How To Use Cowardly In A Sentence
Another translation of the Bible uses the word cowardly instead of fearful.
How to Overcome Fear
For big men, they sure are acting cowardly.
The Sun
The attorney for one of the accused denounced what he calls cowardly and anonymous leakers at the Pentagon.
CNN Transcript Jun 5, 2006
Our cowardly lion of a bureaucracy throws issue after issue into the long grass when confronted by the mice that roar.
Times, Sunday Times
And what I've learned is not to trust that cowardly little squit, Mundungus.
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows

A timid or cowardly person would never take that leap.
What happened here was an unprovoked and cowardly attack,' he said.
Times, Sunday Times
But he insists on painting a picture with the same old hackneyed images and rancid cliches about salt-of-the-earth heartlanders and morally vacant or cowardly coastal cosmopolitans.
The bigger buffed man retreated cowardly to the other side of the gym while people stared at the commotion.
A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend.
To declare war against the small island state looks like the action of a cowardly nation.
They called the tactic cowardly but agreed that it had been effective.
She could recall the total disgust that she had felt towards such a cowardly weakling who would cry before his peers; it was revolting.
Police branded the attack 'disgusting and cowardly'.
The Sun
After all this is a troll, a cowardly troll, he probably agrees with putting Japanese/Americans in internment camps.
Think Progress » Obama: Gitmo Has ‘Been Subject To A Lot Of…Pretty Rank Politics’
A more cowardly attack is barely conceivable.
The Sun
It was a cowardly attack by a strong man on a distinctly weaker woman.
The Sun
His decade-long struggle to replace Blair as prime minister was never an open political contest, but a conniving, cowardly and petty bid for personal power.
The only talk in the ward was of the movement of troops, of victories and heroism here, of defeat and scabrous cowardly enemies there.
This small journey seems quite a formidable expedition to me, and that sort of cowardly feeling of incapacity and disinclination for the smallest effort or unusual exertion is the growth of a two years 'habit over that of thirty preceding ones, and is a greater sign of age than white hairs, wrinkles, or loss of teeth.
Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
I sobbed and wept so that my eyes were almost blind; and the ruffian you have such sympathy with stood opposite: presuming every now and then to bid me "wisht," and denying that it was his fault; and, finally, frightened by my assertions that I would tell papa, and that he should be put in prison and hanged, he commenced blubbering himself, and hurried out to hide his cowardly agitation.
Wuthering Heights
Know that they have killed my son in the most cowardly way.
Times, Sunday Times
To declare war against the small island state looks like the action of a cowardly nation.
Ofelia, who was used to being the boss all the time, would now have to obey every word that was uttered from Stolly - a weak, spineless, cowardly man in her mind.
The rest of those cowardly rats just stared at the ceiling and shuffled their papers.
Officials with UNAMID, the joint African Union and United Nations peacekeeping mission, strongly condemned what they called cowardly acts of violence against the peacekeepers.
Latest News -
Our cowardly lion of a bureaucracy throws issue after issue into the long grass when confronted by the mice that roar.
Times, Sunday Times
Cowardly people will only come to a standstill, recklessly person can lead to Shaoshen, only the real brave man to carry the world before one.
My prayers and condolences are with those whose lives were tragically altered by the cowardly attacks.
They seemed to have made a cowardly retreat and were most likely shivering in fear from the sound of her giant robot's earth-shaking footsteps.
They will do what they do because just under the gauzy veil of their fulminations they know that to deal in matters of truth would require effort and worse, an exposure of just how weak and cowardly they actually are.
Like Hell Needs A Heat Wave...
Their cowardly producers make a big deal out of courting our support and money, but they never deliver the goods.
You have taken all that away from him in a brutal, cowardly and totally unjustified attack.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead we are forced, through the cowardly acts of our superiors, to hide in shame.
Times, Sunday Times
He himself chose not to run for re-election to the party in 1907, and he expressed the concern that ‘some of its leaders are becoming cowardly and truckling to priests and politicians.’
Cowardly people will only come to a standstill, recklessly person can lead to Shaoshen, only the real brave man to carry the world before one.
Only Shakspeare and Scott could have given us medicines to make us like this cowardly, conceited “jimp honest” fellow, Andrew
Rob Roy
It struck me as a cowardly way to behave.
Times, Sunday Times
This was a particularly brutal and cowardly attack.
And Londoners will not be divided by this cowardly attack.
George W. Bush strongly condemning what he called the cowardly assassination of Benazir Bhutto.
CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2007
This man has carried out a cowardly attack on an elderly woman who he knew would not be able to defend herself.
He offered to replace cash cowardly thugs stole from the 82-year-old.
The Sun
The independent counsel's unprecedented challenge to the presidency evoked the most feeble and cowardly response from these quarters.
He did not deserve to have it taken from him in a cowardly attack.
The Sun
He described the detention without trial of political opponents as a cowardly act.
They are cowardly yobbos who must be stopped now.
Police branded the attack 'disgusting and cowardly'.
The Sun
This cowardly attack ended the life of ‘a loving, kind and gentle man’.
Why reject him, in a cowardly way?
Times, Sunday Times
Lacking gloriousness in themselves, they deny gloriousness to all mankind; too cowardly for whimsy and derring-do, they assert whimsy and derring-do ceased at the very latest no later than the middle ages; flickering little tapers themselves, their feeble eyes are dazzled to unseeingness of the flaming conflagrations of other souls that illumine their skies.
Allen, of course, hotly denies this, arguing that his lusty, maladroit, cowardly, witty and nebbish persona is a comic archetype.
Studies have shown that people who commit such cowardly sickening acts against innocent defenceless animals move on to attack bigger things, such as people.
The Sun
The hyaena is a very cowardly animal, but frequently approaches persons lying asleep, and makes an ugly gash on the face.
Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
We are all courageous and cowardly, depending on the hour and the day.
He became very angry with the President, said that that officer had a cowardly fear of Spain and Great Britain, and declared that he would go to Washington to "thrash" the President.
Stories Of Georgia
A cowardly Jonah fled from God's commission to preach to the Ninevites.
He described the detention without trial of political opponents as a cowardly act.
The lopsided vote for Libya, including all those cowardly European abstentions, speaks volumes about the UN's character.
To declare war against the small island state looks like the action of a cowardly nation.
In lieu of Baum’s timeless story, the bulk of the movie finds the star in anvil-subtle slapstick situations: getting stung in the rear by animated bees, being spit upon by a duck, falling down a hole, not realizing the phony Cowardly Lion was replaced by a real beast, etc.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
Police are investigating what they described as a nasty and cowardly attack on the bus driver in Lyall Bay around 9. 20pm last night. - Stuff
An 'you tuck the right way to do that," they replied ironically; and they added, "Bartle Flanagan, you may thank the oaths we tuck, or be the crass, a single man of us wouldn't assist you in this consarn, afther your cowardly behaver to this poor girl.
Fardorougha, The Miser The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
The name hasnt been mentioned because it is the honest response of a senior unionist politician who is too cowardly to show his face. - 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,48,49,50,52
They are pathetic, gutless wonders who have the ability to analyse but are always cowardly when it comes to downgrading a company that deserves it.
After the case she said the men behind the cowardly attack would have known there were children in the house.
phlebotomy" as a curative for cowardly practical joking.
Recollections and reflections : an auto of half a century and more,
All such diabolic, yet cowardly actions must be severely condemned, censured and deterred with steeled resolve and equally resolute counteraction.
Did she lose her head or courage, or misplay her muscular part for a moment, she could be hurled a hundred feet by that giant buffet and left wrenched, helpless, and breathless to be pulped on the coral bottom and sucked out by the undertow to be battened on by the fish-sharks too cowardly to take their human meat alive.
Has Arsene been pragmatic/cowardly, or have Milan been cynical in knackering/replacing the turf on the wings according to ITV.
AC Milan 4-0 Arsenal – as it happened | Barry Glendenning
Allen, of course, hotly denies this, arguing that his lusty, maladroit, cowardly, witty and nebbish persona is a comic archetype.
It is an acknowledgment that you are weak-minded, cowardly, can be deceived and manipulated, and easily conned out of your money.
Sometimes I feel almost fainthearted, which is cowardly and forgetful of our calling "to fight manfully under Christ's banner.
Life of John Coleridge Patteson
It was a cowardly attack.
The Sun
Just hiding behind the computer clicking the vote downs is cowardly.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 1, 2010
It was a cowardly attack.
The Sun
The cowardly hound and his friends attempt to solve a mystery at an island resort.
The Sun
Nato: Afghanistan could spoil the Obama party (RG) NATO will be the same cowardly useless organisation under Obama that it was under George Bush full of European parasite overweight Generals.
It does not mean by this that a scrawny pullet is of more importance than family honor; it simply means that the man who steals a pullet is a cowardly thief, while the one who ignores the advances of a pretty woman is an incorrigible idiot.
The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 1.
It meant that heels of Owen's type, the cowardly sneak, were wearing thin.
Thus we have four distinct types of people involved in the incident as bandwagon accusers: (1) the cynical avaricious/profiteering sort, (2) the naive but self-centeredly good-intentioned true-believers, (3) the revolutionary murderers/crusaders, and (4) the cowardly.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Administration’s Response
something cowardly and ignoble in his attitude
One of the less lovely animals in the world are the hyenas, thought of almost universally as a cowardly animal living off the kills of other predators, such as lions.
They're America's allies in the war on terror but tonight Pakistani officials are slamming what they call a cowardly attack.
CNN Transcript Jun 11, 2008
All such diabolic, yet cowardly actions must be severely condemned, censured and deterred with steeled resolve and equally resolute counteraction.
The cowardly way he ended things has robbed any respect I had for him.
Times, Sunday Times
I use the word "cowardly" because there's no other way to call someone who writes this and then hides behind an anonymous name.
Adam Wright: Non-Anonymous TV Critic Trashes Anonymous Executive (and Publication)
The more cowardly completely lost courage, but the more able and subtle did not think it necessary to give up.
The cowardly writer of this perfidy had assumed the mantle of anonymity to cloak his misdoings!
A more cowardly attack is barely conceivable.
The Sun
Sure she knew he loved her, but he was too cowardly to admit it.
A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend.
He was cowardly and dangerous, and obviously very good at his job.
It was a cowardly attack by a strong man on a distinctly weaker woman.
The Sun
Tears apart from cowardly should not representative of anything outside.
Climene, was moved almost to tears by the hard fate which through four long acts kept her from the hungering arms of the so beautiful Leandre, howled its delight over the ignominy of Pantaloon, the buffooneries of his sprightly lackey Harlequin, and the thrasonical strut and bellowing fierceness of the cowardly Rhodomont.
Making unfounded claims in a public forum - a press conference no less - are the actions of a very weak and cowardly man.
Did she lose her head or courage, or misplay her muscular part for a moment, she could be hurled a hundred feet by that giant buffet and left wrenched, helpless, and breathless to be pulped on the coral bottom and sucked out by the undertow to be battened on by the fish-sharks too cowardly to take their human meat alive.
The pity that proves so possible and plentiful without that basis, is mere _ignavia_ and cowardly effeminacy; maudlin laxity of heart, grounded on blinkard dimness of head -- contemptible as a drunkard's tears.
Latter-Day Pamphlets
It is an horrific and extremely cowardly attack, which was totally unprovoked.
Philosophical miserableness, stoicism, nihilism and spiritual (not pragmatic) scepticism all lead to the view that only the imposition of order will suffice No wonder this the life hating, paranoid Nixonite figure of Gordon Brown appeals to every cowardly pessimistic fibre of the nation.
The Pontiff Is In...
There Jackson became a cowardly deserter sponging off the martial generosity of Uncle Sam, a man who betrayed his comrades and never paid his gambling debts.
The prizefighting apes and tigers will die all in good time in the course of natural evolution, but they will not die so long as the cowardly, somnambulistic apes and tigers club and scratch and slash.
The Somnambulists
Will Eve be able to forgive him or are some acts too cowardly to ignore?
The Sun
On at least three occasions the way you treated this girl was cowardly and contemptible.
Indeed it's been nearly a full week since the cowardly hate-mongering "satirist" Coulter posted Cornell's private information on the front page of her website in petulant retaliation for an article Cornell wrote here on BRAD BLOG.
"So You're the Little Woman Who Wrote the Blogpost That Started This Great War."
She was apparently on a vain quest to appeal to the man that he once was, trying to beg his soft, weak, cowardly side for mercy.
Father Charles Coughlin inaugurated his fall radio season this afternoon with a full-throated attack on the Liberty League and other cowardly "perverters" of financial ruin.
Greg Mitchell: Dispatches From Incredible 1934 Campaign: Upton Sinclair Fights Back Against Hollywood Scare Tactics
We would, just for starters, argue that this "ascendency" -- not of "conservatism" with or without quotes, but of Rightist extremism -- dates to Nixon's brilliant and cowardly Southern strategy, and thus has crested forty.
Bats Left/Throws Right
The Lombards were called avaricious, vicious and cowardly; the Romans, seditious, turbulent and slanderous; the Sicilians, tyrannical and cruel; the inhabitants of
The History of Education; educational practice and progress considered as a phase of the development and spread of western civilization
cowardly dogs, ye will not aid me then
Cowardly thugs jumped a former soldier from behind and savagely attacked him as he walked home after a night out in York.
The cowardly way he ended things has robbed any respect I had for him.
Times, Sunday Times
He did not deserve to have it taken from him in a cowardly attack.
The Sun
Cowardly, media-shy governments caused this problem, preferring a shady tangle of expenses to an honest increase in salary.
Times, Sunday Times
In different families the same behavior will be defined as feisty or rude, sensitive or cowardly, endearing or irresponsible.
Giaffar, who stood near his master, then cried out, "Yes, you cowardly shred of a beeldar; and reply quickly, or a sword will be applied to your neck.
The Pacha of Many Tales
And the equally cowardly IDF just "disperses" them! - Front Page
Know that they have killed my son in the most cowardly way.
Times, Sunday Times
It's just a shame that those truly responsible for slaughter hide behind the innocents - like the cowardly curs they truly are.
Cowardly people will only come to a standstill, recklessly person can lead to Shaoshen, only the real brave man to carry the world before one.
a pot-walloper by capacity, he was a loose-jointed, sniffling creature, heartless and selfish and cowardly, without a soul, in fear of his life of Dan
Make Westing
She escapes him because he is superstitious and cowardly, so when she tells him his ancestors said he would die if he stayed married to her, he was happy to let her leave and gave her enough money to go to America.
We are also certain that the police will apprehend the criminal who carried out this cowardly deed.
A strange country where the military lost their power but none of the cowardly politicians had the courage to tell them.
He saw the unfairness of it all, the hopelessness of it, the cowardly subterfuge and trickery of life itself as it had played against him, and with tightly set lips and clenched hands he called mutely on God Almighty to play the game square.
The River's End
But, you must always call to let your host know and not send a cowardly, coldhearted text.
The Sun
King Ethelred and his cowardly, selfish Court were well satisfied with this expedient, and the tax called Danegeld was laid upon the people, in order to raise a fund for buying off the enemy.
A Book of Golden Deeds
They should be allowed the benefit of a doubt, and peccadilloes should be ignored; but when no doubt exists that a man was engrainedly mean and cowardly, his reputation must remain in the Purgatory of Time for a term varying from, say, a hundred to two thousand years.
Erewhon Revisited
The capitano began yelping like a cowardly school-boy, who has been well punched by a lesser and more courageous antagonist.
Travels in Morocco
A hypocritical, pompous, cowardly and sanctimonious bully, Carp makes his heavy-footed way through life completely blind to his own faults and acutely aware of the faults in others.
Also in predicative use, it developed into an adjective as base, cowardly, vile.
Times, Sunday Times
It's a terribly cowardly thing to do.
Times, Sunday Times
This was a particularly cowardly attack, it's the nastiness of the injuries really.
This was a particularly brutal and cowardly attack.
Saying it was ‘a cowardly attack by three on one, the Judge did acknowledge that no weapon had been used.’
Why reject him, in a cowardly way?
Times, Sunday Times
"This was an absolutely despicable and cowardly act, " added Mr Wood.
A cowardly bourgeoisie, directors in cellars, a clubbist (Jacobin) municipality, waging the most illegal war against us."] [Footnote 3320: "Archives Nationales," F7, 3200.
The French Revolution - Volume 1
The thing is, is not cowardly, but profoundly and detestably wicked.
It was a cowardly attack for very little gain - they got a couple of tins of groceries and a few pounds.
For big men, they sure are acting cowardly.
The Sun
This is a cowardly and evil act that will be condemned by all right-thinking people.
 Yes, it would seem that on a handful of tough legislation, instead of doing what any brave progressive would do, Mr. Obama cast neither yae nor nay, but instead what some might call the cowardly, “present”.
“Present” | Barack Obama | positively Barack
The cowardly officer was disgraced for failing to do his duty.
Nowadays he teaches them the cowardly art of aggressive selling to the elderly and disabled.
N is also for Neville, Harry's cowardly, bumbling but well-meaning friend and the butt of most of Malfoy's bullying, although he wins out in the end.
1 Dorcey, for one, openly questions the validity of similar claims by Pfiffig linking it to a title Sanctus, albeit it in a cowardly footnote. (see, The Cult of Silvanus: A Study in Roman Folk Religion (1992), p.11, fn.17)
Archive 2007-11-01
So the only people recieving this saga of self reflection "cooly" are the hacks that are too cowardly to admit their role in affecting the puclic psyce.
Reuters: Top News
When I was finally able to leave, after thanking the teacher like a cowardly wimp, I wondered whether the just-concluded event was a meeting of parents or a lecture on them.
IndSteveAZ says: cost of american flag hanky to clean spit dribble off lips after spitting on congressman: $1.50 cost of wire cutters to commit cowardly nightime terrorist attack against innocent congressman family: $ 5.00 cost of pen to fill in congressional form for closing down US Miltitary testimony to protect us: $3.00 cost of GOP/Fox/tea baggers/right wing radio to have national bout fest for failing to block healthcare reform:
Think Progress » Republicans Block Senate Committee Hearings, Including On National Security Matters, For Second Day In A Row
Satyrs are described as roguish but faint-hearted folk — subversive and dangerous, yet shy and cowardly.
Pan and Satyrs
Not to mention Suarez, Villacorta, Ordonez, all of whom had lost their footwork, bent back the muleta with their cowardly elbows, and lost their nerves in the ways he so despised.
Carlos The Impossible (Part 2)
Schary also pointed out that few audience members agreed with Cohen's reading of Monty: "To the American audiences polled, he is cowardly (he runs), a double-crosser (he kills his best friend), he hates 'civilian' soldiers (who comprised perhaps 95% of our armed forces), and he is sweaty and sloppy (no bobby-soxer virtue for heroes).
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
As it happens this war is being fought in a rather cowardly manner.
Were the librarians who filed the complaint responsible and courageous, or cowardly and unprofessional?
And there they were, leaving their towels on the prime sunbeds before breakfast every morning hogging the best spots without having to be there because the rest of us are too cowardly to move their stuff.
What happened here was an unprovoked and cowardly attack,' he said.
Times, Sunday Times
Management was feeble and cowardly.
And the insurgents are no national liberation force, but rather chancers taking potshots at what they consider to be cowardly occupiers.
His first escape attempt was thwarted by the thugs as Phillips remained adrift from the aid and cover of the US Navy, which sat restrained by an administration too cowardly to let slip the dogs of war.
Redstate's Comedy Stylings
Even groups that we have admired are now in pell-mell cowardly retreat.
But for the people of Appalachia to make any progress, we have to overcome long odds, cowardly elected officials from the region, and a powerful coal lobby with 150 years of sunken costs into cowing local, state, and federal officials into doing whatever they want them to do.
Jeff Biggers: Retaking Capitol Hill This Week: D.C. Strategist JW Randolph on Next Steps for Anti-Mountaintop Removal Movement
It is an horrific and extremely cowardly attack, which was totally unprovoked.
Writers of this era [...] described the native as a robust youth with "gentile" characteristics, a kind of Jewish muzhik, or Russian peasant -- strapping, self-confident, and strong-spirited, as opposed to the stereotypical Diaspora Jew, who was pale, servile, and cowardly.
David Shasha: What Israel Means to Me
Yesterday, Virgin chief Sir Richard Branson attacked the Government as ‘cowardly’ for standing aside while British Airways mothballed the last passenger planes capable of flying faster than sound.
This was a cowardly, savage and vicious attack on a man who was utterly helpless.
The airwaves were filled with insults about "effete" and "cowardly" Frenchmen, the phrase "cheese eating surrender monkeys" was on lips across the nation, and rich patriots were boycotting Rhône wine in the spirit of national sacrifice.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: The French Connection: That Jailed Banker Raises US Issues
As the village suffers its first losses at the frontline, conscientious objector George (Thomas), a teacher, is ostracised for refusing to dish out corporal punishment at the local school, flat-footed Cecil (Bird) bemoans a lack of beer, and caddish, cowardly Bert (Sweet) sets his cap at a grieving widow.
Chickens: What The Inbetweeners did next
And the higher up you get in education the more cowardly you become.
Writers of this era [...] described the native as a robust youth with "gentile" characteristics, a kind of Jewish muzhik, or Russian peasant -- strapping, self-confident, and strong-spirited, as opposed to the stereotypical Diaspora Jew, who was pale, servile, and cowardly.
David Shasha: What Israel Means to Me
He offered to replace cash cowardly thugs stole from the 82-year-old.
The Sun
I'd never felt so cowardly before in my life until that moment.
Who wears it is incapable of a cowardly act or an ignoble one.
However, strong reaction from the Palestinian Authority condemning this, as what they call a cowardly act.
CNN Transcript Mar 22, 2004
The only cowardly thing about him is that he will not tell us if it is winnable.
Times, Sunday Times
The South African attacks were cowardly and unprovoked, and unworthy of a coach of his reputation.
Finally, irritated with myself for being so cowardly to turn away, I looked back into his eyes.
'bushido' there's a whole lot of cowardly, dishonorable thought in your suggestion.
Propeller Most Popular Stories
The problem with the U of C action is that it is cowardly and resorts to the 'baser' and more 'vulgar' means of using force, threat and intimidation, rather than using reason, argument and debate.
This is a typically cowardly Tory decision and just proves what we have said all along.
Thus, the commutation is a part of a cowardly coverup.
The Bush/Cheney Holocaust in Iraq, Part Three: Desperation unto Bombing Iran?
An American aid worker was among those killed and US President Barack Obama, condemning what he called deplorable and cowardly attacks, said Washington was ready to help Uganda in hunting down those responsible. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
Something has to be done to stop this dreadful, cowardly act.
The Sun
I've never met him, but I'd love to inflict some of the woe he's put upon her onto his cowardly little mind.
It is only the greathearted who can be true friends; the mean and the cowardly can never know what true friendship is.
We're too cowardly to actually commit insurrection, and its impossibility becomes a grimly mocking reminder of our impotence.
To anyone reading who has been afflicted by or is an afflicter of cowardly cyber communication, take a stand for human connection!
Christine Hassler: Dumped Over Email
Williams has undeniable energy, and does dead-on imitations of the Cowardly Lion, Jiminy Cricket and other pop icons.
They will intone that killing civilians is cowardly and warrants swift and merciless punishment.
The cowardly hound and his friends attempt to solve a mystery on an island resort.
The Sun
They are dull, slow, sober and fearful characters with a weak pulse and a cowardly, slothful disposition.
They embarked upon one of the most unjust, immoral, and cowardly wars in history.
In 2004, with Blair hanging on by his fingertips, I wrote a piece suggesting Brown might not have what it takes to become a leader, and accusing him of being "frit" — a colloquialism of Margaret Thatcher's from her native Lincolnshire that translates loosely as "cowardly.
Haunted By ‘Courage’
Ours is the greatest city in the world and we will not be divided by your cowardly attacks.
Tears apart from cowardly should not representative of anything outside.
For example, he embodied animals that were weak, cowardly, false, and treacherous.
A cowardly attack on innocent civilians brought us an unprecedented level of cooperation and understanding around the world.
you cowardly little pukes!
To his credit be it said, Jack paid little attention to them, tittupping along, head up, tail up, only when they came too close turning on them with a flash of white teeth that sent the cowardly brutes flying and brought cries of delight from the village folk who crowded nearer to inspect the strange dog, so small, so brave, and so friendly.
A Wayfarer in China Impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia