How To Use Crafty In A Sentence
I was always a bit arty-crafty.
Times, Sunday Times
Beware of a crafty person who undermines your achievement at work.
If it should be objected by any that though he did not himself burden them, yet, being crafty, he caught them with guile, that is, he sent those among them who pillaged them, and afterwards he shared with them in the profit: "This was not so," says the apostle; "I did not make a gain of you myself, nor by any of those whom I sent; nor did Titus, nor any others -- We walked by the same spirit and in the same steps.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
My red lips curl into a crafty little smile at the thought of that suave, devil of a man sitting on the sixty-eighth floor.
They were a teacher's only refuge: a place to let off steam or have a crafty cigarette between lessons.
Times, Sunday Times

Crafty collars made of beaten metal, neckpieces of wood and macramé, great big pendants and crosses are all back from the wilderness.
He stays too low to the ground and is too crafty with the ball to be stopped.
He is kidnapped and his friends try to save him - but are are captured by the Queen's crafty cunning.
But they do like to dig up the garden, and are renowned as crafty escape artists.
Crafty once meant powerful, and cunning meant knowledgeable; each has gradually taken on negative connotations (this is called pejoration).
Catachresis and the amusing, awful and artificial cathedral
It's almost a kind of compositional sleight-of-hand, as Sting uses catchy melodies and pop-savvy arrangements to distract our attention away from just how crafty these songs are.
Ten Summoner's Tales
As a superb targeter of military forces, he was a most crafty inventor of countermeasures to thwart enemy action.
But elders get to be elders by being cunning and crafty.
HERE'S a crafty little deal.
The Sun
The Fates are aligned in the form of the title outfit, led by a no-nonsense operative named Richardson, played by John Slattery in a crafty, deadpan take.
Ann Hornaday reviews 'The Adjustment Bureau,' an ambitious, impressive thriller
Rooted in Germanic idea of "strength" (which lives on in our English term kraft paper), crafty once meant "skillful.
Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
Tap into your inner Picasso with these crafty tricks.
In other respects, he was experienced in the ways of courts, calm, cool, and crafty, fixing upon the points which he desired to attain, while they were yet far removed, and never losing sight of them, though the winding paths in which he trode might occasionally seem to point to a different direction.
The Fair Maid of Perth
Home alarm devices can be disabled by a crafty intruder.
I'll cut tj_han some slack because he is a poor oppressed conscript drafted unwillingly into Singapore's army at a young age as photographer or what I call a cushy public affairs job, not that I blame him for being cunning and crafty the lucky git.
Anime Nano!
Miles isn't yet as efficient as Williams would like, but he is quick, crafty and sometimes sensational.
Its rough edges and crafty urchins give it a true grit that avoids the sentimentality of its American cousins.
Times, Sunday Times
Believing there is still dignity to be had in his work, the crafty retiree hatches a plan.
Instead, try following the lead of the Olympians of yesteryear and get crafty with items already in your house.
Times, Sunday Times
Each member will contribute a paint-by-numbers to the show, but they're each working on arty-crafty projects as well.
Take the DIY approach and get crafty with family and friends.
The Sun
He must divert their sympathy for Ray into distrust of him, and before he had fully considered his words they were spoken, -- crafty, insidious, and calumniatory.
Marion's Faith.
He watched her stare at him and held a crafty smile across his face.
To some extent these suspicions are founded, and San Miguel certainly has its fair share of arty-crafty shops and easels on street corners.
Mormons and schools all Americans on the unconstitutional craze of doling out civil rights by popular vote: Hark! From sea to rising sea, crafty Christians are busy putting the "tut" -- and "con" -- back in "Constitution"! - Business News
What once seemed a crafty producer's gimmick now sounds more like the imaginary friend of a shy dude who needed someone to talk to in the studio while he chain-smoked blunts.
These composition and narrative tricks would seemingly sink another film, making it too clever and crafty in a self-serving fashion.
We are hopeful that these commercials will bring a new type of soaper into Otion - one who isne't crafty by nature and is able to see through the medium of film how easy it is to start this fun hobby.
Otion Commercial Shoot
Complaint Department: What a pity is it that I, so aged and crafty, am ignorant of this young upstart who haunts my every step!
[AKICILJ] for forty days and forty night they rode through red blood to the knee
I say phooey since tools don't make the Witch; a crafty Witch makes her own tools.
To some extent these suspicions are founded, and San Miguel certainly has its fair share of arty-crafty shops and easels on street corners.
Some software gurus deem it to be a crafty way of getting people locked in to proprietary systems that will become more costly over time.
Times, Sunday Times
Smoking a crafty bifter, at a party, with friends.
Times, Sunday Times
Huaihai Zhonglu, for example, is lined with stores whose shop windows are adorned with expensive, luxury clothing, dazzling jewellery and arty-crafty bric-a-brac, etc.
The book is based on the story of a crafty 12-year-old Irish boy who is immersed in a world of fairies, leprechauns and gnomes.
There are crafty ways and means of being thrifty at university.
Times, Sunday Times
The crafty Lethington, the deep and dark Morton, have held secret council with me, and Grange and Lindsay have owned, that in the field I did the devoir of a gallant knight — but let the emergence be passed when they need my head and hand, and they only know me as son of the obscure portioner of Glendearg.”
The Abbot
Instead, save cash this summer by getting crafty instead.
The Sun
Well, a little arty-crafty silliness came in handy today.
Crafty old blitzer restored Eagles defensive intensity.
Annual All-Joe team: Honoring those who won little acclaim
The council often seems to think that New Yorkers are unsophisticated rubes, continually fleeced by crafty and unethical businesses.
My distrust of Sabine is as you know chronic, and I went determined to keep careful watch on his address, lest some crafty phrase injurious to Darwin should be introduced.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
The tiger was too careful and too crafty to reveal himself just like that.
He became a monster, a cruel and crafty invader who was stopped only by epic courage and perseverance.
His methods are crafty and cunning, he is the master deceiver.
For Pullman fans, this kind of plucky self-confidence must sound familiar: it's Lyra Belaqua, the novel's crafty protagonist, who travels from Oxford to the Arctic Circle -- aided by armored bears, flying witches and a truth-telling compass that only she can read -- to rescue her kidnapped best friend.
The Arctic Adventurer
It was here that doubt took me; my enemy was evidently experienced and crafty.
Hugh's a downier bird than they think – not just an overgrown ex-fighter pilot with a crafty streak.
The Alamut Ambush
For the finale, a traditional liqueur called ratafia is steeping basically fruit and spices soaked in brandy for a few weeks, and although declaring herself "not crafty," Curtis is trying gamely to hand-paint teacups.
The Seattle Times
When Madam Pampinea sate silent, and the Querries boldnesse equalled with his crafty cunning, and great wisedom in the King had passed amongst them with a generall applause; the Queene turning her selfe to Madam Philomena, appointed her to follow next in order as the rest had done before her: whereupon Philomena began after this maner.
The Decameron
I've had a crafty idea for getting round the regulations.
So get crafty and spook your neighbourhood!
Times, Sunday Times
In Mitchell's crafty hands, the bawdy drawings become kaleidoscopic fun-fur mosaics: deliciously touchy-feely, rather than puerile or self-consciously lewd.
The book is based on the story of a crafty 12-year-old Irish boy who is immersed in a world of fairies, leprechauns and gnomes.
The King James Version uses subtle rather than crafty, but the meaning is the same.
If you think that's crafty, another chum keeps a football kit by his bed.
In fairness, he does hove from the arty-crafty wing of history, more interested in creation than desecration.
Times, Sunday Times
Not that we knew it at the time, because conjunctivitis is a crafty little bugger, but it was hitching a lift to Hampshire on my peepers.
…conjunctivitis « Sven’s guide to…
He's a crafty old devil.
My neighbors include a family of armadillos, a crafty old opossum and a resourceful raccoon.
With restaurants, shops and lots of arty-crafty places, it's a joy to wander around.
The crafty No.3, despite a heavy first half knock, defended with gusto and also went on a couple of forays into attack.
Was past to make to surprisedly pour to sponge one an respiration, picked eyebrow to seeing at to spend not intentional some crafty smiling face.
Instead, try following the lead of the Olympians of yesteryear and get crafty with items already in your house.
Times, Sunday Times
He invented the word "Jesuitical", in his Provincial Letters, and in those letters single-handedly created the myth of the crafty Jesuit.
California Literary Review
The most theatrical thing about "Tynan" is the gem-cut sentences within which Tynan performed; they are crafty, bravura events, detonations of deadly wit and mordancy.
'Tynan': A show to please the critic
This year, a lot of GMs have pulled off some crafty trades and astute free-agent signings.
Are the crafty bankers running rings round him?
The Sun
That gets him in trouble against quick, crafty pass rushers.
The official or servile class includes the manciple, or buyer for a fraternity of templars, otherwise called an achatour, whence Cator, Chater a, the Reeve, an estate steward, so crafty that — "Ther nas baillif, ne herde, nor oother hyne, That he ne knew his sleighte and his covyne" and finally the Cook, or Coke — "To boylle the chicknes and the marybones.
The Romance of Names
One more reason why they call lefthanded pitchers "crafty," I guess.
Billy Altman: The 2009 World Series: Daddy Dearest
America's Best Christian, Mrs. Betty Bowers, calls out Mormons and schools all Americans on the unconstitutional craze of doling out civil rights by popular vote: Hark! From sea to rising sea, crafty Christians are busy putting the "tut" -- and "con" -- back in - Business News
In early casting calls for the role, Carlson is described as a clean-cut, smart and crafty cop who comes off more white collar than blue collar.
The Killing: Is This the Man Who Killed Rosie Larsen?
Our chicken coops were made snake-proof, but a more than ordinarily, crafty individual burglariously broke into one, and the hen and chickens sounded the alarm.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
But Cass is pretty crafty and declares he is starting his own country.
This set of patchwork heart sachets from CraftyStylish is likely more appropriate for a confident seamster than for a newbie, but seriously?
DIY Valentine: Oodles of Online Tutes for Your Crafty, Creative Sweeties
Notwithstanding, so much is true, that the carriage of greatness, in a plain and open manner (so it be without arrogancy and vain glory) doth draw less envy, than if it be in a more crafty and cunning fashion.
The Essays
Are the crafty bankers running rings round him?
The Sun
For noncrafty types: Measure top and sides of box spring, sketch how you'd like the fabric to run and have an upholsterer make the cover.
Bye-Bye, Bed Skirts
Huaihai Zhonglu, for example, is lined with stores whose shop windows are adorned with expensive, luxury clothing, dazzling jewellery and arty-crafty bric-a-brac, etc.
Persevering, steady, crafty, and possessing, to an eminent degree, that happy art of "canting" which opens the readiest way to character and consequence, the rise and reputation of Mr. Vavasour
The Disowned — Complete
She glanced back along the corridor to where Hank still stood watching, and a crafty smile tilted her lips.
She's very crafty… but, of course, I'm the one who agreed to it.
'That would not signify so much,' said Carr, 'if the man was honest; but I may say to you, that, under the most specious professions of honesty, I don't believe there is a more crafty or mercenary head in Westminster Hall, than that orange tawny caxon his covers.
The Old Manor House
She would have to do some fairly under handed and crafty lying to convince him to leave without revealing the conspiracy.
She could have portrayed herself as more scared and disingenuous, than crafty and lying.
Beware of a crafty and clever individual who can talk you into making a bad financial deal.
Crafty collars made of beaten metal, neckpieces of wood and macramé, great big pendants and crosses are all back from the wilderness.
In a titanic clash of science and sensationalism, this crafty cephalopod was conjectured to be the "most intelligent invertebrate ever" -- so talented, in fact, that it sculpted "the earliest known self-portrait" using the bones of its prey.
Steven Newton: Unleash the Kraken! Creationism, Kookiness, and Alleged Censorship
Instead, save cash this summer by getting crafty instead.
The Sun
By the blacks the echidna, which is known as "Coombee-yan," is placed on the very top of the list of those dainties which the crafty old men reserve for themselves under awe-inspiring penalties.
Confessions of a Beachcomber
This is particularly true in the office, where crafty technologies help bosses keep abreast of what their employees are doing.
That diplomat was too crafty.
This is particularly true in the office, where crafty technologies help bosses keep abreast of what their employees are doing.
My night stand actually has it mosaiced all over the top…but I made this back in my less-environmentally-crafty conscious high school days, and got the sea glass at the craft store.
Beach Trips Make Good Sea Glass Pendants
'If there be not in her a proud mind, a crafty wit, and an indurate heart against God and His truth, my judgment faileth me.'
John Knox
There are crafty ways and means of being thrifty at university.
Times, Sunday Times
And while I was in there any thoughts of having a crafty fag dispersed at the sight of the smoke alarms.
HERE'S a crafty little deal.
The Sun
Well, a little arty-crafty silliness came in handy today.
An office worker was also caught having a crafty cigarette by a No Smoking sign.
The Sun
As crafty administrators will tell you, appoint a committee to insulate yourself against public criticism.
The days are designed for kids aged five to 12 years, with heaps of creative activities on offer such as cooking, beadwork and other crafty ideas, painting and much more.
Through the simple expedient of standing bets for future racing authorities while they were still young enough to be foolish, he remained unpersecuted by them once they reached status and power; and the one sort of winner old crafty Marius could spot better even than horses was the colt heading for the boardroom.
The Elvis Latte
For all their crafty appeals to lower-middle-class grouses, fascist regimes left existing patterns of property and social class largely intact.
The Greek word used in the original writing of this text that Jesus used to describe Nathanael is "dolos" … which literally means "tricky, deceitful, crafty, subtle (liar).
Pat Dollard | Young Americans
Some software gurus deem it to be a crafty way of getting people locked in to proprietary systems that will become more costly over time.
Times, Sunday Times
Some software gurus deem it to be a crafty way of getting people locked in to proprietary systems that will become more costly over time.
Times, Sunday Times
Yes, indeed, the very latest equipment to capture and eradicate the debate on whether officers were indeed wearing their hats, speaking out of turn, having a crafty cupper or fag oh and may be a little crime fighting and evidence gathering (of the proper sort) along the way.
The abusers are a crafty sort, often charming and engaging to the point of distraction, and their transgressions can go unnoticed or be perceived as almost insignificant.
Randi Miller: Seeing Red
God, Thomas, Abp. of Canterbury, unto a crafty and sophistical cavillation devised by Stephen Gardener, "&c.
Notes and Queries, Number 33, June 15, 1850
He pieces together the history behind the crafty tricks and cunning plans of conflict.
In other words, a sneaky, crafty, deceitful person would take on the form of a snake.
He had snuck out of class for a crafty drag and a teacher, Jase, had sprung him.
We shall see that He adopted another tone when He was properly arraigned before the assembled Sanhedrim; but in this more private, injudicial, inquisitorial interview, with one scathing rebuke He tore away the cloak of assumed ignorance with which this crafty man veiled his sinister purpose, and laid His secret thoughts open to the gaze of all.
Love to the Uttermost Expositions of John XIII.-XXI.
Sunday morning, Tracy, her mother, and I went shopping at a couple of cute little crafty stores.
Powerful, antagonistic, and crafty were the words that best described the endoskeletal space‑going AAnn.
Nor Crystal Tears
Diplomacy as a game values the sly, the cunning, the underhanded, the crafty.
Her best friend Ari just got cliqued: she's networking with the future ad-men and politicians in the Liar's Club and getting crafty with the Fashionistas.
12/24/2006 - 12/31/2006
The government has wised up to the crafty ways of the wily general.
If you are interested in joining a group of crafty ladies do come along and join in the fun.
Or does his quietude imply he is a crafty opportunist hoping the crown will fall into his lap?
Persevering, steady, crafty, and possessing, to an eminent degree, that happy art of "canting" which opens the readiest way to character and consequence, the rise and reputation of Mr. Vavasour Mordaunt appeared less to be wondered at than envied; yet, even envy was only for those who could not look beyond the surface of things.
The Disowned — Volume 05
He was a crablike manoeuvrer, crafty and unreliable, domineering towards followers, ruthless towards rivals.
The king, incontinent, send his traist servandis in France and Flanderis, and brocht richt crafty masonis to big this abbay; syne dedicat it in the honour of this haly croce.
Chronicles of the Canongate
It's just possible that crafty, quick, powerful Jones could defeat any fighter in any weight class in the world.
With restaurants, shops and lots of arty-crafty places, it's a joy to wander around.
Powerful, antagonistic, and crafty were the words that best described the endoskeletal space-going AAnn.
Nor Crystal Tears
Moreover, Another Happy Ending illustrates that The Clarks have four capable, crafty tunesmiths.
The book is based on the story of a crafty 12-year-old Irish boy who is immersed in a world of fairies, leprechauns and gnomes.
Steve was, and is, a pretty crafty hardware and software guy.
She called the gamin: he was a shrewd monkey-faced fellow, with an insolent crafty eye.
The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
Maria is a smoker and while she was having a crafty fag, we'd eye up all the cute smokers.
The carrot-and-stick strategy at first seemed ingenious or at least crafty.
They were a teacher's only refuge: a place to let off steam or have a crafty cigarette between lessons.
Times, Sunday Times
An office worker was also caught having a crafty cigarette by a No Smoking sign.
The Sun
Perhaps six years had exercised a degeneratory effect upon Roi Denis, or perchance I have more realism than sentiment; my eyes could see nothing but a petit vieux vieux, nearer sixty than seventy, with a dark, wrinkled face, and an uncommonly crafty eye, one of those African organs which is always occupied in "taking your measure" not for your good.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1
A crafty knave needs no broker.
The Bhagavad Gita's prescription to combat this crafty enemy within us is to create a culture of introspection and self-knowledge whose basic components lie in courage and humility -- a healthy skepticism of our own "goodness" combined with an unending desire to learn more about ourselves.
Ramnath Subramanian: The Bhagavad Gita and the Problem of the Ego
He utilizes the crafty technique of a savvy veteran.
Take avisit to check it out - you can actually see thedinodamagesuffered bythis crafty crocodilian from the railing high above.
Archive 2009-05-24
Perhaps jurors minds were perverted by the words of some pretty crafty lawyers?
He was no longer en - tirely disreputable, for men like Justus Lipsius (who was so influential amonst both Protestants and Catho - lics) were separating the results of his dry, scientific, and realistic approach from some of his political maxims, which were still too crafty and cruel for ac - ceptance in respectable circles.
Quickly he switched his head back to the Old Bailey, with Charles Laughton looking like a crafty white blancmange.
The crafty machinations of the camera yield the spontaneity of the snapshot.
In general, I found the Crafty Chica book fairly amenable to the use of recycled materials, and not too reliant on non-natural materials like fusible interfacing, which is nice my pet peeve is how so many projects that incorporate T-shirts instruct the usage of fusible interfacing.
Crafty Green Book Review: Crafty Chica’s Guide to Artful Sewing
Last Saturday's Airing of the Quilts at Northampton was a crafty affair, with 250 handmade quilts lining the main street.
Last week in Baltimore, the crafty Ravens came up with a no-huddle offense, which left the Raiders completely flummoxed.
Take the DIY approach and get crafty with family and friends.
The Sun
My top tip this week is to make the day personal by getting crafty.
The Sun
If there hadn't been crafty art, there could be no conceptual art.
Times, Sunday Times
These bulls were so wild, that they were never taken but by slight and crafty labour, and so impatient, that after they were taken they died from insupportable dolour.
Castle Dangerous
I haven't taken any nuts with me for a few months but previously I was followed by several crafty crows who usually spy where I have thrown the nuts and then go and hoover them up.
Be crafty with our edit of spring's best patchwork pieces.
He was twenty-five years old then, and he had demonstrated to his community thoroughly that he had courage, that he was crafty, and that he went to his end and got results, without stopping for overnice scruples of honour.
A Certain Rich Man
Perlmutter was already a crafty dealmaker who used money from his in-laws to buy the liquidation business.
Memorable too were actor Liu Yilong as the hilarious Taoist nun Stone; and Ji Zhenhua as the imperious, crafty and hard-hearted governor Du Bao (who refuses to accept his resurrected daughter).
We're just wondering what crafty manoeuvre he'll have up his sleeve this time.
She was that sort of girl, really quick and crafty.
Of gigantic stature, broad-shouldered, with blond hair, ruddy complexion, and deep voice, he owed to his crafty shrewdness the soubriquet of "Guiscard" (Wiseacre).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
My top tip this week is to make the day personal by getting crafty.
The Sun
In the older system, wherein outward actions were most important, ‘true’ (that is, honourable) intentions could justify crafty and duplicitous acts.
It was a crafty plan.
Christianity Today
If there be not in her a proud mind, a crafty wit, and an indurate heart against God and His truth, my judgement faileth me.
Mary Queen Of Scotland And The Isles
Charivari drink Rioja the dodger Could a crafty change of grape mean a change in fortune?
So get crafty and spook your neighbourhood!
Times, Sunday Times
Each member will contribute a paint-by-numbers to the show, but they're each working on arty-crafty projects as well.
The result is a crafty blend of soulful hip-hop that positively reflect the singer-songwriter's life experiences.
"Oh, he's much too crafty for that, " replied Armand.
What a crafty little basket I was.
Meanwhile, a surreptitious measure of whisky is pulled from his pocket for a crafty nip.
I snuck out on the pretext of using my phone to grab a crafty chip buttie.
It was a crafty plan.
Christianity Today
The crafty woman was clever enough not to give me the mobiles.
But someday I'll have my own photo of that crafty critter and I won't have to link to someone else's image because I'll keep going back until I get the picture.
‘Well, usually I'd just walk in,’ Dallas said as he scratched his chin and a crafty smile appeared on his face.
Seeing her Victoria Grayson go stilettoed toe-to-toe with VanCamp's crafty interloper is gonna be one guilty pleasure we refuse to feel bad about loving.
Watercooler: The Best Revenge
The Geordies love him, opponents loathe him but he's crafty, cunning and still top class.
Crafty cyber-thieves have found that they can steal a lot of money in electronic bank thefts with very little risk.
If you are feeling crafty, the cute collection, which includes dresses, rompers, bloomers and beanies, is available as kits.
Times, Sunday Times
He's fleet but overuses the pivot move that crafty, slower kids employ to get to the final rounds of British Bulldog, so I caught on to his tricks.
Yet being subtill, crafty, and cautelous, he wrought so on the flexible nature of Ferando, that hee brought his wife with him divers dayes to the Monasterie; where they walked in the goodly Garden, discoursing on the beatitudes of eternall life, as also the most holy deedes of men and women, long since departed out of this life, in mervailous civill and modest manner.
The Decameron
A charming and attractive woman has been targeting customers of Natwest banks and stealing cash in a crafty scam.
If he's as crafty as you are, Archie, he'll set off on an interception course -- and he'll ask the Condor to come down and look for us.
‘He was courageous, clever, confident, some people even say he was crafty,’ a friend describes the young schoolboy.
But the troopers were crafty, gathered every tender fern shoot they could find; to Ventidius they looked like the lituus of an augur, finished on top with a curlicue.
Antony and Cleopatra
The film makes crafty use of suspense from the beginning and there are subtle elements of mystery.
Berbatov gets one foot inside the penalty area before losing the ball, and even the linesmen are beginning to take crafty peeks at their watches.
I knew not that thy men were crafty and deceitful like a fox.
Police department budgets were small, and town coffers often ran dry, so lawmen, being the crafty lot they are, solved their dilemma themselves.
Is it fair to call a craftsperson "crafty," which implies slyness?
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