, as a result of their policies, ever since.
  • a few whitish bristles; pectus whitish; hind borders of the abdominal segments ferruginous; legs testaceous; femora striped with black; tarsi black, ferruginous at the base; wings limpid, blackish at the tips; costa deep black, incrassated in the middle; halteres testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Foster JM, Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC, Nimmo HG, et al. (2005) Conservation and divergence of circadian clock operation in a stress-inducible crassulacean acid metabolism species reveals clock compensation against stress. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Other birds include: the endemic Seychelles bulbul Hypsipetes crassirostris, blue pigeon Alectroenas pulcherrima, Seychelles sunbird Nectarinia dussamieri, Seychelles kestrel Falco araea and an endemic cave-nesting swiftlet Collocalia francica elaphra. Vallée de Mai Nature Reserve, Seychelles
  • Pale ferruginous, with the anterior part of the face darker, the mandibles incrassate and very dark fusco-ferruginous; head very large and divided by a deep longitudinal channel, emarginate behind, nearly quadrate; the eyes small and placed forwards on the sides of the head. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • His lisped speech is mocked, along with his sexuality, by crass Italian television comedians. Nichi Vendola, a gay, ex-communist governor, becomes the unlikely rival to Italy's Berlusconi
  • But he should still apologise for his idiotic, crass comments. The Sun
  • Trevor could hardly bring himself to speak, the whole thing felt so tactless and crass. PROSPECT HILL
  • As for Crass's original recordings, those were rescued by Penny Rimbaud a few years ago from deteriorating two-inch tape, and remastered for reissue on Southern Records, a label associated with the band from the beginning. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I have tried sarcasm, pathos, statistics, rude and crass personal ad hominem attacks, but they don't see.", he said to himself as he rose over the esker and spotted the village as dusk creeped forward. "Americans Like Big Government: They just don't really know it yet."
  • Amid a sea of melismatic showoffs and crass belters, he stood out as an old-fashioned crooner in the thrall of a faraway vision.
  • It has been an exercise in crass populism and political stupidity almost without equal in the Telegraph. Telegraphing
  • In an age of crassness, vulgarity and self-indulgence, she has continued to be an icon of what we once were and of what we might yet become again.
  • Another plant, one end with incrassated and regularly arranged cells. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • New entrants have a shrinking sales pool to swim in – and News International can't launch a bragging, soaraway Sun on Sunday without looking crass and cynical. News of the World scandal: God's newspaper executive less than visionary
  • It wasn't just that they wanted to reject the crass behaviour of her tormentors. The Sun
  • It's crass, sadistic and appeals to the very worst in human nature.
  • The problem is that to really satirise racism, you have to be clever and this wasn't. It was just crass and stupid.
  • This species was reported to have incrassate flagellomeres in the male only, those of the female being slender.
  • In contrast to the dignified silence from the other side, even slyly whispered accusations are magnified to sound deafeningly crass.
  • The endearing bathos and crassness of Laurel found an admirable foil in the elephantine smugness of his rotund partner.
  • They must have thought I was crass, puerile and selfish.
  • Funny how one man's crass insensitivity is another's cheeky humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abdomen ovate, truncate at the base, its apex fuscous; the first node of the petiole compressed, its margin rounded above, the second node incrassate and subglobose; club of the antennæ 2-jointed. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • M. testa fusiformi-turrita; spira elata, conica; epidermide pallide olivaceo induta, rufo-fusca, pulcherrime maculata, maculis saepe in lineis undulatis longitudinalibus dispositis; anfractibus planis, longitudinaliter plicatis, plicis aequalibus regularibus subdistantibus, ad suturas nodulosis; apertura oblongo-ovata, antice effusa; labio subincrassato; labro simplici, acuto. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • Crassō commendātiōnem nōn sum pollicitus, nōn quīn eam valitūram apud tē arbitrārer, sed egēre mihi commendātiōne nōn vidēbātur, _I did not promise a recommendation to Crassus, not that I did not think it would have weight with you, but because he did not seem to me to need recommendation_. New Latin Grammar
  • As my explanations here are probably above your understand-ings, lattlebrattons, though as augmentatively uncomparisoned as Cadwan, Cadwallon and Cadwalloner, I shall revert to a more expletive method which I frequently use when I have to sermo with muddlecrass pupils. Finnegans Wake
  • His most recent films, execrable turkeys have achieved the seemingly impossible by being even crasser and less watchable than their dismal predecessors.
  • His suffering at her hands would have been unbearable had he not so richly deserved it for his crass stupidity and snobbishness.
  • Perhaps this is only another example of the asinine and anserous dunderheadedness of these crass provincials. Punch, Or The London Charivari, Volume 101, July 11, 1891
  • _Un remede d'Empereur (Neron) pour se debarrasser d'un rhume, -- et de commère pour attendre le meme but -- fut envelopper un oignon dans une feuille de chou et le faire cuire sous la cendre; puis l'ecrasser, le reduire en pulpe, le mettre dans une tasse de lait, ou une decoction chaude de redisse; se coucher; et se tenir chaudement, au besoin recidiver matin et soir_. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Other than yet another demonstration of our ongoing dive into uncivil crassness, these antiboy T-shirts are an example of how we continually devalue our men.
  • All anyone could talk about now was the coming confrontation between Crassus and Pompey; the plight of the Sicilian was a bore. Imperium
  • As a result, Republicans in general and Ryan in particular have become increasingly defensive and angry, complaining loudly that the Democrats are engaging in "Mediscare," what they call an irresponsible and demagogic attempt to transform a serious national problem into an opportunity for crass partisan advantage. Jonathan Weiler: Republicans, Medicare and the Golden Rule
  • The range of his game is good and the crass errors of his youth are fast disappearing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet I am not advocating a crass rationalism in which reverence, empathy and love have no place.
  • That is, bettors get their wagers back but don't actually generate anything as crass as earnings.
  • It's just a maelstrom of shrieking children, crass commercialism, and ratcheting credit card debt.
  • It is capable of exerting sufficient friction under the brush to ensure pearly whiteness of the teeth without injuring the enamel, whilst the camphor in it tends to destroy the animalcula in the secretions of the mouth, whose skeletons or remains constitute, as we shall presently see, the incrassation popularly called “tartar.” The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • Both acts are born of reckless selfishness and crass stupidity and both should be condemned. The Sun
  • Hind tibiae somewhat incrassated with infuscated tips; the usual setae are long and conspicuous; on the inner face a dark brown band runs from the insertion of the tibia to its middle, where it ends in a point; the infuscated tip of the tibia sends out a much shorter dark brown band which stops before reaching the basal band.
  • An 'you tuck the right way to do that," they replied ironically; and they added, "Bartle Flanagan, you may thank the oaths we tuck, or be the crass, a single man of us wouldn't assist you in this consarn, afther your cowardly behaver to this poor girl. Fardorougha, The Miser The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • It is not acceptable that they give poorly preprepared crassly insulting statements about ''lessons learnt.'' to journalists in the wake of official reports and court cases. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Vapores crassi et nigri, a ventriculo in cerebrum exhalant. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • They differ from Botocudo and most other antillocorines by the presence of all trichobothria of the fifth abdominal sternite located anterior to the spiracle of the same segment, fore femora incrassate and armed ventrally with spines in both sexes, and the males with a large distally curved spine at the base of the fore femur.
  • The really crass error was in conceding the free kick so needlessly in the first place. Times, Sunday Times
  • To call selectively for a more humane perspective in one arena while espousing violent and predatory views in most others is nothing but crass opportunism. New poll data on abortion
  • Abdomen very smooth and shining; the node of the petiole incrassate and tapering upwards into an acute spine. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • I will so bedizen your virile, though somewhat crassly practical gifts ---- Why, women are my long suit. Free Air
  • It's possible to view a pirate as boorish and crass or as vivacious and life-loving.
  • To your English upper class, industry and trade are symbols of gross Philistinism, boring crassness, unmannerly usury, unacceptable. GOTHIC PURSUIT
  • If that means deflecting, evading and ignoring the crass behaviour of top players, so be it. Times, Sunday Times
  • To state baldly that it's purely between the woman and her doctor is crass and simplistic at the very least.
  • Some of the songs were straight from the top of the genius pile, while others were just crass, crude and downright stupid.
  • The endemic frogs include Limnodynastes depressus, Litoria cavernicola, L. splendida, Uperoleia aspera, U. minima, U. crassa, U. marmorata, U. mjobergi, U. talpa and U. variegata. Kimberly tropical savanna
  • It was not their fault that the eulogy was given by a crass, vain, sloppy buffoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fraternal filmmaking team manages to make crass, stupid, lurid jokes, while also maintaining a heart and evoking old-fashioned schmaltz.
  • The range of his game is good and the crass errors of his youth are fast disappearing. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it is crass stupidity to throw away sheets of roofing materials containing deadly asbestos in an area where many motorists pass by and children play, as some of the Birkshall Lane dumpers have done.
  • It wasn't just that they wanted to reject the crass behaviour of her tormentors. The Sun
  • The really crass error was in conceding the free kick so needlessly in the first place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thorax narrowed before the wings, which are dark fuscous, with a hyaline irregular mark below the stigma, crossing the submarginal cell; the anterior margin of the anterior wings pubescent; the metathorax broad, margined laterally, with a central forked carina, and a crooked one on each side; the posterior legs incrassate. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Hearing your crass comments only makes it worse. The Sun
  • Nor did her husband's ham-handed collaboration, in the crass style of a dad dancing at the school disco, do anything to retrieve the dignity of the situation.
  • Nam vicino inter se sonore attracto sibilant rictu, ita tamen si prioris ictus pone dentes excitatus ad medium lenis agitetur, sequentis autem crasso spiritu hispidum sonet, quia per conjunctionem C et S, quarum et locum implet et vim exprimit, ut sensu aurium ducemur, efficitur. The Roman Pronunciation of Latin Why we use it and how to use it
  • For instance, on page 140, the botanical name for the water hyacinth is given as "Eichornia crassipes"; the more usual spelling is "Eichhornia crassipes", as used on page 210. Lake Chapala: a review of "The Lerma-Lake Chapala watershed: evaluation and management"
  • Description: Crassula perfossa is a small and compact mat forming succulent shrub let that stays relatively low and clumps readily.
  • The actress is chirpy and loose as blowzy broad Dolores in a show that proves you can do worse than taking in a crass melodrama.
  • Cuncti gradus ascendentes ad palatij aulas, et aularum cameras, et ad thalamos Camerarum sunt solidi de argento vel auro, sed et omnis stratura pauimentorum in alijs habetur ad similitudinem scacarij, vnam quadratam argenti, alteram auri, laminis valdè crassis, et in ipsis pauimentis, sunt exsculpta gesta, et historiæ diuersæ. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Others like Mick Duffield in ‘Killing Time’ uses photomontage, collage and video to create powerful and disturbing images for the anarchist band Crass.
  • Those who disdain wealth as crass materialism need to understand that wealth is one of the biggest life-saving factors in the world.
  • Amour-propre keeps us from knowing our limits, disguises the often crass interests behind what we think our benevolent actions, and camouflages the full extent of our pathetic vanity. Puncturing Our Pretensions
  • The Millennium Stadium avoids climatic crassness by being the first one in the UK to have a roof that can be completely closable over the pitch.
  • Tree species include Acacia raddiana, Balanites aegyptiaca, Maerua crassifolia and Capparis decidua; herbaceous species are Panicum turgidum, Cassia italica, Pergularia tomentosa and Heliotropium bacciferum. Banc d'Arguin National Park, Mauritania
  • There is a fine line between righteous anger and crassness.
  • The mature ovules of both species are orthotropic and crassinucellate.
  • You can decry this as crass Machiavellianism if you wish, but that's the way life works in Washington. Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points -- Foreign Policy Issues Reappear
  • His comments have been seen by some victims as crass and insensitive. The Sun
  • Antonius chooses to compose his thoughts while walking in the portico. 111 Crassus, in contrast, retires to an exedra, where he devotes his midday respite to "the closest and most careful meditation. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Whales include migratory humpback Megaptera novaeangliae (VU) and occasional blue Balaenoptera musculus (EN), rorqual Balaenoptera physalis, sperm Physeter macrocephalus (VU), Bryde's Baleanoptera edeni, killer Orcinus orca, false killer Pseudorca crassidens, pygmy killer Feresa attenuata, Cuvier's beaked Ziphius cavirostris, beaked Mesoplodon sp., shortfin pilot Globicephala macrorhynchus and melon-headed Peponocephala electra whales. Malpelo Island Flora and Fauna Sanctuary, Colombia
  • For them, the West was crass, materialistic and, of course, morally rotten.
  • But Crassus is very generally blamed for his changeableness in his friendships and enmities, for his unfaithfulness, and his mean and underhand proceedings; since he himself could not deny that to compass the consulship, he hired men to lay violent hands upon Domitius and The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • On the one hand you could see it as a way of raising awareness of the illness, on the other it was crassly commodifying AIDS.
  • As one archaeologist has recently ” and crassly ” put it, Evans's Minoans were "travelling and trading all over the Mediterranean, thanks to their British (sorry, Minoan) ˜thalassocracy. '" [ Knossos: Fakes, Facts, and Mystery
  • Face broad; antennæ short, third joint elongate-conical; arista bare; middle femora incrassated, denticulated beneath. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • This research mainly concerns with the processing procedures , quantitative standard and stability Dryopteris Crassirhizoma.
  • You can expect the same vulgarity and crassness you have come to love from these fine upstanding pillars of society.
  • It is very often cheesy and crass, and is completely pretentious from start to finish!
  • Three Crassula arborescens ‘Silver Dollar’ cuttings for $3.95. Gifts on Etsy for gardening and nature lovers « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • But he should still apologise for his idiotic, crass comments. The Sun
  • First thing Monday morning, I would be in at school or work, entertaining people with crass jokes and tasteless witticisms.
  • Other birds include: the endemic Seychelles bulbul Hypsipetes crassirostris, blue pigeon Alectroenas pulcherrima, Seychelles sunbird Nectarinia dussamieri, Seychelles kestrel Falco araea and an endemic cave-nesting swiftlet Collocalia francica elaphra. Vallée de Mai Nature Reserve, Seychelles
  • The print, with its blatant talk of victories, its crass disparagement of the enemy, bore no relation to what he experienced. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • How should I raise these intolerable working conditions with my boss without appearing crass and insensitive? Times, Sunday Times
  • Not all present-day examples of these types are crass and drear, though it has to be admitted that very many are, yet they are often the only public spaces in the deserts of suburbia.
  • It's a role in which Sam West positively revels; he is perfect as this suave, grandiloquent and crass overreacher. Evening Standard - Home
  • Out of a crass-sounding approach has come a delicate and innovative solution.
  • Other well-placed individuals, appalled by the crass attacks on him by baying Conservative hacks, are now emerging, one by one, to have their say. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Many of the Reformers (by my reading of them) condemned the notion of real presence (and transubstantiation) because they interpreted it as a fleshy and physical presence (what you call crass and I might call immoderate realist). Sacramental Presence; Not Local--Thomas Aquinas
  • P. testa ovata, umbilicata; spira mediocri, acuta, ad apicem integra, cornea, viridescente aut pallide fulva; anfractibus quinque, convexis, saepe plus minusve transversim subliratis; apertura ovata; labio reflexo, umbilicum partim tegente; labro vix incrassato, peristomate nigrescente. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • Here is architecture, rather than sloppy sentimentality or crass commercialism.
  • You have to get the pace right, going fast enough to keep the initiative but not so fast that you make crass errors. Times, Sunday Times
  • That "crassness" common to all men in this strange world, and in the Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
  • While they were pouring this down their throats, Crass took a penny from his waistcoat pocket and put it in the slot of the polyphone. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
  • dribbling" - another crass joke that was jumped on by critics. The Guardian World News
  • Smart and sassy becomes smarmy and crass at the touch of the middlebrow.
  • At the same time, she emphasised that the crass commercialism of children's television reinforced consumer culture.
  • It was a mindless and moronic act of political naivete and crass immaturity.
  • Livy V 4 5, XXIII 38 12 & XXXIX 9 5, and Pliny _NH_ XXXIII 134 'M. Crassus negabat locupletem esse nisi qui reditu annuo legionem _tueri_ posset'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • On Friday, though, for all its colour, flair and energy, his playing was often incoherent, self-indulgent and slam-bang crass.
  • Cleopatra's palace in Egypt, — [3258] Crassumque trabes absconderat aurum, that the beholders were amazed. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • One almost complete skeleton of Crassigyrinus had previously been known from only one skull fragment.
  • Ex quibus constat nec diversa aeris et aetheris diaphana esse, nec refractiones aliunde quam a crasso aere causari — Non dura aut impervia, sed liquida, subtilis, motuique Planetarium facile cedens. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Besides, to be really crass about it, the publicity people are going to have a ball with this.
  • There's nothing wrong with a healthy spirit of crass commercialism, or even a whiff of naked greed these days, is there?
  • P. testa ovata, imperforata, solidiuscula, cornea; spira brevi, acuta, apice interdum papilloso; anfractibus quinque, convexiusculis; transversim striatis; apertura acuto-ovata; labio incrassato, spiraliter valde tortuoso; labro intus incrassato et fusco tincto, margine acuto, arcuato. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • By setting such a trap or permitting an employee to do so on a river where otters are breeding is crass stupidity.
  • He sensibly ignored it, mentally filing it as either some kind of tasteless joke or more "crass meddling' from offshore. ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • Pacorus, the son of Orodes, the King of Parthia, has been killed in order to revenge the death of Marcus Crassus.
  • Less serious and composed than a Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Noir, Shiraz is nevertheless not crass. Wine 101: Shiraz, Syrah
  • As if it was some validation for all his own crass behaviour. The Sun
  • A portion of the crassamentum treat - cd in that manner, was triturated with water as long as it appeared capable of acting as a solvent. Medico-Chirurgical Transanction
  • Crass suggests a grossness of mind precluding discrimination or delicacy.
  • The characters which distinguish this genus from Pentarthrum are the obviously basally contracted rostrum, deep broad scrobes, short scape, incrassate elytral margins, strongly singly rounded apices, and sutural notch, these last two being quite exceptional features amongst the Cossonidae.
  • It is a matter of getting issues across in a classy way, as opposed to writing about them in a crass manner.
  • The Green Arrow is a bit crass and snipes at Batman a lot, but that's to be expected from a second-stringer superhero.
  • Common rodents are gerbil Gerbillus dasyurus and the Sundevall's jird Meriones crassus. Arabian Oryx Sanctuary, Oman
  • Abdomen: the second segment slightly narrowed at its base, the node of the petiole incrassate and compressed, its upper margin rounded. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Someone as cultured and educated as you come across being surely can't admire someone as crass and blatantly offensive as him?
  • Abdomen ovate, the scale of the petiole incrassate, somewhat wedge-shaped when viewed sideways, the abdomen sparingly sprinkled with long pale hairs. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • And a final point, it is illegal to target redundancies on the basis of age, sex etc, and it is also thought a bit crass to try and get rid of troublemakers and stirrers.
  • To conjure pantheistic fantasies from this cell which spelled the end of his recent hopes was a crass bit of innocence. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • His comments have been seen by some victims as crass and insensitive. The Sun
  • It was a mindless and moronic act of political naivete and crass immaturity.
  • The only one immune to her charms is young Seki Gohonmatsu, a Neanderthal-like perpetually-drunken sailor whose only goal is to drink all the liquor in the world, a crass parallel to Zephyrus 'schemes to swallow the Earth with her revenge. Straight for the Art: ‘Swallowing the Earth’ | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The depiction of rural life generally is crass and seldom rises above the level of caricature.
  • Domenico Raso offers a plausible theory of Crassuss military works in the Aspromonte Mountains in Domenico Raso, TINNARIA: Antiche opere militari sullo Zomaro, Calabria sonosciuta 37 (JanuaryMarch 1987): 79102, and Domenico Raso, Zomaro: La montagna dei sette popoli, tra i misteri della montagna calabrese (Reggio di Calabria: Laruffa, 2001). The Spartacus War
  • Vit aussi vn grand homme noir à l'opposite de celuy de la cheminée, qui regardoit dans vn liure, dont les feuillets estoient noirs & bleuds, & marmotoit entre ses dents sans entendre ce qu'il disoit, leuoit vne hostie noire, puis vn calice de meschant estain tout crasseux. The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
  • It's just a maelstrom of shrieking children, crass commercialism, and ratcheting credit card debt.
  • Men, especially British men, tend to be so uncommunicative that it's easy to make the crass error that they have less feelings, and less sensitivity than women do. Amanda Craig discusses In A Dark Wood and describes the challenges of writing from a man's point of view
  • I hear from the older generation that this kind of crassness was quite typical of LBJ. Best Line I've Read in a While, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But there was no employment for any in capital causes, excepting for those I have already mentioned; because Antonius, who was always courted on these occasions, was very ready to give his service; and Crassus, though not so compliable, generally consented, on any pressing sollicitation, to give _his_. Cicero's Brutus or History of Famous Orators; also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker.
  • In fact it seems to be at the root of so much that is crass, wrong, jarring, dull, styleless, dumb and devoid of class: Trying Too Hard. Narcissism: the new journalism
  • What I am saying is no one, absolutely no one, should have to put up with crass disrespect.
  • Until the Church shows itself proud enough of its faith to impose a limit to its tolerance, it will never earn the respect of other religions, and it will continue to be the victim of such crass attacks.
  • The plugging of the new Lions anthem at Cardiff was cringe-making stuff but it being sung at a time when the Millennium Stadium should really have been observing a respectful hush was crass beyond words.
  • Get called tasteless, crass and unfeeling towards the other victims of the hurricane.
  • Cuncti gradus ascendentes ad palatij aulas, et aularum cameras, et ad thalamos Camerarum sunt solidi de argento vel auro, sed et omnis stratura pauimentorum in alijs habetur ad similitudinem scacarij, vnam quadratam argenti, alteram auri, laminis valdè crassis, et in ipsis pauimentis, sunt exsculpta gesta, et historiæ diuersæ. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • That view is upheld by LA Times columnist Michael Hiltzik, who asks what he calls the crass question - "What is Apple Inc's plan if CEO Steve Jobs dies? BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
  • But he should still apologise for his idiotic, crass comments. The Sun
  • He sensibly ignored it, mentally filing it as either some kind of tasteless joke or more "crass meddling' from offshore. ONE HUNDRED DAYS
  • It was a crass attempt to suck up to the backbenchers,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • II. 3.e] Some find sepulchral vessels containing liquors, which time hath incrassated into jellies. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • Dans la musique, ça existe aussi, dans le même goût il y a un barbu, riche-crasseux, lunettes de star et verve de quiche lorraine. Madame André and the Love Graffiti
  • Well, bejabers, the full moon come up at last an 'she made the sign of the shaddy crass, an' the ould Cat goes out an 'watches an' watches loike he wanted to an 'didn't dar to, till that crass drapped fayer onto the hairbs, an' Tom he jumped then an 'ate an' ate, an 'from that day he was a well Cat; an' that's how Oi larned Two Little Savages Being the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians and what they learned
  • You have to get the pace right, going fast enough to keep the initiative but not so fast that you make crass errors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thorax: the anterior margin slightly rounded with the lateral angles very acute; the femora very thickly incrassate in the middle; the apex of the tibiæ ferruginous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Or maybe you think I'm a crass, stupid, nincompoop?
  • I just think it's crass to abbreviate in that manner, writing in text-speak like some 15-year-old going out on a Friday night.
  • As a result, the next generation was to tend towards political quietism and, worst of all, a crass materialism.
  • At dinner he complimented the way she said the word scallop — soft “ah” sound, not a crass short “a.” What She Gave to the Sea
  • What I do resent is the sense of creeping majoritarianism, of intellectual levelling based on the crassest of Blut-und-Boden stereotypes. Hungary: One-party rule | Editorial
  • How should I raise these intolerable working conditions with my boss without appearing crass and insensitive? Times, Sunday Times
  • In the thornbug treehopper (Hemiptera: Membracidae: Umbonia crassicornis), females defend their aggregated offspring from predators.
  • Two wren babblers species, Napothera crassa and Kenopia striata (the Striped Wren Babbler) are endemic to the island of Borneo.
  • _ Very closely resembling the female, but rather smaller; the anterior and intermediate femora more incrassate, and all the femora with a simple row of teeth or serrations on their inferior margins. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Sure, crass commercialism has pushed the mainstream media into an obsession with titillating stories about celebrities.
  • But in public the BNP now eschews the crassest racism and claims to disavow violence.
  • McCain was crass in bringing it up, Obama clearly wasn't planning on mentioning his which is why he had to search for the name whereas McCain obviously planned to use his bracelet in the debate which is why the name was handy. About that...
  • Antenna distally incrassate in both sexes and, in female, strongly clavate.
  • Dehinc duae supremae S et X jure jungentur, nam vicino inter se sonore attracto sibilant rictu, ita tamen si prioris ictus pone dentes excitatus ad medium lenis agitetur; sequentis autem crasso spiritu hispidum sonet qui per conjunctionem C et S, quarum et locum implet et vim exprimit, ut sensu aurium ducamur efficitur. The Roman Pronunciation of Latin Why we use it and how to use it
  • Daily, the truth of this proposition - axiomatic to our ancestors, crassly ignored by progressive theorists today - becomes more evident.
  • Together Pompey, Crassus and Caesar succeed in getting Caesar elected consul and in passing legislation that mainly benefited them.
  • It overcame the curse of the solitary writer by creating a Jekyll-Hyde pairing, the crass boob with a commercial touch and the angst-ridden elitist sibling.
  • Not only he is he a crass bigot, and therefore worthy of shooting, but absolutely illogical.
  • Abdomen ovate; the scale incrassate, armed above with two stout acute teeth. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • September is chockers with unsuitable election dates, ranging from September 11, which would be crass, to the AFL grand final on September 25, which would be unpopular, and lots of school holidays.
  • Dyed crass colors and sold in delis, the flower is almost universally scorned. What in Carnation?
  • With the first rains, the seemingly arid soil of the Upper Karoo bursts into abundant life, its hardy succulents - aloes, crassulas and stapelias - complementing the sweet grasses on which the region's myriad merino and fat-tailed sheep graze.

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