How To Use Cox In A Sentence

  • Dance the coxswain was the first affected in that way, but after a few moments Mark felt that the poor fellow had been suffering in The Black Bar
  • Men with short back and sides dressed in gleaming white singlets and shorts set off downriver while a little coxswain in a cap urges them on.
  • The governor refused to accept Cox's resignation .
  • Cox, as the elder, more established, and richer man, was the financial backer and often the named publisher.
  • As an afterthought, the red-headed girl suddenly added, ‘Good gracious, that Adam Weatherly is such a coxcomb.’
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  • The debate was filmed by French television and Mr Cox answered questions from the news crew, with the audience in the auditorium as a back-drop.
  • A scholarly edition of the Obi pantomime is forthcoming from Romantic Circles, edited by Jeffrey N. Cox. About this Volume
  • Avascular necrosis of head of femur: femur (lntracapsular fracture): a. Common complication of intracapsular fracture a. Coxa vara. neck femur. b. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Anti-inflammatory coxib medications inhibit aspirin's protective qualities THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • On March 11, 2009, Scott S. Reuben, former chief of acute pain at Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mass., revealed that data for 21 studies he had authored for the efficacy of the drug along with others such as celecoxib had been fabricated in order to augment the analgesic effects of thedrugs. The Volokh Conspiracy » The AMA Open to Medical Marijuana Research
  • “Never, while there are empty-pated coxcombs at each corner to keep it warm.” The Abbot
  • The shift in position of the disaffected crew comes as opinion in the resort town seemed to be swinging behind the former coxswain.
  • Oh … and David Wilcox was there, standing beside the burly, cold-eyed man with the expensive suit and brilliantined hair. DIAMOND RUBY
  • When a few weeks later it was reported in the papers that Wilcox had been shot at from an ambuscade, it was an open secret that McMurdo was still at work upon his unfinished job. Chennai
  • Black; the head and thorax very closely punctured, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence, that on the face, thorax beneath, and on the coxæ most dense and glittering; antennæ more slender than is usual in this genus, and tapering to their apex, the joints slightly subarcuate; the mandibles bidentate at their apex and with a yellow spot at their base. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • London by our coxon, so they waked me, but I would not rise but bid him stay till morning, which he did, and then I rose and carried them in to my Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 04: March/April 1659-1660
  • Rhodophyta contains the pigment phycobilin, giving it a red color while the group Chrysophaceae contain the pigment fucoxanthin which gives them a golden color. Phytoplankton
  • Winter sweet, Chimonanthus praecox, will grow quite happily on chalk or limestone soils and fill the garden with spicy winter fragrance.
  • Although medications that studies show posed the highest risk, including rofecoxib (Vioxx) and valdecoxib (Bextra), were banned or removed from the U.S. market, many NSAIDs with identified risks, such as prescription-only celecoxib (Celebrex), still are on the market. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Over-the-Counter Pain Relief: Caution, Common Sense on All Drugs
  • Managed by Seamus Cox from Aghamore, the band travelled the length and breath of the country playing to packed halls and marquees.
  • Martyn's final went from bad to worse when co-pilot Peter Willcox got tossed out over the side of his boat joined moments later by Justin Saddler getting thrown out of his boat.
  • The report: “Deep Packet Inspection: The End of the Internet as We Know It?” highlights the use of DPI equipment by Comcast in throttling P2P traffic, in Cox’s traffic prioritization scheme, the role DPI played in NebuAd’s plans to monitor web surfing in order to deliver advertising, and the use of such equipment to introduce consumption-based broadband programs. DPI Doesn’t Kill The Open Internet, Carriers Do
  • If Wilcox is thinking of doing this deal he must be going totally off his trolley.
  • In the wake of her latest heartbreak, Jennifer Aniston has again sought solace in her long-term confidant and former Friends costar Courteney Cox. - Articles related to  Djokovic on fire ahead of Finals
  • The officials said the board's underground fibre-optic network between Dhaka and Cox's Bazar is often severed by the Roads and Highways Department and other agencies during maintenance work and by cable thieves, resulting in frequent service disruptions. Frequent optical cable cuts worry Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board
  • My only concession to traditional or ‘Outdated’ methods of Marathon preparations was to cox rather than row.
  • This allows the attachment of powerful muscles that might have provided the coxae with a strong rolling ability.
  • You might remember me from such televisual classics as Funny-Shaped Vegetables, The Dog That Said Sausages and, of course, Get Britain Singing, with the late but not overly lamented Doc Cox.
  • In the new research, published in the journal, Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, patients were taking either a high dose of lumiracoxib, a type of drug known as a cox-2 inhibitor, high dose of ibuprofen or naproxen, which are both non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs known as NSAIDs. The Down-Side of Pain Killers | Impact Lab
  • Coxsackie virus; Multiple organs and multiple systems disfunction; Young child.
  • On the nose vibrant crisp cox's pippins are heartened by biscuity aromas.
  • Coxes are often small, light people.
  • From his Bolton home, almost equidistant from the two UK operations, Mr Cox has literally been at the centre of developments.
  • Black; the head and thorax very closely punctured, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence, that on the face, thorax beneath, and on the coxæ most dense and glittering; antennæ more slender than is usual in this genus, and tapering to their apex, the joints slightly subarcuate; the mandibles bidentate at their apex and with a yellow spot at their base. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Patrik Cox has distinguished himself by the extensive use of rhinestones on stretch trousers, trimming pockets, hems and side seams with bands of glittering stones.
  • The FDA is advising doctors to weigh the benefits against risks when prescribing Cox - 2 inhibitors for their patients.
  • Black; the head and thorax very closely punctured, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence, that on the face, thorax beneath, and on the coxæ most dense and glittering; antennæ more slender than is usual in this genus, and tapering to their apex, the joints slightly subarcuate; the mandibles bidentate at their apex and with a yellow spot at their base. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Both types of arthropods employ two short basal segments, coxa and trochanter, although the trochanter and femur are fused in some insects.
  • The best way of self-cultivation is to wipe out the coxcombical mirage, so as to return to the syncretism of inside and outside.
  • Dear Mrs Cox, Re: Household Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions.
  • Mrs Cox became the first lady to win the cup for the best collection of vegetables of calabrese, lettuce, beetroot, onions and courgettes.
  • Experienced British thespians Brian Cox and Penelope Wilton have supporting roles as the matriarch and patriarch of the Hewitt clan.
  • The day the City of Tucson awarded the first municipal cable television contract to Cox Cable.
  • Cox will be floating in rarified air tonight as manager of the National League Cox, Braves say it's good to be home
  • Myocarditis, or heart muscle inflammation, is triggered by a coxsackie viral infection in the heart. The Scientist
  • The cox's shouts of ‘hold it up’ and ‘pull hard’ resonated clearly in my ears.
  • In fact, the coxswain is the commander of the boat's crew. Marco Paul's Voyages and Travels; Vermont
  • According to MS Outlook, the email address of "hal lewis" my mistake for saying "linden" in the first post: hal lewis Rabett Run
  • On its proximal end, the rounded head of the femur articulates with the coxal bone, within the acetabulum.
  • Coxsackie viruses can also cause meningitis, an infection of the meninges (the three membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord), and rarely, encephalitis, a brain infection.
  • By my faith, Domine, if you will sup with me in cameris, by cox body, charitatis, nos faciemus bonum cherubin. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The researchers focused on an enzyme known as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), which is involved in a variety of physiologic functions, from regulating blood pressure to controlling inflammation and contracting muscles. Top Stories
  • The taniwha is a mythical protector with a powerful role in Maori folklore, but get it angry and you're in trouble, Mr Wilcox said. The Australian | News |
  • For example, problems include a low transduction of tumour cells because of their low expression of the Coxsackie adenovirus receptor required for adenoviral entry.
  • Manager Jim Tracy instead sent pinch-hitter Ryan Doumit to the plate, and as a light rain began to fall, Cox sprang from the dugout and shuffled toward the mound, his artificial knees seeming to creak with each step. In the Time of Bobby Cox
  • They work by blocking the pro-inflammatory mediator thromboxane TXA-2 and not by blocking COX-1, which can result in gastric bleeding. Forever Young
  • _ Black, with gilded tomentum, which forms two bands on the thorax, and one on each side of the pectus; abdomen with three gilded tomentose bands, the third subapical, first segment ferruginous beneath; legs tawny, femora at the base and coxæ black; wings blackish-brown, dark cinereous hindward; halteres tawny. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • _Si crus a coxa sit disjunctum, eadem sit cura quam et in disjuncturam brachii et cubiti diximus, etc. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • The 7th, after a novel experience of being carried up to the coast on motor 'buses from Winizeele, were "debussed" at Coxyde, where they billeted themselves comfortably in the deserted houses. The Seventh Manchesters July 1916 to March 1919
  • The road to the final was going to end for one crew in the men's coxed four.
  • Family, friends recall farmworker's kindness, hard work | Wednesday, Jul 21 2010 07: 12 PM Latest news
  • Describing himself as a ‘pragmatic centralist’, Professor Cox called for more scientists to engage in debate beyond their laboratories.
  • In carnival lingo, those part-time workers are called "roughies," and it was a nice little sideline for Kathy Cox, who also works as a substitute teacher. Record Article Feed
  • But until Friday, nobody had seen what Bill Cox and his co-workers saw — something with a devilish underbite, sinister eyes and a cold-blooded appetite. Aligator Found in Chicago River « Skid Roche
  • Result: The positive rate of COX - 2 protein expression was 61.67 % in NPC tissues.
  • After all, it’s not everyday you’re called a “dankish pinch-spotted coxcomb!” Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Click Here: Keeping it Light Edition
  • Flared iliac wings and shallow acetabulae are present along with coxa valga and flaring of the femoral metaphyses.
  • divested" himself of his clothing, Mr. Box -- or was it Cox? Change in the Village
  • The legs of all insects are made up of the same basic parts - femur, trochanter, coxa, tibia and tarus, but they can differ considerably.
  • Wouldn't that be egg all over the face of the dizzy-eyed coxcomb of a Prime Minister.
  • One can do this by basing the material on the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein theorem and the like, approximating the Black-Scholes model with discrete-time binomial trees.
  • Martyn's final went from bad to worse when co-pilot Peter Willcox got tossed out over the side of his boat joined moments later by Justin Saddler getting thrown out of his boat.
  • Moynihan had been in his time a University cox and a flyweight boxing blue, and barely came up to her elbow.
  • Cox said the SUV "sheered" the gas line, which caused the fire that burned the car and spread to the home. Woman charged after SUV hits home
  • Bleuler believed, however, that the term dementia praecox was too specific and did not always fit the clinical course, which he believed more variable than originally described. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Cox has done a smart, thorough job of explaining and contextualizing this unusual figure.
  • Wilcox jerked his head to indicate that they should move on.
  • Simcox only knew they were there by the frass – black pellets of caterpillar poo – that falls from the thyme. Butterflies: out of the blue
  • France qualifies for the final in the coxed four
  • Thorax: the metathorax finely transversely rugose, the sides with bright silvery-white pubescence; the coxæ, the thorax beneath and on the sides, with fine silky sericeous pile; the anterior tibiæ and tarsi, and all the femora at their apex beneath, ferruginous; wings hyaline and iridescent, nervures black; the outer margin of the tegulæ testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The sailors and coxswain running the whaleboat pushed off again to help the others towing away the wreckage.
  • Richard, also 23, was a winner at Henley with Molesey in the Britannia Cup coxed fours.
  • The Sports Council contributed €5,000 towards the cost of sending rowers and coxes to these championships.
  • He is a silly and superficial man, a fop or coxcomb.
  • Six, let the elbows and knees fell on the floor, shrink abdomen, coxal and leg muscles.
  • Attaches to the skeg and controlled by the coxswain to steer the boat by attached cables. Undefined
  • NSAIDs may reduce pain and inflammation following injury by inhibiting COX isozyme-induced prostaglandin synthesis; however, as they circulate within the body indiscriminately, rather than localizing to the source of an athlete's specific aches and pains, they may produce undesirable side effects. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Pagiopoda: Heteroptera, in which the posterior coxae are not globose and the articulation is a hinge joint: see trochalopoda. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • In addition to the IATs, Cox added questions that ask respondents to compare Obama to other blacks to measure whether people "subtype" him or, in other words, see him as a positive exception to their normal prejudices regarding blacks. Badger Herald: News Updates
  • But I think I agree with Eva Cox, quoted in the Levy story, that perhaps raunch is healthy or at least adaptive.
  • Remember the words of Captain Fluellen: "If the enemy is an ass and a fool and a prating coxcomb, is it meet, think you, that we should also be an ass and a fool and a prating coxcomb? Would You Bring Back NGLT-or SLI? - NASA Watch
  • In the past, lifeboats largely depended on inshore fishermen to serve as coxswains and crew.
  • In his manner there was nothing of the supercilious apathy which characterizes the dandy introduced to some one whom he doubts if he can nod to from the bow-window at White's, -- none of such vulgar coxcombries had Lord Castleton; and yet a young gentleman more emphatically coxcomb it was impossible to see. The Caxtons — Volume 11
  • Objective To investigate the effect of cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) and mitochondrial permeability transition pore in the heart of immature rabbit during the late phase of ischemic preconditioning.
  • They followed the flag presentation by having Cox and the others sit in chars along the third base line as the U.S. Game 156 discussion thread: Nationals vs. Braves
  • Rowing conditions were perfect in particular for coxes who have to manoeuvre the course with care and skill.
  • Stephen B. Wilcox, PhD, is founder and principal of Design Science Consulting Inc.
  • The researchers focused on an enzyme known as cyclooxygenase-2 COX-2, which is involved in a variety of physiologic functions, from regulating blood pressure to controlling inflammation and contracting muscles. Top Stories
  • Not all the shorties want to be jockeys and coxes!
  • We are indeed neighbours of the Drs Cox's and residents of the beautiful village of Wick where our family can be traced to the 1760's.
  • The undress, fanciful frock he wore in common was exchanged for the attire of one of his assumed rank and service, which had been made to fit his person with the nicest care, and with perhaps a coxcomical attention to the proportions of his really fine person; and in all other things was he speedily equipped for the disguise he chose to affect. The Red Rover
  • Cox and La Russa think a series with Jones and Edmonds in center is a great showcase. Braves pitching trio hits the links
  • He has already brought stalwart supporter Arthur Cox in to oversee scouting in Britain and the manager has promised to scour the lower divisions looking for promising talent he can bring on.
  • And Aitkin seems to be destined to be our cox, in a strange reversal of tradition.
  • Cox las vegas, exile and rss stipend malabo to collectively proration the ibidem cryptocercus of cosmos web substring and strabotomy boundlessly to muskat that runoff them. that shamanism the tenter in savant is the unofficially westward of territorialisation, a photogenic carposporous perversely of atheromatic the melampsoraceae, and masseuse and platyrrhini our isometropia. Rational Review
  • ‘Our cox was spending most of her time bailing us out,’ said Susannah.
  • Bowel cancer is the number two and number three killer in the US and the UK respectively. liquorice may be related to another enzyme, called cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2), which is reported to promote colorectal cancer progression FoodNavigator RSS
  • Et sedent omhes mulieres super equos sicut viti diuersificantes coxas; et ligant cucullas suas panno serico aerij coloris super renes, et alia fascia stringunt ad mamillas: et ligant vnam peciam albam sub occulis, quæ descendit vsque ad pectus. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • The spectral shimmer of Terra Incognita is eerier still, especially when Cox beckons "Will you join me?" in a voice as seductive as it is chilling. Atlas Sound: Parallax – review
  • In my way home through the Borough I met a venerable old man, not a mendicant, but thereabouts; a look-beggar, not a verbal petitionist; and in the coxcombry of taught charity I gave away the cake to him. Selected English Letters
  • Aseer's team consisted of four oarsmen and a cox.
  • The thoughts of becoming a subject of raillery for coxcombs, and losing my money to boot, stung me to the quick; but I made a virtue of my indignation, and swore that no man should with impunity either asperse the character of Melinda, or turn my behaviour into ridicule. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • Instinctively, he put his hand out to get the coxswain to slow down. FLASH POINT
  • And though most students may pour scorn on those who peel themselves out of bed at some ungodly hour to do the bidding of some midget cox, one must admire their strength.
  • In another he remonstrates against certain frivolous affectations, and some of the coxcombries of literary modishness. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists
  • Mark Hallett, a leading "paleo-illustrator," allows himself to imagine that the crests in Allosaurus were brightly colored, or that the iguanodon could have sported a bright skin flap "like a coxcomb. New Theories And Old Bones Reveal The Lifestyle Of The Dinosaur
  • All coxae triangular, trochanter comprising a single podomere, legs similar, composed of seven podomcres.
  • Unfortunately for Cox-Golder and Arnold, it was over the minute the absentee vote was released.
  • With indicating much study, we even ascensive technique of extending coxa speediness and touchdown actively in the period of running of modern sprint.
  • Coxes are often small, light people.
  • His first world championship came two years later as part of a coxed four that was pipped to the post despite leading the race for more than half the 2km distance. Rower Andy Holmes was 'incredibly tough'
  • He was, in short, one of those respectable links that connect the coxcombs of the present day with those of the last age, and could compare, in his own experience, the follies of both. Saint Ronan's Well
  • Notwithstanding all exaggeration, Lylly was really a man of wit and imagination, though both were deformed by the most unnatural affectation that ever disgraced a printed page.] -- he, in short, who wrote that singularly coxcomical work, called _Euphues and his England_, was in the very zenith of his absurdity and his reputation. The Monastery
  • At the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1984, the rower Andy Holmes, who has died of leptospirosis (also known as Weil's disease) aged 51, was part of the coxed four whose victory redefined British rowing. Andy Holmes obituary
  • Cox wrote of the work that "it is visible, through the central doorway, to passers-by from Kasturba Ghandi Marg and constitutes part of the perimeter wall."
  • Amid the pink-hued beaches, the hidden coves, coral reefs and the heavy, perfumed scent of freesias and oleander, one also finds the sort of bustling restaurants, wine bars, corporate hotels and golf courses one would expect from an island that boasts the headquarters of companies such as Bacardi Ltd. and insurance brokers Hiscox Ltd. Losing Oneself in Bermuda
  • Whereupon Jack, calling the coxswain up out of the boat alongside for the purpose of keeping an eye upon things generally, and seeing that no trickery was attempted, went forward to the fore deck, where about three hundred men, women, and children were drawn up in four lines or ranks, two on each side of the deck. The Cruise of the Thetis A Tale of the Cuban Insurrection
  • _ Head and thorax with bright silvery tomentum, facialia without bristles, epistoma slightly prominent; eyes bare; mouth black, testaceous towards the base, full as long as the thorax; antennæ tawny, not reaching the epistoma, arista plumose; legs black, coxæ and femora testaceous; wings grey, veins black. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • HFMD/HA is caused by a few serotypes of enterovirus, most frequently coxsackie virus A16 (CAV A16) and human enterovirus 71 (HEV 71).
  • Keep up your spirits, dear Peggy," said Nell, in that sweet, cosy tone -- if we may say so -- which played such havoc in Bob's bosom at the time when she was known as the coxswain's bride. The Coxswain's Bride also, Jack Frost and Sons; and, A Double Rescue
  • Everyone called the coxswain Adam, even his son and partner, Rufus the The Tidal Wave and Other Stories
  • In return the cox steered and motivated the crew.
  • The cox gave the sprint call earlier than planned to get away from the Chinese.
  • The governor refused to accept Cox's resignation .
  • Existing models of global warming have not taken this into account, according to Cox.
  • However, cox Sean Stephenson steered a good course and prevented them from passing.
  • He devised a new treatment for «pes varus» and published a well-illustrated work on phosphorus necrosis and another on coxa vara. Theodor Kocher - Biography
  • He devised a new treatment for «pes varus» and published a well-illustrated work on phosphorus necrosis and another on coxa vara. Theodor Kocher - Biography
  • In, bows!" called the coxswain; and the two bowmen tossed and boated their oars, taking their stations in the fore-sheets, one of them with the boat-hook in his hand. Up The Baltic Young America in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark
  • Serves 67 medium apples: 4 Cox, 3 Granny Smith200g white sugar50g butter175g ready-made shortcrust pastry OR225g plain flour2 tbsp caster sugar120g cold butter1 medium egg, beaten1. How to cook perfect tarte tatin
  • Most also contain carotenoid pigments, such as the brown pigment fucoxanthin, that give the cells a yellow, orange, or brown color.
  • For statistical comparisons between the groups the Wilcoxon rank sum test was used.
  • If want to thin leg, much of the stairs, the stairs, so that when the thigh lift heel coxal adipose and will be lose.
  • The Film Works is currently wrapping production on Virgo's second feature, Love Come Down, starring Deborah Cox.
  • Unlike the typical yacht, cabin cruiser, rowboat, kayak or canoe, shells have no cleats for attaching a rope, said one coxswain.
  • Argetocoxi Caledoni Reguli uxor, Juliae Augustae cum ipsam morderet quod inhoneste versaretur, respondet, nos cum optimis viris consuetudinem habemus; vos Romanas autem occulte passim homines constuprant. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Haptophytes are often a golden-brown color because of the presence of the yellow-brown accessory pigments, diadinoxanthin and fucoxanthin, a feature they share with other Chromista.
  • Each of the four participating countries entered thirteen rowers - five women, seven men and a coxswain.
  • The coxswain gets a situation report from the coastguard and picks his crew.
  • Proxicarpilius exhibits the weak dorsal carapace ridge at the anterolateral corner and the direct articulation of the coxa with the merus, typical of carpiliids.
  • COX-2 expression is obviously increased in skin tumor and played an important role in proliferation, differentiation and metastasis of skin tumor.
  • From them we learn that it requires a coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus, ungues, pulvillus, and anterior, medial and posterior spurs to provide a leg for a moth. Moths of the Limberlost
  • Solomon of Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, compared the safety of opioids against non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, which include aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen) and "coxib" drugs such as Celebrex (celecoxib). -- Top News
  • She now runs a hotel in Penzance with her photographer husband Michael Cox. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Schuerholz obtains the players, then turns them over to Bobby Cox, whose managerial wizardry is legendary. Schuerholz knows what he wants, then he gets it
  • I’ll second the ‘comcast is slightly worse than cox’ feelings above. Scripting News for 7/17/2006 « Scripting News Annex
  • The Boston team found that patients on opioids had higher rates of adverse events generally than did people taking an NSAID or a coxib drug. -- Top News
  • The pistol had been bought and prepared for the purpose with the utmost nicety, not only for use but show; nor is it unfrequent to find in such instances of premeditated ferocity in design a fearful kind of coxcombry lavished upon the means. The Disowned — Volume 08
  • People will soon switch to Coxes as the Granny Smiths become too expensive.
  • Pagiopodous: those Heteroptera which have the coxae of the hind legs hinged and the femora grooved. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Cox goofed when it mistakenly transmitted some 11,000 unlisted numbers to PacBell for inclusion in the state's most-used printed directory.
  • In his valedictory speech to the parliament, Cox stopped short of asking for the job of commission president, but dropped broad hints.
  • When the tender is safely alongside the ship, climb aboard when the coxswain tells you to.
  • In 2001 they won the World Championship in the coxless pairs and then in the coxed pairs.
  • Bow the pose that pick up content is double leg unbend stands incorrectly, bow below the circumstance of castiron music or little inflectional coxa , knee joint pick up a thing.
  • These are the trochanter, which acts as a swivel joint for the leg, and the coxa, which anchors the leg to the body.
  • ` ` We put up 28 points and kind of coasted from there, '' Cox said. - Scores
  • 393 I am not quite sure that Astarte is not primarily the planet Venus; but I can hardly doubt that Prof. Max Müller and Sir G. Cox are mistaken in bringing from India Aphrodite the Dawn and her attendants, the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • (BGU) reveals that Celebrex and other anti-inflammatory coxib medications may counter the positive effects of aspirin in preventing blood clots. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The coxswain of the lifeboat said: ‘It started out as a basic tow job, but ended up as a full-scale rescue.’
  • The nerve, however, is severed at the preformed autotomy breakage plane and the nerve stub retracts into the coxal stump.
  • Celebrex, also known as celecoxib, is the only coxib currently on the market. Newswise: Latest News
  • The Rowing Council are sponsoring three seminars educating coxes about the racing line on the Championship course.
  • I then went to bed, resolving my first business in the morning should be to discharge this troublesome, pedantic, self-conceited coxcomb, who seemed so much disposed to constitute himself rather a preceptor than a domestic. Rob Roy
  • If you suffer from coxalgia, they will allow you to make an informed choice between various therapies.
  • Wilcox is a bit antediluvian, but use your charm on him and see if he can come up with anything. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • No common correspondence could possibly have had the number of attractively boxed gifts, the amount of handsomely printed literary and il-lustrated matter, and certainly not the unfailing persistency of flow, that constituted the correspondence of Mr. Simcox. This Freedom
  • Mr Cox said a simple thing like decorating the galvanised steel street lamps in the square could be considered.
  • This is Schmunk's second year in the coxed pair after finishing fifth in 2001.
  • Barmy British eccentricity rules the waves once again this Saturday as 16 straining, muscled hearties heave, two tiny coxswains fret and shout and, tradition assures us, Cockney urchins bedecked in blue scuffle alongside on the towpath scragging each other and hollering "C'mon Horx-ferd!" or "C'mon Cym-breege! Boat Race still takes British sport's venerable cream cracker | Frank Keating
  • Stephani Cox, a Decatur-based nurse practitioner and downstate lead clinician for Planned Parenthood of Illinois, said a herpes vaccine "would be wonderful.
  • Many a young partridge who strutted complacently among the stubble, with all the finicking coxcombry of youth, and many an older one who watched his levity out of his little round eye, with the contemptuous air of a bird of wisdom and experience, alike unconscious of their approaching doom, basked in the fresh morning air with lively and blithesome feelings, and a few hours afterwards were laid low upon the earth. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • Asked by Navy News if a sailor on Christmas Island now was to approach his ship, would he find a Naval police coxswain at the foot of the gangway waiting to check his bag?
  • Offspring from each female were measured from the rostrum to the end of the last large coxa.
  • The COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib brand name Celebrex led to a 62 percent reduction in non-melanoma skin cancers, which includes basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. Daily Dispatch: Multiple social identities may be theme of 2011; USA Today buys electronics review site
  • Experts debate whether enteroviral infections, especially Coxsackle B, and not being breast fed beyond 3 months of age may raise the risk for type one diabetes. WHAT IS DIABETES?-Type One
  • Researchers noted a particular compound found in wakame, a carotenoid called fucoxanthin, probably contributed to this effect.
  • Graffiti, steak knives, coffee cups Cox arranged and approved dozens of loans for Bay Area homeowners over the years.
  • In his judgment, Judge Brown stated The Babcock & Wilcox Company ‘was solvent under the Louisiana revocatory action on July 1, 1998.’
  • The symphysis pubis is the joint that connects the two coxal bones at this area.
  • These examples demonstrate that it is absurd to say that the Cox Report does not advocate the teaching of grammar.
  • For comparison of paired data within the study groups, the Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for the individual comparisons.
  • His late father was a coxswain on a boat, his mother a factory worker.
  • The pubis carries the symphysis pubis, which is a joint connecting the right and left coxal bones.
  • Melvin Wilcox also denied the allegations and described one of his wolfhounds as ‘docile’ and a ‘pussycat’.
  • Looking at the main mediators of inflammation, namely cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase NutraIngredients RSS
  • Part of its misfortune is due to Hewlett-Packard Co., which is down more than 18% so far this year and recently was about 4.6% of the Dodge & Cox fund's portfolio. Tax-Saving Trades
  • We moved around the rest of the morning, catching hardhead catfish (which Willcox unhooked with a long disgorger, to avoid the venomous spines in its dorsal and pectoral fins) and even a young goliath grouper, or jewfish (a protected species). A Keys Report: Fishing the Backcountry with Executive Editor Mike Toth
  • Prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthases (PGHSs) 1 and 2, also known as cyclooxygenases (COXs), catalyze the oxygenation of arachidonic acid (AA) in the committed step in prostaglandin Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • That Harvey Cox suggested by the term secular city. Stephen C. Rose: Our Crisis Is Not Economic -- Part Two

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